4 VOIviXK -i:quisBURG, N c., October 24, is9o. NO. 30J PPllCES.UP.: Home Fruits ot the IlepubUcau CAKO IilN A CU LLINGS. The tad of tbo Worhl. DEMOCRATIC TICKET Highest of all La Lcirmjaj: Toer. U. Ccr: Pcrt, A-. 17, JT A. wy,f'Wf?W;'&m WUh- Malice .toward none; Charity f,r u!!.' - ' ' , - . i!.fO S0W THE NEW HIGH TARIFF BILL EFFECT3 EVERYTHIKQr If you. waut to buy a gun that you cbuld'rg'eta.inoatbagQ for to.pay AS" CULLED FROM OUR EXCHANGES. a vivrD B7iE.ri:"io ncruRS , THE FIXAL CATA3TR0ni CF f .i-inf-t: tnnr am vi Ttr'ii hax?a trtnot I : ATintHftr . innacfin tacrnrv will, no we mrWmJJg? A ;t I-:::;m7 . .' : - -' The nube ia Ori.Ht Salarn, nul the efTecteWm i ' - the mooa are inUoed iu-.:.t:ve the. Radicals . fts We-.gather th : Oxford has eix tohacco wars- change-tyV, sy to jUW. of here and rherehe. Bilk industry .ws b ?ou twelve j oneDacpma g - operatic this Beason. Ue fit a.aSe, the midlie .the last ) 1' - f " I ' jjarvo w.iuur u il ivu. Vr,r Congrcs. Dblrict, HoS'.KKXJ.'lI. 1JUNX, of XaM;.- is in a condition of dry rotbyroa-l bouSt for tAvelve dollars ao- 'sou of the Radical tax-for Moaop- costs you . eighteen collars, If olyi The Vranny'aild oppression you are a rich man and" want to x of the new tariff lawfeanbel'only puy. gan;!! would cost you a BoAn bv the wav :W ooeraf es.r - lit is hundred ' and -fifty dollars a For Solkitor Districl , JOHN IL WOOD AUD, The Bank of Hicxory has been j iroccsa of the evolution v worlds. ased by - Gaston capitalists. I ; And, pf all clangc3 'that change has 1-r, ' "'iv'V.) '';.' ' ,i-,f I most iuierest for U3 which-ailccts our ..v ii-.ouuit, , ovru planet the earin; H nas rcacnea s v. a.tam-:A Tft.ml- Axnt rin'Hfl Lmontb aeovit-wuI-ODiy cost-- von fi. .. - v - - -. I. - - . . . . BJDfc,i.!T::y-r -.ir.w-i-,-. n. , "v " .ior-m any years. t ate a uge as ute.mP4; but omy m ' the facestjf thep8p;t:he fix d loug- Res an.r bj ' tmnme, effects will already "rich may grciw. richer." then. - - ; " . . - - ; : .iiailfoads run" through; all but furUir irhan-es be noticed. . . " ' - Her-3 ' is aa illustrative itemJ While the fanner andthe far- twelve of the ninejy-eix. counties I .Ages heuce it way bp discorereJ thit -wii lake from iheBftltimorfl per fin North Carolina. , , -'r there isso Tor the Senate . P. A. DAVI5. U. F. FItlLEMAy. a 1 ! .ar - For the IIoubc r.G. ALSTOK. Jx.: G. GILL. pay fifty per r in xvoriu tjaronna. , - .1 1 there isaoiue si gut cningc w me tirui's -' .' " ''--- I rtr15l! nf fmirv. vt nparir lf the ni Icr orhitthaa no'vr, tud the terrible : ui -rhj -: ln- - 5 eyer grown toenv ;4- r uct ouj.come to maa- Uut we are general household ns On -the of only Fdrj perp- V i dramas Nearer W the im:.r Tlme.Koe. 1 7th of October a JNew York. impor-1 - ib iuo resmi 01 tne ivri- 1 ,r 1 h isiuVMug d pfc, Uec0me too Lot tr ir naid the duty on! 1,478 gross of rpubiican:tantt . mil just passed, l ticsei w aso county , wwi ., oe exigleuce; aad colder regtoua find a wel- nld law on this inv6ico: was S157J can party : The additional cLutt imposed by "the poople, - ... r . ( . the McldnieJfarlffwusf 7 '" v,;;nT tliA fnfal nofit nf tK hn inanss to tnis sme Dili-,.-a M trk this Is fortmiwrted; foreign 1 ougat a month ago for a dollar Kins university inis year. - ; v J yineyarfii, -aii the Alps Uieir . snow; hntton. How is flie h'omomade iw511 now-cost you -a-dollar and ' ; . - - tnglaod is a buminS desert, a..d Green- ev5V.eeeain; U has hrouoniers only 'too surely HcU their been grown thrs year-.r; j r, talc JCow. the tropics-"aro an LupasBablej """ - . . . , .--I . . . . I . - - . . .1 t . I -v. i . ' - ' o- tons to th importej; up to $1,539. P00 ...nile tnat . could : be I na ooys aixenaing p;yoaa-.iiop., .u .ifcib .has lst her - .' . . -. -.. .' , ' ' i The enrollment cf j the? - Davis lilifary School in Winston is to be. the largest in its history - . For &l;er;c; . 1I.;C. KKAUXEV."" For Clerk of Court, v B. B.MAS3EXBLT.G. Tor Treasurer.' : t. B. DAVIS. , - -For Reglslsr f Deeili. - W. K. MAHT1N, Jr. For Cori-nJir. - What . Jirl 1J;3 Done, It is said tint" little". Daisy Stoddard, who won the Diamond Demortst Mtd- filpd . Mass.: tells the storv : . .Till oO cents a pair. " : r the McKinley'hill was passed their .Thepublicaas claimed ; that . The Oxford . Orphan y Asylum -J" the burdens of the "people prices were 26 arid 30 centsfor a v...,, orA!f9 :U V;;,,f fiftv. cents: and. the wice of , . , , ; -, teems with the ycseistion.or.the uut , a "ZiZT-l? ZiWsZVAfrn- 9it OCQ0O4in w inBIon 18 tropic: hi smaUer and smaller 'circles a!, at the Chicago National Canretmon, circuittt. up" "f V" . 'x,":-,- - ,,..,'! to oe.tne largest m its nistory. .k- inhiiutnnts' rather ronnJ th uolpji. has mid nto the rroh.bltion camrahrn l--iin'A". to ' cuote - the wonls - of Mr. faud of Nebraska 2,000, the lesult o: narrowed hunts t her en:e taiument9. earth can.no ;lougerj The young people "who have been upp jtt this vast iucrenseiu population, j tuiuol in Denyrtst Moili.1 e:mte-t are aud faruiuo bejiaa to mow dowi ita v.c- j in-aluable nul in eatertamments. Let tinis'by tni)I'.ons; ' , . " , . 1 us u?e the rnalcti.il wliivi lies .ready at V -Now, indeed, the-end of all loe on ourliand and Lot l.ok !wii! lonjiuj the earth draws oii'apuce " ' ejos fur .costly Jp-ikua when we m:KLt The hq;a aad drouth becomes more and dere'.op hyne talcnL . - .in .rejusupporuble; rain and' der , Cut . There are a ft-w-yocn pecp'e haVHr uo louger. All springs ol :-water d!t mcjd.us in ; Norths Carolina whCau a43urham with electric 1 ights has ami the rivers dwriudle iown streamlets, scarce!y be - esccllol in th ' United and tncKie tlowiy i..vr t .e:r siotry btus,i Ms'c. - ny lira not t:es-i "iiui-usroa:- lxkiX u.jw'bcardiy f ,waierH. aUiijd to J ol," nlwr tonueil ora'ors usttl by tlie T ,.3 i . .. i 4i : me Duraens oi - i oe iiso l lie. ln- euriain uuiiiux,.uu!i uow tut-)' Ttrt' , .- ,r-rr ?i 3 v 33, .35 and 45 cents for , the & ?f dping; that, 7 it' increascs bame numb-y. ijndef thoold law a8,f lioxs of . do- the wire of whrchl cloctr springs lajis a yeaV,Vor ad-bne dollar a are Tundeyas. taxed hhree cohts a year on the;- expenses ;of every ' 1 1 Ji' 'a '' i i' L'. i 'i. V.'. ta . rhaiii 'wnmari '"and -h Jld -1 ri the c ts; $ LS3 petoiid :au,cutxi-w Zi1. T ? hundred and fifty brooms per day "Arrangerneh shave been ' made whereby the street railway of Wil- mington win run by eieciricuy..- - Tho con t ract f or i 1 1 u m i n a t i n g th-e nnrw; Trrai ty Church bu ildi ngs iuot indrr(ul !rj. y j fi aote.o.i mlwr tkl.i f - itV j 1 " T 10 II nr!wfit 0 Tb - ijfe tsn c( to-J j rUIni ftcJ 1 rvTS tht eyery !; it -1 CAUSED BY" MICROBES, Tin: Gtivnn r.vr. 'A'.i the f r;r rr r.tru.s r.f the Gosri Vl!-" r.rrtur.'.jiUjr Iia uA " es'l la U -;f 1 1 JL -'-.I.TJ. Th"". v'-l f.lrJS r h-.r ;., .1 iwy tJ J IT.'-V,t! t. - " i -. All iL"! Ll.; LerLki XTeJ tj tuii Dy C2'.onr-r3. l:c: -v:r- ' ' Wrs.rox f, Try. nr. ' . You Will Find AND- RADAfiVS.fi'lCrOEE KILLER Extt rminatra the Vt'crohei Md ttt thm oui bf PTiwir. nu.J brr U.t i dote jon c:intH lure n cht cr j-alj. No fr.Ucr mn& the ilier, Uihcr simple e'nst ft JJ.(lr'. t'cTr or a rom i natioa f( ditcalr, w cure thrci US wl ibe mom time, trct all taJC conttilaUooft.l. ' - . v. , Arim3, CofHmptin, ' Catarrh, Pron ciiiiit. IihenmatUm, KiiLy umd Lfrtr Viteatcj CJi.il and ittr iciif 2 roub les, ia iS ii farms. cnJ in J"dr!t ertry iheeoje known to t!c Human ilcm. Beware of Frmululad Iiamiiationt. , fe that our T.-a I Urk. (itnr K7e) Hi for Uw il.tory too MlTtbt Dr.J lsCUPrUX Dru 1st, . LO L'ltilj VUG .V. C. - ' n.S. rUKMAN, Agent, . FRANKUNTr.X, c. , AT- RODEBSOH'S BftRl hoama!rwvril bn:let:.C:-; . i;WSv''"i"" i:---v-:--'rX'r-!?' 1 farms ; it- has ' Enabled the?-rich :-: ; . ' v;-v-, a cirtularnform their, custpaeri . f -M n s , f tvN(Srt-K Itn CetterS that' reh On Palurdij, l!t lt .U , i.f Notmtir r 3.LB TO' Pnf?Sinrr i .... .r r4 n I ;ur,'-',B(Mh,nft 1 t Cfv 4.ia t bTi, v s, 1 1 that thevhaye: matches are unmailabK aad can- fVou, iiv.r.ae iUbby tho drouvU. .lor pi-on:bH:on?v: . - ;-. -: , ; "A1 t'Vr'X u ki" advance tKricfof.leffeto not-gthroughthe poalolceVbul Hi.d.fLe" wlw etCrd lrotu iho 'dnruth There is T-r rc ir.-irafoa in thii i'-bJuL'.!. Tr in. bepfpP they can be semt by expro:.V ' ; - recrvul lor a 6ie.',aro, awful yet. then.e Uvin th.ro is in a sKm or even a Foop Lee, of cv UtwUM and other tXds, ; V-.'-?-';,: , - Fora ti-.ne Hie & rctuaitiing iubaU aokl w.oilaU 'I'hcn c ar develop:.;; ftni kiteu firaiinre. u-win n:rei:-.t tions, 10 perenfOoifais Anrl vei tleawinte P.W.f lBVT.ZeZ WirJB.areparUairy screened -frtui the home ta!t;i!aiin2 ihe your.g rP. ' yorsythe bf Ne-fe has decided to overwbehiiiug power of the suu'by. a aud in the future will have soae of tU nKm -fnlU'fnr oARaa tKM i!v W.'thfl iu i id a mamraath cotton factory denc cauo,.y of clouds-iorwo.1 Ly-Uic finest speakers to c font..! anywhere. :. $ ' jyh-i'. .". i il- -..jlr!..'rx .t, 1 ii,f Vfno- iAet im rwi - 1 evawrutibu of evcrv lake aad sea. .. , . 'irf jV . .c miiiis j 1 . r amiar.i 1 v ni aKJi. it .luniKiu" mail i at mat li wok tiuv.vuv. . . . . i . - . '.8siiate4 ' them , iulo i 1 can form. - - Then 1 'rVii tnera nd tnegroes .vmucu Wiiel FiWthonfliml.fonr Knndred and vapor banks.-aud d w rft r to y that is doihkitV fest, to taxthe eihtv bounds of narer' were con- i ikst uslhey WMY topTe of this clouitfry deaOiI 'iU :n Hmrihlltn f lhe orU bbkc Jlr. UadtMii;'!id.l SpoaTiS. There can 1-e no divHion ar.ionj; white men in ronh Caro.ii:a to Luvj as we corn. (o4 lr, ciun fiL cle., bloocin to ih tie ot ti.a lit Mlsa ila. J. Wrbb. . " lif virtue of antMntj c'lttn In her wUL. C T. STKS.i. J '-If eSlwr. If you wantB rletvsant !rUik thocood oU always call at B. II. HorxifcEsos'ft. .crt TixncxnNCjct full line of te5t V.l-c, Uiucrs tCrlVr.ifcmf cr I wxunot jzz 'euatbrVaces iiuon on tlie sub treasury lii is 4 tuatterjof det-p concern . . - . . : . . ... . . it. voters.' -If the r.cixrots wnuU oulv Liy nut euie ou or icnrc .i'v. 11. uotv. askla their nroiu'iices aud divide their I or suit wiU be brouiht t tiirrNvV ruber 'vX v:-; I.Sani: Jones. m.eeting, .."-i-f. '? l victims. .Tlteti ilie last "deulzens ol" votes, then the ) te v.m mishl afford I trrui ..rsujrior cvurt I takrv ihcut ie-.8nb- I a-v--:- -r .:f.'"r..-' ' Ki . . ,j . L t t . : ' " - .1 1 10 uitr-r. iiui uiev cnnuoi auora 10 ui. 1 ixtu mw v r. . : ' r j I splendor 'without ihe ' hjhtel cloud I s iirflttowi"-"' -.'Wilmington Messenger during the v.-,. . . , . .., . - vt; "!.? :-. - . - j wreath to iuterpustf between hioiself aud Senator Z.- B. JVnnco was "asked - We cobsider. mean, They map to take cut of the pocki'ts (hi jWy . sum and to land j jtrbjvtlni , nopolists arid man iiJaurersThey mean law. of Monopoly is notices fects 1 purchaser; " , charged " pound on inquiring th" reason, was told W irusannrehensioii hei-e about mjposi- Tran" that curious nieco of vetre- wroug doing to the breasts of even the ed lYwe 25 cents per boa. 3 -ii - I - r- . - .... I . . . w I 1...- . I . . t.. I Of ."Ui UV i. l.HILOn. tnhioh narjhus o rf Ttiftfta n t - - - 1, - NUTICK,. Ilavi-V rc:umel t Lcu'abur- fr . . . ,-. . . t All rrrrrs Indt.d to thicftatl f I CJ- rercci.--.ij o-r tij rcr- .. t j . . . 1 . r. - -1 1 a a a outwit buu am j w a. a uvv va uuiv a r i'a ii nrviu .1 . in rir a iim vii i .1 wi 1 1 robDerv uriderihe'formpfitttfeehn now beavy , rf..,.ZrA rVi nt,- . Even so thhirough replied .that he did I jai. ' ' - ' I I , . --.'I'-V asthNew'jyokPes knowT his: exact .wexgnt tjp J -r '" r' ' ' V ' . 1 BUCKLls AllNiUA bALv L ahi'instance vofthe t;W f vWiAle .ex- pounds,, but he was -heavy -enough-1 : y-; v - . The best saivo in the world for ct,p.. of the now. law - Ut : says i a I P!'wgl-' T?e ; letterj is dated - at f an Rad he had met . . . . - - . " . . IVsnes. sore., ' ulcers, salt rheum, oi tne pw.aaw,?At ay , . . . - . .' . hr aorcs. tetter! chawed '.hand.. bfsifeetHieadj c.,-Tn. o.fii i-,r,. rrWi in childhuns, corns and ail skin eruption two and cine-ha MHlViKta '??tafe RirilrimeriStat ion aneci, AVilmiiton: aud bv.hls frleis denun- F??: .2 ?f above, .tioldinguresi Dd, .V t :h:'lamc4 "tb't there is mft'rt rtF tHwolinTnl oriUfe' FV elation . of sin nd . bold Putom w?rfect saiisfacHon. or money refund- W. 1L Iacok. Ailru'r. Sept. 1'), "ianoy l:eh crcM. 1 mat; ine MCJvinie mil was respoii- j xgU .D reajrov to.UieuD- Vreasury , hui. Jiation siDie.joE.it.-ni'eiereq f insects: ' It r phi, nowever J ?u.iwas vjounuaa?:-ks f-.-iir':'' T rtr'j .r4nt. nj is some tiling rnterest- ing uU a T,jaIialUou tLc oVer To Wliom It .May Concern. '-I yn - -reia'h siror- U EPA lit SllGlV -ULL'AIU SllOi'- ; creased, has beeh powered from rWf; V i C XZ1 three cen ts . to. two - and . one-hal ; ouJe-wise. I would che-rfullv ' cents a ponntTbif Afow irppoit notwitlwt4iuding-.:-iny"-'oi3ec-rsady dealers .nd : Manufacturers ti0u to its practicability if the farmers - are to take advantage ? of. a - ery worthyof study. - My t-rm of oTice w'.ll ; soon expire. Tomato CnCect.ioiis ... - ... - .. : . - 7 T "'.: -W? by . tlMS-.lfcsiver.J'ar8 the s.rougest aud j Uve m L(irt.0 nu3ibcr r.Vr9 Jn , '.Z:M- aidlcaet di)jcoiituable in sxprcssba of my possei'sinn dccU, aiott; dt-e.ls, cUous. " . aujr we have eirer iread from b'.ia. 0- chattel. Ac, betonhas to dferit - auy fofd Vrpfian't i'rimd. ooes. all of which I have taken care . of I and protected siacsmy Erst lexni of jUX4 I fl- A MIAV4 m S1 vn fTAtlVll JA 4T. Lorrsficaa, k. c. X -X very delicious, confection may I - Concern Lug, pfygamy, "tho i M - i t r r a. i : rri - l i a s . . t . i - - - desired it. That position I still main- 1 V mao ? iomvoes a ao eingie I wouu ne as eaeejjcuc as lue jtetKnger i pense. as well as , tuyseit, l woum be " 1W 0!rtK ' firn 'W tf TTniratis t lain-! furilwv bare elate, upon all pr pcar-snapea toraaio ib- ibb .dssv. twucujaw . B.v - K l&kmSSm Z&Ami : Jdrily - WrttU nuo."Tal six poinds J W tit G.-renuu.. A m JI, JOU, by . "u,ot jigarg'-nj ..OTW'fvA'atsffi-mlhaid .of..tto aieiire:in ' - m. - - , ha. Wa siu-Mu evo turned in Uie direc- .. .. r - ... . - ' - , . ! - ; . . . .. i rr cT-trrr t- rrr ruoc- nr T no TrTir : y- - - : goue,up $10 a .tnoasanajati roun icoagressjo WW apeu pus. r, --T rT"; . V Hon if the Great halt .Lake, ti-e " UU-e . f So say.1CT;:Browa,Coi:stri l : Lelieves that a greater sin is found in ' J I VUO UUa V t 4-S V vvuaavwviJ tvuu them fetand f wodays' in stono then cook them in this juice Until ; the sugar penetrates, and utin cigars, ' kinds ; ; r ncrfintfi. 5 OlO - new vrate Oi -lri inv l.t.tf id Mr- ra.it: - tha. Vr o . o r . . v ".'-. .. X J 'v r : . I, i iyqrpf tP?t . fthfirnnts ot aii xtein oi , t3 jbuims aiuuiicc, .i;uwi.uuu. i is and :2o ner fient. .71 ;-ti r .,rtAhi I J V .ttainsfc vne oiu xuiya 01 ; q.uuuu fiiH '".-sckvc. unum .uuu , .. . . ... -- . 0 on ; : ,--'r iilust.kgielauon by -which they were they lo:k? clear; take them .Out, f Wl constitudou of iiy 'diVs, fiatteuing each "notices on buyers of advsn in: J?in'deiid this. 1 trust you tomato, and dry : in tho sun ; -a J l v. , r i'r . j 1 Buiaii uuauui v jl oyiuu duuuiu'uv goods. The-prices are up- 041' g but there is no Advance- ihvwaga: of laborers that.we have h'ardfc 'Note that. Even WanamaliVrttr-sj leaves advaiiia?e of -..tK' tariff to Ecniittt.f atdruiceVidesirc ----- .. ; ..... xj . . , - i-u-v- ... . .. : ; anin 'viting : cir cular.Wg.Mes-i auaiiut; win , u . Sheriff Chal friers L. Dickj-wh ' - made himself a terror to the horde of plunderers that' descended on .Johristovrn, Irihsylv ,days.', succeeding the ConeniauglV flood; aiid is sai:d: to - have 'shota , tnaiiJ,Vao.,v as j i-thig- to rob.a ;; Herwas only -thjrtjfodr yeara old, :; jf.hui5wds" a' leadirig lawyerand had - ; ' been.; M ay o r ; o f .J oi 11 s 1 o 7? i . . prrs. Vv'eekly.' ' ; ': 7 Very truly joure, : - Z. IJ. Vancs. no doubt to hel o m lien the titue lot- ho .Uo-u::wa(3-j..:.-JL e nopo mis letter ; W14 p;i"xlii,all doubt about iiioinat- ier.'x.K-.';.:-'V-.V::":'"-'.'.- ''"'..-'.' " tolcratiug the harems which ex'ut in all our principal cilies,' where giria hautl souieaud pure not from Eu oic, but aiuqng.oua own people, find shc'.ur to lead tlifltr iiTo uf t-iu aiid sliame and niis ery. Durham Globe. t ' Now, said Senator Yan-re, the Ecpub- lican mrty ht! uctu'ully dcuicd to silver occasionally sprinkled over them the irchasing iower itsnoukl Live by while drying ; when dry, pack them demonetizing it, and. Ur. this way pi rjea nrotectins their own interest as well as oblUiui j your obcdlcut inibl c sertaut 1 and friciiu, . . T. A. Davis, . llr-riaur of Lttl. Bnil'c BaLy Symp 'seJiiztst TetthhjlXLLllIlL Day's jrZcrno . FGWIJEIIa In mcI pvkJrfc For '. tf all S-irn. r v?o have CorAolhlatoJ -ourselves togvtlivt aud j; . Jill b pleaxsl tti.da all kind of work ta our Hue. C.1I at tho ' LQUisncna coach Fiior tuuisbur.Cr-cOAcii ii..Of and wo will !vo you ' fcitiar.taiva fct vry MODrriAitr, iT.scns. : -MUD Lit ATX fltlCx.- TKes to ttc pu'wtic in : EVERY OEPARTMEflT OF ' DENTISTRY. ' Ula a gradaite of the rulumore Cov.czz of umntal bUiwKny. with a fctlive'r'let1 cure cf Ntattoco YCr.r?,.! do tiot hcs.Ule W Guarntco bUuftclItin la - - : EVERY! P AUTICULAR .. My c:te:i f.iru'.t-.ej costly and v.tU a:i ee U th prt.'acyand com f.jTtfmy" rvk-u'.t. My prkes are c 'utale-J4a acorJnce with the . " AKTiriCIAL TEETH . "''A: SPECIALTY. 7 c. ' down: in boxes wlthJoWderea sug- have be n pcut aown ana u.e i.r;ncr . is 5 tho'-' farurers-' ar- between -each layer, iiie syrup cyiup-.c-t wt -"v' "f " rerd to "the is co6ked down and bottled for ute'. & w ' 1l lv- I . J . . ft U . . .. . W I 1 ( Wliut Cel. E'oik bays. The'ihoii oppose any Demo-jra-iccan-di'l-.lc Mot Coiigreesiiis-a-; in.' 'this- jrtiitej' th-i. snea who '.would cause d'sschsiour hi th.c -psi'ty Vauk rid;tj and );ri;i about When treated in this way the fla vor of the dried tomato ifracch like jthe best qualify cf fig; Mar garet Ryder, in Harper's Bazar. . The surest netiv3 t' ; rid your-elf -.f that .dftftrtssiiy iouh-is to uo Dr.-jJuii's CouU yruix 25 cts. as pUcid r.1 a Hj n.or'.iinjr, aad hor 1' V3 ;:3'a:l Vce"; on t be 2 stairs, n ip:it-or diviuV,.are allies of .tne lie- nmn ch-.i..rea pi.iy . nu'bncaus,-. t-o-oiieratin ' with, ' deed's ba Consreas. to.f!'piiv!;'5Sv .a'ud. injure the South, ':Ltrt them 4e kno.vn foe wh-it thoyrca'ly ct'o. LsL. L'olk. n kr ! sl.2 uses Salvation Oil fr spr.ims r,n i cuts.' 'io; would cowiinue to epposs ail such by'a faiioa, ftftd there woukl 1 e no prosperi ty r.:ii5u' tbi' ngrtcultural class-es to 1'ingr.s th.a Krpublkaa party was al lowed !iy the penp'tj enfurceTa. t?:ja:i. cial i'-'-'c n-hkh hns broulu si iv. disaattr ai:'J-ruinio tho country. It Was rot possible, faid ihe JScnatt," to fame a law that would iucre.-.te t' price of wh.at th.a farmer h;id .fi-.r r cn.ib'e the Uborlr.g man ;o r-'ecive ir.crc for h:.5 libor,?oluf us tha I'rp'.:l .'.'.f?n pm-ty cc::tlnucd to deprive silver cf its legiunnto vr..uo. .cr.. ::ru..:a itlU'-.nar. Tt it 1 v ; ui -! ' ' - 1 viiii' ' : 1 i t ' . Rc-ict fully, 'Drier' CON'U AY. DUiCr; t;oSr.Y. nutici:.' ' 'Nstunvl lecth extracted aad Arti." c-i icvn v.tcnvu utrjiu. leavt tie uiZ-C. UifMl Ui'u joOacU Ukea la ex tl.44; fw-t Dental rtcrk. A rri o: jiKir j- lUiJ: is .re. s . . t .. ..... 1 . ji I T VftM.l .PI. . , , , cry Itcic.w.r. , J ii. 4.. iv ! ?f O , ' ' . ; , Drtitt. ' " la::d jali;. la a. cot lu-.ee wl:h t' e Jrrre; tf th ri:-t . r r Cnr; f rra.,k!i:i co.i lVrry, A. r.- . II. Xl.vrt-', tla . J:. cr r.'. a'. Hx ; r.e u to oI 1 :. r .!. ij-,. the i.cr-. iei CVn.i.i. ;--; t rj tj:- At the t't.'!:'.IJ fl v. r Li Lo :C. tj the a:.!.;--; ! , K r. the tln-.e k f. r.s ti c 2:.'-. Nm .t iUhl rrc-x.-tT ' a- icvl c- the L -1 rur; a- 4 U-r -rr - 1 :.' u-...- f.o n t.v. Cv..'.-. . - L". ut -1 -,vr?. Tr a : U--.-I' u;t: i. 1 - in f.H.u tao itlu I -fir. : t t rV' f n r ."a " l'vr trc-.-.rsc! e 1 - U t T' - v .-r.r,-. A:thr. I ,'bi-h!" r r - ! y V 1 L-.; l-.-i v . , . rr.-::.-h:i:?,viJ:..".Lv. . sr.d f r r,l. 1 :t,r; V;'. '. At ir-:.'. T 5 if ..i-.-.w 1 : i;4. : - - 1 r (.: '' -5 r. i . 1 ' i'i . -- I u. A'! ; ru 1 t Nvl Al'fn ar J Ju!r, 4. If .O. l.rrvhr Jt:hi:.!S W i.-y . . f-k I'Krr; i!-r h r i. j y -if f !-. .. .1 r.t 5. 1 '11. 1 . t"C e . a. r r y u-.-1- Jj !..! i lv N lit r r 1 ' - to .- k ' 1 t T..1 0 r. , 1 ' I r 1 '

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