r I 4 t4 ,.:;- . A. THOMAS,' Editlrand Proprietor; With Malice toward none;' With Charity for dl.. 610 J'TiJ .t.v.vr:;-.! VOL. XIX.I LOUISBURG, C , JULY4, 18QO. NO. 23. KILL TUB MOTHS.. SOME VlSItY GOO! ADVICE. "GWINE li At! K HOME." "WOMAN 13ETEUTIVJ. lOMJLEIAN POLITICS.' IIUMOItOUS PAKAGIIAPUS. CA11C roil OUIS AVATrif. LL JL V. J-L illVJ-l ; l n GERALD MCCARTHY TEtXS HOW COT TON AND TOBACCO MOTHS MAT r ' BEKILIEb, " - The cotton caterpillar WHAT A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MAN ' . SAYS. A PATHETIC PORTRAYATj OF AN OLD t . NEGRO'S GRIEF. boll worm and T1CEIR ABILITY TO DF.TECT COUNTER FEIT MONBY. A suecesstul business man sp.3-8 there J As we waite 1 m the L & X depot were two things which, he learned when at Nashville for the traiu, gome onebe- tobacco worm togecner qosc ine iarmers 1 he was eighteen,which were ever ar gan trying, and an excitement whs of the South over tU,0t)U,U00 annually. I terward ot great use to him, namely, j raised among the, passengers. A brief These three pests arevtfie HarvaL form J Xever to lose anything and ncyer tot investigation proved that it was an -old of three 6pec:es o. mothsf. JThcse tpoths j forget anything.". An old lawyer sent coloredman who was giving away to his bide during the day and fly -during J the I him with an important paper, with . cer-1 grief. Thrco or four people remarked early hours of the night J anu again very tain instructions what : to 'do with it. on the strangeuess of it, but for some early in the morning:; SThey ; may'be" "Hut,'' iuquired the young mah uSup- time no one said anything to him. Then caught in lantern traps 01 poisoned by j pose j, lose it; wiiat euau , t ao tnen ?" j a aepo& ponceman came iorwara and baits, and thus be prevented from lay- j " - " You must not lose it!"' -L don't in- J took him by the arm, and -' shook --him. a(r the eggs which produce the worms tend 10, ; saia the voung man, "suppose rougniy ana saw: These moths are very fkd of " sweet?, j tshould happen to ?'? 'But I say you : "See here, oh! man, you want to quit A bait n ado ot o e quart of molae-,' I must not happen to; i shall make no j tliat 1, ion are drunk, and if you make one quart of vinegar and a tablespoonful -provision for any such occurrence; you of Paris green or white arseul-,- to wlii h j must not lose it ": a gill of whiskey; may Jbe ?added,:i will v. This put a new train of thought into any more disturbance I'll DR. WEXXINO TELLS HOW ELECTIONS WERE CONDUCTED IN THE AN CIENT CITY. WHAT TJTE WITTY WRITERS OF THE WORLD ARE 8AYINU. make a good bait. PMce a portion of the young 'n.au'8 mind, an ! he' found -'Deed, but I hain't drunk'; re, 1M ZZ i' 1 : 1.- .1 " ' tuc uui uuiu, n , e reii.ov3ci -h tei r- , the bait in a shallow pin or dish and tliat if he was determine to do a thing stained handkercaief. 'wi.',;e - lost my place floating 0:1 'the'dif i a Texr tripa"of I Jie- couMdok.;'VHe madoV'such -V a:' pro- ticket an' money, an' dat's what's de vennA. Thi moths will aliht ..n tl-e I vision. a??flinst pvptv : r.ri"nthiorpnnv.. ihnt matter. siripns and sin tl;e liduid. The pahs he never lost anything. lie fom.d t! is V stay. He used to say, "iVhcn a man the Southerner in an instant, and rc r-oi.taininsr the liauid uuiv be ulaced on eouallv true about forsreltinar. If a cer- btakes through ihe field one dish for J fcan matter of importance was to be re- every three or four acres will be suGV t iuenibcred,- he pinned it : down 'on.; his cient. A simple lantwu trap made by mind, Casteued it there r and made it sitting a torcbJamp ink an containinj some wiiter on which is a layet of ; JCer- osi-ne will atliact -and destroy many mollis. Light the torch at dark and l.eep burning three or four bou from Jui e to last of Augustas long as moths sue kill d. Gerald Mcpartlnj, K. C. Ex- pei imtnt Staiion. .wJ3psh ! Xou never had any money. to lose ? Yoa diy up or away you 21 !" . "What's the matter here ?" querried a man as he came forward. " . ' The old man recQimized the dialect of The Secret Service Department of the Treasury has frequently, to use womn aadeteotivea ur assistants to- other "detectives.1-Many ct tho counterfeits are detected r'gat hero in tae ireasury Department. - - v ' i Thera - is a ctory of nno girl In the Treasury who onoe detected a counter feit in the middle of a pile of money six Inches thick, by merely aocing - tha thin ! . edge cf It. This may not be truo j but equally wonderful things happen la this big money mill every day. t - i Thesi counters getTonly $73 month, and many of them eavo the Government more than that in tlie counterfeits which they detect in a week. "Women have to do with destroying the bad -bills, and ones get In the Treasury never gst out again. : ; j The letters " DAD aro punched into them by a patent punching machine, over which a woman presides, and the American woman thus acts here as. the goddess of justice, as she doen outside among gongs of thieves" as the' goddess ot vice. t r - . M Huvo You a I Mother. tells mo he forgot something, I tell bim hb rnisht as well have f said : 4I Jo not care cuough abuut your business ' to lol'o Via 4r-vt,11a in rhlntr rf It orro5n ' I once had sn intelligent youug ra ui jin my employmfnt who deemed : it sufiSci- ent excuse for neglecting an important tisk to say "I forgot it." I told bin that would not answer, i- If he was suf ficiently interested he would be careful to remember. It was because I he did not care enough that; he forgot, it. I drilled him with this- truth. He work ed for me three years, and during the 11;; vo vou a mother? If so, honor an.l love her. If she is aged, do all in your power to cheer her declining, years. Her hair n ay have bleached, her- eyrs may have d.m necl, liejr brow may co; - List of the three he was utterly changed tain deep ai;d unsightly furrows, , her hi this respect. Slle did not ! forget a 1 J . 1 cnce';t ma be sunkeu; but you ' should nt-vpi- foi get that ho' and tender - care she has had for you h$. the -"years gone rom your check the tiiii g. ' Ilis fesrettmg, he- found, . was a InyV. rnrphss bahit, nf i'jp. mind, which .j.-.j . r lie cured. ly. h he h?s kissed li''ut'kd terir pc; ted aiiiust yon. , 8he h-.s watch-d ok-ervou and nursed ,ihe has scolhed vou and you when - till else appeared St. Hslena, Napa Co., Cal., pressing.his emotions with a great ef fort he answered ; ' . -: "Say, ilars Jack Ize been robbed." ily name is White." " i "VVell, then, Mara White, somebody has done robbed me of my t'eket ' au money." , - ''Where were you going?"! 4&wine down to . Kaiutuck,1 whar I was bm an' raised." i - ' Where's tliat ?" j .2sigli to Bowlin' Green, sah, an, when de war dun st uve free I cum up this way. Hain't bin home since, sah." "And you had a ticket ?V J ' "1'es, sah. an' ober $20 in cash. I3in savm', up fur ten y'a s, sah.".: . 'Wliat doyuu want to go back f.r?" "To see de lulls an' tie fields, de to bacco an' de co;i, Mars Preston an' f'e ole missus. Why, Mara White, I'ze May 1, 1890. dun bin prayinf fur it fo' tweuty y'ars. To the citiz-ns and alH cted cf to-ncumes-t-c tcngm- 1 as cum uu 1 the Valley I deem it my dutv couldn t hardly: hold roysclt." vfTii with a trtMlnniet known onlv to to ffive this - recommendation I 11 8 100 L,RU fl innihir. ssh. has Immmihissffl "wit 1 without any solicitation on1 the "De oe man to;:butrur: tlown dar, . ! I I Mil ' 1 1 1 1 - vn 1 in. adversitv. 6" has been iroud part ot tno dealers la earn meat of ouriT(-ces8. Y bv all arnuiid von iu may be di.p;s d ! yet that lov'us ap loxisi for all m lher slituds a auj vim shorlconiiuirs With ail r:isint(TeftO(l aft"ction, wou'd it not be i.naratehil lin you if, in her de t in. in- year?, you foaled to i reci;-rocate her love, and honor lr as 'your Leit ti'icd frieiw!. Vlrimnu at.Wark- - ; Mas White de Vtc' woniaa and free r 1 - . " at i - t I 1 , k cjne. in br. yosepn, r.ii5So:in, 1 cnu.eiv , 1 kh.q mcmDcr me spot same was iVrv.'od with an aggravated 1 as If I seal it yistcidjiy. You- go oat case of ki iooy trouble, and by, half-way lode fu-t loback'er house, an accident I vras offered a drink of aA v n mm 10 de hft s:u' co down to Win. Rftdam'S-MicTobo Killer. ,1 .irivheh whar de wi.nmon i s?.!- to After taking.'ond gallon in four VaW.--: Dars fo trees 0-.1 de oiklcr bank. f . Cam Back to Ufe. 1 f A remarkable caso U reported from Kennetooa, Hants uounly, says a Hall fax letter in tha Boston Herald. ? A oung man name 1 Airroa Aimer was some time ago tttacked by the grip. Before he fully recovered he went to worn in a saipyara, ana eunerea a re lapse, which was even more serious than tha first, attack of sickness, and which reduced him to death's'door. i " The physician who attended him Is one of the most sLillful in the country. But his skill was without avalL One day recently the doctor found Miller sinking so fast that he said that the end would cme at any moment, and he left the members of tha family and their friends watchinar the approach of death. which apparently ensued in a few minutes. The body Wmi rigid, the flesh dis colored, and all pulsation ceased. Prep arations were beinat made for tho per formance "of the . lact ofQma, wen member of tho family observed a move ment of the body, and in a few minutes the young fellow rosa t a sitting posi tion, his faco regained a natural color, and his conversation rxicaraa animatod Since that U&a his recovery h&s been rapid. . . . . In a lecture at Washington Or. J. C. Welling, historical nchobr, tells bow politics was run in the day cf 1'om- peiu - In the absence of newspaper all pub lic annouuecmcnts iu Pompeii were made by uiscriplions on tide walli, usu ally of the houses, and of the, 1,405 in ecrip'ions 1,30 relate to elections. These walls, called album, were first whit, ti ed with cl.alk and the inscriptions usu ally of red. Li these inscripifons the voters of the dilorcnt districts are urged to support some favorite. The votaries of Is s and other pals , were cred to stand by this or tliat candi date, and occasionally a caulidato was thus asked to vote for some other ne. who in return would vote for him. But the candidate was forbidden "to buy votes ur even give dinu.rs, or in any such way influence voters, and he had to swear by all the gods in the vicinity tliat be had not done so. The voters from the dillercnts were voted in squatU, presumably to preveut any candidate from getting juid uiduenciu vot'ng was The oflicers loo chief ma cuudo) and police, public etc. An ad dred dccuriot.es were recruited from Ihe ranks of men wh had 1 filled either the above places, ant perhaps from other distiugufched citizens. The richt of suffrage was universal among adult males (slaves, excepted), but office bold- ing was limited I y a jropcriy qualiuca tion of lf0,000 sestcae about g5,0C0. The town was divUcd into six election preciucls, and an election depended o 1 carrying a majority of thcie regard less of tho population vote. " Any one : there anything yoo wUa for. dear f aaJd the youn:r w.fa fondty to hr husband at the brvkXaAt taLta. on tl: morning a.'t"r the wedding. "Ye. I wish sorabtV!y would giv j me Uo dol lars for that Cre Ihouwi&d dollar chock your father put amoug our presents." A FEW VALfADLS Dl RECTI 0.T9 roR my do- 1 hli Co'l't lllp Blnjt fool. Come, come, -don't bo a fool, dear," Bali the husband, during a mestie brww. . . "B.da'l n;rrt.aso rcae you and me one?" askci UjoVtfiv - - - n Of course It did. . N MlIow caa I hctp t-clrg a fool thear The Poor Mm mm! Ihm lUrta Mm. ' - Poor man (doiefvdly, to himself) Oh, if I only had cac'.tall Loox at thU In the. paper: ' Big chant for email capi tal 1 a fortune la a yettr.H My I myt See the chan tea there aro -for a man with a little money. Rich Man fcleerully. to blnwlQ That bfg chance adTcrtiem-?ot of mine Is a dalty. Caught ten suckers arvaJy this rooming, and got the eaah. I'll' light out to-night. 1 4 lloyt and gU-U KuUff:ca tnat lUr watclic buEy troru lotLScrcnce, aoa tiotrt icsauAe they do cot know Lew to lake enre of them. Here trs tocne U'ntt th.it hate been PimbJicd to the Doncnlcta watch run do but wljd It rcgularlj at a Cxtd tiroo every day. tktyour Titch by and compare . it with a rclUUe reuktcr. TT.'MnnT-iu.a-.tJ r.c3 iw;c Never klokoa watch tio!ently. Never tredTe with the work. e Never carry jour wauh near an dec- t kail msch.xe.N Do tot let year watch rua txort Uan two years wI!.oat cleaa'jii. Never i-ut your wauh In the basda of a poor workman. If yocr watch itorn, i whether It Toas ran down, aod If it bat, lni and set iu If it has tjol run dowr, tee Lclber the hands bare caught. If they hate, by using we yoa taa fret them. . V li t abulecar!y in the day If Xyi ti -31 If neither U these, Uke the watch to 3 results. Tho order of t rijV - J 4 a wauhniakcr. detcrmineil by lot. " . kj i'-'r'.gl -ft : .fQviv 1l If Ub b drerped Into the water. elected every year were I i A' -f I open the cae to the wort and ret the tstratcs (Jumuvirs jurl di- : A v 1 ; v 'fepi?-V ' A.-. I watch (rnJ bito a run of lrrolce or two'asddes or overseers of " f-.f '-JP macldoe oil. NoUatethoakl U lost roads, public building, L CJ -t -i' l V rT lu dolcj this.; 1 hen, as sooa aa poaai- vis..ry council of one bun- V'y ' X'&Z.-S ' I We, take,lt to a wauiynakn. I 1 . X - ft. F ft i t MP ' J 7 I MtBMMAMMMMMM. ' .- ltNri.M . I ., . 7TTZ cff'K ffj--A' irr : Uammeriocas tom, lacy, bay dentloas! I key Vat you rand f " Hammer loch Jo pick dr abot ood obf dot plue-chay, cut vo loat op fer anunaer. , Why. Mary, what are all the postal rRwjmm.1 kbuiuu wmt la the boue!otd which can o bum. ccU, l-rali: and bruie; fr ua lu such caesDr. J H. McLcau's Yolualc OJ Luilzaco'. JC.Jt ni;K, Ba4 a!rablt fcy that terriblt eiBflk. SkUk't cr l the tttaedy fur iu t .r mJ at ranaait'wdraf tor. ROIAIIKaDLK UEy.-UE. Mr. llchacl Curtain, l!a!ae!J, IU.. makrs U.e miemtat that ahe I Vl l"'- "J I . . u , -rv- ...11 . I a could romxate a caudaiate hy isn;n- ln wt ,-4 lfc LoUiu i "ujni coi... wuh.11 aeiuea u Mr his came to the nuufunccrocnt on one iotroisr. who wm as-katWl la hU J ; ,r , "T" u UOUUl J - tftiieiUicftllna. OflhcllC n- duUcs bysH youn wife, furcrir I Vl I eSH JIT. tUtttSiouoxkatCilln A.D. 70 only I Maaachusettachcl mtoireaa. Oa. I I ( euUtum atul ' m,Q. . tn.mrnfrt1r.til,4,,r11t, Th rwm, . have Just put Uiera aia uouii anouia , ... tlni.t .I,r.i.i.wi uw, ToUmoto correct the g.-wae D . Djcoreiv far ... - ...V ,.1, th U : . toMompttoo; ai bouSht a txtU. sod ..ft. . v . ...ft,- A UhuVt jao i0 htr det rjuaj Unelf Wee "tied F; Arsenic and Potusti three Times 1 a iay for Twenty five ; 1 Year. week 8 I felt liko a new man. I can freely retonmend it to any one having the above trouble. - II. E. llOBISON. For sale by; Dr. i 3. B.. Clifton. - Expression is language. . : I have talien (B. S.'rS) Swift' aut right under 'em is whar dey i3 all burrlcd. 1 kin see it! I kiu load you ri-ht to de spot !"' T 'Aud whiit will you do when you get there?", asked the stranger, j - ;,4Go up tode big house and ax Mars Preston to let me lib out all de restob my days light dar. I'zo olcraall alone, an I want to be nu;h my dead. There is no : suffer ins "with Rnomfir anrl fetel it mv dutv to rheumatism now. Itadam s Mi Rtato ua rofirtlf ! friflt ntriPT who crobe Killer -lias never failed. Sorter company for me when my heart -i "T oa- . j ' ' c. Try it and you will consider it are similarly a!Bicted may profit h . A Tvhat , vou v&id hy my experience, and be reliev- for itj -For Baie-by Dr.J.B. Cljf ed of their sufferings. I had suf- ton. - . y;'- - ' f ired for a long j long time with w hat the doctor called Herpes, and eruption ofjthfc skin, form ing scales and blotches - wbich Avas horrible to, endure. Under the advice of several physicians I took thirty ,drop3 of Fowler's Solution of Arsenic every day for twenty-five years . besides many other kinds of niedicines, : with out a cure. -I have been taking S. S. S. for about two - months, and the "eruptions and jinpleas- anf symptomsl "Lave" -'all " disap- acbes.' ; V ' J ' j"Whcre were you robbed?' i"Out doahs. dar, ' I reckon, in de crowd. . See? -.lie jxcket is all cut out. T'7.0 Areani-A nn rmrAfrtrl 1-17.' tmd rt5 Learning is degrees of mspir fa my m1ud ror ,ftrs anJ ,ar . tion. . " '. ": i' - -t; r I Hrd nnw I"y.r dun libi rn'.h;vl nn ffin't Yu cannot accompl-sh any work or j go 1"' " ;: , Uo fell to cryiug. and the' policeman came forward in an otficious manner, i but ess utiless you feel well. : If you feel used up tired outtake Dr. 4. II. McLean's. ' barsaparma. -is will give jou health, strength and vitiiity. ; :: r'r::- ;.; v-'' '.r". Words are but signs cf expres sion. t.-brz ' -:,':;,-.:-. Shiloh'a Vitilizor Is what you need for constipatiou, loss of ppetite,: dizziness nd all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price $1 and ?i cents per bottle. : For sale at Fur- peared, and I am continueihg' it than gravitatipn. to completely joot it out .'of - my blood, which E am confident it will do; and what it has done for me I a n sure it , will do for . . ,. .a .. ..-- . others, for there 'are thousands 3 iftCffffttrt 1) r- .rhiii-ftioriftcftrt fSft j OMLl.U ftJCHtlft., CAL vviuiunuuw . ft.ftftft7 stranger. ' ' I "iNow, gentlemen, ou ;have heard theetory.'r rnrgoiri.$ to help the old mail back to die on the old plantation aud be bur'cd alongside of his dead." i j "So am I ?'.! . called tweuty ; men in chorus, and within Xive minutes we had raispd rumiuh In buv him a lic.kp.fe and Libertyis no rnoterf: to ppare, Aud when he real- - They Write Lettem. "V English women uz a rule, aro excellent letter writers. They havo uot boconiQ accustonKHl to the low rate of postage, and they say all they havo to say in one letter, and tlwy say it well. 1 may add that ln the matter of handwriting also, the American wouju have much to I earn from thcra. It Is very seldom that you find an- English woman's letters cure lessly writtuu. Slie takes pahi3 to form her letters, and you do not have to waste valuable timo ln trying to de cipher what she has written, and the signature is not tn3re hleroglypalos. It Is a perfect delight to me merely to look at some or the Icttora I receive from England. They rure almost pictures, with their jet black Ink, their generous margins, and their handsome paper. There is also an air ot repose about them. I do not fool as though they had been dashed off simply to discharge aa obliga tion. I picture in my mind tho writer seated at a b'.g solid oak table, with' a bottle of black ink at one side and a bundle oLquill or perhaps J pens ou the other.- She settles herself deliber ately for tho task, and she accomplishes 'it well. Even the Borvaut maids write legibly ; . it must be a very Illiterate woman who writes a bad hand. . t : . . r ized hia good lack, the oldj EDOw-hairecT Sh'iloh's Catarrh ; Remedya positive black fell upon his knees in that crowd cure for catarrh, dipthcria - and canker J n( -TaYed; : of such, c i s( s all over - the coun try whichliesijst all - other treat- m int. I have dived here in ;my pr tent business" for 22 yearsl- " E. R. Rouse, . Dealer in Ma chinery, 1 ' . 31 and33 West Maryland - : Indianapolis, Indiana: ; Treatise on Mood and skin dis eases mailed free. '-., ' -Swit Specific Co. " - h Atlanta, Ga. mouth. Sold by Futinaii.' Strife . is . not smothered by seeking to hide. ; i Shiloh's consumption cure Ts sold by us rn a guarantee, it cures consumption 'It For sale at Furman's urpg store. .The hand can never, execute villo. v. San Marcos, Tex,, Sept. 17, '87. Mr. Wm. Radam : ' V-" , -Dear sir Tho Microbe Killer, I find, is a splendid thing.; Can l get tne agency nerer My lit tle boy that ivas afflicted t with worms1 is curfed and .getting; fat and rosy. My -father is also using your niuicme .anu is im proving very jfast, , , . I Mrs, Alice Lee.1 For -sale by Dr. J. B. Clifton i uLord, Vzs bin a believer in. You all my days, an, how I dun axez You to Wateh ober dese ye-e white folks dat has believed in roe an helped me to go back to deole'home;! i ' ' r; , j ;.And I do believe that nine-tenths .of ihnt rn-d had tnars in tht-ir pvm the anything higher thanthe char- gateman called out the train to Louis. acter can inspire. . -: Catarrh cured, health ard sweet brfcath secured, by Shiloh's Cntarrh Remedy, ! Price 5(1 eeiitsr asal.,iDjcsetec iree. x or sale at Furman's drug store. . J , f , vBackbiters Fltas. - ' ' That hacking eoneh can be . so Quickly cured by Shiloh's cure We guarantee it ; for sale at r arms trs ai ug store. -- . Steak holders Butchers. - J To allay pains; subdue inflammitcnt heal foulSf'ies and ulcers thu' mos. prompt .and . satisfactory results are t. t i. ii.. ut ren edr. Dr. J. II.McIeau'd V oleauie Oil Liniment.,"- .- ; V . ; v ' For weak back, chest pains, and a Di. J: II. McLean's Wonderful Hea lng piaster.- . " v , When, you are constipated,' have heartache, or lss of appetite, take I;r. J. H. McLean's Liverand Kidney Pil lels; they are pleasautlo take and will cure you. , ' . " - . An . attached couple Oyester shells. . . ' . -: If ou have a painful sense "of fa- .tiiiue, liud your" dulie irksome, take )r. J. II. McLean' sareapmlza. lit will brace vou up, make you strong and vigorous. . -. ; ' ' Opeiators in wool moths. . . Persons advanced ip years T feel younger aud stronger, as well ? as lrcer from the 'infirmities of age. ! by taking Dr. J. II. McLean's Sarsapa- nlla. ' . . . j ' Taking thingseasy Ftckpock- etg. ' - ' : . - . The Rev. Geo. If. Thayer, of Bonrbon Ind.. savs: "lioih niysl and wife owe rnr lires to shiloh's Consumption cureN ror sale by 1' urnian... r ' s . 'Tho tied of life the married ones. - ' - - . ;;. The agent of the slot opera-glasses at the theatres confesses to all . manner ot- trbuble with them, especially from tn quieitivd people anJ thoao who axe trying to get the use of a gla33 "for less than the regulation dlma. " I found a man with a key In tho Blot the other night he said, "and had to take the concern to pieces to release the key. Inside of it I found a cent, a nickel and' a dime. The man had tried the cent first, and the nickel when that wouldn't work. Then, when he found he must hate help, he ptft in the dime to prove his honesty. Bat it was sixteen cents and ho glass for all that.' '.'.. r - the fo.um. In voting the electors j atscd beiweep two posts which were cont.ctlcd at the tip with a rod, and announced thtir choice to tellers. There were i.o jcrtics or political issues, each cam! date relying on hU qualifica tions ai d popularity. ron pcii wss fciucus f-r Its labor leagues and the part lh-y V ok ia e!ec- tka:s. The spefiker gnve a list, including bakers, dyers, poult crr, fullers, gokl emiths, ouion dealers, mule driven, tavern keepers, etc There wcro a!so 5oci.il cluif?, such as the Old Topers, the Lite Drinkers, tho little Thieves, the Flecpy Head, and other a, each of which had its favorite caudkl.itcs and urge-1 ihe'bey to whoop 'cr up for bim. One elected biU purported to be signed by the goddess Venus and anoth er proclaimed that aojlKKly who, would not vote fr a certain candidate' Re serves to be mouutal cn an a?s.M ; The speaker dwelt on the pwcr of the ealoo'i in pompeian politics and gave a list of tavtra keepra who' ia 7G worked the town Lr their candidate. Among women bn.inar.es iiry ii uttini ico Mr. llullnn'h No xjms "no ate ask In about my on. be' jtodo to the bad. He'e a prohis'.o:iaJ sw.-:dkr a' rvothlu eltt he's a coiifl lone niti lo New York. Old Friend Yoo dont aay so ? Does n't ho come hon- wben li -ti broke? Mr. Bul.fSiK.h- Droke? Why. hemakr money hanJ over fliL He tout J make a person 'licj fclrurk was white without half try'.u. ' The pode say he's the tooet accoiepltahcvl liar in the hull city. Oil Friend Well!' well! What pity he diviu't go Into politics ! - A ' Is your dor Intelligent, Edith r , MY. nw-ter on what ab't you speak to Lira, Fido always wak bis tall Just the fame." . Bacon You see that mun over there t EberV Yee. -' 1 "He's one cf the roore peraUteat workers la our church. Y'ou don't tell me. . . ; . Yes j he purops the orfan. in At tb TliMtt. She Oa, doar, thlsls simply awful I I cao't see a slogle tblns. " lie 1 'a a little betur c3 than that j I eaa see a hat. - - , r 4' i - these tavern. keeiKTS were many j , , 1 , , , who mingled o;cnly in the pte- rcJ?r?CJr - V'V t1 I of the clcctorial contest . ft x x v VS rl t - v BUCK M N S A UXIU TT S A LVK tVAT V) fcJ$&W best naive in the world for cnt j I f-7: A id IT Ues, sfref, ulcers, salt rheum, . f tLifrjrii r' V l Vfr ' er sores,, tetter, elm pped hand , ' P E'rf':- ' ; rM ,A " dains, corns and all skin cru; tious - T'VK'.' i ' v. - U t I positively cure file, or.no pay 7T V-j'W . tiirwi. it is iruiranuea to pire . a rrr- ... ' .JT 4 The bru fev chill an req perfect satisfaction. r iuooy cd. iTice 2o cents per box. For sal hv J. B. Cliiton. ; The man that has lived for himself has the privilege of be ing .his own mourner. N , - - tord Unte't Cotly FmUc. The largest and costliest prlyata man- fiion la the world is said to be that .be longing to Lord Bute, - called 44 Mont Stuart," and situated hear Rothesay. It covers nesrly two acres and Is built In Gotldo style, tho w Alls, turrets and balconies being of ston i. The immense tower in' the eenlre ' of the buildipg la .120 feet high, with a , balcony around the top. -' ; " - The halls are constructed entirely of marble and alabaster; all of the rooms are finished in mahogany, rosewood and walnut; tLe fireplaces are all carved marbles of antique dosiga3. ' The e3Lct cost of this palace Is not known, but it has neror been estimated at less than 9,OO0.0W.. This proves the greater purchasing power of money ln Europe, siuce the Njw Y'ork Coiirt House cost about that sum and Is -a mere shanty by comparison. . . . ; Ex-Senator Sawyer of Alatani, now earns his daily bread as a second class clerk in tho "War Departseut at Wash ington, D. C , , .. , JL A SCRAP OF PA lEIt SAVI- HElt LIFE. . Itwasjnst an-ordinary- tcrop of wrapp;nfrparr 't ave l her life. She was. Li the bit stages of con TTiniptlon, told by physiclins she was incurable and could only live but a si.ort time; she weighed less, than nev oid y pounds, On a p ece of wrai'pins Btpcr 1h read of Dr. King's Xew l-.coyery, and got a sample bol!e; it bflM'd ht-r, she buight a Urge lotte ithelixd h-r ni-re. borcht nntlier nnd grew bcilr fst, rnntuiucd lit ue and Is r.ow ftrfting.haltv ry.p!u.up, w'gl.iug 140 pounds. 1 or fuller par llvulars send hti-inp to W. II. Cd Druggist, Fort faudih.. Trial bottlu ft thi wonderful D'?cv-ry free as W. II. Funnn Drus S-orc. If you niler Ironi any aff."Ctifn caused by Impure Mood, s icli ecroful.1, salt rhf urn, sores, boils, pim ples, teltrr tinworm, take Dr. J. II. Mclean's Saiaaparilla. ' Vhe never we vary Trom the high rule of right, just so far we do au injury ta the world. - Little Benny Are you gobg in the drawiag.room t - llerr KolUhci Ta. I rrf goin dor piano to blay, raela leJlo Treat. BWy I'd get sent to bed If I went ln then with my hair looking like that. Owcfcl to If XkirWd bf Om Tlam. ! Teddy-Fat, be yea either thlakla raarrlage Is a 'allure 7 Fat Naw, but ol think rce wolf aa ol'd oughu-r marrlod toaie won else. Why II Ttol.t Tky- VTrr Tj- He What did your father aay when you told him we were engaged f , Sh He said h thoaht w were en gaged long ay o. Judging fro the amall- jxok of the gas bill. - . i ' io.ii If S rntl..Tnrn In rvarlor A Lavo finished dli.u4lng their dinner yet," eold the proprietor of tho hotel to the waiter. "Doyara fru taUn. twa. but der ain't done cuiIa it yUr " Wher did you got that suit of ar mor? ho asked. "That blcVrM to my grvat-great-grar. IfaUicr," aha rpt'tvL' Uh, yes! to kp tho Cle c3 wbtlo . . II..H ft. - . . I I t -m the f.aaUy hl&totjr. . ' ;m Innn Crtt t'otc. Sue coutlnued Its ttse and after UUn tin boiUet, focaj Icnelf fund sn well, cow dxe her own bouc work, aud U a ntll th i;Tprw. Free '.riii btUes f Ui'a treat LMcottry IU Furtan' drug t-t-.re, larftc Uttlct iCVr. aud L :Hctai:z Ethels. Lite' aisa I Tk raA 7&a4am Uicreb KiCw U the tott oairrf ai etlj. riac, it Wra at Mr failed ia tart iUtt,B taur wttt the dtMU, itora Ltr t to tft tiiplet dlea kba to lh kamaa arcUta. - T teietUaefatetf to-dtjdxia asd prove Jthtt very dUtMr It CAUSED BY ICROBES, ' -ASD HADAf.VS MICF.CBE KILLER itermiatrlk yierota4 drirro then oot of th Tkiew.ajid ktai!illi dofit 500 eanaot kti aa aeKo or pi. No malUr vbat tat d.acate. oattW a iuf ! eve of Malaria k'tr or row 14- taita or attAt e ear laeo all at Ue tra Umr. at o tret a4 4-raot conaUietitta;lj. Artmn Ctwrm4mm, Ottcrrlt, Brvrn tXilU, MfOT.'iM, Ktf-ff o. Liotr lHae. CkA om4 J'crrr, raa frrat Ut in mU. i.'t forma. amJ, in. fctt orer Ducate ht'jirm t tie JUbhi tijttcm Bcmrt pf 1'ranJmlmi Jmmtiatim$0 fet thtt oar Trt'UUtrk (Mtaoaaaooet) iPxr oa each ju;. tcnd for Uwk -Uiilofy of the IT Icrobe KiUtr." gina aray ty DriJ II CLirrOX Drngslsf, Agt. L0CISBV21GX. C. . ir.S. FURMAX, Agent, rRAXKlTETOX, X. c. I NOTICE.. The Clowlr.s article cf rrooral lTo;Tty m K-ju-d l y u:e ilay 14. 100, at lletM'cCKiu. Vame County. . C-. Ux viuLiuou of foclont ZZi axd 3244, !UtedbU-.ui oT the United States: One package of whUley, 9 Frcs 2 krs of m9 llrardy j Alo t Ixustt wrz; Fraaklia County, N. CX, May ICtX lk Oi e prula;e cf whrley, 34 ptUoc, la lul uri t ftxtkn 4W, lixrlrea Mttutcs of lite Uulftl btv.et. Auy toi tUI-nir. z any interest la a:J fncrty. U hrebv o.l trv. pmr Leu -re in :-d male clxln a thereto within thirty (3.l)Lnyt frcm tlit date, id !w cautc hy taid property lirul tivl be lUitcd to tie L cited irtttf. Lilc:i urnbr rn v l-iI rn I o. cf fxc, Ui -ithry cf Jor.e, 1500, . . A. White,

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