- J. T$K : : "Tp . Jl, THOMAS, Editor tnd Proprietor. With Malict toward none; With- Charity for' all. $10 PER JSXVU, U Jdvnrt VOL, XIX. LOUISBURG, N C.,:JANUARY.23, 1891. NO. 61. af Hier.t of all in Lcavepi ag Power. TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. :!i - - . - CLELIA'S FORTUNE. . ' - . ' - A Tale of Romance and Ad venture in Sunny Italy. - f Transla ted from the German of A Kel l The belief in the raoralbiing effects ' 01 in iciiiuM kuiiuit; ia tiieiiru-- net bort Spencer. There is ouly Uhe. Cult ore untouched by rt-Tlglon lias no redeeming power. . Pronounced Hopeless Yet Saved From a letter written There is only one Swjft's Spe- Hntarwer w ly Mr8' Adf;E- 1, " tiurd, of Groton, S. D., we quot3: 'Vas citic (S. S. S.), and thetb is noth ing like it. Do not be deceived by the numerous imitations, sub stitutes, frauds, etc., which are being pushed on thfT jpublic by persons whose desire isl to make ... money on the credujttusi S. S. S., is a distinct medicispS? is' differ ent from any other remedy. It must not be classed witli the old worn out potash, mercury, sarsa p a r il 1 a, thousand-dces-for-a-shilliug article, which sire adver tised, as it is not at all ljke them. S. S. S. cures. by eliminating the poison from the blood by its ac tion on the skin, and niver fails to give relief and build up the health of the patient. Our trea ties on Blood ou Skin i Diseases will give much valuable;! informa tion, and will he mailel free to applicants. i SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Atlanta, Ga. taKen witn a bad cold, which fwttf.xl nn lih lungs, congU set in aad finally terminatidiu consumption Four doctors gave me up saying I could liv-e but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not live with ray friends on earth. I would met my absent oass above. Mv husband was advised to get Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption; coughs and colds. I gave it a, trial, took in all eight bottles; it ha3 cured me and thank God I am now a well aid hearty woman. Trial bottles free at King, Clifton & Co.'s drug store, regular sizes opc. and $1.00 Whenever culture of intellect out strip culture of conscience disaster follows Reason and experienc xpect that natio to expect that frevail in exclusion of religious pies. Geo ge Washiut -u." bot't forbid us al morali v can princi- Sweet as Roses t J . Tho Leading yfragrcttt! Lasting? Fnce J55 Cta. Sola at Erogsista M K o n rt r. Lfiif ftp sua "C.vrcs Liver Complaint, coctioencss. hiiouf Aj'cctiiins, Cidtioess At dru'gsista. 5 C. Popular intelligence with opular un- Lilici ends in pop .lar corrpiion. Everybody who has; used it knows that Old Saul') Catarrh Cure is the standard remedy of its kind in the market. Price on ly '2b cents. I We often wonder whitt induced lh. liull to invent his1 celebrated Baby Syrup, but we understand now, that he was a married man. 1 is Kl -, v sjn VJ? T.T V MimM$m flu 1'duca io i is he cliap deireiiSe f n. - Hons Kduiitu 1 Jjiirke.' Easy expectation, increased power of the lungs ami the. en joyment of rest, are th regards, upon taking Dr. Bull's Oough 8yrup, to all consumpfivos. Cuts, burns and jjall other ' wounds, tan be cured In a shor time by the use of f Salvation Oil, the greatest cure7 on earth for pain. Price only 5 cents. frtcs only 28 Ota. SoUl'j all druggists. WiiS relievo Bkoumaiicn, Hoard 'jc, SweffngsJ?ruisesfLuiabcHO,prc:'n Headache, Toothache, Soros, Cur.:zr Cuts, Scalds, Backache, VJeunds, &c. ttuent LAFJGL .WCS, The Cret Tobrcco (rfl C isr tiJoiet Price 10 Cta. At oil druaaiatr work fur uf, l.v Anna Cnge, Aiirtin, !Trxii, mil .Hio. liuim, Toledo, Ohiflt ISn- cut. OlhrnmrrtloinfrMweil. nny !nit too? HoiMe int over 6W.w kiinuili. Yn ran do lue work and IIH Cn4 Koiit, w ienviT yon r.Ttt be- 'ehincrs arc rnrilv raminfr from w f lHadj. All Wtjuhow y ou hoU nd Hart yi-u. Can work ia re iinw or tl lUr lime. Hl(r moni-y for work, era. Failure unknown amouR thcra X KW and wonderful. l'artl-ulni fru . Hailit -Iz Co.. Box HMO A-ortlanti. J" "IT I nrdeis!ancl you coricrtly ex cuse pt fcr'Vnr the que-stion you aref rM'gf d. by virtna of xnur office to Jnfocm tho; cipnr'vn Cuostore a once, or vevy tsoon at , v rate,, of all you avo doiyaLm. mv ;.a,ijalf ?" . " Heg your par-den sir! You arc smc.wrat nv.stakon in this. I am. -trictly sip alrin?. ro.lorger an asjentof thfipolice from the moment I enter your service: and the Questoro dis misses the affair entirely . from hi mind, unless I should happen to ho compelled to make an arrest, in which event I should become responsible t him for any a-cticn." "Ilm? . . . You mentioned Iht word 'security' before?" j os, sir. The messenger of Fra Angiplo, who, as you will readily un derstand. dors not choose to appear at the police-ofuce in his garb, has de- lMsiteo one hurdi d Xanoleons." " Ahem !" I said, fully aware at last why the monjc had asked me for that sum. And who was the messiinser ? Tho messenger of . . . ? Oh Anjriolo will mo doubt give you his ratre." he rejlifd; ' I did not know him." I looked him firmly in the f-ice )cu are discreet. 1 see and rightly so too! May I count upon your being us discreet in my behalf, as you are in that of the Mai-chose?" I !'Ou'd not deserve the conf; rience of my superior, if I were other wio." " In that ease ansvcr me frankly rvd s'MiHvnlr : Hoav carr.e. yoM to toil me, that two ladies one of them old. the other a young one -had mcutioned my name in the corridor?" Ho giinr.ed and said with an arch-cxr-rossion of countenance : " That. sir. is an old trick .f mine, which hv. scarcely ever failed me. In 11 the rd'cntmes. in which T h.,vc Ic-n r-iUrM? pj'on to lake a r-nrt-. avo. there was a Avoman in and hence 1 resorted to my rnsiomnvy tri -k for t- o punioso of get'. ing lid of my heavily-w-dded oevc-at. my Avig ad my l-aid." " Fo- that purpose only ??' "Upon my AA-o:d! And now Mr. if my au.AAT-rs ha-f satfsfiod yon. v. ill you be. gn-d enough to give me your crdvs? Sitting still and d ing noth ing, ai-" nuno of my fancies, pcimit mc i p'nau not ian io uo mo, riorw ' Ij-the-by ao ycu need , any money?" v' t v " Money .never comes amiss," he rc- dicd putting on his light-colored linen loves, .which, as I saAV for tho first Ume. were also wadded. " Ilei-e are lensc di for theTresen We shall square our account later on.r " Graxie, Signore ! On thing more may bo obliged- to 'adopt, anothc disgui'o. and you might probaUv no ecognize mo, hcAA-ever sfrona t' rive me some important commission Tust look at me and jr.ark this par icular sign. If you sliould meet a .he station a' man, closely examining he ashes at the end of a tigar. hold ug up ihe lattcr.and. JuiooMng .ho ashes with his little finger, that nan will bo myp If. Or if a ma should suddenly placo himseir in youi way and rub his nose vehemently, tha is l iysclf again : o- . . ." That will.do!" I said laughingly ' I shall know you even without tha .-t-henicnt manipulation of your nasa' -rgan." " Do no', be OA'cr-cor,iid"nt, Signore ie replied grandilepiently, seizing hi ;at and the diminutive caue; " im "ormer experiences in mimicry on th ;tago are of infinite servico to me i; .y noAV pesi'.ion. Servo sue. Sign or your most obedient servant. Yo hall he satisfied with uie my won rpon it !' "With this, ihe singular being lef ny room and I could not suppres mother hearty .laugh at seeinc thi man AA-alking aln th an inimitable eravitv window to see hiv street. He apneaio- aricature of a nrriclor with I opened thq ioing down th 'o excite much le locked afte notice there alxo; pe- him and smiled. I rang the bell for a waiter to com ip. "Wa tho ne?" he inqi for g; anted, tl Wl 1 yonr case v to sa? CHAPTER XXIV. I reflected a while. This man 7 ' Ti'iilri Moral education is the tiulvvark ci a State Fenelon. L BUCKLEN'S ARNICA tU The best saive in the woi brumes. gore. ulcers. .VE, tor cms. lit rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped haud . childiains, corns and all slijin eru: tioi s and positively cure pih s, or ho pa required, ft is guaranteed to oiv lierfect satisfaction, or mcnev refund ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. B. CUltoii. aM4 PIECES 0FR5USIC To any one sending 10 cents, the Waverlky Magazinr will be sent for tour weeks as a trial subscription. The regular price is four dollars per year. Each issue contains from ten to fifteen complete stories, comments on current events, puzzles, jokes, hints for the household, end the best of music just the thing for long winter evenings. THSnji what you get in four copies ! 64 paees 256 columns of reading mutter 300,000 words comprising over 60 com plete stories, and vocal and instrumental music, (the latter is worth at least fifty cents.) and alt r i . t1 r .- i nf i . i j 1U1 uiiiy XCU MUM . WUiK f IsU UUUC1SUIUU this oiler is made to get you to give the paper a trial, knowing lull well tnat you will become permanent subscribers. Address WAVBLET RJAGAIIKE, Bo its. jpe: To THE HE TTJBLia UI3LIC.- I desire to inform my friends and the public generally that I have opened I a first class stock of - ? -GEN lERxVTT genei.aIL MERCHANDISE-EliCHANDlSE- In Louisburg, "whee I shall be glad to have you call when iu town. My place of businec s is on Main street, opposite the post-office. To say iha( I will plcaie yu only, half expresses it; as it . has always oeen my rule io ne ver aiiow any one io go way spinous ueuevujg v that he or she ba leceived their full money's worthy. My stock wilK; ; 1 '; consist maiuly in '-,,,', , : ' : DRY GOODS, - ! NCIIONS, HATS, vSHOES, GROCERIES, $c.,; all ofwluch'wilj be sold at bottom "prices.' Gif e in a call. .Very Respectfully, GEO. H. COOPER- ncd po completely taket, use by storm, that 1 was unablo to collect my thought.. I determined finally to ask the Marches ror fnvther information about this man, before giving him my full con ' donee. IToAvever. what preA cnted e from iiig the fclloAV forthwith for e p rpo- of solving the mystei-y that hovered ocr my fair unknown of St. Jean do Maurienne? Sigror lSeppo, I sam ' I am strongly irc'i' ed to test ymr adn itness this rc:v minnfco. About Iaao hours aso I o. s hci , wbc.f they bought a .. U;-voyageur of the liiviera del ... iu. Those ladies arrived a jcav a. s jinco from Switzoilir.d and went lt. ouo steppin' to lcno:t. whence hey seemed to havo ret in lied this very j.S . Could you manage to toll mo b no o'clock to-inorvOAV nioiniug, aaJji-c-y are, aud waat their names. nence tliey came, Avniuier uiey m ei:d to go in short, coidd you give io a full and deiu led account about hem and their movements?"' "Cctainly. Signore!" replied my ornnf crjriiiicr liii. 1 V from r.lS khiill jjVll Vf tjiui viiiq - - id beginning lo change his toilet. Coidd you dosciioe them to mo a lit- lo inero closely V" I did so, watching the metamorpho- i3 going on IjCIo.o my eyes amvu m- enso interest. His overccat appeurec ,o be thickly AAadued throughout ; f o Uo moment he nut it on, he assumct he same awkwa.d look, which hac ucl mo as boin; so comical before Io anpeared Avhether it was owing t.' Lho improvised bie.wlth of-us booj . wkeuier ho actually Muontd i ake himself look smallci at lea. . foot shorter than before. I saw hi. aking off his gray Avig and iiuttir. ,n the former on ; hi scanty, almos whit-e whiskers disappeared under tL leice looking rro.isat-he ; ne ne went into the alcove aud there, Lefoi . mirrow, blackened his face with ; .ind of pad he t'-ok from bis pocke; V fow moments later he ro-entered th oom and stood before ino once num is the same individual tJat had s ri-catly excited my risibility on hi iii sfe entrance. Even his yoico hat completely changed ; in the same dcei .one of voice, as then, he said : . " Your Excellency may rest assurer 'o learn not only the names of, bur likewise all other desirable. aetu Uiout tho thieo ladies who intcrc. -ou so much by nine o'clock to morrow morning at the Genoese. rail way s'a'ion." ';. Vit Avell, TJerpo' " hero is onr more noint to -nhich I desire to call bur a'.test'onl ; Whatever informatioi vou may. have to. impart, 1 want yoi. ho givo it to myself alone you under stand ? - :! -" Perfectly. ' ; ; 'In whaievcr company r you-; may eo me on the platform do not spcal to me until I am alcne, but follow, mc' tpO"aMon a sntisfactor ired of me. and avi" fr uit Availing for my lvply added : " Yo- '-avo not gtven him mere tl-.an fiv frar.es. I hope? He never gets moi ban that.'' "Of whom are ycu sneaking?' asked in ast( nishment. " Of the corn-doctor, who Wt yon fcAV minutes ago. He is :i droll foUr. nd a si ur e of arruscnwnt t o aU of us.r "Ahem!"' I said, beginning to se 'h rough it. " Ye?, be did very Avell Dees he cme hero often ?" "Ue keeps a sharp lookout for neA a-'Tivnls, and is always m hand. Ib has the custom of povorr.l houses!" It Aas clear Fra Angii lo had i lar a regular agent of the police at nv disposal ; for I aa-h avcII aware that th' tj -l." t iia im poiu-c seizeti. as i;. A-;e-'. npor ?vM-y stiartger. and without nxh:irif Vim in tho least, never lust sight o him. Mv f i-pt dnr in Turin ho trim undo v! rv dbht avtemng ciivuiv.s'ancrs, had been a most successful one in the end Tho meeting Avilh tho March eso. and :hc as.-istuhee of tbe spy Avould prcv Jo bo valuable auxiliarie. in my future ur.d rtakings aiainst Salriati. I Ava. highly satisfied with the result of the first day . . . moreover I hn the srti fa- tion of having caught a glimpse of Clelia, res, my near son. JI uou WTno to call one of his children unto Him self, man ought nob to oppose tho di vine will !" I looked at him in aHorishmcnt ho had gieat'y changed from tho daj before. His eyes had lost their bright cess, his face the expression of earn cstness and energy, the military bear ing had complete! disappeared and a monk, a real mon., Avas sitting by my side. IIoAvevcr, I recovered my com posure quickly, ai.d resolved to be on my guard. ' " Oblige me by explaining tho moan ing of your Avordr" I said. " Camillo (linoxzi's child is fated to serve tho Lord in a convent," he re plied. hesiiaUngry, ""testing V- titnid glance at nie. "Ahem! In order most probably, that the Cavaliere Salviati mar also receiA'c that portion of the inheritance. Avhich the giandfather iu legally bound to leaA-e to his giaiidchiid. I see it all. And that is Avhat you call the di- vino Aill?" " Even the sinfulness of tho wicked lie mar -avail nimaou oi. to savo tne souls of His chc n ones !" " Padre," I said angrily, " I do not know murh. about dogmas or doctriues, and hence cannot ansAver j-ou as fully as I might Avish. Rut by my honor 1 swear to you, that the wicked shall not triumph in this instance, as long as I haA'e strength and poAver to act.'" " Calm vouiself. mv son . . . " No do not ask it. I can under stand your scruples, .viarchese. and knoAAing you, an I do. even respect tnem. l ney resoiAe tncmselves sim ply into tho sad fact, that from the moment you knew that Camillo's child AA-as to be sent to a conAent, your zeal greAV cold, and you noAV rej.ent your promise, to aid me in my undertaking I shall saA'o the cl ild, by . . . " The child will be saved, if sho but join tho chosen band of the Re deemer." " Wo aatIH not discuss this point. We must sepatate bore. Farewell. Padre ! I shall fight the battle alone, and if I succumb may you never rue of haviug refused to assist me !" I rose quickly, although I could plainly see, that the Dominican Ava struggling with his own better con viction j ho would have gkvlly de tained me, had not hi profession op posed such a stop. He alo rose from tho sofa and seized my hand at the moment I turned to go. " I am only doing my duty," ho said AA ith a trembling A-oice, " as you are doing yours. Wo must part; but. be lievo me, I shall pray for j ou from the bottom of my heart!" " Thank you. Padre, you are A'cry kind ! Rut tho platform ii filling with travelleis. I must go. I am expect ing 'Somebody a fnend P And Avithout giving him another look, I opened the door of tho room and stepped out on tho platform. A STATEMENT. ' ACCORDHCO TO UW Of THS AMOCTT OF aUCaf AOPOCTTT Ctanien kt9 ILLOVUUTIt aA .orUOl-NTTCOMUimUaXEaUOr FKA.XkUjr OorSTT. AJ(tTt WIOV AUjOVCB. rMt OB T2SIMr uoDxr " Dttcusat l!WS, Asio Mia rxt th rtarr moxbat is utukb lrt.TTdc.) 2 8i3 824 82-- 820 827 H28 829 830 831 832 MS 814 833 8.17 8.13 8.19 840 811 812 84.1 844 845 8itt 847 848 849 sr.o 8.11 852 HC: 8T.4 1855 K50 iR.17 8T8 859 800 8l 82 8fi.I 8H4 8r 80 87 80S 8(5'J 870 871 872 873 874 873 870 877 878 879 88(1 881 14,'90 Napoleon May on raooth oatd psurr 8 A Hamlet da do do lrEGarton" da do do Mrs H Kalronrr do do do J K Uupton do do lunatic itatiltla Ui&rJi lo do pnvprr Ueo Soathrriiuiil do do do Harnh Hiiyp do do do KIih Difkrmon do do do Wm 11 Thorrintoa do do do Kanry Bll do do do - . JohaCavtlott do -ido . do MrtkS Vaajrh&a do do do Htlen Koirrr do do do Nirk GowU k do do lanatic Urol Upcfaoreii da do pAnrr Polly Hnrpr do do do JoLoav Nana and wife do da do lAtxw HtrnrLlaik) do do do Tunxr MtHllin do Sapport PrWdt Tcmaj Wm Perry sod wilt) do ontwd pan per Ch.is UarrU da do do Bn Perry ou moath outsiJ paopf No oHt. rnlMted narabvr Wra Ethrit'ir do do da Ali tl)et Alley do do do Kebn-ra IVrry do do da Mr Genera r'onlVner do do do Darbara l.rnlcy do do " da l!rjderiKn Karrw do do da Kitty Hpiref do do do Ixaht-lla Wiiliama do do do Uary Alley do do do Heory Wilder do do do B"-hp.i Daris do do do Alfred Diirmton do do do Itevry Weaiter do do p3Qar William Tooey and wife do do do J M Trrrell aud rtiild do do do Ne.uey Dnri do do do lien Kan! per and wiio rln do do Toney Harri do do do Johu jtrtt lwr and wife do do do Nrptane Ballanl do do da Amaoda bridges do du do Chaa Perry do do do Nancy Shea fin A children do do do Lorie Purtrnraon do do do Mm. Franow Uinea Jo do do 8ol Pirry do do do Miw Cutherin? Youd do jo do Authonr Jon- c!o do do Sidney Liftiejohn do do do Mr.N Faalkner Arhildreo do do do tlr lied i Iliir bom " do tlo do Narriu Hobba aud rhild do do do 11 ll Altord do do do Ang4, CHAPTER XXV. Towarls nine o'clock on the follow ing morning I took my stand at tho laihvav-station, and haing arrived some time before the hour appointed. T Aralked up and down the platform, smoking a cigar. Soon after I saAv Fia Angiolo entering the still empty waiting-room for first-class passen gers, and take a seat by his dJo Tn ukxj u iiCcui a.iy suspicion Li cieated hy my apj;ea:ance at the st. tion, I had dres-sed myself in a fi touristy costume, in which even U customary satchel, worn over tl. shoulder, avos not forgotten. TL Marchcso seemed much surprised u. aeeing me tlnw attii-ed. "Are you going on a journey, m; r.on ?" he iuquh. .. "By no means! Still, our time i precious, and Ave had better begin t calk of our affair. I haAe made Bepr. Mangini's acquaintance, and desiro t ask you first of aa, AA'hy you have sen, me that singular person?" " Simply because I havo known hiir theso tAventy years and because, aid from the Questore's loud praises of hi adroitness and activity, I can asnn you. that he is as faithful as a dog. ind as devoted as one of those serv ants, whom . . . . it i auncim in find anv more like them noAV-a- Jays." 4 Faithf id ar.d dCA-oted to any mas iev that is Avilli; g to pay him for hi. services, I suppose?" " Yes. but moie especially to nrr va . elf, whom ho has serveu in ino army - "It avM 4-. k 1 rfi- uir Years, iou wn 6w v - aw services are lust wna: nn need for vour undertaking." "God erant itl But tell mo Avhat you najrO learneu iuv. jpj,iu,. iadre?" ' " Sahiati, my son, is an arch-scoun dreh" " " " I never doubted it " ne has obfciiiied a position in so- ncty, which will rendor it all the more i:!;t....i wr-n n m." AVa R"hnll aee about that. And tat 'U- almost childish, and clasel;. v-rtifr-rtPfl bv Salviati." -"You are telling me things which nr,,-fl,!n( lint nfiAV to D10, -anU hoAreTcr. you did not know, that tho Colonel has mauc i-lf inl.t nlo heir." t fonWl it., nil : the wiiiio. liui what 'about Camillo's child?" 1 ; My son, it might be better even nvep.-if tou left her to her late." T mva lier to her fate What has como over' j i T7 -,t . . .-. ; CHAPTER XXVL I frankly confess, that I Avas foam ing with iage, and that I should doubtless have given him a piece of my mind, had I remained much longer. His sudden and unexpected refusal had frustrated all my plans and sorely disturbed my equanimity. Tho checkered crowd. of passengers on the platform had a soothing effect upon me ; I bean to look about mo for an individual holding either a lighted cigar in his uplifted hand and knock ing off tho ashes with his little finger, or violently rubbing his nose. For reA'cral minutes I had A-ainly searched for my man. AA-hen suddenly I felt somebody touching m- arm. I turned round and i ra Ar.giolo stood by my side. " AHoav mo to say one word more!" ho said almost imploringly. Come with me a moment. At the farther end of tho rlatform Ave shall be undisturbed." I followed him almost against my will, all the while running -my eyes along the multitude rushing towards tho cars. " My son," ho began In a beseeching tone of voice, " be lenient AAith me. Consider, that you are an inhabitant of those countries, in which our sacred institutions haAe no foothold. You are therefore not a fcir judge. It was only this morning, th'at I heard what was to be done Avith the child. Mr 882 88.1 884 88.1 886 887 8K8 8S9 HW 8UI 8U2 893 894 895 890 Hi7 898 899 9oo Pol 9o2 Ool tlo 4 9o1 9oU 9o7 9o8 9o9 9lo 911 912 91.1 914 913 910 917 913 919 92o 921 922 923 924 925 02G 927 928 929 93o 931 932 933 9S4 935 9.10 9.17 938 939 94 o 941 942 943 944 94.1 940 947 948 949 9.1o 9.11 952 933 954 955 950 957 9f8 9.19 POo 961 9C2 961 904 9(15 9G0 907 9C8 It il KnUr ronveeing Evan Batrltelor to poor hooa K M Fuil-r a nt of acet for board of panpera for July S R LVar-e rooreyintc Bob Arriiijrton to )aul J B Cro.-U.er kevpia op stovk lav leaca ou Raleigh road to Tnr rirer 12 montha IV. H Munn repairinar and timber for 4 hrldgva A H lo.:i kee; mg rafta from Simma bridic tor aecood quarter J C Sta.aium " " Kerreil'a " S L Dole coareying Joe Green to jaJ P (J Alntoo timlr for Loaietrarjr. bn.ltfe Duke Ai Conway repair on Loaiabarn bn Jye reiairiD7 tork law leura abikey for poor bona roiiveying Nettie William to ja3 timber for Loautburx bridge board of priaonera. Ac coureyicg WeaWy Brodteto jail on- d iy rommittoc na brtdx two daya commit to oa 4 bndfea aad fMarr amoant of tvoronnt filed 0n mouth oataiJe pauper It II Uixlr ron C K I.tmrd P (t AUlon N D D May 8 I. Unke J V Yoang TSCoUi P A Dart Kl-.iulwtli Pbelpa Mm Ma.'vii. Hayra AAdlia MiU Urtl Mm Lucy leoaard " Mm E Dotw-r Brit ton Me-lljn and wlTa ' Mm Touv Harria " Kliialr?n Boltou Napoleon Hay " H A Ibimlet MmKOopton Mm H FaVouer J E (inpton " Matilda Edanrds Oeo SontberUnd " Sarali Hnyi-a " Llla Dk keraon "Wm If Tharrington " Nudct Bell John'Catlett " Mm M S Vaughan Helen Roj-ra Nick Goi.t " Unwlie Cpcbanh " Polly Uarper Joehua Nunn and wife " Lixiie HtricLland Turner Medlm " Wra I'erry nnd wifa Charhe llama Ben Ferry Wm Ethridg Kllen Alley Pebeeca Perry " Mra (3enevr ranlkner Barbara Henley " Hendenton Harria Kitty Spirer Isabella WiiVama Mary Alley " lleury WUJer Bacbaa Da via " Alfred Dncatoa " Berry Weater William Touey and a-ile " J M Terrell and eUd Naner Daria " Ben Fnnlkner and wile Toney Ilarria John Strother'a wifa Neptuna Ballard " AmtD'lt Bridge " Chaa Perry K ancy Aliearri n k children Lorie Porcnreoa " Mra Francia Hiaea M Sol Perry " Catherine Yonojr, " Anthoar Jonea ranatie pan per lanatle paoprr ranatie paafwr Support Friaaia Toonj Oatatda paopor proper t H dney Littlejohn conscience tiub1 n me. Could you not grant me a day's respite at least. that I may seek for strength In prayers, before forming a final resolu tion? I beg, I implore you will jou do it?" This proposition and the humble tone of his voice, astonished and con fused me. You may reflect. Padre, as long a you please. After jou have arrived at a fixed determination to aid me in mv enterprise, I shall gratofully ac cept your assistance, just as I did yes terday. At tho same, time 1 can nuiy appreciate your scruples in a matter. which concerns you but utuo alter an ; your acquaintance Avith the Major iva j 078 V M - V . case of bis child was not entrusted f ' aou, but to me." To le continul 9G9 97o 971 97J 973 974 975 978 077 Jpbalt Corariac In Germany water pipes are being made of glass with asphalt covering, to prevent fracture. It is claimed that they gtre tborougn protecuon against moisture in the eartli, against tie acnon of acids and alkalies, and that they can not be penetrate! t7 gaseaVIt U also believed that they will nt become in- crusted. . Children Cry for Pitcher1? Ca?tortaJ 080 931 982 083 984 085 OSS 087 08S 089 09o . 691 092 093 . 094 091 099 097 oa. MrsSKalkneTehndmi M - Narciaa HobU 4 child " " -IIBAlford - Penny Eraaa . Xaner Chart. "" Froner Clark Jane Thomaa - " - Sept. 1, F R Tharrington ant of rr for aotieea erred aa road aoticea J A Tbomaa omotiat of aoeoant for booka, ate N D I) May board of pnouer, kc D K Guptoo roarering il Coated r to hvH, nard. le C Leonard eonreyie S p'ionera to iUl. it, RoxaJia Qrw-a, - Kat ajid DXla AMort aad roard W II Edwarda rettiv; rork out of road from lag. fd to 8imm. bridsa W B IlanUr ronreTlfr John TTtrrla to Jail aai roarj BU Fuller amt of tvert for board of pauper for Asa rut m J aiDiT i o v amount 01 aTonn . - amonat cf areonnt y 6 days conimiaa4&er and ' 73 rale o ' r 72 : " r. . - t days wi iWaa to Board 7 d r a officer to Board 6 d y eommlaatooer and ItS bqIW Hdtyaderk to Boird - - flay a roamiaaioner and 163 mllea dara rommiaaioaer mni IM mitea work refliin papers la Clerk 'a oSoa - " part maVdn oat tax lit 1 9a - . I &0 a 00 loo loo Iou loo 1 5a loo ' 1 00 , loo 1 00 1 00 loo S 00 loo 1 00 loo a 00 3 00 2 So loo 1 00 loo loo 1 00 loo 2 00 iOQ So loo loo 1 09 loo 1 09 304 S oO 300 2 OO 1 OO 1 OO 1 M 1 OO 1 OO 4 00 1 OO 1 OO 100 1 UO 1 00 1 OO 400 2 OO 2 OO 2 nO 2 LO 71 50 a so P A Daria W B Utile J AV YounjT O W Broaa H C Kervnwy T 8 Collie P A Daria fleorjre Wlnaton E Hjke Wra J King . P A Daria P A Daria PA Daria - , - - - - v PA Daria bil&aea -Joba Uifkraa repoiiiiijr Mlada. le for Coart Tfooa Musbrth PhMpa , One moma ontaide panpnf Mra Mazsia Hayt i do do Willi klithrheil . do da lire Ltiey Leonard. "do do . MraEDoraer. do. " do . Britton kf Miin and viTa . do . ' ' do Wra Tony Harria x do : ; do Elisabeth Bolton do do '. Napoleon, May . : do . do B A Hamlet . . . do - do - Mra IJ Unytoa ' . , : do . - ' do " - - : - - pro BS COX riiTEDJ da 4a da do . 4 lanalia paaiier do "Co 8 00 12 20 2 50 2 50 8 23 35 MO iaoo OOO 2 OO S 10 JS4 3H2 SOO 2 OO 41 45 55 300 SoO 1 00 1 OO 1 00 200 1 00 S OO 1 OO 1 SO ' JOO 1 V a 00 1 00 l 00 1 so 1 00 1 00 1 00 300 1 OO 1 OO aoo 1 00 1 o aoo 1 00 a ex xoo 1 00 tu 100 I 0) 1 00 -100 3D loo I so loo loo 1 00 100 100 . 3 00 aoo.' 300 300 loo 100 100 100 100 4 oo . loo loo loo loo loo loo 4 00 3 00 3 fro . loo loo 1 00 . 1 4 oa 14 80 &M13 4 00 . V 00 loM ai 7SRo 0S3 37 15 fo 14 lto 3o 4e 10 00 3o4u 3o4o 10 00 oo 00 2 no Oo 4o 00 14 80 2 So 3 00 aoo loo Io loo 2 m loo & oo loo 1 & a 94 -.r- B - s- - ..'w:-, t f't ? ?y?f!l? -fi&jX H il' ' -. : i - t

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