i nrMT ' 1 IU 1 - f 1 H LA. . A. THOMAS; Editor and Proprietor. With Malice toward none; With Charity: for alL VOL, XIX. LOUISBURG, N. C, SEPTEMBER 26,1890. no. an. T npT'M l 1 11 W PEM.OC1SA.TIO TICKET. Vor Congress 4lh District, HON. BEN J. H. BUNN, : "ofsfash. S - . ' For Solicitor 3d District : i JOHN E. WOODABD, For the Senate. P. A. DAVIS. tion at the proper time. It should be' signals of alarm, to stand as sent'nels the rule of every planter to hastily strip on ihe watch towers to guard against his tobacco off the stalk, notettempiing J night attacks and sudden assaults, and to assort it tyiug all up jnto large fod- J when Liberty had not dared to show derd&e hands, so as to injure as few of I her fece if already she had bten born. theieaves as possible, and always using J Democrats, be true to . your colors. 1 the greenest leaves at that, placing all I Keep step to the music of Reform. Lock i closely on sticks and crowding it closely I f h elds and move as 'one manf upon the in a ugnc Darn, starting at tne .top and waveriug and disorganized columns of slowly by flues and closing the doors, it j t ' will remain stationary till cold weather j j ; v Supremacy. For the House. i P. G. ALSTON, Jr. G. G GILL. ! De tnrown open tneflret givey weather, I Theucremacv of the Anlo-SnYr,n the tobacco taken : to.' a packing house, race in the Southern States is Msp.nii.il hulked, assorted, andriied at -pleasure 1 to their good government. It , maiters 1 ,i Be Thou near them, f witl.out any loss of color. - n0 how much democrats nsV differ in . li . . : " The Mother's Prayer. Starting forth on life's rough way, - Father, guide them; Oh 1 we know not what of harm -Way betide them 1 'Neath the Bhadow of Thy wing, ; Father, hide tbera; ..j Waking, sleeping. Lord, we pray, , Go beside them. s ' . . When in prayer they cry to Thee, Do Thou hcarlhem; From the stains cf sin and shame Do Thou clear them; .' - ' 'Mid the quicksand and the rocks, Do thou steer, them; , ' In temptation, trial, gr'ef, , S. P. Caeb, " of Carf & Dickinson, Literary Rotes. For jSheriff. II. C. KEARNEY. For Clert of Court. B.B.MASSENBUBG. " For Treasurer. -M.S. DAVIS. For Register of Deeds. V W. K. MARTIN, Jr. For Coroner. B.J. BLACICLEY. BlllHllTOBACCO. other matters, yet they will all unite and agree in maintaining the supremacy of the white man in our State govern ment. Iq South Carolina a split or rupture was threatened in the demo-1 cratic party, because the Tillman fac tion had : succeeded in capturing ' the The number of Harpist Bazar to be published September 26th contains . a bright parlor comedy: entitled "Taking state convention, butNviser "counsels a Jscaip: by Edwin Lassetter Bynner. prevailed and to-day the party presents tuuj i.iuawaicu itrucm uu -j.ue a united trout. In the Tillman clat Exiles of Chislehurst," including a fuU- form or- declaration of principleaj is a length portrait of Empress Eugenie, and pknk upon which all white men should Unto Thee we give them up, 1 JjOru, receive tnem; In the world we know must be Much to grieve them- Many striving oft and strong To deceive them; Trustful, in Thy hands of love We must leave them. - WiUiam CuUnx Bryant. How to Keep Sweet Potatoes. in strong salt and water; .drain; let cool, put in a jar; Fpico hot vinegar and pour over it.' ' ' ' , i . . Lemoa Fickles Roraovo . ihr. rind of two dozen lemons and paclc in salt , for a weet ; "set in tli oven until tbo Fait meltg, put in a ket tle and pour over a gallon of well epiced vinegar ; scald and put in a jar. - . . . . Pepper Pickles--Cut !he Btoma out of fifty large poda of green pepper with a penknifo;' fill the peppers each with chopped cab bage, horse , radisb; mustard Boed and salt; replace tbo etem;. then pack in jars and cover with vine gar. . ' i . Cucumber Picklofr AVaeh and wipe one hundred email . cucum bers. Put in a largo jar and cover with boiling brine, let stand ten days. Pour off, put the pickles, in jars, cover with hot epiced vine gar, add chopped onions.! Set aside niehest of all ia Leareucg Tower U. S. Cov't r.ccrt, Ac 17, tlZ, v. 1 n MWii Success Lite Enxcal liicrbc KlHrr ia thr xaot woadrrf! meUi ever fAi!ti ta KJiria tb dlMM,ftoa Ltr. dUA kava to taa bnmsn tjvuu. Tha aciati ma of Xtydj cl&lm and f roy tkst trery ditoua CAUSED BYtMICROBES, For the benefit of your readers, duwui t . 10 1 -rr - -- - I a picture of: her present , residence, at 8taDd, and !t is this sentence, . " White 1 glTe 0X1 mv exPOence, m pre- for two weeks,. when they will ' be Jbarnsborougn uiu.- i - i rm i k hi,ri- wm7.Vt. serving sweet potatoes., vvcen a 4 ftbMi iond'eon , only be seciired by Demo- small boyI noticed that my f a- . i . erotic , unity" We commend these ther, who had acostly cellar, never luo 1 exas Auianee btronciy Up- Esteraloatrttb Mierobaa and narper s Magazine ior uctooer is a most interesting number. Among its contents nrp: A ntnirift's MnnRA.vaiv) by Julian Ralph, ; with twelve illustra tions by Kennnjrton; the story of a hunting expedition. into the feeding- grounds of Ihe moose in Canada. "Port - ; JLXD RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER wol-ds to the white men of Korth . Chatham Record. Caro- had notatoes after Chrifitmas. and that he always, had to buy his plantings from, neighbor Tom Phillips. I well remember swap- LEAlV An Article irpm Which Plan ters May Ge Sugfrestions that will Probably he of Value to rValue,' by L. E Thenv I OH liniment. March and April. From this i A soft answer wUl kill where a club Bghhor I learned how to keep To allay pains, subdue inflammatcn heal foul s;res and ulcers the most HOW TO PRESEKVE THE Tarascon; Tho Last Adventures of the alMactory remits are ping biscuits for potatoes with the BRIGHT COLOR OF THE ffiustrious Tartarin by Alphonse remedv. Dr. J. H. McLean'- Volcanic Phillips children at school m uauaei, uansiea . ny nenry james (fifth installment),. with nfteen illustra tions. : 'Xew Mone-s of Liucoln's Ad-1 " ministration: Their Origin. Growth, and I ? '. r" i . - - r o . j 1 f . . . i i?EQUTarnvr accidents occur in tne household which cause burns, cuts, tpi ains and, bruises; lor una in such casesjDr. J H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lmuneut. . Gold hunters must be willing to set poses tbo Sab-Treasury ' . Scheme. Xcw Beme Journal. The Farmer's Alliance- is not united in regard to the sub-Treas- driTra rttoar. and vtcntbfttM tlona yo caaoot hava ao abe or pia. Naoaturvbat tba diseaae, ktber a imjJe eM of Malaria KtTr or a eorahi Dklion o( diwuti, wt ear thrm all at th sama time, aa wa trl all diacaaca eoniliialionaUy. AstmA, Consttmptijtt, CffirrA, Bro- ury bill. Numbers of intelligent Ditto, CIO and Vrcr, m!t Tmb- farmers are not in favor of it. sub- r' a3 " i wjf Allianoes have passed resolutions! 111 And now the State Bnoart cf lYavdulent Inmitaiions. . Notice.. - Tty Yirttt tf n -1 r ir Vm-!:tpat ir-a"" if 1 tr t! i"ijyir I'nrrl f I'raaalla Covotr. r f rvrrrir. r i u laektjii, ta . lrrr t. Vi'Afn a?:at J. U. CXaruUtw r4s. 1 S'T Vaxlif ifc- Ctb Ur af (trtiwr !., al Ibt I aurt i:3 d'-or ta I s'it,srj C ctTtrior at p! !i it'i Cr rb, all tbt iauraat J. d.aaMa haa ia lot No 3 la lb a d.t UiA i.S Uada at JaSn CVat Icr ettataic icrr. Als all tb inlcrct tbt J. U. a-;v.! kaa ia tbe dower f I raafU rfcamb!, WM Joba riftiV:c-, c'.titir ac-rta. all of aaid ltb ;iua4d a liarrta Tthip Krkl3 v. Ta aaU.' aali axtcotloa and ettr If. C Kauasarr, fb'flF rraatLa Cooatr. AcirttUb iua WANTED-VOCL- Ilarirg rri unllrJ-tcd orlrr !hr wool I will f xi j t ha nurkn !. iimcj ti!yd;fM or L-f, ihrrcry irlnj: lUe khijprr f..i :, tfre l rotautuikvi. lliuUu:ue iUtt oo day wool rcirel. S4.k ftiiiUhwl Srta ' of rtcL MILKS F. MASON FOX. No. 2 S. !5ih Street Chittenden. "A- " A sreat deal of tobacco which has Leen rouei ly cured, is allowed to dam age in lia .dlingj and does not, bring a vthins like the briee it ouafat to. . The their feet wet. Flaggin'," a story Vy S. V.- McLean Greene. "The First Oil Well: The Birth of a Great Industry by Prof. J. S. Newberry; early history of the petro leum industry. 4,Sonnets by Words worth,' with eleven illustrations by t ubsequQilt uiauaemeut of a crop of to- Alfred Parsons. "Agricultural Chfli.M bacco, is of as much importance, and by Theodore Child, with fourtee i illus- requires, if anything,' more care than tralious. 42Jightf' at Newstead Abbey,' the curing.- We Lblish below au arii by Joaquin Miller, with illustrations cle from the SouOteru Tobacconist, from from drawings. ; In the Editorial De- which our readers may get suggestions partmerits tleorge William , Curtis dis- which will be of value to thvhj: v. " courses upon the remarkable fact that If C llaTU a Cell 11 Jl XlCCtVJT iV I .Jiv p. tv va.wu oviiurj vr , lovwuvm 1 . 1 OIlSllDS erouud North' Caiolina tobacco bef-re J lually leiects the Christian ideals as im- and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price $1 ange, a mun ly orange and a greenisn Detween certain social scenes ana urni.se- orauKe, and from the . weight of the ments of a vanished London and those leaves indicates af yield of about 1,000 which may now be wHi-essed in the pounds rer acre, j and is worth on the new Madison Square Gaiden,and argues basis f old tobacco on same face alue that our own tirne is the best of all pos- tn-dav alMM.t to 23 Der hundred rSible tunes. will am Dean Howella I store, Writes alo'ut the fatuity of Certain mod em hovels, and reviews : several note worth v new books. Chart- S Dndlev - I : ovi-i-v j.; j- i J v n I ; OUUUII B COU9UIUUVIUU CUTC IS BU1U 01 tne j rn a pnaranUe It eurea' consumptic sWeet Tvitatoes. Diir after the firat ftitms of frost agaBt It. ADd now are on tha vineR. Don't b in Alliance of Texas takes a deter i : j i j :i i . t- hurry about it. Take plenty of . , tand for book -Hisiorj of tbo Uieroba Sea that oar Trada-lark(aaiaa aa abort) m A ."f"" time rather than wnrrv ovflr crfit- AUO iaH:iuoul8 4UUU n Vs ltr girea a7 by ting them in the same day, let cise what Senator. Vanco told j Dr. J B CLIKrON Dropjist, Agt- .vu .ii i: the Alliance of North Carolina, LOUlsnCBG, X C. in small piles, putting vines over It tou tave a nainfh! sense of far- tkue. find your: 'duties irksome, u.ke them to keep frost or heavy dew off. Put one or two month's .sup ply in the cellar; the others to keep should be put up as follows: Take time and do not be in a hurry. Throw up a foundation of dirt at least eighteen inches, large enough to hold twenty-five bushels or less, never more, in one hill. On this foundation should be Dr. J. DT. McLean's i?arsaprir.a. It will . brace you up, make you. strong and vigrous,""" : t Hard work is only hard to those who are' afraid of it. t Shiloh'a Vitilizer Is what Ton need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness i When you give, do It cheerfully. Don't grumble, vhat Senator Hampton wrote the Alliance in South Carolina and tallies with the opinion of Gen. Gordon, of Georgia. The circular - which the Texas Stato Alliance has sent to all sub ordinateAlliances reads as fol lows: s " To the Alliance Brotherhood of I Texas: We the undersigned mem bers of the Farmers' Btate Alli ance of Texas in , anuual conven- H.S.FURMAX, Agent, the gourd nxz. AU the former ratraj of t!o (ksr4 . Vhie" are ctrii-y uiv.uvl to ctU ia when ia Ixoiahur. Ihryw.U aiw3- CnJ on lauo, d tury vrjh J-rij with rM-c:iL.t h 5. bar, HOica, Vc AU Uii. bt'.-flt icC-dHwlo icnftl to sail icy lu uu. WW.t)N r. I'UKHT. . 'LOUISBUUG " S0T1CE. r.y virtue of power riven In a wortf g deed recortled in Cook CC pa 64, Ki-jji-ter of Deed o(5re ofFnoUia eotintr.ex. ectited br J. W. Sfoodr aa l wile to V. C. A A. B.i-trotiarh, I Will at tK (4art 1 Iloaxe doer ia IxaiI wber G, 190, f or ct tract of laud lying and being ia I raatt.n Moid.V i Male Academy, o, a certain Tor' r. spread dry pine straw at least six I tion assembled at Dallas, Aug. 21, 1 baa a homo npon fi coontr. IlarU townnin. coa-taihin? 1 4 of an acre, and Kouadcd br Iaad of 1. 1. Slier, N. . Frrry and Jao. UicJua'dt, and betos at I.ilra i !ada. Hj...l lot believing as wo do that tho eub- E. W. TlMBERLAKE. AUy &r Mor1g:ii;et. pmuds. This tobacco will constitute a very large portion of the 189u crop ow ing to .-the efferts of the recent heavy rains and sticky warm atmbpher, fol lowing the ideal . weather ; up to oue nio'.ithliast, and hence the importance j Known fteign novelist.- of suggesting a means,to the plauter, to o-i- i vi j. ; s vi- v I inplies rlnen Aftpr tbo notfitooq nictuicB iiieiiis, iuauc uiiocruuic uj i 2 l m mi i , thai terrible .fugh. Shiloh's cure is the have carGfnllv niled on. coat I rea.Bury uiii uas ueeu iDuiniy Eup- remedy font. orsaleatJ!nraan'sdnig . . , - , portea in tills convention uy an nimiuurur uvb jutues ui ury mlluence brought to bear outsido pin9 straw; on this place corn of and foreign to Texas ; and he stalks vertically, making each lieving as we do that the measure .i.n. r-1 , , - i -i iq nsitirnRlistir! n.a well a rnonnn. Biais ni snug ana close xo i G: :7 '"m; " " " "t Kill bebrouiht to .he Novs.t of stalks I i - i- ; i x,. 4 j term tf Superior coort to cijccctht ; When the heart, doo't sing the lips had better keep still. J I All peraous irdebtnl to the e'a!c rfj 2ncy Itcid, decM, nut conic KrrRr! and tcitie on or lcfore 2ot. ut, next iittiun eiMiaa.uicuiCTiJHu ui iuo i pn.rnnto t rnru copmimnt ana : .lr,,tor. I v and lmnracticablo ..vr ri . i -. I : 4. t .1.11.. i I . . T . . - . : . " ueiug Buuiiciii. ism Diiiiis.o jap tno Spirit and genius ot our gov over apex of hills. Then careful- eminent and of our order, we issue Uanger of a Vauic. - : , . ly cover with dirt about three to you this address and appeal. - inches thick until the weather ,.'.. l . uur onjeciions 10 mis Tneasure j The only way to have continual peace is to have continual trust; ' W. If. 2lArrx, Ai!mr, Sept. 10, Kancy HoU, J:M. sgvo tlia nnlnf mil tharohv " nraierra 50 -ralae. To give the planter a clear idea 1 The. folio wing, reproduced from the I ind- saYe:"toBoth mVself and wife owe our il. . ? j v. - - il t-. I . - - a tttm I ai ana QVi ? 1 r K cT I nnan mTt! nn An mi Vnv I A T J 1 . J J!i! 1 vi me importance oi coior as ,-iue uasia i editorial eoiumns oi me n uramgioa . vvt.v- v-.v. . geia coiuer, wuen an auuiLiuua.1 1 mnhaizecl hv tho followini? j CT iloh s Catarrh Bemedy-a positiye iTOaT.a i00-.0 nn nt t,:ii rfiA f-nm ; pntfrCaa cure for catarro, dipthcria ana caalcer I ' J r - ..w . vvu&.w. inoutu. Shiloh's Catarrh Bemedy i catarrn, dipthcn Knld hv "Pin man Fuccess will never come to your house ! without a special invitation. H- the value of 50 ceut lemon wrapper is should cause- ltepublicaus as well as fbi r-nfths yelW and ; one-fifth white Democrats to consider : f:i j liuht cinnamon. If he exposes his len --What strange reading that is which on wrapper tot the atmosphere after comes from Washington "Just as the savinghis fine color through flue-cur- crops are gathering, and for the most ing, and suffers t to come in and go part equal to all consumption if not in out of case just a few times, the weath- exces?, and with the largest cotton crop er being warm and givey, he "will los-s that has ever been grown, to be told that Just one-fift of Lhe lemon vellow. which there is danger of aserious financial rn1nrpa volno tn fnrtv flnlTara ner frame is indeed startlinr. It i h.,ndd atn LXk f n mer abdfl ereiise. That there is'imminent daosrer f and positively cure piles, or no pay , - i t - I PMib n.d. It 1 ernrnnt..tffl ' tn i va coating of dirt will be necessary. First Want of constitutional WAGON FA LI SESSION JJEGLYS BUCKJjIXS arnica salve The best saive in tLe world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, ; salt rheum, fever sores, tetter. , chapped . hand-, It is without 1 child lain s, corns and all skin eruptions dirt. The straw and lapping stalk becondlt is impracticable to ends are sufficient protection, fumwh tho relief sought. . ; An.old window .shutter, door or aeterous'to the very class it seeks eignteen men noara piacea stop- i to benefit. ingly, with slope to the North, is all the shelter needed. The colder the winter, the more dirt is neces sary on the hills, too xnuch dirt will cause rot in : mild weather. of color makes wonderful differences in appears from tne acts tnat tne rreai- rfect 8atisfacu0n, or money refund- pf aa ftTft nftn AA using two the nwnufacturiiig value of bright wrap- dent is anxious to avoid a panic, and is I ed. - lMce 25 centa per box. - ; , " -" xl - , , - rnr(,j -na . . s . . ' ' . 1 . : . . i . tx t -i A:a , . . I Yvtr V..cif than rw mirf. -Ttr nnvn I CUrea, BUU pern. Ifleft to come and go in and also trying to postpone me t:me wnen x or auie uy j.viuwu.,. . - , j j . . k fWAnrrant . fnAst. wiviTi Timh S ' " v ; " ' a whole hill, as necessity reauires, I complexion. cnlor ami &dA I'lnmntr - th vnlnA to tariff is to 20 into bberation. 'i : Selfislmess always drags own; The j f Sr table or market, and CO pota-1 " . : : J XMES - llcfore and After; Uslnc i At one time I " had awful sores and pimples on my face, and after bottles of S. 8. 6. I was have ; a nice, smooth A5D -REP AHt SHOP- KEPAllt KHOP--UEPAiU SI10P- .EUPEPSY. - This is what you isught to have, m a tweutv-five of thirtv dollar wranner. J These two tacts are significant, and omyreai gooa is me gooa oi au. . If exposed to a third atmospheric change, tell plainly enough that there is danger it depreciates toUhe valuer-fa $15 to $18 ahead. If a panic shall occur it will wrannen if to the fourth" damn atmos- simply be because of the' villainous leg- pheric exposure, ; it is reduced to the islation and wild waste and recklesa ex- fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy and no longer retains any ot the ongx- gress . ijrOiQg taw power wun a great it noU Thousands upon thousands oi ual c lor, ; artificially fixed hi its fe.ee surplus of $100,600,000 in the United dollar? are speut annually by our peo- and texture by the skill of the cure. It States Treasury, 1 they nave in - nine pie in the hope that mav obtain this returns to the color naldre would have months wasted it all and gone over on JMlhit Stricitter?1 made it without belaid of aradal heat, the other side, creating a defidt of from ajccjing to directions use per- Now we sum upthe loss on this fifty $46,000,000 to probably $00,000,000. ? 8isted in will bring you geod digestion dollar wrapper amounts to at least forty ! Kot content with a tariff tax of most snd the demon dyspesia will install Ua 1U. iJ.n-. -- ,WJ-1 .l.lt,n. AfinroacMr. nrrwt ma thov hanal lUBLeaU eupey ' O rBCOUimeua .. i. . . i . n il A.? i -i m.wmw aii.w. -v most enure value oi ine onginat cure, ceen ior mom.ua uuKexiug ujuu auuwet i rtUpnRA. of Liv(1, Stomatth and lTid L. Boyle, Atlanta, Ga, . . toless for several days rather than : - my life a bukois. broach your hill in damp, foggy I was afflicted from ' infancy or rainy weather. with Catarrh and with eruptions ; I never have lost a crop f :pota- on my face for ten years. I was toes, and am enjoying them, now attended by the very ibest physi on my table three times a day if cians, and tried a number of blood desired. Andrew Joiner in York- purifiers, without permanent re- ville Enquirer. . I lief. .. - Tho .. mineral ingredients settled in my bones and caused Rheumatic trouble.' ! My lifo was a burden to me, and my case was Pickles. For making pickles none but the declared incurablei when I saw S. Eight bottles The coar mnla before us described instrument of wronsr and : outrase - a ;J.s aa at. w' an i ltu U8eu "u.v,Bt5B . "tVatw " curea me onureiy, aau x xeei ixa above I nut at 4) to $35 ner bundred; Juggernaut of grinding power and are by W. H. Furman, Jr. Druggist '.. . the Courier Journal, and it should a new person. it is a thick and gummy leaf that can- about to passjt, which wUl put the tax- '.-' '-; . -: never be boiled, but heated. Apor- not stand i ib4tmphetic?'in:oisltiTe' es much higher, andV at the; same" Umel ; ELECTRIC BITTEKS. ' ' celain1 6 granite kettle should be without suffering a per cent; loss in val- add to Uie rapidly growing deffcit.ln the ue-since the" last deepening of the or- j Treasury. ange and muddy orange will run it into a foxy red and reduce it at once to the rank of a filler, but as it has more gum and richness than the fancy j fifty-dollar lemon wrappet described, it r will' natu rally make a better filler, and could de preciate over 50 per cent , yet, t by sav ing that 50 per - cent, of money value which consists in this fii?iUve orange color, the plauter saves himself not less than one hundred dollars per acre, or in a crop of ten acres one thousand dollars, -.. at the expenditare cf o jly a little cau vkla it surprising ; that there is serious talk of a financial crash? Would it not special mention Electric Bitters sing the 6ame sorg af nnifse. A ourer medicine does" not be wonderful if a panic did not occur exisf. and it is guaranteed to do all under such incompeleucy dishonesty, 1 that is claia ed. Electric Bittcfa will ..A DnfUnil orW,Yrtrion V A a l-iflT fi I CUTS 811 OiSPaSHS OI ine Jiver RUU KM This remedy is becoming so well j used in making pickles. For spic- known and so popular as to neea no rnrft hfl t-i.en to flftVOr All who hnvA . iiArl l "ol . no one kind will predominate. Al most all vegetables make "nice pickles, but must' be ; gathered at the proper season. . . . ; Artichoke Pickles Kub off the impure bioou. in tinve . malaria outer skin, lay in salt ana water from the sstera and prevent as well- f d d - Q e cold a$ cure ail malarial few rs. For cure ; , , . ot headache, constipation and indigcs-1 vinegar.- . Josie Owxxs, ' Montpclier, Ohio. . Treatise on blood and skin dis eases mailed free f . ; - Swift Specific Co. Atlanta, Qa." ney, wilf remove pimples boils, ; salt rheum, and other ancetions caused by Monopoly is a tariff for; Robbery. Let the Democrats stand bravely together. Thi is no lime for unwise experiments in legislation, fur French- Commun-em in politics, or for a return tol ihe-'-dark ages when, men were not allowed to think for theinselves and there was 5 no Press, Argus-eyed and brave, to sound W H.: Furmans, Jr's Drugstore. . , in pieces and boil for ten minutes 1 the secret of welding copper. Ten bishops of the Southern M E. Church will meet at VTilniIng- tou next May, with tho board o Missions of the general Confer ence. Clinton Wilson, of Greensboro the inventor of the wondertu uon try Jiccinu j.mtera. xtiuio sat- , --oi , , , Tt lsfacticn guaranteed or money .refuud- y." vunnun-ia.. three-pifiton engine, says be is the de . Frice50 cts. and $1 per bottle at wnite nead3 oi cauiinower, urea, only "man m the world who knows xxctsBnta, v. c wo have consolidated ourselves together and will be pleaded to do all kind of work la onr line. Call at tho Louisnuna coAcn ctop -IOUISBURG COACH SjUOP and we will give yoa BaU&f&ctlon at very MODERARE r RICES. --MODERATE PiaCES.- Respectfully, DUKE & CON'WAY. COKWAY. .NOTICE. All praoB art brraby frb:uda ta hire. brbot' or dctin from tnT arnt Ned Allen and WtUiam 1'trrr; tKcy having eontraetea wit na lor tuc,jra 1KHJ. HrLTjLsrs Palace. Jalj.4. isnc. Sept. 1st 1090. SENDYOURBOYS ALWAYS LWAYS -KINO 0i- H AT & MACON & MACON'S- A toll lio cf hrj aad laaey rrari, caooclfl 'A trt-ry rti tiva, dry tl aad Vioca to an.t TK V O.VT .V l'RICEtlQUAUTr. Wt "J1 j-ay hljtt prca lor rfekkaa as) tf, within Tin: m:xt jim days. ruiii LOT BANANAS ANI LKMON. BANANAS AND LFAIONS JUsTI'.tCKHTlD TOC WlIAnXD T f'CK fcTV-Ki: VVKZ ArrUiNINK'.AK . AITJ.K VI.N I 'iAi: bio wt or taxtsj JtT nxiavxi -kan(;auoj" . -KAN(;ALOt" IWt the cent c'.gr hi i!jc onl at KIN; A MACON'S -KING & MACON'S j . Lumber for hnlc. ma ' Wll i"1 ria-la of t f-.'.-c. 'A U! tc- n; -Kultoa Iron Knxrn 'AVrU. I-UV 1 u ,J- ., . ,. . UbedlciC. UUrtubtuttuDvfnit. MIiS.' ' l.r.vt..Y, A.-ri ETROIT SUHR GRIP 11 Altc i V.a- txxtx li. eiw . Metl Ta'LU Llirk. tiu" an my nfUlx'a U L. we w,'.! Ve vcrtkert.fr.. bj'.rt trv faraant ! iitJ ui:Ui arI. at p;wv r. .w i

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