I if rS S ; . -V . - t - -,.4 -I : .! v'j i THOMASi Editor land. -ProprietorV iV&V - .'TFtfA Malice toward tonc; Jf il Charily for all. voivitKiixi: XOUISBURGrN-C; NOVEMBER 21, ISOO. NO, 43 Highest of all m Letvening Power.-!!. S. Gov't Report, Aug.x7, i33. HOWARDS HOUSEKEEPING. I ' .. jl ,.jt IN";.'! .1 - jse1 jj -REP AUV SHOP- KEPAIU SUOP- T- . Mr. Howard was by no means a wealthy man; but ho was in com fortable circumstances, and lived , in a neat, two-Biory nricK nouse, wic wa3- tastefully ' furnished. fVM I Aim wue was economical, ana aia Dy 8avin g-tno, expense ot a ser vant. . , " ;"I don't see what you have to ? w " ' T :Vi -I'-V busy all day," said, Mr.: Howard rixpectJQpen s Second hand .cloth- - - - , , - ing estahli&hmenilnihe'i-oom ort t- to. his wife one , mQrning at the A Smart Uoy, pitcher. After that is done, wash your pvr and go-into the purler and and dress the baby arid put him rcad r1k1 rest uaul dinner time.". to Bleep. Wash Robert and Guy. ". Howard tooa pot Unng a cr-j A fer morniogn usee, while waiting at ! arid let them go out doors to play. der R:l sot l!,c clrl qulctol. tho BtaCoa cf a kre country town, I it TViorv a.v,rtf -w 4K;.a . nVheudlunerwaannnouiKtMr. IIow- nscd a Utile lacUcat that I Uauk lt , . rd caracoutl u.Jn. lie tLscJ Y.U I lutercft our renders. Tm P , ' .1 wL'c and We hare haJ a rcsu!ar The ticket cnt had onc to UnUut. Bm,8U.w cooKing,.irou inose puoukcy a,-.d parrot' limo ' feioce y.u Imlu; the o2'o ia darve of a-brkht- iew mmgs ior me Daoy. . nave Lccu goae. L'utjou are tbeln'at, lookia- boy ofCortceu or Cfoxtu The Mrs. Howard aroso from the ta.- bt-nutiful suiisMne, cnifl to raalo every- boy was reading nht man hnvo Lo- a ble, went up, stairs and dressed lh'r? fu'1 cverylody vhccrfultDd hr.pry. very la.crcsiiui bo-Jc, jivd-'.a? fro a ihe herself -for the strtet. .'After she 1 wH1?li n;tllcr. ;co a whole- .nyuncut rc'.ucUnt mauler la uhlh he Lllitas'k'c Surt-rvi Certain. had onp, Mr; Howard em i led to than ke ' Pe- I w l,iau iv'v evernficrhoU my tou-no.'V ' ; Ul r r- J lo wait Qrt the pasacajrew. himself to think, bow soon.hs was going to get through with "bis wife's work. 1 Ho managed to BUCKLlXSAliMO.V SALVE- The beet fi.uve In tl.e worhl for'aat IlUtaV tUt rAoo -KoUrfchiV) haj tl e fj-'lon". a';4'-L:UcA! L-t cf ciaxLsj fruccd o-i L". U-CK a'd; AUciid tArtTa'.ly to dcUHi of j:r Ll bcii, ' - . Be prompt la :! C-.Ins. - D'.re to do I'-l.t, to rang. J!urc tr.! j atlrr.:!y. , YizU h:V haltle Untlj.'r.w.r.'.ly. Co nc; lato i!.e x'.c.y cf iLe interltj acredt arlUe's store- on next Saturday the 25th" breakfast table. I,c6uld do ev- ui wuuisv - x as inepaironage ot me ' : i-. u jnl'j- .n lieople both TriithetoX d raantw. erything tbere is to be done m an To those w!hj wifh-tQ: sell second-hand 1 hdur.' As for cleahirlgup the house, clothing have to say that p would -.bo 6rnaUxoaimissio3f teb oer cent, and 1 could" do it iu au bour " an . ; . that if they will call on me I think they . - - to. wear. Such a large racket ; . willfind what titr ...nf the children to take care of. . J j. , , . , ' : ' uu wnat tuey want. - - ..."v. amAnc HmhM n1 wafir' rprard. "That's no excuseJ Let the . . Z . .! 7T, , .T , . . i ., less of trousers and stiff ehirt children take care of themselves,; t - 1 , ,t . j lr xx , u - j bosom, was never heard. . said Mr. Howard, as he. buttered Vu , r , 1 1T 1-' ,.The children left their play and I havek larse number of mnnrs ki Tr.Rf trpVA KaW w " w -BW. ri"? . t uu -Huy trot. thA Yii1f1rnTia ,-.f fn- 016 fre8, ulcer, salt rheum. O" w w vm.m M-Ksvth waa vw ail fr.-. . . , ma 4 . - . . . ' 0 avv V i J j-VV uuua-t profiting byvthe instructions of chililains, corns and all akin cru;)tioi Ada, the eldest girl. ' Then he ani1 pitively cure piles, or uo pay k-v i:.jA;: " requa-ed. It .is guamnwed to uive wyau vu luo uiauB, lurgeiHug perfect Kttisraction. or money Ttfund- to put on Mrs. Howard 6 apron, I en. irie 20 ccnls pf r box. whi.K cTiftfciVl i.MA'f L?v ror aale by J. B.CIUIoq. Shortly af.car my arrival, au eld hJj, o'-lly ilresnttJ, aad evklitJt'j cot accu- ... . . j! . ' . . I - Iojare not another a rcilaCm coc tic act, mu;rea cmuy or Uic o.Uce Ley: IiOTJISBTJBajj N. C. . v. we j?aye eonsolidate" ourselves togtftle)c SiftlJ i I will be pleased to do v OUr illie. -;.vJjl in.;; iuo -;4 4 LOUlSBUKa CciAClT SlldP-- lUUIbBUiiG CClACH S - OPr 1 , and we will give r ypp; satUiactiuu ,t4. Jyeryt 4iU Respectfully, .i'Tv'.5::', . f H ? Martha Ethbidoe. 3tVhfeoi it JUay Coacerii. My term of orrsce I will soon STATEMENT Weaec&ffdmqrtsage; deeds, tair inhi8crib beeantoW 18 .clbatte ...bpnging to different Urp65a"3 m 18 cnf ?egf?? f1 climbed ?in;i5,;ti ut uu-ii uavGiKCu Crept ' oito. iiuvvai u. wcui, u giants mm '5f?rT;ufret ternC of irought him down lo the dining inese papers mavsave trouble and Pr.Miuuui, auu eat ak.'.-up..wuic,Mu What time is the up traia dueT' "There a tiaie UMe on Uie .wall be hind you, waa the a urlj answer. You ca rend, I recVoo.t : - .Without a word the old woman put oa her Rlasaos, and af.rr a long search calced i ho informaUoa he might hare given Ler in less time than it had Uiea to giro Lis I ungracious answer. "7.5 J, 7.ZZ. It moat be that time cow, she soliloquized, "Young - man -would vou rleos tell me whil tun It Ur" &h FROM DECEMBER 2D, A.Dt, 18S3, -Wbj dotft J3U look at the dockf" to upcEiBER 15T, a. d. low, Riecr.d the itaart UL "My Laslacw h SHOWIXO THE NUMBER 07 MEET- 1X03 HELD :BY TUE COMMISSION- old, on a chair; Mr. Howard pulled him down aud turned to axd the per dhcm and mileage to soil tUktts. not to answer questions. Join hzr.U or.ly wi'.h Hi virtuous. Keep your niiij froj3 ct3 tLocta, Lie not for any cocuIeiat-a. , ll'At few ftCrflxhClSCCV " XcTcr try to t?:xr lut crj a.-o lcL , Observe xJ nncra. lay jour nbU promptly. QuesUoo not the Ttraclty of a t;?nd, . Inspect the counsel of your rnrtcU. . Sacrifice rootey raiher thsa priscfylc. Touch rot, taste cof, LitrxIIi! cot iatox- katlc; liqaors. Use your leisure time lb: meat. i improTe- penseas well as myself, I would be" him in her hap. glad for them lo be sure and call and vr v t A" gekthemarly as i-ossible, ; thereby : of wnat is m RECEIVED BY EACH MEMBER Of THE BOARD DCRIXO THE. TIME. ' - MODEBATtE IPBICES. MUDEltATEt PKIUEST aet.themas.arlvas i-ossible. tberehv . "L,,uw Wliat lB U8y Ul -uur btthigileiown interest aswell as j spoiling child in this, way,"- paid would not have ttle.?v:- - oQngin? your LoDcuieut pubLc : servant Mr; Hbward. "It his fight with the dishes, flobert, who is a little over two years old, climed on the table and turned ' ' M , rne castor over. While Mr. How- h TnniTr Af r.tJntra v0u - a ai w vvtf uwaA . ard was taking him down, little 19; - '. . . uuj,niiu niio auiious 10 ana ..TS Hniirs- .P.K'm'n , Au old gealleman, very plaluly dremd. J . Venture cot upo the IhroLoU of who liad been siting lu a corner wl hhU I wrou?. 1 i ..t Register of Deals. Kesptctfplly, 5' 't;''C -V t V HqIuUii. ascBsis Liie Success ! JIicr4e Killr is the .most wonderful medi. . ciue', is beeau it has never failed in any m- mi -i'rSKK RAOAM'SiMICRGBE KILLEH. - , vices to the public nj : r V. " 7 1 Exterminates the Microbes and drives - ia-1 t.beiif 6urpf th-1ysfVi'aud '.wlte. tbatis Thn hflhv ia hnnorrv." p-r I ' r . , ;r . XT - , V ', J over and nearly drowned him plained Mrs. Howard, j "He has! .i.-. . , . not: nursed since three o'clock this r morning, and - it. is - now self with its contents. Then ho began yelling at the top of his voice.' Robert bumoed his head seven. - . . , . . . . -"It will do him good to geMfnpPinga0W5 me ,gr.eASy 1; tta aisnyater, ana- engaged m a Attended 19"meeting3 at $100 per day. Traveled 544 miles at i5 cents per mile. Making for same. hat pulled down over his eyes, tooled up quickly whea he hearJ the boys lmixIl:e responstj hut he Jail uolhing, and aiur ihe In pfe of a few' mlouics, aauatcipd slowly across the room to the txket win dow. '. What la your came, my boy r he I asked kindly, afLer Loddirg iutelUgentlj to Uie telegrapher. "I do not know that it U any of. your Watch carefully oyer jour piulor.i, XtcuJ to every one a k'.&fj tiluU toa.' . " ; ' ; TkU not to iscourasKse-t. ' Zealously labor for the rlif , ' And s j fc certain.. WhO'Wonlt. $G5.20 tu'hicss; tut if jou Iaxq a Jlrtuae to! staiH-e.no iuutter wfiat J ehortlv. . ' J. W.Yorso,. ; Attended 19 meetings at - pJ- r .- ... nrAlnntro.-! 1,1 - T.i o.VVfft txa. - ' ' vn iioia fVf VaVi oof "nrv o f romon- I $2 00 DCl (11 V. t bmoe'pW off,wedontBaymHowd jv r Traveled 272 miles at 5 disease kiiowA to tbe rao . min Ami fvmnt fn u,OUB wau' - :..;. . - . fjs: a bad'! a'!?l 1 v Mr. Howard'took tbo children eents per milo. Making for ij-d:ivi-.l.iiii:tii(l nr..v i I tin fltftirfl. Hnt. a Hrv nrPRalsamo, .- t. Jsoi.ou . r .'. . leave, you caa just nnracli.k klortou'a ud Jack, and It will U U (). K." . . Your falser ouht tu Us proud il smh Tct to sow, mcist uot to resp. - . A bad es; Lakes up as nsach room as a good oce, If we could kaow all, we could fvrrivs a promUing boy," ret u col the old eo- j more easily. 1 .. 3 ... 1 t..:- . .. .i itb.lt every disease is ? I k ii-u u - o ft,-- : f - : -... ... tatlier could oe ; nut ne was a AraF I?S?iE.S' little conceited; ; iikedto 6 M AND- have every thing bis own way. "That's the way you fool away on Guy, but put it on him wrong- side out, and hi rid. part j before, 01:11 t.i tt:. v.nli:r. i n. rr 1 3iui lucv men 1 sz.uu per aav.' i -V'Confound it I : Can t you stop - Traveled 47G miles at 5 v i Gi:orgs Winston, , Attended 17 meeting r at J Bciai araduate bt 1he. "Baltimore F with an ac tive eST-eiCce og 5m$teei V years, I doY.ot hes!xae IcT Guaranteef your time all" dayV said -Mr. that noise?!' he -thundered, , At- CenfTpof mile. Making o friend sa Howard decidedly, nursing the this juncture Jotome, ,, who is same, " j " I , .f . $57.0 ovcr thc LonWeiupaKK baby, and perhaps reading- fol-' luurttls J' " i?wiat theiseov.wb . - . - . with bis finger bleeding. Mr. wept MaJaria-iveV ror- & -eoioUi? 8p iOVe Stones. . z- , -v a. tlcutan dn ly. . Is Mr, Johnson ia r he a&kcd a little sharply. You can find out by making u of I your eyes, I guess," said the boy, glanc ing around under Ub'es and beaches, ap-; parei.tly very much amused- Jest then another boy came in with some papers Ibr lh agent, and his smart Get czz'i man r!;ht, and the catica will be light. - ' - . It Is bctterto fell Ujicg to do than never to try.' . ' ". ' . 1 The more mooey a maabnA the more he IHX1I4 rt"i jo. " '",t ' . 5 ' ' AVroog doing peo;le are the. oost ex- . E. Sykes," friend saU. load enough to be heard all LS pf" pvr-c ! 1 '' ' " wiiUujrooni: . j Ilocftwockbi iomathlrf; thai iacol "Here, Frod, dou't go away till Joha- be paid foe La moaej. , . . . . i XT - iuvv Uwb '.t;na " V; . " -I Will' UID ' UUgW uiccuiua . -Mil, I k(t3A 10 .J- w I simple c8e I Sla.aria Tevtr for l coin .DLt "v -- .-. .. i . ..... , .. i t; I i";uucu a uiceujitn. v pMB,5f4i,f ee,ii.em?ii i at w At this Mrs: Howardwas ready. $2.00 per day. " 1 yiHlb"l? Vr:" .,i;rt;i,- fM- aiat nis ousineBB. . m K.jm-. r ,V iwLi eaid : ,.v "Suppose rofctry , my $ ? - Ji-?K. . s. w - btaislactioii m . V My officeis f jurnfshed neatly-,iarM with an eve to the privacy and com fort..f.mvV:iatieu38.i Ml-i prPe?-Jfe lated iu aeobrdiimc wHhi-heiU Suppose vyo1iJry" , my 'tM&eiimdneymiLieti work this morning and .let me mtalef Chifaiiut FereFemaU'Troub- youm -You couldn't stand Disease kiifwn to tAeMuHtoM'JSnstem-'"! t" worjt.i.uavw. w uu iuib uiuiu- emulated iu accord Earl Times? aui S sareity dI lloaei- ri-v.-.i-rrrf 1 4 ' Natural teeth extiractecb and 'Ariin cial teeth ihSertedlBiokBiJjatien la .leave tbe'tfice. - ; l : .- JBSTAll larn products taken in ex ClmuL'e for Dental" fr6rfc.?s TTT. A part of yoar patruage Is respect lully solicited. ' - - .Very Respectfully ' - ,Db; R-'E. King, ienusi. You Will Find AsMaCqnninti&nCiitemr rf r .f ing,' said - Mr. - Howard ' with j pride. 3 things leave those miserable"'" dishes until the children are out of the 1 He began turnin arpund the room.' . JX don't sea why Kate can't put her clothes away, and not leave themlying around on the floor like this. "I always put mine cents per mile. Making ifor same, - " . . ' fC5.20 . V. T. Uzzle, , -.'Attended 16 -meeting at $2.00 pbr day.V ' '.. j ; Traveled 192 miles at 5 cents per mflo." M-tking for same;. :,..,..;, j w.i -if4i.UJ sou comes. AltcnJ to Uie Uckcts if any are sutod I have been bored to death ons cring qncslioos, and I want lo Hnish Uiis 1 ooi btfbre tho boss gets lound." . The new comer cpickly hung up his hat and coat, acd went to wait upon some hulks who were sIaimLo at the window. , ' ' , ' ' A few miculcs later the okl gentleman askoh sroneMr bat sharp! j: , . M What time U tho traia dac, Euhr was Uie prompt auswer. "Acd w hat time Is it now f" demaaded "eativTajltfarksam try me oncel'-' said his eiia lor boos. "History ol tn. Microbe . - - ' - well," was .the answer; rw nr rt rj t tx-tiex: ' I T.nTill imolrft nnf a' liar, nf . Wfirt -rZ: t "r- awav " he muttered. ;But when W. YounV, he is entitled, to an tiHvrj&tZ&rXr ' -"Xl nT -C TV 7- ' j i i ' ' he was gathering, them up, .he addition of 44 miles,, making a repded the boy chcerfally. MXMLOUISBUfitNa-S- 'twere o'clock.,,. ; - . " ?, h c 8 ... -- , . , ,.- , Lnn . "Ape " sneered Jack "IVhv doo VfV : :--r v "Twf- -tt ' -ii - t ' found that not one of the articles balanceduo him of $2.20 cents, - necroa wa.s. " 000 J ffeytar -v'f r ? jro rs-n fr.rr Mrs. Howard ffot her note-book ' v r : . . . ' vmi Mnri.tn fTs . i i .r . i V j aa. r.i-, - i, -, . . . .. 11: : 1 i i ami mnirintr n n mi natrA .' i in The man wbo lovc.5 others wZl try U mat Lhsself Iova!,!e. . You caa ldlw.ru la a:aa lellcrea: j fiuJingout what he Joe. ', t . Ko man ever 1-srs btrdi sbg wl9 goes Inlo a cave to hxk for tliin. , ; - f ? . .You can't UU low.nu:th rolk a cow will give by the wa kcr tell rlcgs- j "XeccitjU cotrri!y lue molhcTof io- vaction, lut the Si'.f.rr cf lies aLo. the same Impatient voice that had spoken By mistake-in distance of. J;J before.. . ' " - ' "Hi Just Cftcea minutes past seven, I 1W waa, MA 1 4 ft " - i. ?JC r aMri Howard gaveher rthe ongea u nis:wue. ;fffi osY:"' v , -Wuiti. jour earner penMcd the frai Stead ot .,-milOS, s ; . 0U r.gup.lier. . f.T:'- -"'"rvf'-T.uir';Ut i..-.r. r; another, and so on. By this Commissioxeus OFncE, " - "Fred .Myers," responded the boy, jx.' :-Tt -' time'Robort and Gay wera got-- - -lISBUBfVx. C. r Ltely. . - . , n-:-V:V--f-:.-:'-.::-; ter shop and ;have;vhim, repair , . . , . a . d , " wStK , ' Ti i .t. .k. nw -AT All persons are hereby 'forbidden to the house on --A lTiif,rbo1' or.dei,?1.from dpwtfand-doora are'fo be mended Ned Allrm -and Vilham Perrr; tuey I . . , - . . aniieonjtracted wtbme for the ytar j and a new picket, fence .put up. VJTU YfllU. IUV ill tti I iiuu. buuw uiu ja!yr4.y80O--i-- what to do. Second,, go to my' office and remain there one hour, j receivine and navihe bills : third; . . . ' t.1 i. I 7 . " , j. nereiw warn any one irom luieiua . t?'o od if .; na t. or harboring V Norflett - Glasgow aud 6",'". "T . r V"-"'. Lewis Parker, colored, both of whom I tended to that vrork on -rSj;.', ave-txmtracted with for the year 1890. couect Stanley's rent and' issue a T?rrr fvri TTtOht. ' l(n S.O . VUUr . fc i- . - NoticeJJU --ti lins at their papa. Ho tried to Davis, Clerk, of the ; Board of la a much lower ton eJ get them awajr from him,, but Commissioners of Franklin coun- -0. nebaa poos to his breaklksU they clung the closer. - lJ-;T i;t I V J but win be back to a few minute,-was . 6 . . certify that tho above is a true .. .. ... "Ada, 'can't you stop that statement for the year ending d answer. - baby's yelling?!! he shouted. . ' xov. SOth, A. Dn 1800,. of the .'Stfcln; your rr.aiter Is cot b.-.csa'l Ada zot some boiled milk, and amount of claims per diem and jou give me cat rates to . ceag l i a TTnwflrd fpd it to the little mileage of the members of tho thU yoa are not kuod ouLM Houstox.Tcx.. OcLP, ISOa Mer. Wallace O'Leary Co., - . . " Agents Wo. lUdaa's Microbe Geullemen I have bero ubg tht Mi crobe Killer for mahrlal fevef acj :er. al debility, and write jou to certify il.ii I am agaa strong and hcnTihr, e:b aat'aScl the Microbo lL'.'cr is a sure rem edy fT those J-ieasca, ' IL n. Lrwis . '. " rrep. Capitol l-leai' Tcf tile by J. B C.::1oa. ir jL " lUmarknLlo Kccue. ' Mr. Board of-. Commissioners of PERSON'S:: BAR3 If you want a pleasant drink - z the "good oId?' always call at B. II. Rodqi:eso2j's. OH.THK COJRXEK, a full line of best :Wiues,: Liquors Cigars and Tobacco. . ' 'tS?"Ilemeinber I will .not be cndesoltj.-ci ' .'; .'.' I'f ' n i il j v oi I lioara leuow, auu ub BWu u, i r.-, , .. conntv. North Caroli- much "to - hia papa s relief. But auditcd by the said board of Robert and - Guy kepi up in pes-1 Commissioners eant strains of sobs and scream- . "My master is always In," was the boy's quSk reply. .. ,: ..Mrs. Mkhael CatUia. rlaTell, IX. caales the lUr.cct Hut si-ccsu-Lt cold, whiuh settled oa lxr liashe wra L'cat ed for a month tyl.rr Cn!y jLjv.ix3t but grew worse, He kJ tr she was a bcrlcs victim cf cocarap4loa ad tluil ta mcdicbe touU cure ttr. ' Her drax gM suciled It. K..; ew Ir icovtrv ' 'SVill you never stop T' trial the "fa ther, who was now thoroughly arouscvl. "I'll go down stairs ami leave you up and he started P. J(. Davis. Ite-'lster of Deeds ond te-OJK'Jo Llork to board. ITTAv. "I nrt T aarll ffivro vrnn ft i "TXETROIT SURE GRIP .C1J . j -X I J - . ssi si fPnriu Wwh o liflf ' Mrs.- H nwiird em lied - as Halt the cost of hoisting saved to 1 she thought -how-." her husband i . -t.i.-i I ; -. - - ... mhiiijJr.i hf'.iifiors: contractors would attend to the five children.1 1 here by yourselves,' and others, t .admitted to. be the I 'S -,4l,'. l,Ana0Arli Tha down eiairs. Tho chddrcu lUrtcd greatest improvement ever made - - - . - V?' ' ; i.;..H.,;i wouid ' Uii- H - n r f0 intaciJebiocica; treigutprepj eldest ol tnese nve cnuaren wa3Luu""-'. . . " .1 zz::. ; Just then Mr. Johnson, the a;ent, tu Cocsu'.cptior;; s!.e bought a tot;le aixl c me ia, and addressed, the plaJn-loollng to bcr cleihl fouul ; ieaclf Ur.t.irf straegcr as Mr. II Ayr and the boy both fnm Cnt dr. " FT.c tenth j. .J In kuew tLtt the suj-crlatendt-ct cf tho nil- and af.er tea l. i:1 s fvud i mt'T Bxtt Roses It t-iXS fregrcxttlMiOgt lb LcaJlrf Tobacco Iaiidf S cried the harder. Mr." Upward "sat I ff'fS, J j j j 1 J down oo the toi step and watchel ha U r ) r ' ( A 3 childrencry.. . . - - !j 'U ' j fj t t- U r I wasn't a man I would joia. in j j L f J 1 S Q t vour concert," said he. . l I ) J f A ? Fulton iron; AiEHfrine Works.. Estab six years, and the - youngest two ' . . , . shed 1852. 10 Brush street, Detroit, Mich, months ' - - : w . . . - - " -" ' - --Jtop that nouc, or I lllcaye jonanu r "The first thing you must do," I . to , this the children ... . . i began Mrs. Howard, "is to hang cx jlie liarder. the children's bed3 out to sun then.wash the dishes, sweep the 'rK-ii'Arteiv1 tA axt'-ftr. Idinins'room, set the fable for 4 - -w ?- rt not" ran t n q tininiT i - U1"v u' , r.;-7r. . 6 They stood around, poking their little Vnvl vino n nn tho Irirnh. 1 -7 . . ruyuv xi.., fi,U in their eves, and sobbing at in- en ; and ..sweep . the floor... and teralt wa-4 now half-pas ten; bricks ;.in the mean time keep , vcn," thought -Mr. Howard, "I an oye.on the children; that they might as well &it here until Kate comes don't kill themselves , or "each and watch these youngsters to-keep other. : Then go up stairs, . take them from getting away." Robert and Guy with you, make ' lie did not have to wait long. . Mr up the .beds, sweep the rooms, Howard approached the. house smili.ig. dust the furniture, wipe up the -Uv Howard looked ihccpkU l.a wlc iort)! And nlsn win-.nff the came xip the efcrs. rnsntph pmntv the.sloD backet ';Nevcr mind, darling," she saU, k:ss- and clean the wash-bowl and in g him, "I ar.ticii-cted all this Q, class tobocco men located on their fams, as .buyers or. tenants will -V ; ' ' ' . ' do j'ell to communicate with me . -J.B. Young, Ins. & Real Estate Agt., Henderson, N. C. Get road had been talking t , them, and bo- fore thev hal recovered from thcr con fjioo? they heArd himt.iy: "Mr Knox your ttlegraph opera to t hrj U-vu'sp-pointed lo tale charge of an oHke In llic city, and I came to look ofver a aulwtle btJ to Uka his place here. lU-mmiL?r-iugiLc Isf rmatioa you kv8 rr s-i:e time ag, I had mada up my rolud coo ccniln whofU his successor should be, ta. aP.er wlat I have wiuie cd this ctor i.lv.g, I have come to the ccrul'on lh tt I)iic Morions kid. Jack, Is euthelj . too sm.-u't for cn.r tnv.ness " aad this ' boy, whe Master is always ia, caa Lc tn;st- nl to tiko charge cXtl.is ro;3Cs:l,le p.'i- 1 1 !. . , Smart Jack tried to mutter an excuse for U Impolitcne when b reft. lied n!.s! he Udbt, but llie lnliguar.l sujvr::U-a-dont coolly inforoial liiru t!ut his rtjugU-nc-A towaruj i'ie:j;ers tou'd cct I e . tolerated, and that he r.:ut k c.l er tiiip'oymf..t ua:ii he to 57; ly the snr.ll cou:t.5it-s c f l.fo. -'- ChiZ- l- n souc.1 ao-1 wt'.l, cow djjs l..v cn houie work, and Li jw wt'l is she ever . Free trU! lottlcs cf L'.! Una: t.vcury at J. I). Clou's drv l'r, hr-s U'.cs ' 50c. arJ (1. . - A brrttli may dun lle Urus ct a jrest man, who celevts to r'.-ar a clove a.tcr p;oulUJ"fta Ce acu cf a Uj. TtiXi twUur. . . . . , - Happy llwicra. ly'. I7i!i kImo Ehs'jrszliszi, Uzurzlj's, Stelfcj :rj!s s :,L urn 1 7j o,C; rzi.it ihzdzch.9, Toothcehe, Ceres, Cur.:; ' Wro. Thamon., pr .:;. :-r i f I led., writes : r'.ec!r.c tl:urs 1 ? d. : u.if e Lt ine thvn all ether v:.--.'... ccrutLud, f 4- 1 1 t l.l fvtl'.i' a:i':- fr livrranJ i'.lary t.'Owh'cs." J.ha Iv f inm r a-.d a:.; nua, c-f c.e j lv:c, Fi;-l li'.o.'iric letters to te the li-t ) rr r.: 1 .; l.'fj i.:-.....: c, r;.s r . . J. .. (J 1 - r - a r e-v 1 n T.h.-.:.t, ir:-. t i j :-l the r;:.i d ;i a:i I ! r J i; he f u r. :.e a; 1 r-: I. - ;.: : - r rV : ! .41 :