J, A. TBOMAfr&Jftff: .Jpr;-'' ; iU V..x ' - ! ..);- Wilk Xalice toward noms WUJk Charity for alL'" :l ! !; i J . ." L50 i ASXVY 7Wirr - 1 ' ' - ' ' " - r ' i r i i" . T "' i ' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' VOL. XIX. ptJisBijRa;N; c,october3, i89b.-r.;. NO. 30. I. . " ' r . DfeMOCJBATIC TICKET HON.'BENr. It fitt; :" - of Nash. V;' v'v':":-:- are eawly affected in conditioa br-iains t always ifPJiitrf tf qf fetayj AW' soft aVl termiue unfavorably the loads to be drawn over them, and very much depre For Solicitor 3d District JOHX TL WOODA11D. .. "In inti if Jl li-rtv "VJ For the Seoate. . ..... --r DAVIS. )4 unnecessary heavy drafts. xarmera are loo tant trt'ftWr.L trt;ii. rect tac to buiU hxiproyed; roads, whUe, in the wear bfwagons'ano!'the abuse of stock, they are submitting to an enor mous . indiredLtax tn have ry BILL AHP Oil THE SITUAT10M. . MUSS. . : ly'A1 BAD and $1 a bushel for corn. If this thng all bappene, what is to be i cohib of me? 1 I won't haTe more than a shirt and a half all thb year around, and my wife will ciatb the value of teams and vehicles by f'Cand&ftiMbitjre PW pu .patching under garments. Carl and Jessie won 1 have but one biscuit apiece and nothing but 'tatera to carry, to school. t iWhai -will become of the' Thia fmtUen :ZAim shoemaker and the blacksmith , ... - j In Round TermsTo. the Far mers Alliance, he AddreMes h Few WoroX Well Meant l'rob- r r ..! -" For the Housei "'1' J This is justhe nafemr o&allronr evils. lli;irae af.w,' . . . A. JSJ" ... no iurccu y, dui covered up m ine pur. For Sh chases of nmsksfortyBeveu per cent. tax, afefiktonly fifty-three1 pet ceoti being article bought. The farmer very prop erly objects io-iitt'kw 'protect a manufactax&QQ Ubllshment ;iu the sale of its products., and vet. he uietly subDiitrto .afi direct tax' for ,e very safinf!pfjety allowing the government to iucrease the price of the iianufkctur1ar&e to such an extent as to deiiuoi ore. than, double f that i , . .... amount of tax in its incre ised tale. Sn ll.fijD.dV t mtbroids'.J The' farmer ob- icts, violently, to paying a tax of twen ty dolkra'tixteuSaai system of im proved roads under the direction -of the Stale, and willingly accepts bad roads under a self imnosnd lar nf fifiv Vlnllnr YOUNG MEN DEMOCRATIC necessary wear and tear of teams vuuuo. and loss of time, because of them: This formers in the interest of economy. snail we nave gooa roads under a re- - -. . - . . - constitutidn. . I duced cost or bad roadg aud pay the tooUl jinsvoSbf ForTreashkr! J fcHr T i .v-'iri'o''tViiVt'-A'-''-'. ;V;' "For RegMter o iSeeds. t W . K.- MAUTIN, Jr. For Coroner. u ff ci-rf.' B. J. BLACKLEY. 'T.J Form of Constitution By-Laws. and" Article I. This organization shall he uvy penalty indirecUy under the losses known-as the Younsr Men's Deiriocraiui P W wQ ? dub of township -r -countv. Outside the matter of money, the sat AruMe 2. Itbjw'4ball:htoi'eBtv ji9a M .traveling- qveri goaV, roads ularlv mnin tain the nnncioles and sut-1 should be some inducement, to have pi;t the mudklatea regula:ly uomiuated I them. The heaviest cost would be in ty tlie DemiKratklrtv;1 ,f r 1 i""-4-'iI ongiual coustru. tion. Ouce prop.. Article 3. ?The officers of ;this dab itlyhvtoiihWiPt 'sliall consist of a' orelideuivk 1 permanent This subject is worthy of wwideuis-. a secretary, areasurer'"and agitation audac&ou ty. the people. W rd ot I ' wM,,i ove for the poor; farmer is ver -d the carpenter anoV the brick? Z oucMognipahrtiI l8hi:m book posees. Tt contact tha The Itoat! to Heaven." t A BTMARKABI.K BOOK. , The lload to Heaven, a gulden casket of unique brilliant and beautiful Chris tian treasures, gathered from the rich est mines of n Iigioo, science, and phi losophy; sumptuously Illustrated with magoiacent galaxy of royal steel plate engravings. ' : . No other book of molem times deal Willi such a 11 ring subject, d'splays such genuina geuiua, has such a simiflcuDt new rfiVt of all U Leavt&ax Iowts TJ. S CoVt Export, Aug, 7. w 7sY f 1 i Mler KlCr Is Dm cU,l bmenmm ll aa mtw tftUtd la aay ia u,m ur kt lb dlinw, f r Uh aoT (f ' Om sister d kv a t U tm jts rUa. w CAUSED BY 4MICROBE9, ASD- ' w - B r m A . BT 1 T . here were four or five senators to WUi uecome 414 u10 Pr of a thousaud tones toiled Into one, and !elect....Such derotion deserves to na tne 06068 1116 cotton explores every field .of human expert . -. - .. - . ; . I 1 : . .. - - ..i.i I,.- . . . . rewarded.. -To a man un - in a I Vksfxb. r "Ml euce, mat can engage, xascmate aid ree the whole Hhlng looks J(pecu-' ! ' nlivi Ceforo 5 HKen table; of thai boththe highlj caltuwd and the liaan, Bomehow remmdaue' of - nsuVndftod that there 'on.;f the 'OrUtian 'and., the man the soldier w,ho got scared early are 4j250JOOO farmers and planters r7 r1"- . . . ; a UdW towsu Uv-S." the minnie balls were singing and. "W1"' jarjore rs one r b-m anTeaala1th ' bofflt) c'laa'ruaae Kvhistjing all around him, he was working people wbx are not farm credibly gorgeous, and , y tl iniple found,bhi.d,.a.t wihrs,!. mSW. WnPver,J lai eooagh rch the' tnJ-bT a chM outstretched, and was waving them borers on .Ifarm a who work for Science, is tatted to testify, how God nA uwk.i wacee. What will ' thev aav to sees ana Dears os and bow the elemenU yo doing, ji.cow-MWffJTai- w r. "nrr JV de. "Iwan'tteEO home."sid fflTer 'WW mechanics and :; ....Vi. .1 TI e,fandrm waiving for a, fur- nearly as many railroad operators Evey pawlon, affection, oneh" Ha wanted to t hot in I and halt aa many milliners and I ir. (Mf vir f mn i. ivfl .i il jthehand. Thtfrrfis k&tt!W&AtfctWtofafP&. chil- derly touched by ths authors wixard Bee seeker, many a political' sol" dren. What U to become of them pea.. The book is a mirror lu which all Sier waving for a furlough now f tfae f armere get up a corner on J themselves, and if the advice oi ! What is all this racket, anyhow? the necessaries of life ? totor-Komr Thysel- can ever le tL . .;, -x ,m. T -v f--n?n f-- followed, this magntflcent .-volume cer- itv uu isiaxiea ili wno mm me i - .1 1 farmers that thev were oDnreseed thmgiWill not do. You have pVlll. bd feVJ Jd" ioyour.de. lifi. d e glories of Heaven, art 'rVw; Well, it must be a sad case, but to mands. Demagogues have led marvels of Ingenious reasoning and no- DUtukU to tU Unman Sirrtcm , save my life I can't cry a bit I vou "tray 1 say .11 consiaerate- bie precepts. Awe, tears, laughter, Wish that I could. When I see ly Demagogues have ljd yott far iadignauon, delight and fascination folltenwrd-pie- Wm4M r R " ,!e I -ctfftaSffsV HfeiiWewSS' tf you? order? iDon'tr you .now ruseaihis bio The mean, low and icanieneaa iear,-u maxes-me T ... om .. f '. base are lashed with unsparing sarcasm, aspect my own heart, Tm afraid you will never live to see your - fa SSTrSnrf I've got.9allodse4.j9 ,my old age. n.yrofwMehot set m it shines In thegrioa. I farmed w hard as I could for Dot you know that you will -jWty of ilolineM." eleven vears. and never found ont never dollar of that $64,000, The book is elegantly embelli&hed Notic9. ST lLtLi T ii - .CO Jki 13. au txeeutive cnrouiitteef compos representatives from each of the T)tiug precincts in - township, wh-- stuui oe oiecte.1 oy 11.015. , " "Tom Reed ia a fraud and McKinlev Article n Aeyersoi cftown ud e &&&&&& : ge ibp of voting oj wirkinge'whoahair evw'prirfwtr declnetis iutetitief 1 aad-turpe toKntf Trf ffieUu.ted 8utes. I have p. the nominees of 'the Democratic voted &e Republican ticket all iuv life, party in the couttiigejeltion, shall be but 1 teu v..u the mau who m ide up ig.D.etome-OTn.p m ims- ciuo oy tll qew fc.riff bUl and the. men who ' RADAU'S MICROBE KILLER CxUnnlBia tae )ftrbe asd drives U eat Uk Ttv, ud wkait iat U doa yo eaRot btvt as ehs or palm. So matter what tbt diteaa, wkethar a inapt ea et Malaria Ktvtr ar a camM aation of diaeaae. w ear 'thria au at the aanatuoe, as treat all 4 onitilQtlonaUj. means. I An&ma, jmnanptwn, vmottk, Jirxm- on the Unknown God, h" mISfTUidVf flT,-L,Vf Betoare of Fraudulent Immtiatiomt. 8e that onrTrade-Marksataa aaabovt) appear a each Jor. Head tor book -HUtorr of ta llkroba Killer," fivca ay by Dr.J DCUrrON DniggLM,Agt. , LOUIS bubg y. c. . II. 8. FURMAN, Agent, Tf Xlrwm of aa x Ya..tal TpmuT t ndTroaa ta hvprrtt , M rraaklta Cavaty. aa pr-lrr la at- taaaaivat, la farar f Pfrr 4 rnta AiMt J, lLCaaW rvf...I HaII Vaaday tt SUl 4j of OloSr l-r'. at CS aart Jla or la UaUbirt 5. 1. ' Afftr for aJ at c.aU; aat.a. fr aav all ta lotert-H UM J. R- IhnMM Im ta IS N ia ta diTidoa f tbv laa 3f JrUur Vaajdalae, t aatai a a HC acrrw Alaa All lava tatrroat thai amiJ . K-.OaUa h rth 4t of rraaeit CMaUM. wiaVw r Jaaa flUr, caaulaiar 'tu ara, all af aaid laaaV atlaatcd ia llarra iTovaaalp Fraakiie t'oeatr. Ta SaU4r aid exwUaa! a ad Mta- II. C. K Ba KK XT, Sh'fr Fraklia Ooaatr. Arfvat 911890, ' VAHTED-VOOL- . . IlaYiag and anUmited order fi-r wool I wlU pay tbehVtcftt imrVct jrxe d--U vered at any depot or wh-t. ( Ueroby saving tba sbipf r fcrszh', dr jrae and commisaiona. liemltuince alVava on day wool received. Sfruiks faau-baJ free of renL MILES F. MASON-SON. No. 3 8. lith Street Ekhmoud, V THE GOURD YIXE. - All the form patrons cf the Gourd Viite1 are contahy iuTiud to call la. when in Louiaber. They will always . Qad on hand, aud tiy will be fumUSed with firat e'aas liquwra. beer, wlnea, Jtc All the latest Ice-dri&ks served to suit my customers. EespectfjJIy . WlXDOK G. 1EKT. . L0U1SBURG " 1 AAA il 1 . .1 - that I was onnressed. If worked .W" your leaaers say is- com- n the field with my boys. Our in8 "Sht away rom England to sorniawjifityhjfi;!! advance on yur cotton? Don't jushei at the crib and oar hav f 20 you know that all these promis 8 a ion, and nobody ever amoVandlaFf,,a-a8,on and a Jold mTt waa imposed .upoa.i and er, the elections was such a fool' I never found it j r e ...l- ft J Arle 5: -The preMdent -shall ap- wtthatl Iiisay,iwnn ,Quot - otton to mv M'titoi. t J . T. J 17 o - X ut. ; Joe Bradley has been-rfarm ing right close by and hasn't found '1t"6ut yet1 He'must5 be an awful fool. Joe used to bring his ihis, the Bostoa Herald (Iud.) says? ST are and are, over? I do confess to some grief and mor tification over the credulity of my farming friends. There are no people on earth that have as mucn to be tnanaiul lor as we have.4 I feel like I am these views, for I know that the press-is against 'me, and most of with a beauuTa.' galaxy of royal steel plate illustrations, by r.rtists of world renown. The ncet entrandnj scenes 1 are prodjced iu these cliarming page, forming a n agnificent picture gallery. The work contains over 700 . massive octavo pages and U printed t from large, clear, new type, suited to every degree I of vision, on extra fine paper or admira ble finish. It is issued by the Globe Bible rub lishing Co vt innladtlpliLi, la, and 7RANKLWT0X, K. C. KOTIUI By virtaa af power frivew ia a aart4rar deed rvonrJad ta BoaV M, fc 64, Ktt ter af Daeda afi o( Fraa'Ua ewaatr.aa eaotad by J. . lloodr aaJ wife ta W. C & A. ILStroeaah. I will aalt at tha 1-anrt IIHiaa door ia Loaiabarg, aa Moadaj Oe a, 1S90, for eaB. a eertala mora r tract of land Irlac aad. baiax ta ii alia Hale -:-Academy, and I asked him-orieday' how I hd managed to makeeo "mticfr ' cotton' tthey eor" nd wheat and oats, and V" .1 tter for edrihete raise sd'manyfafnoga my say whether il may volmitarily coutribute to the Irjfc a ,t only not a; Ben wnses 01 tne ciuo. gs v ; . icrat nor even a Mugwump butai ou AruiB?H?eBlfd at ; He wasn't a little t know that if I don't see the bI8 l ice a woek lo the Chairman of v the4 either whose opinions are not fJhfPu ate DemocraUe T!TrftMttiirAx fWmitte 1 o .u ... $on tiee in the morning 1 have the " i I sold by subscription only. Mr.' W. C " j Ranedell, who is the author-ed ageat ooaaty, liari towaahip, aoataJaiae 1-4 BBl TT" baa a houaa apoa IU of sa sere, aad oaadad by laada af 1. Q. Kiley, w. vr, aad Vain at W. W. Perry and Jae. iUebarda, lUlars -X. Soada. BaM la4 poiut four etanding committees, of - members ea.li. on financft. reiristxation. 1 nt,. uIt'. -.1 i . ' I ana lasaea campaku Lteiatura Iatlr)cmUni5au inanaged to make eo mhcfr 'cotton puDiic speaiutig aud entertaiumeuc. tf cy fram a emocrat. aruuie u jo memoer snii oe ui- n't. Th mn wh mtftrrih-Ai raise so manv tat noes. jat to assessment for any purpose, but vterdav. durinji an . interview rlth a' his dausrhtex tr,-.town.!!to:!t school. 1 P1 anybody or not ( Iseepol- au mar voiuutaniv contribute to tbei-)7)jmon..viAniv-nriti.. ij t, : j n a.i t lticiana dancinir and rjrancins? - - ' - . 1 JAW vmv .if.ii.. nMmVm vmMm w . jjrwwv- j. mi iiiiv m. Iliann. Hlin HII I 1 1 M. 1. I o & u expenses of the club. I .:4rt"rja I around the Alliance: arid? talking I fever sores; tetter, chapped bandt mm j--, . f . ewwiaina, corns ana an sun erupuoot Mm va wa sass vafwaa for this section is now canvassing for it. We beartilT recommend this book to I our readers. BUCKLINSAUNICA t?ALVE The best saive in the world for cots. bruies, sores, ulcers, salt rheum. E. W. TiKBnUKi Att'y for Mortgagees. State Democratic ExecutiyolCM On lha contrary. 1 1 atKaleigh, N. cn, the condition of the he waaon of the verv best known mer headacheall dayand as my house club, and as to thopoli-conditiSbf chW of torinone otbeV thaUA'AlL Us down in ahollow, I have to go Woi .us.'r.'nryii 31. yiilVl'll ?: --KfZ f - ' ' . . I rami there josepu a. iirownoi yje wnoiesaie im- to xne.corn neia or coiion paic.n porting house of Brown, Durrell & Co. ee the 'sun' rise. I 'I'll bet ten dol Mr. Brown's utterances have a very j.- thai Joe doesn't belonc to'the mey uo iii:orw Wft hmr.H. irr.t4irrt, V r r 7 irom a man otiw pouuet ana cornmar i . - c. r - "n?T 1. TkarimkMnZaittfinS - 1 1 nad'ono -tenam; wno wwKea- eal campaigns OTnroT, each cf a large numb r, wa-liapssll, he-i f40?, PJPf P.vIrS ad w.tWP 2. Tha President shall have nowet to I th, a m - - i ava w &uuw luu uweroacu iwtwtwu i requu-eo. is guaranwex w giva NOTICE, All persons Indebted to the estate of Nancy Iteal, dee'rt, must come Surwara and settle on or before Nov. 1st, next. or salt will b brought to the Noreraber term of Saperior court to eafxee the o iacUeQ c same. ' , W. IL Macox. Admr. Sept 10, DO. Nancy Keid, dee'd. perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed, race Wi cents per dox. For sale by J. B. Cliiton.' FALL SESSION BEGINS .townahiiv J""r' a!!.n Article 8. Five, members : of ..this club shall constitute a quorum for the tr.uisactiou.of)usine&8. mesa. .U Q deep ifiCfflSce, coming Mit .rt&iM 0fi gfiU'cfth politics a call a special meeting of the club when wer, iu his judgment, it raay be neces rj, lasVaU cakV apeeial Jeeting cirutoWDria3 ban of the club and he shall give due "tics of such meeting by newspaper publication or otherwise. I 3- The deliberative proceedings of toe dub shall be governed by general .jariiamentary rules. ' -j . . .' . .. . 4. Xo mMnhfir ahall K ollnwAtl to arare initorterrx Bosbmrwtio aref rasrixjoi U1 HI others who were always behind, !hey had a power i '1 ibxraine8a"at he mim'rWPtownV at some to the whteL" A ' XSOd 1 rown, a leading Republi can Vmter o i . . economic questions, ; and aveH popular orator, of Des Moines, iowa: ba8writteu a letter to First Assistant Postmaster General Clarkson jiving his reasons for leaving the Rrnuban rartv. In his letter he c iticises Congress and the Administra- ipg, "for J something to turn up bull-tongue and a twister. one the other ' day who said there would be a very short crop' of cotton for be had- noticed that the ' red y blossoms were all falliiig rofL " Maybe that man wants t$ be a friend to the farmer, but he don't know how. He knows i.Vft. H-L- - T! Fawir wrvr aecldenis occur In tha u'WB"J1w,Hn,v" household which caaa burns, cuts, demand. During the tabernacla sprains and bruta; for ue hi such meeting I had to pay 25 cents for ..wDr.-J HMcL's Volcanic OU - ' - ' ' " - . WAGON , To allay .pains, sobdae In flam mat on heal foul snrea and ulcers ; tha most prompt and satisfactory results are obtained by . osmg that old reliable remedy,'Drv JsfL McLean Volcanic j Oil liniment, I - ': AWI -REPA'H ehop . REPAIR SnOP- -UXPA1R saop- Septlsl 1890f eating hoqggund whuu thuxrBBk' as muddy . they were Opining.- Their cro; vi tn 4Ka err am 9 flnn thftv rfl m ,. in:0a. T TrtW b. I'm not complaining. I'll ng toW Alliance, and art waiU do anyttfo fox a preacher . ; i -.. . '.' -At i " . I - ' .' " 1 i -n iL. 4- i i ' r a . . i ill vf w a iirrH a i .a. a l a-4 w r w rmm iiirin w a ablifferT toM I; ' r . r '.t eooatlpa - i h i m rwii l k a jm hj HLJuau ihl ii rfJaVTnaii aaaw a J .w'Trf. U and 75 - ,T-a a.w w k a a ai k a a a-a a - I Vt9 UiU UlAl, LHV UH7JT UMUI r UiVU I Ml' f Bbltah'a TIullaaT to what 70a aad fdr Uob. Cms of - amatrt. ortataaa4 Hi I. t IVAnnu tk a 1 . I ; J it I uwr.ior wager puuiKa gj a - uuhs ai one urae, noT more man f j 8? wiuumt, arnjgn for not tuuuous consent or;ine ciud. H tionasacombinatioaofrich men, first! is i' plain talk, but it ,ift, true legislating in the inter bets ot the wealthy dealing the laws in the ex- utocracy Congress is Lead Poison Cured., Ciotfd Koiids. passing a free coinage bill and the President for preventing the Ssitne by threats of an. Executive veto, tut the Lodge .bill i& the chief of Mr, Brown'e attacks .'. lie says : ft v s ' v " It is the cuhninatiou of a series of HUWs" Ifc iTags:" pltfngedjnto the hearer thai AtnerK-aii Kepublwovot A prominen"eIu&'n; "ed in ray-JiiearingV that he! would Wtfalhil tharelwas ShSmade 1 ifait roadonvhigCcnintyeat sA accidentally bat, designedly vJlrBrownl over my -f riends, Gus f Bates and talk. ; The greatest enemy thefar e? has got i hi own'ilndoencer.'' 10 man succceeds at anything o does not work diliigeiVtly:'; r T SoW T trtAmr Araitlv vKa it ia Oppressing '( the poor- fanner. I think I would get ai big tick and 0 for him.' I wish I knew the distrese.that hangeitiBie'a millstone' ' I jim a pain ter by trade. ; Three years go I had a bad case of lead poison, -caused , by -using' rubber, paint. I was cured in a short time am id torn bf draraaoia.. Pfi $1 oeata per'boUle. For Sal at FtfH drtf: atarav'r .' - .. f. , '1 - .- - 1 i- r HI eepleM atgfcta, mad a miaeraMa by that terrible couvh. fiaUoh'a ears ta the rcaiady for it. For aaleat Fanaaa'adre g sUtav- ' :; : . ' s : - hflohs eoaeaaiptloa ears ! sold by a a a raarantea It earco ooaaaatpuoaa j Tar sale at xannaa'a drag store.. yT?ta uffti r 1 1 JT if.' irt trim -rH .l r SENDYOURBOTS i ' 1 ' j Shnobs Catarrh Eemedy a ear lor eaiarra, aiptntria aioath. Bold by Faiaaaa. poaltlva eaaker TTben yon ' are constipated, have 4f: ;rmirW vS.fi. fl. The medicino 1 headache, or la 91 appetite. Uke Ir. bawa CoeaoHdated orselvea iogetuair and will oe pleaded to do all kind of work In oc line. Gall t the LOU1SBURQ COACIT SHOP LOU1SBUUG COACU B-Ol1 and w will give yoa satlsfactloa . at very JLWATS LAY4 . AT -13NO & MAC02TS -KINO UAJCQT AfsQUsaaf kaavy . ' ' aad UmJ rre arta. aaurd xadai aaarf . imnMiin, 4rj ajaoda ad ia aait modebakt: rBJCBi- -MODEUATK PlUCxX.- Bo pVct fully,. - -w wixia uaic uux ion . ia lciuaui n- 1 wet Kfv.ir;-;.X4 P'HJs.e.r:sr" cquiidence at y,.JZ - XCT'.V'fi rtXj-aikh Vo hve to anJS.i- A. s--LAv iui fttiMi .inT ...i4. j: 1 . r r . -. JnA imuf of-iau-Hua would" le feter serVfLirf 'jyttesj'pafor the. people J 0 dotermice M,wer ttte, preatf ijylteiiV ia humanDaiurbeinvesHtiat our ymW Chrkt:an brethen4"of the- Seulh tar hirowiug be'tterall the time W their fee I : 1. .l nv eiiaciO!r; lingers jire-Tap ory wirnug out 77 1X11)150 aentimeut in Georgia tnost Verv.anjrL. li nisi.' "ovpment is besun. r , - t tSat'equ,re8 but liule insight aud cal won to determine thd importance value of goodjroads. Earth roads something against them . bat de- tho prediis pfithe f)f, - recwciUEj clare upon my honor 1 tnerpeotuiy to tag new tmreruoi tmiiggr Tn they want a' f ti n ; i . ;-i .-. n , 1 .hi " 1 drove the poison out through the I u- thev are pleaaantto take and wU pores of the skin. When I first care you. t' ; : commenced taking 8. S. 8. my j " CaUrrh eared,2 health aad awaetbrcatb System Was SO saturated -With pOlS- lMe Wreita. Naaal IaJtor fxea. Foe :.ti i t . . 1 1 1 1 I 1 . . . . - a.A : ion' max1 my unaercioinea were '" ... rnlored - bv the naint beinel '..,...'.. A . . L' Jone.,:QonD9r, 4 kcd , b7 the medicine farmers in the county.:. They through the pores of my skin. ; I wni be pleased to . . her , friends r.avA all rteh cnourh. rfoi Jeave.J WAS cured' entirely by b. . b. 1 and customers. iroH tWTu0" nrl took nothing else, and have had iuiibini''Knt no return since. : ' ! To Whom it May Concern. iw-y . . -'Ff :j .J : Tv, , aynesyiue. waio, m terze Dlmiber j,, to it .1 -WiHIw Pe-n Wy f iv 7 1 a - i ; 1 . 1 . - . m at -.1 . seem 10 minx we naye oeen aoing j . ! mv posser fcn Ji, owrtjge dwu. 1 hn eotrats -n a r 7 ; oub.uttlb child. , ihattla.- c. belomrfoir to (Lffereut 1890. ErZKYOSEp.' . fJUCmmi2VJLUTT. Wa will Jaj bSj 4 awtaaa W tk ewsad ktv yaaa; rpria ' PUTTE "DUKK COXAVAT. CONWAT. bire. biiTbot'ardetaiafnrtBi y aanr m 1Y Alii UUir 10O dM. ta, TH E Jf HXT TaU( DAYa - JT1U-1I LOT BAXAXAS AND IJ3J0NS BAN-ANAS AND LEMON- JLTSTRi:CIVXD too wLixrixD av oca aToausruak: A V PLK VI N EG All APPLE VXN LOAU bio Iajct oy ta rsjcrrjwcs vti JLANGAHOU- , -JCANCAWitr Deal five-acni -oljr in the col at JNGAHACON8 KUiG & MACON b 1A VU aa warehouse lake 35? ff ' PPWffiU8lfi fohave VpamrW sehie1 JP4 And a loan from the government, Philadelphia: also Hot Springs, " place, if under an improved sys find m-. t 'trrMin 2. b ifl L- ilkij iv.:- A.-a" o-:. q' "a iniTiiir cAai. a - : - a .: a t - -a. a 1 , a. a k xr.j; 11. jvicxeau-'s arsap:m a; , 'it jyfll brace yoa up, make you strong and vigroua, : ; TheReT. Geo. H. Thayer, of.Boaronq Ind.. says: Both myself and wife owe our sivts to Shiloh's vOiiBanip:iou cure. For iale by Furmau. . . tjur lime gin, jesaie, nau ecroi- 1 noea, an m x w.s dla for six -years. We tried the a..d Pttcd re' J f besthysicians of New York .and " rTve trouble ex'- peiise. as well as uiyself, I would I e rnA Kir them to be sure and tall and vet them aa early as 1 oewble, therebv ra-otectiuir their own interest aa well as obliging your obedient public servant ana iriecot . . T. A. Davis, Register of Deeds. l Jaly.OMO. StLvaxt rvwacs. so they can hold their cotton and iArk without avail. Swift's Spe- force the manufacturers : to pay icmc o. o. d.; curea uer. kS&fiS-&ltL u t: v D. B. Wagnkb, uucou u. p-auu m " . Water Valley, Miss, so-the great west wants , ware- Treatbe llood and fkia diseases .houses for their grain, so as to nUed free. Swift Sp: cimc Co- At- make us pay $2 a bushel for wheat 1 lanta, Ga. : , , ft YETK0TSiVItr'CJIir If1f tba rt f Vlt"i(raTfd tortVer. T"peea. I tm 1 , meebitiWta.bandfTa. tri ! ad abra. Awmd tab tae reateat IwpravraMTit er a iataeaWblorka. lit Xrita fr mUI'o e. . a mm a Faltoa Ira a r.r wraa. t k ahed li2. lODra hiret,retrait,Miea. Lumber f oi Salcl- 5 Capt. AUfnn harfrv mored hU mill ou my mother's laod. wo wCl rrqeirfl to foroirh nn short eotirs -ny kind of lumber wanted, at priora aa WH- ats Cm -same quaLty ttmtr ca T WJrtAwkiWf. We1wraCae l ifOa? vawtaaaila -piae. T. "CI -earw t- r el5 aoranila a tax -a -f pn 'u

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