r , V i'.. t . . rTOJdl. Editor and Projmetor. '; . ' i , ; :'- I - TTifA Malice Uncord none) W ith Charity far alL voirix LOTJISI3UK.O, N.'C.r JULY 18, 1890. NO. 25. i- r A ... FHU1T5 .pjbl RBPUPfcigAN- THE MCKINLEY BILIi WOUIiI IDBIVE THE PENN SYlTVANIA PAKMEES OUT OF BUSINESS. Plilladelplna Eecord. - A little over io years ago "the mer chants of the "Umtea Slates ownei 75 per cent, of the vessels carrying the foreign tonnage jof America, , Tpday they-owo nQiie'tf ttfeiri. 5 Sq Sthic;t lias become the Anasericarr na2 upod'the seas of the world thjt Nellie Bly, iu her trip listing 75 days sever s.iw the stars and stripes floating Lorn the masthead of a vessel from the time of her leaving the country until her return. This oM em- ALLIANCE M ATTEKS. 4 The f llowing is an extract from ; he proceedings tf Caldwell county Alliance held hi Lenoir,-C , July 4th, 1890 : sThe paper kno.vn as the "sub-Treis? ury bill,'r which had been sent down to the snb-Alliances for adoption or rejec tion, coming up as unfinished business from the April meeting of the county Alliance, a motion was made to adopt. Afcer arable discussion of the bill ' for and against, a vote, was taken and Mhi motion to adopt was !ost. ; I)r. II. I . Y iiy Won't Men be Sincere with 1 Themselves. , , blem of Liberty tl.-t is, taxed has been "protected" h-off of the ocean hisjh-. wa'S of the world. bceu paralyzed by Its freedom has trade restrictions. Just as a caged jsigle pines and dies , in fello w cilizeas, we offer lhe followin di-ooped and died in the captivity of. pro tection. So well did the merchants and sailors in the early history of o r Gov ernment understand their' calling and their interests that it was with them that the cry, "Iree trade anil sailors rishls" originated. Free trade in com merce which is! the right tQ,do bjishiess with whom 5on pleiaseis a thing of t ie past; and "s; ilors rights' have died with the lealfrx f the t pmmeecq bQ the United States. : This has -happened within the last thirty jears of the histo ry of this country, , The same'infldences are now ' under mining and destroying the formers and farming interests of the United States." More forms ar e being sold out every month in the counties adjacent to Phil adclphia than weke sold ten or , twelve yiars ago duriug an entire year. Ex tepdug its foreigpi commerce, no indus try of this couutiy is so paralized to-day a- that of farming. It is fast becoming a business of thejpast; not ouly in so far 'is to hardly jeable:a man to make a living for hifnstelf and family, but in evei-y "respect "Hist6ry is repeating with lhe f.rmer the expei"ience of. the sailors. The fajmers as a class do not seem to understand what is meaut by selling in a tree . It is the custom of many persons to purchase' at Uie close of each year t4Ji a.les,7? in whic'a. they . propose to set down their daily thoughts and' acts to Write, in fact, their own vprivate histo ries in a series of annual 'volumes. - As these biographical memoranda are ouly intenlcd for the eyes mf the yartiej who commit them to paper, it muht be thoaght that they would lie candid and authenlx. , Eut this is seldom the c B jail then offei-ed the icllooring pap(r,4Few men are entirely sincere, even with which was adopted, viz : j themselves. Few are willing to paint Believing in the fundamental princi- themselves as they really are and know pies ot our constitution, viz: equal rints themselves to be, even l though none to all and special favors to none: to con-1 but themselves can contemplate' the picture." - j Unquestionably, hundreds ot individ uals who keep diaries tell fibs, over reach their neighbors, are gu;lty of de tractioa; repay good with evil," put an enemy in their mouths to , steal away their brains," use profane language, and in other ways transsess the moral law. Yet we re all the diaries4 m existence published to-morro.v, no such enteries as "to-dajrl liedfLL';to-c.ay I cheated in business;" Ho-day. I slauuere i-, ' "to- Dame Alden's Treasure. - stantly strive to secure harmony and ' good will amon all mankind; to sup press personal, local, sectional and na tional prejudices; and haying faith in the intelligence and conservatism of our plan as a remedy for existing public evil, not only to our brt thren in North Carolina., but of the whole order, . and would firmly but respectfully ask of all candidates for the Legislature or Con gress a public acceptance of the same. First, Such a modification of the tar- day I was guilty of base! ingratitude;' iff as wi'.l allow the products of our "to-night 1 staggered home tipsy;" "to farms not only to reach tne tree markets dav I blastjuemed" would, be iouna m of the world, but to get in exchange for J any one of them our products the manu-acturea of a fiec Remarkable Case in Illinois. "I suffered for five years with mercurial rheumatism, which was the result of potaah and mercurial treatment by physi cians, for constitutional blood poison. They not only failed-to market without unjust restrictions. Second, Such an economical adminis tration of national finances as shall leave none of the people's money locked in the government vaults as a surplus above the needs of the government, thereby contracting the currency, or ofinrr a a ci t fmr.t'it.witi fnr (nri'nnt schemes, pr wasted on needless public cu? me but made me a Pbysicai bufldines and uunavkable harbors and wreck and my life a burden. J rivers. then commenced taking Swift's Third, A modification of the national Specific (S. S. S,) and after using hankinornct. so as to Drevent a needless I a few bottles was entirely cured. CT , . - contraction of the currency; the repeal j of the rheumatism, which the of the tax on our State banks; and the doctors brought on by their rem free coinage and remonetizit.oa ot sil- j-a nj tiKW-t m;Rrtn wliifl thev failed to cure. I cheerful mkkes the prife nil lhe same, as Iwdi t, and d n ver. ' Fourth," A cessation, and repeal of all unconstitutional, centralizing, sectional and partisan legislation by 'Congress, i ihsrebyjromoting a feeing of naUoual brotherhood, and confidence in the just- govemmeut ofgrain for lennsylva- t does for Russia . and compreheitd that it is r;ide market and buy- Lg in a taxeil .market. They, seem to fail to anpi-euiatl the fact that Liverp-ol 1 ness and stability of the icJuch is viA basis of national rrospcri- tl'- Fifth; A proper control of the rail- the iru-e of iheijr surplus products tlmt roads which are bu t the highways of the makes them eitlir successful or bank- pe-.nl j for the purposes -of travel and rupt. -V ... ' - - commerce, in bueh i nianncr as not to TheCfarmers of this country are now deprive the railroad companies of a reas- doiug a- business! ou a ' basi3 of -.; buj'ing enable profit on their investment and at milk by dry meajsure and selling;, it .by the same time prote c t the people from wine measure.. jThe; 'are- buying by tiie unjust discriminations and restrictions short toU of 2,0pp. pounds and selMng by. on ' trade and travel. ; thel6atofnofi,0 pouuds. siTth. Rfnonbosition to nowers not ly recommend S. S. S. to anyone similarly afflicted." John. H. Lyle3, Sorento, 111 NO TRACE LEFT. Mr. and Mrs. Littel, of Hunt ingburg Ind., say : ,That about one year ago their little girl was entirely cured of an annoying j eruption of the skin ; and a loca' ; blood disorder, by the use of three j vent an occasional discontented It was a wild, dark night along the fihore, so dark, Indeed, that the eye ' could not pierce tlie blackness which hang like a pall over eea and land. For. two nights and days the clouds had hung low, and neither sun nor moon had been . seen. The wind had risen but little, and what there was came In from the ocean and went eighing Over and among the rocKs and crags wit$ & saa, meiancnoiy sound. All signs wont' to show that a storm of more than-cimmoB magnitude was at hand. Abolithalf a telle from the little fishJ ing village of SlaJone, an humble cabin stood perched like tho nest ot a eeafowl, above the summit of a high cliff. It was Just low enough to be sheltered by the crest of the rock from the northeast winds, which at times blew so fiercely that had not the cot been thus sheltered. It would surely hayo been swept away. Two people dwelt in the cabin. One was an old woman who went by the name of Dame Alden. She was stricken In -l 1 v ... nfrrVt ViAnt joug, tuiu lit: I iuiiu vroo nou "(" wr"i . 1 1 M I aouDie. Dun ner eyes wro uiy wu piercing, and she managed to walk about the cabin, doing the little work required much better than could have been expect ed from one so old and decrepit. The other occupant was her grandson, a young man of some flve-and-twenty years, who followed the occupation of fisherman. Ralph Alden was as smart and active a young fellow as one could find any. wnore along the coast. No one was more sure of a boat-load of fish, or could pull an oar stronger than ho. He was a gen eral favorite too, among all the dwellers along the coast, and there was not a cab in which his presence was not welcome. Although possessed of sohiany friends Ralph was by no means contented with his lot. The life of a fisherman had no charms for him. He wanted to go out into the great world, and see what lay oeyond the distant horizon. He read greedily all he could lay hands on, of foreign countries, and listened to the .ales told by those who had visited them NiMk an eager look in his eyes; and he ften said that whenever the time should me when he cculd do no, he would see ill these wonders for himself. But this he could not do at present. Vs long as his grandmother lived he vould not leave the cabin which had been lis home longer than he could remember, ilia grandfather, father and mother had lied years and years ago and she had een all in one to him. Such a thing as ieserting her now never for a moment mtercd his mind; it would be unheard of cruelty, and was a possibility not to be entertained. He tried to keep from her knowledge the fact that he was discontented with his lot, and said nothing to imply suet might co the case; but he eould not pre- look 1. o 3. 4. 5. C. 7. are doing just ths reverse xf what they should in order Mid' become successful farmers and successful trades.' Of all IhecaHings in thcouhtry the one that could stand free jtrade more absolutely is that of : the fartner. If the, McKinley tariff bill: sbo'uldj become a law, and be enforced for three yearj, it is safe to say that no, former hi Pennsylvania would be able'to pursuej his callmgwand" make his expenses. - 'Vvheait is iUnderstoqd tliat about forty-jive per cent of the peo ple of theiUni&edj States are farmer j or interested Jn. farriiing industries, it may be realized bow isasferous to tlie - In dustries bfthis country -would ; be the euforcement of- the :" provisions on.the McKinley tariff jai,' ': Z "', - T.QPEKA, KalfSAS, July 5,1890. granteil in. the Constitution ancf reserv- 'ed to the people. , v-; ' " ;. ;S.,ti.. Patterson oflered'lfie follotviug resolution' which was adapted i ,- W1iereas. On account of his promi nent connection with the sub-Treasury bill, and his declaration that he cannot support it in its presen t shape, our Senator, Gov. Vance, has incurred the hostility of some of our Alliance breth ren, ' Resolved, That tho Caldwell couu ty Alliance expresses its continued con- fideuce in bjm and in his sympathy for the Farmers of North Carolina. s;' St.. Joseph, Md., July 13, 1889. I have. used several gallons of the Microbe Killer and do -not hesitaie.fo recommend it highly bottles ot o. b. b. There is no trace of the skin disaase left, and! the blood has been in perfect or der ever since, and the general health of the child was never as good as now. They wilV take pleasure in answering any letter regarding the child's case. Treatise on blood and skin dis eases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. I have been, a v sufferer ..from as a; blood purifier and tonic. .It dysrpslajfar I ia especially r. good in cases of 2 liver ana Kianey trouDie, ana is I the only remeay l.haye yet iouna tot nervous headache." : l Jos.W. Bower, - y. ; 1115 N. Fourth St. : For sale by Dr; J. '3 Clifton: The young man who has learn ed to work has solved one of the ?reat3st oroblems that tend to o x success. -., G.J. Spencer, lormerly pro prietor of the St. Joseph Evening News, says he has been, greatly benefited' by the use of Microbe Killer, and i3 still Using it. For sale by Dr. J. B.'Clif ton. most which ho was tearful sho might observe. Never a word pa.' jed between them on the subjoct. When they talked or tne wide world, as they sometimes did. and the strange people living in other lands, Ralph heroically concealed his desire to look upon them. As the darkness closed in about tne jabih that night, it contained but a single i l occupant UauieAiaen. liaipn nangonr out In his boat, dark and threatening as the weather had been, and as yet had not returned. More than once had sho gone to the door as the gloom gathered over land and sea, and gazed far out on tho water," In hope of gaining a glimpse of his boat rid ing hi before the ri3li:g galo; but only to be disappointed. Then she trimmed lamp with Cio c-C-'.cct care, and lighting it, placed It In the v;lzCo7 overlooking the sea, that it rc.'c-t ecrvo as a guide to him, and also let him know that all was right at home. ' 'I hop the boy will get In before the gale breaks," she said as she BOrveyed 4.1 l.tl 1 1 T . ,J me supper muio. i au tinuu every thing will get cold before he comes, anc I know that be will be as hungry as a fish- He kadn't ought to have stayed . out sc late when everything looks so threa ten- have-used Microbe Killer for . .. V ... months and can -eat " an wish. Have, gaihed tpn.- ppunds. My aeighborrjhave beeh using it. with be4isS6ia3 Jfesults..i My post-office- address is' Tope ; MfiS.JJi . J 5UKJN GEEEY. " ry odor from the table, sho removed It to the hearth. Sho was on the point of approaching the table again when a knock sounded on the door without. "BtJCKIil XS'AKNIC A SALYE. rid fori cut .alt rheum, happed hand, f-orns and all skin eruptious ely cure put-s, or nov pay required.- It : Is v guaranteed' to " give np.rfeet satisfaction, or money refund- r- -1" . . - . . , - ForVsajrbi;!Cf ebejtsanlntbe dr u' 'y '- , .. vir ruj8tjs, r'Sores',1 "..ulcers, i a '14 nVAVfttfcAfrii r- bear fever sores, :, tetter.. chappt : 'i.Z"-iv --Kitivr-f- ehilhlams, f-p .With Cithers.,- :xry 1 and positiveb ' FfiEftuEOTf icdltoccuj '.in';the- required. -r:tt 1imi.kM --iSUinit" .iama -Vmiimi .f.a ' .DeffeCt SatlRJ ST-SrC'SS' ?54en48feb011 : . , , more brilliantly- fa Tioar of:, , . l"' f4-r---4 . v '''fnna Yiisrht of misfortune : :is "'ki jmT "SllTai .fnaiiP'tntaerahle bv was tho answe Aixu - ' v I . - avv - - 0 '"j that terrible eugn That state, of life is the ha'btfv .wherefiupertfuities" arfe hot ing as it does to-night." r0rt . . rtufihivk ri n ro "nnt. Taking a dUh which gave forth a save- T to - ' -ftin'.-'- ' ' -.That hsckiiiff eoueh can1 be f so qnlckly' cteI,by Shuoh'scure.' He guarantee it For-sale a.tjFarmatL's dmg store vThebest:pluine an ..wisdom's ioudkey that her voice might bo heard follies" -i ' '. - seemea to ue rising wita eacn passing Catarrh dufed." health arid sweet breath secured. bv I ShdoaV CaUrrh Remedy. PficdO oents... JNasai mjocior iree.1 ror sale at r urman a iruff-store. Therstlrx' tojf 'templatiorif shihes DUjlOlljas i.'tner memory' Oi pasii aoove tne nowiing oi me wma, which i .' ' , ' ; seemed to be rising n uiiiuie. "It Is us, Dakne Alden. Open the door quick, or the wind will blow us over the cliff." ''Who Is us?" screamed the dame, not recognizing the voicea of those demand. wade ' miserable by Shiloh's enre is the Life is too Rn'oVifWb-STvent in I ; riij.j-i.- it. i.il .'e S, :vJ:Xy flJwa7? -i aiAL VA remedr-: etiu er..al.FarmaA'.drug w .... , .1 If vou bave: ai tigue, Jind your Dr.J..II'McEeia wjlKtrAqOu-aniyidrpusx. -To;.be, the-w&rlsd peoiile's 'btismesa painfnl- sense of fa-: - When vou are constipated, have dutiea'ntksome, take ;i,lihJ rWinsa nfADnetit'e. take Dr. -1 store Hugh Camboy and a chum of his,' .was tho answer which came back to her. Damo Alden understood this time, but she hesitated to do as the voice demand ed. 0nc -aWhilpeopK ,fgO.L ...Wbatwoyouheroforat this hourr I . . I " T ft 7 " " I 'sarsabcfril'It ' .V?S rn'., Tiv,nc,finPv vsr. arouna me worm, dux mpsi oius 8he asked.' "You had better be at home, den an !j - 4- ' . I Ut AA " . I t s .. x t r ' ' kt 1.iTS5tf'.Iw m' m I a. X up., niaKe yoa strpng M,ow n m ft;isAntto take and will sr6 KontenX to CO tnrouern ll. : l : tiugn uamn.oy, looKing aiier your poor um Mif lends is to. find j X - For-(i yxt'rV'yu :i?nV ' nA IndTiava: -Botli myself addife owe .our U The voice outside muttered somothing i --jrra.i.J.--V rnt.- ii!WV.l r,T tt MnTon'a VVnn.lAT ii Heal n -w uuciucoo. :(ti?:.:a,H h '"nTT, v i i - . . ; -Male nv Jcurmaa. -j -i r f 1 k k vi A.mk him allay pain?iiubdue ipflammtnlH" Kr-W:-:?- J y- v RVt. ia niflWrrn.:. 1.1 b it .11. rha ,iti.td n ' 'fih B-ires ha krithe:moC tjf He who works or - the aniury . sh-;. x yjjVylJll 1,11 ,nnn,i. U To heal;fpul promut-.andfisatisfactory? obtaim d by' vwhg that'-bldreltib1 : e nedy;: Dr.'J; It.' McLean's, Volcauic tronbl?. Tf vou- suller- frenivauy i aftection caused by impure blood, if,8ich as it.. . :. .'--'' Shiloh's VitiliKer .is what yoifneed ' for ' constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness -Wt Hugh Camboy bore none too good a -name, and there was no telling who he -might have . with him, ; and what they LI ,'--; - - ' ... . -. 1 - 1 - - - . . . - - -'. 1 a M lfiLli MIUl 1UBS Ul - UUUCLUC -U UcHa I . . Needless'easb is the mother of scrofula, salt reum, sores, Doiipim and 9jmfamil of dyspepsia.---- Price $r & Qave ln tneir mmas s: bolted the door," and they ana a gust of wind came In boisterously together. It was about all both could do to dose It behind them, so strong was tho gale; then, as Hugh turned toward her, Dame Alden saw that he had been drinking heavily, nis companion waa a stranger to her, and hfjd his cap pulled down over his eyes, so that his feature were half hidden from her sharp gaze. She wished now that she bad not let them in; but It waa too late to mend matters In this di rection, and che cpuld only rid herself of them as best she could. . "How Is your father these days,IInghr she asked, placing a couple of seats by the fire. The same as ever, grumbling all the time. I shall be arlad when he goes to Daw Jones' locker . was the filial an- swer. Hugh Camboy, the evil one will have you sure if you feel like that, oucn words never come from the lips of fiiy Ralph. Ho's "Don't preaoh to me, old darnel 1 alnt In no mood to hear a sermon. Ixok tothelicrht in the window. The wind must have put It out when we came In. Dame Aldon, glancing around, saw that he spoke the truth. Fearful of her boy out on the sea who would miss the llffht. she hurried toward the lamp. No sooner was her back turned than both the men sprang upon her; Hugh clutch ing her by the throat and bearing her to the floor. 80 suddenly had thljbeen done that the old dame received not the slightest warning of the unpleasant assault. Ehe lay motionless upon the Boor as one de void of life, and th villian bending over her thought for a few moments that she was surely dead. Eut there was a good deal of life left in the vigorous old wo man, and she soon gavo signs of return ing consciousness. "She is coming to herself, "said Hugh's companion. "Yes," end I am clad of It. If the fall had drove the life out of her we should have been foiled, and had her blood up on our hands tor nothing." Dame Alden sat up and gazed about her In a dazed way. At first she seemed hardly to realize where ho was, but when her eyes fell upon tho evil face of Hugh, everything came back to her. "You, gallows' bird," she ejaculated, trying hard to regain her breath, "why did you do this evil thina to me?" "We have come for the money we know you have hidden away," he replied bold ly. "Tell us where it Is, if you would keep what little life you have left In yonr body." "I have no money," 6hrieked tho old woman, "and if I had, and millions of it, you would neTer touch a cent, Hugh Camboy; has tho fiend got possession of your soul?" t j Again the villain seized her by the throat. "Speak!" he said In a terrible tone. "You are an old woman and cant live long, anyway; and we may as well.. have tho gold you waa lucky enouKh to find as that boy, Hal ph. You've kept the se cret even from him, but my old father knew of your finding tho money. Where have you hidden it so long? Tell us, or you die!" , "Never!" gasped Damo Alden. "Then did ltalph shall never finger that gold." The words had hardly left his lips when the door of the cabin was burst open by a terrible blow, and ltalph Alden shot In, as though forced on by the blast of a can non. Through the window he had seeo all, and there was no inercy In his heart. Ills huge clasp knife was in one hand, and with the other he drew back tho head of the villian and thrust it to the bllt In his throat. Throwing him from thebody of his grandmother he turned to face the second ruffian; but be had darted out through the open door Into the blackness of the night. Ralph knelt and raised the head of bis grandmother upon bis knee. By the light which flashed from the fire and the lamp In the window he saw that It was almost over with her. The rough treat. ment she had received was more than the eould endure ''Speak to mo, grandmother." he cried In anguish. "Let me hear your voloe once more. Yoa aro avonged. The vil lain here Is dead." The sound of the voloe of the boy she loved so well seemed to act like a stimu lant upon her and she rallied sufficiently to speak. - - "They didn't get the gold, my boy! It Is 'safe, safe for you, where I have guard ed It this many a year. I found It many years ago', but I would not tell yon, for .fear that yoa would want to go away; and I could not bear to leave the spot where all those who were so dear to .me had been lost In the sea out yonder, now old Camboy knew my secret I cajfc not tell; ho must have watched me sine I've been less careful of lato. You'll fiod it yonder beneath that shelf of rock where yoa and I have sat so many times togeth er. Who burled it In the sand where I found It I do not know. It had been bid- hundred years, . may haps. Take my blessing, too. moment later, and he held the head dead, , - ' He found the treasure where she had said be would; and as soon as she was laid away,' left the cabin forever. People did not doubt his story, as to how Hugh came to hie death. The livid marks on the throat ot the deadwoman was evidence enough, coupled with the Who A Literary Curtoslt j. A lady occupied a whole year in searching for and fitting the following thirty-eight - lit t from EnIl?! and American poems. The whole rtads al most ii it wits written 'at one lime and by one author.. UFE. Why n this toll fur the trimnrl . of an hour? life's thof t summer man is but a ilowcr; Hy turns we catch the fatal breath and die The cradle and the tomb, alas l to nlzh. To be is letter far llan not to 1, Though all man't life may teera tragedy; But light cares speak when mighty grief i dumb Tl.e Lottooj it but shallow whence they con. Ycur fate ia tut the comu.cn fate of all; Unminslcd jora here no man be- falL Nature to each allott his proper phcre. Fortune makes fully her peculiar care; Custom docs often reason over ru'.e, And throw a cruel mnshir.c on a Tool. Live well how long or short rr- rnit to heaven. Thoxo who forgive most shall be most fotg Yen. Sin may be clasped wo ckx we ca-. noi see its. lire Vile intercourse where lrtnc Ut not place. Then keep each tassioa however dear. Thou pendulum letwixt a smile and tear; Her st-nt-unl sua res let CUtLIes pleasure by. With craft and skill to ru'.n and betray. Soar not too h'gh to fall, tut stoop " to rise; We masters crow oi ail tnat we despise. Oh, then renounce that impJocs feelf-estcew; Riches have wing and grandeur it a dream. Think not ambition wise because 'lis brave. Tlie paths of glory lead but to the grave. What is ambition? Tit but glorious cheat. Ouly destructive to the Ira ve and great. flat's all the gaudy glitter of a crown ? Tho way to bliM b not on beds of down. How long we live, not years but actiot s tell; Tliat man lives Lot who lives the first life well. Xlakethen. while yet yc may, your God your friend. Swerct rotator. The. e is a great confusion and mix ture of YarieJics of tct route ki North Carolina, An efTcct It cow te- ng n-aJe at the N. C. lrcnmeat Ma- tku to test all kxown vtr.ct!c and to aid . grower 1 x.ctlin; these lest adapted to borne end market ce. Few growett have any tcrt perfectly pcre. and it will take several aoria to get 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 3. 24. 26. 27. 23. 20. 30. 31. 33. 34. 35. lhe varieties tiraht. We are now grow log eleven torts, and till te g'-ad to get any tortt of v local rryutatloo. The sweet osato crop might te tricg a 1 good dctl of money to our grower. Hat they most remember thai the Northern market require a dry, yellow potato. w hCe the heme demand ia fcr ' the set tweet yam varieties. We art growing tereitl tcrtt suited foe Xtrtfxrn 1 h p meet, and hepe to Cud 000 more rro d active lLaa those ccrumocly grown. Hie onlf way to make money ia aLip ping ibis crop Nor.b it to grow the kinds they want, ro matter If w here cocakler tbem unfit to eat. H. F. Henry, Jlurtc!triat. Jiff HeftlU tossis Uie toss I Tl reatoa Eidta't Mien K.nr 1 Ut Mt vfcodrrfst sne4i ein. U Un.H it kaa tr f ailed I say ia tac,o Mtttrrwhat thw dus, Itoto Ltr r ! la ataspUst i.c v to i ia Tb scicrtil c fxsof t-Uy elalsa asl prye I'hat try dlea is ' CAUSEDJBY MICROBES, RADAMTMICROBEKiLLtt EittrrnitMtr the Mirbc asa-drirta Wtl f ia Ttic-.o4 vttsitatU dooe you caanot havt an aca or taia. o tour hal tb diae. bcttr a simple cj uf IfaUria Kr or a eotaKi- aaitca 01 dira, t cnr tbria all at tLe asiac tiwr. at Ucat all JImsmS cvattilbUoaallr. .1 rtlwa. CvnnrmjJioH. Ct'flrri, Jlrxm ehtti$, J.'he-utMtri irm. Kidney an Lirrr Ihitant, Chili a.4 iVrer, cma!t Trck , in nit it$ forms, as, im art, every iHttatt Ijicitm to (At L'trman Sttam Bcrar of IrtTHtlmltmt Itttfatict, See that oor Trsdf SJ jrk (tame tsalvt) )lar on eaeh jr. head for book -liUloj of lac Micros Kiilrr," girrn a itr by Dr.J ntUrrON Drosslst.Agt LO VIS DC JIG, X. C. H.F. FI RMAN, Agent, FRANKUXTON, X.C. NOTICE Uf SALE. 3G. - 37. 38. Notico i hereby given, that the, following namc-d proprtjr for-" feitetl to tho Unitctl Hfates for violation of the Internal Rveuu laws, will 1 oflorel for lal at Whom Christians worship, yet not public auction, for cash, at IIn coniprehend. derson, N in rar of DortT given guard, drug tor, on Tuedar, July, 22, lbi0: n9 gallons of whiskey d andtij gallons of Brandy. . E. A. WHrrr, Collector 4tb Dist. N. C. July 10th, 1800. The trust that's and to yourself te Jut; For live we how we may, yet we must. 1, Young. 2. Dr. Johnson- 3 Pope. 4. Prior. 5, Sew ell. 6, Spencer. 7, Dan iel. 8, Sir Walter Raleigh. 9, Lonel low. 10, Southwell. 11, tongreve, 12, Cbarchill. 13, Rochester. 14. Arm strong. 15, Milton. 16. Bailey. 17, French. 18, Soroerrille. 19, Thompson, 20, Byron. 21, Kroollett, 22, Cratbe. 23!aseinger. 24, Crowley. 25, Ilea t tie. 20, Cowper. 27, Sir Wii'.tam DaTcuaut. 28. Giat. 23. WflUi. 30, Add-on. 31, NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is hereby given that thc following named prop erty, forfeited to the Lotted States for violation of th Inter nal Itevenuo law, trill 1 offered' for sale at public auction,- ior cash, at Lou 19 burg, N. itt- C,f I T. Stokca atora, on Monday, Jnly Drylen. 32, Fraocia Qirvic. 33, War 2Utf 1S90: Zi gallont'whiakey. kins. 34, Hcrrick, 35. Wm. Mason. 3G. y,:V J'lf'r. im 9 Tv,r, aa Kiv-Mmr Collector 4lh Uit. r. C July 10th, 1S90. Dsiier Jiti Cf K:rtk Caiilin- Tkt Fa3 Term. Dtji$ StcmUr 4dL Tuition 30. Foar rerabur roar af slsJy,Clstlel, rtiilopheal. Litrarr ar.4 ifKDt.fie. ttpial ers la (VeaUtry, Clrtlaat EUctrieaJ uZmgitmrlnf,. iatroaey aai ethrr siadie. pcrai sckoola of lw a ad Vlrdielar. h stadeau snay aiwse ik VaitrWj leelaeta. aadr IIUL 33, Dana. 33, Shakes peaxe. EPOCH. The t ran tHlon from long, linpring and nalulul titkness to rohott healtn marks an epoch la the bfo of the indi vidual. Such remtrkaUe cveet it treasured In the memory sod the scene y whereby the good health hat bceo attained 1 gratefully bleated. ' II ence iMs tliat to much is beard lit Praise 0! Electric Balers, bo many (eel they rwe their restoration to health 10 Electric BUter. If yea a.e troubled with any di-eaf e of kwneye. liver or ttvmacli. of I.hi e abort ' ttaudinir xou will turcly find relief by oe of hlectrlc nitter. SolJ at CO-. and $1 rr bottle at W. II. Kum.ao, Jr. Dny Store Xoa caonnt twcon.pl.th any work or buUtesa ouless yoa ft el well. If voa feel nsed ut ttrtd out lake Dr. J. IT. McLean. SartaDarilla. It1 will give you health, strength and vitality. - Tho average boy will make a pair of pantloons look adequated 1 in a day. There Is nothing new ! under tho sun. - - - ShUoh'a Cakarth Eemedy a V'ur core for catarrh, dipthcrU sad eaaker invuth. Bold by Faioatv A ladv vrishea to know the best way of marking table linen. M ing skipper freight, .!raya Blackberry pio is our choice, al- cornn.iioo. llensittaiu-et aiwi thonffh a tabr with a gravy dish KJ o..re.-eitoL ia highly esteemed by many. Hoe. Km P P. BATTLE. LLD, rtertdtst. Chapel HiU, . C ITarla; tbladay eaaliSeJ as admlat trator tf U. I. tuaper, aattea U kerrby KTra t aJ irvai avinc Lit eatau, I cosat forward aad pay tk iot at oe. and all x-rMoa k!iiD ctaiaa aca U aaiJ uaapr, will irfV6l tLcn ' for lyntat or before Jsly 4. Dltl. m Ui seuce will b pieadedla itr ijhir f eoeery.. TUt JbJt 4. lfT-e. !CC.J0NC9. APa'r. YAHTED-W001. McLean's Sarsaparilla, and 75 cents per bottle. man arug store, . - . i For sale at Fur- they could not have come to do an old woman harm, she thought, so she un-. villain's previous bad character. was his comrade la that night's work waa never known. The dead toll no talea. J- E&iloh't consumption enre la said by at ra a traaiantea. it cures CTBifuii. For tale tt Fanaaa't dm; store. Ilavinj; and unl!mltf crrlt r for wool ' , I ti ill pay IhahHieet'nvarket rrke de- " literal at any dejot or wl-C tkerelr ; ;e aai way " rfacka famuLcJ free- tfrtnl, " , , MILES F, "MASON'S SON. No. 3 S- Kth Fireet " Uxhmood,Vt. .11 .. ' ' ': si'