I! t J. "; ' e .V--"?. -v'ri - i j. -v . j. A. THOMAS, 2 'With Holies toicnnl mac; Vt ith C&CLity fur all. I.OTJlSBXJ,RG, JANUARY 30, ISOl. ' The vicQr;tjt FORTUNE A ;Tale.'of Romance and Ai ; . venture in;unny Italy, ' ' '-;LC'V -'' t'" ' ' j'; --'':;. .. ' .. '"'"'I..". Translated from the German of A. Kel ) case me uaim ui luiury was uo- TUo infof nno J 1 he infant reason grows apace ana calls for one m:re appKca A W -Worker. . lion of that good friend, Salva- Mr. Frank IIuff:im;h, a young man tion Oil, which never disappoints bi oii mule, th care :-f two - prominent phv-iomns. and uscci; th- u tre.itmen; u i ii 11 lis was able to ijfet aronnd I'hey proiio'anced his cau to be Cousumption a-:(l i iLinabte. Heiv s'pe! su .ded to try Dr. Kin-'s New Discovery for t on- jiir.nptii-n, Cmihs .-J that line was not a! Ld Colds and at Be to walk cross the stn-ei without l'lcsim?. He found. beior h h id used Of of a d Ilar bottle. lh.it. ho was much baiter; he. couii.tutd p' 'joying good any 1 luojt, Lung t. We g .arauit e m ue ir and is to-dl lieal h. If vou have- dr t'best rouble try sat.sfac ion. Rccnrde in its mcarin on feed.nu When Baby was rick, tto gave her Castoria. I ottles. is not the Rnbber Trnst a OV- ! When slis was a Child, she cried for Castoria. fit attack at a wel k t:v BUCSLEN'S AI! brui es t-st V!- in As the three -th Illinois Lfji It is neither pleasant nor prof itabl ) to hear people constantly coughing when they could be ea sily cured by a 23 cent bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Persian ux.u j o a tavorite ma terial for ti'imniing. At. thcse words the monic straignt er.ed Jiimscll to tia liUl'Reislitr and Lis face onco moio assumed tbe samo .bold" expression, I-had noticed on a former occasion. lie .. took ; hold . of both my lauds and said in a tone, par talon?: of ancr : "', i W:'"'v :-.i.Takd 5 ca:ts mr-' friend, do r.ot i0U ?ca rashly ! iVgldIc;t jne; tell drop of blood to see ber baimv. I I Ob, deluded man ! do yOt think, that your cold friendship can equal th flowing, burning, r.tiy, consuming feeling, which bas caused the officer hecomo amor.lc. and the man of oneigy. a mere skeleton unlev the cowl of a Dominican friar? Do net p.ty an ctber word; even though you should Uo- n ii.fuit iudus- JNICA SALVE. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When sho had Children, she gave them Castoria. aaa me in overcoming tRo dinger, thai threatening hr and aftoi fa: tL;. res, after that, with happincs impea'.c aiio IiJurgmy own heart, tb on shal: see, howlH)!dlr I- can'fight fcr thy child, and thus sbalt bo ronton with " Your ticket, Signorer' hero bTokc in tboonductor, standing in'ftoit oi the ccupo, of which I way foitunatel. the only occupant. - - - , " Tho r-ticket-offlco hal alrcVT; .closed, when I ai iived," I r?pliui, " J shall ray. you my faro now.' Where aro .you going ?' ' V I hadly kcewwkit.to say. ' How' far will this train , cany mo?M I .inquired.'.;. - -..- " That detcndj.Wo branch olT at 'cvi to Genoa: the othef by 'ray of AiossarcLna; this trai t goe, over " I am expecting to meet a friend of mine nt Alessaudria. We intct d to visit tho l attlo-ficld of Magenta. I shall tny you my fare as fai as Al- es.--ar.dria at any late.' I handed him twi) napoleons. -''You are giving n;o t..o mncb. Signoto," he said, letun.hig one f the pieces. "A iirst-cla-s ticket to Al- sacrifico your very life, still conld you j essaiulna is only eighteen fiancs. do no more for that child than what I i bciuo I owe you two f ran s. shall daily and humbly pray to God to I lu.hed bis bard a.-ido. do, to be allowed to do for her.' "Keep your money, ny friend. I baidly knew what to leuly. It I lou may do nio a favor instead."' occurred to mo, that the Mai chose' s "(Jiaxie. SigiKn-c gazie ! WhaU ii 1 an Velvet calf in all colo. for oveninvr shoes. is usea lliatice mpu in 3'aiure.hld the balance of p mor, tiny can have lots of fun, although th'-y nia not do much legislating. Sneer aa Ro-es i J J& Fragrcr.t! LcstLigl Sao Leading Krrs Price C3Cti gSJT'CTZ.C.So'.i at Pmsrrir.ta Crres Liver Cot plaint, CcLiioaxs:, I iiiou? Ai'ectior.s, Liudincss At druggists. i.5o. mind was slightly deranged, for. as can I m for you?" tho reador v. ill l-cmember, bo bad as- i " I iist of ail ie!l me, how much tov.ished mo on the previous day by a longer wo step beieV" similar, althorich less vehement, an- "About live n.inutes yet. Th swer. I resolved to deal with him, as i train, which is to meet us here, mu-t I it is best to deal with patients of his ; have been belated." stamp, namely, to enter into his views j lhvo voii t-alled for (ho tickets in ar.d ideas. .... j tho coupo r.e.t to miiic V" "You are quite right, Tadre," T, Signore. 1 -areiy ever do it said. " V'e men of the world are ill ; hcroro leading Asti." apt to take the pa me view of life you "That is capital ! Then gn at onre Southevr.ei-s do. I t us have no more i an4 ,,P V0 t!-e passenge: w you woids about this matter. It seems w.- j their tw Lets : do ne t sta-(: a' the Win are Vint observed hove. Let us co l h'W however, lmt open th" d .! v.ide. ffrwar( woitt of all this. What orcois uo you I ncan ?" " Signore. I do not liko t commit an indiscretion, but yoa will surely excuse ma for saying that I have L gueywd who yoi a?-e." V'cll out 'J'a it ! Wbo am I ?w " I bog pardon, sir. You arc . . . il Signcro Ouestoro di polizla !' 1 burst out into a loud laugh. Uliht nuikes you tkink so?M 1 ajked him. " I thought fo, 1-ccauso the person whom tcu desiid nio to wnt-h n h.ely," he replied in aa undc;t.lne. ''have, but a few minuter ago, lon pointed out by a v.!i o nftlcer t") the agent of tho road, nho U to keep a sl.an h.-okout for them. Ho sont for mo instantly, and told, mo in almost the Fame word Uj you d'd yourself, to hav a:i ero cn them ar.d to inform him forthwith, when and when they leavo tho train! I bavo net timo to say more the train is eff !" Ho buriiod r.wa.v. leaving me in i tter a tor.ishment. What cou'.d all this mca-1 ? I rondcrcd over what T bad beard At last 1 thought I bad found the solution of this new riddle! 1 bo- tamo convinced th.?t Fia Aniolo. :rter mcverir.g from bis consterna tion. ba-1 mst probc.blv taken son.o r.icaures tc aid a:id assist Clelia; and. bo it. that ho mist;ut-d my or did not consider niv nioteclion a suf f.cient one. hr.d gun' to the iM)lico oftice. e: lained to th qu"tore the unfoituur.te Tit dicanient in which tho young girl was ihu-od, ar.d that gentleman, in order t know it leat A STATEMENT. thf. rl JLT Uutbir i it -.: a , u ui.ii . . . - - Ik.jj mm a Wff, xwv B-mwim VW TK ic r owv a tCiaila 1.". There is the bell ringing, j a,, boldly in. Lei Yo shall have to leave the station, lest we cx ite si .ici.m." I wevt forward to join the throng, ar.d this compelled him to follow mc. lie shook visibly with emotion, and I seiicusiy appreherided attracting pub lic attention, since he kept close to my I side, while I walked along the row of 1 coupes, nearly all of which wore by n,w t;n,i t:'t.i ii-;-. lnv T i.w.1.-.-m1 the i-Ia-e whither she v.a-i taken, bad!"1'-! t' letriarhed to t!.c asent of the police J, at Alessandria to w in h lu r and the move:ner.t of her conn anions. lr4." This v.a the i -ki:.at:on I a tived jj nt r.ud wliidi s;i.isl:l ik livrf'i 1 1 y . (s S'tiil. mv the;-ght:. or.co bing arcu-ed. loiu I asked myself mi mr.nv and vanouH ic.r.y p.'.csti."r.s. r.o;.o . which I wa in the j')-, least abl-T to arwer. that I nmo to the conclusion it vi uM bo far bettor ; lu'.t for m tj foue mvself to think of i i .- 90Srt. 1,'OOMm If F-W-ofM-r 1000 loot Iu3 lool lco.-S 1 On( lou7 1 nH loo 9 lolo loll lolJ luia loli lol5 lol6 lo!7 lull lolO lo'io lo-21 loiJ loan lo24 lo2.". 1 Oi.tl lo27 1o2S lo29 1 o.to loll 12 1 o 1.1 1 o.i4 lo.i5 1 aM lo.'l7 1oT8 lo.-.9 1 v u c i. v ceroids kczj: For many . .years I hav sor-ly cifuieled iriili E.. my face. The eruption large sidoteh-'s, ; u n J j was natun 4 - r- iio number of ext-rii-c:.ans, with lift 1 or and only of a te-.n;or.-!r ' - ' After other tr-at;ji . n - - I bought s"'V -; ' . - " . -from M'-s.-!r.-.T- a. nil- A ii ! .. of Troy, Ala., aild it curvd ;oh. : fed liko a new man, ray :-; i;tUi troubles and a?irh'r:sions is a' ' go tie, and now s.xt n aye I am :i-. iiior-- --t-r- ' health, and n idu-- nt it- iv S. S. H. My OiViv- is On Pik- County, ATa. 'l;!TM Tii w k at r. Trendies on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. Swift's Spe cific Co., Atlanta. Ga. . 1 I? i w H a ? cv tv )I a i m v&m 1 rfv?nj;vf7.';';-:-j(?n:iLKfl I 1 precious lmmoito: e. " If you succeed in giving that lr.dv (his little flower in such a way a no: to be noticed by her com; aliens. -o.i overvv.-nere ior mv asrent. nut in vain. . " i t v.i j.. i i. i . tho station wheie 1 c. t oi;i.M monk out of the way with mo. I j hastened my steps for that purpose. ! when suddenly Oh ! I shall never f oi get the soul d ! close by us. a pl.'.ir.- yo'ir next movo be. to go up close t a pule young lady in tho coupe, m d if vou t an do so without being observed . . . . , wait a moment i I took out mv ro-k-t-hook aid r-f the sweet suTicrer lecune l to in ! tremblingly hard d the condmtor mv i h, Cleba. vou. from wIkmu only a thin partition of la:ds seiaiat- d m In J K Gcploa do Go SnulW o. rfo hrh IJaym V'm II 1 hsrritrtoo Nan-y ir. il j0 JohuCtiU ,o Vn U S VRu-tum d H'-Vn l:on-: do Ni"k Oiwi k do UrTiIi I'pcUurch do l'oly Harprr do JovtOA Nunn kb J do Lixvbtru-iUbJ do TnrT VfrUh n do Win PYrtj aa4 iJ da Chc Ham do IW-n Perry Wm Fthri'lr lit F.iin Ally Itrl-rra I'trrv ln ii-ur Fan!knr Pftrhnrn I n;y Hfn'JTon 11 irn Kitty Sjurey Nutfiltt Wilbarat Miry AtWr Hrnry Wikkr Biii! 1.it; Daoaton Brry W tr Willintn Toir Kt'l if J )l Trrrvll nu.l chiid Nanrv Dar; r-n FHulti.fr and Tory Il.-rr. Joiiu SrriTl.T an! ;Je N-pttr? !lr.l:nr.J ( ha iVrry arry Mi.'urr c 4 rhiwlrrn do Loni- Pur;urn do Mr. Fru na Uio.-m do S ! FtTTT Uo U'.f CutL-i ine Young do Anlhory Jut) n do S.i!ny Ijttl. ;hn do Mr. rar.lki.T St rhil '.rn i!o NartiMi Ilct ii iud ctiilj ilo H It AiforJ d j Frury Kv.,r.ji do N(n-v (")). a Ho Kroner Tnrl; do iliMi PVtti.- x)Vf do Mi-m 1'rtM ui i l,rxr do do do Co hOftie do p-!-r do d 4 do d-( do dtl do d do co Am Co ! do do Itttie do j ac,f do do do 4a do S oid putrr do do do do do lo do do do do do do do do do do do do .1.. do do do do lo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do .l . l ... I !'.. . t ...1 ) t ' ' ' and again, r.ay roi i iutiy. n.o inrage 1 do O Am W do do do do do do do do do d- do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d j do do do do do do do do do 1 yrT lo.'J lo'lo loOl 1..0J ! The conductors face flushed c;iin ' son with expix-tant joy. S : h gep.-cro-sity seemed fabulous (.- bim. lie disappcaied in a s--coed : I ha:d l ira I and who v.eje vet s t!r..-i.ca!.nbly lo'll J distant vou knew m-t how w irmly , i and lo in sly my ltait biat for y u. 't,i lef.7 loAS n.r.'j lo"o lUuimHt Hnd Crorir" Wit nioa KM Kn!.r V.' H Fnriran. Jr Jo!.u -ki i. N P i) War J.il.n W 1-r P.o'.t lii'.l ma lTirv Wit !oa J v: Yn.ii. T S 0!li V A l)n.n pt't fjtticic op tock lit Wwr Dm I o lo I lM I t lo So I lm a - a Cm' If ! lo lo loo Sum 1 CkO I to lo I I uo 1 uo ao t no sc 1 uo I uo 1 I o 1 M 4 cm 10 1 M 109 1U9 1 Otf 1 o 4 OO ao ao " 1 OO 1 OO 1 1 o 1 oo to 33 it .4 nu law I-jop FreeatAaa towtkip 2 r: n I it Henri WLPW oatHd uaaiwr 1 rr;n i r r:eurj uif oatHj uagiwr i . i . . i . , . i"'." ii oi iifi j. r. ior r H1 ucr irni-jrt ot lns hiil rtiftu for Jan Thon.vi ontaU poaptr l.irO of inwiiif-n tor S pu-ratwr tive. fen::".1. voice was heaid saying: Pa-ia Cassotti Tatla Cc-scotU: Marcliese ;avo me- s;ivo the daughter . . . Y'e stood transfixed, betb of us: I a little ar. ad. Fa A'.rg:ol. alm-rst in front of the coir whence came the voice. I stepped l a- k. cast a glance i into tb.e interior of tho car. and. gracious tint! ! what did I see ? Theie was Cle-ia Cleli't who, b.eld bnck by ; the str ong arm of a r.-.ari. had 1 hi own i herself forward, and held out beta cf Wffl relievo Eteisrrsaiisn:, Lcurcfjia, ; her amw to tne n.-totu.-bcu monk: SviraWnqsriiisesfLu:Bbajc&rc!fc i " P-'la Ca-s. tti !" she shiieked, " in t'-j-of TonrAo- r.-rr.T- the r.ame cf . . . ." b.'ll:ll risi' epen the d or of the adjoining coaj loudly calling: "Lise tti. A ir.oment attev ail was . could scaiccl.v bica.Le. and my eyes ! "0 d grant, the 'fio've;- ir.r.v racb her."' was ir.y fervent i'a or. ' and s!io bex-em.e aware, that a iiieud i near, w ho . . ."' 1..72 H r Krnrry A U W. stcr The door fell iato tl e lox-k with a ar.d that mv fondly excited im: ui'.a tion Ui bi.ildir.i: a thoun.d er ib-s-in-tbr-air. in whi h your g-.ave but cxniesivo countenam-e "bMio as the guid:ng s'ar. which urged rue o-iwnrd. lo71 Inv liintarily m' tiioul ts :iU t e- i verted to mv mv-triois a '.'"it of cr- , terday, of whom 1 hr.d I'temi-cd my- ; lo7.1 Oct 21. A D WiM:rc I i sell so riu h tne aMroit. .aga-ioit J i licT-ivo AJansir.i fo,- who'n I ha 1 j bobed in vain at th" station, lie v. as e id m 1 1 v a rogue, and !:'-l bn vc fullv de,ei'd ni'. II- w rs ful ho n.idit be w e he he;e Hut no! it is better so I sbr.il rely im ui ioelf a'or.e. I. m aid. d. shall cause tbe Price cn.'y 28 Cis. Sou by tit drgisis. loud m ise. The conductor re ai - H :n ''o at mv winnow. " Ti e young ladv its i : tb corui rraiC-. to vou.'' ho v:ii-. : " i? v n r..M ..... ... . i .. !l.:u . . . l i-s. aitiT tnut . ! smiles to ictiiin i ren "b-li .'s sal ! ct i.iiteiiance : sha'l a-coin;-l'.-h imtv,s-i'ili'i-1 in crd.'r to to w'.l. ;.o utter a'l e 1-. save r. Ami easy enough for me t ) gie her the How-r." euis? Scalds, Bask 'T rip U j.,,-,, LA HeL - nUC. Ths Crcrt Tobacco An GHSMIf tiuJt'.:!Frice IV Cis. Atail druauistr 8n(- liltli- f.irliinPlinT'''''-n mfll wni-k f..r lis, lv Anna lg, An."Mii, i l.-s... timi .luw. r.i.Hii, I o'.oiio. inia tS.See ,-i,t. Otlif-rs nreili.inpas well. Wliy 4 are. Kvcn be- .nine from a tf f ill j riity. All gi Wr Im v you lmw i.-A. BUI SMil! V.ll. V Ii II xi "I., in i..n- iiiii. jpT.'ijSp' or a I Hie ihin-. llijr iiu.-iiey f.ir work. ICK'V luvl-woiidei fnl. I'.irtti ii'-irn frro aM4 pieces m mmu&rtm&t To any cne sendinj: 1 cents, the V7 averley 1 Magazine will be sent tor tour T.-ecks es a trir.l 1 subscription. The regular iric3 is four clol.srs i per year. Each issue contains irom ten to fifteen 2 complete stories, comments on cflrrcnt events, j ptu:des, jo!:cs, hints lor the household, and the j best of music jert the tiling lor long winter evenings. YHfHS whet you tret in four copies ! 64. Jiaires i3j co'urr.r.s cf reaUin tr.-ittcr ' 3GO.OOO words ccrnpririnn over SO com-5 plete stories, and vocal and i.is.ruiaeniil rnusic, jj . . . .. .. . . . -iii. .1. rfiFS'' .-unit: ..,...... . ( 1 (ij (""if Vi-tl i mi 'In 'lie work Oltu llv (iM1v Vvt'-ri'v " "'"i wnrrrviT vim ' ? glnnfir ari- n:slly en nil X (the latter is v. orth at icart f:5ty , for or.lv Ten Cents ! Of cours; 1 5-lr ccsits.'i mid all 3 : you understand this offer is made to set you to ijiv the paper a ij trial, knov.-iss fuU well that you will bctoiu: I I permaiieut subscribers. Addrc3 If A7E!?IE7 HftCAZinE, Cox 172, i Tho o en window -p.i foi-cibly : s'. d . and a'l d!sapir -a1 cd. while the bell wn; ii:-ging for tho la.-.t time. k as lightning my mind was made up. and oq.'a ly i:ick was the telion. th:;t fcll.nved. 1 tre open the d-. r.i- (.f the adioining coupe, jumped in. a::d wi-en a s's ond or two later tie1 i train v.". ; in m tion. I bad hardly ' lime l-'ii to cali out to the Muchce.l who ftno'l there s;.-eet hle-;s in an alti t.ud" of utter bvl ;.Iesne-js : "Do you thii'.c oi t'a.iiiilo's child I T shall protect her, vho bas implored i ,-our a-'s:st-ii:o !M A sin ill l.it;e wa next hoard : the r.onk's iei ly remained .n inaitdilde ' one to n:o. The tiain di-shed off. " And I r.'...d bieath- lessi v. " When T cntoi-ed the cerpr. sh was as pale as n.ail e; wl.en I c1m i i.i' Uij.... tiii- il.iw. r .:i. i... ;. ,v,-.- i i her lui, and her i.. -e w J u.- lire !" 1..74 loT'i 1 i.TC, 1 o77 toTM li.7'. 1. So lol I. . 2 lo-l I I, i l n", I - I. ."7 1 1 loJ l-.to lo''I Ki'Ji lo'.l cnArrm: xxix. One i apt to dream very foolish tl i' g'. w! en tia'i:rg pb n in th? lo'.ni 'nne f :: i !t- tiaiti. I d-op.mt of bo ire. cf tie ia''",i.:l m-:ii' n. in c.TAi'ir.n xxvi:i. I shall n A even attorn; t t eive the reader an approximate id- a i f f. ihao; .f conbi' ting st ii':i..e t- .. hii I agiiatd n.J while I was be1; cmi.-i' Hong with iigb.tning s " ':. I be lieve 1 have t o lil l.i u m a j rei-,ii occasion , f the nervous cm t a;- which con.es over danger. I ei i'oe.; mo 1 . CO' s l !i C'TAT FR XXVII. To rniiE o JLlIE L UBIiC. I dcsi:e to ir.fi or Im' rxeciai :i i u:;do. lalving. :. i . 1 tunr.M ly -:iv s nie it -n-u , , -the r.'.oment. in fad. w'-i-n I . lewe ! to f;u ihe e. l. i lt i j ; "W-l-.ad ;e:.ch' d Mo'tcalii i. the Hi t human 1 ejng or a:i ii,.'nie. ' .! i alie n at which t'v evpiv-'s-ifain The tiaia was das! it g on a I ,too;.cd. I had. as vt l be -n la'.le to witii my h .rl aai.'v, r . . i n , . . ! I .... I . I ;t t -over mv pr se. oe oi n .i n or. more uo c i. m u -uui u. cn .' e mv ir.iitd b: fl per- l v tbi-.b!ii:g nubt- . r r . 1 !-aadi ia. at and t.. - i . di; ,. h. si tv mv T.'.otbr d a'') the' ri si ii s ; I .el b en h dl v in s e.l. ' , di. an .f a h.vclv luile w-imimi in a tiny white cp. with I n Ida W coil and soft dark cms; I fnm i-d I ar b'r as the g d irniins of that holism. 1 'aid l.c: s' caking mv native t ii''ee wi h a jxruknily mum-; foicign a' cent 1 smile 1 a ha pv smile! Again I I saw myself in tl at hoes,, .ivd . . . Heaven only Lnm! wh:;t c1, T nw j in my il.i i::. n- liuie.-j m t'-a: 1 : . I I r-iniii' on tie tiain from Ale-, a:. d. ia in (loici! on oti d d y prt ( i r c1 ! .-.j i akiui' ist"t;'y e: cot! V.i'1! it-df upon ?: id.-n! A snt of what si ail I aM it ? : -j-.s, :i d b d m li.n ! I i. v.! i.h ! . - I c n :i . ' b::d ( i t : i on tie f my -. 'Ml! r '.' irm mv friends nrd the public generally t! at I have opened a first class stock ol i i 'l'1 i.er m 'i'i i. s. :;. ti '.u; d.ir e'. "i,?s. i'..-: ' i II '. t a' o. 1 l'.. ' ! . -i I t i ; ' i I ' ii-'-,- -a - . ' -,. I uiuue ,: :,. . at am :. " I Nw .it v or en!" V . a.c they d- ; roi'i '."' " N. I'.in- nt al! ! Tl ai d : v ,-. '. - . v , i ! f. e t ...i t . :. i .i r i .i ; . n g ' i.. ' ' ia "'"o r ri i tt i . ' 1 Vi ( ol.dll I'l's S '! t , j.TT oi". "(Jhkvi. S.gn r ( " va Tl c:m w " i'm i.-i : ri d " " i if i"." Pg ts p.e.i l e-7-ily f iv. i:d loktili !i !.!!:-! i w i in no gici'. buriy. I waited f. r (' ndii'- ' r to -tv." to ni" t and i i ' x i -1 i t . ir to ! n -nv--jrin-r from be - i'l e i tir l y I 'i.l' C'litiji M'i' tir. I k-p' in' f t. I ' ! lt:- t o .. t : I ' oi . d ! 1." w i :ob v. an d i .i .l-l 'I'l. . V I . ' bt ' . f lb.- ; t .' t i I ' ' . ,. ; T ' GENERA1T MEKCn.VNntSK-LUCIIANLlSK- In IolxViv wlie rf I h!. U glad to liar you tul! n la lown. UUPIUUB f I'll ! IIIV " i ' " w " tUl i4vAft f' uatly Iwtf trxirvtt nt It lui ntwair Ua my r la utrvtr aliu njr ou ia y - lih.ui UUi uitS Ihftt ho cf 1.0 La rci drrxl Ucif full tnonr J oiih. Mf Hack UI to;i14 ma!i! Ul light. Jx'ter all? The nh.lo f of eondirtor tpik! hp t i-iv ii iin my ica?OTi rrlr-l!rfl nt tho tbousht. j "Nolhina new. Wo h-ll t eff I. N' tea! Mi'd to t!o t! o 1-cfcct of lh ft few itvonU. llav jju dtxld.-d tvnn. un r broi YU last nrd laHIn , h I o. ' tu of iini ui it ii ivttoa hum. ci;0, it. cooriia- rci f drw In m. I tnwt. ani! otuht to th it, fend yet I did not. Ar iva hurrln? avaj (mm the r -be t trJsbl l.avr r mp!ib d ut!t. IJhe a ncdtiun I bvl ku9 lAiirtrl lnt ai adirrtnit Ui jTMla int Mtr itnl tvi lit all t tvb I' It fxikii'a -df Iti ranlfu iriUs Aul &JI fur kt4l? Vca, I tlatr liiVilinll'llr thjlwf IV trt cir&t a fim.l U M I h?l k on lilcwUe. L!1 yoii Lo frn the Ualnr "M FitTnoi?. Ia that tZ9 dea keerJ Ai rr en ti aiwi'i:tMi in If w roMpc, m di ml fill Inform aw U Antnml suit m- tbe.n crttlm it load I UtUft. I l.hU MM.t It All llfbl tlilH . .. . . I HE jun ua.i Hi" r ivm i. iim,.- . , . . r.rfr.rJ. f,.M carry rrr,.T-,f ; . i . . ji a j f a4 t2 tut I Ir. I lite. fcuHi i rr. i.rtMiit It ' .n.i.ir.l.iM. f-t'trVnii.ai-:.iAijieut 'm ri-i. lmu m I hiH t- ""vi jUi Hi i.i. it f ti-t - - - - ; w i --. k . i tr u" T1 d II b : : I I ' d b fvepgrr in rjir lti, ril that 11 h kf vr w that llwr p out pril frt n rff lirrvdl trtr. V1 i"t A-rnrlr- Vim. I mb! lema 1 llf rttrArf. I) rri Utn th irvl afl mw ih ImI ir?rt f t4rl T rn fofrl f p-tllnf lU rr. ita-r. I tA mr ryn abf t!s IV talk Ih-w tv a- a r'Ir 1-0 r t-'r Ctrh'-i r mtn, aI ia A'w! 1 lta4 tanki! t lg Ia in In rid WA!r 1 njr4 . r4 aigr.l !. 4 A ll A lr-f. TA lu'.7 li.'S lo'.l'.. Ilni 11.. I iloJ Ho-I 11. l Ilo.". U..0 Uo7 II, .H 11 .J 1 1 lo 1111 UtJ I'll 1IU lli: 111'. 1117 Ill'J ' 11. 'o 11.1 Il.i 1 Mil ll-'l II... Il-'i ll.T 1 1 .' I l u. Ill tl .i II. I il . 1 ". ! . :ei Mi Ma-?LW Hitv- ii Mil. II M : I. cry I ..Oi.arJ " Mt K 1 Vr-scT ' I'.ittti.Ti Vr.il -p i..! m-Je Mm l' r v H .. rn l. tnl r-'. .i Poit cu i h .1. ,.ii V. r. r K A Hmt. t Mrs K i iiip tun Mt il i'j't ui. .r J K i'. .t":i M at , Ma II.'. r a n! t;.-o S-iit'.l.ril.iu 1 Sarlh Hi v- V.L ii.-.piir.n Vm II T l.rm:.,ctoa N u . v l'. . John I'.itl. tt Mr M S N :niiV.!a H li-n Ho-rr-rs NuV .o s v mC. l iolilsr l j- t: ir. h PoHy I! ,ro. r J .-liu Vinci an nf Pl.i.- sir-i. V; , u. ) 1 urr.fr Mt .!iu V. m i". rry n. ! rrif (": nr'if I .tri 1: P. ;ry V. m Klhn ! KlW-i- AlUy llUs i arry Mr m-cm a I n'-iVner U.I I Imril ! Ir-t;!. v Ilt l iii:i Murr.a Kit S'i i v 1hI vi'.i " tHi Mar;. A!i . Il.u-!i:i I i :n A trrI llu. ...ri lu rry r. r N lii.nin Tm.'v ni I iV J "A T.rislt .i.t .,,1.1 Natl 1':. lU-ti l .i-.nkr.rr bd-I ile To;.. - !:.rr.- Juti'i Si , ' li r Kit N i ;'..i.i,.r.i . ihhi.i'ii I!r,l-i ( linn I' rry I n, if I'r r.'i,rti M i I- . -i :. i !!...- h- ii l' j .it :.- . r. - oifl. . i . . i i . 1 1 . J ... Sm i . l .i . i U ..!.i Ml- V I' .'Or- A ii ' "nt, .x i. -. r. t 1 1 .1 . A ..il II I. I I- . : . ,. I l. - . Is j ri'uir.ar IVor m.-i.ii.r rufia for U-tti rv-i"c 'J J mmtaiTtr oi li-,Js anj rod 2 i! in run; ruit:s- .vititn tt B xaA Trv'r ! Jo do do amount of svnnt mriiu .Mil j !i.:rA. u of lts tiabW- for I rnufciu. cuLty 1V.) nrot i Shrnrf R.i,-n for rrt uiJroaty. 7.e llrtn To jail orT that atv burnt in fin? at Franlk&toa mmnl.ii arnt of tim"T atd work Jo oa bri.l- tr J LUUJ I ' rr T a Onr tuw'ut h out..! jxi c ; T It:: .4ti-i-c , r I mt.c lun-i'ie pi:r So.7-rt rr. j Yoaaf iui.! j s-r puu;. 3 ttilt. l?ar mw -ir" m ! S r a Il tt 1 ft. ::ll !! t'l tlf At'tt' ! f l.fii-' tf Ca.ir! n v!4 r !i .t-wl l-J t f t! Irf. I r rtl lo l tetr Lt r. to ti imimU Uttrn ttft a 4 lierh y.pt,rewr!-t k W It lf tU m,.M.a ,J fiV I. fiit. lAtrtl. A II t,J r.ier i!;u.! t koahf ee J ilaiLij. i..t .( imv i.i:uJ Alr-ir Aixl l-. ,. mt- t l nihil ai.4 ltln 'Witt U It I I n MW ll M lt.Ci.l4 t tUdlrt j..-. tt i . ... ji a . . a a ft a l l . ...a fc I I ar i i i iua, urn itjui jj. iiias A 4 t irit It bt It Mnwi ttt I V..I4 l4 l tc!lri )l IklhX IKW. Irrf. Il All iHiWit.lJ, tli nn'rn rah Ihhu jtou . intt f04;-itii 1143 1144 1144 im 1144 1 1 AT 1144 II4A IIO 1 1 R I IIM III! MM Mt II f A lift II ? Ir j I I (-4 Mt if j MM I I I lift 114 M f IIM I Iff IITo mi t , rr frvoi .mmm UxdgrA, S4 nrur fwiKM r K f f May UH..rtUiwt,l 11 A tS-4 tsl-tfisc kAar lUJr LMk r t TT ijjy" iiwihiiwki .t. 4NT ffi4 H r rtr Mfvyitir UMir iu t tV 11 -I .1w rattiMi ltfl krvt U l;ljalw' tava f 1 ' nro l-" r-f . ir.M t err a wil., rtr tll . M s-i UU-iiH .; ry., i ' ll -lr4 fc.i,M flMi l k . fc7 i ,k.r. - A I I'f !.. s4 r-t "jr rt. 4 W lo -..! M .t lm'sm t nr- K 4 4:s mvawt 1 1 a.Vt t VI .s. Naiiiitfi Ua.j f A r I: T -' V It I It. II I t,s.rui I A Ill Il.f4 ft t trft . . ; i ., o ijr irir ''! i tfcrt f .U r la. t4 4 at tt a( avrwirl Mlwrtilla 4 nx1,.!w'Lr t r f-.l;T4 a a 8 Aa Oo 4S 1 So U 4 o 4 oo 4 MO 34 9a 73 oo 13 SS 2J So 5 oo a uo 1 uu 1 os 1 2 .oi 1 : ; : i I w a 1 uo 1 f 1 y 1 ml 1 I 09 3 oa i a 1 oo 3 UO l uo 1 ru s ou l OO a im t uo I oa !) I9t I Ow I M I f0 3 0 I UO 1 I a t ft I t 1 UI 3 a o 2 OA 3 o OO OO 5 3 oo I oo 1 uo 1 oo 3 oo I tmm 3 Co a oo von 73 3o 134 aa 48 to IS a ; UA 1 4 4i A L4 44 a I I a 4 f a 3 rO I t .a A X ; .