I; 1 A I Uf 5 L.-a v , 1 . X THOMAS jEdUor and -Proprietor. With Malice toward none; frith Charity for- alL VOL. XIX: LOUISBURG, N. C ,,AUGUST 1, 1890. NO. 27. TTr-TTTTN : A ' .."TV TTT' T5' TT .T7 T . T t . it .. V . '-..,' - v The Ready-Made Man. Sonne sages of Hindus tan,' - - Of euridilical Jor, - v Determined to make a ready-made man, Which had never j been done before; ;c ; All this, you know, - - -Wa3 some time ago, In the pre-historibal yore. ' $:- :: 1 ? r!; , So they raised theirf chemicals up . ' In a mighty porcelain bdwl, r, - -.; And they stirred thjem up as you'd 8 up a cup vy I r " J t til Of coffee or tea, pn my soul; , Made a hole; in the batter,; And set on a platter, With carbon "an salt in the ho!e.E spective cml war?. "Why., were "the greenback should be legal the money kings of- Wall.-, street I tender for all debts, public and .. . - i -I - - - bo anxiously ana positively joy-i private, except ;, duties on im- qua when the guns were . turned ports and interest on the public upon fort Sump tor and the dec laration of war sent its thrillin g notes throughout the length and bredth of our land ! It was ; not debt, which from" that ! time . for- ward should- be paid fin ; coin When this act was passed ; the money kings; rejoiced.; They stir These sages of Hindu stan v - - : Then poured the chemicals in,: i t v Their phosphoric acid they poured ftoma pan, '' . And their snda and gelatine; Wilh butyic acid Tq make the flesh flaccid, And water and creatine. And they made the form of a man, -Organically sound ando:uplete, . -An J ihjy found, t'ese sages ot-Hindustan, -'"-t" j-?'?? ' - . No fl iw from h:s head to h's feet; Aud one pf the fellows Blew ah from a bellows, And the man leaped up from his seat. because they loved, the negro in had. accomplished their . purpose. me coi bon neias oi me coum, rney naa created a. demand tor but it was because theirf love : for their gold. : Henceforth the eov- gain, had stifled, the finer, in- erument should bow tow them and stincts of their? nature and they, none should question, their- right rejoiced because they saw in- the to wield ' the golden t sceptre of preparation for.war. their long money king.; .They had no army coveted , opportunity for,, pi un- J or navy at their command but der. They knew th"e war must the v had subiueated the : people bring its necessities; and through. 1 more effectively than! the ,army j pable of perpetrating under the bought government money and $1,000,000 of 5-20 bonds with it In other word3 thev loaned ' II.- OOOjOOO of.tbe governmenla own money to the government, and deposited in Ibe faults of - their bank the bonds received ' from the same government $60,000 a year in goldaa interest, ' Thus for the' thirty thousand in cur rency which they originally loan ed the government they received annually, in al'i" 'seventy lhou5 and in gold." ; - 'But thi3 was by no means the limit to the " legalized 'robbery which these gentlemen- were V ca- these necessities they determined did. to subjugate tneir unsuspecting t Gold. immediately, went to 18-5 1 fellow-men. To accomplish this per cent. That is" $1- in gold it Decame necessary, to ootam WOuld bring $185 in greenbacks, possession of the national fiuan- The-gold was then bound to be vcD.. iucj mii. v-ppv.n.!.- ha(1 10 pay tne duties on im- national - bankings laws.- Since they;bad noscuples about, in-, vesting the government deposit bf one million in 5-20 bonds and appropriating the interest to their own use, it is not at all pay the interest on hia bond but he has no employment for it. While this one thousand was in government money it could have given two men employment in some profitable business, but with his money invested in bonds he kicks labor into the street and growls about the 'inefficiency of tramp law. He does nothing what ever JLo advance the interest of labor but draius its life-blood inpayment - of his. everlasting interest. By iuveating ' the one thousand in bonds it ia takenTroon circulation. There is one thous and lees for the people to do busi ness with and one thousand more . , , CvrUinm l cm ttcond age Good Farm Munarcmcrit. Pretty Polly Flpcr. lj who Vnrw thj mnt-tif ot br iroth' Cera?, To!ly," mM Mr. rtr-r thArp. ly, '-whit are yoa drnmlr j about? T2n en oV'.o k and the hent otor cot !rui) yet, and olvLGlrrtn calling you to klp bar.j out tha c!oti, and tb tcrx.atoe waiting to tiado tato csLrup, mi th pearii -hcrUA to be Uil od, aai you hero dawdling away youx Use Jiio a to lady! Tolly Piper Jans?--J qu!cV!y ap, hiding her dora'ared pc'f-coTrl t.ottl as abe all so unJcr tbo vl& cuAhlon. , "I i-h I were a Cue Uij,m raid Td be rractlc'.atf ajrUto tm tie fUno. or kelcWng Tellow tooonUTa or bvm- mlnjr ruTJea, Inatoad of working. UWe a slaTei" . tij (raaout, cyvl at ona. , Wm It IYny' fault tbAt oli Glortxrai bad acpti1 the clo'.Lca Uae la that vehrtt grmn mcAio- throui which the brook gurgW U' & Uaghles, trrU Wiu It throuiib asy complicity et bnV that tbo tall youn taaa bad lrUd that capeclal f hort rT from tl n frm- kouo to the kif h tocl? " "" Polry Mortal atari lovkM at tha. b Tuouth full of clothe; I o, br bo cay trowa ctir'.a V.anra, hflhf and ycrs. Ilka a nwitowyf r!,rol whcaV In aiH-fteaibrr fale.' '. ' " - ' ' haaatped to eat black Wrrlea," thoa.ht he. "He muat b very batry. MraPlpr JooVcd keenly at ker daught- I Toiugmaa, I nay j nirg ea.:" nity was at hand- and scarcely ip0rt This $185 in Jgreenbacka likely that they would stop there They'd made the teady-made man, But he was craiy and wild; He howled like a beast in a caravan, . And then he cripd like a child; - ; They put magnesia on H s left brain ganglion. To make liim 'reconciled. And this it made him hum . Tw.is witheting" flime to fuel, . : And they took chloride of potassium And mixed it in hisruel; Then he aCtedlike a fool Who had riever been te school ITis idiot groanl were .cruel. . i :..:.-' ' ' .: , ", .,- . Then carbon froaji the pan, - - They placed beneath his crown; Then he ibu ht like John ' Ii. Sullivan Aud knooked the sages down. Thrtu the sages of Hindustan -; , Thep killed the ready made m m, Who liad done fcheni up so brown. . Jly moral all may scan, It's just designed to show . . That the maMngloT a :perfectlxn,M' Is a process very 8bw; ' r- Tlie perfe:t fellow ' NewiS" time to mellow,', - -4 And plenty ofjtune' to grow. . S. W Foss. in Yankee Blade had the war ; cloud Drofcen ere the gold and silver of the coun try disappeared. What had become of rt? The Shylocks of Wall street had r ob tained all of it and for what pur pose I will now show you. ; - From Appleton's Encyclopedia in 1861, page 296,Tve learn that the mon ey kings of Wall street gracious ly tendered loans to the govern ment in her distress at to 24 to 34 per cent, interestthose same money kings whof we to-day hear quoted . as - those patriotic and generous capitalists. The gold and silver of the coun try, were in their possession and it would not serve their purpose unless they could loan it " to the government at, exorbitant , rates ofnterest .which the importer paid for the $1 in gold he immediately in vests Jtn government bonds at face value, and it is stipulated on those bonds that the interest must be paid in gold' and in ad vance. He collects his interest when by simply ..depositing the one million in 5-20 bonds , with the Comptroller of the Currency instead of in their bank vaults they could draw 80 per cent, more currency, or by starting two more hew banks of five-hundred in gold and the next day is ready thousand each, they could ,. draw to sell to the importer at 185 per 90 per cent.' more currency to cent. Not-' 'contented with this substitute for that amount of the large profit,; the next "scheme 'to original deposit of the govern- rob the people was the national ment used by them. If any one banking act, passed in 1863. doubts that the national banking By this act th capitalist was system was deliberately planned It is a strange thing that some plan ters succeed so wonderfully well ja to bacco growing while so many fail en tirely and eoch alajge number scarcely make ends meet. . We are often asked why thi U the case and can only an swer by saying that the secret Is with the man who succcols. And yet there is no great secret about the matter after all. There are many instances where two planters occupy adjoining - farms the lands being of tbo tame fertility. aud in one instance there is failure while in the other there is the largest succeas. Why? Why? and the echo still cotpos back why? Tobacco is a plant which Is Jealous or the roost careiui attention. It res wards those most bountifully who learn' the secret of carina: for it rightly. In fact it is the largest money crop that if properly managed. can be crown u properly - . it t t -i . permitted to invest his ' green- for the purpose of robbing H&Ei back 8 in government bonds at j people he may be undeceived by I 350 per acre on their crops, while there faco value, and upon these bonds reading the following private cir- f 6 Vm$ J Lv,ne tfl v,o -ui.. -i j-- o . l - L.i iv. L. , freoucntly do not pny for the feru.iicr lie nut ouiy urew guiu. lutertisi. in j vat bcih- uuu w uttiiMi. wj. i used on their crop. of advance but by means bank scheme he actually had But Lincoln read in the Con- stitufipni; "Congress " shall have i power to coin money." Then to the world he declared that Con gress would coin money and that the government would not sub mit ; to the infamous demands -of the capitalists. Following declaration came the enactments of July 17, 1861, and " February --1: ?s SPEECH BY M3. J. B. PHILLIPS;' Delivered B liauce, N e Battleboro AJ- . 367, ltecently. Mr. President' ccndJBretTuren of (lie Far, mera1. Alliance : Xf- fJ'..-,'sV: "'.'v- At our last meeting I was ,re- the !90 per cent, of their value returned to him. While drawing interest upon the entire - invebtment j in the form of bonds, 90 per. cent, of ;it has been returned to him .in the form of national bank notes - - - - i ' r and it is with these lie carries on the -banking "business, loaning them ou t upon the most advan tageous terms. On the one hand he draws intefest from tho gov ernment, on the other from itho 12, 1&62,J authorizing the issue of same investment he draws inter- $60,000,000 treasury . notes, not est from his individual debtors, bearing interest and and . - paya- allowing him to draw two inter- quested to deliver, ah address"b4 able for ll ;" debts, public and ests from the same investment private. These first constitute the de- the Alliance, to-day, It was ileft to me, to choose my own '.subject, 1 greenbacks and aftef giving it some thought, mand notes, which, .unlike -all I decided noi to confine myself to subsequent issues; did noc-con any one particular- subject, but to lain the exception cHuse ; conse give in as brief aforim as possible quently, they have always jbeen issues of at the same . time. Further ; the national banks, as depositories of jthe United States . Treasury, to-day hold $G0,000,0b0 of! the the country by their Secretary, James Buell. Here is the . circu lar: - s 4 " 1 Deab Sir:-"It is advisable to do all in your power to euslain such daily aud prominent weexly newspapers; ea pcially the agricultural and religious press, as will oppose theasuing of greenback paper" money -and tba- you withhold patronage and favor3' from all applicants who aie not willing to op I ose the government ssue or. money. Let the government ieuo the coin and the banks issue the paper money of the country, for then we can better protect each otiier To repeal the law creating national banks or to restoro td circula tion the government isre of money will be to provide the- people with money and will therefore seriouslv alTect your individual profits and banker and lender. See your member of Congress at once and engage him to support our interest that we may - control legislation." (Signed by the Secretary) Jas. Bu ell. .'..- Mark you it is especially '.he agricultural and religious press I Tol!y,n eaM b, you' know rrrj wll that you naednt work uoU&s joa'va a tnind to- . -, ;, .L ... . ToIIt tossM her tunnv bea4 with a movemect of dladatn. t ' . "I float know bnw you isaka that out. . ' "You can marry thla rich relation of our'a if you pi ,' lnain-aatd bet moth er, i "Jle waata a wife to k p that pm&d sew house of his, on Haven III1L" . PoHy laughed. : ' ' How do I taow ban Uk mtf"! aha questioned. f "Iiocacnse. Polly. Thera'a co o4 to tell you that. Tou'ra aa prtty aa a pink," aald Mrs. Piper, viewing her dacghter with maternal pride. . . And bow do 1 know X shall Ilka blmT "Why ahouldnt you like himf II can't ba mora than alxtr, and a man ot sixty ought to ba In hi prima. ' And ha's very handsome least Viola BarUelt aayabeuaedtoba., And yoa know vary well, Polly, you can make him love you. faat enough! Polly pursed up her cherry dot ot mouth. "A lover of alxty cried aha, who used to be handsome when Viola Bartlatt wa a girl! - Oh, mothar:n 4A ha-idaomokcusoeigrtnd carrtngs ot your own.- arlTuUy lstcrciad Mra. Piper. "And 6crraj to do W't Cndg. try that eoaw-3 ao tzri on you new. and a good horse fcr yocr pcr tiler that's crlrrled ri'Ji rlr-roilim, aa2 . . AU thlj U tJibj a (pod deal for graztai,- crlcdTollj, dc-soeroeethe room. "Ju&t h-rCIcrliiaUw'ng for help. I thlii cic'I! drr-ra tcraelt la the The alraager atartod. 1 tg your pardon." aald he. "Aa I treMtccr Aain the quest-on Why? looms up and remains unaaswerrl. Seriously, the former who would grow tobacco successfully must give H close attention from fir-'t to last. There can be no slack work anywhere, from the burning of. the plant bed to the loading of the wagon for market. Let the planter keep tlu fact in view now will be benemod by the hint.- &uktr ' "e s to be tcro on tho ccoa trrJn, lat " I Ta. M. . mmm - Tobaico Journal. " "o, njc-.scr, you ii rare mxue the peach t'-icrUiif jrou-rlf. and 111 at tend to the t?rzzicKrJfZ. n 1. motherI declaro I r.cvrrthf.;htAf It uttll thla minute. bci hr jir.o'j fr r-alhe achool ltadams Microbe Killer is no longer an experiment. It has been thorough ly tested for two years and has never failed in any case.' For sale by Dr. J B. Clifton. Tho weakest man is one That is a" slave to his own desires. week fen bct-""! d-if" avhool. a rehash of what I have heard inTbeen at par with gold and estab pay one cent interest, but are, andliave been, for the last twen- people's money upon which they through which the Secretary de do not pay any tax nor do they signs working up the prejadices of the people. .." . . .. ...... . ' 4 - Tbe third scheme of Tabkikotoj-PkaeieP. Liberty Ca, Tex js. Mr Radam I have used Wm. IUuL nras Microbe Killer, and many of my neighbors have used it with most won eerful results hi many caes. ' G o F. Axle. For Sale by Dr. J. B. Cliflon. the past about the finances of our lish the fact that , had it not and " country-rriafermingledi with ;my been for: the exception .clause- on ty-fiye years, loaning it at Irom w3 that of contracturr," the showing why we have the greenback they would always 8 to ed." - have remained at pa- with gold. effe own views not prospered When the people of this coun- Wherever 'gold went 1 these de try first gained- their Jndepgn- mand notes c6uld go, is even into dnce, our Constitution was frarn the coffers bf the bond " holders.' ingf rom the.Hoh.- B. S. Marshall, that a ed by wise and patriotic men who They paid his interest,, paid du-.! bf Illinois, in a speech on ' the cremcti God liesiffned--men to labor vet took off his hat-to ihem and the robberv cur- 12 per cent.; or, using it; for rency by deslroying the green- effecting cornei3 on the necessa- baclss. In pursuance of this plan ries of life. . 1 v , the act of Anril 11th 186G wa3 - " I ' , , , I i . I can better illustrate by quot- passed, whereby it was provided regular ... and, systematic T rebel against tliat which is good proves tLat we are bad. banker made obeisance.! floor "of Congress July' 21st,' 1868, 1 whea he mentioned . the f ollow- ihgv-instance : "An association ion or greeiiDruiKB . rake place. Let it be remembered tnat upon tb?s governmert money, the kreet back, the p?opie did no, piy interest. J It , was' backod by We find" that1 'only , four ays of gentlemen in an Eastern State aftpr i he nassaere of . the leeal raised $300,000 in currencv. Thev the eovernment which nade it i. 1 J" A 1. ll Al A . I .-m-K 4-4-. VVr rr -T Vi n. PorricfoF I a Ta o ! ? Aa o n j-? 1 1 He did not design them to labor without rewArdr i Our laws, were so framed.: that every ,man should have, as vfar; as possible, equal tender.act to supply the country went to the omce ox the Kegister sate ana re. lzo-e end lbP'-ed m riehts. and should bev allowed to LrUK crnrnmpnt'rnnn' bank- of ihe Treasurv and exchaneed um3 convenient for soaall as well gain all he could andspend it at ers' cottvention,consisting of "4 their currency for $300,000 in -six J as large busicesa transactions. auuucuiuj' iu.. tja,' ijiciai.o i neieffateH irom iNew xorii. mree i vvi wuu' .k,"J'u. surii.Lii . vyixvir. FaixsI ity eij May 18, 1839 I want another jug of Microbe Killer. I have used one Jug and must say that my cat.nh and dyspepsia, " of many years standing," have almost entirely disappeared. My appetite, which was so delicate, is Just the opposite. My Kidneys also bothered me a great deal, but they do not . now. . I believe . Mi- crole Killer to be the greatest medi cine in the world. You may ( use my testimony aud welcome, if It. will 'do any good! , , Yours truly, 1 " - IL E. Emebobt. For aaleby Dr. J. B. Ullftoo. : Will a rTfl i t- rr f flio givdn him bv'ahAU-wise God;,f: Ihe- monev kina. with1 one from Pniladelnhifu V and three They ihen went" to the v office o thousand in c-een'jccks.' - had i. Then there were but a tewimil-1 -from -Boston; ,waa held in Wash- 'the Comptroller o the Currency, found it necessary io lorn or em- lionaires oH 'American, sbilJJiit ingtob; City. : They were, alarm- in the same building, organized pioy that money in order to- da- that periodhas passed and to-day ed.41 They saw' in the, legal ten- a national bank, ' deposited .'..their r ve an'y proit f .-Xiaf it, Tfiie ad theUnited1 States boasts".; more der act a friend to Cthe -pecle----- $300,000 in boidsj and received ded to hU care which anoaro-iil v millionaires than any other coun- tney'saw-' in it a precedent which, for their $270,000 in na ion ii cur- Ly sfl ne ,v4 v t hi .3 he soub i o try on the -globe,- 'while', she has I if established r would forever ; af- rency.. .Ttey had -Jet the govern- avoid; iavestaieLi ia com new more tramps, and there is .more terwards enable the government general f ilepression among ' the to relfeve itself aad the , people toiling masses than ; ever before. hvithCut submitting to; the ttsu- Wrhat, has broughtabout - this rious extortions. They knew too,. ment l ave $30,000 in ; currency Mm M 3 J more; tnaa . i.iey j receiveaj ior banking Trcrpoees and had on de posit $300,000, on which, they re- great change?vptWhy is it so? that the government, supplied ( ceiyed a3 in'-eet lion- the gov Ihese are questions, well ; worthy with its own moneys would f have 4 ernmeut i,uuu a yer in goiq " of our consideration; v'4 - no occasion, to call from its h id- Let us go back to . I860, ,-when I ing place their hoarded gold, un- bhe war- cloud was . gathering, less by some means they could The old men of the North shook create a , market for it. This, their heads u and mothers ,;On ! then,"was plainly ; the- object of (andei&mpi; f A-.avi-Mitioii.) . . It was peit -,oovl r-i'uciering for Ibese b eke: a io receive $18, 000 a year ii old on ihe $30,000 in cur' eicV w h'c'i they had thus aad ma.infacturi'iz refiLiired his peso:??! saoe-V'sroo ; investment in booses. ud Jaad incur ed te- atlon. lisks and Oxlen loss,' but iiivebTD6at' m bonds . Beemed qo:'ie suued to his, tastes, for tr ev retui e"d a rich blden h?r- vest without ciy oV ihe " annoy ances of arat;on, insurance or even tbecaie of looking after his investments. It is ro wonder he hailed wilh io' the coolract'on bended knees claspea.more close- that notable bankers? convention, loaned. o i'-e gvevnmeiil.t Eut ly their precious boys and pray- to create, a demand for their this Js not he who'e story: They polcy and gladly give his one .edAiOl that tnfi storm eioud ot hoarded gold, .To do this theyj had tlreir l.'"Am;de apuohc de- in "geenback3,(to be conslJnet. watJmight?pass.' "But above all must cet 'control of Congress,' -nosito. V. , Tb?v soon discovered to the furnace) in exchange for . . i - - . .1 . l w ....... . ... - ; . .'ix i - ::.xi. : l ;i J 1 i ii . u.i ; fPt 11 1. i ji : me prayers - uu.- wan lugs uuuiu wnicn iney uiu. .A lie , result 01 be heard from .Wall street . and all along the line of money cen v ters the echoes of jubilant -satisfaction. "Why this exultation of the moneyed men over a" pro- which was that mtamous excep tion clause on the greenback that was consumated by the act of Congress February 25, v 1862, wherein it was stipulated that I that there was ecvcfOy ever less j a one thousand, unUjted interest- thati $1,000,000 of government bearing bond. Eut what, of la monev dsrxnited, within : their bnr seekinrr employment? The :- , I - a, m vaults ; they did not like to see monev king has invested Jiis this vast sum lie idle.. . - I property in bonds as bo has no They took $1,000,000 of this need of labor; true labor .must AY hat, a Leaillnj- l'aytlclan Sfiyn. ... .......... r . - , Dr. U. S. Gordon, a leading physi cian of Mt. Carmcl, 111., writes the fol lowing under da?o March 10th, 1890: I cheerfully recommend 5fwifls Spe cific (S. 8. S.) as a tonic aud goners! heahh restorer, also ia ' case of Blood Poison it always gives saiis- utsuon.. YEAE.3 OF BCrrEKlJfO. For years I have been trouble! with a blood taint that has baffled , the skill of the best pbyelcians of Obfo and In- dipna. '. The diacase flually a Jectal my eyes to such ati extent that I was !- moat blind. I was then Induced to take a course of SwKTs SpociPc (S. 8. S.) and am thanL'al to say that alcr taking a few bottles I as entirely cure I My eyesight u eiLrely restor ed. and my gen end heal ih U better than i. Las been for Tears, and there is no trace of the disease left. ' I consider S S. R. tlia best blood puriSer aud health toaic V day ou the market ' Oca Wiles. " lltinungturg. " , , Indiana Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. Swift SrEcinc Co. Atlanta, Ca Your " Mrs. Piper gave a start ot dismay. Tbe new achoolxnaater'.' ahe echoed." "But, Polly, he cant come thla week. We haren't but the one spare room, aad your cousin from 2ew York la to be here to-day and, beelde, we can't be bother ed with country schoolmasters when there's ao much to be done. Write and tell the true toes ao at once. I dare ray the man would Just as aoon go to Widow To phaiii's thla week. There he la oot-a-lajnow. Tell him, Polly." A score ot dlmplce broke out around Folly Plper bewitching little Cupid' bow of a mouth; her blua eyee sparkled with fun. , Tell him your$lf. mother," ahe re torted. "1 don't know what on earth to say. And. thus forced Into the breach, Mrs. Piper willingly adraocM toward a tall, preternaturally slender young man who conuDg hc-4Latir.;ly up the garden rath, with a batry umbrella In one hand and a shabby valiee In the other. lie pauaed, and act down the eheJbby .raJlae. that he might the . more coavecleoUy raise a alill shat-bier hat from hLs perspir ing brow, a he saw the two women. Ile has got nice eye. In spite of that tew colored hair of ala, thought PoUy. ,Tm glad I'm not mothet." , ,- f "la thla Mr. Paraoelaue Plpera .rest. denoer aaked the young man, difldeotly. "Tea, It U," anawered the lady of the house. "Hut there's been a mistake. We don't want. you here. . 'Poor fellow. thought Polly, "now he colors! I'm sorry now I lt mother do It. X might bar softened matters a lit tle. How tired he loo ks and I'm sore that ralUo muat weigh a quarter of a too at least.' "Better go to Widow Tor-ham'," con tinued Poily'a mother, half a mile down the road, "and tell the folks X r-aaaed you on, ao you could take your week there first. ; It aint con anient for us to enter tain you here to-day." And. to nip the whole matter, ta the bud, Mrs. Plpor turned short around and made a dire Into the. house, resolutely dosing the door behind her. ? ; "There," said ahe, "it's donal I eoulJ not bare him here. "lie hofn t gone ytt, soli Polly, het pretty nove fattened against the fanlights - cf the hail door. "Where' h dolrg?" sharp !y qeerled her mother, pricg through the Ulnda. "lie haA at tluwn on hU valUe. Now be La wiping hi forehead with a very nice white pocket handkerchief. Now ho looking tack at the houao. - Oh, mother, dont you think " "Polly," sai l Mrs. Piper, u accents of condensod exasperation. "I don't think aythlrg at ail. Bat If you dent go and help Olorlana with the wi.!sj. I go my. self andthro's an red cf It: AndPct- ".V id Polly, "tt len t that. Aty one Is welcome to the wild Liackl-arrt. But job setm hungryl 'I'm almost ta-nlahed." frankly admit-" tad the young man. "I breakiaated at alt. aad havs had nothing alaoe." ' " ' "It's too bad. cried trympathetie Pol- ly. "Look here you shall eom to our boueef Z dont care what mother saya. , "Tou are Mies Plperr be aakad. They call me PoUy, aald the girt "I declare tt's scnU-barttixo-aa, thla sort ef thing! WeTe no burlaes to act like tbe lrWwt aad the Invite, even if we do Lap- pen to be exporting co-npasy from the city. ' There's a very nice tlttie bedroom over the k!thc-n. air. If yen dont mind the chimney going through tt, and the oaUook Into tha. poultry yard Vahiai. end I'll get you some dinner mje-tlf. Cctne; p With the gesture of a modem Q ieets BoadlcU bidding her aert "Follow me: Polly left the basket of clothe to Its fate end led the way back: to the boeee, where Mrs. Piper wae area theo beating eggs . for the peach shortcake by the kitchen ta ble. . "XoVLtr." said she, "pv brought the BchooUnaeter batfe." Do not be vexed; but he waa ao tired and hungry, poor fel low! Ill fix up the kitchen bedroom for hlra. and it will take only a tew mlnstee to cook a bit ot beeUteak and cak a cup of eoffce." "Polly,- cried the derrelring matroo. "I think you most be crruy. . "lara." aald the bewildered frtrang- er. do not desire to Intrude. U -"It's all right mother. aald Polly, Cy. Ing brtakJy around, pouring out a boi ot rich milk Into which ahe heaped a lib eral portion cf the sliced peach ee which had been tnlenJed for the ahort-cake, and urgiog her company to "eat that to begin wtth. while she neMred out some coffee and put a Juicy alah of steak on the grliiroa over a bed of. while Lot .... .. . a-4 4T At that moment there cam a f uallade of knock at the hall portals beyond. If your couftla. Polly. erted Mr. Piper, hastening to open the door. It waa a stout, thickset men. la blue spectacle and a peper and aalt suit. Cowsln Atbertr asUled Olra. Piper, holding out both haada In ostentatious wleome. , - "Mitor fal.J the stranirr. vaoanUy. 'llemu&t be a llttlo deaf, thought Mr, nper, rd she raised her vcloe ac cordlr-gly, - "That aint ray name, mras, said the . atoct nun with the hla gutaaee. "and X alnt Url of hcertn neither. I'm Joeeph Parka, that's l-tlled to commence tSM-hing . the deetr let school to-morrow rsonJtg, and th Uu'.eee " "My goodneas mel exclalrsed Mr, riper. "If you're the avhooiteacher, -aho'a thl yung man? I kuew Low It Would t-e, Polly. lie's a tramp aa im prtetorl . " : Blow the bore for the tana hands; loo the dog"." " The young man, who bad Just dlspneed of the last luscious spoonful of peache and cream, here roee to hie fall height. "Up to thla tin-, aald be, "da one baa aaked me for my name or c-rd title. Eyerythlag appaars to have beea taken for granted, but If anyone la doubt? ol of my Identity', I ehal! be pleaaed to settle the. matter. X eta Albert llaren, from New York, and I preeurve X hTa the pluaaure cf speaking to my cousin. Mlaa and Mre. Parmuolaas Piper. "AlUrtl!aec cried Mta. Plprr. "Nhy, Albert Haen U sixtyl Mies Vi ola Hartlett You ara probably UJaklrg cf xr.j vsi. cle who died last oenlh." said the Strang, er. "Mia Viola Bartlett. I know, wae aa old sweetheart of hi. And L, aa Lis heir and reproaextaUra, have decided to carry cut th plans be had made for tUIU Ing his relations la thla nelgbbortiood." "WeU, crlod Polly, with eye that ah one Ilk hasel diamond, a ahe pour ed out two cup of fragrant c-oe, if you tare cheated the chof-natr out cf his wekome, Cooaia Albert, you mast be contest to ebere your dlcxr vtUi -f for I Von't hare anyooe else turned oet of door to-day, no matter what harp-ran-" "My dear little Coos!a Polly. cried Mr. Ilarerti "you are th eoul cf LoepU tallty. Depend epon It. I taerer ahaU target thla bowl of peaches and cteen tit.- Alb t u-s httped r.t r III! boi f ' crxia i.l r- ia h r.ta. 0l by the eht ta; litJe brock -Itl 'u Llof'ao ro-u-Tii I f.Klf u tre for- a-wfcrr ttasd f k .a lre to C 7, 4 Urt. V pf. a ibt took tia hot perea theMraka ltl ttpar-' tern co i xit f it etcs. tiof kieuh s 11 aJ t ijr: Por-t tHi I. a'tr? e'l-s-id f do K!Ut e t; ft t at etaled ibt a t.