1 K - : .4 . A. TnOMA, Editor and Proprietor.' With Malice' toward none; With Charity for cU. ? - t - r . i . . . - . . , , . . VOL. xix. t-. LOU ISBXJ RG, 1ST. Q , J ULY 2 5 , 18 9 O . NO. 2G. 8 AYE THE SHIP. . ' j - Our ship of State is hi treacherous sea. Never have the waves been so hiih, never was 1 er path , acrosfi such d:in?eroas reefs, and giddy whirlpools. How is she manned ? - Experienced sea nun are on deck.jj Every man -taiows the lurkin place 0f every danger that crouches beaeatfj the waters and ; the ability of the crafl.tq re3wUhen?; There is but one dang rwufca their skill their experience and j tfieir ! courage Janinot su ?ces8fully ineeti ; Thai danger w iih tiny The widest storm that ever shook old ocean is as ndthing to a mutinous crew. ,. : .-v . What would be thought of the owner of a merchantman, , freighted with ; the riches of the Easi, who, in a daik and stormy night, . wull' take the captain from the deck thja jjiiot from the wheel, tie en gineer fron?iae engine, and Gil t uir places withiAskiilfal ; sea men ig norant f the duties they were to per form ? There is'n- it a man who would not say thaLthe owner of the vessel de served the fate his madnnss courted Our ship of Stlite-is built of seasoned oak aud tempered steel Every inch of her cauv 8 is fpfjead before the tempest A Hint far th, Slecploss. U : Years ago T learned in school thai man, women or children should not eat anything for 'three or four hours before retiring " - Did I believe a woixl ' of all that If I did. 4 Certainly did not "live up to my .belief,":, for, every might, - the Others'; EaultV And, Our Own It is often said that while we are keen-eyed to see the faults of others, we often forget our own. But true as this '. is, and sad last act which? L performed before the because ft is true, -it is : not the door of my chamber shut me in from worst of the matter, f The strange mortals ken was to pay a visit to a cer- fact is tnat jwe see most " quickly tain pantry which still lives in my nd "criticise1 most: severely in . iL - T ' l f memory emooauneni oi au tmngs othera tbe ery thiug ih which we toothsome and good, where! made such - 1 " . , - . T r . -V" , afe oftenest guilty ourselves. I n nr mr Mmnnnmhos that if Hia B!n - 'tlM.t-fKIlnwA.1 was rxnt t.hfl fnUpn nf fha l" .biiuju8ihubmiiiwuw lino UM' if,..rt'mir vTi:ihaVn e a tHe otner qslv. -1 went over to a well fed. ilToV all this des not mean i neigntor's abaut eleven o clock that we should ;become "gluttcn? or I found his little daughter crying, wine bibbers,' or even invite nocturnal because ih trying to - help ..her visits ot our deceased grandmolh r by niother she had .1 fallen ahd toe too free nse of mince' pie, ;but , it broken : a' platter. Before she certiinly does mean th.t 10 secure good e r' sleep wc mus use our stomachs -fairly; : -- i 4i J' i,-k JQ came her father. He begun very doing wi'l have a tendency , to at ofice to scold and storm. He diaw the blood from the ; brain. If a ver.did 836 such a careless set. cracker will accomplish this, let it be They were always breaking some only a cracker; if a cupmf milk, see to it that the cup of milk is forth-coming. : . , Jim's Cfcnclusioas. ' V 1 ITU M Yttr r A-vm irwrw a IS "I reckon It's tolTjle likely yoar hearn of Littls Injun Kill, on the Big Muddy, down in old Arkanriaw, hulnt j darnoe with any gal tat Sokey. Things you?" said Jim, Hghtkig his pipe with a I w glttla kinder ftqo&lly, when til to fire-brand from the capaoloua western I Baddlnt, the new choolmirater he fire-place. ' , ,: f come in. lie -tah putty toIerUe nice - We had. - ; - ' .1 I lookln teller, am the only man la the 1. . - th u va nitldi Itt ( ' CV I tell yon what It Is, we kinder tnk the o aooo made out Oaa the Cit mate; 'V., . . K . shine off or anytMn round. The gale all' c ry anxious, and lira. Aldrka O le in uvcr oi I to geld goto sot up about It they wouldn't tot to corne on dock. Ehe took I tips a f aittt lhc intrrfftt of darnce with any feller but me an' the feU . Kod look at the etrtDger throush the rtf pie. It it tat Ural for i c is aai eoi Bo sot tin ' tnfT wonhln t "w huuum v viw vi . ... , . , , . . , . u caaio, . ( j i . -Can we depend on the crew to Chtr e",Uof,le ,iltn bo fumifhed . MI hope co,' ma'am," he replied. 13i,C00 for his flection a few "IUve them eome art. fre&ra atro. nt a. new clwlion All moved aft, and I eaa mnember IS Wal, it's about the peertett Ior!ity I county't wore store clothe. Then he through all the long jwn Jst htnr ah corcinrvonnd.hcL'Kill.wiijit this - ever was In. It's an ormlghty 41ttl place for winunen. They Is just as much thicker- than men as black snaked is thicker than planner -forty's thar, and I tell yer tho Is some of 'em mighty spry and actyve. , "Black snakes or plano-fortes?" asked .we. . . . " "None o yer chaff now, doctor,", said Jim, "I means the wimmenln Little In JtmKlll, of course. I rec'lect when I was down there in eighty-one, I was tuck down about as slick as airy man I ever seed a'njoet, an it was all o'theni darned wimmen anva darned scienccd schoolraas. ter." , "Let's havo the story," said we, "We have a lone evening before ua " : - . 1 "Will - W 4. M 1-11 - J ad hi bar greased, -an a high dickey on. an by Jerusalem, the way the feller had ter stan' round was a caution ter wild cats. - 'Ileseecied kinder glad "ter see Vra all, but they was all too much skeered 'an looked acd every word she said. She aid again.--CIevlfird PUindcal. had a worried, anxious look and no e"" wonder and there was a trembling la! rr' . . her role a ah said.- " j T,IE iiitnug of Lcnorary "Men, you know that your ca?ta!a U degrttf by collfgr is , a time very' sick. Yonder comes a pirate If honored custom, tnerilorioai and Into the Interior as alares and wono. Ill VBV "" uyvii we are all agreed, we can beat them cff. Hetd it went Tf ry. fir Whatdoyoasayr . toward showing thowing that Well fight to the lust:" ahonted one, iU rjgcfulncw wts at an endl and u, iY.m iirT r f'Vn n . t, - I ' as she walks the .waters like a thing of life. The nhilitls dark and tempestu ous, but oowa-dlshe speeds ber steady coarse tow ird h(r destined harbor. But h irk ! there is a cry, a midnight cry tliat curdles the. hloo$, and freezes the soul It is mutiny !.nra tiny ! This is no fandtd "picture; it is the faint outline bf a terific fate. . At a nv ment f nanwal peril and poU'tical danger unequalled in the history of the Republic, it is J gravely proposed and rashly determined to. throsr experience and statesmanship to - the winds, and turn over the affairs -of State ta- men who have utft learned the alphabet of bed bnngry.-GW Housekecpinj . the science of government. But they tell u th y hav the right to 'dof it. Aye, the same right flrhicli a man hato sh&r J - T O - ... thing. They would break him "sman, -nut sicn as -us, yer - ! , -I t l j i welcome to it. . . , up if they kept on. I tried to) Yon see, I was out In IUenoya wood put in a word for the child, but i choppln all Winter an' the wood bls'neas it'was useless. The man had no ' woa kinder llvelye then. I made a heap . i , : x l,i i ' ' 1 0monev. Itcllver. tn1 it'i llora h(n m pity ior ner. wno ai rne worst was ; - . " . r: 'I and the cry was teken cp by all. "Thank God:", she fervently exclaimed. "Give them a brave Cght and no one can , be blamed If we are defeated, than to fall Into their Lands, I the old ship sky hlh and all of cs with her." the doctrine of the "icrriTal of the Htlcet an eiplcded Lum- Eoorxjr . bu z. rs err Lcrno Journal. Ill blow "My child cried so iu the night I was afraid she would, awake ...the heighbor hond," said a m ther to me. - "In des mir of nvthi:? pLse. 1 o-avnlirr a niefift --- I 1 I J " of bread and butter, knd she . sj t up iu I ?B.S "wwmuni, low hangin' about me to go aom'eresj bed and ate every xrumbTrnen lay down angry enough to beat her. .But j amongst friends an git cleaned out aforel 1 and slept like a kitten," Mnferencv is presently, a3 if he had forgotten ! i ent ter work again. th.it if the mother had furnished the what he came in for. he said : L "l know'd hP 'l . -." Wife, hurry up the dinner. breal and butter whesi the child retired, its rfeep wo'ild have been undissurbed t H moi'niag. " 1.1) 13 iUb il LilUHJl 1 Ul U1UI.UU, . UUh- L beg you ail to "give heed to il, as Jo a light which shinetb iu a dark place." If you would have sleep accomplish in j'ou want to be off; to , town within fifteen minutes" "" "Why,'' 6he asked, "what is the matter? ' " 4 "Nothing, only I run against people down In ArJ X. .... . .. . I B.aiuaw, an-1 amaer tnort I'd go aownf -L thSr an' ham . liftla tfmo mn T wnr-f In v in i i., in 1 . . Erocu, ' .. Tlie transitinn from long, linscenng and uaintul sit knps to roJiust he ilr.it a wolf The irfad man says, "I have a marks an epoch In tho life of the iud right to shear the wolf, aud-I -wilt shear. viduaU: Such a reuiuYkabLi? eveiit U i.. u- r" "Hhciwvi. vmi not rtonsiii- ireasureu m tne . in.nory a.t t..e ecid th : fLangerbof tl undertaking ? 0o,'uin ha4tio;hitriort over the -lieast of thelieidu3id I ti4ve;i right to : shetir thJi woll anl 'U M shear "XiteHf' : iJat;Wdeiy jtfe't auy man, or ; any coinbtntion of imeji, be they patriots or conspiritors; has a right r to block the wheel cff rogjess, trample upon . w d. ii aud nXiierbiwee, ulu.ie this para- bfll-and'' r'mt in the ruiu dice into a . thy have madiTh,! . terrible mutiny abfmrd and' it; becomes every . nvui, to do bis su ti not ;to "sa ve the hhTp! - They say hrcjw Vice overboard,; atrt jvery opiei? jnan;u v has trod with-hiin the deck irt thw of siorm.'ii.VSre reply, The Revi Qeii .rf. Thayer, pf -Bourbbri Mud., says: ,liih iyalf aad;wifewwe' cur sives to Shiloh Consumption care. i'6r lale by t umiaa. its "most perfect word,' do not go -to I a stump in the field and broke my plow." 1 Didn't you see the stump?" I c:u!djiioi help asking. 'Yes, I saw it, but thought that I turned out past it. The fact is that I was a little careless. Ly.fitfrejjyt'be g.v lieal'h' hn and that's how it happend." v attained is sir.-il. Hi'ly b'e s"oJ. u a , ' 4Qrrl,fo i-fethatMuuch Isheuni ii. And your poor little daughter, wiiom you'v- peen scolding so hard was only a little carel es 'oyt wasn't she?" . The man, not knowing .what 1 3 say turned to . the table, an 1 , asking me to join him began to eat his dinner as ho wa3 in a tremendous hurrv As my errand was not with him, but to buy some butter from his wife, I; de clined his invitation and turned away. . . . TP 11 w'; ii mat man s cnna was care- it. He himself is one ; of the most careless fe!ldw3 in the - neighbor hobd. And- yet be cannot endure in1 his own-family any imita tion of his own example. How isenc bee? iience praise oi Electtio litter.-SE JSo in -thy eeh ihetV: owe ..vthsdr" r?-f tration" to halth'o-ElecUic Bitters. -cu are" troubled with any disease of ki 'ueys, -kver av. ; etmachs of iotra 'or s.'.oit standing You will surely Cn l relief ly ue nf Electric Bitters. : Sold at 50c. and $1 pr botle at, Wr. " II.. Furmau, Jc Drug Store - ; - Care.welt Er.thy vou:f orchards.' 1 BSJCKLtNS AUKiGA. ALVE jTliebestsaive in the world for cut". htm -es, sfre,; . ulcersy .salt rheum, fever "oresrtciter, leljpp6 baud , ehilhlaruf corns and aU skin eruptions -i,LCrr-A s f,w I aM nnsitivpJv 4Siire-mk'. .'or no na I . -2 vi.4.iri;ii,, .LI rebuked- It is" Kuafautoed to ive 1 less, she came honestly by peVfect' saUsfacLion. orinoney refund arm wniougus 114.,: wujiu. m we 1 eff. rrwttMo cents per .noxi laud so ablfftd save lhe $hip.Jyewberri I PoraIe hy J. B. Citron. JourtuiL Protect all- m&ect-destroyiu birds. Little Injun Kill an' squatted thcr for the Summer. I had the ager some, at fust, but I got over a takin' this yur Queen Ann. It's powerful good stuff for the ager, I tell yer, but they do say It kinder gits in a feller's bomee. "You mean quinine, don't you, Jim?" asked we. " Yes; Queen Ann we call It out thar, an' I reckon we take euuff of It ter know what ter call it." "Well, we won't argue that now.. Go on with the 6tory.M ' "As I was a sayiu', I got over the ager an' then I commenced fur to knock 'round a bit, an' git In with the Whnmen, . and though I'm putty considerable of a payt riot I'd a good deal ruthurseo-a pieee caliker with a putty woman critter la It, than the stars an' stripes any day. ".Long toward the fall season, I got ter goin ter shucklln's and quiltln's and then kinder hoe-down an' I putty soon got ter know e'enamost all tho wimmen in Little Injun Kill, an' that 'ero's sarin' sonsider'ble. "One night thar was a bee o some kind or other, over to old Bob Myerses, on u, no aq tii njjp n pnojd ooj urn3 ,mi sjrs no .ujnnd jj u3av Jfans es IirBiad, Xs iv, ;eqjk M.on l.npjp Xaui ,ti ujiop ir mo, Tni jopnpi puvo8 aoiip jau f,.Con; ,uv SULTS ,OS 631 9T UJAOp 4UB dn je 8d?UJJJ 9X11 uappna v 0 xro udti. sunfuT' poa -up9-pea psujvp.o twnKl ot ,unsjoq ,uu t'umuiJp ,u .uiDaicp yeuM. Iq.. . tijui Xioof Jdvrv Xppnj Sjjt etn'oTl inoq ,u(jnod svic eXj po eqj ,ue etnoa uiopSur eouldnt talk to hha, 'xeept Sukey. 6he there ever was one. II he capture ns, ibenctlcial, bat hen a crtat uni uu w crva Bun m h amnai aarmniTn 1 uw mn w mmn auaw nuu 11 wn auawu n lm aLkes r 1 a wi 1 irn ' nrhe seemed ter 'llow she was, too, fur he rung right In, an' they two got orful thick right off. When they began darno. la agin I was arter 8ukey, but she mad a mighty perllte bow, an says she, as poert as a wood chuck on a gum log. 'I bg yer pard'n, air, I'm n gaged:" . The thundor you Is, thought I, but I didn't say nothin', I Just laid low an kept dark an' trotted out the ncx best lookln' gal I could come acrost. Wal, the schcolmarster be, an' Bukcy she, kept darncln and darnel u' and dam- cln', an' I begin ter think 'twas tout time for somebody else ter git a sight, so I makes op to 'cm an says I, 'Mann Suk ey, I beg yer pard'n, but I think yer been ingaged but long cnuff, an' it yer hain't got nobody else te darn 00 with I wouldn't mind tryin It agin myself. Then the echoolmarster he says with a kinder snicker, says he, 'Be so good as to git out'n the way, sir, the lady an' I are go in ter darnce egln. - Diyxsicx of tho Democratic party in the South cn financial We bad no cannon, bat ws Lad fifteen 'cr "economic isrcM in rmi in muskeU, a lot of cavalry sabre, and the tw. of fCT jniUnt fcl captain had not dodged about those wet. H .Lf1 , .f ,"8Unl l era with hi eyes shut. He had two orTrcw;nt; TLe ,tnflr. illrer, tub three years before purchased a doien treasury, and other questions ar hand grenades or stink-pot, such as of irreat imroHaiir In .11 ol.t,. . .t 1 v - m.i r-v I r - y yj uio vuiurw. a ocse were brought np with the rest and found to be fuvi and In good condition. They weighed about two pound apiece and each was Inclosed In a net, so that it could be tossed qulto a distance. We loaded our muskets, took o-ir sta tions and were a ready a could be. The and cabin. He was out of his head, whith was better for him, and she had the re rolrer for use. The dhow sneaked along till nearly op posite us. All work had been suspended aloft, and sho roust have known by this that we were ready for her, but she came "on just the same. And co wonder. One of the men went aloft with the ghu and he mr-do out two guns on her dock and a perfect swarm of men. She was going to do a bold thing run us aboard in broad daylicht. ' She would not nee hv gun. fearing they would be beard and bring us assistance, but. If that mob ever gained our decks, we were gone. - - a . ins n 1 t 1 u 1 r m a a rt ? 1 a iti v th i mn 1 In a railroad smash up in 1S76 T- J -: - " - . n, ra0j panoJ 0J1 ,o3 ftM n3Q T . , 5 Mrttd hdth tokles T)adiy, crushed. Daf . "amre 1 ; Giw.for home-use j hat is hked ;at ...u.. v v , . . . breaking the blow . i f . , . Soon after hi ooVl rrtiaon Set in. ortjaiiiii iuo piow home: grow for the market calls for. market what - the Shiloh's Catarrh' "Rniedy a positive cure fdf Catari-h, dipthcrii , and Hanker lauuth. Seldiy Fiiiuian r-y : Generally the nearer the riiarket the betterhe protluct when it reaches the consumer.- I '' '-'"' '""v' for s mi Soon after blood poison get in, '6 tne piow was lar more 'and fboth'ae. 'from niv knees mexcusaDie man . nis cnua s .. t j .... . . J ., ' . s "..i,' , , i ; i down,, were Covered , with ul- DreaKinS : ine Ql8a ?ex -aa ti- ; aaA oil liust: because he was fretted and tw n-qw .eoejaXj qog pp o luqmrj oq qSnoiio XtoJs pui 9a pJ.M.t, nq3ja it jeqi tJUi eqs err Xnd ot .npriXae uas aq JOAaa j ooi 'uouiuijji XnJ ,u 'sSurqi Aind Xnvai ti poas oa.j qSnoqt jqja .X ntAni 't wno . angry with himself for what hef tto I .t 'osa uq punoi, Supn ewwq helnleR9foVteKvear.heinff'bed- aauone? ne naa no piiyor lr is ourselves ridden most of the time; During parity for the child. So : '-ii iirL sirUi--:T'-:rVv;iX- the "world pver.t. We do ours h i i 4i.iiri i. ii i it-? a,n ; : .aLiCiiuuii liv l m . . i .. ; . -a r -a t a -ww . m -m m I - , - . , " I 4. L II. . l . TL. . J .. . .! ituzer is. w nai you neea - ior, fJ.R W-TnAiarirf inthis seei tue vVrJ VU1WS3 WU1CU wo CXJ' cjiistipmion, jpss oi appexiie, uvzzmess r z.r,j -'. ' - and an syuiptn of dyspepsia. l'ripe $1 tioni of the Statecftnd must; have icise oa? condemn in others.' man's drug" store. takee' a Icatt load ?bTL medicine, .pHlLA,tA arGh4th,'18S9. See that all the haachhiery is in good I WP31.-Jcei7inS anyr renei. or Ub. Kxrk::V i,: : , - : ; : working" xeaUy for use when neeC- f being-henefitedin any way.vJn I Dear Doctor- I had a violent ed; v- r 7 L.-,;:: j .. 1837 1 was induced to try Swift. sJ attack of gravel; afterwards had Sleepless 'nghts; -made misefabTe;by Bpecino.(S.5S.iS.) lAcommenced pains cross email of "my backj tl at terrible cough.' ' ShHoh'i"cure ni the . . ,f .-i,. ' , , , . ' , " . , remedy for ii saieatFurmaa'&drng to improve' i rom-. tn nrst dose extending around my sides; ,my . l..:i;;' v !-J;fSi!v -Vdy' ;aid.$tijif djtb' get la't tJBrartil ' stomach, was disordered, j bad A gool clover 'gturucI. under, fite to-day lam as- sound r and- well taste in my 'mouth, toung coated ; the!!E:;P'Si a3"auy!manln:thVuniVers:e.Tn was compellea to fetop. work for a . P&eWessvx accidents occur inUhe wag two; years ago, since :, which few days, I: took the Jtficrobe household w3iieli" cause buiii8: cuts, . , , " ' J T .... . . sprains and bruises? ; for ;use ifr; sucU -j i-nave;nact no return )i sores ; or i Killer according to your . direc cases lJr.yr.q McJ-ieau.s volcanic uu Liuimeu' - t Guinea fbs in- If ou l;ave lap'unfnl sense of fa- Xarqs oq; qjj rpaq jaq nd ttts jeq u Pil q no podxs ,ue pot:sjjf-2an oqi paj4o8 is;tr jvq no nd oqs 'Xang duroM.g X.pnn siI otTl aaop Xep tnri .o3 p,i. q iumbe ,n sa.pjqo eprud OMt joq paqoi j v Xrrepods,' 'em eos isi pci9 X;n2itn bvm .tro 'icq sem Xang - Xitroqs fi.pwp e.Xong 29 )U3M. I ,tr 'pass jAd x )ins Xav se Xmd e fnijj8nq ,o ipis noa nuiq no nd I - ora iniM Suopj-area Jeq su ?vqj Xeing 3r pj woqi i u..opooq .seftiaXp; qo po o) on O) eitAui u joS I neqji ,uV 'jaq qipa Xpojn ipnn oo 308 x r?l poAM x ir injrsq iq; u8 x Vmooq uaM 1 suqi Xi?A3 pav u ov) jX oaoe ;q8ui noX qi ta, opao 80'nq 8upn reuq qijAi 3joon jq punoj jrenjtotspsoq ,0 !joj 'pnAioS jojpio jaqio.ns pnp sao jo s.ujxg.o rjoiJDqupJj .ujpaooos aaq o dn &yava f paw 'pi3 JtnX ejqi joj. "I couldn't stan' that 'ere, no how. so I list made UO a HttU flat HV & fnnr. w m m. a l 1 s a k pound ham an' sook It kinder gentle - - wuc .urrwia wiwwa medoci like under his nose, an' says I, 'Do you smell that 'ere, stranger? Mebbo yer think yer darned peert,' says I, 'but I tell yer what, I'm a horse, I am, an' ef I can't lick any man t wears store clothes an' lies his hair, darn my buckskin!" . . "I didn't know then bow darned actyve some o'these yur fancy duczs Is. I thort I could a chawed him cp in no time and spit the pieces in his face, but he Jlst draps Sukey's arm and ho kinder squares hisself off an' says he: Wax, tea's ready, will yer take a eupT " I eai i I didn't keer -ef I did -an' tils fust thin? t knowed, " as I was about ter gin' a yell to sheer him, he fotcbed me a kinder side wipe on t'other side ot my smeller that made blood run right down on my new buck, skins, like I'd been stick in a pig. Then I went in an tried ter gin him a real old Arkansaw bear hug, but somehow or oth er 1 couldn't git cloete enuff, fur be kep hlttln' me on this 'ere side an' that 'era side an' all round tUl 1 thort Vd got Into a wta'mllL ? "At last, when I'd got putty well Kjk. cd, 8ukey she came behind me an' held' me, . an' then the echoolmarster he stop ped an' said he guessed I'd got bout enuff an' I reckon I had. , When he'd got through and I'd cleaned my face an put a piece of raw ven'son on my eyea, says I: 'Now, look a here, stranger. what do yer call yerselfr Ah' says he. 'Wal, I dun know, but I will call myself a putty good boxer. - ."Now, doctor, that 'eres all the story, 'xeept the schcolmarster he married Suk ey, but I kindly thort It over,' an' I draw. ed some conclusions out'n It. . "What were the conclusions, Jim? we inquired. "Fust off, that though It was good ter give a gal putty things, sometimes, that a feller ortn't ter give her anythln' to sot her up above lookln at hisself. Next off. that though tho Arkansaw boys was orU mlghty peert and actyve an putty good on a knock-down, drag-out an gougo fight that there wasn't no nse in their tryln' to come it over a' 'boxer,' an' lastly that though I was putty smart I'd got .'bout the darndest lick in' thai, any feller ever ketched In Little Injun Run. "Landlord, bring ns 'nother pitcher o that 'ere old rye. I reckon talkln' so much Isn't good for me. It all era makes me thundertn' dry. Doctor, here's my rfeepeo'." A t-eopJe. But greater than all hew put together, to far as tho South is concerned, is the control of affairs at homely the party hat represents the intelligence and tie resources of the Jand. IThcre is no financial cuetion a important enough, nor any griev ance great enough, to justify at (his tirao any courso that will m taken the Democracy in this icction of the country, Chax- otie ihroriUle. A SAFE INVEST! 1ST cne whkh is cv.aricteed to IHns hrwt ai:fartry rebU, cc In cat cf aunre a return ol rtrn 1 rVe. (n il.U io plan too can luy Irom rr dvcriiel dioijt a Lvlt ef tr. Ki r Stw Ih-cmrly for crnfr tUu. It it guat aiiirtd to Lr,cg re' ef In trcry tae, ln i-sel f.-rsoy sCer. Tt r rUia' r., t u We Uy with our head to the northwest lkm M lUrw,l JU,JC or h mi.liimtitnn. ii.r .n ti.n I inn r,f I... nr of the.trongestmenwerepiae. u !taMi J ed with the grenades, and two of ns with ,.e o u,tr, ,r;mU sal., andean niutket were between them. The oth- aUajs le iUp n!n ir.n. 1 r, . ers were placed to f re over the stern. t!clr f st V. II. I tin.au. Jr'a dng ' Down came the dhow, foot ty foot, ,'Ot. with never a cheer from the crowd of cut ' .... throats on her dWck; There was a meo-i rltfS S lAftfrffff? ace In their silence, but it had no effect " 'M noon us. e were determined to Csht. 1 and to fight to the last. I got the first shot and knocked over a man on Ler fore castle and then all began to blaze sway. I Bhe did not fire In return, but forged op. on our quarter, and I could see fifty Arabs, each one armed with a crease, 1 crowding up against the rail to be ready to board. "Now, heave! yelled one cf the sail ors with the bombs, and both lighted the fuses and heaved away. Before we could Ull what damage had been done the dhow was alonjrtlde. She threw her grapnels, but they did not catch and aha rubbed our whole length and went ahead, the had Just rxt her beim over when there was an explosion, followed by a great sheet ot flame, sod we saw that she was hard hit. Confusion reliroed from atm to atern In a " . , . . Tn , jr,.1.flLJ . im imi,n ttrat ait tfbnm u wV j n-1-"" ---j cAMuiauoaaiiy. fair range. All ablaze within five mln-j - . . ntes, she fell off, headed for shore aiid'- Cvmtim.ji'ta. Catarrl, fir was run on a reef about a mile swsy. f''"' y?c,..1 T mmi Jr'r . . llhieatf, ClQi and Fcrrr. rmt.lt Trcmh. j lrMf tm eu vm jcrmu ttmtl. tm firf. crvry and rafts. Toeing swept upon the shore by DUta 1wk to tit tltmam Stm the tide, but It was afterward 1 tamed I f C-;X1 ffai:4Usyi.? 5V '' kat til 1 tfc ia,liel.r I I I . I ar it aia..i. JJlO-Oe- t- w. it. X. y lbeciriiteiDaaf that every d . U CAUSED BY JIICiToEES, RACM'S MltF.CEE KILLER EsertR!:rate TUirr4r "std 4tirt :.uPbi ftl ,t cr.4tjtd bra Italia lae eaanoi laTe aa atfct r ria. -attfraal ia ditaae, aleUrr a -my ! cf rIrU Ftr er a eM utttiN, r ear thn all at ir ,ou ave a p tinm! sense oi :a- and I, cheeff ully recommend it tigijte, Una youri duties irksome t.,ke J : - Dr. J: H. McLean's Bar8apVr'il!a. " It to any one buffering " af rom i. any e you -up, make yon strong disease of the hlood: . ; " ' Jl-.Ou4 ;. f' -.U ; - -'--''". . ' "";: . ' .'-A 'v-i 7' i" C CHARLES E. HAMILTON, i- S full loads to market pays best. : : i.;iii:T ' n will ; brace .and vigocou -. . --s utunuM uu ; - ;- Russellville; Indiana, 1 V lay snbdue mflanrnatont r Treatise on Blood and Skin Di- heal toul S'-res and : ulcers , the mos, , . . . - i i prompt -an4 satisfactory results are seases mailed free, obtained bvi "uhisr that old 'reliable WrFT kPEctpic lcot-' . "7: i :l ' , . . . r. - . t any pain.m'tne; legs, irom - my tions, and was soon feeling all ni o3 p.x.poq japan jog mrqtjSwi eneriehce l'conscie a. J0j.pt?i3 peawp,nn. wnok ora, o aw Heve that Swift's Specific S S.S) jug on hand to take when we get iia, tiu tiiti,iw yifjvvL puiixiti, coio, or ior .any emergency v R. Pi. MoaBiOQE,( with B. Shoe maker.) ; ' For sale by Dr. J. B. Clifton. remedy, Dr J. nrMLeauV Volcanic . flit t!.!-,-J t.hf: ' vsii jjiuuucuw. : , ... . . ? v. i ..-' . ' ' Provide a clover pasture for the pigs. Catarrh cured. - health aod tweet breath secured, .'by f Shilok'a Catarrhs Kerned y, . Price 50 cents. Nasat Injector (free.! For sale at Furman's drug store. ;-; . Poorhackly tools" ofleJ , cause dam age." ja t ' ' If you FiiSer ; from, any . affection . caused -by Impure 'blood, gich as scrofula, salt rheum, sores, boils, pim ples, tetter '5 ringworm,' take Dr. J. II. McLean's Sirsaparilla, - Atlanta, Ga. '(" Keep no hOis in the horse pasture. ' - ' ' ";'' - ."-the cures, made -by Radam's Microbe 'Killer, are in many cases considered almost a miracle. If the doctors can give you no hop0, try if For sale by Qr, J. B; Clif ton.' y-j '::': i--'v :" Shiloh'B consumption cure is sold by n. cn a guarantee, it cures consumptions . For sale at Furman's drug store. . 'All form3 of organic and fuhc tional diseases cured by Radoma Microbe Killer, -r - -' For sale by Dr.' J. B. Clifton. When von aro constipated, have lieadache, or ls of appetite, lake Dr. J. II, McLeau'8 Liverand Kuhiev Fil lets; they are pleasautlo take and will cure yiiO. : .... ; " For weak back.' chest pains, and a Di. J.H. McLean's Wonderful Ileal in piaster. . - , -; - You cannot accoinprsTi any work or bmVess unless you feel well. . If vou feel used up tired out take Dr. .1. IU JMcLean'3." Jiarsapanua. - it will ive ycu health, strength and vitality. ; ; som ,Tru 'ejduoadaixniii(o nniq tinq oqi a.no 30d siq tv isomina(o ppioo janJ ,ut3ooi poo3 u jwq? Airvooi oqi uj eoiaes OS BVJA 8J3IPJ IJt - 0OS J9jC 'iiOiJ,, " .niqiemos to 9Bwt as srua sqs xaiTl 1,npip j rj aoM3 X 4Q,ds jaquorpuvq am eott aoq ,ndpi v Sf 'taaqi Jq a X aaqji ,itb ijoisop 'jts noi ireqi j9pxnoqs m )90J9, japvojq pTTs q9rq')ooj xjs Jii eqg : onrra Atq s,paoxpav oqt s.eurea etn 5noqt Xq jajtiA-uu-edesvioni is -prrjn ear) rata poa )o o(xq oprflrrj oqi jo JOoo oqt sil srftM. J.'wq - 3tnjd n Xj;nd en p.ooj 4trs 'ijoojq qi ;w bjcj jaq 4amv9i uooq p,qs 'Jq pa' I nin ln,! irivq-aapiD8,panoisu,3nf jnnq ,nt 'ojd .-ds dos-eaJ. ss pi sb ?snf sitWqo qjjk srsS Sjq, ni9noJ i ,o ouo iBA-aqg Too I Jdi9 xanno V1 no svn q 1112 unfax nin irj ra8 iuo sre jvqx, !. ' ; 11 inoqsjjvi ?,upooa noi TXS.,anoot poo3 ctm. 'wao . ,8-aoij m.ou xrj 3,oru-;s ir qnra xd en uoypdi I nq 43H9l"thiooi Xai,n Xjind q oi pasn X 'ou jo joqiaqja 'evqsnooj joj pusq no oq p.I pe"tt, I ,u ocmid dq- mojj Jiq--a.lln noq iiao eqi Pirates Defeated by a Woman.- . One season back In the forties 1 ship ped aboard of a Eritish ship, the 8 wal low, to maks a voyage from Bombay up the Persian uulx and Lark, fcne was an old craft and a poor a&ilor, and her crew of twelve men was mads up of four or five nationalities. I remember there were two Canakas or Sandwich Islanders, one Lascar, a negro or two, and the oth ers were American. English and Dutch. : Ws bad scarcely left Bombay when tn captain was taken quite sick with a fever. Ilia name was Aldrich, and bis wife, who was a woman ot thirty, always sailod with him. Bhe now took command In a general way, and this to the satisfaction ot the mates, though both were thorough sailors. - I heard one of them eay she could take an observation, or -work. a dead reckoning, and I saw from orders she gave that she knew all about a ship. Ve had good weather and made good progress until after we were above Mus cat, In the Bay of Ormux. Then ona forenoon we got a squall, which did not last two minutes, but which brought down our fore and main top gallant mast and carried off a sail or two- There was" onlya light breeze after -the squall had passed and we were ljing-to and hard at work vhen an Arabian dhew of about two hundred tons burthen came stealing down the coast. Wo were within four mile ot the rocky and mountainous shore, but that upward ot forty 41 vs men were kill ad or drowned, and lhe loss cf the dhow brokaAip a bad gang of pirates. Mrs. Aldrich was on deck through It all, emptying the revolver Into th crowd aa the dhow pasoed us, and when all was over she went . down to her bus. band with a faoo only a little whiter and mouth more firmly set. ' She did not be tray her womanly weakness, n a til ah came to thank ua.' Then ah broke dows and cried like a well, Just like a woman, JJfmmrg of rmJJcxt . "latum. See that aar Trarfa-Uark (uac ataiT) if pt r na rack Jr. -d for book -Ili-lorr &f V;.v.. IDlcr.-gireaaTayby . Dr.J B CLIFTON Drrr-Isf.Agt LOUlSDlTxCX. 7. . U.S. FURMAX, Agent, rBASKlJJCTOXf x. c. f" . : A yl Swindle. 5 A prrn!I:j'ly u pkiouj iudl Ioal earn ed Hack v-a ni charge of a chr s.oro when two dapcvr-looUnir touujt on en tered.. One currlI In h'a haod aa fU 71 Fall Ta ope which waa nl-Irivs.4 bt not acalrd. Cau you give tee a tru-doliar 1411 for these ton bllUT" he naked. The old U4y wants to Mod the money ta thia letter. The bill vm givau to he youMg man, who annarvnUr cut It In tho lrt ter. llaok - 9 , w eountod found Here, said the Toun nvaa. MTae la oy t(tini, Ad.rtM must be to cxwla a mistake. Tve eealod t the letter andtlont want to op a It aaln. I Will you bold tiie letUr wilk lini ten dot- lars In It whs I take Ue n'ne dollars lack to tho oUi lady r ila.k ihougkt , that fair enough, as he b?ilved he saw - the young man put tho U-u dolUr bill In theenvrlopo. IbiatlllhoxUlt. It bi ad. . t . .. IT , I , 1 lI.A.mtAll Y." It wna not long before Mack ' pnd it, bt bUnk paper wa ail W coutained. ' . Diinnilj it lull tmiiii. lUpma rj timber 4.'!-- Tultiott tZO. Fear rla ecra af t!y,Cllfl, Mr-Ml r.irv im ktry. C"iJv! nUxJ tho Ulia giren in xat-t and KWtrwl Egicef lag. I Ui7 ad yd only also. "Only ntoe dollar. 'J.'Si'U cf law sad Vs!... B,- be said. . "How ca that ber Madeaia bmt aUad IL Laittrwi; Haa.K FMP T. rlATTI F- hrtdal, t ! 11 ul, (. MJTILK. iiaj'pinces cousiets in tx?in?Laj pj thcro is no particular rule for t. ' ITalrr ! y ql sJ!ri cti r cf il. l MDr, a W U fcerrl-v it all -foi fc '.t Vis iic, t t ikc formU P J f " ud all frrtoat kiU c )iu aaiJ ,!ajrrf, fr tkrm ter ,.,.mrmt on r Ki-rt Jti 4. 1$:. -t Itw .t,u wjl h t l.-a-lvll tr vf lUif e ctry This J )y . 1 . . llf.JO.NX3, Ltu'tc

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