: - r F . - S x i"V i Fi"V i 3 L4Umi MIS TV' Jll E - JL v - - 1 m a, - . . t- -e m l. . i t . Ufaliee toward none; Wilk Chaiiiy for all. .- IJ0 JS Nl'JL', U J Jrerr. ;BOTJISBRQr, C '.SEPTEMBER 12, 1890. NO33. ORDINANCES OF THE. -ri-iitm inr rn i 1 xxumjuju UOrSGS mSSlnnrW h-incr in nn-o nt I -C!n.-i -IO TV, r , vrtit- OWN OF FRANKUHTQfj SSi0" sWI f , ,,-.; ; Y. Gulley, -Mayor. ml 1 . - . . . . r o- w. . . " "" . " mai no person snail throw m-l-i i.." i..;. i COMillSSlONitllS : - ' each by no S C Vann, A G Fuller, (3 W HAWicriis S. C YAxw.Scc'y..; brokett .glass;. china or crockery .ware pa- J oite5a.id bllch to b;e .taken , ,UP, per ..or filth )f any ; kind, or niake or the coaslable and impouudedV' if If cause to be made any sink, hole whereby owner can be found witUm twenty-four tK!,;;; hours; ithead bto r. tobe.- killed by T ARTICLE i wise. Any person: bo offendinsr and'-, tier- . v. w?, , . mittin'ff the same to remain :twentv-four 1 Sisc.? 20. Xo privy shall he" allowed hours after due notice to remove th j "said j to stand nearer any s treel or allev than X f ,r u v anCfl' l,e' en6 S iPe ' 2iXfcet, under penalty ot$i.50for each ft nail forfeit -anil rc xr o nna nrfinA'A !. .- -2 -. . 'v for eich twenty 1 hit hours such obstrue- aniJ ry day that remains, afttr Uon or nuisance is allowed to remaiffv navmg. uean.notmed to remove or ren Provided V that the; Mavr . tnav crant edv said nuisance, ' - . - s -i i - . I dec. 21 ao 8lanTQler" house phan TO .PBEVBNT PIKES i Tiiot tin firo jfirt'al.fiMTivl in i ou'thectreots temnopfirilv whpii 5t can ti . ., i,V;: nli0-. fl, 1 done without eerioas inconveubneo to the I be ullowed LT the corporate limits of the .any ove xu wic t ; . - . .ftoAro .ttnlfesTrnnfe ltl-- hv r.fwoo(lybe properiyi gaaraoa itrom -tne . . , . - - v- w v, - : . - -, - L by a s md-bos or; jfrfaf SdteVi4l U Seo'-ThaoriohTr lrsonl shall eXommiss.oners tn a regular me.Uug uku-uc i :. .. . 'enosfft m ilirnwinor niavinw mir. under penalty of ten dollars. I 1 ..1 f..K... . I I -". JL. - t - - - uics5, j)iw,uiu" uuuim, ur aiuutjs, ur any gtove, and the pipe," if - passing" throus. feuce, shall forfeit and pay a' fiuc of one dollar lor "every such cQ'cuce. . ; : Sec. 34. Any person who shall ride. lead or drive any animal, of stop a wag on, cart, buy r carriage on the fide-. 00 Itetaurants and boarding houses 3 0") (Hotels 5 00 Pal.ller (street) ' 5 x Pelllers and readers of patent medicine - . 5 Peddlers and venders of GoU. u.o v. ui.: Wnu o'u ,jr Ui Auents for ft-riilLier t one ooiiar ir every such onence. Ito- yklefl the Muyot mtvsraat pormisiou to any one in certain ctises to load, or unload heavy goods.- . Y . I , . 1 : Sec .35. ' Tliat any p?rson except the lamp lighter employed by Uietowa, or his duly .ppoihiod deputy, who .boll iTISrfe fa1 nighcst of all ia Learoilng Power. U. S. CoVt Report, AnS. 17, i CO 00 5 - Circuws . - 1 . , , 5 AH thcotrfcnl pof.rm.ince, slicrht of batul po lirntauces, Elliioplui serenades, Instrumental and vocal concert coiuin:es. exhibiiiotss of artificial "and natural curiosities, each performance or cxliibtlion. 2 00 A.11 partes Eiiling to pay LkrencTax . - - .baffling . 'Si TP n T- 1 k T f 1,1 1 , "ju.'uij. ir4n5Li-u w uouDie me amount 4 said Hcease. damage any of the street lamps in the corporate limits of the tovh shalUupon All lice "ise tax shall be payable nuar- teily iu advance, r...- . - ;- wood must be properly se&ured from set- other same for diversion or monev.n the tin"' fire to such pirt by fbein! (separate J streetsor sidewalks, of the town; and the j and ip:irt from such wooa by brick ' and person or persons so onenuing snail pay mort'or, soapstonc, tin iroS, or someoth- a Gue f.50. Said $2.50 to be imposed m , r., , . ' on each person engaged in such games or er jncomouswuxo "Ma"-gAuJ-. " t diversion 1 .. . . f .! .r . i Sai.. 4. Thnt.no TVrsn r!t11 riflp or viowun? t ie aoove secuou 01 ims arucie , . . - . " 1 ----- :: vioi.iuu3 . driveataCister gaif than 12: njdes an stall, under conviction thereof be ; fined hou- m tcJ gtreets or, 6hall drive his one dollar. Provided, that each and every I horses: mules or oxen iu such a manner Hiv afte uotinoiilion anditailure to reme . as enan reutier uietn name to nee. me un- dvsaiil stove, &c, shall cbtisUtute a new -l viy wUuut UJ -L - , - 1 Sec 5. That all persons guilty ot an onence wicnin me meaning 01 una orui I - v . rn.P ... I '. t- I assault and battery, riotous and disorder-. Any .person violatinir . above, section !?-.-....- r t . . i . J " , y conuHcc, vulgar or obscene language, shidl be fined two dollars and one dol- 2. ThO 0W11PJ Ot anV town.;-lot 011 Mndfti.P.nt. pvivisiirpr of iifrjo. nrinrrolincr I. . , o , ;. ...l.i, thP u a hniklina KrhniMin shall ;wi7. iar au-Jitionai ior every aay alter uou- keep on the p -emises; ontf safe laikler of turhance within- the corporate- limits of giiflii-ieut length to reachf to the - eaves of the town urn conviction shall mv a fine the ualiest House on ine jioi. ; upon ran- of $5.00 dollars and eoit Sec. 22. No person shall be allowed to hang any sign, clothing or article of merchandise over Bide walks of the toft'n unless the same be at an ; elevation of at leaat seven foet from the grouud. Any person Wiolatmg this ordinance sliall be lined two dollars for eich ' of fence.? - ' s Sec. 23. It shall be unlawful for any , person to leave any uitch, well, hole or ,excavatioa open and uncovered witl-.in the corporate limits of the town. conviction, pay a fiaeof ten dollarsjoue- half to the informer. Sec. 3G. Any person who shall be drunk and down on the streets of the ECZEMA new to it.. Ho btd now a bolO npon her.; Tbo chain was like a CHILD-1 yoko upon her nock. Belle had heaped on all of her and was she bis j ure of any owner 01 a town lot to pro- vile such a laddeiv after plteen days no tiot', he shall, uuon con vlciion thereof p?iy a tine of two dollars an J every day that pJaDses thereafter untd such ladder is pro vUed shall ( onsi.itute a I distinct oli'epce. If tli -re he several.ow.hers to one lot, no tics to one shall be eufSieuC'If the own- e' 4e a uoii-residnt notice may be given to his agent or the occupaut. v. 3. Whenever" the roof of any house wi;hi;: Uie n;n' of thi'.l towu'" of Frank- j linro i. shall te-.5ome '&rtcayed as to be c in.- iiuiiie- )n-von account , of tire, the ira il of C-ninissioiiers utiv so xJeclare.' u.l t'.ie owner or. owueis .of suoh bouse will !e reauired to nut new roof on the Mim. within such thne as the Commission-j in town more thitii two d.iy shall he 11 mkfcWeT WWX-Mrii aathbr.fiea,'. ei sTvlli'thn Sec. . (6. That all pea-sons, individual or incorporate bodies, creating and con inu- ins; a nu.sance within the limits . of the lowu or committing a nuisance in airy of the stree;s. alleys or public places in said town, to the iniury of the he vlth of the ! citizens or the incmveiiieuce of the same shall be fined $2.50, and each davs con tinuance ailer having been duly notified Sec. 7. Any psrson who shall eutd own. tie a horse to or in any manner' .injure.. any of the trees planted m tue streets. shall psW a ane of o-.ie dollar. Sec. 8.' Alt tr .mis' and pei.ous with out visibio means ot snpswc rom iuiitiar o- or ty of i he sum of live dolors tbr neglect so to" leave town, auiusa tlicir failure to cr- highway : in the corpora: to do.- and :m additionatl penalty of. one do so thy shall - be turnel over to : ' ' , - of Frankl'Tton? doll .r for each weeksuclh house .hail re- Magbtnite a.agi-auto U) be doalt with . town or I rnnKLi.ton, flea ti on. , - ; - Sec. 24. If any person sliall throw filth or rubbish of , any : kind into the public w el's or in any manner injure the public pump3, he shall bo fined five dollars. . Sec. 25. That all drains from lots. whether vacant or otlierwisa, which shall cross any sidewalk or public street in the town shall be covered and, : ran under jrrown. Any iieion allowing any "drain or goiter to rein) hi open in violation of above ordinance shaii bo fined one, dollar for each day said drains are allowed to rem .In open.- iwisc. 2t. Any oiSccr. agent' or em ployee of any cv poratioj or j railroad comply who snail oi;struct any street e liuv except HCOI. When an infant my body broke I gaudy little ornaments uron her I nnt nil nvir w 1 1 Vi an -,Tf ' 1 . t 4 n . m BlttllUtnlV.mK. II.. " " -uv.uj;... ' FU . BUerUW3. iUBiT bleand confined in - the Guard House ' v" au1'3 uu ggra- wero mo earrings mac lorn cad vatca as 1 grew older. From payment of wo dollars and cost. . eany cnnaiKKKl until I was Dave's bracelet.- Ben PauI Sec. 37. Any person who shall ?be my family spent a fortuno to bo at f be pic-nic and . .,! I I .... 4 ... u. .( 11 - 1 I . . . , , . . convicteu 01 using1 on any ot me streets 1 "j"o w mo 01 in. uisease. 1 wisneu 10 looJc iier boat in of the town of Franklinton an instru- j Every noted physician in' our I eyes.' -. . .... - ment or mncKne Known as "liean section was tried or ecnsnltpd. Prossnilv tVa er.nmi Pniuni hen 1 came of age I visited followed her to the gpriug where Uot bpnng?, Ark., and was she had gouo for water. Tho treated there by the best medical J other young men happened to be men, but was not benefited. standing together and saw them After that, under the advice of a exchange a few words. Then Pol noted specialist, I tried the cele- lard kissed her. I a .1 "1 1 n. I urmeu v,u iou opnngj, xew H9 boasted of it when ho came vr 1. ;i ' i. I iorw wunoui any goou resuiis. back . clie Ob?cctod he Raid- prisoned and put to wonk on the streets " nen a11 things .had' . failed I nnt gbe had not thanked mn far at fifty ceuts per day until the said fine determed to try S. 8.; 8., and in I my necklace It was worth a kies 11 1 11 " Shooter," halt be fined one dollar. Sec. 33. In all cases where persons are hneu lor violating tlio loregotng. or dinances the Mayor shall have power to remit such a part of said fine or tines as he may deem Just. Sec. 30. t Any person failing or re fusing to pay any line imposed under the foregoing ordinances, shall be im- & paid. ARTICLE IV. CONST A RLE. &C. ton. without a suitaot-ry excuse for tame to t-."e Mayor, h ill, up.njonvic tion be fined pO.ctxts uudoetr for'-h" and everyiafeejtld in" afcfuiloCthe jsiyiueut shallbe cwi'liacd ln"t!ie Ouard llouse 10 hours. nuuu unrepiired. Sec. 4. That tliat portion o the town bounded ou the North .y Viae street, wi the Kast by the R fc -G R: li-. on the JSuuth bv.-thaold iIijlslro rad-and ou the W'&t- by Hue extending fr -m Hill boro road to Viae street 1 10 feet West of and parallel to Min street, ; shall be known as the lire distris-t and it shall be iml:iwful for any person or pei sous bodv pohtic or porauou, to uuud any Duua- 10. it glial! he unlawful for any nig withni,8aia usvjiqpe ouser-wans pi pe.-son except r-dh -d e'np!oyes and ho- wliichA:all.iie ompos anyttangf-xe- ccl ported to stand upo 1 the lower plat ceptbrick.sto ea.-d.md.tor. AUbui.dings p(jnrt at t!ie passe.nrer deic while the erected or repaired wthin said district, cars afe coming up to, sianding at, or shall be covered with tiu, slate i ( or other iciviug said deiot. It sliall be the duty non combustible material.'. Any pefsou 0f the town constable to keep said plat jff persons erectin or beginning ta erjet.. ,lefkt ,1 lim. s,iud iuo-der to do "a tiy buildings contrary to, this: ordinfuice o ik;' hiay-irresi any ixjrsoii wilfully vio- Biiau ne guuty or a misdemeanor auu un . Jatiag this ordinance, and upon couvic- " Sec 1. Tliat it shall be the duty of the town constable or the person so acting, to see the foregoing articles en forced; to report to the Commissioners or Mayor any and every infringement of the same; to , collect all Sues and amercement due the town; to enforce payment of same by warrant; to notify the Commissioner of any and every meeting; at th roqaest of any oae of thorn to abate nuisance; and to do all o her things incumbent upon a police acCOntillg 10 WW. ? cxusouij; us uri.10 uiiu (rtVx.Miu Sec. 9. Any person who shall jamp ou" wu50 1?1 'nQ ml? officer, vhich are set forth In the fore- or off the cars while iu m ri .u wiUiiu the one.iitn.e s.iaii pav a n.ie or nve ciouars hroing ArticU-s, or wVxh nmy.be treated corporate limi's ot the t-.wu 01 luijikUu- l r each and every ouence. " t by any hercaficr adopted; and failing to -Si3C2i. Tli Commissioners of perto m any ot tno cu.io-i heroin se- the said town shall h-rve authority to Ibrih, ho sliall be fiao.1 five dollars and direct the reui val of any pig-pen, privy subject to removal. or any other nuisance within the or Belle Swfin was well-meaning and innocent, pretty, and she knew it. She vras poor also, and Sec 2. That it sliall be the duty of could not afford to buy tho oroa- porate limits of paid 'town, ,whe in their the town constable the person so mcnts with which richer girls judgnieut it shall be necessary lor the acting, to be vigdaut and endeavor to health and comf6"rt of any portion of deteCfc all thieves and bring the perpe- the mluabit ants of sad town, :nnd -if a the. traor ta justice. ? Iq r.ll cases of pock- oWhpr'.pf th'e pr&nlses shall Ciil to.re- cnckvug.' robb'ene or:any other ol- move said pig pen or privy end other feiK.es wliatevcr, ag-ainst the ordinances nuisances within thn e days after hav- 0f the town, and the laws of the State, iug proper written notice, then he or where thij perpetrators arc likely to- es- slie sliall be fined five dollars 'and one ,.ane hv rai'joad or otherwise, before a 1 r - 7 four months -was entirely cured. gho 1-4 to D2V M Tho terrible Eczma was all gone, ... cooJ itle. , r!.;m.tl notasignleftjmygeneralhealth Dave .Siieni pay mo for my built up, and I have nevor had bracelet T'- "And mo for ear-rings!" cried Tom. 'And me for the sin she wears," said another. Ben looked at them with scorn and rago in his heart. Tho jo kers were vulgar. But what was tho girl who had '.subjected her self to their coarse jokc3? When sho cnmisup, ralo with mortifi cation, ho avoided her. The girl who was hang with the otler- irigs of olhor men could never bo hi wife. Belle has her poor rings and necklace still, and a sense of shame and mortilcation that time will hardly efface. No youug girl should accept any return of the disease. I have " since reccommenuea a. &. . to a nunilcr of friends for : skin dis eases, ruptons, etc., and have never known of a failure to cure. . . Geo. W. Invix, Irwin, Pa. Treatieo on Blood and Skin Dis eases maileal free. Swift Seci?ic Co., " : Atlanta, Ga. . Vayhiif For .Presents. ISTotice. TJ Vrto t ieot'.n TrIIIoal iPm" Iron lh rir Cr ( I-"rklt Cwaty.o proorrrliar 1 at uehnrnr, in fr. f Trrry A i'ttro CuDit J. 1L Charabl Xrh, I htl Mudj lh CiU dr I Oclatxr IK th t ort lfoov U .-r ta Lclberx C. offer fr m!c at ubl-e aoia, for , all f be lotrrot tht J. H rtamb! ku in liOl N X ia tJ tiiiMa mt lh Uad af Jnka C)ailU rMUii( f4 acrra. AIm all th idtrt th.t Mii J li. ("tBit!e ha ia tk lowr cf Trmadt Chamb'.r., vidcfW r-f John Oiamh'.r, eataiainf 115 acre, all af aal4 lsada luau4 is llarria Township Fraaklia i'Mtatr. T-aaiWr aa!4 tiKitioa a4 eelr . 11. CKka ax rr, FV--Fraaklia Coaaiy I!airg lot or mUlaU CcrtlVt N'o. 4i throe h.HT In tha lUlegh A. Cncton lUtil U-d Conjpnny. uoCc ' is herehy girm lint 1 altall apjVy l a du4kaic iiue ot aid ccni.V.te. ClIAKLTS Pr.RBT. Franklhdon. y. JnW 21. IHQQ. . YAfUtlHWUUL. Hating crl unlirul'ut ordr for wool I will iy tha lu!jct tnarket rice dV livered at any depot or wLvf, thereby aavii:g ilia h!iivr trtiht, lajae and corautis!.on. llcinitlancrt attraya a day wool rev t ived. backs furubhol tre of rent. WILES F. MASON'S S0". Xo. 3 S- 15 th Street Ukbrnood, Ya 'J0T1IK PUB Lit. I liaTe tranrcfTcd all of my bteresU In th Job lnn iug oi!e at ' rauklu toutoMr. Jn. icut, who wiU collect all acc uuu -ue the akl o!Sce. He will also pay acvouau agia t the of- Kce J. A-Thomas. - Jciy is, n:. pity dollars, aud each day that "tion sch person shall be fined one dol- dollar for every davit remains after noli- warrant can ho obtained, the constahlu buiidino; is carried on fshail constitute a jarj in;? bewcun m vioiatida or this orennanee, . f., ... , t the premises I I-II I't-TJ-'k. til V II 1. Ill' NrllKI. Il'lllt-! HII V set off their beauty. Tho boys who yeut with her to rota any man. I ho girl . a . a M " . school discovered that Belle p clocs it betrays the lnct would accept pretty gifts, even that sho is not carefully guarded cheap jewelry, from them, which 7 parental training?, and that they would hesitato to - offer to own instinct is not line w I m ' the other cirls. cnougu 10 warn ner 01 aangcr.- ut know you are my friend, just 1 out h s Companion Nunt'Ka 4 Having qaaled as Kxccalrix of T. tiuga, i.o-Wo ta hereby given to a. pcrsoc.9 om iug 1..0 esi&'.e u couie (ur wra.d cud jrt;lc at O.icc. ad all tOss hokLng c:anm a.ut aaid tautc tuuat prccut tiicm lor pa)iucul oa or bc!xc July HJl, vr iU uoiice will U pirxfiiM iu tr ofihiir rocuTtry. Ti uiy li, ico. Martha A.MixaA, llxcccutx. NOTICE. at the expense of the dwner there A .after lhree days uouceto thfTowuei; privided tho same be not removed by th owner. ' ' AUTieiVsiiw y rJ - SABBATlt BREAKING. fication.! J Should the Commissioners ,,r Der5n so actine. shall be. aud it like a brother P sho would sav to nuisance moved, Vie owner of I berety vested with fuU jx)wer and aa- Tom or Jog or Ber. as tho caso shall be reqmred, in adJi- tliority ou receiving such irrformatlon t.ia k w,pn i,n Hnnd a now ,.;.,.i.-.sft..,.ro iniiUnCt, - aiww.iil i-ici.iit I Lion TO the hues and OCnaltlCS LniiSJ. I tn rrni nrh nprton nnrl howl tlm I . . . uiwuiiicwHiuc.:, Jw..wuo a. ouwwui 1 , 1 r ..-ri i i .w-vr.v r I . rf rn l-.ni. Knira nr r,i Ty n n from the Board of Commissioners under .to pay all cost incurred by the Conimis- under arrest until a warrant proper I . .... 7 , aina-iy otQne aoiiar i-r eacn onence.- doners in removing saU uuisauce. can be Issued for their arrest and trial iU" 1U XS.- S KSS i&An" nir XifraAna ilL I I. "TT - . . '.' I . ' . ' I tnlA Tt Ponl IKaf tlin fnrtV STi:; Tr.fJZZ".-.:L ,r. rl SBa'28. Any person or perwas who by a prorr court. . " - viciicuwi uictcm" u:kii uoti u. iuccuccm i ... I tariffs fmn tho nthorfl Kon trn orsidcwalk?, removing gates sigus, &c, sliall have a private crossing or bridge . sec. 3. That the town constable or g" irom tno oiners. uen was or oherwi3c inteiterinz with property in over any ditch o.- sewer m the streets o1 the person so actinf, shall have full a manly, nonest ienow wun a jepiiea u . I IVOV MUJ JXit OVLA VL 1VU4 QMUmwu I II AJVU AAU IVi IVA aa W 1 . - . 1 11 i;L t ... ....... -am I I m i 1 I fion .rfiLtOAndr ??J- wroe xeiM e Fraukliaioir,-and shall ipi to? keep the power when deemed necessary, to art iproiouna respect ior ail women, v games of diversioii ' be strictly f .rbidden - Sec.'13. Any person who shall shoot 8anJJ o-- r l OVA-V lfi V thill I l,t ..i.t ..-.K P n....-. ..ill- I i nl ii I- 1 1. t N.uiu mc muiw mm wu w-ii'v k.v- ou any gun, or otner nrc arms; or. vuoot ; " ? j v,v'' j-v w wia ,tlu ouvu uu.uwu i awua, uusiuvtsa xu -xucxnui.i no uiuugui. bath; aud persons cowvic ted : of violating off any pop-cracker or others fire- tlie obstruction shall reinaid after no- z-ns, as may be necessary to accomplish Tii1 thn 'rmrnat and modfisi tu3ordiuancshaJlto tice 'U glven; ,.. . , : ..,,"V., his purie, and any person refusing to - dollar for eactti aoCS every rone. .ungate-1. w anVfttWt -r" -shoot ff-nni or-ire -5 - ' v FUll,c ' J .',,7, . woman living. therein. Ii:boyrundk; w Sec 20. : ItVnall be the duty of ev- obey such summons, will be licld ac- that ' summer James old, their pareuur'gulutluurt; ac-r-shall . dexdly thing within the towu, except in ery occupant of a town lot to. remove couuUble by the Couimissioncra to anl .? . , - - y piy a fine foi'each and every one engaged. nf Rn he finLtwo dol- frm tha ... v . . . r - ... . - - J T T 9 TZ I " a ..v..) V " I ' ' I ( . r.i I Having this ujit qaaECed m Executor of Mary J. Webb, ttoCcc is hereby jpt cu t- u l pcroc4 cnhi bcr eaUte to cooie lorani ul tj the some at oace and all crxxx hokijig cuuus aaiiut SA-u cuU? w Ji iYcaetu tlicia C ray. mtui on or oriore juiy la, 1831, or is-.v notice will bo pte&dcd - - In bar of The rasna KaJaaTa Jir recovery. Th.1 July 16, 1800. " biMt voadcrtal mcdi. C. T. broKiS, Lxaiut.r. ' Tilt, UUUIUJ Sec2: TISa break' the peace mon icfduie se:rtlated to oTWeaaK , W x "T- 1 " . -. . a... , 3 ; 1 it . iijr. I L. LiA VUl I lUUI.l VUflXf a- V'vxv a-w . . . Sec. 4. That the town constable or the "person so actin shall be ribired to givd anuhalty a bond, 'with sufStficut su .. k-.u:r rV 7" "V . Wfim. Affir wort on aaTona of Tinhlinr , "x cyix,, ivjuiuuv, uu uuuta ux -mx "uctner iuiiue ov ureu or. oojo w vw i v,. ..v...w -" i - i - - . i.r. 'y V. , jl gregatbg loetber dn! the streets v of cor- rejoicings tinder the control ot the May-' town auuai twu.iunuieu ;)aiua i;crs, or wirnm the corporate uunws ox uie i x.- - - .- . - , r. - ? j- . i xiv.u uwiw uracw uu uuu anj do so he cost of I sary to cover the lbbilities of town officer or person so fccting. lownfce sctiypooiiSpited.? fApy V&?oWxSttiQW or-personsaiiujii public road, and for failure to eu oueuuing snair, upon : couvicxou, ix or reiusmg 10 remeuy anj uung ou wieir 6n jj be fiiusi-fivc dol'ars and a hue ot five dollars.! "v-i- -:.".-."" e o o be detrimental to the hesilt'd ulwess f reu our.g same.- ; -:- . inmSlfthoffi B Sec. 30.L It sliall he, u sewing machine firm, came to the village. He was a married man with a wife and child whom he. rcties to the town commissioners for neglected : his habits wero bad, I '',,e 0, Jri f eooM such amount as they may deem ncces- Rnd his manners ccarso. But the tLe anitiuc, a tt ail v ill ago girls thought him a mod cior, 1 bcau U La n ever failed ia aorta- Uacc,Dtf intxcrbat tbe dUcue, iron LXr tMX to Ibe tiai-If U kutnau avktrta. , Th acicatlSe iooof to-day eLxim to J prvye tbaterrry dife la CAUSED BY MICROBES, . RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER av nxtermlsaUa the Microbe and driTte them out of tha artrr. ajid arttea that la a - . . done you cannot bare aa ache or pais. o mtturwhil tne Uiraae. wfcather AH the Lrnwr naircus of the 4Goord Vine art tonLahy hi tiled to call la wbcu in lioubburg. TLer U1 alvart Cud on Land, aud they rul Ut furciahed witii trtc:aM inaors. bcera. artnr. All the Utest ktMlrkAs Mnrei la luitmy cuJtouicr. ItcapcctSilly, LOUlSiSUUG said coDtliiaiiooalij. Male -:"Academya e.?nla.. nfalihda . ,r enclosurer tradinff. for each day it remains. - trQK..i-!,i . ni- i ooiiin Kniiim- IS. "That it slidU be a Ritsdeme'rR- oui6u6io5i)e'sj6HiK .ur.. el of manly beauty, and bo eaid M W Cwunpdon. CaiarrK Uro nlawf ul "for Sec 5. ..That it shall be the duty of . . t Lhm Knry dLira anv oorsons to assemble together i on the constable or thvier8onr so -acting, . t,wm any oP4h streets -r . side-w'allis of Uie I and tha .Mftyor of thtf to cffe.ee. 1 limits of the town of Franklinton. except r, y:l't- -i tils' piece of land sot apart f t; burial cetVn)6tnecarie. tjbdteUoVag.'physii- Vievy Cemetery - Jt hallle the dutyTof cians io sell ot-. offer? lor ; sale any article tho town'nnatahlft to arrest all :t.ersons S wtiatsoever I on tne JsaoDatn nay except i .j..... articles for bdnat parposes mlaeral wa-l ; terexi . ' ' t.....i lis iouk nuiiQ vj uic-uxuB, m vK owoavci m . a iaih A-mn vr iia j finfi i ra m Jivnr I II 1.1 lift- aaj ta . Ill . It'll 1 1 IT- I . ilUV Vi "-aril 17 qua CCW V ' OIUCU MM3 l IHC I v-a w " " . I - . V t '14 I 1 a11.a ffith VtA 'I rrttn aii( nlAnA town so as to obstruct the same, and monthly a settlement of collections of nil ' . ;": ihoso so offending shall be fined one dol- fin. s, taxes. &c. . nf itnner. i noman kdw tnai, lar: for each oflencc. . . ? ,i.a Sec 6. 0 stands shall be allowed no girl of respectablo, parentage SecI 31. Every - person who" shall on the streets, except by special per in tho city would admitm Btran- Lircr , tit all Us forms. m, im f art, retry Unease Anxori to the Jin mam bytton keep a disorderly house, or &) honse of mission of the Mayor. it? 0 violatelhis ordinance. to-1 ul fame within the hmits or .the town, I . . AUTtnr.T'. v. 1Uf.h alt Orl'fidUSsaid:D?-afld ftbet- 1 and flnr norenn wh.-k'thill A-nntvincrlv mfVIV MrT.h nflliA rrt'nofatA limits S ' ' Z? ' .1. "- ..v . f vuxAAti t i .. - - i n 1 1 1 f rnarmn- ci nn iitviii pn iv fri.'in - iiifvA - . . . mi u tne town or r rauKiiuton, uuuer a shall be fined fifty dollars each Ik ehalr ' J . ' Z . . . . V expense of cobpobatiox. -J ouveixaxs.ior encn oueace. j-C-"urther p$ tbduty of, thei constable to; iU rIJirae auau-ionuis llJ ' u,n' Sc.&: No barbel 6hV'anaii bUol' prevent apy 'ia tefmeiit in"yi6laUon 'of thk lars for every dayjhe house is ao.' kept; ed to folio his trade in his-place of biisi-1 ordinance. ; ; .'!;M:i -: -;v";:i- f and alladult persons liymg,"in .such ness on Sunday Ff'lefery (f felaln pt ; Sec' id. That, all females .of doubtful house shall be considered the keepers xiu8 oramance tne oneuaer sunu oe uuea yirtue:rouna promenaaing me ;streew 01 Uuweof and be sub ject to the pcnalUes 'vuouaiOf tu upon information . BeKort of Fraudulent Iuumiatiom. fee tlxat onr Tra2e-!iark(am aaabore) appear on each jar. tVnd for b.wk. -iiiirr of the Ulcrobe iii'.Ier.- rrea a ray y 1 ger to such intimacy, and did not' give the villagogirl credit for tho Dr j BCLIFIOM Druggist, Agt modesty "and purity . which sho 8ec. 1.. really possessed. .. At heart Belle disHked him. And ilbe farther ; ordained I She saw that he was vulgar ' and 8 offender shair be fined virtue:found promenading the streets of ufV be saHectto the "penalU ccfllect' das other fines,, the town, pbymg the ;f-.vocation lis. pros- . r. . ;. -. : of an o'Hccror citizen, titutes after 8 P. M., be arrctrd by. tlio ot tha ordmance. . F . lLat for. defraying the current .expenses of tho CQr.JoratiOT for tlie- omiug fisca- ye.tr, ending first Monday in May, 1S91, ih followiucf taxes shall b levied and o fPi,;,,;.i constauie, orouzm. Dciore lnumiuni, iui t sec. oa. , ir me occunant oi anv ais- I .n,t f M-ho.shdl he secn dhiuk on the streets of u -lta otdcrlv house'shau refuse to open rhia h . unpersons selling gvK wares the town on the Sabbath or who ebali be 'fiyi : i doors and rive entrance to any officer of Sec. 17. Any one touna piaymg; tnree j m iomi or constable -dermuding ad cny o her game of the kind Bh ill up- ii aconviction be fined tweut-five .";dolki'rs SecXlS; It shall be the duty : of the Mayor when necessary - to preserve the peace cf the town, to appoint r.and organ ize a snificient number of police night watch to remain on duty : subject to hi3 drunk and disorderly, in the corporate lira its of the town on Ibe Sabbath shall ; p y a fine of five dollars'. J; - . ARTlbliE III. i TO mEVE'T NUIS NCE. mission for theiurpose of suppressing dif orderly ttdnduct therein, he shall be fined tendollara. r - --,x '; ; i: bection I, : That any. person or persons J order. . . ; Sec 33. Any person-emptying hot asMies, coal or any combustible ma terial upon - streets of; s:iid town, or witlilu ten feet of any r building or feared that he was not a good man. But ho sent her one day a neck-rchain and pendant, set with eham rubies. It was just what she wanted to set off her white throat. It was a great tempta tion, and after a little hesitation LOUISBVBC, X. C. II. S. F HUM AK, Agent, rnAXKxrxTos, n. c. ' MUTIL'K. Ali reraona are berrUr forblJJea to hire, lurbxn' vr detain t root nr aennce Ned AlUo and WiILaru Prm: th-r. having contracted nia me fr Uie year 1SW. KILL SES-510JY BEGINS or merchandise of any ' kind for himself or a3 an agent, shall pay a x n. r - a 5 co KhooLin Galleries and Balls ; 5 DO she took tho chain and wore it to . .Wheels of fortune , ,f (. i 5 00 a pjc.uic the fiext day. XS.' : ' ri w . -As rollard camo toward her. i . I.. j i fit i? , Billiard, liagateiia and root i a- jhis cyo iigntea wun iriumpn. Jolr. tlfCfl." StLvasc Tr. sec .bit 8," each- Bar Booms Bo ling Alleys 10 CO 20 00 10 00 His voico had a jeering tone when ho spoke to ber which waa rtuoit a cm: grip U tbe cost uf hl?tir.gt4TeJ la tcrrktej-ert, baiehcre, fxiarr, ujctiiuifU, builJi-n. eontrcUr nd other. Admitted to he the ;relet imiTotunnt ecr Jc n Ijci'-e tti'. 1 rtx;t.t j.rrjau rite fwr fiulew. r uiiot. Ioa A Euirie Uoraa. rUl lUbedlSOS. l'JHf'iuk.rtc,lUwi:tli;cb. 11 Sapi. 1st 1390.- SENDYOUHBOYS cuiu ucu nuy t jucaus y wuaiever io , 3 . , i );

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