i O JLJ J. A, THOMAS, Editor,, and proprietor. With Malice towarJL none) 7f ith Charity fvr all. clso rr.n axxvjt. . . Jr, VOL. XIX. LOUISBURG, N. C , JULY 11, 1890. NO. 24. SENATOR'-. VANCE'S fcETTEK outrageous taxation aud to restore' the full use of silver as mone3. haviug so Sex ate Chamber, June 2Hh, '90, Proved unavailing, reasonable men . -v ': ir ' I-are not surnrisel r that?. the impressed .it VB ii -j;... . nu r f- -. Y fyarta, i, tv. f someiiin". Foc-one I rsvmmthiza most covtVuillv Dear biP.: many- reports ; con - an(. sincerely with1 Ill's detcrminati .n cerning my. position on what isknown Inasmuch as. it is possible to c .rn:en as the Sub-Treasury r Farmers Ware-. sate the farmer for the robbing of him house bill have been cpculated la, our under this f ariff laxalion ; by imposing State, and I have recefved so many lcfc tariff duties for liis benefit also for the ters of enquiry on , the subject, that4 I reason that similar products to his are have deemed it my duty to answer them not imported into thU country the r.ll in this way. I, write to.you as the question arises, tiow shall .he be ,com- 1 oj r d head of the Fa finer' Alliance peusateJ f ifspme way be not deyised of North Caroaua, and destre m - this and we contiuue to itnpo3e s these tariff m inner to make known to ;.t!e people taes on him we a mply admit that he my honest opinion ort this and cognate u to be oppressed forever or until he is ful'jects. I do this aU the more r. adily sent to the p or house; and ihat whilst becfiuse I am conscious tiiat 1 have we have power under the Cons itution never, in tho course qf ihy ijphucal life, to destroy by taxation one class of citi- copcealed from the eople " who have zns, we have ueither;the - jwtr uor hoHornl me any tanflut : conviction m j the disposition' to compensator that dc- rcard to any importfjut'publia'' matter. ! stroyed clas?, nor to equaliz j the bur ii i iwi mie iui uic iww iu uegm sucn raens or me among t ue people, l nyer course. 4 . . ' U will agree to lhi-, and I staud raady to On the 24th day of February, 1-800, vote for anv m. asure for the relief q! nt the request -of Col L. L. Polk. -Pres-1 the agricultural classes of the comtniiui- i lent of the F. Alliance .nd Indus- ty that will serve the purpos . askiu trial Union,' I introjl.uced m the Sen- only 'tlwt it be within the . power con fite. bill 280G, : popularly known as-the ferced upou.'Oongress byline Conslitu-Sub-Tri-asury bill, aid procured its ri f- tiou. We live, happily foiMis, in a gbv ern:e to'the Oommittee ou - Agricul- eminent of liinited powe:-s, but because, ture and Fostery, wjiere it was suppos- as I believe, the present tai'lffduties are e l that it would receive more friendly utterly unconstitutional, and but rot ewsid ation than fro n tha Committee bery. uud.'f the forms of l:w." I can on Finance to whiahj it would otherwise' pot gain my consent to vote for this Sub have gone according tp- the v.rulcs. On Treasury bill whi.h provides fir the re eiving it I told bath Col. L L- Polk loaniug of money to the people by the and Dr. Ma une, the Chairitan of . the government, and which, in my opinion, Jiegislative Commitw-e of the Alliance, is without t -oust itutioti.il authority., I not ' prepared to promise believe, however, under that clause of bill; that it was a 1 the Constitution whi:h gives Congress great and radical departure - from ; the the power to regulate comme-ce with jtx our , legisladon, foreign countries and among the States, jquestions both of and others established elsewhere as well. that I was them to support fuel sic ustomed policy and that there were practicability and constitutionality which for the reception of domestic articles. I wished to reserve I I told them also, iutended for expert r fr s.ile iu oilier that I hoped for good i esults from its States, and that the government coul iptr'duction. and believed that? its dis- be made to receive ""these articles and enssion would attract the-: attention of issuo' receipts' therefor npou which the t--e country to the I ronditioaaud -the t holder could readily borrow monoy wants ot the agricultural classes, aim r u i -l-nis. i. i-cuev -vouici.v answer every t'iis hill wjis not denned the proper one Purpose con le nplated by the Sub-Trras-8 mie other wonid bp ibnuulaied iu : the ury p?a!i ; .ei:cept, that of 1-orro.ving mr.w ;on nt tte ii .jcitsti rcner.-i.i procure I money at a sjkc ; e i ?heap. r it.v e l an earlv co'iskke A little sapping of its strength, a little diversion in its ranks, will bells defeat : again. j.I 8 defeat will likewise be yours : The danger '3 that , oppressed n-ecmen become impatient, and impatirit men are often unwise..- Your great V rrgani- zitioii is but Tittle more tliau too ycari old it is not Tct crowu. It! caui'il ; for great liarvest al ; result before the sowing and maturing of the crop. Already wonderful' things have been achieved. : Venerable legislators, '. 1;R -lot.g servant? of corporations and : Wall street policy have already come to kn'ow? that there is alarje ; claw., of ; iho American "people called :"tarn t aj d who have riiihts and ' privileges - lit.e oUiers. Xo greater shock f.r :. years past has been given to the s'e ik and comfortable recipients of clas ; tegisla tion.that the recent passage through the Senate of the bill to restore the unlim ited eoinajrft a:-d legal tender character of silver. ThU was undoubtedly due to the -Farmers'' Alliance. - For t!ie jtfist six months there has ' been - more discussion upon ihe j condition of -, the farmers and matters pertartiinjj to their interests than ha'd -taken place in 0 the better for the farmsrs. Their vvrougs are so palpable that the justice of redressing them will become more aiuRmort irresistable as the light "8 turn ed on. . The policy of the farmers, being now right, is to keep within (ho right. Demand nothing tliat is . illegal, ask nothing-, that is unreasonable. Fs- pecially, vt seems to me they should be e ireful not to injure their friend?." . f They should hold their fore js in hand rea ly to rid thoe who favor tham "t n 1 to si rike those onlywh are 1 hostile to their purposes and - principle 4 To atf tempt to make a political iirty of tlie Farmers. Alliance fur thi pirposi "of supplanting tither i f the great pnities who divkle the American po ple would be a great mistake. Iu the South it cou'jl -nly destroy the Pemocralic prti ty and lesive iu uudispu led control that other party which is the auth r and uphol -!cr of the evils by which we are afiliitel. "Sty your own rules; you ex- LlUaiOROUS lARAGi:AiUS. WHAT T IE WITTY VRITER3 OF T1IE - -V WOiiI.DARE 8AYIKQ. " - - t . . 'Zm Zt Z JcKmI 0P5,,cJ " W 1"' CoHon fartorio, &r- H,inS pro-' lair one's room a sight that caus&J him rpecta to ico in tlie tariff. And jecttsl and bailt ia Ih South, to stop and exclaim. What a arili yet ice is now being imported bj Northern capital, and tha P An Indian ought to be easy to shoot. Tou caa always get a beai'oa khn. "What a place for whhrt a Turkish bath must be.- V on can get a ''rubber" so easily. . ' . Kidnappers, keep away from Hatan. eas. Thoy hanged tkivn of you there recently. - .- - . All tongues but Rusjaa have been suppressad la Finland;- Of course, women' tongues are exoeptoO. Now a five thousand-year-old will has been discovered which. Pharaoa made. Faro to-day spares the need of making a wilt a . . Sam Jones Is going to tSake the FhU- adelphla feather. - Piillad el phla chick en are hereby warned to loo out for theishakes. - . Poor Mwanga, the Arab have again turned on him, but why don't he change his' name? It's all they can have against him. . Be careful about your conduct towards cats. A Virginia man hit one, was bit ten in return and death completed the catostrpphy. ; . . A good-looklnj' girl when asked to give ball for herappearance said " You can gamble on my apearanco being what It ought to be." A Milan (Pa.) young mn broke his" .jelghty-year-old uncle's 8kull In a dispute over a fence. Moral Uncles and nephews should not miff even ih mlffln. 1 Btaten Jjhtnd women complain of being terrorized by a monkey, which peeps in at their windows nights. And yet there are doubters of Dor win's theory. " - ' ; Popinjay Thy say that Mrs. Blgsby makes tnings hot for her husband. Dempsey fwho has breakfasted with Blgsby That certainly doesn't apply to his coffee. , An old soldier applied for a pen3lon Ile had been injured at a buttle. On examination it was found that he was are you uoing f Th lady suPrd to into. New York from Norway the door and explainod that a new dress- . - nw. " 0 ..... . . . .-v . Two cargoes arrived thro San- had just baen-s-nt home aai that she . . - had placed her mirror doWn on tho floor ay . Omo of the liugn trans- so that shecould se how tae dress Atlantic steamships should col- looked as she walked past r Jaronoof tlico Lie ice bcrga LiOOKS an ngat, - saia oe. number of saw mills and ico fac tories poirrg up are too numerous to mention. ll w- n:iou ul the lull ly 1 ever; th.s,.niv be. I know, mv dear sir. a very ahlecand that neither you nor the ; o d and iri.e interestir g d scussiott by Mess:ii. 1 men you repes ;nt would atS me to in i 'oik 'and. Vacunf was h vl. lu6 oi;ir 1 fringe in any wav u;x)n te orsc m'c law, le ommittee has not f of our comstrv, iti 'Ihe faiihml ohserv vet 'uade a report, khough linn assured ance of wjiichilone t-.ouis;-s ihe safety of our p-io;.h ; ; ; ; lrnit ne to say that thero is atlh's t" ma a srreav r. spoiisibUity rest:ng upon the comiuitiee. ami clu le from meinb. r-ihjp a majority o It injured. He ran away, so hard that h t:iat a mai.tntv ofc its. members are a xionsly seekimj. j davisa a inctliol of relief whu h shall not be open to the- ob jections of that bilk- 1 My own proppsittnn remains the the p jmmumty. aud for that re soiij aloae. yi.u should noL under" ake to be-? heoomo a political p;irty. 1 soc many indications of tliat tendency wldoh give mc niieh concern. - In tho reigh'-oring s-.ale f uth Carolina there is a coi - iest raging which, as it looks to me, Here t a cotcpllmnt. Four French a only have th result of puttiag that men have honored America by writing State back uudur African rule. This 1 to the Bridgeport Suicide Club asking for hurt himself.- v "And this Is whwe yon, teach tho young idea how tostiootr remarked the visitor to the pretty schoolm am. ; "Yes, sir. she replied; 'we teach trhrger-nometry here." i . -i .. . uiiomiauon ana permission to lorm & branch organization iu PaTU. yo i. lucre is an upnsmg ot the agri- cultural classes of our people, tlie mosl too, among men who j-ref si to agree ui on all matters of principle. Let us hope tliat we may avoid fucli .danger bu- ati l -unseemly contests iu our same, i cannot sminot t thus bilK- iu i.:s; lxjwerlul class of our .ooietv. which ?iat-. l iruss muca iq you, . my aw rin!rn sirJaiul to the couserva'Um. eood sense. to the principle ahd; purposes ? of thi This revolution is directed towards are moderation and patriotism of. the form j . tt ; . - ' measure. Ou the i on trarv. they- are th se which I hve for ten vt-ars advo-! Made-OS. Isn't that a bull ? Charlie Yes but you needn't be afra!d bo long as I'm with you. Madge I'm afraid you won't be with i . .- . , p . j. I i-c x a. 1 h r 'fliA tun t -v tnd . To ureas oi ineeviH aiumg ; irom . imjutst wvikwi legislation. You are the J chosen ; head ing of any pos'iiion or the doing of any catcd, and for thf accomplishment of and representative of that class in . the which I have in every county In Xorth state of North Carolin l one of its most Carolina, again ancj aga'n urged the . or- honored and respected citizens. I feel, ganizatU'ii of farmers, pointing . out t sir, with the freolo n of a friend and C I" them how that all jother classes of sogv loiv worker of the same po jlical faith, I ey were organijd; for the promotion of may say to yon ih .it j'ou may .do much thei sep-rate interests.:; "It is a shame" ! to prevent this popular cry fur . redress lul trut i, that in the normo.i3 jrowih jrom becommj a clamor for revenue. thirtg that would prevent the Democrats who are i ' the Uiancc and the Demo- cra'a who are not in the Alliance from working together for principles which are common :i.d interests ;which are gei.eral, with that lArmony' which so triumphantly ' brought us tint . of Uie house of bondage hi the rperiod from mm 1 of the wealth oroiir c. U itry in the last Guided witlfu the proper channels, I 1370 to 187 G, and which' has" in so great t veuty years; the farmers have not pro- believent is the movement, for which all a measure restored our Jjtine to a re.- portionately particiiiatel. . All candid patriotic men in -our country have sonable Cegree of irosperityJ and credit, men adaiit that tliiey have uot had their- wait J and wished n long, and .that; r Let as . not imijtatate tho ; conduct of share of the a?gre ile prosperity of - our will result in juster legislation and more ihe Jews when their sacred city was le- couniry. . The refison of this is as plain cqially 'diffused prosperity, lint if reck-1 Seiged by the It -man armies, who to be seen as any fcause for : any V effect.' I lessly, unwisely or selfishly directed, it taught their e-icmics wu n lccrofuuie vai- wiui Let us strive Xor a reduction of taxation n the noc- T'or n. niMrtw nf ri intnrv'-? t.lVr '-in 'febut I '.iTv.-rMilt'iii ini-jilpulfthlp mttirv to nur I OT all day and fought eacli ' other .A . -r M ; "j . . J I - . p " ,1L. i t r ... 1 ".. J .. . - u. 1 1 "i-ii-roilil ln tnrv nil n'crlit. nuu oi our country una ueeu uuiut.uusr i couniry auu jcayuciiiiiy wui. outuuu j . ly in the inter-st tions of .capitiil. ui i;niaifi:-tuuiiuu(i-i yuiliuu ui it.-, v I t n7i"f-A with nnin ihat - much' of . the cssa: ies of life for a re iuction of the have been Drolected bv enormous du- ill feelina: f the farmers is directed, hot expenditures of the govermnent-for an ties umti foreigu nnpbi tho price of are absolutelv . rhibitorVS Thot cur-1 this nefarious ; Jelatioui ,but.. against Mhrm products by tueTree coinage of sil rehev has been sis tenia ticallv contract-1 tneir nearest : neiahbors' - lutl friends ver and the. restoration of its , full legal ed bv the withdrawal of circulation and thosahbse interest are as" inumately tender character for a repeal of the tax the demonirizatiob of silver in i the In connected with their own a? is that of npbn State banks; -for Uie reflation of i I. terest of the bankers, .rokers;:? bond- members of the same bonsehold. I ob- iranyporrauo.i nura t.y rauroiiu com- holders and all the creditor class. :Tn serve th-tt titter fcelini is sprinjiing up missio-8, ana last ov not least, ,iev x us this way , iher inevitable results betwean town and "c unlry between earnestly contend against that eirit.of liaveOjeeni prooiicedlfc'T the;tarmer who brirnjs : li centralization , which is constantly wfealthof our country jas: jiHre and town-and the merebant who mya ltai a i ... - ' '. , 4 i ir'. .l-i ;..: I s ' i,:V,"' AnW, ..mr,!; I '. more ceaseo 10 ' pe .. wwieiy,r'a"siriuuieu i m iciuiu sciia-uuu uij J'u'j, o-i'i'"co ami lias become concentrated in tlie that often the farmer is laught to be- hands of a few K;Ovw?rown fortunes I lievetliat the lawyci, the doctor or the liave been accuiailail"by2 thV i ivtred j pr6fc'sI6uat man is ho'tife to him t.r is ones, while mortgages,: have been the insome way ir-jsponsihle Ibr the i!ls cluetacauisilion 'ot the manv. - The far-; whicn lie sutlers. I need n-t say to mer beingompelle I t6ell his surplus 4 you tliat this is all wrong, (nu wise, and wheati beef and cotton in i Jreie . tirade hurtful to a deirce" tTt hTl toQcerned.. It niarkete ofUelrid. wa and tack of acute inflammatory rheu- also to buy his iipplies- in: the , same weakens their power to procure redress, matism, which was promptly any )lace, but was compelled ,to ingthie We need everybody's help, because our quickly cured by your. Microbe money home from Europe and buy his J oppressors are a great party fcntrencuea Killer. '.'I used flannel bandages i be and arms wet using'it inlernal- threateuin to absorb the local self-gov ernment of the people Of t'..e States.", . ; i't-'i -Yiry truly yours, , y :: ' i: : Z. li. Vance. rf ; : SlllVOaDEX St, Pniu Pa. ; . - ,....v, Mch. 28, 1889. Mr. Radam :" " Dear Sir-IIad a violent at- iron, his i clothm-. and. nil his' farm" sup- m the strongnouis ot me goyenimeni. a"roun(i fae ifa p"iesfrom the domestic S manufacturers 3 Naturahy the redress of wrongs, -oecarf t .t . ' i . ; . - 1 .vbi0iiu u . wun-u,- pesiaes fib JillCBO CL-UilUliJU f OUiy i. Oy l-liese I siUUC I, UJ unjtt?ii iumuuu o mo . ic- ri v . orroil enormous tariff duties, but likewisn by the-sevtre contraction of the currency. Democratic iarty of America, now in a What else could possibly have followed J lar-e,nume ical majority, butdeprivefl but ii f ettednes j and taukruptcy for that of the control of the government by the cLisy who had thu to bear the, ultimate I most unscrupulous methods, openly and burdens cauied by this disturbance of almost with unanimity, layors the re the laws of ecdaomy, j and by which peal of all the legislation of which you alona the undmj riches of one class was complain, A little strengtheningof its secured f v t j -, 4 rl hands, and but a little, will enable it to -; AU efforts "o secure the.repeal ofihis triumph.' Its'triumph will bo i yours. Mrs. B. T. Jexney: For sale by Dr. J. B. Clifton. A melon trust is to be. formed i Sieeultss nights, made- miserable bv that terrible cough. Shiloh's cure is the reineJy for iu -. For ealeatFormaa'sdrcg For eak, back, chest rains, and a Dx. J. II, McLean's Wonderful Ilca- ing plaster..;-. ..... ;. -':'' f Mrs. Fangle Stanley complains that be cannot get married. Mr. FanpleLncky dogl Wrs. Fanale What's that t 111, Fangle I aid He was to be pitied. - "You mi? rhare this, 6ald Jay. smith. Indicating . a w ate it he had se lected.' . - " , . v " You seem to mistake It for a gun,n replied tho Jewell 6r, as he placed it back in the case. ' , To-morrow is Bronson's birthday. I say.fellows,let'8 send him a phonograph." . Do you think he'd llks it ?' " " Like It ? Did you ever know of a man who was fonder of hearing himself talk than UroH30n?'- Ur Tamny We can't wait lor saints to fill our oClces. Andy j because death precedes canonization. - , . ' ; - "Mr. Mcilump Trus enough ; but you've cot the . argument at tho wrong end. - Only a man's llie can merit it I - Now. children, who was the strong est man T" asked tha Sunday school Superintendent. "John L. Samson 1M yelled a little fel low whose knowledge ot sacred and.- profane history was somewhat mixed. " Aunt (Just arrived on .Tlslt and pro ducing presents for the children) To whom shall I give this Utile organ Papa (slRhlng) Better rWs that to lit tle" Frank. Aunt Why so Papa Because he will break it the quickest. English Lord fto yonmrn am It Is time, Clarence, that you was thiukiiig about n career. . Uotlful Son I will b pulded by you, father. Shall I take oiders. study lor the bar. venter tho ai my, vi tuai ry an America u f Foreman fto editoil n-n' n rolumn and a half to 011. nl thf ri"' nothing but a calley ot pi " left. W hst shall I do about it? Editor Run it; In and head It t "A "New "Negro Dialed Story, by t Mwrth- ern Authoi, , ; . Uil Tliread ts. Slllu In one of SL Paul's palatial apartl ment-houses lives a young widow one of those willowy blondes, with . brown eyes warranted to kill at 1M yards. The next time she has ooc&slon to ap pear in full dress she will probably wear a pair of gloves which she .won from a well-known gentleman who has apart ments on the same floor. The gentle - r"" came homo one afternoon, and as bo "That's all you know about it," said tha "widow. . " Ia ths ' first place. It doesn't. hang wall behind: th-re Is a certain satisfaction and peaoo of mind to a woman who knows that her dress hangs well behind that th a comforts of religion do not gt7v--I";ul th greatest fault with it Is that it Is so short that I am almost ashamed to wear it. .-. " That's so. It Is awfully short," he said, looking down at h) widow's graceful ankles as she moved around behind a chair. " But I always did ad. mlr those embroidered Lisle thread M " You don't know what you're talking about ; they're not Lisle thread, and you have nothing to boso an opinion on except your too fertile Imagination. s Well, I never worked in a dry-pood store, but I'll just bet you a rsir of gloves that I am right, ;and that they are Lisle thread . . " "And you wont tvor tell a living soul If I show you that you are wrong r "Never! upon my honor. , . ; Well, come In and cloe the door, but remember that I trust you to be honorable In this and nevea breathe a word of it. And If I satisfy you that you aro wrong I am to have a pair of eight-button whits Kloves. "Yes, yes; that's all richt.-he an swered Impatiently, thinking it would be a good bet If he IoaL " AVaikln? demurely to a dressing-case, she opened the upper drawer and said i . " I bought three pairs yesterday: here are the other two and you see tbey are silk, not LIste thread, and that they have Just a little line up the side instead of embroidery.' . But I thought to- "Sir I There ir tomo enbjeets npon which you have no right to thln'x. Merer mind what you thought." she continued, as she held the door open for her caller's exit. " Just utilize your thinker In remembering that you owe me a fjlt of gloves. . i - -- - i Don't Turn Gas Too Low. 11 any persons have a dangerous prao- Qco ( allowing the gas to burn dimly all night long while they aro asleep. If the gas is to be kept buruing at ail. It should for safety's soke bv left blazing fairly Ligh; for when the Camo Is reduced to the faint bluo'spark, tho least diminution in pressure at the works will. cause this to go out, and when the prcssuro is re newed the gas, of course, escapes stead ily into the room, to the possible injury of all its Inmates. A eight lamp should bo used, if linht is necessary, or a fair blaze so shaded as not to fall upon" the faces of tho sleepers. A wholo family were nearly killed recently through keep ing a live light too low to survive the lapse of pressure soon after midnight. Diptheria is dangerous when c I : t . i r 1 1 1 now loose in the. Atlantic and " --5 ... uu tow it intft rri. It rni-ht nrvo uv ia " r n yuu Kno a good Fpeculation. them Radata's Microlc Killer. It never fails to care, axid as a ' FBrqcnrrxT iiccMei U crur In tW parent at ivt? it is sort. imu i-tiui't wntv.li rnu iunir, ion, jn'ms r nd brui; for, o In uch h I)r. J 11. Mtlli au's VoUauic UJ L'li'imcu'. v . - For nxh by Dr. J. B Clifton. Cbicago is to bavo a rspid tran sit railway. The "Rev. C,t. II. Thavtr. ef Bosrba nitdorsctl by tlt I'rtsta. Tor scTeral months pajt tho readers of this paryr Lato socn each wckepccial reading noticea wJ . . t a . ina with -i.oiu ma viicomc rut I .t tl 1 r i m llrts to Khiloh's 1 ouua.ptioB enr. Fr showing tho Wonderful CUTOS ef Miebyrum.au. . fected Swift's Sjcific, Utter Jokes about plumbers should known as 8. S. S., and in tho faco always bo well loaded. of such testimony wo are ready lf-jOuUve arninfn! sense of fa- to say that in all the world there will brace jon up, makeywu tron; remedy. The cures are and Usuiojj. simply miraculous, and if any of ' Germany took the lead as the oar readers are afHicted with any country of syndicates in 1SS01 of the blood diseases that it it To atiR In nl fUil pr"nrt and aturnctory l tamed 1-y r tlml lu rc'LiUe remedy. Dr. J. il.McIxi.. Volcai.L- it patn. ulluelolIiaimitcnl known t- efTectually to cure, si res and u'-vt. t!. mos. wj dy ,h t . g g g ami ntifiuiory jru.U are . . . : . " iriai. i no company who makes the remedy is ons of thi largat patent mtdicino firms in the United States, and aro heartily endorsed tho leadine men of At Oil Jjoiu-enL Saved by a scratch Your"Un cle's" eignature to a check. Thai liklnjr roith can b so anlckly Innta ami C.trtrrrin "1T .V P eorr.1 hj hhii.1f.. tun. v jr..rsu ianI ana ueorKa- Lake lie It. For sale at cara.su's ding tore. , glOD, EustiH, Fia. . you were going The dollar you take in ia a dwarf; tho one you pay out is a giant. IVbfn you are ror.Mlpoted, hatts bcmlnchr, or b a- f apatite, take llr. J. II. ilcl.faia LiUcrRiid Kiduev lM Treatise on blood and skin dis eases mailed fre. n Swift Specific Co. Atlanta, Ga. ' You haven't got much religion lets; t! ey are pleasautio take aud will J if you praise the Lord only when lureouv you fvel like it. "How are you coming oni in quired the man of his wet boot. Catarrh eared. heUh ad iwert brt fh rorrd. ty &liluh' rtrrh UtmeJij. Fuee 50 rent. ! Injrtor Irtc. tvf mI at Far man's drxg tvre. Theimportatioa of American potatoes into Spain is prohibited. ShiloL rAhrvairticD ear it void bv ' a ircanrtte. It mrts eontnp(loa. t or mJ at I tniiti i oruj store. Harvard and Columbia are to shorten the collego course to three years. A small investment when health can bo obtained should be no consideration, and Radam'f Microbe Killer will surely kill the microbes, and when that is done you cannot be sick. For sale by Dr. J. B. Clifton. W CON SUM IT! ON IS CURABLE Head the frill-sin-: Mr C.II. Mor ris. Nr.-wkt Ark., say:" VS duwn Willi -b-cS Of lonff. nnd fi h ui ar.J i-Li Liana iroooooced Fbiloh'a Catarrh Hemedr-a t-Ulra I rae ... l.-url.l- cur samntlvr. ltrsn tare for catarrh. dlpfhria aad wsktr t.k.n, rr. Idn.'a New ii voTtrr v oosumptioit, am now ou tuy third litvuth. ifokl t) Fttiman 'An, you made me tirHi,;' as wason wheel said to the black smith. SliUoh'a ltititr iti what yon aed for eonatiration. lo of apttite, dinineva sod all ayiDtciAi of djjj.a. rrlrr (1 and 75 rent! per bolUa. 1 or aa! at I ar- men s Ctvg store. Tho man who is continually looking for an easy place will al- l How They Carried a Million. Two men walked rarldly down Wall street recently, and entered one of the (ways have a hard one, prominent banking Institutions. They were sturdy, heavy-set men. One car ried a small, black satchcL Both kept their eyes roaning from aide to side. I followed them into tho bank. The man with the satchel sat down, dropping the bag carelessly on the Coor. The other reached downintohU breast pocket and Ptty slow about paying up. Ynu caqnt nccomj I s h anr wur or bu:n.es ntiiCM.3ru ire I well. Ii you feel ncd up tired oot take iV. . .M. McLean, rrsarattila. It vills'.ve ou litalth, siierilh and TiUhty. Taylors say tho fast man is extracted a package of bills. These wers hastily counted, and the two strangers left. The teller Jnmmod the bUlsinto an envelope, sealed It, and pitched it In to a safe, afterward closing th door In a perfunctory manner. The entlra transao. tion occupied less than two minutes. Then the teller turned to mo and said, 'How muoh mon'ey do you think was In that package?' ' ' ' - ' "Why, about Ave hundred dollars." ; Yes, and a little more. It contained one million four hundred and forty-odd thousand." j . "You don't moan U" , , ' "Yes," he said, showing his memorau. da. M You see, it's nearly all in ten thousand dollar bills. There Is not great danger In carrying notes nation, because, exoept York., they are so seldom usd that sus picion would at ones be directed toward any one who attempted to negotiate them. One thing still puzzled mo. . What did tho messenger have In ths satchel - ; ''Nothing but a half brick. The satch el is carried as a blind, to throw any pos sible thief off tho track. rf c An Ctrat!lary lleewrj. A servant toy was sent to a Jeweller's with a valuable ring. Ou tho way u took it out ot it box to admlrs, and. oasslrc over a plank bridge, let it fall on a muddy bank. Not lwing aids to caa it, he ran away to sea, finally settled In a colony, made a largo fortune, camo back after many years, and bougkt tho estate on which ho Lad been sciv-mt. One day, while walking over his land with a friend, he came to thti plank brld-o. and thero told hU story. -I could swear," said he, pusldng his : tick Into tho mud. "to tho very spot cn which tho ring dropped. When be windrow thrt tL-k. the rln as on the cud of tho s'-I-ck, k . . If jai u3er Irom air aJT.-ctivO cauied by -impure blood, s-ich as uruialji, salt rbeum, S"t;boi't, pirn- lie, tetter iiutr im. take Lrr J. II. ii titan's Sarap&rlLi. James Whitcomb Riley's po- cma bring him twenty-five to fif ty, dollars each. In tho early l ou If. aul ab?e to ovrrtec the work on my firm. It is U Die I tuedkiao ever nu 1c." Jeo M il.Kewart, Dcclut, OhJ. eayj "Had It n.ot been for Dr. Kind's etr Dcover-r io Cwounplk)n I mould Ijivs del f luoj tnoMes. Waa siren op by ihxlors. Am now hi H e 1kt1 rr iHralth." Try It. Sim nlebdtt'ea bt at W. II. Funnaa Jr's Drulirt9 Tat reaa Hadaaa'a airrl KiCer is U ao( atoaderfat tn4i tiae, la bvca It luat ever failed la asris aus.a tM4tierksl ta du,ii Ltr aosTts th aiaple4 4t,mm kaa U tko tnMj ayatetav. Tat ricatift aaas sf ta-aay cUlai aad proys ttkaLercry dlae is CAUSED BV MICROBES, ASD RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER r.iUrmlniUi tK firba aad days of his verso-making he was J thaa oat of u ejaier, sad tiea ii. . . ,i . ., I doss ro cannot bav aa r glad to get a tenth of these auras N mitut ht iuar. iti drives that Is btthev a for his poems. BUCKLINSAIINIUA SALVE Thebeat tsive In t!.e worM Pr cut. bnii-es, sr-rc, tilcer, a It rheum. fevrr orea, teller, chapped hnod-. of that denornl- UJ''Wn, t orn, and sU akin eru-lioo, J( fM u!J t hero In Now 'n'' l,11 trur.e M d it Lh,ca k s nero in row rK.rt4i t j, Vu.mtiUJ to tivt aim pie ee ot XalsrU 'er r a HU' otQ ot dlrae( cr theaa ail at .all jmam the riM tiae, aa CatUaliaauy. ueat reo'iirti. . it is iru-. perfe t aJ''-cilon. r n-.rny refund- Cil. : Ii 2. renl per I-a.. For sale by J. B.ClUt n. JttlmA. CmUum, CWorri. Jlr riil it, Wnrat, k'Um'j mmU Lirrr Jtiiti, CaHs end J rrer, eaael Trtl- iti .wtb. ca-f, ra rrrry modern to tit mu J'jUtm How tho tobacco habit is spreading een horsos smoke after a hard run. - A SCRAP OF l'Al'Ett SAVES IIElt LIFE. It wfta Jit nn onl'r.arv scrap cf -rrurp n rmper. Iu. it savetl lr I. re. bhc wn la tlx lal slaves of trn- -itinplW'ii. told by b):.liiia ti e was Incr.blt ari l tcoM rtly lut rd.ort lime; !: wnhed tbti ev- enly jou-.''.. On a i ccr wrs-Tvnr rn rr T re'i or IJr. K:nc s rew Lhcorcry, and cut a nmple tto'tV; it lflpill.tr, ska Uuqhi n Irrt lott'e itleld l.r nret Nwrsht nther and yrt w t ll-r fr.t, r rH:lJuucl l't t aud is now tr.'nr.Trallr. "-'v.plM.Tp, weighSng 1 "0 pennn'a. Fr folli r r ihubtrs lend Uhip l W. II. l.,W lm;g,t, FortSmrti- Trial bol f thi" wonclcrful lYfcrrx frie W. II, Furmau's rrt: Siorc. Beteircpf Yam,t. lemt Immiiafio Se that oar Tr Je-Mark (aa-ae aialxara) apveara eaeh Jer. - ej l-e boot -iu:ry ax u MKfvoe KUlrr," i1ea atay fey Ilr.JHCLirrUN QrozzUt, AgV . , locisbitjg x. a II.B.FURMAN", A rt, . rNKUSTOX,S.C. Muvtt Gfrti CllgLu-, TU A2 Term JUyUt Scmlr ill. Tirltlou (30. Foor rersl' ejsre !! j.!y,Clia!est, rVi'.M.f k.icai. Ulr-ey aad JV.e-l.i---jnl rrvi it t Ktwiiifj. Cl;l sad 0tfral l?f .vrf iaj. tKaraey aad .ler : Jia fVj.rl clorU rf I,r a J lieleta-e, Im4 tadrfila jy at lead laa Vmirwnilf ltetre. ' lloo. K r.ilP T. u ATTLiT, I.I.n, Jrtuifst, (.TaJi! lKil, J. C.