E- '- - J VOL. XI NO. 49; Highest of all ia ieaveaing Power tT.- S. Gov't Report, Aug xjt 1889. i4i: CLEMS FORTDNE; A Talepf( Romance and Ad- ; venture in SUnny Italy, H - Translated from, the German of A. Kelii His Daughter Suffered from JCczeiiia. Jily daughter si velrs with an attj Eczema, that ba rnent of al the e;3. I then concluded " to try a course of Swift's S.) She began td the first dose, and Offered -for five k of Chronic fled the treat- liest practition- ltt pursuit of rest men often tire them selves. sieel ana rest a:uuaaotiy. eep is nature's benediction. REMA.UKA.iii completed the secj)nd bottle the irritation had di ghe is now well ad excelled health. and simple facts cheerfully answer eitner in person o V. Vaugii San 1 IT IS T EI Hi I have used i for cleansing the ies, and nnd it ! tiie market. I ri nfi Specific (S. S. improve from before she had sappeared, and d enjoying un- fhese are plain- , and I will all inquiriesr by mail. ks Druggist, iy Bottom, Va. BEST. wift's Specific Blood of impu jto be the best not only pu- the blood, but is a most ex- builds up the cllent tonic, and general health promptly. MUNDAY, Two-ties on Blord anrl free. SWlFL'SSPECIf Litchdeld, II h Skin Diseases mailed IGCO-.-Atiairta, Gx. Truth is . s imp any outwanl Umch a- -m- A most dangerv) allow catarrh lo once Old Saul's C get we'l. Price o The "baby's bed Bull's Baby Syru !!e to '"e soi'ttl 5,y Use suubwua. the babv'a Health by keep- olic, diarrhcer, ing it etc. free from c n inmg is 10 usi on. Ufce at itarrh Cure and il y 25 cents. t t'rie'ud'ie Dr. , since it mam- Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plain. field, III., makes the statement that she caught cold, which set tled on h lungs; she was treate I for a month by her family phy sician, but grew worse. He told her sh was a hopeles victim of consuraol ion and that no medi cine could cure her. Her drug gist suggested Dr. King's New : Discovery for Consumption ; sh bought a bottle and to her de light found herself benefited from first dose. She continued its use and" after takins ten bottles. found herself sourtd and wen . she ever was. -Free trial bottl of this Great Discovery at J. B Clifton's Drug Store, large bottleo 50c. and $1.00. liiibor not needcii tor iv xi t ic. go d for All itUat locs U"tJ lives the mUu fiee. Pleasant to the ingly quick itveffd mical in price 1 Dr. Bull's Coub leading preparation of ita kind. "Oh 1 woaian, 11 ease, uncprtam co please." With chi hours she s SDent touch the henrt taste, surpris ed and econo o wondej that Syrup is thv hours of" j and hard to dren hurt, long 1 Do trv Solva tion Oil, the liniment. There is no such thing as -au easy chair for a (iscmteutiL man; A good conscience much. I can bear very bucklenar; Thereat a:ve in tn-ui-es, snrv'f, ulr!' fever sores, telter. cii ldlains, corns an aui nositively cure required, tt is gu periect satistaclion. cd. Price 25 cents For sule bv J. B. til 4ICA SALVE. 'world for cuts. salt rheum, haf ped hand-, sKM.eru.-liov iilea w no par irantoed to give r inon- refund er box. -'" liiton. W n.Timmons. Postmast-x of Inda ville. Iud , wrtes: "Electiio Bitters has done more f r nic ih -.n all or medicia" combined, for lliat l:id feelli arrisingfrom Kidney ai.id Liver lruuile.v John Le-he, tanner a..d stockman, sa'ne piacc, :i,y; r ma 11 cine tit terstobethe best ki tnoy anl Livi-r medioine, made nic fetl IM a ne-v ..a :. J. "AT Gardner, hardwire in. reliant. same town, say : Kleo 1 ic B tters i- in-i thfi thli for a man w o s all run down disi't iire whether he 1 vs it d'e- !o'i:hI u:W. stronm. gool appelite i P.' j. 1:1. . 1... 1. ..1 A ....r l.o ,,,1 I il :u ;cu U6l- JlNC 1IU 11 HI v lic lias uu life Oi!v 59 rU. a ' oitle. at J. II Clif- Druir Store. I.o-iUburj. X C. CriAPTER XVIII. . r "W walked on side by side, and I 1 egan to take a closer nurvoy of my companion. - lie api)earcd to be-:on!. rarativcly young -yet, certainly . not over forty years ( ago. "alt-iongh Ih deep fnrrews of his finely formed face prainij inuicuxa. m?i niany fll life's nt-voi icuiitctas naa gone over it. Uis eyos htit! ret lined the suarkle of t man of the orld and were entirely neo fUfin the expression of anathv. which I rad fixquently noticed and in .ens. ly di lik d iu . other monks. They besroke kindness and affection but life, strength and onorgy likewise. 1 sec, . radro,-' said 1, that you also like this pleasant tt.nKinidc.M " Certainly I do !"t he replied. " As often as I have permission given me to leave my cloister, 1 hasten hither to walk and watch the fishermen. Let us Lurry on a little faster; if I am not mistaken, they will soon haul up their nets. I like to see it." We acceleiated our gait and I con tinued my scrutiny.1 A person that has travelled much and seen manr people, is very apt, in spite of an ex cellent memory, to confound faces, or associate mem with certain events m ea-.-lier life. I walked on in silence by the side of the monk, who would have been very much astonished, eoidd he have guessed, what singular thoughts occupied my mind at tha moment, to the exclusio n of all oLhcir. I was busily trying to recall, whom of the many thousands with whom' I had been in closer contact, this Do minican rescraMed ! "Where had seen that keen glar.ee, the straight and proud carriage and the aiistocialic smile, wHeh. unconsciously perhais played about his lips, even at the gtav- est wows.' uouia.'it nave l icon in Paris, LKriidon or Jladrid ? in Damas cus or in Valparaiso, in Si'otland or in Morccco? I tied in vain. The re plies I made the- Padre, were vague and un'ir'erigiMe: I nuicd to rem- m 'cr, lnt could not. Suddenly my at enti va- arrested by two jnidien who, evidently in .wine. camestiaight icwa:d- us, loudly sinciug the well-, miwn air "I'mcUi d'.ltalia.' They waved from cno'sido to the other. looked at us rather angrily., but passed "And now.Adrtio, my son! i I hone you may have a pleasant walk, I have to go back to my celL: Glad to havo Keen. you. Signore ! ' Good dar - I saw he, was sorry ui beinz recor- nized.by mo. I held out my hand once more. " . . - y -. D not leave me thus.; Padro" 1 said. . " Our meeting cannot Ixi an iu- idontal one merely. Come . and mt down on this' bench with ma and W. me tell you what brtuighi mo to Turin. lod may then judge if it be accident alone, thaf caused me to meet him, who heard th last sigh of the dying Camillo Ginozzi ; or if a' highcjefeand . r.as uBejcpeci;edy shown us the way- -e, ought to follow -in gratefot hujrfil- y. .iaKten to me.77 ' HO followed me to the bench anrjar- mtly caln.1, but, listened with visible incitement -and. nervous motions, to what I told him. all of which the read rr knows already. When I handed Lim CamiUo's letter and his eyes ran -tot its contents, his hand trembled and when after ending my talc, I looked up into his face, he avnearcd 10 me like a saint from heaven, sitting ;iiero with folded hands, with eye turned upward and his pale face ra dient with a celestial tire. I could i ot utter another woid, but looki d at th-t f-iei Marchesc with pi-ofuund emotion. "And you have come from afar, you say, to protect the child of the man whom you have known but a single night V he said at last. -" I consider it my bounden duty." " Alas !" he went on, while his face r.xsun ed an expre-sion of profound dlstUun, "and 1 I have not so much as thought of the child these nine Ifbos would fce g;od meu they must be good 1 oy?. Sweet a Boces i i Tiie Leading FragnrnULasUnjt Price 23 Cli Soli t Drccpistl. Ctrrca UeerConplaiKt, Cotiistnaa. Uliout AJftctior.s, Giddintat At druggists. 25 c mm mm. Prica only 25 Cta. Sold by ell druggist. Wili relievo Rheumatism, IJourctya, S9lmgsrSruis9sJ.umbcgo,Sprainz Headache, Toothache, Seres, Bur.it, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, t7ounds,&a.. TT.ir-v lAHQL HUGS, Tha Great Tobacco An QHEa tidotalPrlM 19 Ct. At all druagitir .TT!0 miiE .-to ; J- IIE PTJ3Ut:.. UBLIC- I desire to infbrdi my friends and the pupne genenuiy .;a first class stock of-? .. ; ""v.'-"." . dlEXERAlT--GEXEltAJU In Louisburg, Lly place-of bi say lUaTi wHl wiiere l shall be glad to have you call when iu town.' siness is on Main street,' oppc&itc the post-office, i To please y Ju ouly half expresses it," as ' it . has always . . . v llhout i Leueving dry; GOODS TERCfl ANDISE oMeuciiaxdise- ! y us without any further disturbance. I ia.t a glance at my companion and . iime near making s.mc jovial remarks about the two soldiers, but hesitated n geeing tho peculiar expression of his face. He hr.d d awn himself uu to his full height and looked 'after the two with undisguised admiration de picted in his eye. "Splendid fellows!" he" exclaimed. " Biavo boys those of the ihiid Lan cers the same that made tho famous charge under General Sonnay at Mont ebcllo! Ah to see, them on horseback with their lances in the air, sweeping down upon tho enemy with the wtit rrry of their King : .'Savoys, SavoyaT- It is a magnilicent spectacle, and n lie stopped ; his eyes rested upon (bo breviary he held in his hand, the Cro of his eyes' had become extinct as if by magic, and an indescribable ex pression of sadness and of grief ap peared In his countenance. He seized the cross, suspended from his belt, and kissed it devoutly, his hands mechan ically turned tho rosary, and without seemingly minding me in the least, he murmured a low prayer,- Which evi dently ro.e from thc'innermost depths of his heart. . " -1 was both astonished and deeply af ected. Suddenly he turned to me again, Lis pale faee looking even paler than before, ai.d a-: Ki.ddenly, a long orgott'-ii face flashd upon trgr mem- iy, v.hiio a name, which for twelve ong years had rarely, but dining the ast two months had almost daily o urrtd to me, roio to my lips. I fell back a paco or two and with hesitating vo'co-asked him: 7- ' 4 Marcheso. .:-...' . Marcheso. palla-Cassotti you ytnr here a Do raiincui SJonk?" i " ' At, the mention of bis name my former second started, his brow con tracted and his eye shot fire. " Who are you, Signore he said with that short tone of vcico and ao ?ent,Jetraying the officer and tho na ive of Genua a'iko " what name was t yon uttered V" -: .' . rj Maichesc 1 do you not recognize mo, tho : opponent of s.aiviati at the duel in the olive-grove near your villa, an the road to Onegia 77. A gain he started ; a if an electric shock cad moved him; his face was ashy pale and with a bitter smile on ais lips, ho replied : ; C ' les, yes ! I remember now! - lou wero a friend of the Majors. . the jeaisr' "Did you know ihe child was alive V" He looked at me in amaze ment ; my question appeared to be un intelligible to him. " The Lord is good and merciful ! This then is to bo the lewaid for all my troubles and sufferings. The Lord le praised !" 1 did not understand the meaning oi uis wovum; i t Mugni even lor moment, that he d.d no know himself what he was saying, lor. as I said be fore, his faced beamed with a super natural light. Come. with me come quickly ! he exclaimed, starting from his seat " By all that is eacred, you s'ja'.l see. wliat a. monk can do come on! I must and will save the child of Ca millo Ginozzi and Coiinna Pcretti. 1 will, do you hear ie ? I ! tr.jd will vouehsafo me this inward! Come on you shall a-'sis, me, you, Ihe mes senger f the Jxu-d. who have bitmght me tho promise of His blessing from a foreign land I" He tCTcd my arn and urged me tn follow htm to town. I looked around ic for help I thought tho monk had lost his senses. tainns my trax ana cane, triromng a laere of money to the. waiter, and rushing from tho cafo In a frenzied hurrr. . : AVhat had happened? "Why did I cast a searching glance along the arcades and push a crowd of grum bling Tuiineso citizens asido'on my right and left, threading my Way in Iho direction -of tlio Tiazza Madame in pursuit of an object, that claimed my wholo and proroundest attention? More than that,' why did I at that mo ment forget aU about certain mattenv which, a mi ante ago. - occupied my mind exclusively the- child of tho Maor--ealviati thoTnonk the entire purpose of. my journey? . Breathlessly I hastened forwards ind only lowered my pace on finding myself within five steps from trio of ladies, wlur walked leisurely and frequently stopping at the windows of the stores, that lined the strict They were tho identical three ladies waom I had seen from the window of the Cafo Xaziocale. the sisrht of whom I know not why had caused mr heart to cease throbbin sr and thn iilood to rush to my brain, and whom 1 pursued, scarcely conscious of what I was doing. Why? How did I know why? Perhaps on account of the sixty francs, which they owed me? For there was not the shadow of a'douht butnhe oldest of them was the Isdy of St Jean da Maurienne. and the two younger ones her former com panions Paula and Clelix I could not help laughing aloud when after taking breath, I asked myself, why I ran after thera, and found no letter answer to quction, than that it was in all probability the money alone, which made ne. took out my liocket-book, I wonder why I did it ? opened it without any plausible reason I was aware of at the moment, and felt as happy as a Mug on espying tho immortelle. A STATEMENT. - Acrosorco to law or nt auoctt or nes Mrorrrruncu sis uxovtosrm mi or cocstt oowuaMMisB or rJirus cocjrrr, as to n alxovc. iisuin ox . the narr sobsat n dcckmbu irov, as umm os tsk rucrr moxsat u si law. coznxrso. 471 Uch. 10, IWn Vrrry a 471 Wm Ethridr 473 - Mii Elln AO-y 474 Arthur 8andUn 475 ' lUtxvr Ytrrj 476 Urn Otwrm Kalkor 477 , ; Amy R AUonl 478 lWban Uraky 47d - , II ruUna IlrrU .. , 48o KJtty p4 rrr - - 4M - Wiwfl William 482 llaryAU-T 483 Henry Wilder 484 ' Komq WUdr 48$ Bartiui Dat'i 484 Jpa Bridw nd dr. 487 Alfrf-d Dwwtoa 488 Jamrm Ersua 489 lferry WnrtT 490 WilliAm Ton and wite 401 J U Ttmll aud child 402 NsDcy Darto 403 B n FalkBr sad vilo 494 Tnwr Hrria 403 April 7, NDD May Board of prUoaer, Jk 40" W B Uowrrtoi work and rtpaJr oa mtock Is s 487 W H rvnaaa Ajnocnt of arooat. Ae 4t8 J W Haia ffia sad phm of Mr. Win lor Wat Fat 49ft Wm J Kin. CSC amtofaert 500 W.jnr Cooley sarios; timber at Aaderaoa's bride 501 J J nmberUka repainnjr aiors law wtm, t rttaiana iyaM 502 ' J A Tboiaaa aaiowat of acroaat tor books, bUaks Ac for C 8 C ACS V C JBrera makia araUa for idock law aad rfrWtarta rotera 304 Wiley Flower kiwviaf raftfroa Aadenoa 'a Dfidfa Tcraai Ori. to LW. Slat ltMiO 303 Crenabaw. Flkks 1 AUea aat ot aert td 30ft NathaaMay r-jatrtnx to-k law fcme. Freemaji'atovMKip ' r07 TSCoCia 7 dy eommittea work aa pv acrt ftlad 508 Nathan May pvtUiMC ap atoek law feoc SOU Henitt Hatrbelor work aad nQa oa atock law tewea 51U Ororg Wluatoat 3 doj-a conaoltta oa atoek law leoev aS on rata klnr J W Toanjt 4 da ja eoamitte oa fenes aad tiaaearcr. Se a aaoath taid paaper la do d do do da do do . do do do do do , do dw do ..do do do do " do 4 do . .do do - do - do W " do do do do d 4m do d to do do Am do do 4 do do o do do d do d laaafW do do ooapar do do do do do do 2o do do do do do do do W CHAPTER XX CHAPTER XIX. ne grew calmer, when we ncarcd Iho first bridge. He stood still. pondered a moment, then went on again and stopping a s&ond time. asked me in a tone of command, which with him seemed the unmistakahla ign of his having forgotten" his holy profession l "Have you any money with you?" "I have.' "Have you much ?" "That depends on what you call much. I have letteis of credit on Kothschild for a considerable sum." 7 "Draw all the 'money at once, this been my rule 1 o nevcr allow any oue to go'away without. Leueving . that he or she had received their fuU moaey'sx worth. : My stock witt ;. - -: . 'a. i I consist" .mainly UiS-'AH'';iv-i; ri-f:-7: HATS,. shoes, GEOCEUIEf?C&c.r Give me a call. - all of whicll will be sold at tottom prices. Very Respectfully, . . , - - : '"; ' . GEO. II. COOPEil. : : : very day!" "I vill if you say so. But would you be kind enough to tell me" How much money have you upon your person at this moment T "I hardly know a counlo of hun dred lire." " Xot enough ! Could you let mo havo a hundred Xapolcons iu an hour from now?" ,4 Certainly I can." "That will do! In an hour and where? Wait a moment Do 'you know the store of the German book seller Lotscher 7" "I do." i " lou shall find mo there. ; Try to give me the money so that hobody sees you doing it. And now say not another word to me least of all at the shop. ou are not to know mo.' you understand? At eleven o'clock to morrow morning" come to the cloister and ask for Fia Angfolo wo ' shall make the final arrangements there.'! - Without waiting for my reply, he walked Hurriedly away, ascending the hill, which I knew led to tho cloister I looked after him as ho went; surelT he could not disguise his former pro fession, v'. borne promcnaders, not far off, seemed to share my own thoughts on the subject; their eyes, followed thej) .ni'pican, who mHivhcd on with a firm step, with head erect and beam ing cj-e. I need harcly tell the reader, that I remained behind in a far1 greater confusion than befoic, : I had. indeed found some cluo for future action t but Heaven only, knew, whit '- cluo that might prove to be I . Tho Mar- young Gorman, who fought so hoUy cheso's demeanor wW so very singidar. r'i Ana .win you not. give - me your band ; Padre that hand - wiiich - the Marche? e Palla Casotti extended 'so generously then 7" - He held but Ids' emaciated hand and pressed mine.S - ;' ":. : , " ; f --I Singn!ar, very : singular V he mut tered.; " It was only; yesterday," tha I met a comrade with whom I roomed at the Academy ar d served. for several rears, in the same reg.mcnt. Ho did nnt- rrr?mizft" ' nif. whil trrui : " If it is unpleasant to you, Padre,' I will forget it" : - 3 He was silent for some minutes. ' Did you know," he resumed, that Prince Cibo f elMn the battle of the Tschcrnaya ?" VI did not knew it," ' . that T did not know what to nuke of it. I hired a hack, drove to the bank ers, ana astomsnea tne casntcr not a ; little by my request to pay me five. hundred Xapolcons cn account -Tho hour appointed by tho TIarchcse not huvina .tinved I drove next to the Cafo Xaziona!e under the arradss, this favorito restaurant being but a few Ibices il islam frwu the , Vaokpcll.r's shop, where the rehnez-ous was to take j.h o. I ordered a shorbert and ln.k a seat at a window, from which while deeply engaged in-meditation, I could leisurely watch ile passei-s-by. After having indulged in this picas ant occupation for about. a qnarter of an hour, I might havo been seen sud denly -lumrl2 up from my chair. The ladies meanwhile walked on I after them ; they stood utill, so did I At last ther turned to the left, evident ly wishing to leave tho arcades. I was on tho xint of doing tlie same, when I suddenly ohserved them enter ing a store. My mind was quickly made up to raunter up and down until they emerged from tho shopj when, qipto mi idcnUy. my eyes fell upon the sign of tho store and I. greatly sur prised, read on it vlho words : " Lil.rairio Etranpcre de II. Locsrher." My fair unknown had actually Inrrd nn on to my place of destination! 1 looked at my watch it still lacked five minutes of tho appointed time. Without hesitating a moment. I enter ed the book-stoic and asked for a list of the latest publications. The thrco laoie wero standing in front of the counter, apparently un aware of my hnving onteied and being near them. They were cxanunmg a collection of guides voyagcurs. and Miss PaulV sweet voice was heard to say : " Have you no guide, sir, refor lng more especially to the Kiviera dol Levante and the Uulf of SpezziaT' " I beg pardon. Madamo " Aras the clerk's icply, "this giide of Central Italy contains all you desire." Paula looked at the look he handcu her, the old Pdy with her habitual sunny smile did the rame. dclia face alfne I could see her In tho glass opposite woro the samo giave expression I had seen before. 1 If I whs not mistaken, she looked even greatly fatigued and exhausted her beautiful faco was pale, her eyes were sad, her wholo appearance was one of weariness. Why did my heart all at once pain fully contract, when I noticed the expression of profound suffering, sur rounding the young gins head like a halo? I knj-v P. lo bo anything bnc wellraanncred. to address strang ers in a placox)f business Vri what rared I for that ? I had rendered the- young irl a service before and who could tell ! Ibwiries. I alwars hnro ! een i:otUvI as a dobtor. who enjoys spert.U adnnt ages ai.d privileges with his creditors. "Have the ladies bad a pleasant Journey' T General astonuhment ana turning round. s For a tninuto or two I was closely scanned from bead to .foot, where upon they rerognid roe. and the old aunt took courage to say: "Ah re. Monsieur I Obliged for Tour kind innidry. sir. We returned from Genoa an hour ago.. Allow me tn repeat mr since reft thanks lor your great kindness at St Jean do MAtnlenne." " ' " For . th rvic you have ren dered .me!" I v said with a smile. casting a glance at Ciena. O I how beautiful she looked ! Her eyes bad lost their fomer cold expression ad were .filled with tears she looked smilingly at me, and I felt a blush ruff using my face, as:If I w-ero but sixteen or seventeen years eld Suddenly Clelia's face assumed an . a m expression oi astonisnmcni ana con fusion, pf fright evetf her eyes turned fixedly towards tho entrance of the shop, mino followed hers the Dominican monk the. Marcbese bad Just entered the store. lie , ap- nroached the . counter, too a piace rlose by my side jind dropped bL bandkerchlor. . : -.ro f conf filtf f . 511 512 313 314 315 516 517 518 519 520 321 322 52 524 525 52tt 327 528 529 530 Ml 5S2 554 3A4 55 sail 537 538 339 540 341 512 543 344 343 540 547 548 540 530 531 552 33-1 534 333 556 557 558 539 5C0 531 562 563 564 563 566 5C7 5C8 569 570 loo 1m r I OO . to . .2 o lot yt am lo So loo loo - loo J CM loo a oo 1 M SM SM 2 04 2 OO loo 88 74 5 as 7 5 1 o tit as 73 4 34 J 24 4, lio uo 14 Oo ISO 14 &o f t$ 8 I Ml OVBrota 4 daja arrrie to Board from Dee. 1889 to ale Taj B qo 1 A Daria tat of arrt 43 M Knaheth Pbrlp MraManrieHaye WiUia MitrheU M ra Lory Leonard Mr E Dorar? Ilritton MedUa aad wit Mr Tony H atria Klisaheth Kolroa NMWn May R A Hamlet Mr K lintito Mr II FaVooer J E (Jcptoa Matikia fOdwartla (ieo Sontoniaad Rrh Hax LTlUi Dwkrrio Wm H Tharricgloa Kaory Bed John Ctlett Mr M 8 Taoxbaa Helen Roftera Nick Qoaaiek trnbe Cpcliarrk JoJlj Uarper uehna Noaa aad wifa Liiiie Htrirklaad Turner Uedlia Win Perry and wile rbarli llarria Bo Perry Wm kit bridge Elen Alley Arthur B.-adling Rebrca Perry Mr Geneva Faslkner Amy It Alford Barbara Heale llenderaoo Harris Kitty Hpivey laoMla WiUuuaa Mary Alky i lldrr On moat oatalo pan per tana tie paaper laaatie paaper hiaatio paapar " Happort Friaaia Tooaj OotiW fMapar May 5, The tombs of Oeorgo Band and her son offer a suectsele of forretfuiness, Tli prares are ill kept and withered flowers lia on the slars. Children Cry fcr Pitcher's CistcrnJ 571 572 373 574 575 570 577 578 579 580 r,8i 582 5H3 3H4 583 586 387 588 389 590 691 592 593 594 593 59U 597 , 598 500 6oo 6ol 6o3 60S 6o4 o3 606 0o7 o8 ' 60O . 6I0 611 612 613 614 , 613 -616 617 : 618 619 . 62o , 2t ; C2 2 , C21 : 624 625 i 621 627 ' 628 629 ' 63o 631 632 OAS . 634 633 ' 636 C37 638 639 64o. 641 i 042 643 044 643 Henry W HnaaoWikler " BaekaaDarta Jo-ph Brides k daughter " AKred Ponetoa - Berry Weetr " paaper William Toney aad wile M J M Terrell aad rtUJ Nancy DaTia - . " Ben Faulkner aad wif - " " Toney Harri John atrotber and wit " Neptnn Ballard B T CaiJArd eofls tor Umiron llarria' daagbter Stewart Parriah and children on month oataid paaper, coav taeoclaf la April W D Pearc Balan for baildiaa; bndg aero Moacaaia creek C F. Bennett repairing atork law feoe John C 8tafthur keeoiiur ratta from FerreO a bridg oa qaarter E 8ykea 2 day committ lettia an J reeetrlag AaUeraoa a twUg 4 OO 10O 1&4 1 OO 14 1 eo 300 1 00 5 OO 1 00 1 ss SM 14 S 04 1 OO 1M 1SS 1 OS 1 OS 1 00 2 OO 1 oa 2 w OS lOO 10O 30O 1 09 1 OS 200 4 5 I I OS low IM 144 I 04 3 04 1 04 21 44 I U 154 104 I OS IS4 1 04 2 OU lOO 1 OO 2 04 S04 204 2 04 1 2 OU 104 2tS 2 73 a eo John W Pemr reoairina stork U frae WDUarria 5 day erler to Co rt. April tens J C Baker 4 day oOcer to Graad Jory, April term II ammeU Bridge repairina atork law aw WD8pmiU S day otSeer to April I'oari H C Kearney. 8heriS anoait of aerovnt IW H Uailewood aerriceo to April (oart RCWarmonth eoOa for Arthar Raadlaf - Wm J Kinar. 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J LCawthon W J Joboaoa wit it Kodwa El Scott JH Leonard T W gtokea Tbad O Ureea II agar Thomas A L Dk Wm Smith Iiry Hmith 11 K Kearney , . PrUby Pearc ' -Pheriix Rmlth of Vane , lriKlng tj Joe Gordon - C II Parrieb Geo AUrtOB ' W A Parrieb ' DCTharriagtoa Wiley Pay - ' Charle Jarkaoa DaQa IVrry 3iaa Perry liiabeth lTi4p- Mm U-rrvtH-ye - Wlllia Mitlirbell . Mr Lo-y Leonard - . Ura E Doner Prittoo Mcdlia and 'ril Mra Tony llarri . WUabetk Boltoa X polHra May A IfamVt Mr EUoptoa Mr H Falroner J E Gvtoa ' ilatil l Ivlwarda . fee ArrilCoart l89o HoOritor's lea April Coart I8S0 Sheriff - - . - In ,..-.. -. . m m m M m m - - Crn aiaatk i44 patjef. do do cW do do do do do do do do do o - do . do do . do k 'do 'o Intuitie do d . paaprr ' do .do do do ' do do do do do do do - loailk do do papr ton looo sou S04 14 OO 23SS TSO 2 SO SS44 s 4 70 17 90 JM a 00 28 10 13 124 SO 2 OO 17 S 13 93 207 60 2 So 171a 5 00 to 00 So oo U 44 . 8 5. 34 So isa Ti 1 OT ,13 4S2 1 Co. w3 75 3 1 1 lo 13 o 1 MO 1 75 - 3 2 3Ao ara 1 Ki IS 5o 1 4o 15 1 lo 1 4o 1 lo 1 43 16o 60 .- ww loo S OQ lao I uo . loo 2fe loo 5 rtm I r 1 5 3 00 I o 3 o lo to ri:rt)NnNTEr

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