. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor J '4 " - . , W With Malugoward notU; If iih- Charity fur alL VOL. XIX. LOUISBURG, .N;CJ?AUGUST.;29j 1890. NO. 31. PRESIDENT C ARB'S ADDRESS- tbe few thousand-reap the entire ben ENCOUUAUE - U03IE PA- nw.' we ail kuovt but too well the .re sult of this rein 'of selfish i2reed.v The To we onwcre anu ueiegaies oi iae j.orin small landowners are heme : pushed to Girolina State Farmers' Alliance. the wall; the larger ones are no longer Our fourth annual meeting is at. hand J able to make both ends meel; farms in and the signs of the times indicate a still the North; South, East : and .West, and greater interest in the objects and i aims especially West, that r twenty-five years of our order and unity of -feeling ameuj ago, during the period of greatest infla; PEU8. There is a false the agricultural ana lapan ng classes, never before wituessed Mn rthis. country. It is a source of congratulation and pres sageB aught , but. good ; At. a bamlig age at our first, Rockingham, , meeting- we numbered eight coun ty aad one';bun d ed and thirty fcubordinale'Allianceav tion, that paid a fair percentage on a val-1 PaPers elsewhere to do the work uation of J21) to $40 are now. being fore- the local press would f cheerfully closed on mortgages for half that amount, do for perhaps half of the a- and the former seeking new fields of eni 'mount. 1 '1 ployraent for a livelihood. ' - . ' Wrjtinrll thii rh It is a sad commentary on humanity, y t y j ' 1 .t nrn ir..tiif 5i'k nil Petersburg Index-Appeal, , says : A.M OCCUiD IU IJO ih CUrumvm lull- Vie dont know what to say-what Tire New York Tribune hasn't to do.tfith so perplexing a subject j dared to eay much about Blaine's Can it be .true that some men are J reciprocity schem, but it has al- econqmy ; in born rascals, and are SO obtuse of I lowed & Brooklyn einllma.n many of .our towns in the line of intellect, so obdurate of heart, bo whom it vouches for aa a "wide advertising places.;; j, , : ; . mentally unbalanced that, they awake Republican," and whobas I They entirely ignore their home cannot see the need, or find the lately been studying public senti- papers and pay,fancy prices to resolution of will, to eschew evil ment amone Wisconsin Rennhli- . i . ways and walk in honest paths? j cans to say in its columns: 1 havo talked Highest of all la Leavening Fowrr. U. S. GoVt ILrpcrt, kng.i'. iJi bat At our second meeling.aat Raleigh,' we j -equal, distribution of wealth there is ;un- had fifty-two county and - one thousand I equal distribution ion of social power. The ure of all Virginia city councils, e middle class, the man of ;bis niggardly dealing with the He' Started out mi: the War. path But Struck the A few weeks ago a citizen call- with ' the best Judges of the political siUiation in Wisconsin, men also poculi- any weu intormea on anairs in the other Northwestern States, and I deem it a duty to declare that the final enactment of the wid n ; Great are the People. Wxsnnf QTo.f, Aujust 18. Tb censat oce to-day practlcallj coro- and eUhtfeen subordinate -. Alirauces. At j influence of the our third Fayetteville eih t y-n i n e f moderate meansris no longer fealt in the I local press. Wherever and when ed upon a well known ; atheleto McKinley bill, in anything, like P011 ount of ibpopuUtloa ol Ann on era cron nirn to crura ecanni i tL. u ..u - -.4. i- i wv-v , m. m -- - . O r O UO OUMkrw f 1. UVH OMUiUOt in Doxing, ana. alter ,; aoout month the teacher Baid to done, and .thus home1: : enterprise receives no a will lose us the next Coneress I . .via v 18 I nn ivill renner it noxt tft imnrtiu I i i -r . p J , . I tcCU W,ClTeM. , COUiVCuba.Ul fcirf aiblo for the Democrats to bungle 1 d.Uv tnnoanccment oT th rcoaUtioQ "Youjirain'good; ahapo now, a"n(i blunder sufficiently, to en-1 ofthe iererat StaUsi ' cannot' U made encouragement, and j-pu need'nt be afraid to put able us to elect a successor to 1 for some dirt jet. TtV cooat" op to v I In; time now aa asrecaw a Gaw,- county and one thousad eight hundred j legislative halls of the capitol, he is being I ever a newspaper's advertising and sixteen subordiifate Alii ances, with J swept away. .Wealth is rapidly concen-- J ?rates can be squeezed ' down 7 to an actual meraoersDip pi sixty-uve uious- txat.ng ana put or . ..me, , consequent cor- ;the owes. p0gsibie rateB this ( is nunil - and. To-day we have a total of ninety j ruptio but two classes are. forming the 1 ' j , , l 1 ' . , ' five county and two thousand one hun, J lordly rich 'and the beggarly poor. : While li-Pfl nnd fn! tv-seveh subordinate Alii- I fr. tn ndmifc that th in'nnifMis ! nrnlv.- ances, containing ari approximate mem- tivo tariff has brought about the present I although it is constantly engaged up your hands with any of the I president Harrison: bership of ninety thousand, with every depressed state of agriculture' by strip- in the city s interest while there boys." county in the State Organized save Dare, piugtlie poor of -three-fourths', of tkfch is always: money N available for U-Twb days later he pupil rc Xotwithstanding t$is, applications for natural savings and concentrating a mal outside purposes. - Ai very useful turned with a pair of black eyes oew charters are, constantly being re- jority of the wealth of the country in the lesson might be learned in - this and, a nose with the bark all off ceivedand the work goes bnvely ; on s hands of an infinitely small part of the particular, by the f Lynchburg and the instructor exclaimed. W1 n an mcreasing demand for lecturers people, compost of manuhctui-ers, trusts, Counciland h 6omQ ;; other b h y and organizers. i pools and combmes, a repeal alone of this , .. . - . . uaai owiu uin, .uui uuvo Perhaps the most important meeting unjust measure . would Dot relieve the J y-. ; you Deen in a ngni f" PrlMMetaU. UjrMr fr. far A tree wj fdloJ receutiy at Tl kmock. Ore ; that Wi T"2r fret lor Xlecomnientla S.S-S.asaSprlnjr - ' 'Tonic. ' ' ' l tate pleasure in recommen. din Swift's Specific (S. 8. 8.) as a Blood Purifier, and general tonic. 955, and when the entire count is Cab bed, the population of the coontry, c cordicg toPortors' estiina.be, twill .b about 64,000,000, an bcrcaM of about 30 per cent, during the decade. Do ring the coming wcet the entire force of the ceutus oCxe, except toch as will ever held in ShU country has been tfie I present dislress. It would not lift a our minu s eyeirom cures ana assembling cf the Farmer and Labor or- single mortgage. The one thing needful towps in the far AVest. They al- i;anizations ia St. Louis " in December in the present financial condition of the ways look out for home papers last, the necessity for which was - fore- people is a debt paying s'stem of finance, first, before they bestow their fa- ihadowed by that eminent statesm an and In comparison with wbich all other vor elwhprp " ' ouestions sink into utter lnsigrmfieanca. " I -r. v While looking after our national gov ernment relations, we must not lose sight of the education of the jurist, the late Judge David Davis, when he said, as long agct as 184G: "The rapid growth of the corporate power -and the nvdigii influence wlaich it exerts by com pilation o i tUj national and State Leg islatures is a - well grounded cause lof alar.a. A tra:j4 . is penclins . m the other Slates more liberal ia this matter. no-ar future beiweeh this overgrown pow The country districts are more dependent er. with it vast raaiificiitipus all over the upon the publio school system than the Uuiou aud a hml grip on much of the towns a&d cilie; henee. we should be es- po'itkal m ichineryj on the one hand, and pecially interested in having bettc-r school the people in an urfoaiiized condU'oii'.on facilities. . . Wcpay here in North Caro- tiie o' her for the ecfn irol ; of the govern- Una .only forty .ceats. t-r public instruc- nient. It will e --watched by ' jevety tiou foreach man, - woman and child, 1 lrit wii h iutehse 'z axie- v." v Never while in the SoutheVu States the. figures uion- prophetic wirds felLiVo'tii the Hpiof run .up ,.to. eighty-uhie ccnts.'- In other in:ia I "i he peopl, though slow I to ad words, we spend for education less '.'than mit it; had at last i-jbecti f cmvinced, and one half the average ot other . Southern By spending your. money at borne it will enable home pub- masses. Witii-l . ' ...m , uniJ) wucu out this we cannot i rosper and keep and m circulating your town pa- ...... .. ... . . 1 i L i pace mteiiectu tiiy or materially with prs you snow up more oi inaex to the town than a mere article in soma other paper. EV- "Mow was it?" "Why, there was a. fellow I wanted to lick. That's what I came here and graduated for. I met him yesterday and sailed into him. or started to sail . into enumerators. ii t i r a it I xmas no equai lor iomnB up m UeDga;ed !a computations, Wdl U jrm, pan w i.u, nU . , . lh aecOttntl of hfaiMntr rT t nn no rrrr i cr ariAvmAfl i H in tho spring. Throe bottles of this wonderfull medicine made a new man of me. - John L.HcFP,Girard, 111. Scrofula Cured, Mr. S. I. Brooks, of Monticel lo. Ga.. writes: "When the best To allay p&inx, subJue ioflaicmaton, hral foul tores and oleera th mo I prompt and satisfactory rtiuJU are obtained by oti; that old reliable remedy. Dr. J. II. McLean' Volcanic Oil liniment. while lite bolt rvaaml 9y eo foot. I dctlre to lrfnrrrvmy fricoi anJ tb pcb'Jc roeniUY iftf 1 bmxt xtfttd a E:tkm wl'iil'.l & Cobre I will i Rlad to have than tall on m wbea In wntourl ar.i ficcy proctrW, boot, ft boo, uifiUua tfV. ; , If f. MUX . ... .Very II' ptSiI.r. NOTICE. t, Hario? oi or raUUk! CctOVaU Xo. he three tharea la th lUlen & Caitoa IUQ Ucmd Comnasy. cotico k btrahy liTon Uat I thU arvly .bra dapiicau fcwa oi uul ccrtfla.i. , Charuk I'mt Franldlatdo, X. CL, Ja!y 21, 1830. , .. , , . r- physicians failed to cure a easel "When his crowd pitched into f icrofula of two veftr8. 8tand. you?" ing a few bottles of Swift's Spe. "Oh no! I found I hadn't the cine (S. S. S. ) did the work.! I Therefore I do not hesitate to DEMOCRACY IS AJBOVI3 V EHYT111NO. d he hammered Halifax pronounce S S S. the best blood and rigroua. Watches were first cocitrucied in 15TC. Ifjoubave aminfnl aenie of f Uzue, Dnd your ouilc Irksome, uke Dr.J. II. McLean's SartapArilU. It will brace jou up, make jou strong Gov. Jarvis speko wisely yes- away an out of me. You are a nice man 1" "What about?4"' "To take my money and then terdayvhen.he. counselled the get me licked. Democracy to exercise a spirit of "Licked 1 Licked 1 -Why, you wisdom, conservatism, and con- rabbit, do you think learning cession, xieplead earnestly and now iq uox gives you sanui. . ai iselyforconciliation and for ; a you had only;told rne fe that you ftiirifier in the land. I cheerful v recommend it to all who are suffering from impure blood. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. a miIIUaiio rP nAnnta 'nmtf lU.via bwnnr 1 wtnis ; "XTrt.tT ?i vtou - fYA fort curatives there,. Io fform aa Alliance witlidht education we cannot preserve our j united action upon the part of lacked grit and : yet .wanted to T all Dftmoerfttie. and a making? of 1 lick someone, 1 should nave ,' - W ' J H A xij 4 C JF A HJ I Vi ik UUU A tl'j'VUlJ WVrf V a. f I " J 7 Cj I unanimity i'h wiiu-h the . dem.-uiils set predate the meaning of .that . precious forth bv fhic borlvlwere adont! and the" heritage.7 freedom and realizing that universal eii loreiiient iy nil sfhe States I therein no slavery so galling a3 tlie shiv ery due to ignomuce, T heartily recom mend this body to lend its a:d and en couragement to a revision of the present public school system, thereby affording more extended facilities for common edu cation. : . ,l : : t " I fm'ther recommend the appo'nlmer.t and Territories after mature -deliberation and discwioii, sBonld," and .1 1 believe. ;11. couvuicri ourjlegislators of our h-m-ety of purj)ost a l detiTminathm to. ac--couiptish ou endsi . This meeting. Na tiual in ciiaroclef as ia naiiie, ; ws a inanificent sn. eels "in ; obliterating.'' the old lines every, question secondary I to Democrats success, i ' He illustrated his point by.tel ling of the time when he was en gaged in a joint -discussion in Dare county with a iRepubHcan who has since become prominent. A friend of the Republican tried to confuse the ex-Governor by taken another tack. I should have taught you to sit on a high fence and punch him in the eye with a long fish pole as he went past.' Detroit Free Press. The first iron steaauhlp was ba3t 1830. FREQUrjrn.T accIdenU occur In tbr household which cause burns, rata. nralos and bruUes: for use In suclt canes Dr. J U. McLean's Volcanic OU Liniment. The first loxifcr match was made in 1829. : ' KleeplrtY nfft, mftft DUerblt by tlia.1 Lrrrihl can rh. fthlloti'a ear la U In his testimonial attesting! remedy for iU For Jtranaatt'drc 41 T J ti 1 I 'Wf. Kerosene was first used for lighting purpose in 1 820. 1 , , ... 1 . 8XATCHJED FROM THE GRAVE. Memory Gems. Always endeavor . to be The first hone ndroad was budt In l826-'7. Shtloh'a YittUter U what yea Pd for eonttipttion, loss of rput. Uiula and all irmlomi of drippl. TrW It and 73 rtnU Pr bottl. or ) at Kar- of the results of bloodpoisoning I oo' druj store. which cannot but have its weight j The valaa of a too of aaver Is $37r 704, 84. Killer, Mr. M. C.Battey, well and populary known from his connec tion with the Queen and Cres- cont Railroad, presents a picture yamtedt-yooi. -; . Tlavlr and onllmltod crdtr for wool I wUl pay lb hl-bdtinarttet rtfce da livtred at any depot or whax thcrebr sating the siiipper freight, dririe and cornniiMloni. llerniuance always m day wool recdroi. gads fomkLoi froa of rent. MILES F. MASON'S SOX. No. 3 S. lita ireet Rkhmood,Va TO THE PUD L1C . i I have transferred all of ray interests in the Job Prln-lr. fflce at Frmxlin ton to Mr. Jaa. l)at, wtio will collect all accrvooU due the . takl offke. IT will ahx pay accoooU aftiatt th tl- fka. J. A. Thomas. July IS. 1800. : . NOTION . Ilariox p3alJied at Hzecstrix of W. T. Mina, notk ta hereby girea to all penont owiaj tho esuu to corns Tor ward and teul at once, and ail povoos holding claims aolst saaI csute tnatx pment them lor payroect oa or bc&L July 14,mi,:orUn botks mill U pleaded In bar of their nxorerv. This l Jaly 14, lbX). Martua A-Mixoa,; llxecutrlx. . of ' eev-titlnalism a ' matter "de- of a legislative committee whose duty it frequent interruptions, and made you .would wisnto appear. be v shk and of first .imp-a shall be to'look after the interest of " the himself so conspicuous and dis- Cheerfulness s the right weath honest - old r Primitivo Baptist preacher ; be- vput y to poriauce in securiug; ine, necessary na- i orner. jjisewise mat some aaequate pro- j arreeable that ' an uuni itrj:rfMn.uiiu. ; s. - - j visum uc uiiiuc iul tuc uauuutu jjca uium have bee Lsrantei tbe most imno, tant. tarv bamade State Cron Statistician: the camemdiguant, and taking off his the relief if the fiilanclal distress ,of the County Secretary, the County Stattiscian coat said, "Lay there Kehukee farmers, lias beeu I ignored. - The labors and the sub-Secretaiy, the sub-Statiscian f Baptist until 1 whip this Radical The Governor counselled the mer chants, the workingmen, the far mers, lawy ers, and all others to port ant school of character say, "Lay there Alliance, ; lay there ofthe pas! are as hothing if we expect to j with adequate, "compensation "for their accomplish this ' &x. This government services; and finally; in view of the fact, for the Jast thirty tyears lias been run ,,in- that-wewere numerically weak at the the interest of a victorious war party, formation' and adoption of cm constitu- a ne war leeiiug has : preaominatea in t tion and, since tne oraer nas - wonuenuuy i IQ mercbandise f lay did the fishuns: live no V choice in the the dutv devolving uniia being InfSnite-! Knl6tlts of Laor tnere gov tcKlaj ill rAinillinniif nl lha liirififnr ha l 5. rT l ilvvoU Inntrer ini: nfllinnaliftC i AN eXChaUge SayS ; been the power behind the throne. The guvs'; believing dialhere in the Capfiol. the most difficult things for evidence of this Is lound ia the history of at Washington, have originated the far mind of an honest man 10 grasp er of the heart. .' Egotism and selfishness are al ways miserable companions in life. . , . Golden words live-through all time. , .. ; Home is the first and most im- with evenly balanced minds. what I Blood poisoning comes to the sufferer in such an insidious shape that it isonly discovered when, under ordinary circum stances, it is too late to combat it. According to his well-authenticated statement, Mr. Bat- Wberi yon are corfitipalsd, hare headache, cr ln of appetite, lake l)r. J. II. McLeao'a LWerand Kdoey 111- Ictt; they are pleatantlo taie and will .cars you. Coaches were first used in England in 15C0. Khlloh't Catarrh Remedy a potillvt core for eaUrrh, dIpthrU and caker 1 the fightbg lve noychdee, in ;;the Uie duty devolvmg upon us being infinite- . !r Vk T " " " vernment. iVho are the meu in power ly more onerous. I recommend a revision ery thing until we whip the Radi ihy? Thbse tlUrwereenrivhed Ofthe constitution to a special committee; cla party."- Chronicle. s. 1 Labor may be a burden yet '"an honor and a glory. Idleness' is the curse of man. Tell mo what you admire, and I es. tey was veritably snatched from I nwnth. .Sold by Fuimaa. the grave by Radam'a Microbe J Modern needles first cams Into cts in In 4K I 1545. world his faith in it as a cure for 8yilVVJ,mLt:A!lr U!fr. blood poisoning, while others tell of it as having cured them oi The value of a ton of goUU C0 1,7 W, consumption and kindred diseas-1 21. narin thit day qualified at Executor of Mjry J. Webb, notics It hcrrby tf' en ta 1 persons owing her euu to come forward and pay Ui Mros at ones and ail person boLLn cUlms aainit aaJd estate wZl preteot them for - pay rnent on cr before Jo'y IS, 1601, or this notke will be ponded in tar their recorerT. Th Jnly 16, 1S?0. C T. bTOKca, xocntor. . 0 TOBACCO FARMERS-'' One of the I'll tell you what you are. Conscience is the moral gover nor of the heart. Kindness does not consist in gifts, but in gentleness and gen- For sale by Dr. B.Clifton. One million dollars gold coin 3,635.9 pounds avoirdpols. . ' : weighs I I desire to iafurm th Tobacco Far men of Fran kin that I am raouVla si Tht IUt. Geo. If. Tk.Trf Borta 7 Focndry Is l&ilshvtz Ores CLZettx ladTaara: Both nraclf aod wlf tisss OX - - aifca to Shiloh'a CootaaipUow ear, Fori ; rTTTT VmVC'' Ji ' thelaws, jthe history of the. botidsiv the mers woes andfronv ; that source' alonaj tmclerstandingly, is the fact that erosity of spirit. history of the demonetization of silver. But a stronger'; evidence yet is . the present condition of the working classes, whoi as a rule, the world over, ar patient' and peaceable, j - " - - i What meaus these labor organizations? can come tlje reme ly. . et us continue to insist upon ourNationl Congress give 'us this much needed relief. -Ilistory teaches us that the withs wi th wlich the rich bind the poor can'be troken only by so many men rso many -young Happiness consists in. tne . en men, seek to follow bo many, for- joyment of little pleasures scat- bidden paths, leaving one of bus- tered along the common path' of iness, rectitude ; antl " honorable life. .... employment to enter some chan- Lay down a good plan and ad- nel of occupation which calls for here to it. fire swbid or bloody revolution. ' Tut we This the neonle see bv com bination tiave a. J better method : of overturums ... .... - - i ' r-- - v-. ..- ... . . alone can; they live." Under a purer ; sys- fraud and corruption in high places. .We a putting aside oi nonor and re tera of government fvrty years ago'; these have free' speech and free ballot, aodTwheti quires him who enters to. clothe organizatfbtls were unknown J and :, there the wisdom of the acts :of; the national -himself in theTiabiiiments of a. wasuo necessity lor them; hut tOHiay novv meeting, like leaven, -begin to worn upon rogue, to putsue the tactieff of a . , Great is the "power of goodness u.uerent it jyery orancn oi iraue -nas rtne masses oi me people, men ana not thief and Bwindler to . ruu the to f pi absolute annihilation, and it is to be happy solution o New Orleanb, La., Oct, . 23, i 1889, : V;- ; ' Wm. Radam,' M. K.: , Sir I.chooffully testify as to the curative powers of your med icine. Having been a sufferer from weak lungs, bronchial affec tion and indigestion, after lak- -FLUEBYESy,ls: Vt,T, t am-'Vjtl!n'r at i a pmiimM. HalMll SUEXS2iS LttBSHOTl- price-. A(v Arth W to tnslcb,' Vracrt wiu rcceice pi rnpi muacuma.. r - .-11. D. Dowwjf, - -" ' Lowrabcrg.K.C 4 Work-is the living principle ag three gallons of Microle Kil that carries men and nations on ward. ' V : ' "." ""Vr ' T 'have ' a peaceful ; an? all our . troubles. In wondered at whqn we come to learn that j conclusion I desire to return my sincere iuiqifitbua -f tar:fl lawsithe passage : of thankk to you, to each cpuhty'and eub which was purchased by a few .thousand oi-dinate body and each individual mem rich manufiicturrs, have robbed the pep- bcr fof the universal J kindness 'courtesy pie and put iuto the pockets of these same and honors bestowed . upda ;. me. 7tMa3' manufacturers no less than! nine- billions wisdom crown your dehbUons."; ; ) of dolkre. Kence it is that at out city of " ' 1 -"i "-""''- Wa8lungh thef protest Tlie largestfresh.water lake complete- will over ride the peUiaous of millions ?of lyjvithin boundary of a single State" is working rcSiMS'-i'. Ike Okeechobbee, in Flor'-dv To what course can sucU a- terrible ;'-'- -. . , " . ;. state of afrair8,lie aitnbuted T.It is due j . According to a jsew YorK newspaper to the apathy of iguorance of the maesi thirty thousaud strangers . spend the uii?ht We must tonclude the ater and2 itbe- of everyday in New York ity- ; hooves thebrde? and ,the State tojeducate . ' .:. : , '-, the ms 686 1 and teach them lothwV' r 1; It is related ot a Johnston Cenn.) toy thenelvesThe acCs of Congress in aid I who was drownedtlie pther ' day that as of agriculture for the past twenty-five he. was sinking in the river 'he called-to years have beeil w'. indeed compared Ms brother on Bhore"Steve, be sure and with those of bur rich manufacturers, and take the milk home." This wa3 an er t')c tariff Is &o' tianipulated ithat hey f-;lVand:ovhich le bbys had been ent. ler all of the above symptoms I have entirely disappeared. ' Yours etc., . Tnos. L. Davis Janitor Howard Memorial Libra ry.-'. . ,!! -:; ' , . -' : : For sale by Dr. J. B. Clifton. One million dollars tilTer coin weight 59,685,8. : i . ' ; Glass windows were first "in trod need charmjand to command. . risk of incarcbration and punish Duty embraces man's whole ment at haril labor;-to view the existence." -X 'L: ': ( raced and driven to a name and brightness everywhere.' It shines dace through life that brings a upon coldness and warms"it, Jup-. sting that must finally eat' as a j on sorrow and cheers it.; cancerclestroys the moral j life j A woman's, best qualities 'do and endangers the ; soul . eternal- J not reside in her intellect, but in y0u willhaye a square lyT - l . -'. r::n ? -: - ' ; - her affections. 1 - , With all the Tshbcking exam-1 Example teaches without a pies before them, others seem de- tongue. , ; '.' - terniined not' to receive warning, j The crown and glory of life is AVith the papers teeming fulL of J character. It carries with it an "reports of downfalls, a snort ten- influence which tells, j . ing of life bydiegrace .and wor- Good habits are a necklace of rimerit or by suicide, young men pearls. Untie the knot, and the gnter into schemes - for making whole unthreads'. " lioeto in ha r rh fhnfc rnnnaf. rn-P -Ttiaof. VinmA. thatvA man's required. U It guaranioea 10 Rift t',.-,,.'-.:v -. , v. .... ' - , perfect satiracUon,' or money refund-. tpunishment.. r' I display themselves. Ex. Fer sal byJ. B.Cuaon. Th reaao Badara'a 1 Microbe Vir.er U th most woade rial mdi- iae, U baH U ta never tailed ia any in-1 itaa,M ia tier what the diaeaae, from LSI Sot T to the iaplrt diteaie koova Ut tht horoas irittn. The actettifie ma of to-day claim aaJ rroft thiterery dieeaac It caused by microbes, akd ; RADAU'S; MICROBE KILLER Extrmlnjti the' llierohee tad drir thexo oat of the arMeo. and vbethatU. dooe yon cannot have ao ache or pels. No matter what the difcaae, whether s Imp! cmi of AlalarU k erwr of a mM oaUoo of diaeaaee, we cure then all at the Mine time, as we treat all fliacaaea eooftitatiooauy. 7 - TUB GO Ufti , . . - All the fcmwr patrons of the KJoork Vine" are cordially kitiled U 'caU ia when In Loultburg. They wi'J slwtfs Cad set Land, sod t4iey wul bs furniaaad with firsKlats liquors, boors, vtast. All ths latatc ksAlriaki ssrrad to salt my cuitosoers. r . ' Boapeetfa3y; ! ' 1 ; f , We.ixx G. I'aaar. T : NOTICE. . . All pertoat are btrtby forfeliJea It ha. bor er eatpley Hector colored, wa beta boaad to n. left Bit pretniftee ow Taeaday J lf 23,1 90. iUtet war , er-. Mbeioa. Alootife t hljh, dark. plexloe aar rr eaaJ br hern ta plm . oilrft luted. LRrl reward viM be pM fee tU apprmheaaioa aaJ relrs o m. W, B. Coswat. , Jaly, 30. IKMl Into Ensland in the eighth century. I J I i: .. . .l r 1 Measure 203 feet on each tide and. r,Tltrrru.' ' YIntble Gold BlnlBi: Land For irs acre within Diase, CkiU amd Frtir.ycmaU Tro,b. ' S inch. - The first complete ' sewing machine was patented by Ellas llowe ' Jrn hi 134Q. BUCKL1NS ABIUA SALVE " The best saive In the world for cots. bruiset, oea, ulcers, talt rheo.ro, fever tores, tetter, chapped hand, childlalns, corns and all tain eruption and poaiureiy curs piles, or no pa) required. It Is guaranteed Si!, Dr Ttrteeof a decree of tht Sfptrtor Coortof Frank I. a eoaaty, made at Ard leraalSXea Ma.dj the 1st dj of t ember 1W at M M, I tU eel to tho hlgheet b'.dJral thCn Ila W la LtfiaUhars. three (oanha aadiid4 la See that oar Trade-'Mark'.(aao aiahorc) I ircl kaewm . tte Ui, in oil it$ furmtt. and, in fiet, errrj LniecuejiMOKm to tht iu xytfcm ' Bcttart of Fran-bdeut Jmmitatio$. tho IficroU appear aa each jo;. teuJ for hook liitrj of KiUer,". jitea S"ay by .' Dr.J b Clifton Dnis-iAgt. LO C1SD 172(7, X. C. IL a FURM AN, Agent, TBXS KXJVTO?, K. C KXII1 T1IOMAH HOLD MIXE .. THACT. adiIatac the rrU CM Wlee; Ijla i Kraaklin e4 Xh coaattea aJwK Ute m Ure-of Fbbiar eevek ad ewaiUialtt acre aaore ar Uc Oae &Jk Uie rar baU'W la 12 moeUi at 1 rf ceat Utrrtet from diy t aala. .... mm A 9 ' 1 Jaly 14,100. . -5 v