I.- V jm A. THOMAS, Editor andPrdjmetor. ; 11 i " - - i With sMalice toward none; Ifiih Charity fur all. ll-SO TKR JXXUJf, UAdnxmt. louisburg, n; c , September iq, isoo. NO. 34. - - . . . - . I ' : .. r - - --f i ' - . .... pBlOCUATt TICKET Vor Congress--4lh District, nON.BENjflL BUNN, ' of Nash. " ' Tot Solicitor4-3d District i JOHN E. WOOD ARBy. ; '. t i 'Vei For the .Senate, vj p. A. rlAVIS. ' Tor th Ilouse. P. G. ALSTON, Jr.- g.gJgill. A For Sheriff. -. ' : H. C. KEARNEY." For Clerk of Court : B. B. MASSENBUIIG. v-.t-" For Treasurer. M. S. DAVIS. I For Register of Deeds. ,W. K. MARTIN, Jr. For Coroner. B.J. BLACKLEY, After the usual f alutations, the.scrilie said : .; v " - "Well, I suppose you have a pretty big crop and everything is lovely." ' "Yes, ot a pretty fair crop, but everything ain't lovely." 7 "What's the matter ? Didn't "your last year's crop bring a big price?',' "Yes." ; ; , - Ypu have raised plenty of corn, wheat, oats, &c, to cany you, haven't you?" -: . - "Yea.' : ..V ;r :. , "You are curing your tobacco up all right, aru't you?" - - .--,"." ' "Yes.".;..v - ,.;;:;r.V: " You are out of debt,-1 believe." -,"Yesv; -".. :;;., a. - '.Then in the name of common sense what are you growling about?." -""Well, I'll tell you. . It is true we are out of debt and; have a splend'd croi this year, but this big erop has been mighty strainin' on ihe land, and the good Lord only knows what we poor farmers are going to do next year with all Our land strained to death a fetchin' of this year's crop." If the law did not call it murder in first degree, the Eejister would have brained him on the spot7 Danville Reg ister ' '. - .' ; :" " We Ion't Tliink. 9- - The. Durham Sun asks, . how many of us -who are proclaiming 'hard times" pause to consider the proclamation? - . . ." - -How many are in roally : a la mentable condition because of the y money king's visif being less fre- quenfthan in' years past? ; V : And etill with one -accord we demand a reaction in business and stand open-mouthed looking in Our State Contemporaries. UIa ConKrcntioii IesrtHl Hini The election is a good ways off, A clergyman was lamenting but let it be remembered that at his congregation other things being equal,. that- ar- appeared to be rostlesa during hif my is victorious which isTirat up- sermons, and dociared that many p:i the field, thoroughly drilled f e members of his floclc would and ready for battle. -New Berne S-t P right at a time iwhun he Journal. ! - ' :- Foreclosures on Kansas -farm mortgages for the first six mouths of this year amounted to" 2,000,000. This is what "protection,rhas done for the farmers of one of the most country For Farmers to Head and Con sider Tlie True Issue. 5 BACON AND iiKElSNS. - An Alliance Song. BY ELEPHANT . 0, hear the wail ofea h grand hotel. In new tvle Washington city ! 0, hear the bell; the expiringknell Of viauiis'r.ch aud pretty Of oyster soup and syiabub, . Of hock and mushroom fritters, Uf snlmon a la Dudley's club, Of f osted cake and bitte: 8. Of roas led clams aud f urgundy, Veal Freucidlietl w th thicken, AuJ all tlie gourmand's rich display T -at on graud tabled sicken. - ' Th i AUiauce Senators fr h now, Wi.o longs for greens and bacon, Who loves the tuVuip cooked or ruw, Uut Ufci with ho-jOle taken. . Cu rous: : Bat on nd greens, bacou aud greens, . -Kraut buttermilk and taters; Likewise a Uttle uior; bacbu and greens, J V: .Hurry up, oW dude waiter ! No iced chaninaigne. but whiskey 8traighu " Froth won't fill up a man, sir; No turtle soup, lut a htjapiu plate Of bacon and" h'eeus will auswer. No snai , no t oj. uo finicky grog. ; ; No devilish ludccarony; liut a little more , luruip, greens a;d hog - - : . ; No hriccasseeS so-spoony. -Al'iauce ginger tread and ale. Alliance cake.4 and cider j . . Alliance hasty pudding pale?. " And Bweet-railk-sleep pf vider Alliance sassengers, hom'ny and- beans, Gravy with Alliance steak in, Alliance bacon ai d turnip greens. Alliance greeds and bacon. Southern Cultivator.' The burden of which thesa to'liug sous complain musfbe rolled oft", and the decisive battle of relief : must be gained by a reform of the tanflf imposi tion of an iucome tax and an expansion of the currency by legitimate and con stitutional methods Special remedies may be applied, but the eld sore with its accommnyiu? evils, will still re main. .: Every well informed farmer, "remarks the Monroe Adceriiser knows that the heaviest and most unjust tax that he iauciea nimpeii most impressive and would leave the house. :"That'B . bad," answered a young preacher, "bat I in,ust say that J do not experienco any tuch annoyance. . Not a single mem ber of my congregation.- gcta .up and goes out during services." "You don't sav so?"!' the first speaker exclaimed. :'IIow do every: imaginable direction- that Wfi Ylft ft.VnfltMl fhft.firaf lYliroTaa nf . . r, 1,- t h - . fertile regions of the me: great someimng ma la soon lo x .n T turn me tiae, ana cause tnq wneeis J - of the union to move at a quicker Hon. A. H. A. "Williams thus pace ad infinitum. , j writes the bentinel : "My chances you manage it?" Evidently money is the height are as brignt as I could wish." "Idon'tmanage it ataliseems of our ambition, and happiness is AnQ 80 they are. Uhe men of not. to be. considered until pur , av- .botn Paries. who want an honest, arice has been satiated. As Hen- . A iV-"ia", ,vu"f1DJBr, wi.il mis jrctti vuia lur itix. Wil liams. Winston Sentinel. Highest of all la Learcniag Poro U. SL Corl Report, Acj. i7t !5S - AESOUUTEClf Li. JX2222T ry Ward Beecher once said: "Many men want wealth,; not a competence" alone, but a. five- story competence. Everything must subserve to this." f It comes very handy, how and then, to "have a dollar to spare," but one in good healtti and wil ling to "work, can usually find to manage itself." "Dont they complain when you preach a long sermon!" . "No, I've never heard a word of complaint." "That is indeed singular. Yo.r people must have been 'exception- v Mr. Hale and Mr. Frye and Mr. Sherman favor free sugar as the price of reciprocity, but all oppose ably well brousht up. iree woui lor any consiueration WUitlCC1- V 1 " W1 13 r?lBeu "Then you must bo , one of the ix. C"6- i-ioiti """" most eloiueut of men. What ana. There is really nothing the gtvlo of von o - -- I , ii. . il-t) t.i; " 1 7 enough for himself and a part for " llIU huuiichu 0b rather- dry j : am his, neighbor, if he does not stand B".uu'" pelled to admit. I do not and tremble lest he percieve, a Pa"7 ana a party susiainra ny panic in the distance, -or wait the ? persuasive power of public idly for hismighty hankering to plnnder.--Goldaboro Argus. Tb rrftion LidinV taoe.no raUcrtlai 1h J !.( t i.nv aT to tUe iiMi iiica koowa tvU baanto Ttctn. . Ti irUiieninor 1-Jt claim mnd proyt that crcry diru IsJ CAUSED BY MICROBES, Notic3. r AND- v BAOAM'S MICROBE KILLER. and drire thcia ul of the Ttnr. aul hen that U due joaetnnat tiiTC kd ch or pi J. IS. com- pos- Eiterrain:c the Mkroh No matter what th l)rr, whether icijle cxk of il!aria vrr or a euiuKi atia of dicak, we cure thru all at the sanie tiac, a we treat ail daeasea oonatitotionallj. BvYlrtetor aa extev:.M VraeUrl ttvb" froui tic SpHfr rt ( Fraaklia Coontr, oa ror!nf ia a iaeharnt, la faro? of IVrrr 1'itUrMi ralt J. K. ChambUa Irh. lahU'oa ' Uoadjr the Clh lf f 0?tabr lOI,' Ue t oarl llftoae lor la lvUhrx K. I". . . rrrfr aale at pW;e aaetioa, fur , ak. ' ail the Utrt tlt J. Il- Chaaitlea ka tn ia So 3 la the dirU:a r tbe laadi of . John ChaiaMee enruinlnf M acres. AU all th iatvrst that amiC J. It. 41 anile ' ha ia the dawir at Kraocia Caaaablee. . widow ( Joaa rhaotblre, coat4aia 1J aer, aU of aalj Land aitaatrU la UarrU Towahip Fraaklia t'aaat. T aavUf aaJl eireuUoa aal ata U.C KCAftxar, FV'r FraakLa Caaatr - bring the curse of riches to him like a dream .from fairyland; and it is usually a very ; mythical affair this endowment of riches ! to-thosg who don't work for them. Still, we fold pur hands and sigh An Unjust Law. sesathe faculty of drawing an I aiu, KJuumJm, x'idiuu amd Litft ?A L Ml A ml rv Al 1 in T tawa a interesting inuairation or oi wcaw, cjia rwr, twi i re throwing oat. a bright idea." &SZ"iuT& &T "Well, well, I have never heard of anything so wonderful. And BeTart of Fr1Hd"lcnt . A uniform bankrupt law is - de- te.U me that u0 ono er gets See that or Trade-ilaraaiae .. aba.) t onrl crrvaa nt?' anpears on each Jh. rable. but a baukruDt law in the UP a 9 oul7 'or bvok -uuury of the rnb "Yes, that's what I tell you." "Well, I don't understand it at all." ! "Oh, it is easy enough to ex- WAHTED-WOQL- : - Ilaxiu; and anlirxutn ar&tr (rc wool I will rwij Ux l lvetiiarkel Av Utcred at any dopo or wh- thervj avln U) klanr frcth-, una:e &x( torarniftaioa. KcuiUAn.M ajwaja on Oaj wo. I recirtd. bocks ramiabeJ frre of rcoL MILES T. XLVSON-S SO.. Xo. S h. 15th Street RihmouLV sirable, but a bankrupt law in the interest of the creditor .class and against the debtor is worse than no law at aM. The proposed law for it,-ve part our lips and cry P'tys is that forced from his. pocket by for it, in fact,, we, do everything , , naaalrGa(?v rptiA ani tho operatiou of the preseat tariff. Ee but work for it, and then sit down - ih Cp-f- ia plain. I am chaplain at the pen knows toot that about f ,ur-fiftbs of that and murmur because it don't come v . , , r. itentiary."Ex. tax U never covcretl into the govern- trt a ; , ' . uu Fi.BBiv w .uu vpi- . Kiuer." giTen a fay oj Dr.JBCLlPrOX Drngglsl, Agt LOU1SBURG, S. C. - II. S. FURMAN, Agent, vFRASKXIXTOX, K. C. 111 11 - l a a 11 At 1 .11 T. ment treasury, but flows into the pocfc- L ,,T, . c , , cai oi an me icgisiauon oi me ne J I VVhQTmn nncariehaH Tarr a va ... ... . ets of spedal classes who have grown r --"- " "- publican party for the - classes, rich and are growing richer from. these lar" . " , - -. ! against the masses. Represent a- . - a ... 1 1171 . 11. . f 11. - J. A k " .axes. Under an income tax tne mF- wnen wb.ihimoi' wbw aM tive . Breckenridee makes- these! TheBer. Geo. lLTharer. of Dooroaq Ind aaya: "Loth myaelf and wife owe ear aiveato tjhlloh'a Conanniption care. For iale by Funnaa. ' f I vpnip.n'tnis world has t advanced 1 i . t liUUUllU k3 UUI. v ll-VVIMU "! mvfc - " - t nod-taxable bouds would help Lo bear theburdeus of . government, whereas. uuder the present system these vast millions pay not one dollar tax. . That the currency is to coJaracted to meet th demands of bHsiuess is too patent to demand aimincnt. sua is known to ev llereiu is where mortgages and poveity have their birth, aod the present finaucial system will continue to give birth to these uutil its generatng capacity is destroyed by wise, healthy and just financial legisla: tion. This and this alone will bring the needed relief to all classes. ' On this stroner obiections to the bill: since our forefathers began their I . , , , , . ... , - ' , ,? . , j I It is indeed harsh that non-pay life struggle, : we should indeed, . i r 5 rft blush at the very thought of teen days shall force a San into " haboa, but ?ever truly a grumbling over a temporary lull 1 bankruptcy. We ought not tordo . " ' in business, considering how they .that .where a man has to depend tJWi7i&'i:AkS, toiled oiLwith hardly a complaint tor the means of paying his in- mvath. Bold tj Fu.icaa. i Vint tV Hia.1uantatra which it - . WIt ynu nre ronsunut!. Imve eiy lu.umiea Ciuzen. . .. niB wneaT nig corn or ni8 COuon. headache, or loss of appeiite, Uke Br. ere the tanner's Lens, is lmpossiDie ior us to realize as The man who is exclusively a far- J. 11. MclW L.ivCraud Kid ever having existed. NOTICE. Br vlrtae of pow.r riven ia a taortgage deed recorded la Book 66. page 64. 1Uki Ur of Dee-U o5c of Fraaklia ouetr.ex- Mnll k J. U UiiaU ...I IU lo VV f Wiihout the friendly eichans of J & a. B-iTtrooaeh, I will a;i at the t o'art kindly WO.ds aud deeds, i without the "ocijn Looiaberf, oa Monday Oe . , . , . ' ., . I Uber 6, If 90, for eaab. a oertaia pieee ar sunshine of lovely looks and emiles of tract I Uod Itlng and beiac ia Fraaklia welcome and encouragement, a bouse I Uairi' towaahfp, coouuoicr i 4 wi l. u. THE GOURD T7JV"e All the former pttrous of the Goonl Viae are corUjiliy luvited to caul La wheo in jouUbur6'. Tt.eyCl ala-y fiial on band, aul toey wul t fumiahd with fintctas bquurt. bctxa, mlna. All the Litest ice-drinka ecrred to auit lay caatomers.' JRrct5a3y- WtLDOX G. 1'gBBT. " LOU1SUURG Male-Academya of ao acre, and Kaadd by laad era haa a bouae qimu it. UiltT, W. W. Prry aad and ueiojt at luJe bo. lrbaxda. Roada. Hiid lot K. W.TlMnEKLAKR. Att'y for Motlgagtea. NOTIUK, i'Vr v'AI,rJrn,lnitb l Ute fl G23.C.Tli:n:LLH.Pri::ipi A md fnril I J a tw 1? vrA .lff a w x a fr -v e I A Few Bits of Facts. mer is not liable to involuntary lets; they are plc&aul;o take aad wil I Nancy Hcid, dc'd, tnut come fyrward bankruptcy, but if he have any I tu:e iva other business or vocation if he be a cotton planter and lawyer, a TWs is what yoa oiybt to have, in tariff reform,, income tax and , currency Chorus : Bacon and greens, bacon and I expansion platform', the allied farmers should plant themselves and fiht unit- trraana Kraut, buttermilK and taters; Likewise a little more greens; f V-:-'-:; .-'VV. ; Hurry up, old dude waiters ! bacon! and ej as one man until the battle of r- lations of the Scripture. 1' The sun yields 800 000 times the coJto? Per and doctor, if he be fa mMt ,JaTe ful HrhT nf thp mhon -f 1 "" -"" i me. inouaann nre seariu:n ior Jt llgnx oi xne moon. . if ho ho cnCAsrad in anv of these f .in ..,.1 .n..T..., in.. vt : The population of the earth I cognate industries, which go so lit not. 'Jhouaanda up n thousand of doubles itself every 260 years. often with our farming interests, i 'liar are tpens uui.unuy oy our peo- i I . . i. . . , l i . I n( in t Viia lt..ra I t maw nht.'n liia , onri. then r under this act ne is name to p ,,,t There are now nearly 300 trans- , , . i y, boon. And vet it iuy vo had by all i iM4 i mi i J4 rrt i n.i i iiivii uiiinrv i ii iik i . . . . . . . i T , , 7 v we guarantee tnt iuiectnc liittert ir and settle on or bciore Nor. 1st, beat. or auit will be brought to Uie November I term f Superior court to eulorve the col- inctioa oTsninc. W. IL Macojc, AdmV. Srt. lo, 00. Nnncy lied, dccL WAGON FALL SESSION BEGINS WHY UK UHUMBLES.- l'u f is won. These are the demands that the farmers in tlie North, South, East and West should make upon their legislators; and never ceasa lo press them until they shall have been grant- rupt by merely allowing his paper u.e(f according to dircoio..e use per- "1 1 1 1 r I THE GOOD tJBO "POWERFUIi STBAIN 1N' OMHE IiANn.1 . . " e 1; t)r. Florence Hunt lis resident to remain duo and unpaid for fif- listed in will brin jou good d5etion physician fo the Sherman dlouse,' teen days, or for allowing a dun to sud the demon dy,Pem Uta.uil r j . . l iinefliicTion Tni- mrfv Hotra I inatau enneiMDr. ns recommend Chicago. s . - ' " Eltric LittT for DisKi sU and a.l Tf ia hotter to wear out than f discses Ot J.ivcr, bt uiacli and M l- " 1 o 11-. - A I . 1 Two wealth v Jews Jof Bagdad. now own;all that. ..remains of the rust out; but men are a good deal Dy YV. II. Fumwu. Jr. Prnjist ancient town of Babylon. . like their coats; when worn out - r .IjI . A A Ti 1- ! Miss Harriet Blaine's ambition iney Sei rusty. rucK. AND -nKPAM ssnop- KEI'AIII SIlOl--UKI'AIK StlOl'- Sepk 1st 1890. i ' t Reform the tariff on an equitable and legitimate basis put on a national in m . : a - a r i pmiiiu imi. r biiiii inn i.iut i.iii,t a.a w There is an old saying ; tuat .; iarmers .. .r - , f R f n hmp ne. father's nrivate we great graniblers. Some of them Proper bounds, and In a? conraUyelj Hs M b-ccme her, fatbr 8 private I seem to fldnk world,lUe rflesh vimd ort penoa a neaitny siaiusox uj .; 1. For vear8 I wa3 troubled with thedevUluVamHae mostmalignauttypo of Chron and thatProvidence is not always : witn w """J- u , , . , 'V -s. - on tlie them. X i: I;:.. V:M "" " ""0 mouth a clean: sweet taste ;a nVnrt ;an Wpt l to the end, if we would wm. ELECTUIC DITTEItS. Thi remedy is bH-oinini Q well known aud o popular ns to nerd uo siKcial menf.MU. All who have used K)ectric UitU rs ii il.e tame sorg af praise. A purer raeuiclno doesnot A L'criuuneitt Cure. For years I was troubled fought 1 t ' : 1,.,!. C! S", : T?"?"3yue tutiou of the Cited Statea' giunrei iiitguiai wiu-mwiuuuw ."- jjeal IOUl 8 .res aim Ulcere tr.o .: mum back grumbkr a croaker in tho fullest j prompt; and satisfactory results are Bense of the term. obtained bv using that old reUnble With hi,.. it;!9 Rrow. Tl p,,nWe (Jii'iiDimenU- "" "' v Heallh is the only riches a man ought tp set a value on,, for , without it all men various other remedies, without I cure all din's of the liver and kid getting any benefit, I was induced neywi'l remove piuipka boils, aalt f v ,6 - I,-, i rheum, and othtr aflccuons caused by by John Schell, a barber who has mpure blood. Will : drive malarit since moved to St. Louis, and who from the astern and prevent well- , . , , . A. ? i , . . o -fi. e e - I ture an uiamn;u iei in. v ut vvn o It taKes aoout xnree seconas ior . was uui Wy owm ui o headache coaatr4lUch and lodl-ea Brazil's Constitution is in ev erv resnect similar toUhe Consti croak all the year aroun '. The seringa tre late, the flies eat up ; the! plant?, thir is too much rain in . ' early fpring aud too little I latari on;-thel planting aeascn come3 wron: and in order too q lick or it lasts 4oo long: the droughts play the wfcdj.'wi3h spell drowi s f him out; the sum ner lists too long or he). frost comes tod; 8oon-;,'i f-jx'y'i Tobacco enrin time is horror, and hi tobacco cures too quick or it wails top long aLd runs red "and ? "ft-mef?f5Are to p-o from one , of -the constitutional blood trouble, to . P ' - I . s, m a'aa -a J 1 1 Atlantic Cables:to the. other. . ; take b. . s. A lew Domes curea i There are more -males'-born than me permanently.- I also consider S. S. B. the best tonic 1 ever saww I While taking' if my height . in- females, but at the age of 29 years are joor, let their estates be what they L there are more females than males. wi7!. lin try Electric Bitttra. Entire at- isfnetioa auarantced or money refurid de Price 50 cts. and ilcr bottle at W. II. rurmaus, Jr'a Drutore. BUCKL1NS ARNICA SALVE then finally when it gets on the market : it sells for nothing. Tobaeco4s always low when .: fertili zers are hlghi V In fact, to hear him tell it, every thing jsialways upside down and - the farmers are always on the road to the pwrhouse; IWell, last , yam this agri: cultural growler had a good crop and sold it for big" money, This year - he has a big crop of tobacco, a full : sup ply ofxsorn, wheat, oats,: and," in-..- fact, everything. He was in town the other day and & Register man met him on the street. ; v 1 FBEQUEiertiYaccident3 occur in the household which , cau-e r burns, cuts, SDrains and bruises; -or Use in such cases Ul. J n. i30.cxit;au a wtftUK, w Linimeu. ;;4';;.. r l-;' .. Kr -: . ' :- - ."Did you hear ,- young : Wopeley's Jus .special- Si(S, ? ; x - , . . .. r - . . "No, but I can guessi Four o'clock in the moruing." ; . - ;. -; '' . ;' ' An lidttoi JLream. ino eauor sai on a nara-Doitom in cas0 they- werQ chair trying to think of a thought, with the results. If jou l ave apainfnl sense of fa tigue, rind your duiies' irksomp, tuke Dr, J. If Mclican 6 Sarsap .r.l a. it w.ll iraie you up, make you strong and; vigroas. " ' . v: ' ' s' Sliiloli'a Vitilizor Ja what yoa need for coMstipatioa, loss of appetite, dizziness aud all smptoms oT dyspepsia. Price $1 and 7a cents per bottle. For Bale a.t Fur- man s drug store. ' - Weepies nights, made miaerahle by that terrible ough. fcihiloh's cure is ths remedy for it. For saleatFurmau'fcdrcg store. hiloh's consumption cure iSySold by a ma guarantee- it; cures consumpuons For sale at Furman's drug store. - and- he plunged all his fingers about through -hia. . hair, but not one topic - they brought. He had written on temperance, tariff and frade, and'the prospects of making a Crop, and loked about ice" cream ana weaic lemonaae, nil nis reaa TtiAttAa- aaiitA I 1 a aar a1 A f.va Anta creased and my health . improved hruUes ,ore,t ulcers, salt rheum. ineverv wav. I have recommend-1 fever sores, tetter, chapped hand ed S. S. S. to several friends and childlaina. coma and all akio eruptioua I aua iV9tMlVT aa w aBawa va ar f satiened required. It la guaranteed to tiva perfect aausracuon, or money reiund- !X)ClSBt'RO, X. C. we have consolidated ourselves together ahd will be pleaded to d all kind of work in our line. Call at the muisBuno i:oAcn snop touisiiuna coach a.uv and we will give yoa sal li faction at very MODERAKE TRICES.--MODEUATE TltlCES.- SEND YOUR BO YB ALWAYS LA AYS UN tIASD LJL2U , AT .-KING -JbMACOXS--1UNU & ilACONb- BcfpKlfulIy, -S. A. Wright, -" Midway, Pa. ed. IVice 25 cents per box. For sale bv J. -B. Clifton. COTTON BEAM FOR 8AU2 PUKr: A CONWAY. CONWAY. A MASS OP SORES. . v . I am bo grateful for tho benefi cial results obtained from using S. S. S. that I want to add my tes- bank'a btandard-ln ers had told him , to stop. And timony to that already published Will sell cheap weary oi tninxing ieepcamero for the public good. I was amass his eyes, and he pillowed his head . , . . . u . -v. on his desk, when the thoughts of B.orf Mot U8m but am.ow which, awake, had refused to ansa, entireiy-curea. Tlavuis ordered a new Beam tbi wekhinz cotton at Louis bunr, I dp ire to atrll the one 1 hate bren usin2 Fair- rood COIidlUOU. J. It. II I OUT, Cotton Weigher. COTTON PUESd fOIt SaI-K, K0TICE. " All peraoaa are hereby .fofbiddea ia hire, harbat' or detain iroia bjj aerree, Ned Allen aad William Perrr; they haviog contracted a-iib aia fr the yta 1830. 8TLTAra Pauaca. Jaly.4. 1800. A fall lioe af bary aaa taaey f rocrriea. -utotU vcia ef trtrj dcwuif'Uaa, dry goods aad aaaea ta aait - J'UICE ! QUALITY. We will f J higbeat yr lot tBKtcsi aaa eix era, W1TIIIX THE XLATTO DAY. mtsu IAIT -BANANAS AND LEMONS BANANAS AND LEMON J UST ULCE1 VED tou win. rixo at oca sto&ji rc : a tf vi n i n mi ah . Al'FLE VIN EG AU BXO LOT OF PA!TS JITST KKCQTU' WKANG AUOO" -KAN G A UO )" Beat fire cent cimr hi I be word aj KING & MACON'S KING & MACON'S Lumber for h;alc. came in-troops that were strong and grotesque. And as the ideas airily float, he selects the bright j one of the tribe ; and this is the gem which while i dreaming he wrote : "Now is the ; time to sub- J scribe." r r , , LT. JYlCvfARTHY, . - ; 6. Louis, Mo. Treatise on blood and skin dis eases mailed free. - . Swift Spzcifc Co. f . Atlanta, G a. which I will aelL Any otio wishing to J VI 8 on or addresaiUe', , . J". B. PRXVETT, lincy'a x Koads, N. C. Cap. Alt ton luring moted Lis mill oo taj mothct'a Land, we will I -a prepared to lamieh on abort notkt any kind of lumber waoti. at pricea aa as the aame qu.L;j ef tknbtf taa la tmciht eUewbrre. Wa bare a Cae 14 mad of the Left vouli tU,e, WUI aaw , prepaid j Geld pine unle we bare a tprcJ I . fm St . k ia iia. ataa. ii. a hr;m wr. juu tt-.-tv i vftelava-way " DETROIT SURF GRIP Hall tlie rot of fcotttiag tared U alorkeFlera. tatcbera, faraaera. ' I EMJkm V ai a " a i vaaw.aa, a,vaa wmrw aj 1 1 cd others. Admitted to b Ue WgrtaJrat lciproteaent er inueale blocka. irijUipr Write t r etalcve. fr'utton Iron A Kiffin Woraa. t luhed 1552. lu H;uh airtet, Dftruit. Uich.