. f . jj . - I (' " . ,4. T HO MAS Editor and Pfopridon t VJ-.7riWl Malice Acvxird nonets ii Chdtity for all. - ... " : ,.,, I 5 LiO PER J.L'X LtAJtcmt. VO. XIX. : . XOtjISBURG, .KT.'C , AXJOtJLSXlip, 1890. NO. 29. joys ANix sonuows , of THE COUNTHY EIT1TOB. : Response to a Toast at the Press lSunquet in lurliam by J. 1. Calclwei of tue States ville JLiiudniark. . You know the lecturer who hhd for his subject, "Sna iies '-in ' Ireland" ' ex hausted it :n the six words: i-JTherp ere no snakes m JLreland." It fis not wvpii to me to eebaTOdgh6y,' rfor though there be liiosuakea iD It eland thr be joys and sorrows in the cup edlS rial jn" Irede:f IMlpt1; The Difference. JHous lioid; IlecipcaJ il C . . . . - Henderson GoULeaf. " ' jj D ;t 'kJ Vv In. observing different - towns and Peel'lemons and .extract .the noting their growth and how it varies? seed8.--"BQil the"'peeI until soft, we are often struck with amazement, add-the ,jiiceand . pujp with and wonder why such a difference? pound of sugar, to", a-' pound- of One " thing sthal 'goes for- to lenlo-i Boil nntithick '-v. make up the .difference is seen in the ac- , ?iA?E.W0TIiJ:Qfi8, 'u tio of other citizensf Ina'dead town ... , v . r-" every inan is lookin, out for 'self and ' wo thirds cup each of sugar caring nothing fbrLthe ."torn and "its water and milk, two cpf4o)iri growth. He sits in h'w store; or other twPs teaspoonfuls of baking pow: piace of bviaiues3 Andwalta foir his trade der, one-third cup of Jautter.fla tr ibr .!somet ting ;io turn up.v JfanV- vor to. taste: This, is excellent .f..-ik'lua forflayercakei- .a z ; iow ne sees or uunKs ne-seea - how ha rrrrrvs' tvi- t- t ' i '-t- beaten to a'Vtiff froth, and - add J SHAM 13 LESS AND 1NFAUOU&1 ges from thia than from anv suar. ihis will malco one Joh2 pie or two round ones the .astral size. - i ill me crust "vitn the custard and place it in thej. oytn ill the crust 13 done. lext - re- SOFT GISaEKBREAD. 1 ne asaiguiueiii w iueui uw buijuw w uhmj icw juuiun? ous 01 11 ana no if 1-'1 "- I 7 .1 t'vi il compUifflit : to, t pne else can possibly make , anythinz. V vne cup ot moiasses, one cup my capacity for cSonsiderat4on,'for to be un QM principle he turns down every pt in hand, I take td be a, cc tecessory to complete the furnishl menl of young m?a rrry closely, ng of a'wellinformed man ; . and and the least littlo thing often even the following, taken from the limes places there in'u:; favorable move- the pie from , the oveji.l National Renublican. ia nnt'with. lic-ht lofom thrW wn!r.vnrJ it coyer the pie with-the frosting out its uaa and valno. M U tl. vnnV W,. ' wu.t(j:.. and re-place'iri the ' ovenVaqd . , " T V, - . " r1 7 f . . aketo aUghtronxWl- uwmaievtienc9 uiing in tne ine inieresi or un employer, and ent lemon pie.can be - made in ?turi ma exiromiaw 01 me lie- lfl not airaid to giTo him a- few he same-way, sing lemons in- publican patty, and .the goal.4 to I moments, that cta the ranid at. stead of oranges. ' . . r , which thoy aspire, ehould the dav I vancement. He $s the voun?min , - - ' rfj v o every, come, that their control of all 1 selected when there aro any fa departmeuta of the. government Ivors to bo granted." : " rTne fai'f the woman of the and very Boctioa of. the - country " I can tell in twenty ! minuUs Gospel far outsrippednhatof the ia .cooplete' :. . , 'j , ; ,, lint any workmanahop the young men of the GosDels." Women f : "Vhe.i. tfcrrtu?h tha oDratfarv Alltrlln wlift ioTf i;vi-'. loved much" and 'women be-1 txxire National Election. Jaw. -tlx or mi m v.5. tA', trA i.'tUi..i sure the oil in the crtise would-' run out j public enterprise or improv with the patience; of my hearers should j cries fteo much tax I undertake to tell all that my: fellow-J anyway;" 4our town bendsmen know of "The Joys and Sor- othtr such thiugs the tows of the Country Editor," especially which is that town is the lattei; and moreover, what ; is now universe, when the truth of the matter comedy might become-, tragedy, as in is that the world at large havdly " knows the case of the itoman "'Emperor who that there is such a place, and will never dwelt with such f power upon the sor- know it as long as such a policy ia pur" rows of life that jnany . of his - hearm s d by its inhabitants." ; : r , went out arid destroyed themselves. . . How is it in a live progressive toii ? spoonful sin" tha"r ban "and' bake rpjickiyV v.-- STRAWBEBRY TEA CAKE. Two eggs, reserving the whites L 1 Si IV " II I - 1 , I . - - 1 111 111 n.- 11 n 1 1 11111 111 nil" 1111 l tt:j.u r,- i. 4-.: 41.-. - s.. .k;..u 1 I n hllsinfiSH rrion nro nrnva ami si'.r- I ' t ? . 1 T nil icicicutio,. w tiiio j'ijsr vtuicii : - ...w wi.. w i . . ' ' -r t J - . fh -feAf th mroi ring. Tfiev are wide awake" and -nuh. fer lJae Blze ?Rxrgg,' nau' cup- there are certain: popular misapprehen- p spirited. They work together ,fbr fl of milk, two cupfuls of flour sions which I aia glad to have .the op tne pnw? go" lenowing Unt : brings one teaspooniui pi cream Tartar, portuuity to corjrect; 1 To be able, to dividual prosperity. They advertise half a teaspoonful ofqda Bake 4-jeu" tne primers taiuraay evening out of a weeks wagis, is one peculiarly his I on ne m hnt in thp main hiR ims nr' nnt territory - and increase their trade. 1-,.. .: ".. . - -r.-- I Thpv trv to llfiln insfpnrl of etiflaivnrii.oc amereni lrom uiose oi oiucr ineu. aoi -.'. J w , 0 . , , V,1f o .nnfnl of .u,jw.w;!ntl!. U break down each other. If thev cn- thenadd half a cupful of ilnnnrl t find Uuilacustomef they doUat" once, if Strawberries -bruised to a- pulp noiefrom a pnUcriber rwho' is" Uiree t:aiinot tr? lo ena11e tUeir years in arre r4, awakeus .a sensation ir business and their to vn arid .keep ia three layers! WhiU' rbf one the alert, ever ready to extend their beten very stiff, thre-fourths of a cupful of sugar; beat again fresh and beat till stiff enough to i known c.inn I -All aorts'of. reading is in a sense I Employers ' watch1 the move- Womans I'laco "niilVork. frarm water, half a cuor sofTfirevcd uch7andrwcmmterMfcrht ioVcu Southern SUtcs'sball d 9ca.-d Dem-1 tn Uuva h umi-l- . nA " -v emenC He ibutter, one teaspoonful iqfjodlWI delaty, wbileono tcratic rufif we shall look confidently to -f . , ' . ?1 "it: will :come dissolved in the water H Vek Thl' anc? 0 of JusuJe 'done the wT'" .r . T , must come; and BiDOonfdl of ? nffer anfc nnamon j-.vj 1.:-. t 1 lacici wnO tivrt beeu .so Uz oerrauded . , . ... ... .r . 1 whole-import of n u u , JAVI" luwK- i(ihelrfcii: v u-. v' : u . j wore anno moment tne- wruatle I I - J mixed and two cups of flour.' tier, the weaker, the more mo- T Tr . . . I Ma.. . l . u-t the "Hub" of thel Cr.- , s . .vi.M fi JT; ahooU hd laid: iinon tbe bIow? w tho-ones that riAnul . or-v whrv tivat wavaav.ta -i- . " . . . J TtitM1 U nill.lur lvkl avilirii hi l)i,ul iIiii.m hIi.h V... I yLtrOso, .great. cT::: 7.17 . ."t'" vital enthusia6mswnich trans- --"-'-i-"wvir -ure uttio tiacx. , ' - form" and elevate the . world. If bolihed.' and tho plan of . Th'e mftQ who -kc lh is the sisters, mothers, and wives Ifingbg the youth of both colors Into 5ntAr,; f tf;. ftlv f . Aa . close and equal relations In school ud I 1 3W Vl U,B worK l cean,ua nattej! pf 3pyv,.pufTt Vand self- 'r,uric9 P" . trial, a one-of the I employer into consideration, lten!alwMch fs'tetilVon earth-a niost pni'esil c-lenieiiu to break down Uiel ia very rarely laid off ia slack continuation of flhriat'fl Iiff?. fan detestable Bourboulsm ftf Uio SouUi. Itinies. . incarnation ot divmo graco ; and I njul or tne biaek to bear arm v. : u i:t 1 ii 1 1 i i . i . . 'V. W"1V-" " VCr V "U ' W gui-ranw 10 nun, u . M,M j lLe wof,d Jof , vrhich noWcarTBUffer uorTyaeiionJ all the a4:1 ri '! intjvil t. iw ! .1 niTio eathJbtlt 5pfeak8 aloud cured hiru by tho pasaze tf tia 1 4tb aad I fevr r . ta. Utter, chapped band. , ' 1 . 11.. . :i J I . . . . I i n 11 . t.. . ... N0T1CC, ; IlATirS"!ot or Certat No. isi lor three tiart la the luieh A Gutoa lUil Um4 Cooirauy. totjc U Urel-y -'.rea that I haJ ajJy fcr a duj-tnau muc ol aAU cert Son. CIUW.M i'Kaar. FrankUntoi X. O, July 21, 1-50, TOWN TAX. Tht U books wi U orocd for the Uiiiitif Totru Tax, ou iloixUy, Um 4Ui UAuiul rauaia co week ONLY, l'croct f U:ri to Lt during Uatiime iau ciijuvttj dtKiUe lax. Oco tu ibe (irautj Jury ' routu tf Ccrurt IIocm. ' j ' . ' . July 2, I&DO. . - ' ' uutr. VAfJ I EDrrVQ C L- Ilatlne acd Uiv'd'J onkr tx wool I wUl pay the ti;hc4t market Vrtc Uverol at aujr drK rU iLercty vid Oliver fftbt, lr;m;e aad com.mttivov ' liAiUanM .at m day wovl receiTcd. uIj ComioJ U rent. . , -1 , 1 which can be compared to nothiug ex cept the sii-rn .i';y.with wlifch" he .hails the appejiraucd of a load of fuel brought 111 by a wood ."Lbs- riber when the snow is falling a-Ul tlie printers are setting type by a tire lliade of bound valumes ot the Cougressiohar Record, men hive luuujd agreeable the mail and ; 6Uirs have, been . cold (though not this . J'unimt r) and : have bi-en war net! rigam -. , ;i . s , .-. ; : A th-jslrorig mm. rejoices infliis atrehgtii, &o d4es the country editor in his ind euce. 1 1, even I, nave the . pow er to d mtrol aver men. No louder ago than lst.SJiturdsiy afternoon I attended a prim ry.-,-:. Ih were four men1 n't it who waited to:5ehow I" vote(l and then they went auul voted the othe jRayA I, have in ii uc takt-ii my - puliiie. oplu:o'. an ulder from llvehincl iny ear and tiadvo 1 a ted the cl&iui of a "certain man .for office and carried every township hit the county a-aiu-;t him. In all the runge of my acquaintance I dtf notT , know. (0?'. Imt one otheri man wh6,.I DefieveVOould beat, this rictrd. He is a country Ktor too. ; In anciiiut iGreec an thetiiftn. neiuhior to sell hi-n.' ' Ti.ev encourage I stand alone. This gives a filling tlieir town paper aisd ui fx: t ail home enterprises. Talk with Llieni and the chief burden of conversation . is th. ir. town and howit is the be t ami liveli est place any wh re. Froi ose any en -terprise and the qui tion is i:ot how Yet other j many dollars can I get il of it in six sumrises in I tLiviiL ti lv vn 1.. virji lip iirowln and progiesss ot itks town r ii bring mre p ople? Will it Wore eninloviueut to lho.e already here ?. You do not hear, any clai opting to P,ttt uuu uul f m w , - - - - . - " I J ' i 111 . . 'll . 11 to men'and sanctifies the child and refines the brother and acts upon the heart of the husband with a ceaseless plea for what is good and what is divine. The Churchman., ' Uth AmemlmeuU to the Coaatitutioa. The State Uw$ aainn the inicrmarriage of the races should be repealed, and any iiiscrimmatious a-.auut the blick in the matters of lenrniug trades - or obtaining e.uploymeuts should te made a criminal MILES T. iLiSONS SOS. ' clklklUUis, corus and ail akin eruvtioot anu positively vure p.ut, or do pay rtq itred. U Is guinuitd to give perfect tatlkCactlon. or maey rcfozuJ cd. HVice 2i cents per box. For aale by J. H. ClUVrn. ' Will give of lovely! pink color. - i 5 iu. i SrtCED BREAD. , ' 4 ' . I Sift into a pan one pound of flour, put into' half-pint of warm milk a half pound of butter stir the milk and butter in the Hour and a. wine-glassful'of good Catarrh cured, hlth aod sweet brtath UQnce, while the colored man's right lo H3tM3 llpMl Lfc SUCCESS ! secured, bv Suuosrs Catarrh iteiaeOrr. Price bO eeuts. .? Nasmr Injcrtor tree. J. r sale at Furmau's drujj store. When a ife expects the Cict that the is a mother to compensate for all her lai ures. " . , . To allay pains, subTue InQajnimtont heal foul a res and ulcers th" mo. prompt and satisfactory - results .are yeast and a little salt: mix these ob-amed by uing tlat "old rc'Uble 1 ' ; ' i' ''t' x : re ed. Dr. II. McLean Voltanir wt 1: to tner and'eetun- a warm un jjniment. J- 4 " '. " ' When a wonxvi iraiiines tliat all the :anveh&rpiV'becaus0v-sQtme!HviJelse Uet it rise a full hour, then add a women in the world are in lovo with her started it or because V. will heln half.Tvonnrl of sntrar. a TisilF irr.itn i"u "4 UW4!, ,f nutmeg, large spooutui ot cinna- ciass more airectrv man . another. lr they realize that 10 he p one business interest hi h've town is . to liep all. To help the property holder is. - 0 help Iheiaborjng man and rcg versa: Jive io laboring man work to.do - and- tlie 'capitalist'niuat reaiJ a "benefit. Help the property holder and 4,e. must l.ave the work 6T tlie laboring nirm, . t . Detcruxined to'Tcll th Trutli. -- .""1 r " ' The robust - amt ;: healthful . indeDen- deuce; whiclvslioulj "always be isugsjist- mon and a wineglass of ro30 water ; mix these well into a sponge, pour mto'a pah, - and set to rise again ; let it rise a half hour, and bake in a slow oven. " - CHERKY JAM. - ; ' Red cherries are the best for jam ; they should not be too ripe If you like to preserve them whole, make a syrup, putting, for every pound of-frost you intend If jou ave a painful sense of fa tigue, find your dulie irkm uke Uv.-J. II. Ml-Lean's Sarsap-riHa. It w 11 brace you up, make you strong t.n-1 -vigioas. - - - .. When a wifc blames all tha trouMj on the husbanJ iutead of accepting ber share. - - tuild oilicc aliould be cacr&i'y rotccttd and recognlial, A few ycara of this . pol I k-y will solve the race rroUcm aatislhi torily . ' " " The talk of Soalhcrn Democratic Con grvssmen lu tbe House on LuLr a Na tional Electiou Llaw 1411 reminds one cl the G ry dbtr.bes , of Southern Hei-re- ctitalive just before tlie war. But the plantation whip was cracked in vaia this time. - It lias been a long time since then ;and tlie .world all . but the South cr.i icctiou of the United States tjis grown w fcr.n , " The spirit which, dictated the -.TO Till: 'I'UULIC. '': 1 I Lara traujrrtxl mil at li'Ttm In tLc Job lYuiiiai cc!c at rulj iou 10 Air. Jx Dcul, who ni l oUt &Uaoc,cuUAie the ski cikel 'Ht U also pay acvouau aiu.tCw& tkc - . J. A.TMOMaa." July 15, 1800. : . NOTiCK. -Havhis qsaliSai aa Exerutrlx tf W. T. ilu, loJco ts herety pm to ail tTkous owhvt eaute i xxki Kc Kinl fc&4 tetUe at oote, a,l li (souf hoVliu daui aut Mil etil tuujt p ei-n t thou lor pMjmeul ou or LeJor JUiy 14,11, vr Hum UoCX wul b . l ienUed in Ur tfiLts rojovtry. 'Ilia July 14, ltfvo. - , MA ST II A A. IIIXOA, ' 1 . ULcujinx. 0T1UE. "Tfc rss) Itftdaaa's Microb KiHer is th t most ooJrr(oI mli cioe, is b-a it luu never (ailed ia toy in stant, no tnlierbai run I " Neuter dlMu kom to ih j il" J- " ebb, uocce m hereby Riv Luji4 system. UIUI pcrso&t 0Ui iwr CUU to Th sririi!iieaof come pfTard and mr tlu siE at mv toycliwcjiJj.rT anda.1 lrohoal.ni claims a.-ta.t tltd estate will prtscui Uieni t lav mem ua ur txiuce Jufy IC, 1WI, or t'u notice wui Ue p.euil J lu k: f their rtcovevy. Tlu July id, livo. , . C. T. MKks, Lxecutur. thst tvery ditss U CAUSED BY. MICROBES, RAD km MICROBE KILLER above Outpouring of biteme88 and I KiUrmlntcs the Mierobra and drives , . , . . T. I them oot o( th arstccr, and benlhstt uaireu is uut uew amwig men. -il 1 jon to cannot b is the demon of incendiarism destructiveness of communiam. It lifted its ugly head along with the slow-awakening love of liberty general said the5 victories of - hisirivafJ J " v! preserving, oue pounu ui loai would not pe?miVhun W8leei. Ileave onopohzeJ l fta;;. 8Ugar into a quarter:pint of cold Ai - ; v ' mut-n 01 it as:;wiey . nowupo FBKQrjK?m.T ace'dents occur In tho household which cme butus, cuts, epraius ruu bruise; cases L11 Wheu a wife, who is not expaclcd to do auy such work say iu tho presence ed"thatwav. and will not saw lhe blood of the Revolution, held wood. " . orgie9 amid the erimson sawdust duo ro cimoi bT an so e or piP. X matter what tus Jiicas. whether a simil e-ia ot Malaria Kevcr or a caiahl nation ot ti.vai, uV cur s tarm all at the same time, as we trt aJt dlaeasca conititBlionUr. -nr 0 T03ACC0 FART.1ERS- raius and bruiser; for use in such in Franco a century ago; and, in- a., Jlv-Hsu,(Jm, fCLley and Lieer CUeUU einuating its hideous form in tho Chih ni iVrer,cw Troub. mmeur. e , U,, in all it$ farm, a, fad, trery mi rfon r Tt)liih BarArt hatFiAf 11 matv I . ' vw,v"" vr- i JJutajg tMortt ta Ike Human Xtcm on to treeaom, batiena on tne I .. i uctcart oj rouuMurtii imuuialwntm no s this bmnch otmy subject least I arbusrifc r ;ft tvater, which should boil for half that urnbu . - r. v--- - rnito-a-vrenuum and 'lnsninnsr 10- - r . .. . . , I remedy lor ?e that our Trade-Mark (same as shove) Sleenles nights, made miserable by of the guillotine with Mart a, Dan- I appesrs on ech u. ... at terrible cough. Shiloh's eure is th 4 " j tj-u" L: " . ' .- !. i. I ..t,dJu book """tory of the litcrob mH tnrit Knr .ul .t Pnrm.n'rcff IUU UU UIVIIV tt ilO lilkTU I IxWJef. KlTOa Stf W r , . " -: . . l " " v I- -TT r - a r i ii v I . . i tne jealousy pi my oretnreni .,- u; 17, . . J.; - Iln - L i-AnJ. - n nour, -.nave yow iron picwa . priests, and mercilessly soucht its ; Ano-r;nn,tce68ef ThereHM .PeusyIvan.coort'iioKi from the talks andweighdut gJ 355 toU-S)2 sa victims among the infirm, frail in the heart f the country editor -when, kwyer who had the cross-examining of it gently into the syrup, and 1 et of it every uihf as "her and helpless, from the crowned after the chtttch:tfes'tfval,'.;the-ii.lao5es tu, ,wiinpfia tHsVhn f?tarv:.. tivptviM.. itboilToran hour, stirinsr eentlv share."' - noon i tViA mrtVtW VoAlinry a I I s r , T . fr t r " W T T c I - . 1 1 va iV' w a sv iv uv iuv. avva itig is , comearounciAna awyor. nwj wneu enV well until aicerfeiiv lestionhad and carefully to avoid breaking the commencement eon-is .over; been asked aud as much of it answered the fruit: skimoccasionHy. Put when he fa thid .of .the dwheaan MMed tfie lawyers desire. i i;tfi olofo ' -T,rA5t I . - -. I Cfe lltllU VAA WJLMbUa MUS , I? A-Va-A. A W Dr.JBCI.IrON DmIsMgt ! LonsnvnGx. a who comes up and reads exchanges to him. ; 1 ; - , ; : - admitted at the outset, he has1;' rowcv too : .There, are. times ;: when tho But as suessteoVby mylsubjecti and .sor' Shiloh's Vitibier is what you need for the family alter. Later, under the and all etuvUmqi of dyspepsia. Price $1 1 very regis of this CTCat republic, it ad,75eenui per battle, for sale at Fur- -lrnA ;frontu 'StOD lhere7 I)on teU vauy more u - a . . .. man urug store, e.- ,v vv:6 about that" : '- .jr- i I " - J , rr-. 1 wnen a w;ie insist inatner nusuanu 1 iua. tun ui pnuvai nwuavs, oxiu "But there i answered the 1;ThejnuEsle H.S.FURMAX, Agent, . FBAXKUXTOX.N.C . I desire to Inform th Tobacco Far mrr ot FraikXi that I am moulding at my Fouulry la Louiabur three direrent iir tf FLUE EYES, ih'ch l am k!:Lij at very rauocatle lTk.es. Also Arch lrou to mt-h. Uniers will rvceire Prompt AOcctioa. . It- D. DoDeo.x, ; ioaUbcrg, X. C. THE GOURD VI.YE. : AU the former rntrous il th nocnl io" are cordial; y iu vital La rail la wheu In LouUbtny. They U1 aJwsje fiiid ou liaaa, aud tbey mil l Turuialtsd with Crt c as liquors, Ux wine. All tlie latent ke!rkJu served 16 suit my customers. , Kcsrcctfuily, . WcLtxix l. 1'kiaaT. grasshopperfa anTh first cotf bethel witness wpt subdnETen , ;p;"rg 'a Biice a doien inuutb. Bold by Futman. t.n boUi thtiegg with the crooked neck I when:. the uriMrebuked rhin, he l-zr"ZZzr tZTrn-7Zir a the maik with the -first strawberry j was still respectfully msurdinate..ty:. ; . V, . . , 01 the seascju, demand elaborate notice; - kvanrmnn ia ni m iw vmi rut mrM i . . . . .... j . . . . . . ..j . j . ni- ftinF wmio ine lnaininna a. I have been brought Byiufji ofrown suger. .Melt ! the chickenk wiih four-legs and a double ity.'? he armedf '1 ave been required J lu"? -f P.1. sDUier- a ck,andii u eye in ine top 01 a a jirau1.:ji;ii'uu ftrreSc':-i--Thedyert.ising 1 asrent l a''-, a.i :ii u'xu 4 . " lithe Whole truth and i-.tiotaiiiDnt-.lhe IT , 0 . ; . : v- - .T7-- - I--'4 Quarts, cover the bottom with the ltru.tnv;;owyoa--:mu5t auowrr me 10 siices f bread , dipped in the the brillant; gifted young Cook at Shiloh's consumption cure is sold by n I . 1 . . na truurantee . It cures consumptions! postle of tho - atrocious doctrines mat put ine musxei in tne nanas of the insurrectionist skulked in their libraries and editorial sanc tums. ' ; . -' Yes, the anarchist cry of the Ka- Tl ETROIT SURE GRIP i." 1 1 Pi.1 f..1t. Itf.-t. fa't tie eosttof hoisting aved torcaeprs. tteners. farm osrhiaUu, builders, contractors -ad others. - Adairtetf to b tK createst improvement ever Did ntaeale blocks. FrigU prepaid I Juf. A, 1803. tf rue lor etai"cv. lu.w Iron A Unrin Works. Ftab Ushed 15.. 10 Draah suct, Detroit, UleV S 1 famore toieU.ix haven't I into,?.a!8 andv m. ! get qulte cold ? g k k m 1 sent the gray-haired old;. fanatic, j M I qnestkn.- t -5 I efore you cover it. v. l cJ.fvT7 r rT , !t "Ossawattamie" ; Brown, to - thb 1 U 'kasheld firmlv in nTace I APPLE PUDDIXQ. l-nr. for raLarrh. dinthcri anil iuskM I shambles of llaroer'a Ferrv. with I i I 7 ' AH praa- sr ; ktrrbj . (arUUe-i i ed t birr, La. not' or detain frvss s-v. sm. nsers, Ned Allen a4 ''HUIiaw F.rtT: ti.7 leso. -. , . - S.I . . who waiits top of.coiumn. on x $hef local b keep the' oath you made 1. me sweat:' nUaA wfnT. A-r f Kia PWduig.tte?oa.bo:fK eiiherxonrt nor counsel has a right witb thick 1 aver of krmles "aiid teut thev are bleasanUo take and will tional Republican ia not a strange - - - I ' .4 , I - , . . . o For sale at Furmau's lru - The Kev. Geo. 'II. Thayer, of Bourbon Jnd says: llotb inysnJI and wife owe onr sives to Shiloh's Consumption cure. For isle by Furman. When you are constipated, have headache, or loss of appetite, take Ir. J. II.' McLean's IjWerand Kuluey ril ; Dniursili OfSjrtl carato" and lbwtM by'readmg,imdjwan hxtp perjury ; because at halt-price less J5 ni.eijei--w quite he sub'erto Vt with a hickory stick and the-sheriff is core yu. - .,.... . For weak 'lack.: chest pains, and a Di. J.TIMcLcan's Wonderful Ileal sound even -in this fcnlinhtcnd land, and fifty years ago it. incited the emissaries of abolitionism to a world of mischief. Its-mission eoodcheeiF and In the company;of Veach j ' - t'v4i' !-...' '.-J 2. ;:.-"'h4- W I a layer of sugar; and-" another the whole layer-of bread dipped in the thel- ' a 1 - 1 . 1 j' 1 A . ' 1M I A 1J1. J. 11. i xnej red-Butter, ana so. continue until i - nlVste- . I ttvA llot-. is iro-rir full Tiovinor 4Krt I . nnif vh'lt believe rnftald lhe Hast Iaver bread Pack it down nep a wue pa-ysvoo mucn attention -.st-t:, ..-.-1 : ' . i ... t ,--' . i -t tv -i.i. I to her hnsKitid s- old vows and - not I ' ii : : ' . v - - a -aj. ai. lllTI MM IL I H. .Ill W III.. It. t-?i a1 i? tr ling ot strne, tne uisrnption 01 sb any,work or society and tho perversion of law bui, ess unless you .ftel wVll. ' .If au order and, until the better rl!Ltit?'u BeneooHHe.North.trariglosUonce will ive you health, strength aud fo U " wlU wmaw ninsuper- vitality. ' ; . - - able bar to a : .prosperous, - and I j peace i ui union 01 ine American Wmn W:.-f disbrfjawyerthat seed. court well, cover ino DaKing aisnfwitn h tlwaureoT ' But theMtlernesS of theses merflorles sustam hTm aud : lost my case. the lidrnd bakefjn a jmOderalo has a t mlly- marrie). t ; "lade mdelhe! influence': PittsbuWri v 1 - oven tVo and a-halfvrjthree. JvAiiUt-acomDi: HFoiV to Avoid IiaI HusbatncU. hours. Letit stand in the dish hfteen or twenty .minutes betore ' - t -"" " ' " a l - arm wnn other aud of Durham's charming pecC " n Tl 'V .'a-Jvv-.; i . ?. v-"- turnine out. ; - serve w ,. ., - v - I v ti,., .,. - :: r.--sv si ' --t- s--:.. hard sauce.. -: .. f . royRW iNevermarry forwwlth:. ; woman's :-v;: ; r 4 ; J . T admonish yotf to,:magnlfy your jo.Vs in : hinsi- W. ' h I-? : -? - " orauge pie. rCi Two eggs,' one large orange "or and minimize your sorrows and,'; toVrer jLi'j , aiize the dignity; ot your:.. cainng. . x ou; evermarry st fbp who struts .about two small onfcs one-half cupr of .have a minion white sugar, two' 'and one-half ffift snverhded cane and ringVupou his t.blespoonfula corn starch one .v.J5 atw.v ,.,.vr. . jinorer8 -licware I xnere is a trap.: ...sii.irttKil ' - V . - , - - r;.v : Xever-marrV atiicsrirdlv. close fisted. IS CONsUML'TlON. INCUUABLT. people. iVllead' the foil wins: Mr..LVlU Mor-J . A t . i ns, xsewarK, rKM sys; ,VV as, down witlt abscess of lungs. TLo flteu Vli Star.' TU Fall Term RtjiM Si4embr 4lk. Tuition 630. Four rejrnlsr ennmsof stidr" (nslcslt I u.iosopntcai. uierary ana .-"-rieBi-ne. Spenal eonrse in . hemi.try. CltU sad UcctncaJ Kng.neenajf, taa ran icy and other stndic. 8eperst school of Ir and Uedielae, wne stouoats may atuua tb l u. truly icciurrs. oimirn . lion. K KM l P. D ATTI-fX LLP- , rrcsident, ttfl Hiil, N. . 1 . .KUTICK. IIsTlntr IhU d.y QaJ.iCeJ s sdminfs- trUr of . IK ."Uiupcr, ami ire is bereby in to ail prons in Ult late, lu com (ortrsrd nJ ty the sam at nw, and ail vrrwn Ko)d;nx dsia arJt lb sa J eoamper, ul rrescnl men lur ! Di'Ot on or btfor Jo! 4. IWt. ft this n ties wtll be pleaded is r of tlMr r Tuis Jul 4. lir.X llj. JOES. Ads'- - c very NOTICE. ; All txrsoae sr Krl forkU A t. 1.-. loror aly tlrvw eUrd. b bcla bi.l lo me. tt asy rntUs Tnetty JalyJi, 1?, wuiat my pf. miMioo. About Sfevt hirK darA cMa- ,:tx d by tar i pl i vi icii nana. ulMral rawanl l. .i ft bis spprvbeasioa aaJ rtr to ssa. VtU.C0WT. Jsly,.Ut3L ' Y.loablr Uuld Ulnlns Land 'or Malp. Py virtaeof a deer 1 tb )Ptrior Crt of I'raaklia ea(x, mads ai AfcrtJ ttna l&.n Xlnday Ulss44f mi p Umbr I SCO at 12 J, I stiali I t& b'.gSc bid Je at tb Cut ft so Jffr ia uool.Surj. ihreefanha dr04 Is lenrtt f thai. Uaet f Uad kso a lm . KNIU THOMAS fJOLD MTNjS tkaCt ; ad .laicj the rrti o-M His-. yfe la- , xYaakliit and nsb eonntie aJr Ui rt ters of tuh'.ag creek aad eaaiaiairr AiJ ers i-or cr Iw. On llik of tae . cbaa cnoney cicb yA ev. as4 iA !!. in I i mootbs ai I pr JaJertt Iroa day f sal. j.Tvi.iSr J'nr: , ''2 J greater or when it, was,mqi e , jnecsaary tor us to be 6tead&st, imnMvable, At Wsfpericd'.wh . ocial revolution is apon nsywhen ,pf ej-. ! Udice Vf njbout lieing en throfied. In tfi6 - aeat of reason, I coinmeud to you , the wor Is" of Seneca's pilot: 5 OVHeptUne J ' Vou'inavrfeave mb if vou .will but :what- sordidwretch,, whojaves; ejet y penny, or spends it grudgingly. Take care less he stint-yon to death.; j;?1:1" ' ! INever marry slrajcc whcWe Vliari acter is ;not Known prutester!.-..pme. kids l um u into the fire not knowing. Nevermarry a nan; who 4; treats; his mother or sister .unkindly, or indifl'erent- tablespoonful butter, a pinch of and Hi lid ahd ihvekians roiiuunced salt, ana one pint DOiiing water " iutummu tunom.q.u.c. j'an r;,aWQ 4V.a ot. efoVnv. takins Dr. Kind's New Discovery tor i r i nni ii w lo a qiuiijii a x a va in i v. onsumpuou ever' happen, I will -;kcepi my -judder iy : guch treatment is a sure indication troe.".7 " , - ' ufa mean and wickadmiin.vr s . water, then add one pint, boiling boU,t,t nfi a,0 l0 f,verspe lhJe wmk water, grate in ine rina oi uie on my tarm lt j3 tiie Cnest uicdidue orange (be careful not to -grate ever made." ' ; . .'too deep). Next squeeze in 'the Jesse .- M"ldljwnrt, Decs tnr, Ohio, i bice of the. orange, and stir ihto' ay: "ild u n6t ben f"r Dr- K-mg's tt,QWfra l101tar.f ro-fr 'ew Discovery fo- Coufuiuption I l iiv AAA A-VtAVSVUSVVr.lA.UVSA.IVV'.C.hJ . Cf at KOQ4o.-r nn(1 am, arrl tL would have died of luuj , troubles, well-beaten, and then add - the Wg$ iven 0 b doctor8.- Am novT sugar and butter to complete the iu of health." Try it. Sam custard. For a good frosting piebottles free at W. II. Furman Jr's take the whiles of the" two eggs, Drugstore. . ; , - f . . . Young mechanics make a very gregious mistake, saya the B uil dera' Gazette, when they began to think that they do too much , for their employers ; when they work ai few moments overtime tp. com plete a small task they are per forming just "at the -time the whistle blows to quit work. More young men have been kept from receving an advance in their wa Highest of all in Leavening rower U. S. GoVt Report, Anj. tj, i : ', Wtg v I '

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