m v.w ajaaBaBBBBaBBBaaBa . .MBMHMt. - oSBBBkOBaaaSaBBB nMUMHHLJ r i THOXJiS, Edmri and Proprietor f-i' With lalice toward none; lrith Charily "for alL ..,,..; 1 1.50 rm -jirxcjr, JJt W . s ... a ;- LOUISBURG.N C..DECEMBER 19, 1890. - NO.47, ail ia Laiveiiipg Power. U. Oov't Report, Aug. i7,i889. CLELIA'S FORT KM 1 U lli U 11 li . 4 , Italy has at last recognized the govern ment of the Tjnitpcl States pi BraziL . j , The ISeiv lMscoveryy You have heard your friends and ncigh ijorB talking about it. Ytm may yourself be one oi the many who luiowfrom personal' perieuce just how good iji thing it is. If you have ever tried it.yoa are one. of its Btauncli friends, becansel the , wonderful t,lin,r about it is. that when once given a triiif Dr. King's New Diaffcrery ever aiter ho1 6 a place in tho houe.; If yoti have ii-ver tried it and should lib afflicted with a couh, cold or any thi-oiit,' lung or .Chest trouble, secure a bottle at aonce and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, o v money refunded. Trial battles free at J. B. Cuituii'a drug store. t.; Tlie man who doesn't " think Ms baby is the prize baby hasn't got any baby. Eing , hampton Leador. - ' : '". : j '; . Perhaps yon are ran down.' can't -eat. can't slep, can't think,-can't do" anything to yonr satistaction, ana you wonder- wnat al3 you. xou should heed tn.3 warning, ? you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and ; in Electric Bittei-s you will find the exact remedy for. restoring yqur. nervous system to its normal healthy conKtion. urprishjg ' result follow the use of this great nerv ; tonic .and alterative , Ydur": appetito : "re- turns, good digestion is restored, and the liver and kidrya, resume healthy aetion. Try a bottle. Frice ooc. at J. B. Clifton's : drug store. . ;-x.;,,-.-.;Ar-'':.;- A Tale : of Romance -and Ad venture : in 1 Sunny Italy, t : JTrjrndatcd froin theflerman of &Kel h!I iny conroso 1 and ilexterity, if: iM not Avant to share the Major fate to- foro many more .minutes ( -) CHAPTER XTrLV n where vou will, you will find peopie mug i'r. i.uiia Cough Sirup, and -unani-J mous in its piaiae. . , . . 1 suffered most severely from T&ematism' duriug winter. Afterasipg Salvation , Oil days the pain- enxiwsy suuMueu, oiu two now 1 am a well man.. --J: 4' The Mexicans object to the -employment i on their railroads of AmeiScans as conduc-, tore. They say that Americans are rude, . and moreover, they do nt "speak Spanish welL tttyoxi arefcrimbicd with an annoying case oV .naSaJL. catarrh, nso. old Saul's Catarrh . .When the disorders of babvhbod attack ' your baby, use at" one Dr. Bull's Ba- . r- up' and notice it3 rapid and -" beneficial : re-eulta- v Price 25 cts. :. . - r - y' L'amiiio came Loarer and nearer tney were but a fewpaces apart.A The blood seemed to cm die in my veins. L think I should - have been. . much calmer, had I been "in Balviatf 3 place f 1 erery second. at all events seemed an eternity. Now lie stood, close to him one slis'at pressure, one motion of his finger and a . scoundrel no, : a human being wimld have been in the pres ence of his maker ! rAll at er.ee I shall neer. forget the sight Caraillo dropped his pistol, took it into hi3 left hand a'd hold oiit; his right to the 51" Will yon forgive rre.ijfcarlo, for having ins ;ltcd ycu yertcTdr-y he raid. " Conic give mo your hand, that may pardon you .for having k$?lcd me! Jie a son to my pwr" forsaken father, Salvia' i!. Never loave him do you hear me?v Think of God ar.d the last Judgment, Cai!,o , Your.harid quick, give" me your ranr Jesns "Man, 1 .Te- -mr - strainooerO - Th.eh.cn has no hard feelings against her owner, even if she does lay for Transcript. buckles iiNilaity The best sa .ve in tl. world for cuts, lrui-es. srre, ulcerl, salt rheum, lever sores, telterchapped""jluUy cuiUli iins. corns and .all skin eruptio s nil : llO$lliei II. .0K'." f" nqiiirtil. It is p ii. ci satip'acaon.; r,moui nl. Tnc- '-en is prV box For 'a- ' V -I- S CluUn.- Men who sxo afraid of watersd stocks are not necesBarQy suffering from hydrophobia. Pittfrburg Chronicle. - I- S" . .. ZC!!itziQ3 inefhiiuff rr,c oni;, ? cents Lo'J ct Miiont'.y . reiunrt-; 'ilcjalcrtcs the Dowels! . rrevenis jlahi ievir and" y yjvv cu?s 2istuaer. ljiouni 3---i."-- ia G&cfa pacbdae. Forsalo by all Scalers. Try It 4 7; :i::i'g The? rt'asrtn Ba-aam'- '"Miciobfe- Ki'-cr is tie misti- wttBdriul TKcdi i nti is b ci ne i t i.m; nevtr fuil l ii ftuyjfi- fth.:it everj diiC-asc is CAUSED BY MICROBES, II, Kciertiric men of , feVFlim: U tyclain.audpre; flgfiSl f tatL-e,o tnHtief.what. V the l4i3rase,H oni LiiF- ' -OisiiHe ki'.owi; to tiJe 1,11 1 i j m sA'ivtt'jn. : ; . - to-d 1 ra rs I - Fa w- hi m rxterminates thef J!5cibesntl : drives fitm out of the ntirjand;r when that is linue vu'i ca inot ffeve inHclie or" p:u.J. . No matter what t'ie dease, whetner- a simple cist- of Malaria fever or a eouit.i i.tion of diL-eiise-s w fcure them 'all at we ,. jreat : an tiscascn IBP Eronchiri3,0 ata Tor tho relief cx Consr.mptivo persons. At tlricjgists. 23 cts. t'Fortb cTiroof . C5on'T:s.CoIds.CrotiT. Hoarseness, Asthma, Incipient . Con- VVye rhjd f owad al of n ; I caught 1 he. Major in my arms. The doctor tent-over hint; a"67cathly 'sn? persT of a few moment k followrd. ard : "Nu'la da fare! There is nothing thoto to be done he is - dead '" were the words of the medical man.-: - A cry of anguish fell fiom our lips I came near fainting. t.1 ' Motionless . we - stood around ' Ca millo's body,' which we had carried ir to the shade of a tree. The doctor had examined it a" second. time and could only confirm the sad and terrible cer "tainiy. " ... - ,. " It seems almost ir.crcdihle," . he said,';' that any man, wounded as he was, could have walked ten paces and Aittcrcd forty or more words I A phy sician seeing thovround would be' -utterly-amazed.- '- All science seems to be upset' .here ; tho wound must have been fatal on the spot.- It is my firm ecn viclicn'that te Major was- dad, evpn whils he -walked, and ifticulated I Such an energy trad force of will is un heard cf, gentlemen - We have seen it; but nobedy, I assure you, world brliPYP. IK Tift PtTM, at-.'snv mful" ; 'My head,. was iiv a whiil. I began to understand the meaning of Salvi-js-ti's Iiabolical: smil.- He alone had noticed, that the bleed ficwed in a perfect; slream from'Camilbra breast, nr d . m .L - prcbally he had foreseen , that ho wourd be unayle to Ana sumption. till CHnrf LAUGZ'S CUBES CiSAnETTES for Co- tie same time, as C'ustitutionallv. Adlima, Covjiumptiont drrTu Bron chitis. Rheumatism Lidney ana tiiver Disease. Ckils and Ftrer, Female Troub le, in all its forms, and, in fact; every Disease known to the lluma-A System Beware of FrauduUkt JmmtiationS. See that our Tradc-Mrk (same asabove) appears on each jn?. . Send for book -listiry of tnc Microbe Killer," given asy byl .' -.; s; :r. Tir JRri.TlrfmtBi-ns'sisTVAst? louisbubg, n: c: VAUAJ3LE LADS, FOll SALE, By ' ixtuft cfrthe power cpHtained in 4 certViH deed i" trust .exefiileA to-meby ?;J J:JJ!avis"atidl"wi.Varid recorded in' the fiice of lieeister of I)e'd for ''Franklin county in Book 79 at pnges 240,11-42-43, 1 gUfllfifU at tne tonn uoasu aoor m Loaisbarg, at iablic auction, to the- high est b'dder," on Thursday,- January 15( h, 1891, she valuaole real esUts conveyed ia ' td in frurt, to-wit: ' ' " - r One trr.ct'of land in Sandy Creek township, adjoiriing. the lands- o(-Wm. Person, Feter "?F onger, Wm. .ycECue ' and others, containing about 1065 acres. , - 2iul.-Anotheif tract-of land in Sandy f Oreek.townshin.' adtoimni' the lands 'of Ys 1 lis l'carc-.Av aiiecrmiicRtin ana otn r Lefl. tSoiii aboat f3d'atfe.' f one utiuii iucu i.nu. " land m Dunns township adjoining tne landf D.- T. Strickland ands.cthers ; known af" the Brant!y l;fhd. co.olaioAng nerwa ou r Trustee. T- -tw-:-i--f-.'--:;.-'-.-iantjH) arfeaf fejris maae k tt a T?TTtfAinrNrAo-prTS,w::davls v-v - - a S-r- f-TTTr : ' - O lUE UBIJC. wait up closo to Mm, i or if he did, that his hand would tremble" at the last ; and that even if ho "should be killed, his own revenge would have been accom-V-lished beyond-a doubt. , - My whole frame -fairly shook at the sight of the; man, who 'stood not far from us, slowly, nay carelessly a3 if nothing had happened,5 picking the leaves off - an " olive-branch he had broken f 10m the tree, against which' he leaned.. ';. ' . u ': " ;v ; ' . j u ... . . -, ' wCibo went tip to him. ; ' , " Signor CavaUero" he addressed him in a'sclcnm tone, of voice, Ma jor Camilld Ginozzi, your cousin, has been killed by your band. Aro you still prepared to give instructions for the s!Cond du?l ?,; : r .-. 'I am extremely sorry," was Sal viati's reply, '"for having fired with such deadly aim; but a duel is.a3nel, and they;: who provoke it, . ought to thiiirof the consequences before it is I, am' obliged to Jeavo this very day, and see no reason, why this other affair should ,i:ct bo settled 1 at once. At all tetents I am I unwilling to postpone - the second, duel, unless this German giyo me full and complete catisiaction by astjng .mi . pardon, ti tue sight of what nas Just; lapptned have affected him too mucTi !" " .-.' Tho .Prince .brought -Jiaek -.hia an swer. rjejit jfip! tiiepcliiheYd lay; the swo ids and seized the hrst one in my reach: .. ; .' : " L beseech you.?1 , 1 f said' to the Piince, " to hasten the necessary prep-j orations' as much as possible.1 I ani so terribly' excited,: that:! fear I - might ' Tho reader is probably aware that there are two systems of fencing both of which, have their jealous adherents and: defenders acd'Ero equally good in their way ; both leading to the same sad result, when in practice pitted one against the other.", lai referring to the two school, the Neapolitan and the French so called ; tho former show ing its peculiar merits chiefly in tho modes of attack; the latter, from more humaro principle:; cor.fiiar "g its special -art to the defense,' in. which lesiiecfc it has mado such rapid strides toward peifeetion durirg the .last - twenty years.- that duels among its chaiwf ions .rarely result fatally. W hen. hewover, the two system are pi acupailyj. ap plied en one ;vnd the same occasion. tt is a rare case for the encounter to result in other than the most serious consequences, and at placing myself "on guard,'! I, as well as all present. ?aw at once, that wo were disciples of both these systems. : Salviiti guarded himself in'tliO Noapolitan style with arm- outstretched ; .1 on tho French system, with .arm bent. "I am unable to eive the reader nil fthe d-raHs Tf-edfterrthe echnicAl dcSfcrip io s oT Sal- ia i's ad.-oit a tacks. and my happy parados, moreover could interest him but little' "A11 I can say is, that although, my fencing-masters, both in Germany atid in Fiance, had pronouueed me a very alle fencer. had found my match in Salviati. f nia attacks were bold and adroit; he tried to distuvb my attention in every pos sible way for some time, and when he found that he did not succeed in this, he endeavored to intimidate mo by preying me had ard uttering savage exclamation and curses. ' I reiterate, that I was perfectly calm.. My German phlegm1 stocd me- in gcoa service; ao wiiai ne wouia, J remoired strong on the defensive and all his thrusts, however cleverly and powerfully executed, were warded off by my Had- cr ih2 ha d oF my sivoid. Cnce the Cavaliero, coming tco close, had etcn.rccf-ived a scratch from the point, of my weapon. . .. . He now appeared to charge his tactics. His attacks assumed a more dcHhcialo and cautious character and were more easily wadtd off. I snp iwsed that he wanted. me to take tho offensive, and I locked up into his , face. - - '-' .'.''' v - His eyes were fixed upon mo with a strange sparkle aiid a singtdar glare; it tras a lock I could not bear; it stung mo, -as it vere, and I looked down again upon tho grounds , 'Meanwhile the ccmbat went on un icteiTrpicdlj. Pa-iati romaiced Gno in his new tactics, seemingly trying to play with me, probably also to tiro mo out, in order to make a sudden and im petuous attack all the. more effective. After a while, a feeling camo over me as if my supposition regarding his wishing to exhaust my strength, might be the correct one aftdr all. I ex perienced a sensation, cf heaviness in sll my limbs, wt icb: increase rapidly ; my temples felt a singular, pressure, which soon after became nctually pain ful. I shook myself viclentlr, cast a glance. at the second in older to seS r;meia';eTed.Kvr.rYt!iiHK CamiUo, Sclriatl. Prince Cibo; but who was the man in . i ro dressing-gown, . sleeping there beside me? - I . ' The effort f trying to collect my thong'.ts seemed to havq exhausted my strci'gtiv. 1 fell aIecp. "When I awoke.it,was tight, for a igutcd lan: with a green screen stood on tho open Icar cf a wrnlng-dcsk. I glanced at the arm-chair In front of my bee It wx vacant., I looked for the man in the dt sdng-gown and my dim vision ecic him at Ixvt. sitting at tho desk, . writing. The profile cf his face seemed I miliar to mo. but I was uriablo to give a name lo the per ron 1 laintiy recognized ana remem bered to have seen before. The writer suddenly turned his face in my direction ; a strargQ - ervnlort came A STATEMENT. ACCOKDIX TO LAW OF TBS AMOtTTT OT KACS iftirrT rUlMU) in &LUOt BTTIS OAa orrocxTT commhwoxcbs or raiKKUa cocmr. to oh aixovu. umiui a thk nm Moaiuv in mccmbm as uum os Tms wtmt nut bat a ttcuiu low. . . - over ,me ! .If the faint light of the lamp Jid not deceive me, that man re- semuica mo one- acarcsv to-me on eaith. . . .1 ' ' " : ' : . v " Ilo raised the screen a little ard -looked at. me. I sew his fare and called, aloud : 'f Father father !':' -lie jumped from his cralr, ran tr wards . me aad put his arms aro and my neck.! . - - " lleavcn bo thanked P I heard tho c?ear faoriliar voic6 say "lleavcn be tharkodl Eeasoa is "returning at I wanted to speak. f!o ask him wi ticn; but he prt my bead back upon tho pillow, ard begged and implored cm to remain silent. With my hand in his, I again fell oslscp. - un awascmng 1 frit much slrorger than !cfore ; and when I became fully conscious,-t:ai it was not a dream which bed deceived nv that, on tho contrary, it actually my father who sat there c'030 by my side, look mg ax me wu& an inacscnuabio ex pression" of henrt-felt 1oy ard satis faction the reader will readily con ceive, with what cage-Tiess I asked him question upon question. lie tdd Die, that I had been taken to my hotel immediately after the duel, where the celebrated surgeon. Prorersor Lavetii, examined my wound and pronounced it not fatal, the cav aliere's sword having glanced off from one of the ribs, thus diminishing the force of the blow, and preventing the morewital parts from being injured. The wound fover, he feared, would be a prttractod one and my ultimate re covery required more than ordinary care. . My father .also . ttld me. that rrnce Cibo bed lound in my evat pocket the htter I had written to my father, thus learning the latter ad dress, whom he had at once informed of my mishap, and who had started for Genoa on the evening of the samo day, on which he received the two i lotteis. ( "How long havo I been. lying here then?? I ' asked greatly;-astonished, " The duel must have taken placo cnly ye?torday.w . " Poor boy r replied he, " it Is Just a forir.ight to-day. I ' came here eight days ego." 116 117 118 11 120 1U1 ' 1l 123 124 123 123 1JI7 129 1H0 131 13J ltf -S . 134 1S5 13 187 1S8 130 140 141 143 148, 144 145- 146 147 148 149 1RO 1S1 153. 1S4 155 151 157 158 , 1S9 10 101 16 ler 1?4 165 ice 167 108 17U 171 17J 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 lbO 11 185) lh.n 184 IPS lbO 187 188 189 HO 101 ltJ 193 104 1U5 1U Dee. 8. JP VltMW CoMtbk . WltC m T If Ttowlatd WJ SofltL3rld Robin MaMeabar J B Perry ELPrry Alfred Uin(T B-ud. IUybora . EJiiah Paier C W Perry W T IVn WIHui Payn ' D II duUliss J k t tVaa K St rprfcsn - . JohactTkr . A C Privets LA ALur4 ' llnrwood Johnroa CVli Ptoim J O Gtwi ' - I knee;! a a Cook II IV(od:i4 Lirk Erto ' " Hpnrr LurtoB Sabi lrry Ptrravi KlitaMh n-ir Mt Uejri Hay Wn Lory Loonar 1 ' Mr E Lory - Pritto XJMUn and MraTofcv Harria " LUiahrth Ekitoa ' 1 a.olecn Way M RAUamlet M ME(topton l!r 11 Fakotr J E Owptoii u ' Wm 1-attrtaon MatWa Edwan!a - ito Southrland t - Mart Mi Dncaton Korah Hyt M ' El! Dirkt-roa " Wm H Tharrtcrtoa - Mr he. laTMi aud dr. w harry Bell - " JohnrntMt - K'raW 8 Vaogtaa Ilelru Kortb Nick Gok Frreli L'pcbnrrh " Poi'yUarrr . Jrafcua Ncnn mrd viii M liwHttkUAad " TicrrJJrtIlB - .u Tny imm! wUa " tbt;HrrrMi JoM-rh Tem-tl " ln retry m Ethhdj . KilrtlAllry - ArtLnr 8&dr.Bjr Ilebrrca Parry lira Itoerm f'aaltoar Amy K AMord I'.arbara MtiJty Uc!vrron Harria lUiU WiUtasia Kitty plTy Mary AU -Hrirj U ilirr HcFr.a WiWer . " Pachim LarU and mS " Jorrh BriAgr A da tighter v Alfred D0MI01 coxnsrca.1 TitrrraattNorMaWT tna 1889 On month onf lad paoprr ronatie baa a tie racr hiBatl pa par - Borport PHaaia ToaafJ Ovtatd reaper , M to M Jamra Etraca 187 JaB.e.90R K Kulkr if the" seven minutes, after which a I desire to infprra my friends and the public genei-al y that I liave opened vKTiir .vsw-': " fii-f flfls fttnek of ''i'-".";.-:"?-""".-? "-;',----i.'; '-.-f-f'-r.' ERC El AN D I SE - In Louisturg iisturgrwherl shall Tje'glad to have you call when in yn. , . : " My place of business is on Main street, opposite the post-office. ; To"t J ; ? f-ay tl'ut I f il please'ytur otiiy half expres es ,lt, ; as fit . lias al ways' J ' been my rule lo never allow hy J? tht he or shtl liadc'eired thVr feifij worlhi ft& KaJUi."- consist mjicly ;a . , ttKY GOODS, - - . -'-; ;'l--' NOTIONS " - . - . - - - .5 ; .-c w hats, : : . . . 1 v . :-:-';Vr: 'r:-;-; snors.- ; - ;'I-?:: g all of wlilibli will he sold at bottom prices. ;; Give mea caU. . Vcry Eespectfully, ;. '-''. -; - GEO. II. COOPER.- repeat the rcene of last night." i ::" " For;lIeaven's sake, be calm,,,: said Palla Cassbtti. " If ho fences as well as he shoots. , . 4 Quick,; quick,",: I interrupted him. brandishing my" sworn m the air ' I cannot be kept wai tin g . much 1 on ger." -'4'' ' w-jT - ' Accidentally looking up, I met the iil iid Cavaliere's eyes watching, moI . bad make a great; effort .upon myself. not to rush ' upon him then and there .That ' damoniacar grin which J had noticed upon' Sahia'-Ps face , when Ca- mulo was ad vancing upon mm was once more' upon his lips when he ol served how impatiently" I beat the - It was in teed fortun ate, tt at tne seconds! were, just: finishing Iheir pre parations. I hardly, know what other wise might, have happened u f or when- 1 f aed my enemy , at last,!- sword in hard, I experienced the same .sensation wluch, since then, I have had frequent occasion to observe in sirnUi.r exti- ord'nary cases ; namely a strangely, ex cited state of the' nervous system irn mediately before ah d after the danger; and a complete, tianquillity and pres ence of mird;.,while trying to avoid ' When my . blade crossed that of the Cayaliere, I calmed down in' an" in stant, as if by magio'; so, much so in fact, that I realized during tho first two or three passages, that I was in imminent danger, and that I required Cn AFTER XV. I shall not tire rmr readers by m description of tho slow stage of my recovery. It was indeed a long and tedious one, and I two it to tho un remitting care, such as onlya loving parent can bestow upon his only child. short pause was to come, had not ex- ? 1 consiacr myseii sun.cicn- I was faintly warding a 'I r . k , V4 " sotti had ca'lcd only cnce, their rcgi- mont having been oidered to the Cri mea. They told no, that CatniHo's wife had come to Gcr.oa herself. In ordfr to rscort the be dy- of her hus- atdo Poato Declmo.. They had hardly "more than seen her and, as migtt bo supposed, found her utterly rostrated tr-der tee afiliction. Sal viati, they informed me, had left and nothing'had been heard of him since. They would no doubt have told me more, -but. they were, on the point of embarking' with their ; troops and could not ' sraro mo more than a quarter, of an hour. We Lado iarcwell to each other ar d my I ntber thanked them for their gcncrctn klnunes and atteuncn to me. uben I was sufheiently strong to haoi-h all fears of "a rclarse. Italy began to burn under my' father feet. and it was the happiost day of his journey, wben we tnally trok pas sage for A.arsci,les. S.ill happier was he, when he led .tho son. whom he had just saved from death, into tbo ' rired yet. slow thrust of my opponent's, and in voluntarily, or more prcperly speaking, against my wilV my eyes met thoso of Salviati. He locked at me as fixedly and frowningly as beforo. . A horrible thought suddenly Cashed through my brain and made me trem ble from, bead to fort. Gnsier, the i1 most celebrated fencing-master of our age the mm, who conid?rcd it his greatest achievement, uunng. his lone career to havo. prevented neaily two bAindrcd duels had often - warned us of rra'Tirtizcrs ; a warning, nt which wo had often smiled, since no sensible man believes in magrHLsm. As I said before, the idea suddenly occurred to me that the Cavalicre was trying to magnetizo roe, in order to paralyze rot menial and bodily strength; and all the peculiar -Fymptorns I felt, seemed to contirm tbo same. With lightniiig like: rarity the fear,; engendered by' that thoaght. caused pi3 to sbnko off my grcwirg apathy. : I knew. that I thould be losL ' if 1 did not make a desperate exertion xto save raysolf., l. was at th't very moment waidir.g one - of - the1 cav- aliere's straight thrusts, and rushed npon him with all tho force t wai capa ble of bringing to beai trpon my own- A' quarter of a second later, I felt the cold - steel piercing my ' chest. The weapon dropped, from my h ru- d I gave a" loud scream and sank upon ; tie ground. ION 199 5roo 2oi 2o3 2o4 2o5 2o4 Vo7 08 29 2Io' 211 212 218 214 V N KnlWr 1' A I 'aria J A lboiuaa t-m-ahaw. likba 4. Allen NDD l!ay A D WilUaraa, Jr. Natbno &tay Mra P W Hi.boTI VnPW PiEiH-ll klrs P W lint J - raaatie roHd .tiff brlJr orrr Sycauaiotv Owk Vv day eommitt oa Sycajaora brtdjra . 45 lftO 4 ao 4 r0 4 (U 10 4 ao a 60 a ee no 1 4T a so l en aeo a 40 ace 1 40 1 to -1 li a ou a eo eo ea lao . i t ar in 29 1 ZO 1 vo 1 no 10a a 00 164 6 OO 1 04 1 t9 A OU 1 OO a 00 aoo 1 to 1 00 100 1 to 100 1 u 2 uu 2 CO 1 00 1 00 aoo 1 00 100 aoo 100 aoo aoo aao 1 80 100 1 00 1 00 I la loo 1 00 . aoo loo aoo lU I OO 1 Ou I CO 200 300 100 a to ce&a Cl&o n 3m ' a 00 a s 141 J y'l'l : - CIIAPTFB XTT. v On opening my"eyes, - mucTi.to my astonishment. I f und myself In the samo room, in whkh I had pnsed the previous night. I looked around me and thoneht it strange, that an arm chair shonld stand in front of my bed in which reclined a man dressed in Toncffown and fs -t asleep.. I looked intently . at this ; man, l t his 1 head being turned in. an oppoilto direction.. I could not see his face. Ilia 6Lcsing gown however, an article of wc.tr to-, ta'ly, unknown ,ia' Italy arrested my attention1 involuntarily. ' " ' " V j Where had I scerr this dressing-gown before? I vaii Ij.'ImccV to remember it.- 'A rnovrTr.T.t . I mado caused a stinging pain in my chest; I'put my band -.upon the, place aid four.d my chest covered with l:mdAges.' Th's boire In our nntivc city ard. into tu lttii.g-irHni which Ico'vd more coscj and' pleasant than ever; In which thr spliit of my dear mother seemed t li ger, while the genial srr.il of h' l.'f -s'zo likcr.e- on the wall rocm--to thank her faithful husband for ha-, ing safely brought their sick cM" Itu-k fx-m" foreign' lands! ..lears h? Cone by and I but Just returned fro a long journey, oa which I bad stark no Jay, vhen the deserted home La-, become unboarable to .roe, after h -whose, for.d affec' Ion , was the on! charm that bcurd mp, led f&Ilowr my mother into the better land abovi To le coniitti e 1 ' " . .-. Marta BrtlU. Tlere 5a no Irod carrying in Jan, writes a correspondent from Tok'.o. T. natives hove a mt-t'iod of tranuporiiog mortar -which makes it acem more lika play tlian-work to an onlooker. ..Three men'were repairing tba'roof of a one story buibling the otlier day by resetting thebeayy biaci ti.es in mortar. The mortar reus mixed In a pi! on t!o street. One oan made thn 'p into brills of about s'x pound veig't, wlifch h tossed up to a ninn who stood on a lad der midway between tha roof ani tba rrroand. This man an 219 217 2irt 219 Tin 221 222 223 224 225 220 227 228 229 23o 231 232 253 234 235 23 237 238 " 239 24o 241 242 343 244 245 248 247 248 249 25o 251. 2Vi 253 254 255 2.re 857 258 259. 260 2f.I 262 2f3 204 25 ae 2C7 208 269 27o 271 272 273 274 275 278 277 278 Amount of amraai book a. a!rartkiaaT. 1. Amoaat of ammBt tor tlaakrta, Ac Board cf pHaonrra, ke. l'oTyttK UmIm-m Afartoa to ail VakiDS rut lor atork law fr&ra , Uakitx civta for pa avra A ait ol acrt lor board Jf vpTa Litra arrrfcaa at Poor llovaa aiaca kr bat band' alk f w BJBlackVy Coroarr'a. itca aad Jorora m la - rtMd Baack Joara 2145 W G Wlna Courryicx WaJtrr AU:ob a3 LZiz nrrr to tail & 00 Hal klaaa ft Praack imt of acrt for tin bar aad work oa brUlfr 7 o7 R L Lftika t'oarayijiK Caaar larW to Jail Z,q 1)t 8 t'oatar fWka aa Bar ol lltalt tor ait a.oatla nd- iojrrc.autivMa 115 00 W K ITuIlipa 2 Wtrnj- aa4 rarwrlo brtlx aar W. K. 1'kili.p'a Kul FaRCaJ Cm a i'tituiiz op bul boarua at tha Crrt How door Om Btoatii oataida pnj-r rava. 4M a& loo i eo i 00 loo do loo 8 00 loo J So aoo loo M 00 - aoo loo loo too I&o loo loo 3m loo aoo I o loo a 00 loo Joo 3 00 1 00 a aa Sua 1 So ICo Joo 1 00 loo I &o loo loo a 00 loo a ov loo j 00 1 ou loo Joo 2oo loo aoo 1 00 1 to A Li Mar ' Mo Miajr brkle arroaa litl tmi tri: a Joho C MI.iC KiB0 rafta Irom r rrrrii a brvlg om partT 3U rHioj too Larval cf ilrt. Lort a IaW a o BJblarUry Coroarr, aitto t-ro aad Jarota kamsr of C. H G3 54 to Jul tanmtoa h-iiirg itc k law Iron ft rrrmiatM Ittniup 49 juUtk 11ilia Mr MarsrW ltaea WUUa kiitbcbca Alra Lnj Lrocard Mra h lrry I:rittoa Vrli.n ard Ja Mra Tony itorria lllubeUi lioltoa NapoUwa Way 8 A HanUrt MraKbartoa lira 11 1 aloe. &r J E Oni too W 1'atUraoa . Matilda Ldtda i;o Soatbrr'aBd Martha Decatoo ' Hutah llajta I.Ua IMrktttoa , . , ra iril-a Ms (toa lira Horaa Daria aad dr haary IWU JobaCatlttt - Mra M .8 Vtcgbia Halm ltoma L- ' Nick Goaairk I'rvali t-'peharrb Polly Harper . Joabaa Nana and vrJo LUzia StrkklaaJ I'alJcrllrU 'TnmrMfdlla V. a I'arry aad wl!a f baa Harria Joart.h Tarrall IVn rrrry - Vat Hthrw!r . . Mum tim Ai!ry ArtLnr SaocJina; ilrbrcrm I'rrrr '.Mra firaara Faalkarr Amy h Alto u . Barbara LUcVy I!ttdrr.oa llatrii Kitty Sjiirry IaabrHa VVutiaroa Mary AlVy Heory Wuder Haaa.n K Udar . Barbaa Daria aa4 Hfa Joarph Cridaa aad dr. AliraU Ihuioa . . Jamra Kvana , rVrrr Waatrr .Williaia Toary aad aifo do do ' do do do do do do do ?o do do do ' do do do'" do do do do do do do do , do do ' do do do do . do do - CO do do ' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Co do do do do do do do do do do do' do do do do do do da 00 do CO do do ta&atia paopar do do to . laaatic do 00 do - do do do do do do do do tenatic raapar do do " do - Bapport PrWa Toaea; oataada paapaf do do . do do 00 do do do do do do do - do do do do do a do taaatia putr do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do to lirnn rrli f ma tn rnvKOlf in a moment I It Riic'd r ly fl s'ned uion rho what I had 5 ball, and .tossed tt up gone through , ia the morning. Theiico,l oa the root scene cf tho duel roco before my mind. I bill to good purro2. daftly caught tlie to t'ia ruan w!k Tlxid was playLaj 279 2Ho 2HJ 2f3 :M 2S.1 f?8 H Vf Imka Coartiiojr !aiurl AWtoa tojaj K H Foaur cDa day roccitt oa taritory at Boor J A 1 hocjta fcbibiair auto! atatraBrst, t 1 thant ani bct ka lor Lrirr c4 IVia 'Km 3 Klcjf.CS C Ami of aft for Jaasary Court R U ic!!rT Arat of art for rr$ airiajt cloth far paaprra r.nft n lrsnda twrrptRX vatrr ctra ia rrpair fcr 12 nobtlo B M lolr . CD a.oct h board of pOTra K M Kc. Vr " ( o5n anJ alf-uon to lit Cxka All kloora k-p!ir rI:a frcra huaoia brnj" laat cartr J alATPtta WilLaAa Aint p-c J U li lava ia caM, KoM iom Kr a 4 Obarrrer AU. rt.t4 actkwa .0 t J bo. Vra li I'D May Arat cl acrt !r tua oi ( rsaufuer-a, Ac Jt C a.: iJ Amt ol rct L TO EE COS riXUEI3 a 00 a 00 133 S 74 Si a 00 5 Oaj 3 Thj a H I 00 7 :u 4J 91 'fit -'I