rvrr A. THOMAS, Editor 'and Proprietor. With Malice toward none; Jlu CluirU'j fvr ail. II. '3 Jr:; AX.XCl', UAz VOL. XIX LQUISBURGj N. C., OCTOBER 31, ISOO. NO. AO gighest )f all a Leavening ; Powct.U. S. Gov't Report, 17, iS39. TRIFLES. The Garden la the Fall. GOOD ADVICE. Iiy Ho JJecaine a lcsnocrat. ... - . t 1 i z . ! I 'I- A v. a '0 EGl!LFffSBSf - P2ISE' : r? . Many leoilo" Jmlgfert By Small . . - .Things. TUe reason-- Radam't . - plls:'i3. .;Tiiost wonderful medi v cine, is fcfcaute it ha N&VJ rever baled ,ih any in '""W stance.iiio mttter wh-ar- Yym &, osr to; the simplest AjA0 I disease SkiiQWH, to the human jsybtt-m. - ' i-'r .fc l'h 8H entitle men of ,tbat every diseane is CAUSED BY-MICROBES, Youth's Companion. ! . John Wright was the son of a day-laborer, a man of dissipated life and coarse habits. John had ............ no home teaching, no family tra ditions, no associations lo lift him upward. .. But he had talent, great vigor of mind and body, and much TT TT 771 Sl TT T" -i rr i r T-t - I -. T-r ' , J.U.J1J LruuiiJJ V ljv tL amDiuoiu lie began as a news All the former patrons f the "Gourd boy, worKed- ''his- way - through Varedially itedto enU in school and into college.- : A ' when m Louishun?. They will Hlwtyt T , - . find on hanfi. and they willfe rarnished 1 A11 hi3 r reshmanyear he wjote withifirst ciass liquors 'beers,- wines, to a friend, "I " can' conquer any &. All the httest ke-drinks ftorved ito A-n '" ii u e - - , - suit my customers. ; ; , ; !; difficulty before me as : a echolar. 'v ; , ; ': Eespeetfally," . I am not afraid of mathematicsr Kuros ir. ynoKY. r of languages . dead or living, buH To secure the best results from the garden it is very necessary nat tno best ot care do given. With a number of crops earlin is quite au item, and much .work can be done in the fall that will till 4 ' JxterminHtes the Microbes and drives tLem out f tlie nysUw, and wLcn that is done you cannot have an iche' or ' paia. . o matter what tbe disease, whether a i mple case of Aialuria Fever or a'coiuHi 'tion of diseaSctj Jfturfeithvm 'AlJ at t;,e same time, aa we treat all ; diKease e-wtitutioually. ? A s.-"" 'fiZ. - Asthma, Consumption, i CrtarrhBron ckiiis. Rheumatism - Kidneyy and" Liver j S'utase. ChUs and Fever 'l'emale Troub ; I , in all its'fdrinslmdn JaH eiety Ducust known to the MwfanSystemyW-:. Beware of Fraudulent Jmmitatiotu. ' : :,,,v m-yS I ee that our "trade-Mark (same as above) - jppeurs ou euch ju;-y : 'p"" ::K': stud for hunk. History hi thc-Microbe. r KiHer," given a Tayy;.;f4'i::r lir..J liCUKTOK lfogks5Agt U. S. FURMAlfnlf krakk:lintos xTc, -XT- BODERSQN s. If you wauta pleasant driiikv the Vgocd bld? always call at B. IT. Eodgkksoxs. OS TilECORNKlT, " Ou S'.turditr iiitr.lsi 'flkjti "Noemr.er U, lit 1 1 a.- r:jWh'tT.ijWti(Mlloiae.' I'l a-t," I shall sell tt thV t.iig5ivi'i hidaer ' li rcash uhoui'aitty acn pt ljiJudj kiiown . k liie -'lvuw Grounds .Trpt.'' . - Four head of cHitle.a f f .of hdaeW!d. , siitt utviu .lui airure larniiig jinnsus, t. ; ' trn, f ou e r e '1 W( e J " !' T(nj'uijr '- to tbe; estate" of the lrtitf iiissMarv J, By tirtue.sf as tlmsnry P in her ill: ' p. nt. so. .1 a :.: -i-- S3lifi me 1 n ber 1 wi not B k to enter a room" with a well-bred woman' in it makes me tremble. -I cannot eat a meal, ,1 cannot meet an -acquaintance' in ; - the street ; without - committing what people call a breach of good man ners; , 7 "The thousand and onextrifling rules of- etiquette V terrify, me, v I am reeolyed to disregard them-. will nof.be -a slave to a .code laid down by other men.- 1 will bo a scholar and an honest man, ancH brush aside those cobweh lines which h am per me John, carried cut his resolution. Ho was a moral maiv earnest in his purpose to lead a -pure and honorable life ;t he stood at the head of his class in college: But while the other men - in the .class were invited into the home3 of the professors, aiid : made "friendships wftli' educated men auoTgentle womenC I which helped " them throughout life, he was .neglected "Ha may be a' goodChristian eai3 ihe-wife of the President, "but I will not tsk to my "table a VOTH TIIS DEMOCRATIC TICXET AS ; . IT IS FEINTED.' Id his. excellent spre-.h last FfuLiy. C. IS. Arvoclc, Eeq , uracil upon his hcare 8 10 vote tlie fitraiht tkkct, and au(C.!otc: There, was aa oil llhi b3 ani tv U 5s cd:ur WcI1 ,af UoihcrwhobchcveUhedirevc-o-lbuis UOr nuy oihcr co'.o cd i:: a, it tcaf nur aid considerably in this ret pec t.KlustrntcJ lp- LI wiih the fallowing Lj u, During the spring add Bummar it will ba best to. keep lhof;ground occupied as nearly as; possible with a growing crop of eomo kind. This will bo foand much" better than to allow it to grow up in weeds, and to keep it naked . .After the-crops havo matured in the early part of the.fall the gaT- " Ilcfrt G. Janiuelj U a rTo"n:iT.l colorcD ii.:z2! vt Aikr.r:?3 wi o tn Lcrn Rtudyiu the tituatbti f.ral f-r?u; lo Lave gn;il thf true SaarJ.:ei cf the rehti u if his tr. -c to t!,3 Ht u'I cair jertr. As a remit he tv.i d scqx- CTe.jli.ia,; a: d rv i.s i. J.y iiisp ration; wlo wouli rciul whxreYtr hi look w. oM fall open. There wns a bad hoy iu his con 'rcn lion ho caught outa "this peru hrUy of the old man's make up, aud went one- day aud patted a piece of poctrj' ia his hymn book that dkl not belong there . On tlie next Sunday vrhca the old brother ar.so to " 1 j . 1.:. i . 1 1. - 1 1 den should be cleaned up, and all , "a "i, lu? . . "V4 IieY0 teresu oT the - - ' , . , . . 1 tuis pjace. lie eyexi 11 cru,ca..T iot 1 ou,u . L 1 .- 1 - fVio rrrfica wooa onll-a nnA irach I " V. . . J ... - I cOUln nte UeUkjcAI. fcoimrume and theit re.norcq to gliiw 0ur hUkt I.'c be gathered up, and either ,ba .ad- anJ poiisheil them and reodjustri thciu CJtm 10t ;Iye x to destroy the seeds. . Fea brush, stareJ and eyed it cr.tu.-aHj agaiD, and ConSoht:03 cf knowing we are suudl bean poles,tomata sUkes,' jilant f0110 glasses aaa po.ianeu mera tj our IlfW0n4i frnc,; labels, and all litis class of mate- a-UB Uf ',' agaia to support thai p-i.-ty vchxU t!o rct"l b j for liini.lut tuake j TomUca to Le t rosea. He Ijis .hertfore publicly an nouueed Lis .witlidrawal from the lit puUIain rnrty, aad ir tmonjc'Jiers tli4 fol!o'ui2 ie ioa for tcr.ias Dcuo trat : ""I have," hs says, named Dr:u- rcatforthe simplo reason that I tc- races hi lh Lave-ia ht us aaytMujf. tut wl.cii DEMOCRATIC TICKET Vcr C-jr.rcs-j t'Ji DI-.L-ict, HUN.lillXJ. IL BUXN, tNwa. Tor S'ki:or-23 Biuret JOIIN'ILWO'JDAtU), For t'..s -.:-xt5. 1A. DAVIi II. T. rilUKHAX.: For tha Home. r.G. ALSTON', Jr. CS.G. GILI rial should be carefully gathered upaadbe stored away. Then plow"deepr and thorough: There is little danger of plowing the gar den too-deep.iTo secure strong growth, a deep drained isoil ' is - necessary good plowing-will be a help in this.; In a majority of "cases un less richer than the average, a read: "Old Grimes is dead. 1 hat good old man." IV! II You GIto VpT Then the Ihhd Umo bo removed, pol- .Th importance cf the appronchln- ' ished and rcadiusted classes and e eioa uuanj impctwm- ttse ujoo -a -quick, I rend: v i -v ' ' ' I ine "nds of those who dolre U.e sjc- , rich; well- -OU Grime, is dead 'i'.' .' nocratirrty . -and That cnod old mau: : l ' . -ua .OTera-.er hw w toa Uai.oa w:; ? I. . I We'll never see him more. Ho alvray wore a !on:Mail coat The old brother stopped readia and good dressing of manure should I afblresin3 . his congregation; said: be deposited and the ; grcat( Der.ocratic part j ill-wbi x lose. Every uan s,'iouU by aUe tus pe:sor.al prrj elites and make the cbmuoa fjr Denioratic success douliy rure. hbo given. -" This should- "be - thor-j Brcthxen,I haTc been reading this I He whe is not for us is a-tinst us er.d Fcr Cherir. II.'C KEAllXEY. For C.eri o Court. a B. MASS UN DUIld. Tor Trsajurer. -. U.S. DAVIS. .. Tor Ets'.sr f Deeds. K. MAUTIN. Jr. For Corner. B.J. BLACKLEV. BUCSM.NS TUNICA SALVE The lest saiTe in the wor'J for euu, braises, i;fc, u'esrs, SAlt rhcani, fir sores, tetter. cbapp4 LanJ, c:..'.J:n, cor-.is fuJ a'l 8k.n cru; tious and poa:UvT euro , or do jaf rcq-area. it is curar.uJ j wi oughly ' rotted and" well fined bo book nigh on to fifty years and I have if yoa rI.ovt local duTcrca.s and pe.son- per;'ett satlsrAciioH. tr mocej refoad- that it can be worked well into n,evcr u that hyinu Lefore, but by .1 spite delar the Democrat c rty Jll'TuK' thesoil. The harrow or cultiva- f Go UhroU3h from kce,S in lh,c lor the f.ai coa- T UC"4- , : , , , , - Now, fellow citizens, if thete is so n- fixt of '32, yoa ix not nc.de f t!ic . rr, tor can be. used to a good advan- Demoatic i-irtv. which Demo. raJ.. materia! tl.inV ma are. x iAiJ&X'IlVi a .at- . ' . rage in aomg mis. uooa arainage you !uve never 8 ttfore, by tiro must. bo provided. ."If the garden j grace of God vote the ticket tlirouh, is not wen unaer-aratnea tne iur- rows must bo run out clean, so "as i to avoid any damage by washing. This is my plan, and I find that the soil will dry out and warm up much'earher in-the Bprmg and be AN EXAMPLE IN TAHIFF. Doa't waste your ammurjuon by a p.t uiiscuous.shootios around. The success of U13 Dcnocr.ttw tkkft I depends as much uxju your vote as any other man. 'After ti e p.ry"Lxs tat tled so long for civil li' etty udcoiii All persona hide? 'ted t'p thelcsttte of M .uc lieul. tlec'ti, mucti come forward . muI settle on r bclure liftv,-st ncxtl or suit will ! brimght l the 2oveuibtr term t fcuperioir court U choree the eol- Jnttiou oi same. . ' ,- : "jT -; r : ' '-' -. r V. U.AtQNanV'rfU V Sept. Id, yi. Xancy Lisnsx, decL man who puts hi 3- kuifo into the butter, and who kelps'his hat on plied in tho fall ha.3" a better op - when I am speaking to-him." ' portunity 'of gotting the soluble J'iv1!1! 14 'rt 51 do not wish to know a worn- portions taken .up by the soil; And I;'.U an wh'aJudkeame:.by".eccIllriflca,, it.is'-in-a" better condition to be said Wright when this epeech was taken vp and used by tho growing repeated to himr-.'yf' ; ; crops. .No plotting will bo needed -But the neglect hurt him:: ' A prominent merchant of tlUs" city I t-ational rishts,- r you noyr "oi-g to I us p:a ed bcf..rc us a c.rcubr letter uescrt the Uuu whuu hi slht u a g'o- fm n Vnrlr Kn: m u K wrM. K ti I lluUS VlCtiTV? ' i ' ' . . .. ... ..1 " ---' - ......... v. I -J ' ready to work qtliccer than if K-U ,tl. d, arn;?!t annourxinz na advance of un plowed.-- The manure being ap- -a:Ica?t2: percent. n all iiuDorted . Useful illut. ooui, ai;d 10 per ccuL oa ccrt.ilu do- mtic lilies. I ..." It is nnt gct:cra:iy known tlut :0:- JjilvS. Having returned t.S Lruishurg f.r WAGON; . AK1 -REPAUvBtrOP-ICKPAIIV.MQP; -HEPA1U SUOP- LouisBUsa, k. cu fT we have consolidated "J;; oursel ve UgtbfT and ' '. will : be pleisdta dif J all rsAndf- otwotkialfe ouriinef Calf aVthe YBY DEPARTMENT OF he reas-.u given in tlie first lusLar.ci j easiest way to ckaa shoes or .ruUcr is the larger daties tliarged in tho Uc j overshoes which have become nuh!y is Kiulcy bill, auJ iu the other an advance j vaselle. In raw n laterals.- I Keep tiicke!. silver cniatacnts, ai.d - ThU shows how tl;e lie; ObIi.au writ mounts britrht bv rubbimr wit'j woolen in tbe spring, Wit U an old garacn, jpgUIit'cn orates jiractk.-a.ly. I.nnor- cloth saturated lu spirits ofnmiuur.U. Pro I &ilt as a tooth powder is belter than B ' lurcrs ai,jjOSt a:,3ihi.j3 t'at can I c bou,;ht. It ilth being all that i3 necessaryjo eaantageoi tnj lemovst oi taw kcep Uie leclit Lri'diatJy srLite aud friends away from; him wherever prepare for the seed. ; And with wv-" lk3 gu:104 ,n, n3 , ft i . :-. ; . i . -. ... ' i . . i - it c a) not ciurrre uuii lius is or wui I 1 1 t . t . . ii... r- iii. iiife purpose of practiciuglmy ' profH'fi When he left "College,, too, and at least,-stirring the curface-thor- tations of many aiticUs arcahuost fbn. I iiut reaiet-xi'ully ifl'er; my ser- entered a professional life, " he ouglily and working into a tine WUted, and'Americia "n.nnuctu ices w the puidic m ,. . -. ; v YoundUhat thse "trifles"' drove tilth beinc all that is necessary to uke advantage of thj lemovsl of ' .:x-- .". ." ' ' ' ' ' :.IIr he went; His ability brought him onions radishes, pease, lettuce, j, , ' P ,' f I' To drive awy aats, sciub tbe shelves :JJill Jf 4JLi 'i J&r-ivr " blienf35rtttt:";; Ws "ruoegs and epinach, beets and this class of L.1,,i"r ' l t , iXi''r?' 1 V-?-'AJ t-:! r . I .nn'rcA mfl-nnp.rB .mfi.rto him a BUD- r-nton-fa tha will ho nn s nn itpm. I a .i..- i ... .v . t. I "u,o caiuo.. or wi.i R.-l-l,. o ,.,:. V.f -- tlio T!.i limnni I .'. - u..uv ... . lUU.f IUJ.WIUIU, UUI, VF.I.VH UU I , . rMlcufr '--af 'iiKXTA'L siTlixKKY. Meet ot tneir. contempt ana rial-. in addition to anpiying a rrocd arc not controlled bv pnucit-le or who r4 - ' vKh jin itctive experience of .Nineteen cule:,: . ? " :. ' - : v ' dressing of well rotted stable ma :ir, itio Jiovucsiiate to i uuarauiee;-r T,rt aA frt 0 i in Iho for u IT A. . 1 .-a l-r I.'.. . . -a. ; jvestnoping to leave -prejuaice i table to save tno pouury manuro l t t t : - . i i . . t . oeniaa nim, out ms new ucquami-i ana wooa asnes, ana use as a top aCe8 pronounced him vulgar af-J dressing'in the spring, just before i lly office is -furnished v nftatly and ter fivaTninutea intercourse, and j sowing the seeds, working "well in- wiui iiiieie wiuc I'livncv nun cow- i- - j :-t::. .1 e homes or introduce him to their EVERY. :PiRTICULAn are members of onscrupolous trusts AU rcu-.c-craiiueu iarouure,.uj wra u.idoubtally avail themselves of 1tc beeswax Ut tsrpciiiiae cv.kb it tl.e temiitation - which Cou-rress has of las couiiatencj of mul..sci; apply pLac&l before them'. . In a!J theso cases Uh a w' cloth, theu rub UUkly the consumer will be Jbe sufTcrer, audit "lu - wiil not oai. happen th.it the factory 0Tcmell u wonucrfu!. aud is btutCifod D'upatdu OrTHK COXflTIOX k Titn Daxk- inu lL.tis W. i. i:nn,CALU r.3JUyKF Loutsccaa, Tbivate llANKHU AT IUISUCau. 15 THE CXiCXTY.oy ritANJCX.IJf, X. C, AT tiu:cloi;of IU-tNS OJf TUB 2a pay vs Ocrar.Ktt, iifDQ: ficinson r'jr.I etate. 2,433 42 AU o :l.cr loxs and dlAcctiats, 2,44(5 Ovcr.Vaf.i. . CG3.04 ri:rn.:u:c aud ft Hurts, 371 2S Currfil expcr.se, - 1C3 32 Cjj.i Ue:us, , ' 1,471 43 S Ucrioi i. . . .2.07 N!-lioual Bank coles, 1,731 CD Total. ' - ta.4!34 - LIABILITIES: Cap'tal stxk ra'4 iu, CaCO Uu 'idc-d Kot.j, 23I.C4 l)ck oUi sut jxt to chexk. 4.243 0J Total, P,4f3.54 I. IV. t. Webb, lYef klmt cf the DuuS of IjuVtlur do solfruulj swesx that tlus abate state uct is tri.e to Its tet cftay koulcs Swd teUf. W. 1. Wen ITttldest. stai r. of 2:okt:i cahuusa. CutTNTT or TliANKtlX. J Sworn to tr.d tuVcrilcd before rne this lSUnlaycf October. ISJJ. T. D. lUia, N'oUry rubc. Ths im are fortf my patients. ."Wy, ; prices -emulated-iu accordance w uii the ' " Mi Times uiiicdrciiy ar Mcasyi i iSPE CI ALT Y; Why it Is Foolscap. ... t families. ; Shut out from the society of the I better v class, ho was forced to choose an uueducated wife. - His A Wonder Worker. HOW THE APOSTLES DIED. f ' - - - v 1. "Peter was ctuclDvd m Rome with his head down, tn a cross shuilarto that used iu the execution of Jesus. ; Natural teeth extracted and Artifi ial teeth inserted jijoke patienu leave ineniiice. . - - . h lr. Frank Huffman, a younj man of Durll gton, Ohio, stites tliat he liad been under the care of two. prominent phai- children aro a3 rude and ungentle ciaus," and used their treatment 'untiK he aq himself : u was not aflc to Vet around.. They pro- "I should havo taken rank," he onccd his case to be Consurapuou, and left to iie from extouit-ou. lie was pcrsuaueu 10 sry lx. To Whom It May Concern. ii r t m of o.T.ce wUI s.x3 exps. auJ I hate Urge number of papers la rny prts,r-s;oa ccrl5, u;ortga-;t daada, cliAUc'a. Ac. l'.ung;n to dL-rraut for t. all of h! h I hart tiVea ears el a-l -protcctad siacs ay rst teras cf oVt. In cz .er tual the w&rrs cf iLcs pxprr n-ay st trou'.le sx.J ax rne.aHtil as xnjst. I wcuU be . glad f-thn to b sure arsl taU and ttt ;v.e;a rj early a to-vile, t.trsbr lToteclor. after i!ie !calh cf Ctrlea I., 1 protect-i-g ihelr oa "uterest as well as oVOTjj jcf o leu. en I puL-ic serva&t It is often akcd wl:y-a cerlaia klsd of pap-cr is kuowu by the came cf '-JL-ol- cap." -Whea OI vcr romwcll became ho caused a U:;-p ri-prcvuiuig tn? cap 1 .c 1:1 . 1 . .1, t .. .. . 1. 2 Andrew was bound to a cros acd w . lJ . Mva ' . 1 l.OTJJSBUtiG COACII: SHOP-r- LOUlSliUKG tOALll S Ul'- ; - f?. -TT -V 7 -:jf, ' " - r Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, men,. But they judged me by, my , roI(1. an j al tha; ume WM : ic-All lanrn products taken in ex-1 coat of manners, and mistook me 00t aie t0 aci thc $lrect wjthout change for Denial Jrk; Ifnr i nntrrtan " - : " mt W IT r.mnl."l4f.-rA ha- ;i.sed half and we will give you..; satisfaction At.; very MODERAllE JPRICES. ' kODERATiriiilC-tS. . - Kesptctfally, : DUKE ' DUKE & CON WAT. & CONWAY. . All persons are hereby .forbidden to "ire, liurboi' or detain from my service ed Allen and W llliam Perry; "they mating contracted witt! me lor the year -K't is:' ":- ' i SyLvakcs re-Bca Jn'y. 4.1800. ISJLM. " : r Steel Tackle Block. i Half the Vost of hoisting saved to tfbrekceper. Imtckcrs, farmers, roae biiiists, builders, con'rnctors aidothers. Admitted to be th e greatest Jmproyement ever made in tncie bioc'is, " I reightprepJ V Write tor cats! osrue.- F niton Iron & Ensrine V-irks. Esfab Lcib 12. it Dt atk air e e t, D et r 0 i t, i s h 9 used by the overrmsat. S-oa r-.cr the restrtkn tf Charles II. he LaJ c:- 3. St. James tlis Great was bheaded casloo to use some jfr for distiches. by order of Herod, at Jerusalem. j whea soaie of this rper wai brought to htm. On observing the itiwanhe! T. A-Dana, n -4UT of Dead. alod its rucnnir.j, aad. ou hvir.z in- fullvaolicited. Very, ltespccuuuy, , Daii it. E. Ivinq, In accordance with; the. decree . of., tbe uepiovB v?"' " - " the livery of a footman, he should tcr; hecoutmue I to use it ar.d is tod.y -X wViiV. '? I-.0 ia miBh'Vpn 'fnr enjoying gootl health. .lf you have any nnei iToo manv bos confident of Ui, oat, lu, or , best trouble try it. W e C"t a ptUr. T . . . . - .. ... I mtfiraul an 1 "i'l-l-il I nt In tin. r .1 li 1 their -own high, purposes in lite, , ' 6 St. D.riholoiscw was fliyrd to ' , "eL:r2 ; ... death by a command of a barlaroa duoeri-rCourtof Franklin couuty made j ot good ' oreeuing. j lneyior-get .cmftT-AiPf!a- nnwtler has 'been klo .. . ... .... . : i j : ur - , t - .i i i friM ftnrt irtiinn rn De a lime 100 . - i.:-t. 1 .t.v. - ..i ferry, X. Jv. ivujgick juiu ue, it . ix. j vuage, tlie Signs WtslCU gently UFea . , I I. ot. juatuiew tu a.tcu i.naw gU-iU. 1.V DUUH D jjcncvuj iuvou i pert. . , 4. St. Jsraes the Les was thrown r . i .i i .1 I iraiususujMc, .uu rnucd .he arid: -Take U a war. I will have uolhis; to do with a f oi"a cap t tlually k.llod with a filler's club. 5. St. Phillip was bo jnd and banned Notice. I here''? warn any one from Llreint c r ht : -c : - i c"1 J 1 G '"w aad InU L'arkrr. colo fcl, loth t-f wbo-n I t-tvc ccs'.rr.tal t r the jmr If j. ll;ey Le I f, mycuiloy without say Rrpoiso HionT. Battle, Ge-..-Ji- Cooper et.aL Ex p.rto peoplein all nations have devised. petition to sel to express-their good purpose in .iewi-iedCommionerawill-on iton- V ty nnw. .fay NovembeMOib, lo'JO, offer, Isr sale I -r "CJ' --r i - at the Court House door in Eoubborg, mon sense and kindly feeling. to the highest bidder, the place known A man cannot quote urcek or as the Mrs. Naucyicid property, Jloca declaim poetry &1 a boteUtable" to ted on the Xou sburg and LaurelHroad establisb his claim to education aboutS miles from Louisburs, coutain- 6 refiuement; But he can do it mg about 21v acres. TenuH r Oue- , v. . . , , i- u f-urth Cash, balance in twelve months by his quiet voice, by his.unob- wrth interest ai. if per .cent: There a trusive and simple bearing. r s.ileudid building and airu'eces&Rry oat-He cannot announce -to a car full ot people-tne Kinaiy sympa thy toward all mankind, .which swells in' his heaTt to bursting. But the smile with which he leaves his seat for an old black woman will express it without a word. .;";A gilt button on a cap is not a small matter if it shows the dif ference between a boor and a nobleman. houses, aud. the location is desirable. . . - Y . 11. MACON, y: ; JTuoe. 13- Wilder, Oct 9, 1830. v-: r , Comuoissiouers. MOKEY TO LOAN : On improved farms in sums- of $306 and upwards.- Loans - are payable m j small auumil installmeuts through a a period of i ?years, thus enabling the borrower, to'-siy oil' bii -incieLtcdncss willout expending his crop Iu- any oue year AvPlyHo ' s E. W. TlMBFF.LAKF, - ' LouisLurg. N. C. en tho.defcnsivo every movement of the attacking army. 8. fft. Thomas was shot by a shower Gm. M;Uon S. Utile fic.. who be came lam ou 3 ia Nu th Caro!i-..a In re- coaftmctlcu imcr, Ips ai i to-:;c fore bc nn':e of the puUIIc. He is no hi the tombs hi New York city ia t!e- fUut of 87,50J lrn flaud f a good as booked fur the pcn.lcn tury !r tcu year. litl'.eSel J di d a ikkr risncl W. AI. a . ! .emiajr, rave tern cxto :i:n r.x.r.cj Allcctiic ISittvrs. ChHircn Cry fcr Pitcher's Cc;tcri - This rcmeily is becoming so well known and to popular as to ucccl no specLil men lion. All who h:ive u?cd Electric Eitter sing the sams sou of prai?e. A purer medicine does not exist, and lya guaran teed to do ail that"" is claimed". Electric Eittcrs will cure H diseases of tho livcrT tree iu Greece. Saud kidneys, will remove pimples, lo .Is. salt rheum and o.her autvlio.-s ct.u.'iaJ by impure blood. Will drive ma'arkv from ilie system and prevent a3 well as core. all inalaml-lover. Fcr cure cf headache, tonstipatioa and i:ulii:rti3a try Electn-ic E. tiers. E:.t re ea hfaeiba juaraulccd, or tuoney icfaiiJh P.ka 60c. a.d $1 CO per bottle at J. E.Cli-ou's of arrows while nt prayer, aud afteiwanl from ,aJy JIr? un. ruu through the bo.ly with a Lance. T trc,,.iCa t( ITOt,1;, ... Jlfr - - - . vhi i a mu:dcrcr, is LiMr.c.; Tl.ey x l't pi!? tf inor.rj out if! rr..n-.:l w!.;i t. .,1 i: t t lrt.-na C't l.'rrr Cr r..' 9, SLifimoa was crucifietl rf.er the manner of Jesus. ' . ! uru. :tore, s 10. St. Hark was driol throurh the e -reels of Alexandria and he ex pi red. " 11. St. Luko was har.god oa aa olive 12. St. John died a natural death. 13. t. I'aul was bcbcn.lcd Ly cor.i-m.'.n-l of Nero. 1 1. JucL.s " fJl ai:d his lowc's gv.s' nl o.L" she saw lIrotr;!t the e.tir.dl. s'.c lal tlu-m lixilctrl J r i rii I l.;r, i-tiy. 11 u- inj's fif jrava h .it fur h';iibut I'::! fickJ went to pr ft!. Pt e -: a'.ty f r the o:Tcacc i ten years i.i the ir'.v.e p:Uoa. , I JjJ lu'U! i L !t, i n r of r 15- St. I'm: I v Jews. p.l- s vrr.s sv.ucl to d:ath Th ; op; r .j'ol a' ' ct. pn cruit!its Ui.u lo tMs c free ! o.nf, f;ce U vt rr 1 ; r i.se cd Ulvkii O 1 f r C It U th? Jli;.t c-Il U'--'-tMsti! t'iit f..:.?y u- ! r . : ir-ai. 1.- I. I'.u'I'i. C the ic i: --a. II:,.. ry f : . ? f. c - i V . a t: b w ji w .' t . J f . i ' c.: