:.)!- ii V . A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. r' With Malice tovard none; IT ah Charity for aU. uz) vri: ax.wx. ua VOL. XIX. LOUISBURGN C, NOVEMBER 14, 18QO. NO. 42. iighest of all ia. Leavening Power.TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1S891. HIRAM AND BKTJ1.AB. 1 ill) REPACK SHOP--HEPAI1? SHOP- liEL'AlR SHGP- SJECOND HAND CLOTHING. X I expecC to open second hand cloth jug establishment in the room over K. T. ( arlileVstore on next Saturday the 25th of October." I ask the patronage of the people both in the town and country To those who wish to sell 1 seconddiaud LOCTSBCRa, N.C. - ' : . - "1 .. jj i -: - - -' -.- we have consolidated ourselves together and will be pleaded to do all kind I of work in our lioe. -'.j' Call-fat : the 1.0U1SBUKG? COACH aiOP-- LOUlSttUltG COACil S OP and we will give - you V sati&faeUtiu , at- Very ' . ;; V:'- '" -modera.ee prices:- - MODERA!Tii ' PjlICE!: Down crept the sun ; wbntshotild ttso f. But Mistress lieulali getting tea, . - Aa, wlnk.ln with its fiery ejre . Jt Wfcfclied her from the western ft . ' , 1 lie Uonsevfire'e skirt titw roundabout, -, Her deft h&ad weighed the aeetmeU ouS, While many & sidelong glance she threw . Down tUo beech-shaded avenue. - as I- The moon ro np; lnt all It saw . ; a iliram. ca a load of straw, " ' Aft hunsTT, weary, fleshed, and browu ' He Jogircd belated back from town. JThe patient team with rlht good will -, Kowed their broad necVs to climb the hill. ' And now from erery field and lane . -. The thrush sent up Its twilight strain. - ; The lamp shone f orthf what did It see? " 'Miram and KeuUh drinking tea, ' - - The snow-while linen spread with care, . - Fet eat at longth- vrita j-uStic tare.; ' For wholesome Jest, and -sweet delay, ,- 0 r And chiding finger raised In play, . , Vhere 1 the least can equal this, v -Wliicli Beulah seasons with a kiss? v " v :. ' . . ID ra Bead Ooodal, Tfhen the oH ot the World Come, The nebu'a in Orion. Saturn. And tl clothing t have to eay that I would bo moon are iudeed &uggestire-of change pleased - to sell for ihenf at tlie very tyjies, they may be called, of tlte first small.comraisslou of teu per ceut. and stare, the middle. ntl th lt ,ht mftt. lo those who wish to buy I Tiave to say tcr passes through in the long process of yiuit, u. uiujr win oan qo me 1 tninK mey the evolution of .worlds. wiunna wnat tliey want.- ; . Atul, of all changes, that centre, has. ' l?natuifrii11tr : . .-.. ' I . t . . . - - vv.rvv..u,ur 4 p ; . 1 jiioBii.inH;reB ror bj wdich .aiieciS our own planet, the earth; -it ' lias reached a later stage than Saturn, though not so late , a stage ;a the moon; but on!y in long , ages and - by 'minute effects will f oxtjtet changes be noticed.' Ages hence it may be discovered that glad for them to be. sure and call and get iheta as early as MOssihle, tb.ereby jwtecting iheirowu interest as" well s oblisauf j'our obedieii t . publ'c -' sen'aot and frieiid, " '-" " - "P. A. Davis, ' Reg's :erfDeh. TUC GUEAT SWUEP. WHAT . TITE PBESS TIIJXK OP TOE QEEAT DEMOCRATIC VICTOUT. N. Y. World: It 19 an oa year for Democrats on top. It ia an off year for Republicans, because the people want war taxes taken off and hands that hold bayonets kept off the elections. ' : - Norfolk Landmark In 1892 the country will elect a Deino- IIot to Talk Well. Dr. Holmes on Tobucco. Ilolrr.ce lcarn to listen well, and very Dr. Oliver Wendell poon you will find yourself speak- touches on tho pubject of tobac ing the word in eeason and sur- co and alcoholic stimulants in a prising yourself, as well aa oth- recent contribution to the Atlan era, by the quickness with which tic. Tho older he grown, he saye, your thought will be expressed, the less use he makes of aicohol- Itead tne words OI great wri- ic drinks. Orrainnnllv hn, HVi vrH S f., 1' - .., w I- " . - - - krAI w W k v 4 s - -t WA4 A k. a glass or two of charat ane, 1 oj d gie the Dt.ru ocrau frcr. 1L9 which agrees with hinr b?tter than any other drink containing alcohol. . An old doctor whom ho remembers, who 1iyh1 to a hun- AccrtrC'.i;-; to the tir.rr" tf i-V Ne Ycrk WorVl, the Dr:E--iU rx.-t late a majority b it noxt ll ie i;I.t tL vote of it j'A. It J I cc l!.e Dcnac crst'x m.ivity at III. -T tl ncmhttti Deiiocratt. lU-llUaat C'i. Of thce 41 Democrats auJ 43 nc;Ua are Srutn Ui C7 LWra ar. l 45 l!f pul'i.-ar. Lont Us We?!, 115 Ir.x Iai and Wot a tmj.t'.tj cf 3 ctr Ui3 A rconixluble c-!r.ck!ct.ce U lzi t. tweco Ue lenocT5tc l: prr-r-.ua'.tro cf t! 14t and We'?, the nomkt frcwu the F-istacd Wcstb-ias: 118, fctt Lsc!j" tie aaaie aa from U.e Sonth. It U Ule'y that Jiespkrt fully, ''-c DfnCE r A; DUKE &i CONWAY. CONWAY". TInvincr returned tr- iJouhur for ?ij'r-kTSI ;. vices ti the public -m -v?t:r'rri: 1 Exterminates the Microbes and To WIom it May Concern. , My term of ofBce will i isodn H expire, and I have largeumber of papers in my pbssessiou !eeds, mortsaae - deeds. .chattete,:.&c.-'' belonging i to ditferent J there is.some slight change la the earth's ones, all of which I have taken care - of I orbit; or Mercury, yet nearer to the sun and protected since my first ' term uf I than ' we. may be 'seen to :tiirs'ue- a office.' In.order. thal; the owners "of 1 t'JuaUer orbit Uian now, and tlie terrible- tliese paper? mavsave trouble and "ex- fact mny come home to ; inan that wa pense, aa well. as : myself,'.! would be j nra drawin? nearer to the sua Time goes on, and the-tropica become too hot tor existence, ana coiuer regions tlna A welcome change to warmth. , Age by age goes by, and the end is. Ttsib: r, no nearer; but tle figures of Htrouomer8 ' only too . surely' tell their talc . ; . , - - f. - ' Now the tropics are - n Impassable desert, and all the life-on t!ie globe con gregates around the poles. Spain . lias lf-t her vineyards and .'the Alpa -. thir snow; England is a burning dis rt, and Greenland teams with the vegetation of the tropics; in smaller and smaller cir- cl the inhabitants gather around the poles. "lint, to -quote the words of Mr.:,KeigIey. Miller, "the narrowed limits iof ; the haLitabte earth , can no .longer ..support JUxU vast increase "of terBj think them over and con clude in. what way you differ from tbem. The woman who ialks must have opinions- decU cratic President, and r.Tvithin" six ded ones -feuT she "must liave years the Senate .will we 'doubt them well in hand, as nothin- is I dred. used in moderation a mix v, ua,o a. wiuw,4am, iuajuiivjf. BU uiBagrceaoio as . an aggreE3ive tare of water, cider and ram mere must oe a new airectory m r taiKer. bay wnat you have to Those who aro azed rennire 1PM tbj firurca IU varr icrubt the, management pf the great j say pleasantly ; remember always . food, especially animal food, but I the complete reurr.t ore ia. business of the Government. '- that the best thing in life,-dear, the doctor does not blame them Philadelphia Record: The vo- sweet love, has often boon won for being dainty, since the picas-1 Children Cry fcr Pitcher's CtC.L? ting throughout tha. country vy p aeiignuut ining "a low urea of tho palate anr among the shows ihat-the impulee; --which voice." ? . Jaat gratifications of the eensca T0 PUBLIC SCHOOL TACIIEXS. carried Pennsylvania - back into Do not be too critical ; re mem- allowed them. "What do I , say 41. nomiofm itt, ia nf 1 ber that everv blow eiven anoth. I oa r-,si,;o" j iv. Hiho-nlnr nnr -.iMnl. - F5bA d woman 18 a boomeranff Vhich I dnotr T ronnof Irrr.fT I .The Fu'pctlr.twiJent a Pnb.ic tchooU still j Btands side by side 'with will return and hit "you with old man his pipe, but I think to- tcr tUS'inrVjIy cf mr bacco often does a good dea 5" J.Apnl, July, fcfpUrt:r, October . .. od Deccoiter,anJ remauiLr vxm dAt harm to the health to tho eyes Ifcrr. Lr lha turre JC exm:.n- especially, to the irervous svstem I ! piicu'.s to tch la the PuUc ..ii I S-tiOoLt cf this coJitT. I wul t be palpitation and trembling. I . Th ikie8.1ook Massachusetts. very olear ahead. ; - I; - 4 - "Indianapolis Sentinel:- It indeed a splendid victory. is It The reason Tladam'e Microbe Killer is the moKt wonderful medii clue, is because it hat ver Caiied iu "any in stance, no matter whit the disease, from lep rosy to tbi simplest disease-kuown -to the Jiim.au svistt-m.' , . double force. ' Taka this .into considerationit is never worth while. maKing-a malicious re- marc, no matter how - clever it nlftp.es Indiana in tho front rank t luaJ of the reform Commonwealths of -" v-i rayseu gave it up many yars the nation. Itproclaims to-tbe ear gir, tne wmie,nere, wbicb ago." Those who' might fancy world that she stands on the sol- after all, bo short, and the that tho wise and penetrating old id rocks of equal taxatibn, local while hereafter, which is, after doctor offers any encouragement self-government ; and - honest bo long andweet. It seema for the indulgence of dangerous methods in'politics. -". Kew York" Star: in Luuiahcr ou tvituriay cf each w and ail rxiblw daj, to attrwl to busoioa couciUu nh ray ookc. J.N. HABnts, upt- ProfcMMlonnl Cnitl, to me that when you and I standi habits get this parting shop from oeiore xno gcoa Ktoa it wm.De MA LOSS. OtTke - &xrs tc'o rcrrraa's drcj store, tjotnlc Dr. O. L. K'.'U. to-day eJa i iu a nd proye ; : " jihat every disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES EVERY 0?ART?NT OF 'DElfl Buia a jndttiite of the i Eabiimore Colleen ol DlSNTIStU JERYi witli an active exjrience cf teeb ye ars, I do not tfcsiWte to Ouarantee fcSlaistaeuon iarJ,- .fC't -.V ' ' " EVERt ; AR ICtJLAll ?; My office is famished neatly and with an ej e to the privacy, and com fort of my patients. My prices are egulated in acoirdance with the , Earl Times ani Scdrcity tf Honey- ARTIFItlAb TEETHE A SPECIALTY-. -... . r.- ijt "... ''. V'.-" i ?-r.-..' Natural teeth extracted and Artin- cial teeth i-.sejfted befobs patients leave the office. , T - " " - farm products taken m : ex change for Denml work. A part of yooxpatrouage.is respect wily solicited. -? - - -- - Yiry Respectfully, v i j Db. R. E. KrNO, ,,, " i . Dentist. population, -and faraina Wp-inn (a mnv The seiei-tific triepof UoVn Its vicUml.v the millions. ' V ' '; "Now, indeed. the;end id jU JifeT on earth draws n apace. Tho heat and drought become more nnl more iu sapportahte, rwin and tlew fnll uo longer. All sprtng3 of w'atttrTaU. ami the rivoM dwindle down to streamlef, and trickle 6lowly over tJer sTony bedA, and now scarcity of water is nddevl to scarcity of driVeS-1 food. .. Those w ho escape bv the famine them out of the fvsten-. aid whrn that is I i-wotijIi l)-o-tli( Irnn.rl .n,4 fi.o i lfti "2 lVfn v?Cae u V; pald "P0 fTOin tha df ouglit" re reorved No matter what- the disease, whether a , 1 . t , . siinple ease of Malaria Feier or a comhi- for tt fate mtiW w f al 3"et Por "'0 natiou -of disease, we .enre tbem all at he few remaining iuhybitants are pnr- tlie same timer as uc , treat ail ; diseases tially screened f roni the OTcrwhelmiug cjnstitutionaUy. . - : - power of the sun by a dense canopy of clouds formed by xha evaporaiion "of every lake and sea. f r S 1 . J " :; "But aoon the sun scorches up these' vajxr Itaiiks, and dissipates -them into upace as fast a4 tliey can form.- Then the firey orb sbinea out in unutterable splendor -without -the - lightest cloud wreath, to iuterpose between himself and hu victim.' 'Then the last denizens of thaworld are stricken down and con sumed; the last, traces of organic life are Wotted from it3 ' surface. " Long man s Magazine. - - ' - -, -- ': l-; . iiri.M ? ii President! . . - uim; i nnosopaicauy gpt-aaing, ItViolittla irrtsain Vi o riistiv ol fa 1 T it?t .t '1 HarriBon had a good opportunity 'Z: . .1 Z- v Vi Z " Kii-narconiMion anu tofindouthowabsoluiely ih.ig- others of Wh.ch jr.ll be .olf-alcoholiation are ra.her ig- v ' rnoft ashamed. ; : noble substitutes forundiaturbed "Nver forget that mere idle eelf-consciousness and unfettered UIk is quite as bad as gossip, self-control." for nobody is gaining any good from it, and as no vacuum exiits in Nature none can in every day life. - Not to be a cood talcer. mv and thanks to the Republicans dear gtrlf not to bo an in teres t of the Fiftyrfirst Congress. :They . - woman, quicK in' yoar fiym. .jiL. u.t'.'.i i.:n " " pasesa mo ucjviuiey uiu jusw it. tby ond read RiwftyB to give lh:a safe p-Un Jot time. . - : ' J the word of cladness to those in I veriied drujUt a bottle cf Dr. Kins' If they had nad the reckless , or gt)eflk ou teildcr thouirht tvr Dcoery for Corunmptoo. It Tilaifw to nnaa tViAPriTrft Viill I .v, ; m:: : .lis ruar.tntcod to tna re!icf ki everr U VA -a T w Kw w rw i j iiirj ll iill IB JU Bill 1V I 1UL1. AO IU I a 1 - t ii u i ui v.:.- i u ,v I rii whrn nscd for any aITqclIou of I XT' 1 iilli t-.LL..Vvi-, also mey wuuiu ' piuuauijr uavc iu .iuuot uuuicwam tr- i i i jt nificant he is politically when there are.no blocks of five in. the scales with him. The verdict of the country upon hi3 Adminis tration must make him wince. ' New -York Herald: .A thous- AsOima Consuixiiiioiu Catarrh. Bron-! duti8s llh-etimatisnt, Sidusv mut-Liverl JJisease. Uhils and Fever. Female Trouh- 'leSy' in iill'it Jbrn-anid tit factecery uixease known to tue IIumuji System JJZeware of Fraudulent Iarmitatums, ihai nrir Tmi1o.I rteo m. ...liAtt.l ' appears oa each i4:-? ; s .'y--y.-.y -.-l. 1 fund for book History of the Microbe JCiller,' tciven avay by ' ' " : . Dr. J B CLIFrON Drogsist, Agt. 2Su loijisbvrg, 2:d;lf' IIS. FURMAN, Agent i- ' FRAJTKLINTOX X. C.'tt':- ' notice: - All persons are hereby forbidden to hire, harboi' or Jetsin from my. service Ned Allea and, William Perrvr.they' bsviug coixtracted with tne for the :year 1890. . '. 1. - ' w - SXLVAXUS PBABCK.V juir, 4i8oo. . - , .: ;. - llousebold Notes. Ifotice.' You WiU Find 7 ' I - T?aofn o niPTR nf cliamois skin, on the la- ' I ' .... .. . .1. i . t nflit rc acoA ra i V rn t -' an ff r 5 n V t k v... , V?? sidA rF the ch ldreu S StocKlugsaimoKuee r"""" 1 uei"V viauiiuir uiicuwiuiiuuj, r r- , j- or harborinsr Norilett Glasiiow ami arid thev wiU last twice as long. , J.pey irom ine uisireBsiug uu jewis Parker, colored, both e f whom 1 1 ve washed without removing it. AT- Person's bari If you want a pleasant drink the "good old' always call at 13. H. Bodqeson's. ON tPHECORNEB, R ftiU line of best Wines, Liquors Uigarsand Tobacco. 0ItemembeT I will if OT be VSDESOIiD.-liTJ If clothes are scorched lightly iu iron iugv laying tbem in the suu will toko the slain out. . .- A hot solution of- salt and vinegar brightens'copper aud ' tinware, a!so zinc bathtubs. " i ;. JTo remove egg stains from spoons, take a little common salt between the thumb and forefinger and briskly rub the stains Tliey Will immediately disappear.- - .v : A Safe Investment. Is one which b guaranteed to Lnn; yoa tatlilactory results, or in case of Cdlure a return of pcrchr.se price. Oa you can tuy from our ad- s fJUI0S.B. WILDER . jrro.vrr-jr-Liir, . LonsBcrui.x. c. 0.Tke on Mxa itrctt. or. door tlow jIL W. IL NICHOLSON, rHACTICING I'llYSIClAN, . . LoutsEura, ?r. c. OT-ce cr?o'' L;!e IIo'.tL been entirely wiped out in this election. " V ' In the political history of this country no party ever received a sterner rebuke at tne polls. - Richmond Times : The result of the Tuesday elections fully confirms the confidence which the- thinking portion of the American public feel as to the perpetuity of the institutions of pie an unfeminine woman. thr.-at, longs or chest," such as Coo Ruth Ashmore. in Ladies Home sumption. Infiamiraitoa cf In, - l . Journal. Tli Meu tor a Town. Bronchitis, Attlima, Whooping Coui, Creep, etc It is plraaaut acd nrn-a-1 ble to taate, petfktty safe, and can al- wayt be relied cpon. TrUl bottles free at J. D. Clifioa'a drug store. ATTdn.SET AT LArt Louisncno, sr. c ' 0f5ce cn Nah SL Merit Wins. We deslr to ray to our citizen that The only tacn of worth to a town or community are those who forget their own selfish ends long enough, and who are liberal enough in their i teas, to en courage every publiand private entcr- Y via Ilia lUEiuuuuiio v a i , .,1 t . 1 i . .1 I 11 c uu this country. : If the Success of rrrr. -r. ,7! , fee years we Lave been selling Dr. the Republican party in tho.last UP WD anaeunance ui m . sewbiscoterj r,r Conamp- Presidential election, tnrougn i - ,Tr, ,Z Uon, Dr. King's New IX nils, Kuck the employment of the most im- commuuity la in the foundatu)o of li. leu.8 Arelca ,Te tnJ j-:cctrk Billef,, proper and criminarmeans, some- permanent success. . A town may as and taT0 MTet handled remedies t'l what shook this confidence the weU prepare Tor its funeral as to become of Qch aouDi nas now ueeu ennreiy uiuuiatu. uiu.- . nivcrsal saiiion. We do uot hes- movea. - . - , i Men woo come to a town vo roaKe mi their futifre home, who cannot look far N.Y- GULLEY, a TTor.szr-A t la rr, fEiKUSTOX, X. C. All legal buiiucM rrcrcptly altered to. P. Louisville, Ky., Mch. 12,' '90. enough before them to tee that money Radam's Microbe Killer Co., - Nashville, Tenn. ' Gentlemen : A member of my family' has been afflicted with asthma for several years,, th at tacks recurring from time to placed judiciously In a public enter prise will be a hundred fold in the ap preciation of their property are to be pitied. They are not the men to put their shoulder to the . wheel and build up the town. They are the class who are ready lo take all they can of some itate to guarantee them erery time, and ; we stand ready to refund the purchase ! price. If sathdketory results do uotf!io their u.e. These remedies hare woo their great popularity purely oa their merits. J. B. CLiloni drujrg.sL . Wm. Radam's Microbe Killer Co., I Dear Sir I cheerfully add i i.. ... time as is usual with this d IS- one else' building enterprise, but they minw iu your numerous teaiimo- - -. r ' -- i - .a I r not willin-f tj da anrLhin7 lhn- I mo 1 a nf Vo T XT 1 Is - ease, in May. or June 01 lastj , i ' i .aa avwwv .a- year, 1889, these attacks became I continuous. . hardly a day or It Saved My Life. iave contracted with for the year 1890. They have left my employ without, any cause whatever.' ' ' ' - REDDINO IIlOHT. After suffering for twelve years ' - til I became alarmed on account from contagious Blood FoiRon, ! -VD ETROIT SURE GRIP : . Steel Tackle Block. i ii . i . ' if .1 i it. Tafpifia-wi will remove the cmss stains so Ot tne loss oi sieepauq me; aever-. often found on the summer, cloihiug if ity of the disease, fearing agen- childrenr Bub the molasses on, as if it j eral decline of the health...! con- were soap, and then wash the garment in gulted several eminent phyei- the usual way. V cians in New York and in this To clean and lighten cane seat chairs, city, but .with no beneficial re sults from '.their prescriptions, i FTalf the rost of hoistingsaved to storeKeepers, Dntcners, iarmers, i . v, , . ' ,!iV Knt i,?,.?ic A,nf tura uo the chair bottom, and witn not and others. Admitted to be the J water and a fponge wash the- caue-wqrk, j out the ; first of - September Klc.cot Hm.n,, c .i.uc .. . .. , thorough v soaltea OV tjw 1 Let in tacle blocks. - FreightprepJ If f rite for catalogue. ' . Fnlton Iron A Eneme iV orks. Estab shed 1852. 10 Brush street, Detroit, Mich. Tobacco Land s Should it be dirty use a little soap. it dry in the air, and it will be as tujht as i when new. . V ' Nothiug is more unsightly about a house than old nail holes or broken places iu a plastered wall, aud nothing is easier she commenced using tho Mi crobe Killer, and since that time has never had a ret urn, .of the paroxysms, and her general health has been 'correspondingly improved."! can cheerfully rec- .1 J it.-. ir:..nn Vi1lni tr to conceal.' Take a mckle's worth ot omiueuu xua .. r.o Arci-; T,o,r fl.7t niastPr of mm. and reduce it to" the con- all asthmatic suGerers. .X lalico xoi iu uaio mob I l i sistency of tliiclc cream uy aamng warm water, then with a kuife press it into the plnsfl Inhoffiompn located nn fhftir I hol. smoothin!? it over nicelVi In a few minutes you caunot find the places. . . Yours, etc., J. G. Guthbie. 422 West Main St. For gale by J. B; Clifton. fams, as buyers or tenants will do well to communicate with me ; ";.Ias. & Real Estate Agt., - - Henderson, N." C. BtTCKLlNS ARNICA ALVE The best saive in the world for cuIr, bruises, srre8, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped haud- childlains, corns and all skin eruptions and positively cure pa s, or uo pay reauired. It is .guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed. Trice 25 cents por box. For sale by J. B. Cli:1on. TliP mv voua? bicve'ist he's ia-beil, Not i,ir mm is tue b jriu euu muhiu. He has been fiung aud ia sore ia body nnil hfJld. " " Tnf. vLilvatLn Oil will make him wvrp r-nt if at bsL" said the fj.low ' v. r. - - - who found his cough subdued by a hot lie cf Dr. Bull's Couh Syrup. and trying the best physicians attainable and all the patent medicines procurable, and stead ily continuing to grow worse, I gave up 'all' hopes of recovery, and the physicians pronounced the case incurable.- Hoping against hope I tried S. S. S. I improved from the' first bottle, and after taking twelve .was cured, sound and well, and have had no relurn of the vile disease. As I owe my life to S. S. S. I send this testimony for publica- ion. ' ' x. H. M. Register, . ' Huntley, N. C. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. The hedthy growth cftha laby Ude pecueut uixa its freedom from the per nicious effects cf opium. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is U.e test remedy known fur the disomies. of culy cLllduool. i'cr chorea the Let remedy f.c cn Ir.rrh cr "m:!uc::ra is oU Saul's CV.-rrh ; Curo. ing used same lor indigestion and a severe throat trouble. Af ter rising five gallon! I find my self entirelX cured. Yours truly, ; B. F. Albertsos. For sale by J. B. Clifton. F.SlTiUILL, A TTORSEY-A T LA Jt Lovisccna,x. c. Will at ten a the courj of Trackhn, Vance. GranvLle, Warren, Nsih, and Federal and Supreme courts. I'toccpt attcuiUQ civen to coUetlloc, &c g B.1IASSBNBC110, . ATZOJZyrVAT-LA TT, L0UI5ITCKO, IT. C Office la the Court Home. AH .t mi nes pat!iarry Landj will rKcIte j rocupt aUenUon. A A COCKE A DA XI ELS, Gc!dboro,N.C C. C. EStEL, SIuLuGIIE TheLraillcjr liioe $3 ctA Belt at Dnwrrlarf. CfTf UrfCs9a!t, Lj J i.k wJaU, Atcrw. ttt. Zhi. " -"- ' : t-t I TCXCKEa DAIE3 A DAXICl, A TTOIISE i'S A T LA TT, wiLo?r, ?r c. Any luisc? rr.lrt:'.cd tc.a nZ be promptly attcrcd to. Q M. COOKE, A TrV. enJCOZLWLLOn ct UL7 LOCISBCTUJ, rKA5KXI?! CO., K.C. " Vs."' f ! L a i i A A L. . - Frt: cn.'y i5 Ct. C. it e.T it.;; i::zJs:hs, Tc:iL.zch C:.tz, C-t.-.z. c:r. I" . J t -J. t 4-1 ' WiH attend the cr.urts cf N.h, I'..ik- Wr.rren sr.J Wtleecur.- a-o t!,? feurnrr.e cr.rt t: Ncr'.h Caroi;-.:x' and the V. S. C r.u t.L 1 trlt ccurl5. !l:if Cnv:.i!'.c, !.- v ,i;m