. I . .- -.5 ;- 1,- 5 ... .. j A. THOMASJEditar and Proprietor. IFif A Malice toward none; ?r tA . Charity fvraU, VOL.X!l5C ; LOUISBURG; K C, DECEMBER 5, 18QO. ! NO. AC. st of all in tLeayening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug.' 17, 1889. 1,1 r, 11. a a -V EMM 1 uu a uim A Ta!e of Romance , and. Ad ; venture, in Sunny Italy. Translated from tKe German of A. Kel ' BSOULfTElf ; F3JRE A company liai-iurclinsedfive Ivan-- i Aa Iowa 00 art has di dred acres of land serosa thvcr;.from j V'V etontdef 'pi Petersburg, ya.; iLud will eslabdsh a ) j tnd it faljg. town. - :--' 1': settled that a me-' wlw se -".I person oa. BUCKL! NS AU27IC A SA.LV K The best saive H the world for cuts. 1rui-es, snre.- ucers; f- salt rheum, fever sores, .; tel-ter. chapped hand. childlains, corns ahd all skin eruptions j aivi positively cunpiles, : or na pax required. It is" guaranteed to uivtf perfect satisfaction, or money, refund cil. Price 2 cents per bo. For sale by J.-I Clifton. ? i To Wliora it MaV Concern. My t' rm of officif . will soon, expire, and I have h large inurnber of papers in my possession repcis. mortgage eieeus, chattels. &c.. belonging to different ones, all of which have taken care of a d protected sin' my . first- term, of office. Ii 1 order that the owners - of these paper-may jjave trpuhle. and ex pi nfe. as welxas-mself. t would lie gliid for them to Ik sure atd : call and . n ilinin no mi 11 T. iji a Wwoc it.ln t1A.nKi nrotectii'.jr 1 heir own interest as well.as I . i.. . . i-IjsfcANoiiJfi&April 2, 1890. Itadam's Microbe Killer J2o.; : Nahville, Tenn .; - ; That the flower was intended for me, there- could bo no. doubt. The jonng girl had evidently guessed that I had OVerheardT their conversion ; and this was to be- a token of he gratitude for having procured lcr the Kwect conso lation ,of off cring np a prav er on her father's grave the next day. , - -Jho last !of the batch of stages had Icffc the station at St. Jean de Manri caner and. I was still rtan ding bchnd niy I-illar lost in racditations of " a va ried raturc. " .. " . " T 1 V ... J.1 -I 11 i n oiid onion t i,a,- oo,i ,nr,o 1 01111,1 we rcaccT mo arcarr , . . . . . . ran ative of tao niae lunc hours. wlnVh Fole and chief guardian of discipline in the army, and all and every intcr forerce. , . . : " Well, well, my f riend." raid the Duke, with a smile. 'yon roar settle that with his His Majesty. The" af fair, (n Tact. U satisfactorily oranged, and "yonr sen remains one of the orna ments cf o:r young army rs hereto fore. Ply missioa as a mediator how ever is not fully accomplished yet; it is left for mo to obtain jour forgive ness for yonr son also." "My iorgivcncs..Yoir-Highness? him, for i could never forgtva him for not rising the influence ho had at tained over the old Baron, in bringing about a reconciliation between father and ren. w at any rale- for jot bavc fsg made thft attempt even. I con!d soon see, that the- feeling which prompted mo tto keep aloof fi-oTn him, bad not escaped hLi rcni tiny, ami from that moment the be havior of the o!d Daron toward trw t- rcriccccd a chance : so creat a chance in fact, that a few months later I felt compelled to leave hU house, in ordw folltlcnl liizx!ein Kur.so.. I do nrrfc quite. understand I-aci no tto avoid more serion consequences. of -Microbe Kilh r for indigestion aad general debili ty.'ft. I a m in better health than I have been for years.- T'anks to Mr. Wm. lladuni for his wonderful dis covery. ' - . ; ." Respectfully, " -' , . Annie Adam?. - For sale by J. B. i "lifton, "ole Auent. -STATEMENT. ohligiiii 3'our and friend. obedient ' nu ul c sei-vant P. A. Davis4 ! Register f Deeds. : I: MWig tests Lits Success ! Ther reason' Tludam't; Microbe KiKvr is the Sine, is bvcanfse it 1ms never failed in an in- l.stance.ntt mitterwhat the disease, 1 1 oiu l.vv? Kosr to- the. siniph st disease kuowu to tht- hmnnu system v men of I to-day claim atd proye $iht evety disease is " ii 4jis j.Tli3 scientific u SHOWING THE NUMBER OF MEET-. . INGS HELD BY THE COMMISSION ERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, N. C, FROM . DECEMBER 2ND, A. D., 1889 TO DECEMBER 1ST, A. D. 1890, "AND THE PER DIEM AND MILEAGE RECEIVED BY EACH -MEMBER OF THE BOARD DURING THE TIME. " Number of I'ejtings held 1 T. S. Collie, Ch'm'Dr Attended 19 nieetinga at $.200 per day. Traveled 544 miles at 5 cent3 per mile. Making for same, -y,--- ' ' $65.20 A L fl 1. T . 1 v -ah oc. jean, -i ininic l never passed more tedious ones in all my life. I ho only tin eision in which I indrlsed at times, was to pull out my pocket book, in order to make sure that I had teemed the immortelle safely enough 10 render its loss an utter lrupossibiuty. 'towards evening, shortly before the departure of the second batch 'of stages, which, 'bad meanwhile been prccurrcd, I found myself once more on the platform. Unfortunately 1 had been much belated by my reveries, and it :-'was not with out. extreme difficulty. that I could 'finally secure the las1 re maining scat in the "imreriale' 'on top ! - ' Was r very wrong, reader, when 1 longer in the servico and military of- - "Kor is it Jho Cilonel. but the father, that I dexiro to. entreat, to par don tho Major. -To make mailers short, Earon your son is married !-. " Married V stammered the Raron, whilo the veins on bis forehead began to swell angrily. "Married? - Your Royal Highness is pleased to Jc?t !" Not in the lca.ct ho has been se cret ely married to tho Countess Pcrotti there four years." ; . Tho Baron turned deadly palo. "To Countess Perctti?" ho;crat-' terer ' to llie daughter cf that rcoan drel ?' ' - The Piircysbrowb',gin toc-nrnct. " Colonel," be said, " do not tcet that wo avo not living in tho rciddla ages and tVat we are Christians. Tho crimes of Count Pevotti havo nothing to d- with bis children. Baionoss Ginozzi, your danghteirt-av4 is a most amiablo woman -I pledge you my friendly word en it." Tho Bairn bad meanwhiIoroVcct-d himself. He bowed stiiJy and said tho Colonel actually assuming a line of condrctr which tridicatcd hU desire to treat mo as a child of his own. One morning, shortly before my departure from Turin, I met the Cavalicro at the cafe St. Carlo; be rasvs directly to ward mo ard held out his band. .VI am Indeed very rottt not to ywi at the Raron's any more," be said. " Cut allow mo tosay, jou are alto gether tooRcnsitive why can't yon let the old fnol rant as bo pleases? That l.o is slightly out of his mind, yon might have seen long beforo this." I tirrred my back upon bim withont making him any reply; a man who thus publicly cc old sneer at bis bene factor, CId not descrvo to be spokon to. QUinBi.cs ox u-a i at jrixo tuk JIOI'ES OK SF.XATOa 1XOAUS . roxt tB-Lrr.tTiox. Tor.KA, Kan Nor. 2S, 18D0. An ihtrrvsiiiig corr.pl icaJiou Las criecn in connection wirti th election of United States Sena ator to ruccecd Senator IngalU, FHOMST. JOIINS HOSPITAL qmeiiy: . " I took tho liberty ri remarking to zrifl ut rtn Lnm-rr.f r,w fk, t yonr Uoyal Highness a little while ago. '.I ow.j, T , . . . . ii.a i uis-npjirovca 01 any inicncrence CAUSED BY MICROBES, - J.W.Y( Attended 19 me .is $2 00 per day. ,- Traveled 272 miles gs at at 5 cents p r mile. Making for -AND- same, $51.C0 RAOAM'S t M1CB0BE KILLER Exterminates tle Mierbe9 and drives them out of ftte ysten. aiid when that is tlone you cannot l;!kve an ache or ' paij. No matter what the disease, whetber"..a simple ese of Ma'jRrla Fever or a coiul-i-nation ot diseasel wex cure them all at the same time, as ;wc treat all"eibease. coiittUutiuuailj. - - - . '- ii - Axthnia, CimTsumMiw.'CatarrJt. JJron-1 drifts. Rheuvuxtisin. Kidney and Liter m ft ri.. m . ': George Winston, Attended 17 meeting - at $2.00 per day. ' "' -. " ; Traveled 476 miles at 5 cents per mile. Making for 1 am an experienced tiavcller, a mastci in the ai l cf journey iisg ? You see the fruits of my wisdomr On a chilly night, li ;htly aitircjL, I w;;s to pa- from six to tight houi-s on. the top of a stage, icated Let ween a cattle-dcaloi-c.f Annecy -and a tavern-kcei.er ol Mcntmeillon a post of honcr, which cost mo seveniy fiancs (not to mention tho telegram from Cbaiabery) ; for the ladies owing to the unf-rsiCen hurry, no doubt Lad entirely forgotten to re fund mo the fare of the thico scat& in tho coupe! . - It -is a -.capital thing to lave as thorough an expciience in matters of tiavelliiig as I have: to bo aide to fore stall certain-poss-ibie, nay probable ac cidents; to think cf ttl'.'g:ams when nobody else docs, i:i oidci ti; secure in d aiico tho best of scais and the piv ilego cf chodsing ycui- tiavelling coni- ivanions! -. , . ' Very tnioj but 1 1 ad in my pocket- book a llower from the wreath, which a loving da ightr, amid fervent ri ay ers ai!d hit tears, was to jdaco ca Lcr fatLci's giavo the next day. game, $57.80 at Disease, CJaht anu Fcrei', FenuiU Troub les, in all its brwW audt in foct. every Disease known to $he Human Hgsteni , Beware of Fraudulent Immitatioris. ' fee that onrTralle-Mark3(Bamp as above) appears on eaeh ji'?. -. . - ' -'.- Send for book Vjtlistory of the Microbe Killer," given axiiy by , - Dr.J BCLIf!()N Druggist, Agt. ' .I- E. SYKES, ; ' Attended 19 meetings $2.00 per day. . Traveled 544 miles at 5 cents oer mile. Making for -same C. LOUISbUEG, K. II. S. FUllMAN, Agent, frankl1xto nc. WAGON MODERARE rRrCES----. MODERATE PRICES.- Respectfully:, ?'' i -wis- DUKE fc DUKE7 !&" COXWAY. CONWAY'; $65.20 with the duties of the Minister of War by persons higher t an he; still less can I tolcrato it ia coctters rclatii:2 to my own family." - -v ice t iiLuc looked at him fixedly for a few momenta. ,"And what do yon intend to do?v be asked. "The marriage is valid and you a;e a grandpapa for neurl. three vear!" "lour Jloyal ITighress will fardon me for making no icjly to this. "Ge, liarcri," the Piince went on. "and may you never forget that your King and his bri.lh.er l.a.-o asked you to paidon your own son Court to compel the State Board of CnvaP8?rs to'givo certificates of election to nineteen delegates, who wero elected tind?r the pro vision of the constitution which eays that each county which has zou voters is entitled to a repre sentative. Tho constitution at the tamo tim limit th number of members to 125, bo that in or der that fhe nineteen delegates from tlie sparsely titled conn ties it would benrct-ssary to drop an equal number of mmixrs or places that cannot bo compared to i elect from all the more populous any otnern. ana moso t my readem, i ' A young girl her ha'l betn suffering for 12 years with Blood Diseases until ah had lost tho use of her lbab, and was tub-5'-ct to rzzzj troubles incident to the disease. The physicians do cUred her cas-s incurable, ami nredictil that hr lifr wnnT.l ar-diftheplan of 'action pro-J eofM . 1o - ,ir cmi Aff. posed by tho republicans is cue- faVh ' r .v. r.tM cessfully carried out it would n!t!n ty.t v- seera that tho Senator may sue-1 h oltaioed m new 1w on lifef cced hiri,s.lf. An application , anJ ihe has coating to groo- des twn naue 10 inn turreme 1 1,.. .,.:i v. cnAPTt Tni. - After my departure from Tarln. I stopped some time at Genoa, In fact I spent thero a whole-year, which I count among the happiest of my life. I have a decided preference for cities t .1 11 & A 1 A. counties. If the court issues th mandamus and the nineteen del egates are seated thrty will rote CHAPTER VL who have lived at Genoa, will agree with re that nothing on earth equals ! the eld queen of the Mediterranean j nitu ill i no jiirf-ip iiiimkv 11 I r)(ll, I - whero the Marquis ol Palavicini h pledged, which would give him tried to imitato the ponder of the j g3 votes on joint ballot, the num- . c. v v . Bisaf ma nuiiu i ocsti sings. I went but rarely to the city, devoting much of my Uine to the tudy cf painting, the Marquis having been kind enough, to placo one of the losal. i One evening it was nearly an en tiie year after my 'departure fron Tin in the opera at tho Cailo Fclici theatre was out so late, that on a: riv ing at tbo quay. In' order to find c I cat to tak5 me home lo my countiy scat, all the boa mien had left, and not wisl.itg to go in a railage, which would take mo neaily two houm, ro 'udx'ed to remain over night al Gcnia. It being tio caily ytt to retire, I sauntued down to the Via Calhi, and whcD'I began to fetl tii-ed frtm r.y walk, I eutoixd tho Cafo dcl!a Cocctr dia. At that time this cafe wa if net the W. B. Uzzle Attended 16 meeting at $2.00.pr'dayk-,iV-t-.r Traveled 192 miles at 5 cents per mile. Miking for same,. ".: ; $41.c0 Bv mistake in distance of 3. AV, Young, he is ; entitled to .an addition of 44. miles, making, a balancolue him of $2.20 cents, and making his mileage 316 ;in- stead of 272 miles. Commissioners-Office, ; . LCUISBURG. N.r C In accordance with law IrP. A. mavis, Clerks of tlie Board of Commissioners of t ranklin coun-ty,-a North Carolina, .do herisby certify tnat tne aoove is a -rrue Statement for the year ending Nov. 80th, A. D., . 1890, of t be amount of claims per diem 1 and mileage of the members of the B oard - of - Coram i ss ion ers " of Franklin county, North Caroli- fna, audited by the said board of Commissioners: "v - ; i . P. A. Davis, Register of Deeds :;' ' and Ex-Officio Clerk to board ; ATli SHOP- REPAIR SHOP--REPA1R SHOP- .: LOUISBURG, N. C,', '-..";.' . -. ;-' ' we have consolidated ; : ourselves togetln-r and ?. will bes pleased , ti di all v kind of work ' our lin.?. Cull at;tho, I LOUISBU RG CO ACII SnOP 1 OUISBUBG COACH S B OP- " Si 1 " - ' " - - ! - - . L. j and wr will give you' ealisfuctlon At , vey ' Sweet at Roses I J Th9 leading j I1M 13 Fragrant! Lastbigt Price 3 Cta. Soli at Drngsi3ta. Cures Llcer Complaint, - Cocilocnese, Eilioir Affections, Giddiness AtdrugslstJ. 25 e. IfitVATi Prtae on la 25 Cf . fiorf by all IngglstM. IWi retera Rheumatism, Iteuralgia, Swelling srus6sfLumbajoprainz Headache, Toothache, Sores, Eumz Cuts, Scafds, Backache, iYoundSfdiC. I bad not been in .Turin fcr several years arid found it greatly . changed. i-To bersuic, tho ciiy had since been mado the' carina! cf a. greet kingdom and, doubikss, thought of remaining such for a long timo to come. After haying rested the whelo cf the first day from my m'di ig'-t-iido, I soiicmsly bethought myself of the affairs, which had called mo to Italy at that time. -. They wero mattcis of a most disa greeable nature ; matters, cf which I should -have been but too glad to rid myself. , Unfortunately . they had as sumed tbo., shape -cf an "affaire d:honneur and however reluctantly, I d to yield to the responsibilities and exigencies cf tho case. A few words will suffice to explain tho matter to the reader, who, if he havo supposed, that was on a - pleasure-tour to sunny Italy,-will soon become awaro that be is very much mistaken. - ; . I bad first been in Italy about twelve years ago on a visit at a liienu 01 my fathers, still living at that lime- Baron Ginozzi at Turin. The Baron, formerly a Colonel in tho army, was a very morose man, and made his household feel the same iron disciplino in which ho had kept bis icgimont wbile?in service, Ho,. was both stern and stubborn, a man, in. fact, who, a3 ho used to say -himself. managed to break what" would not bend. In the caso . of bis only son to; had ,m.ido tho. rtd . experience, that , 'his hardheaitedness, which bo preferred to call' energy, and the true princiiile of paternal ; authority, bad - been attended ' with the most cistressing : consequences. ' 'r His son. Camillo by name, : was a captain in tho Tcgimcnt'of " Bersag h"ere," and by bis bravery and strict compliance with his duties as aa officer," bad won the respect of bis . superiors as well as "that of his comrades to such a degree thct ; his promotion - to the rank of a major, at. tho comparatively caily age of J.wo or three and- thirty d not excited the least feel ing of envy or. animosity. One day the Duke of Genoa, the, bugc-h carted, nnivemlly esteemed brother of King Victor Emanuel sent., for tho ; old Colonel. ' - ; ' . - - " Baron V bo said to tbo cx-offlcer, '"I have to make a communication to you, which is both pleasant and dis agreeable at the same time. Your son; ' the Malor, - has unfortunately 1 com mitted an offence against tho military dbx-ip'ine of tholarmy, which, would undoubtedly have put an -end to bis" cancer.' lie, luckily, bethought him self ih. goid season of t ne f ict, that we were great friends at tbo -Military Academy of Asti, give mo his entire confidence and at my. urgent request, His Majesty has promised me to smooth matters with tho ; Minister cf War himFclf." - '-:. ; ' - 'If I might not be-deemed lacking in that roFpect, which I cr;o to Your CHAPTER VIL , The Ctloncl bivred - and left , the rcyal pal.u-e. - On arriving at lis own, he immediately sent for bis sou. Ca millo, who vas on the point of icliov ing tho guard at tho Royal palace, wica 1 is fathers me sago reached him. cTk n-r t 1 I.f- li'fni-'a in V.w full uniform; on bis breast glittered the I ?ana.some.si.-Kurcjy one oi tno i.nrsi cross of the order of St. Maurice and B Lurope. Nowhere coidd a guest Ih St. Laza:us by tho sido of tho gold mo:e comfortable, than in those splen medal for military biavcry, which the Faloons whoso frescoed fairting kings of Saidiiiia award cn tho field , d nicsaics bad cost hundred cf cf batllo alono. ! thoiuandn and would do benor to a The particulars of the weno which ! :nM-nm ; nnwhei'i ceM a ccch-ranl took placo between them, have never n deligMf i l retreat bo found, than Unnspiicd; bit that was known was, I in th''sc nadcn, in which, with un Ihnt tho sen. who noicWorilr refused . told labor, at a height of from twenty . j V- ir .1 III child. -" f Bm - rt.. c Tnhnm j-Hishness," was tho Colonel's grim re- Vtf'rprr LANGti w .LUGS, Tr.s Great Tooaccs Ajh ' , , , y. , CHEl" tiiMol-erlctlQCit. tttUiiruqaiatr j ply, "I should say that you did very to separate from his wife and had been struck by his father 1 When the Major left bis father's room, he was palo as death. In tho. ante-iocm he tcre the CTini- Icts fr m bis shou'dora, Uc decoiations from bfs breast, unsheathed bis sword and broke it with bis foot. On the same day ho v wrcto to tho King: ''The highly bcnoraJde uniform if the army of nedmonts' which I wore, has been insidlcd. A man it i3 my father, Siic has infl.'ctcd uixm an offi cer of Your Majesty tho most disgrace ful insult one man can inflict upon another. As bis son 1 Lave. to submit to this s tn.deservcd ca-liga!ion, " of which God alone must be the judge Ik tv.ccn u?. . Rut sii.ee I am unable to demand that satisfaction, which it be comes an ofCcer to exact, I humbly re quest Your Majesty to havo my namo Etrickon fiom the army-list, and to take back the decorations, -which tho favor -of my ' Sovereign baa . been pleased to bestow upon me." , And .the Major, in'spite cf tho ur gent entreaties and persuasions of tho Duko of Genoa, .remained firm In his resolve- and never again donned a uni form. ; When he fraMy rrreid h' discharge, bo retired with bis wlfo ar.J child to a" small estate near Ponte Dceimp, and for several years pai;t bad not been .seen 1 by, anybody. - nis father's house bo bad never entered since. - - .-'.:"-, "' : .These even's hr.d occurred about ; fw;r years previous to the time, when, as I mecticned before. I arrived at Turin and was most hospitably re ceived by the Paron.' . I had .of course net even tho slightest idea of the do- mcstio drama, which hud so cruelly and forever separated father, and son. I saw in. tho Baron neither mcio nor less than a suily old man, who man aged bis household on a strict military f oo' ing, but was not devoid of fcotno ex cellent qualities, cs, for instance, that of having received tbo sn of his old friend with a truly touch ing cordiality. It was only later that I Icaicod the full history of the domestic discoid and misery of the" Gincwsl' family "in tho circles into wLlch I wa3 intrcduced, and whero I made many acquaintances and friends among tho young men of my ago Not long after the separation from his son, tbo Baro had taken a nephew of his, Cavalieie Carlo Sal viati intohh holism and in him found so exceedingly pliable an instrument of lis despotic will, that he ran little risk of brcajc ing him by rough handling, as bo had broken the tender heart of bis son. - Tha Cavaliere was a man for whom I felt little or no sympathy whatever. He was some years elder than I, but I may as well cwn il it cn.c I disliked to tw?nty-five feel from .the ground, a grove oi oiar ge ana lemon-irecs r.au been imprtiscd, in whoo shade a murmuring four. tain kept the air fresh ar.d ccol even at mid-day. I took a scat in the mcsa;c-raloon. generally - empty at""thlji hour, and cr.i:ca i;r a s:eriet. rcaaing avicrman paper tho while. In one corner of the room t a man, also reading: In another a gronpo of ofSccrs. talking merrily. A quarter of an hour might havo elapsed, when the' n rise cf two person enteiirr, disturbed my read ing. I u-oked no from my paper, but Cropped n-.y bd aain Instantly Cav- a ierc Sahn: ti and another geittVman with him wcio just seating themselves at a ta'.lo near me. I tried to go on with my reading. but I did not succeed."" Tho immedi ate proximity cf IMa man excited me greatly, and I was'en the point of ris ing to leave the room, when a few sen tences of . their conversation which 1 could not but overbear, induced me tc remain whero I was. "Then your mother Is also going tc Turin to lire there ? enquired the Cava'ieio's conTpanion. "In a conplo of months probably wrs tho reply. f -. . " Ii she to stay at the Colonel s with ifr permanent cur is assured. Manv other patient in our hospital have obtained signal benefit from 8. S. Sn and it has become quite a favorite in. our hous3. Tho Gt. Joseph IIopital, Highland, III.' Cured Herself and Her Child. S. S. S. has relieved mo of a terriblo scrofula, frosa which I had sufiered for years. It affect ed my no90 first as catarrh, then carries olT the Lone, and contin ued to tat until it destroyed th soft bone. in the right side of tho nose, then uent to ray throat, and latter on to my luny, and it looked cs if I was doomed. S. . 8. has cured me, and has a!n cured my little daughter of tho ?iue disease. Mrs. X. Ritchy, Mackey,Ind. Treatise on blood and skin dit- -sscs mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, (ja. NasnviLLr, Texst, April B,90. " lUdaiu's Micros Kitlr Co Nasbiilte, Tnn. Gentlemen My wife b&s been t a!T.T- ioz fur s-svc al Tear with an ovsnan tumor ; la been trrated hj our Ut pl3Abr aaJ hs been tarp4 twice. In July Ltt the doctor tail they wovll Lire to ut heroic rneataret and rr- forni an opcraiioo wh'ch wat very im gcrou. lUriu licar J of ttiC Mrrob K'dlcr we would not cocoeat to the ii t-ra t ion until e Imd givco it a trial. I procured a ju at once ai d afitr tu Ajty ray w ife bcxn to I nprte and Las Lu;r-Teil very rspitly erer sire?. sle In been reduced la ise neuri three iucbet. ternts troi'f ftixl vcli.tiu I H ai 1 to da her own work. It Is sorue tuiug fcne hu4 not ojne for ere yrar. We conklrr il a nuat wculrtnl moU The year 1S90 has one of Perpectfuny, ii. i. roue. Fur tale by J. It. CHruO. S-te AgtnU ber to elpct. If thev are not seated and Sen ator Ingalls is defeated the plan of the republicans is to contest the election of hia successful op ponent in the United States Sen ate oir the ground tliAt tho dele gates were entitled to their seats and that their votes would have elected him. If they are seated and an equal number of mem bers elect aro -not- drooped th IIouso will number 143 mem bers, or eighteen more than the constitution provides for, and a contest will bo instituted in the Senate because the Legislature will be an nnconstitutional bodv. N. Y. Herald. Potato ItUslil nml 1U ltemctly. the worst eve known for the Irish potato crop. Everywhere the late crop has been damaged from one-third to four-fifths of a normal yield. Potato blight is caused by a fungus, Thytoptera infestans ThU fungus ia propagated by spores produced by the previous crop which remain dormant in the ground during the winter and attack tho young vines' in the spring. The fungus is also prop- Scrlbucri Mu;;;iztue For the comlaf year wDl be note worthy for a nnruber of pectl fature w!Xh the PuUikhcrs believe are of tery uiiutoal L:tcresL, and sruca; them tb titlowlug mar be raeaikmed: siu cuwix anvoLD contriboua. to the Deconijer DumScr :be first ct a sole of km ftrtkdca tpou Jurna. irji r rtf. . lis way, aad ire agatcd by seed potatoes which uat. Mr. Robert Bla-u, who wm contain rortions of tho rovcili- tam, or growing parts of the fun gus, rot at o growers should avoid planting two successive j crops on the same land and thus starve out the-eporcs in the toil.' This fangus does not attack any com idkoed to go 10 Japan fur Sri:- tcr s ilssnxiue, Iw prrpred a very ra markable teties ol draiugvtoDJuttratc Sir Edwin ipers. Artule- uroo Uw retrJt Jajance Fesriral wi. follow, li-Itij-a'.cd by Mr. Bluai n nx n y w. stas let h-.s prepared tut lm Jtauary camber an Important rtic!c upon -the Plna . r . . rmm.i twit. " o that would not do.' Sho will 1 avo rocms at tliq hMiso in the street Dora grcsx which I own." " lou l ave ixMight a houso ? Man, yon are :eung r' t . " ot at a I. my fnend! During the pat" few yea I have rm?e iry way a good deal q'-tcker than I conld have done at tho ninety oSko of the Ministry." j -' "I rlaiuly see, that the Colonel " The Colonel bas but one objecticn- able onaTity. as far as I am concerned.' "Which Is?" i "lie has an ctulwrare of health-! Per Bacco, that ma-: i goml for anothci twenty yea! and III le hanged, my inheritance is scarcely worth being bis I olKdient revvant kll my life long!! Considering whl. h, I have begna in J pplashed on tho viues with an old goou Bivtui in kuiiiviuiuk uu ac count, and if bo annoys roe ranch longer, I shall give tho simple old foci the sJi-r ard . . .w " Is ho really as crazed as people say .be is". : Jvor? sense ho isnct crazed at all! lie is simple a bru-ene." -" To le conlini . other crop. Seed potatoes should I w ie grrst. Afrn-n rorrt-" adouwt . , . . , , Icontritarhr.i o tbl fkkl w II be Mr. J. ba carefully examined aad the Kc!tIe., accour iof thsmeut Af. diseased ones rejected, bpray ine the growing vine3-muet also be attended to. The best reme dy to use is the Bunxli Copper- soda Mixture, made as follows: In a wooden or tsrlheuware ves 6cl dissolve 4 pounds copper sulphate (blucstone) in CO gal ions ot cie.an, sou water, in another vessel add CJ pounds car bonate of soda (washing soda) in G 'callous of water. Stir the soda into the copper solution and us as soon os possible. ' Apply to the vines by means of tho Gal loway Knapsack Sprayer. For small plots the liquid may be A rrtleal Sorxstlon. Ehe (daughter 'of wealthy roan) I don't waut the people ia this hotel to think we are newly married. He (a poor clerk) Dou t you? Then you pay tha I i'.L Children Cry fcr Pitcher's Castoria, broom or wisp of twigs, or put on with aepnnklingpot. Use about CO gallons of liquid per acre and apply twice first when tho vines aro iu full bloom and again after two weeks. If the weather is wet a third application two weeks after th"e second may be r.ecesa ry. This liquid costs less than one cent per gallon. Gerald McCarthy, X. C. Experiment Sta tion, rkn hx-'.ii itkxi bcVI in Lotvlwi. Dot pajx?r wiU bea:niIy P!outeL t;ie WBECKua, a set hi cotct by Ro!t Imls SUverv to i aud I'oyd l V-orne w ill run throoi a lare ir.rt of tbo year. Illustrated I j lfr!. A two-pailfUJiy by Frauk li Hotktou will alo sppenr. .rnoK. jamhs B.vrcx. m. r-, nathor of 'The American to-ninoi wraith. will write a series cflocr anl tie cpn IiytlA. embodhig the letutu of tr re. cut J-Hirney and UtkU-s oa tbi laud of cever-eiBlinz biterrtt. OCXAX inXXMolIll a will be the object cf a Li porLict rii-a sorne tat upco Cic Juie t the t u - ceMfal mslroad article, "lmrr.pr risvrl -Tt e L fe of OCk-e-t and Mr... peed and Safety Detkr.' sod -Mm-ageuicut." re Kne cf the sulje; (. ucii&t upou and laoAtratal. OKEAT S-TRCCTS OF TUT. WOal.r U tlc tl'Je of m cord cclcti'n f a tl- tli i wh'cb th tutlc and artt ji-l rn!!trte to tire Ue th rcU-r;- C-.ra oa tb-c Xir.a. Hie firt. lttoidaay, will te wriMm ly Iti.Kirl lInrJ;n a:l iUatraie 1 by ,r- thur It. Frtt. ir.nfT. w u o Itcinb"v. lioodoo; Ikmleiard, Pari; Tb Coro, Uofoe. - The pri e cf S.rib crt Vrz r,e c 1. n U of ;.:'. a a"-cr.rKM to o:v tbtr rm?j ir at very u.il iu?!. t'r ilcnibujlle'ffli'tt ox. 3.(0 ClfAR. ScK!CX.:r. Nux. I'u! ! jLts 74:-T-:S Vit-lxir, Xct Yc;k UTOEi : The Mir.iiter of War is the -