. . : . - y . .. -. ,: .'... , - n- 1 . if . . ,. i-: t . ; , ...... i . ; . . - . j. A. THOMAS, Editor and lixoprictor. 'r'-, - - With Malice toward none; With Charity fur all. I LSO PER A A-AXUT, tm A dra.. VOL.XIX. LOUISByRG, N, C, JANUARY 16 v 1891, NO. 60. i .. J. javenjns Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug 17, 1889; Sevr re wbooks of drthviucfce worn felt at points m Qahforuia on the 2d. FROX NATURE S STORi E HO USE- Comes all the comport mrts of S. S. S. chemical nor anythh: comes from the cliemi nnt.niiiftd ill it. S. S. n fore a perfectly eafe ar h'ss remedy, yet so pow that it has never failed Blood Poison.. It alw Scrofula, if taken be& vial part is so seriousl lant parts Thqre is no g wnicn Ist's shop is there- 1 harni- 5rful is it to cure iys cures are some y impair ed as to render a cure impossible It relieves Mercurial 1 is n , and cures all sort tions, pimples, blotche eliminating the poison the blood. S. S. S. has cided thous- :n ds of cases of Skin Cancer, and many cases or DCirrnusi cancer. It. is 110 ex:erime;it to take S. S. S. ?s on Blood and Skin Diipsases mailed 1 8 .ViF'fS S P SCI PIC CO. Atlanta, Ga. Fifth Th N w York d Avenue rfl citv was bdrued Fri night. lias been a s same tijae-Tfith puin iiitho back ; aivjtion Oil was freel lad.. 10 say myvw i-UlU. V.1. 1 a; fcuifcrjf in) iiLiore, xid. ot LCrtat jobs l.H'il'I.Hf .tf 1 Pi lit I' iiuli 3 Uougn byrup, u Two womf'n in Wes f ju hi a disel with butc The i illit a: Rpv. F. M. Siiront. Faster Luitetl liretn- : ... . . .j. 1 . .1 it iuv dmv to evil w hffct w andilrrf JJr. Ktit'A were badiy diteyi-td, aba iayi, (jarihuiuaeis t .o i.it 1 coma ii e OJ.iV Ipw weKt. 1 toK live borne -Or.- Kind's ".v LHecoveiy iin i n.m Bo'iitii iind wed. iiaiiiuair i2t loa. lu . , W I- w . V.'!':lt, Arthur Love, Msasger BtPe s h aiiuy FoIkb' Coiabiu'acioi, vvrslew: Aiicr a tnoi--ouzii trial a ad coaviiicini fevidcuos, 1 ain oouliunt Dr. Ivmii- s .New Diftuovurv in iUi. aud cures wiien eMerytniQ elea iaiiM. The greatest kinduest il cau do my lannv- ttiiiiiKHml l'rifn.lH is to linre tlic'ta to try it. Free trial bottles at iliug, Cuftott & f i k i L - . . .-,..,1 I Co.'h drugstore, iloicular siz The female academf at Tarbo- ro has been burned- CLELIA'S FORTUNE A Tale of Romance; and Ad venture in Sunny Italy. Translated from the German of A, Kel .J Eheuna i of erup- b, etc from v In the Southern" States- ther& is no discrimination made in the edu- cation of the .whites and blacks; and 'he negroes fare as well as the whites in proportion to popula tion, de3f)ite what Northern fanat ics say to the contran', in th- ir prating about the efforts of th white peop'e to keep the blacks in a benighted condition. As an in stance, the Georgia Legislature ha passed a bill fixing the p?rmane; yearly public school fund at $1. 072,70G. Of this amount $566,000 is to be raised by a tax of 1 mills on the dollar on al1 taxable pre. orty of the State, $185,003 fr. the poll tax, $201V1G6 from bu rental of the State road, $27,0: from tax o v, 'iquor dealers, a d remainder from miscellaneous sources. I qtiick Tocoverjpd my , presence of mind. . Taking th'c roll, containing tho hunrlMKl Napoleons, in my -hand, I stooped down picked up tho hand kerchief and handed it:to the monk, lie; - feeling the roll, returned .me a " Criaiio, rSigiwro liAe- jrip-zio I" and quietly tinned to the clerk of. tho store, he asked him if he had a trans lation, of the famous work of Doel- nper on the secular power of the FarcTcll for tho "I am thanks be to QodT' -"Um !-Vory ' well I IS, shall await yonr protege In two htmrs from now,. m mi ' . ana looK ior yoa at run to-niorrow morninc:.'7 "You may ! present!" " Addio, Padre Vr : . W' separated.' " I went, bark to my hotel, laid down on my sofa and be gan to meditato.on tho double adven ture, which had so unexpectedly thrust itself in my ivay and was crossing it yc-,!asa on hi cose, a cipar In hi ir.or.th, reading a Ibook . . . and that book ... indeed it was mr bookthere lay my coat, there stood my frank, my hat it was my room .-u f,?- ard I said angrily : ir. what are you doing here?" pcTon thus addressed, raised his ead slowly and grinnoi XVo ?" he said. did you meet tho two ludirs on the corridor 7 I steed transfixed, unal.lo to answer a"riiglo wold. The Intmdrr r,nm A STATEMENT. VCCOEDI1CO TO LAW OF TDK AMOCXT OT XXC9 AOTOCTT CU1M CO A ILLOttD ST Til WOASO or cocMYcoMvuiHio'iruor ruuumxirm. austo wiom iLUin, BKeismiio os TOC riitJT MUS DAY M CBL'KMBXJI 183 V, AID KSDTIO OS TSS rtSST HAS BAT IS SBCSXBU in so singular a manner. I do not-', from his chair, put the hook and tbo hesitate fiankly in confess tho feel ings, which-mAved nv nt; that mo ment. The solicitude for the child of cigar as:do and familiarly approaching me. sua : .v. bu At tu. lucre miinv lieatre in afferer for Y used and fe to-dav UoUIsCILL, inacy and Slis ue Dr. : favorite. Mildness conaurs- A. positive i thf gfnt! iV th -and lu-i llllI'-lV" iV ';'ro:r. i-ri? of b:i5 of so q-i 11 onr. Don't waste time on untried rem1 lies. , Old Saul's Catarrh Care has stood the test -f years. Eternity lies between morrow. ci-duy and tc- ; Virginia ier knives. BUCKLEN'S -A UN ICA SALVE. The best saive in the worl i for cn!s, brui'f-s, sr ;v. ulcers, salt rheum, feoor sores, tettff. chapped hatu!-, jhilJlains, t orus an ! ;1 skin eru. tio s n ? positively euro pil a, or no pav reqniresl. ft is txu rammed to ve pertert satNfae'ion. r inon-.y rtluiiil iid. Pri-' "2 fen's per lh. Fr s ,.le by J. B. Clifton. Pope. " Only a Freivch one," was tho re ply. " That would not 3,PSTrer my riu pose." asnictly remarked the monk, gae a pollto how and left the store. This W'hole sevne had scarfly lasted more thai a nunnle. I had kept mv erosion Clelia all the while; she h?d gr-own paler and paler, closely watched, the monk's every' movement and cxpi-epsion. and after the latter hnd left the place, she stood there "ik a -statue. " Were you able to tako the next train?" I was aked by her aunt, who evidently had taken no notice whatever of what had hained. "Yes, Madame," I replied. aFter a brief pause, during which I tried to master my confusion. "I continued my journey the very sr. me night." " Mamn-.a." said Paula. " here is just what we want a dose rip ti in of the road from Sp-ezzia to Pisa in its niinutc-st etai!v" I noticed a s.'i7ht contraction of the old lady's brow; the very next rao mcTt she replied as calmly aad pleas antly as ever: 'Take it' then, my child, and let go. You know, wo are being on pectcd." In a very few minutes the guif'c was .aid for Tbe old lady gave r.x a polite bow, wibed me a pleasaiv iourney. in case I intended to l('a . Turin before hrtig, and an aj;rec:fl visit, ai case I should stay. MiV 'aula also bowed graciously. nr.O Clelia spcined to awaken from a pr. -found (beam, when her aunt beckone" to her 'to follow them. Au levc-ir, MsdainoisolTe !" I ?a" tho Alajonhad almost subsided, whilst r ne peoplo in tho passa;o, who would suieiy seo you." " Hut who are jcth sir f -" Haven't I just given you my letter of introduction fiom Fra AngioloT' wan lus quiet reply. " Yo.i r " fei. Srgnore I ! But be pleaded to come into the room I only wished to give you a proof of my dexterity, for which reason I sent you from the room. Thoro is somebody coining walk in I leg of you !" mcc-an4v inere, rosi-jjeto:-o my mind's eye Ti pale face with fearful eyes, a lovely form moving a lightly as a Bjlpb's ard a sweet, touching voice, which had bidden mo Adieu! . . . No! no It could not, shoald not be it was impossible I must see her again must tell her, that . . . what was I to tell her? T Vegwn tn reflect, to ask myself, if I had at last in all mv restless wand eiirg found thoanrhor. which was to chain mo Prmly and indissolubly to i homo, a domestic hnppincss of my own. O. how many glittering castles-ir-4hva"r flontcd before my vis-on during those two hours, while I waited in my rom ! In every one of thein Clelia's irrajre shone briqMlv as the stpr thai was to sherl rvi'-e. hTiineas ard love upon my path! Yet T hsd only seen her tvtice exchanged' scarcely ten woids with her! 1 bad always looked uron it a a childish fable, this old, ctd story of the light nivg like c-nnrring of love! 1 had firny believed, that love could only rvdunllT be bono o lusting mutual ies;cct, 1i' o a full-blown flower, which has slowly grown to a modest bud and in one nifi;ht burst open its leaves and unfolds its glowing colors! And how was it now? I scarcely knew her naYrc. and yet I was on the very point of forgetting a sacred duty lor her sake! Once more the two ad ventures ciossed my mind. I asked myself, what n could have boon, that called forth Clelia's emotion at the sight of Palla Cassctti ? There camo i. .... .. i l..i ... followed the ladies for the purpes cf discovering their names and wiiei-ea-bou.s; again I woiidi-ted vhai the Myi"l-hesi'"s ilitpntii.ii ii.iirl-.t hr v.-l t (Mia had looked so troubled, why I jumped up angiily-my head wuci in a whirl ! CHAPTER XXI J. dumb with astonish men t 1 my strange visitor quickly Most '.vo:ile see'; of a tUvkled o- iuiou. dee 6lu n er S-JHtet as Hoses 1 1 3t-iFrcgrcatl LastLnQl Tbe Leading ES iTicoSSCts. Ccre.5 User Complaint, Cc-zticeacss, tiliouf jess Ajfecttons, biaaiaess L A. At druggists- 25 0. to her, bowing low. My voice mut have sound-: d strangely agitated, for she ca5t a long lingeilng look at ni? "Adieu,- Monsieur adieu !" she paid at l?t and was gone. Struck went in, locking the door behind me. 1 Le- liovo 1 should not have come to my self for a good while yet, had I not espied the famous light coat which Fra Angiolo's mcss?ngcr wore ou iirst entering tho room. Is it really you"' I exclaimed doubting my own eye. "It is, your Excellency I Bcppo Muncini is your humblo servants nainn." " But who are you and why thij mumnicy V" "Fra Angiolo told me, tnat you rright need my services in varioiu disgliiss. and I thoupht it best to give you a fair ."ample of my ability in adopting all kinds thereof. You ask mo who I am ? Mv name, as I have had the honor of informing you. in Bey p M .npi .i. Wl'fct I am. it is more difiicult to tell than what I was. 1 am a linear by tilth, in as much a my father was an orderly in the regi ment Pia: ci.ik in which I was brcucht quaintance of the Maichese Palla Cas otti, v.'Losc Kcivaul I have btfu lo: years. When that gemlemnn left the King's service, I could not think of remaining, aud left likcwino. Sir.ce. i 713 648 1 647 04 H C40 C-0 6.-1 C52 C5S 654 CVS 650 637 5J - 6.10 000 ff.l tr.2 tw 6M CCS cr.j r7 C6 669 670 671 673 678 674 RT.-i C7fX 877 S7S i 679 ; 6;o I CHI 6a til 3 6H4 Ko C6 6(57 6SS G.SQ 610 09 1 602 693 0U4 635 6D6 007 '. 8 6C0 TOO 701 70a - (roMTirt. G, Oo Rootbrvnd on motb oatiri4 piapT loo Htah llAjr do do da I a ' . Klla IHi kmoa do , do do I oo Wm tl Tb3rr.ugtoa do do d loo Kftorj IVll do do do 1 oo Juhn CtW-t do do do 9 oo lira 11 S Yaogbsn do do do loo l!tfl ltofrara do do do loo Nn-k Oiwwick do do hiMtio 8 oo l'rol;" Upciiarcb da do pnpf 1 oo Polly Unr do do do loo J Minis Ncbq sjh! J do do do )oo . -r .Lint &tiirklad f do do do 1 oo ' Turner &l edits do Support PrV1 Tcwrrf X oo s- Wm Frry sod viW do ovuad poopvr H oo Cham lUrris do do do 3 &o Bn Perry on month oa md papr I oo V.'ui EthriJyo do do do t ElU-n AUy do do do 1 oo F.etwr IVrrr do do do loo Mm 0dt FolVir do do do loo Amy It AIfM do do do 3oa HarLrii I euSry do do do I Hendrrnoii tlarria do do do 2 oo ' - Kitty Sixvry do do do 1 oo L uIUa WU'tuk3 do do do I So ilary AlWy do do do loo Horry Wil.Vr do do do I oo Dsr'uns Dutu do do do 1 OO Alfred Thirwtna do do do 1 oo Brry Wcwter do do pnpr 1 CO WU'.i km Toory eatl n! do do do 3 CO J I TrrrWl ud rbill do do do oO Nir.rT D.vi do do do ? OO - Bi; l anlkDT nod rilo do do do 3 OO Toofy lUrria do do do 1 OO John Stritlier aud nf do do do a OO N?Vtou BU!ord do do do 1 oo v Amniila r.rld-Mi do do do 1 OO 8rrwert Parrirh aud child do do do 5 OO CUaa Perry do do do 1 OO Jark Wiaxuia aud rhild do do do 3 00 ic 2, J C I'wm oo day juror in roaa otjoha RarLoni ISO W H WUliama do do do I LO W W Ferry do do do 1 SO F. F Jolir.oo do do do 1 60 William Rotors do do do 1 SO I'.ailard Ferry do do do 1 CO 703 704 705 700 707 7fl 700 710 711 I 71i 3 II C Kearney J A Tboma R M FnlWr J R JotlMt W H Fnnnan, Jr K B (1jc N D D Mi y Jam- Hntton J vV Young- T S Collia vr p Vit T S ( o l.e J W Yonnj Oeorse Wimtton eiiienaea conreyinff E C Batrhalor, lunatic, from inaan anyhim amount of arcoant, notice to magiatratea board of pan per for May roftn lor Jack WUnrina amount ol acroont for draff roff.n for 8aaan Wilder board of prisoner tnakino; new bnca near Andermon'a bridft one day cemraittae on C 8 C report and canort- linr order ritb Treaonrer one day committer on C 8 C report and cancd liuic order with Treasurer 4 Ua rommiaaioner and 4H mik 112 3 4 64 H4 112 a sMsssas S. II. Clifford, N'ew Cad troublfju with neural jri a anq liis stomach was disonlered nffpcteil to n.n jiiarminsr dearrt awav. and he was territily rddnced in floeh and Htrenartb. Three bottleij Electric Bit tern cured him. Kdward Shepherd, Harris'darg. El., had a ruuuiiisr'Hore on bis wg ot eia int?. Used three bottles of !'nd Heven boxes .Bucklea'! and his lesr i8 sound and well cr. Catawba, O., had five lai on hi8 lee doctors eau ne Oue bottle Electric Bitterd Bucklen's Arniea Salve- em ly. Sold by King, Clifton & :lr Wis., was rheuniatisru, his lirer was appetite feil lit years stand llectrje Bitters i Arnica Salve, t JobnSpeak ge fever sorea was uicuraDie. and one box d him entire- W? fries only 25 Cis. Soli b'jcll druggists. Will rolieve Bhoumaiism, flourclgia, SsiQllingSrBruisaSfLumkcgOfSpraini Headache, Toothacko, Sores, Burnt, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Yfounds,&c. draff'nsts. n.ie'U LAHCtL- PLUGS, Ths Grent Tobacco Ai arusisi. ChEi.7tiJoteJPrin10 Cta. Atoll druaaistr no to I desiie to inform m I friends and the puldi-.. geuerallj : a fivtCj class stock of . ' " -rrH; THE HE PTJBIJO.-UBLIC- I have opener1 ghC:lAXbHv burg, wh?re I shall be glad to have yiu call w.h6u iu. U s of uusin Sss is ou'iiain f iretii opi osuc thf . iH.wtHiQ. e w la Iouisl Aiv Oliice say i hut 1 will pWaVe yvu oi;ly hidf t xpresfce iu . tOWlti. lo iiaa "'tilwaya uceu my ru.e 10 1 ever mi.ow aw j vas . o j . .... a , that hg br.ehe hai received their full uioney's vortli. :-;My ?lo-. ; - U..?-'Q'h, : :7; consist mainly iu -. - , v : . -v ..; '' "';'-rv:;-. vi : .-;,.:IIATS, - "t-- . .:'V.;j'.: all of which Kill he sold at bottom prices.!. Give rao acall.. 1. I " -ro V ; .; Verv RespeA-tfully, - - '. - . Cfl AFTER XXI. Tl.is singularly grave girl had al ready 'gained a singular power ove1 me : her " adieu" sounded like a dcath-scntcnco in mv ers ! I threw the catalogue on the crunfcer, a-.d wit' oat minding the s-.cei on tho face of tho clerk, I also left had scarcely reached the street when I observed my friend, tho monk. standing in the -vestibule of a house opposite, awaiting mv coming. 1 crossed the street and wo entered the house. " I told you yesterday," ho began in hurried voice, "that tou were to call for mo at the cloister to-morrow forenoon. That cannot be done, and waited hero to tell you so. We must fix upon another rendezvous. I shall try to learn whatever I can, if possible all, this very day, and desire to sec you earlv to-morrow morning at any rate. Uut wrnero ? tjan yon suggest a place, a very retired one 5" I thought a moment and said rather blandly : i "Retired places are always the most dangerous ones. If wo should be noticed, people would suspect us at once, for pardon me, Padre, for saying so your present "garb is not quite as popular, as was your uniform in times past. I propose therefore to meet you openly in some public place, say at tho railway station just before the departure of a train, be it in the waiting-room or on the platform. There nobody will think it. strange to see a tourist speaking to a monk, and . " "Yon are quite right," Palla Cas- sotti - interrupted; me, " The train for Genoa leaves . to-morrow morning at half past nine o'clock. I shall be at the station by nine." " Is there anything that I can do to-day?" rso notnwg : i iowevcr let me see havo you any letters of introduc tion for Turin ?" . ' "Nob one" J " ' " Have you a servant with you ?" " Neither." ! '- ' " In that case wait amomcnt. You require a reliable attendant. Return to your hotel for the present ; in an hour or two I shall send you one. Hi f sco may not be of the most pre possessing order do not mind it.' I Touch for him ''... i lie held oxxt his hand to eo. "Padre!" I-said." do pot. L beg; 61 you, lose sight or tLe lact. that 1 am till rwi:ig the Cavaliere Salviati a re ply to a certam thrust of his sword," i" k fler.ee H.said tho monk, gravfely. v Have : you. come acre, to -revenge yourself, or for the purpose of fulfill ang Camilio dving wish I "For tne latter without doutt for the forme r perhaus J" I jeplied. In that event let mo toll you, that you may ount" upon my-assistance in the former and upon my." strenuous t reslstarica. in the latter case !" V" Y'ou appear greatly changed, Ma CHAPTER XXIL . There came a k ock at the door. I cabed loudly "C ate in" ar.d there entered a man nay. tbo caiicuturo of a man. looking so droll, that I could liot sii' p.ess aiua tj bu;s;of 1 luglifer me reau-.T wj.i please imagine a man of medium 1. iirht, so stoia tha: he apjicaicd r.eaily as large round as he was tall, dressed in a coat so ex- 3 1 ... . ... cccaing-y tigin, t.uil lus 'Mins cou.ti net touch the walot. but. like a bow wi'hout a string, stood off nearly a foot from either hip. Grey linen jr!ocs covend his hands, wht so size camo neaivr that of an elephant's foot. than of a human hand : in thorn ho held a ridiculously small hat and a very slender cams His face . () his face! I had never seen a faco more clearly resembling a pumpkin, bloated, pock-nia. od and red as tire; on Vjs head he had a tangled mass of curly black hair, and on bis upper lip a fearful jet-black moustache which concealed hi whole mouth ! It was, without doubt, the drollest figure I had ever seen in my life. " Pardon, Signorc !" I said at last. CUlUla U1U3V i.V llUblllVll all IMO room. 1 have not tho pleasure or knowing you." " Fra Angiolo sent me here." he re plied in a deep-bass voice, handing me at tho same tmc a note written i pencil, in whica tho Martbcse in formed me, that the learer was tho person,, cf whom he had spokon to me a most reliable individual, in whom I could place the utmost confidence, I began to tLink, tho monk was in dulging in a joke at my expense ; for what could I do with such a ridicu lous being? " Srlgnore,'' the individual continued in a slightly ang y tone of voice. " the kindhearted padio has told me neaily everything and more particularly the reason, why he sent me to you. He also mentioned uamns to mo, in fact I know all that se ms necessary. And now listen to me ! . While conn 112 up stairs, I met in tho corridor two per sons, who are intimately . connected with the affairs U at brought yon here, for I heard your name mentioned several times. Might it not bo well for you to go and seo who tho two ladies avo?" "LadifS?" I exclaimed. Y'es, sir. An eld lady and a young girl with her." . " In that casa wait a moment T shall be back directly !" . I rushed from the loom to tho landing of the broad staircase. There was not a soul to bo seen ! I ran along the cor ridor, up the bak sf airs nobody there! Either tho ladies had left or the man must have been mistaken. I listened for a' moment, glanced along me comaors, ana' went oacs to my. room, the door of which was ajar. Just as I had left it.' -I opened it wide it was my room t recognized it, at a glance, and yet I fell back in con fusion,', muttering, a "ScusI, Signorc" (beg your pardon sir); and found ray Fell once more in the passage in front of the ' room. - I must have made a mistake, It could 'ot'ho my room. Still there was No. 58 on the door it was my room after all ! I entered it a second time and as I did a minute ago, I observed a short middlo:aged man in a light suit, com fortably seated in my arm-chair, an however, an irrcpres.iblc antipathy ti my former master's ucw profession, in duced me to separate from him. I adopted one, for which I think Fat had dtslined ne: for ever sir.co nn earliest childhood all my hopes and It ngings had but one aim that of be coming an actor. Ohime, hii;nore! Italy, alas ! 1.4 no longer the chosen homo of art and poetry radicalism has inncr.s-d rl ogethcr too fast. I hav been most unfortunate :us an actor, and ferving an uiiRiatcfal public has de prived mo of live of tbe best years of my life. In consequence of a catastro phe, which can ha-dly interest you. 1 left tho tcrvk-e of Thalia and re-cn- tcred that of ihc 8: ate, in Mhich I an to this dav, and doing very well, 1 tan assure you." "jn officer of tho State how am 1 lo understand that? I asked, aftc having attentively listened to tho long story of my new adjutant. " Yes, Sir. 1 am sciving the State generally." he replied, " and the Quest ore di Pcizia more especially." "Aim! "iouaro . . . " V os, I ki-ow," he interrupted me with a slight shrtig of the shoulders ; " people a-o very apt to give hard names to thcr'uscful occupation I have chosen, but they are after all only prompted by pet'.y malice, and I can little about them. I havo passed most t f my lif aa.ong gen lea:o:i. On leav ing the stage, I t.ied lo twuh and im provo my peoido, ai:d now I aut one of tho links cf that active and useful chain, which protects the people snr" society gcneially. I assure you, sir. 1 let tho ignorant herd give all sorts cf names to our piofession and mind it just as little, as 1 did when they hissed me on the stage." Rut how happens it, that Fra An gi(Jo places a . . an agent of the secret police at my disposal?" 1 in quired. . " That is easily done and an inno vation, which tho present Questorc has introduced, and which has ahead proved an incstlr ble blessing ! If for instance, pe p are engapvd in an affairr such as your own at this mo ment." a well-known and respectable gentleman may simply apply , to the f el ice and tho Qu.store at once, upon sccuruy being given, places an agent at hi disposal. We ai-o all under oath and see to it carefully ourselves. that ho, w;ho claims oar services, do not ask anything wrong from us; at tho fame lime wo have tho iower, ir our rapacity as servants of tbo police, to leader harmless the enemies oi thto whom we serve, lou will rec at a glance, sii. that this is a mrs' pracucai insuiuuon. it is true, tui scrvico requires agents tlat can well ! I do not wi.-h to sound my own proi -c but I have given much latisfaclior beforb tki-l' : j. ' ' To te continue f "J 714 715 , 710 717 71H 710 720 721 722 72.1 724 723 725 727 72S 72W 7 HO 731 782 733 734 735 730 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 45 740 747 748 470 750 7M 75-2 753 754 755 750 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 T6 767 768 69 77o 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 78o 781 7S2 K Sykra HC Kwuney " oScer to Hoard P A Paria " " clerk to Hoard Y A Da via unt of acct fld G W Brown 4 day arrvicea to Board and making ap ment for nuwriatratea maetiaK II Ha lie wood amt of ocrt filed Hibibeth Phi-lp On month ontaida paaper Mr Marv Hayea " W'iLw Mitch.41 .... Mr Lucy Ioaard " " " Wr E Horary Rritton MejJIin anl wife Mr Tony Harria M Huabeth Bolton " " " ronstic Napoleon May " " " paoper S A Hamlet Mm E Oonton " " " " Mr 11 Falconer J E Unpton ' Innate Matilda Edward ' " " paar fc-o8ontberland rl-vrab Hare " " " FJIa Pirkrreoo " Wn H Tharrtnon " N,ury Bell - JohnCatlett' " MrM8Vanghaa listen Krirr Nick Gork I'mnlia Cpchnrrh Polly Harper Joabna Nunn and wib LiuieBtrirkland Turner Medlia Wd Perry nnd wile Charlie Harria Ben Perrr Wm Ethridffe Ellen Alley Peberca Ferry Mr Geneva i anlkner Barbara Henley Henderaon Harria Kitty Spirey lathf-lla Willam Mary Alley -Henry Wilder BacbaaDaru '" Alfred Dnnston " M " m Berry Weter M pamper William Ton-y and wila J M Teirell and ciilJ M " Nancy Daria M Ben Fanlkner and wife M " " M ta.U- ruaatie pan per " Kspport rruaia Young Ontide paapar M f . At tha TcUpbva. The Queen of .Belgium indulges her love of music to the extent of having a telephone connected wltlf the princi pal theater fixed in her private room. During a reltears&l recently the excla mations of the conductor, enraged by r want of accuracy and tone on the part of the orchestra, produced a call at the telephone : Pardon me, but tlie queen is listening. Can't the , rehearsal go oo without swearing?" -'Jr- - 1 mMmt rl Children Cry forPitcher's Csstcrb, 12 50 3 OO 64 80 am T6O 2 HO 16 10 2 C5 300 300 1040 13 60 11 30 10 30 13 CO 800 8 OO 84 7o 16 00 1 So 30O 3 oO 1 OO 100 1 OO 300 1 00 SCO 1 OO 1 &9 300 1 OO 3 OO 1 OO 1 OO 1 SO 1 OO 1 00 1 OO 300 1 OO lOO a 00 100 1 ou a 00 1 00 a 00 300 -3 s 1 o 100 1 00 loo 101 I to 30 I Ir list lOO 100 100 I OO 3 00 SO 800 300 400 1 oo so 1 00 1 00 00 10O loo - o loo .loo loo 783 784 785 766 7H7 788 789 790 701 762 793 704 795 796 707 708 709 Hoo 80I 8o3 8o3 8o4 8o5 806 8o7 808 8o9 81o 811 813 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 82o Toney Hani John Strother and wife Neptnn Ballard Amanda Bridge Stewart Parriah 4 children Chaa Perry Jamea Wiggins Nancy Sueamn cnudrm - JaneTbomaa " - r Lorie lnrjrnron " " . Mr Franc? Hinea " " July 7, EM Ha wltneea lee lo case 01 Stat . r eter UU1 Apr. tana 189o tto J W Perry pnttinz op stock law fence, Frwmaaa towiualp . 3 25 'JHBryaa . repoirfng Baaaes bridjr and timber : , 8 no . RMFnner barial expenaea of Beni. Uine poapr . ' 3 80 J H Griffin repairing eonnty fence to J aly let 1890 e 00 Cancelled - , W H EJrards part payment for boHdiog hotu at poor houae loo 00 W II Edwards do do do do do- 9 So H H Harria repalricg toek law fc Harria' towuhip 00 W B llowerton making now gate arroa pabUc road la UoU towneaip. and repaiuag letwa . 800' repair on county fence 1316 ataonnt of acconnt for board of pan per . 62 To putting an atock law fenee, Freemaaa townalda ", 73 amonnt otaaonant filed , ' - 4 So rcnAiring stock law feoto " . 1 So II K fare to lUleiga on aert of uaeaslng B W tax and 8 day agi Thee, kotel Ave I0O0 part of $135k for aerrice aa health ofiosr for six montb ending July lat 1890 6J So part of SI 25. 00 lor aer rc aa health ofaeer tr , alx monthaendior Jnly 1st l89o Al Sa Edward & Bronghton , 3 tax books ' 4 m NDDMay - board of prisoner, ' - 32 65 8, Win J Kiug.CS C amount of account tied - S So EHykea - - on day committee oa Carpenter bride 3 oo John It Alford keeping raft .'rom Andervoa'a bridge to JeTy 1, 9o 3 So Ilermra Jonca R M Fnller Howell Bndgea J A Tboma A J Joiea TS Colli B 8 Foter ES Foster PA Pari P A DaTla P A DarU T S CoJiia 14, RAtfpeed J J Cook J C Baker . PP Peirce KOWlnn . W P Perry , . . Jobs 8 jkea ' John K AUord A D VrUliama W T Wilder EiIHa - John Dickena John Dirken part of acct ol 833.9o aaet filed ' - S 00 OO . . 00 do . 8 9o do . do do . 3o oo 3 day committee on building hona at poor bona 4 00 Mr Marri Hayes ' Willie Uithcbell Mr Lncy Leonard MrEDomey " ; BrittAa Medlin and wife ' Mr Tony Harria Elisabeth Bolton taking tax bat, Handy Creek township I8D0 do no toar iuxk do o do do Harria' 00 do do do Fraemana do . do do ... do HayesTillo do 4o do - V Co Fnuiklinton do . do - do . do Cypres Creek ' do do do do liutna . . do do do ' do.noldMina . o . do do do Loniaborg '. do - do repairing rirer bridge v owe badotead for poor hoaa , - onecoSa for H Hnntee Oa month outavia pa o per do do do do do do do do do do do'- &t " do rio rTOBF.CON'TTXCEPJ do do do do " do ronatle ri So 32 So 32 So 32 So IS oo 80 00 13 oo 3o o 18 oo 80 oo 75 a 25 .38 3 00 3 00 loo loo loo 3 oo loo v it

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