i; ..--';;:-''. J ' - Mi - - i I I I w v. , A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. . Willi Malice toward none; With Charity fur all. e i.: iv;;: -t.v.vr.-, j LOUISBURG N, C, NOVEMBER 7, 1890. NO. -11. of all in Lea renin sr Power.- .' " ' Gov't . Report, Aug. 17,-1889.' The Confederated bte. Itarled Kcortla of Aucint ClTllIiat tvn. ,Thre is .nothing which will, mora srro-igly mark tbe record of the ni ae- .The following poem has been teentli century -wLen it t; all l r:tien widely printed. as a waif without Kf.ce wliici, have unearthed the past, literary parentage. . The latest given it voice and utterance, ami made story) about it was that it was d:xi J1! ,of' ' Yciei,t Egyp- found ln-lSSo in- Liberty county, p!eof to-day. ua are tlio LaLila of tl.e in the State Of Georgia, written English under A'fred ec our own'ni. on the; back of ;a Confederate in,. tbe Ufl. .Uo" M:llhtr- note. - The real author is Major single bone of some now extinct animal :.:re. Bo from a JUfstorcit fin Wife's Health. My wife fu fie red for years from d-bility and peroral brcakiug 81 TUIar. ' The chief Ru.dd at L.iuU?rl-runna In S-ritr.crhnl ivt-s t rxth .Mj i e cliruWr lK-forele nets f r.h on hit jMTli:f j urm y -rii :ipeutoc'i and a. luilf dctoa Vri.r.lF a-firnin'r " Mar m t The Cumnanion rlr to in "onn of bealth, the results of tvy ana girl laenUia few prncticai luuH Ul?C3?r3 pOCUiIJir to WOTCfn. A 10 a on n.eir upn-ara 3o.ir.ryT, .fPW -ltfl. f p.-fi. s.ic. ISjx ti.lnz-.'W.nch aboyouqht to knotrj " T1-1 First Tl.at a quUt voicu, couriesr. " restored her to ixrfcct and kiod nets are at essential to tho jnirt health. It built her tip. inrread lu the wurld ct a geut.eaiaa as of a t . genttewoman. , her appetite and rr-ipht, until Second. Tlnit rminen, Ua4tcrin, Q 18 now the picture of hiilth. aud even focl!iardine , ar not Mian'.i- Tho snof ww.. f , ' -r. Tl, l I ' w n.iv vvAgojjL: AND 5" -'REPAm'sHOP-I-KEPAlRiHllOP- -uepaiu siibp- S. C. JonaS. of Misaiasinm. who build up a complete htn.c - . f r j - 1- . ' . - has for several years been a con- hieroHv,,hJ r.fVU h nr " I flrtanfiol lr-.V t-n. TT.. T r r t 1: 11.. . . ... I . . . I from ir Innr illnnii 1 11 n.a:.- f-....3. t ju.-k .... t ""wiwai j. iw nuu. . u. w. 1 uuuuik, am ty. 10 'ifc can unugr a I men iiare tiir ieeu ii.e ra mc irentle. 1 vausvu nil BUlml I forgot tfi people before' ua, a1d make ua That muscular atrengih is -tioi j my- familyand : ove ral-of -rav 10f,. 1 " ii' i i uiviuwrncu nun uicir creeu, meir corn- urcmu. iouu, auu la puuuBiitiu ill a tin?. Cure tLtj VcuU I cxrH at f tee. We n51iAe w r rrtfcrfcn ; t ut rt rRC lrr :"cr h I c r a 1 r)!c t- j ,f Uc f'.ct h o we'd Vc, it.u r. it. )tcp uu!J at cue rui nri " t 3 1 1 ft. uc lewiD nAuuni 111 - - 1: w rsi :- -u. J collection Ot bQUtilPm VPrRPR. I rvr3t wiuui; A.tuvr 19 iuv 1 . j 05 - 1 i 3-;- J-- we have consolidated ourselves together and will be pfcatei to do i all kind of. ;work ia- our line. - Call! at Hue 5 1.0U18BUHG CO&CII SHOP - lUUibBUBG COACH S Oi' and we will gve -you BAtmiacllou tit most wonderful medi Cine, is because it haa never failed in any in. tnce,oo-mtter what the disease, f torn lew Bosr to tlie aimplnt disease known to tli : - The nciertiGc CQcoofl io-day claim aud pro Ye that eTery dueaie is Representing notliiug on God'searth.now, i And naught on the waters below it. : Ah the pledge f a natiuu thaiJa dad ind- ' gue, - - ; '. v. . "Keep it, dear friends, and shO if it. ' hvr it te those who will tend an ear :t To-ihe tale lliis tr.fle can tell. " Of liberty boru of a natriut's dr.am, r Ufa jityriu-cradied nation tUai felL neighbors, to tale S, 6. SI As a tonic we arc all delighted with it. ; . , . . . .' Glokoe VuMxra. . , Covington, 0. - And too much of a fctr.m-'er to borrow; i,lim.t.rf,1.. . Vne.d toiuy our promise- to pay, ' U,a; cn'l-,,?'r U'e ? And AopedXo redeeui on tlieiuorrow;. P;Lre. S:iyce, and C.nd. rt ' RAD AM'3; MICROBE KILLERS Exterminates the Mierobea and- drives them ont of the tyten", and ' when tlat is done you cannot have an ache or- paid No matter what the disease, whether a simple caseluf Malaria'FeVvr or a couiH ntioa of disease,- jre cure them aU at the same time, as we treat ail ', diseases eonetitutioually. . - - . ' , -- - " roerce,- their architecture, and thur Fourt'u That a Lrio crammed, only literature. . . .. ... . " , v I ivitt faiti Is not i.ereari!r a wlart on. Th? exT l iralion-T and" ducoreriei f f f.ftlu Tlmt the labor imnosa'Llj to tha v . . . I ....... . - - J-Ayard at rineveii lirtt pave n lmtnn J hoy of H wd le easy t- th man of 20. tothe wdrk of Him cl.aracter; and since Sixth That the Let cap'Ul for a boy that time new fl 1 U it research hare Is not money, but a ke of work, kimnla constantly boen Opened, Dr. Scl.lie- tistea, and a luart loyal to his frioad msinii'ddiscoveries at Tiof 4 8trirP"d, .thj and h.s Q xl IVad and tlie Od.ssry it much t f their Six thinci wMch a cirl onr)it tokno I -gendary . character. Prf fisaor . Lin- 4 Fhvt Tiiardrawliu-tm.-s, Unguil. iuni's excacaliona in Rune, tha-story I Inz ere, or au alfecte.! maimer will .l which niauy-Americans have hf-ard never deceive any one . into tho belief 1 Catarrh that I ever aw a mall t rely relieved It Dr. llaVSi 'ck r. child afilicted with. The nasal . cctf. . , ; discharge was very larg and "A jTetiy fkions. A iur.nv-hifrl very . offensive. , Ifaviug eorce torics tlus NewLua .bud't cut personal knowledge of tho cura- . linhy (!rct. My baby had the worso case of Win. Ld-tui 11 crvle j;, ,r Ccu' I 1-nve c "l Use Marro'-c l.ur li my oo fn Jx, e'J a ttxtl rf ujj Ut.,S r-a t) e '. .!.;. u.c tL rt twt4;er,..:ii:,v a d u (0 t cf pr.it tc-tCl H aT!'cr.ri. I a iBply on haul it all t:nif . J. Ixctr.ixcTn, f aUU r rUntalioo. June 23. If l"r tale l'y J. n.rt;fco. t!rj;-'iL Tt) mruUc ti.l;!:) Van WlrA' wheo awtk!a3- from Lli Jorj i!u.hlr co Td ctt lute Lftti prtaler tLr.a tho excavatiuiia I Second. Thht while tho test un-uent iuPl.tina f--ralatories, and cosmetic mar fail'Li pro idae to throw new i Kht otr- period I aflfectingr , h r Leauty. avery ' secret eav Llch The days roiled by a ad the weeks became- if history-whcH-his tJay beea'aur- thonght sl hid lott emotion wlIMi '-'''Rut l! 1 - rounded b n.ulh Kl-o!n, and the .cant ao indelible mark onon .Iter face ml C rjcor ;whick Ur Ul'ton nmcrabe Le Uiatrunsinur real . . .... 1 Biiil : XT' . 1 I H.-.I..I rr a. .1... .1 .mi ru. i x w iiio jjen tie woman. like every ol-'ier iwl of ereat rrice. 15UI Mt Jftlth' that wiu in lil'wia Urnnci !lu'I f. if H- K-ich id Hia T 1 I ...... H.n..t.l,.. .l I.... :.. - . O 9 I -' " " , nH'i-l liytci Kit IU fc liVtSVti 1 .IftLJltTi I .O i 1 , . ' inaeea. ; ' , - -. . - 1 i o. r .wi : v. 1 1 i.. I? i . -. e . I . -. - Ana our poverty well we discerned. " 1 ; . V- ',T ' - ..er c.V., r vu..uor uer uiaiiaer uroo ine UJ.cuargQ irom me DOte , Uenreintn - Af cf rii - torn r. and Mik little W.k jirMt tl.A r,v ""i l,.r vcn..n.1i u uioverj-is, cuauenge puuitc nonce. J . - . ' ' IU i.rV t,i.M.. . ,t . , .ThOi . "V;.""7.. "VT ouUid. .f airrthei 1 .-ic: .1 Question, im. Fourth niai th Irl ifh r,Am . . vu...u .v. ..,..JW,hvIirsiLilBW, tire properties of S. S. S. I gave 205 FitricniitN T., jsax yixa n cts the baby a-conrge of S. 8. S. co. n . . XovcmUr J, U5X using nothing else. In a short j ilkrole Ki !cr Co.i Asthma ' Consumption Catarrh Bron chitis. . iiheumatism. - Kidney and Liver r r tortant not onl ' to sc!i1.m and at tl- W c knew it hitd hardly , a valne in ejld. 4 ouanana. b-Jt to tha wLt.L 1 Cr'uitu. Uotn, - "- - . Yet as guld eacli soldier received it. - - .V- very ' - M0HEUARE ; PRICES.--M01EitA'iJ5 PKICES.'- Bespttf ully,; . ;: youo men romp and fhrt ia not tha one whom they choosj uhea they wUh t- "V. . v?..-- r n ir .- V I Tf irj.t 1 i L. u-iih ..V....; .- . t . . " T" - i I u',,l xnwHc, u;w j aer, X PH ITOIO- b r- ....... . . r. Tlie disrorpr oa'tYi.ilfl liv l!r Fninaro T.rH, Tl.t n.wl to. li. .- .. -i. j i - . - I Aud euc i Muut heru lulnut Iik .vh.i it I . . r. J " ' " I - . , u5.; w MV,CTery - ;-, " '- Htne' haw Lwn Uie esulj of much woman and sent her into tire world, to lBevoarfi if -Fraudulent Jmmitations, , ; cured entirely and permanently, j lnl vtikHit tmtcct mcilkhaci sj d as there has been no return of it 1 w hX rrM piiykts. evea jwatut. I ile.Sc'sl lo 3at ojir.jbuys t-Wought little of peace or of I '"wr, attended by. obsl.icleaf, every 1 a wife nnd mother, he sht.old look payt -:yf A, - . : r v- : nature, presented by the cluu:.te, Turk- I forward to ttiose conditions of life, not pttkt: DTJKK coy way;: See that bur Trade-ilark (same as above) apprttra on each ju;. -. -' - : ' ; -. sSepd for :bo-k History of the' Microbe tviuer, given o j ujr-f-r.r.-:;j vrxi aus- tnnt were ovcrone. t ih ntTiciulim huf t ui'iimnrunia rni. ... ,..!. lairSS?': LUI.Sr?2S5; tbe" D,.douin inhkKthnU of reverent. 'earnest effort to Ht berielf for h. . ; ; -the country. These discoveries' havo th Ketp it; it tells all one histpry over, I uow reacheil such n rtago tltat it will Dr.J J3 CLIFTON Dros?fst, Ag K:iSiilM:Agr ; li.,(Wtt, and burue of, the augel. Hope, i - '"lake our hope of success, it p'assod. -J From the birth of its dream to its last; I noon be possible to know something of the life and arch itecture cf the Israelites , during i1ie ixriovl of tho king, and to determine the age of the- pottery nud liewn twma hichare jact witli in tho country. One excavation. di closes cty- pilel upou city, the 1-tost coloiiiita being Greeks, vluie setilemeut va- itself h ept away l fore the ae of Atexruidv-r d M oss t'overctl l a s t u res. -There is more than . usaal . ; fkaxklinton, N. c. u ... . amout of irioss in the". oTd uas- ' . henv " - "Sixth. That the oM maid" mny find for herself a work aad pItioa as uob'a us tttatof any o her koiimil The.-ie hinU may help b.th boys an I girls to reach surer. standing gronnd on the height cf hfe. lYouth's Com panioo. '""' ' ' emca. . -' P.W1D Zautmax. - ' IiiOrit.dcoie, O. : ATay 10. 1800. Treat is? on Blood and Skin Dis eases eg a ilrd free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., . O Atlanta, Ga. pre your Tho rjrstStep. Mice Ku:er a tx. :. Aher to Imd Leca Izkeu so Imp ove i.ent b my health became crj.Llc, w LU h stcvl- ily contU:ut)J. Now J in tl.o; my ev.nth jcz. I amsoLr rcxcrcrcd as to cattriala ore ir. are a h whh I had !oJ2 lct that of a to.t lhrte atd radical curt. - . - Ilfrsnr Krootcx Tor sale y J. II. I tfton. tL-cU :Ot- for. Morici-. : ITivina rAfnrnpd tot TjOulsburff k - (I t'iirp)8e of practh -5 l?oy: profits -JTaiv. 4. 1 S00. turn, i mH rwiwui.Hijr yy1" ,:v vires to the public, m I if: itJi peTRoiis -are jierehy fqi hidden to 1 unusually wetland secondly, that t wa V4 -a t it ii wiii ijit ecl Itc Ned AlUn and - Viinin P-rrv; tthey r.atug confrucUU with- nie for' tae.;-year SvI.VASfS PK-.KCB.; TiTT c EVERY OEPARltMEMTtQFi B' ia- a graduate oi the - I'a imoTe College of i; IK Els J:L R tvKV with an active experifcace f metven V-irs, 1 do not hvsntale; to uuarauuifc. I here' y warn 'any p e Trom hi rein? or,hariKrii3g.:N.hut txlasow and Ijwie Parkervcoiofett. both ,f .wlida I tm vetoii trartoil wit h fijf j he year : 1890. They; ha e left my employ without any An P. ip-li-h riiil n t in Inili i (hm 1w tures :1hi8 year an r indication, j tllt. Gr,aL . G ,iM.? dv,wirwarJ,-the exca- icr.hca in LoHjmaui i'ajas.'ne the per. hrst, thatrMhe season .has . bten I v.i-. cmw ; face to face with tho , rormanccs t l the inre l.-aix-ho l-eurp work or the eai iit r Jew udi kings, proU- I w men are ,-cc:su uiy rougnt jroni My executed by the tamo school .or ( Cishntere to display their tricks at CaV-m;son-i who built and adorned the tern- . cntta: . ; pie. of Soloiiioii. A-M thcso di c .Vi-ri.-s- j Tle greatest oljvctkm is tliat erch continue, ns the tn.mu.nenU of culpt- por hear J.as all U h teeth pul ed and uro -ai;d inscription .overihr.rtTi ' br' , then w ears a mnzx e, in onL-r thut the .Sennacherib,, shall - be uuearthl. ami ' ', lctator may not notice the denuded tablet after-tablft deciphered, the formcc". state of hia lnoullu tory of Paleslliie mar l found indelU T Baforo tlie co.i.bat tho man Ins cov- blv iinpr.s ed on the- s mm ai.l "chiy- r?d hU naked lci with a thick phce cause? whatever. UMiriavw ftu ---- EVERY PAltTlCULAR Mv office is furniaiied neatly ? and with an eve to tho privacy andf com fortof my patients.-1 My prices are emulated in accordatice'with the . Hart Time s aii S car cit Y . flLH o us y - ARTIFICIAl TEETH; rxrXT JLii J. : Natural teeth extri.cted and Artifi rial teetit i -serted itiaroRB , patient leave the. office. -'Vf- A11 iaruv prodnfet. taken in - -chaiiire for Dental work.M v; ' A part of your pati!ouage is respect lully solicited. ; ' i: ; ";;:-;;Verj"Rpeclrally-,-;--- J '.. . .vi''JMi -J. Ji o the. soil needs drainint;. , Moss grows where nothing else will J The land may have an abundance of latent fertiliiv,"feut only such rudimentary plants as the mosses canuse it. If the rnp3s has not appeared in previous jTears, plofv--ing and- restieding with clover and timothy; vill . euro , the' evil. So long as the clover lasts, the moss will not appear as - the clo ver roots will themselves afford sufficient drainage.- After the-! Halt the cost hvjstiiipaved "to-j cloVer.diea oat .rnos3 -quickly Bia.hii.isi., boiiderR. c.nt ractors comes m, as the ( grasses vnicn and eUverR,-! Awted to be the suCceed it do not : extend their greatest improvement e?er made ; ., ' . , ... .iBtaekiebiock:.-'l-rtiiihtprepj;- roots "downward,- and have le83 'rite fr;eatahi;te. -."' - . . ' . x -. " 1 a FhIW. Irm ..8:iein Vii. Esrah power to , rumov ; BiipenmoHS hed 1854.. la Bash street; Detect, Mich. wi.tPT.Boaton Cultivator. , - RKTi'ixa IIionT. DETROIT SURE GliJf - ..Steel Tackl Block. ,-. MONEY TO LOAN. To cure a felon, says a corre spondent, mix equal parts, of On improved farms in -sums of $300 L8tronff ammonia-aud water, and arid upwaids.v- Loans are mvable'iu j . . ; . . ' ? ik- " rW: smaU annual instilments through a bold your finger in it for fifteen a period' pf year.v," thus ;enahlm the j minutes. Alter tnat withuraw bMrrower; to pay off: his Indebtedness 1 ; -ar-A Ha t.Wa; of :Wh"ert'm- j: .1,1. -. Cj....' , --- pieieiy t!3iuraivummi , iuc miA- tare around the , felon . and keep without expend year.. Apply V -."-v t -': ' f;" ' - v ' E. -. W 1 f M B Kit I A K k, - LouishurNvC w it there till ry. Hox Cultivation. Hop cultivation has no show RODERSON'S BAR? LAXIrsALE;;-''-?s In accordance with' the decree of the tSnperi r -Court of Franklin county made . - ... .i.lJ m.. Perry, T Kr.Ri idik and wife, W. II. ing itT the Souths imply because ,Ba.tUeani.iC9oper. - .xip-rte itg-. pe0pie- have given it noatten deraiffreil . ComnUsioners will on Jlon- tiom v Yet .in the report on the day;soveniher. lOtrr,. low,' otter tor sale j condition of crops published by at the Lourt nous uoor .m xmsnurg, i n y ' Secretarv" o t thA hi.dipat hiddwK. thfr nlace known autnority ot Rue -oecrevary o as the Mrs. Nancy Reid properuyOoca I Agricvlture October 1st, it ap ted on the -Ixu eburg and Laureloacl pears that the .average yield per about 8. mile's from Louishur, coutniu-l r-- . , .. - ' j in about 51. acres.. -Term : One- aere"lor Aiaoama is ouv pounus f urth'(Lash, balance in twelve months j which is the same as ihat of Ver ; with interest at a per cent. ; xnere i a splendid btuldim and all neces&Jtry t)ut- houses, and tne location is nesiraoie.-. ; :. . w. Li, Macon, -- , ? " ' ; Thus. 15. W I LnE r, Oct ,1 800. :. Commibsioners. If you want o pleasant drink the "good old" arrays call a.t B. H. ttoDaT.ESO's. OH T11E CORNER, full line of best -Wines, Liquors vigars and Tobacco. JReraember-'I will xot bz Ttv virtre of the authority given me by ii iiower of aUorcev fonnaity executed to me on September 20th 1KX),' byy'Jno. W. Davis and wife ana others, neire-at-iaw mid distributees 6f the estate of Mrs. Saf- lie WDttvis recorded-tnthe Registers office of Franklin county, in dobk w, at page 304, 1 will sell at public auetion. to the highest bioder,. at the Cort House door in Louisburg Sorth Carolina., on iiftnday thelOth day of November 1SD0, atl-oVlock m.. it Leing the first day of the November term of Franklin Supoior i ourt, the following tract oi land, situated in Franklin county, in Louisburg Uwu ship, to-wit: The tract of hmd of which ir.sllie V. Davis died seized,, aciioiu- Jn.r tli hinds ot hitmell Dickerson on . it ..r i T : , .1 1 the-.North aua west, i -a. y . i'aosvu "c.i South and A. V. Dtivis on tus '.-.est, con tuitdng 102 acres, more or less. Terms of eale:- cash, balance in 12 - months with interest at 8 per cent., from day of-sale. Deed executed at time casli payment ia made and note and mortgage with power of sale required to secure deferred pay ment. ';a. WV WILSON Agnt;"' Sipt.CO.'OO. ' ; nxant and 20 pounds greater than that of New York; In "the same report it i3 stated, under the North Carolina head,; 'hop3 ar grown in almost every couuty of the State "but only for home con sumption. The roots never die in winter, and the increase is re markable." All of which leads Ihe Manufacturer's Record to woncler why the Southern States, and especially North Carolina, do not make this staple crop one of their regular sources of profit Were Alabama hop-growers . to give the same careful cultivation to that plant that Vermont and New-York, farmers do, tneir av erage would exceed that of the 'Northern. hop-yards, while North Carolina with all natural advan tages favoring her, could success fully compete with the most fa vored localities in the country. As it is, Southern breweries, that are all the while on the increase, must largely depend on Northern hop-grower3 for tho stock. Man ufacturers' Record. which t!e soil still ho'da in its LofcO iw he. atttdyls fascinating; and it will ave an imKrtant bearing W inter pr- ! atiott and criticiam. and on thep ogre si a great portion of the human ructx - Tanning by Kletrlctty. - - - 1L Muntz. Proi'cosor at ttni Instttuta Agronomique, has .'recently publisdied a uglily favorable reiwrt on the .AVonns aud Pile process cf tnninrby elec tricity. AU tlie hides so tauneil had, t says M. Huntz, tho appearance of hids tanned by the ordinary process ; Tejts " with acetic acid showed thut this hide Were - thoroughly well tanned after a maximum of four days in the vata, " Further chemical tests showed that tho tannin was a well combined with V leather as in the ordinary method.' Ws may mention in this connection ..thnt a Jarge firm of tanners in Paria are send ing out with every consignment of hides a certain proiorlioa , of electrically tanned ones, Intimating'. that any of. tho eiectrtcal'y tanned skins which are not found up to the mark will be immedi ately exchanged for some tanned by tho ordinary procpfis. ro electrically tan ued &kius huve as yet been returned.- ; ; A ren Plrtar of IUln, Jfr. Chilne's f:ice is heavily seamed, end he has of late allowed, his beard to grow'in rather a bushy fashion. It is not so trim and close clippsd as in earlier Ways, and there is a slight stoop in tho statesman's hou'der - Lmeyesars full of expression and -lifa. howfivert and they lel'w the somewhat a god look which has of lute come over him. It is noted by men who know- Wra Well that tha s.-creUry has of lte years lost some thing of the directness and brUknca-s' of rpeech which once cliarncterized hint, lie is not only very slow and del iber.it i in diction, but he has adopted a manner which might be describod in a general way lof being indicative -of geutlo though tf illness "" - of cowhide, but tlie rent of bi gnrb U little mcrj than a .ocket handkeichk-t lie slaps his naked nru: and client with li s bauds, and ciinUengi-a tlie bar to "cmo on. -, I ; Bruin, atandlng fu'ly an tail an be, waddles forward with his h-.vi coaiicdly on ouo side, aud after a few feiuU aud passes, the man is hxked inihe bear's embrace. Tlie cowhi lo on the man's buck protects him from (lie bear's long claws, but (o tho,o wlmsee the c ntest for the first time, the position aeenu very dangerouj.- ' : - " The man a'rtTggles hnd twists about, nn l tried in vaiu to th up t!e lar; all tlie timo'be is talking Urn Uy, abtuing the bear and all its aivcettors, white he gradually seems to grow m.re and more exhausted. Just aa t' spectator be comes really anxiout for hi safety. there is a sudden twjjt proUibly a pre- concrtel signal to tha benr and the pair roll over on tlie grouud, tha man promptly rising victorious and phiutiug bin foot on his conteder.iW's neck. "Tliroughout the combat the bear usu ally wear a ktoll look of indiuVrrac, but often as I hnve watc'-ied the strug gle, tbtro are stiil t;me when it seems to me that some one ought to interpose, However, I never saw or heard of ao ace'dent. '''-, , : ' r If you pay a visit to the hots where bears and men usually put up toolher. on the outskirts of a town, you will fi'id them living in a most anlciblo intimacy; indeed, if lliey are roused ia the early morning, daring cold weather, it U dif ficult to distinguislt man from bear, as they bein to rUo from their slumbers Du the s.'.mo bed of straw.' " . . Pcrliapsyoa are mo down, can't eayi cauVtfefp, can't ihiuk, can't ilo any thinj to jotrrJUfef-ichon. arj oa won der what ails you. You should heed the warning. ..you are taltn the f.rst step hito nervcas prosnstloo, Yoo ncctl a nm e tor.ic nnd in 13cctric lUt trrs joa will Ev tlie exact remedy fr icstciing iour uervouS tjsUm to itf uonnaU l.e.I;hj coiKliibn. hurprWUis reu'.ts follow the use of this greit rxrre touic nd Si iterative. Yocr sjp.'tite returns, gooil itiesdon Ta reU,rctl. ami t'14 hvtr nnd kU tess resume Innlihy act!o.i. T?y a lottle. . 1Yx9 OOe. at J. B. 1 1 flou'a drug tnrc. J Pope Leo epcaks French, flu ently, but knows no Knglish. . . Tho New Discovery. Notice o AfJCIlt. , The ctdcr' ed f'c'res r rce in SiM ia tvT towc.i, jn Frat.k!i.i. tounty (Frwikhnton exce;UiT, to ted the JJ c f JtCYr"!i 1 ari," a tn-f hLlory. wruteu ly LU w fe. It U n mu twjicc. - -nJ t care J ; ca wyvlj the ae-icy to J. 1 SllTCKULJ Gcal AsL FrapkLn cn. N. C.' SKCONJiIlANUCLUlt. NG. . I cxpott lopca j sccor.J bid c!oth hi'x uut'ii h in the io.o erH.T. C ariiie" store oa - fstti'd. Ht win of t to!T. I wk'l!-) ii!roj;a3 to r.ple Loth lu tlie U. u ' ird outvrj . TO thoo who whb to A scrxi:d-haul clcthlag I hate to ray tf t I oi.'J Ln l-:rtx4 io reU f.r them at the cry' small ccmmlis'ou tf te-j t cu;t, sl1 to lh.ee bo whh to tsy I I ate to say that uthcymLIcMlca cc I tL.zk tLcy will q.aI wlAt tht7 ant. - - llrtj'Cvt.'u'.iy. llAhTUALTHUirCE. You have lenrd your riv,'Af imd ueihhors talking about it. You ny yourelf i4s o:e of the iiian'y a h know from persoDnl exjcrictice jest lmw ptod a thing it Is. If you liave tier tned C you are or.e of irs etnucch frietnU, Lc ctwe ti e. wocderful th ng alool it is; .hat nhcn ome giveu a Ir'Al, Dr. K!ngs New 'Discovery ever fifltr.t:oVls a pl.ice in tlie house, IfjxJh lavo cevcr ced It and should te nr.iCted i.h a couti. told or any tl.r at, Itir.j or chest troob- te, f tcure a hot:le at once asd give it a fairtr jtl. It is gur.rantec 1 every time or money rtfuutled. Trial bott't-s free at J. B. Cli.lou's i!rug store. T.ry'o.ti WltRt Eyrj Girl Should Lstra. Tlie Duehewaof Marlborough h w som excellent ide:w on the subject of girl culture, ."ILid I a daughter or a'rLi sister" ishs 6ay, "I should teach her adaptability, and that learned I should have no further anxiety for her future. Succeed? My. dear cirl. sho coul 1 not fail; it would' be impossible not lo please. , Let her please, not mea a'.oae, but peo ple, and the r:tce is hers. " Rreo2ulsd. - Brakpman (on Boston bound train) Ther station's Trox zykf-kylooniulia- walla? Ch'caarsf'r Skcotchyskobusky' fookleyt Men.lcr of Yolapuk Convention (to companion) Hooray! G access! 'i he brakemea even have beim to speak our language. Lawrence Aniericaa. A rruct!cl Sas:cetlon. She- (daug!iUT of wealthy man) I To n't want t!e people 'in thia hottl to think we aro nely mniried. lie (t px r cl. rk) Don't you? Then you pr.y u.aii.u A ufj O l.l riattl. As T. W. Sin-r and DWid Scully, of Laughlinstown, were on their way Iiome from Ligcnier a few dys ago a moat interesting scene pr.-sentel itai'f at A ;nt"o:i th'a turnpike near the btick liouse. It was a mink end a btacksnaks Cgliting. The mink woul 1 ponnce upon the suake and sink its tharp Ueth into it body every time. The naiio would coil itself up and strike at tiio mink, but its stroke were like tho o cf a drunken , man. When its b!ov Aim spnt tho mink was not there, Irutia return dealt the snake a pounce ttiat I rem ght blood rroni Rs lengtlu 1 lie lanu Kctrna f.iglitenel at the s;wctators aal flel, when the snako was diipatchjX ILiouier Ec! l'roulai;. In a look lately puLlUhed, "To K- rcpo o i a Stretc'-ier. " tlio author aar that t.u lo.ird the Itft'Inn ste.tms'i'p. plying K tweeu Nt-w York rtiJ M.rsi-ir.es a whita ox wps Kept a a f u; 'y r.f fresh tne.it; but the sniL rs grow lvxfon I of It Ugie it "up, pud it wir.t to tUs ead tf tho vojafs uaLarmed. Amon lh? pn-?r.ers was a p-r littla relish Lvly. sailing witi a jsick chil l, vl.ic'i noed.-d f,r its'Lenhh a daily fu; y'y of ficsh uiilk. ."O'l, m.vlatn, " i 1 this wcr.vm to C au'Jtcr, "I wa -o harr-'V to ne the fjc tf thnt ox. I FLOWEUS-OFSO.NG. Ti r'ScJiOiM: V CHILDHTIN'S fCHOOL SONCSW cis; J3.C0 d.izcn.) Hji;t. rimp'.e ex planations, aiMi IZ new ai.-de:rten sotu't fur general sjnr.nsf. This hule ook is Icin revtiveit with 'ruudi fa'n"' KlJtDEFiflAUIlX CUI1IK5. . HX.Z'u) Kate Ih uls (.ood -n ai. Unl sud Mac ctnTcciid i. KiNDEno K tv.x and' "vnntAr.Y school ronoh. (3J its.; tZXJ ti n.) Menr.l. 5iN'03 ASDnnas ron LiTrLroxin. (;2.0 ) Walktr find Jenks. . Hems fcf IJale in-ers. (30 cln.i 43.CO t3iz.) Kmcr.on and i-wnjne. .'t vn.es iiid Tuur. (il-K1'.) Mrs. Oood. Mo-.Uf. (20 cli.; fl.t0. dor) Mr. I'oaidii'fWi V,v iliem nil ! TLey f.re nust dc'.i;ht- fal l- k- ! AUo try lie's wcet lulVCant.TX: Kin-.ili.m d Mother Cc (2 cU i'Z 3 'o7Cn. ?!r. limn!.' nsi. W'l o k'.llcil Cock Ilo' in? 41 its.; 3.W !jZ.) - Ponl. .TJ13CKLINS AIIN'IC.V SALVJS " Tbe best snive '.n the wot' l fr cntsf Irui'cs. iMt, ulcers, sr.ll rheum, fever tores, teller, tl ar;d tdt f.bJkl!":ir, corns and a'l sk.n eruj tlot! and poi lively ture pih s. or no pay rcq'itrv-d. it U uimr.ued so itt perfect s:it:rac:io:i. or moacy rrtund-cd- lrice 2- rents fer Low . Tor sslo by J. B. Chiton. To Whom It 31ay Concern. . My trrta of oTi-.e will .v.i cirre. aoJ LIavc a ktre nmul-er tf irs ta my pteslcn t.'etd, n.ort.r'c dis, clia(ic!s. wc tcWauit -z s i.Jrt oaesall of whhh I Lite t-kea trie cf a A proUvted ki:neray rt term cJT ctTke. l.i oxle Cia She owum cf Uicsc piT n.ay save trouble ai.J t pct.se, as we'd as.myM'J', I uJ te glal f Ji lhe.a to te urwd call a: I s.ct them as early as icniLle, L'.fertlrf1 rotecth-.g thc cwn ctcrrt as weil as" o' 1Jcct jIjj.I iJblt; tcrv-u; ax.d Incud, - ' P. A. Davis, ' - Hec.ttrr ft IUu'a. thmi liceli ,t r. i'n- i iy 1 l' wi 1.9 r.o k t. ) r.; 3 A::. k Me i.i-n. 5 .; H. d. z. Bock 3. Ih-.-h. fi-.; 5.'- ) '.. i. Bv t airr-on. 'J urc i.fe t n t ns t.- c i J l V i I V L3 M ( n r " I (. srJ lcl 1 L f r c n-. r. .ig i:i . ti c'.. -XS-: il fr l't mi d '"c-: HM.kln.-d'il Ur re-.;'. pf Ke. Ot ivi. u I ) n - n t y.v. n v C. IT. BltM a oj .. i:7 l'ru'iv.Mf v.Y. : r:.. .t:y , r f- .3 L.. ::.'.::.rl 4, r - ... r -.- . . f . -1 . ... ... . . i 1 V

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