1 1 ;- ..." -'.-.- 1 - , . - -....,v, -' -.Vv-'-V--. - . "'..'.' t ' . ' ' " " - - . -.. . '- - ' - ' " .' - - .' . 'gff?S not; nUh Cteritj for alL " : " . tOIJ ISBtJK.a, N CjEBRUARY 6,191. NO. 1 J r vriicreVcr ! IKcj frranZaWrtwi Ut Gentian tfA.d V People Kite tbe itnan who is a constant if for: itself almost euviable By innfti&era Syrup aaB wi tvjvitation. -. I've beoa ButtdHng for tlieaflttferee Weeks Ifith a straindl wrist. I tried SalvatldaOil nJ ftad rayfeeir after hangxif one hot tie, entirely. caAsdv Oha. KEraiB 09 Mul berry St , Baltataore, Md. i n -: ;w fi: -v 7 Doavt ; piit; too mxich": irust in Providence, Providence has her : rms julVjo: fols; already 1 i Yon have TKadryour' friesni n ors taJKing ancnit it. loa maVTvoarmlf b? oaa of tfcem any who kaowtroni perBoa- ui experience 1 tr hoy? good athiag it te. II you lxva e?er 5ried: ityou are ou of its staunch friend because the wonderful thing ivit o a a it is, tha when once given a trial. Dr. K injf's New D Beovery ever 'after: holds a" pi ace in the ho: tse. If you have never used it and ehoald t s afflicted witJi a cough. cold o r any throat, lung or chest trouble secure a bottle at one and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed i very tiine or money refund ed Trial botl lea . free at- Louiaburg-drug store. i ' '.- 'A man. never; !ivei so long that ne : S&ei more imcer ars than those he -wiped off . on . his coat ve when he was Aboy mmm fragrtartiLextbigl PtfeOSSCU. i Bold at Srncsista. Sutett as Hbs4tt : The Leading Ti i n i - Cert Uo Complaint, -CottlotntsCBilioui Jfatiwts, Giddlmes MiirwvglstB. 25 c, f vould follow ! went"." " : 54 Ah. I rcq throxiffh ii-HO!' t aaid. am relate! to him the gipjrlar Lc- bavhn' of the COTidueLor; tllut what i . a. v a. A TU DtsA. v A J I is w ciouo row s 1MT9 iosi sign I ale 0t KOmEnCe AO- of thcra-havo vdu chunctrd to. make ijp (ct.njj neglect, and doTjou know Wbero-they nave Ronor:.v;. , . , Indeed I hav, Signore. . I id rwed.. them to iho bju k, whnh drove thein to the Hotel da Croco di Malta." ' .. . :'r ' " SupposO thej hare left the hotel 7" " Ilavo no foar. Si jnoro-thcj leave onlj thi evcIlin?., " "Arc you 8ure?,, ' '-'.) rerfecrlv cieht - tfe'eck is' the hont." . " ''.'Yv - . .By what train ?; AVht re ctyi they Knt hx train 1 Thr era coin "on o4rd the stoanihoat " luifeaiifcav - for Clvita Vocchia.l . ; ' How came yon to know idl MhiaT? " " It wonld tako boom time to tell you my story and ".' ." here comes Papa Oeronimo T t The corpulent host presented him self with a bottle under hi arm. V Sisno'i." he saiit pladnR thchottlp The Lord neyeir intended grief to spread ; ; fou can ci'y in secret, but you can't enjoy a joke alone. THl S FIRST STKP lONsnflruis Oil Perhapa yon)' are run down, an't eat. can't elwp, cail't think, can't do anything thing to your aitisfacfion, and you onder tthat ails you. You should heed the warn- iug, you are talung the first atep into nerv-; - ouprontratioi i You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the ex act remedy lot irestoringyour nervous sys- j.A-TiTisinrestfltlsiwilow the use of . this irreaiF returns, good digestion is restored, and the - liver and kidniiys resume heaJtny action. frice 50c.atiKuiBburgarug WiU relietQ Bhaamatism, ttevralgia, SwBllingsraisBSBabagoJSpralnz Headacho, Toottcushd, Soros Baniz, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Wounds, &o. A.fPMt l A fISt Z PLUGS, Tht Qrrirt Tobccc Am VACwtiMiMTftilOCu. AtttH4ruaaitv Try a bottle, storen. A PERSOSf AL , REFLECTJON. "When I guest," exc the evening he rose frodi to be the p corporation) the truth bfl is always rdbm at the top." look at our honored 1 aimed the orator of j "and jemember how i a humble position i sident of this vast - I realise forcibly the saying that there To- aavooe aendimr 10 cents. & Vimin I MaCazikx will be seat lor four weeks as a trial I tubtcripUon. The regulMr price is four dollars I per year, lutca issue coo tains from tea to bfteea I KM stones, comments on earreat events. I pozzies, jokes butts (or the household, sod the oest ot music just tbe thine for lone winter vitw . ... . evemnes TKflK 64 P5re 256 colvmns of readtmr matter 3OO.0OO words comprising over BO com plete stories, and vocal and mstramental nrusic. tbe latter is worth at least fifty centsj and all for only Ten Cents I Of course yoa irndrstaad wis oner is maao ret vou to cive the mmr I : trial, knowing full well that you will become I I permanent snosensers. Address WAVEBIEY HAfiAZIH, Boxl7J, what yoa get in four copies! I The presl poratioh, head, made! (pel dent of the' vast cor- gentleman with a large bald apot on the top of his a memorandum in a little note Hook, and the wages of Laj-youns been raise 1. Chicago brumes, sores. fever sores. childlains, col an l positive! required, ft orator have never Tribune. : BCCKLjSN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in: the world for cuts, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter chapped haud ns and all skin eruplioue v cure pus, or no pav is suaranuea to give i perfect sntisfaiciion, or mony refund ed. Price. 23 For sale by Watch tB on the bacl ten it will a into your fdjckets; cents per box. J. B. Chiton. e hand that pats you Nine times out of fterward grope its .way iff .V.. , '. PoeA-'jimr tlxceliency - want guide TThe 'asked. . " :-1 j Off withvyou. I "want- oxxeV1 v ' lour Excelleucy , surely" docsIn decd you do . ,. W; - ? - AYill you leave me alono or notf Tr tell y oil, I do oot yrant a gmde : r"Sienoro, I know yoa do it w no asy'.task-4ia lmdvyour waytn Genoa. Y o will want a guide, irV I assure "rwiyr :: . . I . I could restrain myself no longer. -" This is too much VT I exclaimed angrily. I tell you for the last time, that I do not want youd'ye hear me I'll have nothing to do with you.,, ' ' Your Excellency will please coli- sidcr, that Genoa is a city, which . "My patienco and - forbearance .were exhausted I was utterly beside my self and lifted my cane. . . r "Enough of yourinsolenco-:--'be off or . .Suddenly my arm fell back, as " if struck by lightning. I retreated a step or two, my eyes star ing at a man before mo as at a spectre. Ho.: grinned at yraa and began 'rub ing his nose. . . " What brings you here, man ? Beppo Mangini. ivhat are you doing in Genoa?' I muttered, scarcely be lieving my eyes. :. , : IIo looked cautiously about him and said in a loud voice: . " " Sinco your Excellency prefers to go to tho llotel de la Croce di Malta, wo had better take the nearest way on our right." And. without giving, me time to say another word, he took the lead, and I followed him through "a labyrinth of row. dirtx streets,- with - which those" of my l-caders,' who have bven there, are no doubt familiar, and in whi'h one needs either a guide or the thread -of Ariadne, After a while ho halted in front of a low gateway and "knocked. The door "was promptly opened by a very corpulent man dressed in tho pirturcsojio costume of a Genoese fisherman.- -Tsihao, Gci onimo! ho addressed Tho worl " tscbao," so frequently used tn norfhorn Italy, Is aiercly a corrnpUon of tho word "schCavo"' (servant), but by usagr has become an linVcuttoiit termr and al most the only current one of salutation now taVorwv 'vM the new comor," ''here is V gentleman j who; want to got a taslo of tho pure genuine wino of Cyprus." ion must bo di-eaming, sirr re j plied tho fisherman, r "I .am not a wine-merchant. Can: t you see by my dress, that 1 am only a poor barchet- Itaiolor' "True enough,. Geronimo.' Kaid Beppo smilingly" a barchettaiolo (boatman) for .vest-els f ron. tho Lc- rvanl ! Andlamo ! I have had moro ulouslr bowing Dorter it a servant of his mother's were at tho house. Tho porter answering in tho negative, ho next asked him if he would go an er rand lor him. The porter" informed him, that 'ho ws all alono In the house Tho youne cenilcnrin- .pvd his foot, saying that hit er rant-admitted or bo delay and that not a moment must bo lost. Here-" upon I stepped forward, and the per-, tcr called mo to him. Tho young gen tleman scanned me cioatcly from head to foot, and I can asauro you my heart beat -violently, for ho knew me well enough and I did him, ever sinco'a certain affair. . But that has nothing to do .with my story or your affair . . ..although never -mind! you aro"i inpatient, and I Vill prove to you that although I like to stale things in a proper and systematic way," X am cot & babbler in the common moaning of the- term. t Tho gentleman rontruts sioncd me to tako. a despatch fo the telegraph cfSco, to see to its being sent off, and to hand tho receipt to uio porter. i nieaded ienoraiu-n a A UURI.EiQUE. - AN ALUANXEif AN TELLS A IX AEOCT COIIDO.N-S INITIATION. THK eCB TBEASURY nAK A COOK . 60VK0 oxt-i Last i no impses- BlCfliADR CTO.V TUJS .2ISTIN ". GUIEHLD CANDIDATE.- - : ... v Ataens CaBner.3 TJcKalb County, G4 Dec. 12;h. Ce GorJoa Is now a full firdgn Alli ani(cn 80, knd will here 'ancr t inaIe to toe the mark, td kUItm Llinstou, MaCuoenod Hjirry Brown as 'brother. Tho initiallva of this dlstirtgnUicd peuirrman weut through without a jo tleiaud was wiiucMrd by a large. and colhiifclaMie dudtcuce of AlLancnuu. . . At tier k of Lcina.ihoiCxnpoi' g the secrets of our nl.r, I will give the Banner fall report of-the lmprcie well that-I Came very near losing the ceremony tlt enaUhcd fieutrar (,'oo job. Finally, how-cver, ho gavo mo a scaled envelope, containing tho tele and two rather dingy glasses on. the 1 gram, which I took to the tel'raph joy it!" " Is that really tho very last bottle F asked Beppo with a grin. ; '""Ilm! I supT e so." - . " And Fm inclined to suppose, it is only tho last but one, Geronimo. If you manage to whet tha gentleman's appctitcri'll wager, ho 11 call for the last after this." " You are a droll one! now can I whet the gentleman's jippetito?" 1 "Nothing -easier than that, Gcron imo. Iiiing its somo olives,, salmi and cheese and I am sura they'll make him thirsty enough." , I saw Beppo' s game, and put a flvc franc piece on tho table. "Take that, my man." I said " and bring me what ny guide called for." "In that cao I shall have to leavo you alono, Signori. My daughter happens to be out." . "Alone?" exclaimed Beppo, and is "not that bottlo pretty goud company in itself?" Geronimo took tho money and loft. "Now that ho is gono, Siniore.,;r nid Bepp6, "let mo tell you how I exeduted your orders. Allow mo how ever, to tako a H of this wino first . . . Santa M-idre Maria! That juice, is excellent try it, Signore ! Have you ever tasted anything liko it?" I took a glass of the wine It was indeed most delicious, hut I wan far too anxious to h'ar Bcppos story, to apprcciato it much. ...... . r: i CHAFIER XXXL a a 7 1 m oi AXimc h'J Sunt' little fort ulia torn iNat work for hv Aim tVn, Auuht, Tvxn, aiiit Jho. IVrM. I'oUiio. Ohl& 4eratcOhrniaTfdit)uwcll. Why I ?aZZ3ZZn than one bottlo of you before thin, and mm, vbtfmr jroa ar. Km De- i chnm an nilljr rarnina: ftai SS U ISB'dar.AHaKra. K.tlmrralM ' and atart ymi. Can work In inure thmi or all tue Ibne. Hie; nwiy fur work. ; ars.' Failure unknoni among theaa MKW and wonderful, ranlenlara Irea .UailleUb Ca..Ux H HO AwrtlBd. M R. TYLER, FiUCT OEHiMElITAL' I10U?E AND SIG N PAINTER. Calsomiuing, graining, parlor Tnint ing a specialty. SiUifnclioii guaran teed, Lesye orders at Thomas & Ay cocked drug store. j the gei.iloman is perfectly willing U pay a good price." " Ahm? That's qmte another thing. Avanti, Pignoti ! I think thero is one bottler the last one, left, and that is very much at your service." N OTICE. Having this day qualified as Adminis trator ofBryaut Green, all persons ow ing bis estate are notified to make pay ment at once, and all persous h ldlng claims against the said estate will jtre sedt them for payment on or before Jan uary 10th 1892, or Uiis notice will be pleaded in bar for their recovery. - This Jauy.8f 18D1. , . .'-.' " O. L. Ellis. Adm'r, I desire U -mo THE" HE PUBLIC-UBLIC.- if- inform my friends &h& :.thX public generally, that I have opened k first "ciass stock "of ' 'r-:ii ': .-'; '-- :"':'-" m GENERATT . "-GENEliAii MERCHANDISE-:iviiEltCHANDIiiE- . la Lou My plai becu mj that he -v 5 3-'-,. f-:" all sburg, where t shall be glad to Kaveou call when iu town.,; .r V, e of business is on Maiu street, bppesite the' post-omce. . . To -. y -. :X will please you only builf expreseesiL;-:as' it liaa always ' - f rule to never allow auy pue to go away itlioat ' believmg v.. brsbo had received their full money-s worth.' My stock will v consist mainly in HUT GOODS. N or IONS,. - mmm gold. if whlcu .will be sold at bottom prices. .-Very Respectfully, GROCERIES. &c.. Give me a -call. GEO. H, COOPER CHAPTER XXX We entered and while groping our ; way 'along the dark corridor,' Beppo whispered to me. - -'.: " You can jret :. wine here, as god and better than any : on tho king's bwntable. "This lellpw'is one of those wine-smugglers, in whom Genoa- a bounds. If you are a connoisseur, as I suppose you are, I can recommend tho lira" : . ' '-: "But What have we come here for. ' Beppo ?,:fei?:.'.:v.;' J V Above all else,','we , can at ; least chat here in perfect peace and .quiet- ness." Signore." - "".-.-;... -' -; We walked ; into a dark, . smoky, room,; took a" scat on a.l6w bench and awaited GeTohimo's Tetum.- j . 'Al " First . of all. Beppo. tell me how you camo here Ty I asked, tmable to control my -curiosity any longer. v r u That's easily -..told, Signore arf rtved in the same way you did. an in tho Very! train with--yoorwlf r; v ' You 'mean to-say, that you have but ,ust arrived J1-.. -" ! - - cbmpanions." t.v K r ;ri ,. s -.'-'i-' : " But why ? What have you got to do hero?;; Let metrnow all."r " You i btdered' 'mo to goand I went I". -.--y-..-;-"- -v r.vf:. - . - - told, mo to wait f pf you at the station, bnt forbad rmy.addreRing you, there; if S saw ;anybody ; with you,-in which enro I was to fallow ybu. Well,' I didLf oll6w youj Have I done wrong ?" " un the t-ontraryj - uut how did j w follow mo VI V x - J :-" :i 'That wa'inTple enough! " Wrhen t saw yon pushing Fra Angiolo. aside and iump-'iig into-nn oien . coupe, I did the' sam, v except; rthal I entered the couj' oi u v agent w;ixo. iiatursily enjt'th . 'vvhiitcdrttj put. ine rout.; just when the 4iain w-t starting and . . ' " And ; .'-;.' V?" : ;- -:-.tv '"".-;; l I showed him my card, authoriz ing mo to take .any train I wanted, and to call; upon any - of&cial J of tho road for assistancej""' . ? i ;' , 'ou are worth your - wei ght in Beppo. But go on," I am burn ing with anxiety "to hear all." : " The transit was an easy pno to me, Signore I Having to. watch both you and.the passengei'sin.fl.uestion, I made the, agent order th 3 cpuductor to in form him "when and where they left the train, f ullr persuaded that you ' Come, Beppo I am waiting." "Well, Signons" he bogan. "you'll soon see how, simply things can be done, provided one knows one's busi ness. I maintain that if people fail in such matters as this is, nine times out of ten" it "Is their own fault; for you must know, that before taking up a profession like buis, people" are required to go through a long course of preparation, and if they do not, ft would be far better for them to do something clso." though' it were tho rrwfinncf. rvf f m rl r . . 7' "You mav bo qui to right, Beppo In fact, I think you are. But I beg of you not to keep mo in suspense any longer. Our time is precious." - "Quito true, Signoro, for you will have to give mo new orders at that. Well, then ! I. went 'to. the police office to inquire where those ladies lived, but found no description in tho lists of arrivals, which fitAed their casus. It was evident from this, that they had not gone to a hotel, but either to the hottso'of somo friend or relation, or, what was nut very likely, to apart ments of thiir own, I changed my dress, -donned a" bluo blouso and went to a railway station. At first I hesi tated which to choose., intwtmuch as I ouly knew that tho ladies had arrived from Susa and only-gone to Genoa for ofneo and had it sent off. I came very near carrying thj de spatch and its highly interesting con tent straight tp you .' . . "Interesting contents T I inter ruptod him. " You do not mean to ay you read the despatch T . " Beppo looked at. mc in unfeigned utoni&hroent. - . '4Do you suppose," he replied qnite angrily "that I should wnd eff un read a telegram given -me by a person whom I was set to watch? No, In deed ! I stepped into tho nearest doorbay, cut open tho envelope, pulled out tho letter and read : 'Signor An tonio Botta, Genoa. Engage for to morrow noon horses and a comforta ble carriage for four persons to go to Florence. May wish to keep them even beyond Florence.1"' I pasted the envelope again and carried it to the office; but meanwhile, it being quilo clear to my mind that the young gen tleman intended to go to Florence and beyond, with thrco ientons beside himself those ihreo persons mot probably being the ladies in question. I should havo straightway informed you even then had not a thought re curred to mo ... but that Is an other of thosa stories yon do not care about. After having handed the re ceipt to the porter as desired. I went and changed my dress and repaired to a pla.- where I Iwped t- see the gen tlaman again; tLii time, however, so completely disguised that I made sure ho would not rtcognhto mo. IIo mado lis appjuir.mro Just as. I expected, but in a horribly excited stale. . At a dis tance of ten or more paces I could easily see that he was greatly vexed and troubled After a few minutes' reflection, he drove off to the tel.v gtaph-ofSce and sent a second de spatch to the same Mr. Antonio Botta, requesting that worthy not to engage the carriage for Florence, but to tako four first-clxs tickets on tho steam boat to Civita Yccchia instead." "How came yon to know the con tents of the second telegram?" I in quired. "Ahm! Signore," replied Beppo. triumphantly, "you see now that I was but right in leing explicit in-my story you are actually compelled to ask for particulars. It was very easily done though ! an you might know by this time, that I am in the habit of go ing very practically to work. The hack I hired was qui to as quick as his cal, and while ho waa writing his de spatch on one sido of the desk, I wrote another on tho cposito end . and having pretty good eyes, the se cret is readlry explained." . . - '.'Did you send off your dispatch?" I asked, in undisguised admiration of Beppo's Superior, management and skill" and to whom wis it addressed ?" " Dio rcio, Signore, I took the liberty of sending at your" expense a friendly how-do-you-do to an old acquaintance of mino at Naples. I hope you won't a Jew days. I concluded, however, take it amiss, seeing that 1 bad to keep that toeonle rarelv take much baecase "V appearances ! I never lost sight of !. - " - - I . 1 . don from the clutcl c of the polalvtau and made bmi an bumble dUc:p'e ol he plow. " The cand'xLite was cstortrd into the ants room of the Alliacccmen ly a body guard of farmers. He nian'ifcsisr) some nervocsnos whfTlu coraluctors demanded that be jsutially dlsrott and suLmit to the ordval of U U g rumcd off with a corn coU and rubbed down wtth a bundle ot folder; ti e reason (or this pbqntotn agrk-uhural bath bdm; that it wai neceuary loilcacsebU prison from the con! arums ling effects of too dote a contact with A4lanta toliiiclaps, itCLer- souiau dcniOLtata, inihprndcut'v acd other cuclcan clement, sod itutt be might eutcr the realms of aricul taraj bliss. He as tbtn amjid In a rir ot totpcras pants, ntbtld by one su ren der, sn'i a lilcki r , shirt, wool hat and hrogan si iocs. The AULauce (lis gnJ. exp'aii.cd) was no rrprxtfT of iicnons, acd every metubt r must be ou an equal footicg. . 1 hrce raps were g.vcn cn the lodge room door, and a scpUbral voice Com within demande'l : Ybo comes ihcrc T A poor penUra: who is groping in da&rcts, aud ttks that tl e liyhi of the Alliance be turned uoo hlru, wst the reply. . Is the candidate s tiller of the tdir was the next query fiom wilhiu. "He savt be baa always teeo ibr bf It friend the firmer of Georgia evrr h d," was the evasive re?tx. ec. See if there are any cimtis iu u haid or (UckULu.; in h.s b-.r." th con tnand. The seeker of light says .e t only i. farmer by roxj, and tl e corn are it. the hands of Ihe iner who wurk lu land." was the resno .Si . Dces the caui".ta:e ask itUui e into our order o: t is own volt i n. im. 8 he prepsrtd to jmts thrush the or de.rlrlnitkUocr, He Uot-s aod he Is," was the rcph flora wbout. "Let the candidate then nmain iu darkness, until his e yea are prepared to receive the great li'-t that the Alliance will turu cpuu him, acd be can be ad mitted Into our satrud fjrccincU." was the) next ordt r. The ees of the spplU an t for Alliance knowledge were bandaged with a e-ond-banded yuano sack, the dgor of lh lode room thown opea, aod Georga ex Governor aud TJciled Stttrs Scuatcr for the first time in his life, found him self (a the inner sanctuary of tue Ltr- mrn lair. He was marched three Croc arou.kl the room, while the membert welcomed b'ira with with them "a a mere trip, and since it wa their very bagcace which intei ested mo chiefly, I w'ent straight to the Swiss station, and took my stand with my brethren, the porter., adopted a such t for tho nonce. They looked askance at roe when I first presented my self x, on my telling them, hewover, that I had not vomc .there to make competition, but simply to gather cer tain infoimation, and after offering a bottle of wine to whomsoever would best assist me in this, I soon became tho , lion of tho party. I went cn tq. tell iKera ';-: . - . "- : , ' " For heaven's sake,. Beppo,". I in terrupted. -.bim,". " come to- the point without losing any more valuable time. I am fully convinced of your eminent adi-oiiness you may tcILme tho rest at some other time.--; I -have nu doubt it .wil I bp .very interestin gi . but . at pr3sen;. ..'--..:';.' ' -"VArr ivcl! -.Thev told mel that tw days fWtiou they. had. waited up a thrrb ladles "Who - answered my dcscriilion of them r and that the coachman, driving them off, "Was an old- acquaintance ot one of the men VntiL in the employ of a family living in, the -Via Dora grossa:: Since you desire me to be brief in my statements, I jhadl merely, in form -you, that half an houriater I took my seat on one of the benche in front of the house in-, dieated to me; that I told the porter a lesng, pitiful story - about my wife and five poor childin,. and received tho good-hearted f Jlow promise to give met Ihe "preference at the very next vacancy for a servant in the fam ily. Ihad not been sitting there very my man until lato at' night, and this morning, at an early hour, I'rescmed my place in front of the house in Via Doragrosa. earning two francs and a half ia my temporary capacity as car rier, for lugging the. baggage to the coach and unloading it at the station. I saw you there the moment I arrived, but; being distinctly forbidden to ad dress you, I waited until Fra Angiolo had gone. . You know the rest, Sig nore.' I have done, and I hope I dis charged myself to your entire satisfaction."- " ; v : "That yon have.. Beppo and yon shall have good reason to bo satisfied with me! Still. you have so farjeft we in doubt, or rather in ignorance of (he chief point of my : solicitude. I desired you to find out all you conld about thoe ladic. . Who are thoy ? What are their names? and who is tho gentleman that seems to play so prom inent a part-in regard to them?'! v. To It contintt t an rTon bait frrlrerd la the set I ct b's pan, to wbitb a rtje was aitachnl atsl thrown OTrr a bram alcw. With m atxndj jtill b j two ainr j Al hocrnv the tlUru-uifl.rJ grctUmMQ was oao danelin- in the sir, with hu!s and ftrl vaixilj cJurcblfg st tU 6oc4. MNow IroU in the cauTidote ia llt po?bk3, wUcrs tut aa I cttcr ajecrrku lb 1 rautirat Umts UxiWlcU ly tie AU aace," rrmrt.r-1 tl G and It, JI." , It m ntrd.'rsa (or jcrtally kli $td 1 rotNf r t Ic'cwrr clotch st :b Cucf . He bat already had rou e' experience M rt"gug. and Uie wm1 tbit;g be cut do b to lilt life iocike that iktur - and be icsijned to the petit cn we b pUcedh'rn In, and not pmTce ibis -tnatter'uutil be gn to Wabutoo aaiu. .-' . -TUt book.,, . 0e II -; 1 1 i trr x - " plained ii!c$:rstr tite fnn Ixii ibe lr- n ers AU'juk lft cu nankul. Y'ca struexlf n tl air Uv a J. Jr lly of a candklate tryh.g lo rcraiu V trju.tr om wLUe la tb myL-y psp i tcr order. JtaUo iKustraua csjt icJUkl lowcr to elevate or Uw etr s;ras o at w il. Your futile clufcnf ia U. air to show the tbly cf a cai Jklatt trjkig to reach tr oSke tbr. c-h c4.ticUna. The cauiidtte can now be re'lottcd, srd carried Ufote the soireme pack. r Hr further enrUetimcnt; and wliiya be hi toaking'tbe circuit of tie room the brothers wiM ji j. ci Gre. hated ky niOauUhi, a I nulic that U cmnU -ts Is berulog to Uver la lbs ttU air of the room. The Sui-rane Spanker rat cpno a t4dofliaj-. He order rd the taudsye rrraoved from l)e andidAtt,s rya, re maikluf tial be had'st3irsi rrrrtaard far enot jh to stand tle light cU e AU liaore; aud, boVlo, be was to go Utrough another ordeal that rrqoirtd all- . of a man's ftcuTtTrs to end are. Tl eckcr after U;ht sni then led cp to a bajrel, aud in a iwlnklls) stretched over It. It teg forth the subtmiurj rhtak.n cornrcauded the Sup erne Spanker, a d couvtuo the uw nxbrr ih i U Is i-ot -aro lea oce. tut r.v.t t-f g J. ruuij t;alr, Ict the tl'yj LJvvctc tr cV ba duiv Wke i-l u-t A"...r -man, while we will all 1: v.- -Oac I tu blloJ. bet sow I N Fort j tker that h.tik re su th alroiulcatrito vn wUh'ainV! y t tirf brf.rclhr wri bn-r,- iv"i.". - r. lcI and tarr-i w t!:a i;.":c :-u w au!;.. t. Uwv- t'. ?cc l.t u. ;i-; "Yu.1 !. r.f ., .i :hi :- teaul.fu' auJ elil" i n cl.:rrtsiu lue AlUa e inle u laitutiloi. Y.-u lsva . jjb:.. I s-.:t; i!' f fi J o.lr o L. Dur p fU r ii tiai a iul m Otic. 1 trv: jauri 'ou arc Uux prepemt locwrecs Ui s.ate:3ru a d a.r that ur ML-t fttury 4.uk 'lm o-jo of tin -ouilot u l-v eer f Iu W' have wril oaier la-.Lt, up wa cau prove iit your cattre aattavUni, .f sodetirttl. O'i I ou aay you re uis Qcdl Well. I e areul ia future Ur you spe.k slurries y -f soaict! lnf joq kco uott big abuuL Now carry ih c n Hat Brother Coiklccur. Ufure the great tlreiaclrc- fK o.Uer imJuI leaaons s and wh le he U on the uve k-t the nienubcts auig. This la th way I og bar ockt. " Tlx rre .1 ilrcccb r bad on a lMc beadle bim thrre Lbck fearers Sod a cvbW t h .If lUTrd ith w bal appeared lit be ol I Bourl on. -Af.rc b lotu Lil'hful pl'grlmactw our lr ther is dvoUlrss in net 4 ef rrl and rcfresLtueats. llace a chair Out he may le s- ated." - " TU was done, Lt by some slight band the ra. dkLit made a nxLsa, aod U ruled cm U-e tLroi. My utifurtuiuiie broCirr, Too hart now learned the uncertainty ti poUtkat camia'igtu. Jcsias a mxn:thbks Le has iuond a nice, co olbrtable seat, the Alliance iiu it from eutAlb bim a. 4 iwlolul iudeed is Lo- durilalmaoL I uWhS ths lamp hohls oat to bora. The vilest aaoaer may rrtara." - Wiih a gce! and lawM the candi date was escuned to the Grand Tycoon, no"k Just t.ow of tetrtsJ .meats, at 4 who used as his cfmir of Sute the small h-rd prerr rjee m.rr.cr,,r v . , , . you, but 1 oor daco.er that io your eudorabaleorcottou. JJeLt a.otij lo explain that -Our would-be bro.bert your homul- pcch vnu roa.ie brls the AU-nce sling entry into this room teaches you couveotioa. t!iat you have a'eady enveu a nufa 1ma.n. A few mlrnles su all the satreuurr crow, exrert - - - - Thm It A curious meeting- was heM in Bom bay, India, reocntly.' The Hiodu bar Lera Convened a monster gathering to consider the impropriety of shaving widows bends.- Ooe of tie speakers said that a enrso seemed to Itave fallen upon the barbers, rorinsteaa ox Deing fiourisbing they had becom very poor. This was ouly to be accounted for by the fact that they were committing a great sin in shaving widowM beads. It was against Hindu Scripture to deprive a widow of her hair., and doubtless it was the curse of tha widows that had lowered their callinsv Tliereunon the meeting long, -when a cab drovemp to the door -unanimously resolved that any barbvi nnti nn elegantly ti'ssea genuoman Slaving a w idow's Lead suouii uo ez alighted,-who inquired. ju the obse- couimun;cate4 jou canoe to us recking with the o tor of the puLlklan, at.d snajed la the par ajbcxxaliA of a cnat man.' loa were strilped of joar Cue aipanl, wbkh means yoanust also leave behind yoo iu your future commucka lions wltli fir men your workllj lEaltj, or the Alii ai ce will -trip you cf your booors as easily as it did oryour tailor made gat meets. AH men (exc pt the nljsrr. ars free and qal- ' t ' Xhe'otkou banilage that ele'.-ure yocrtis'ouis a necrj siracumcLt to iho farm; and wLUe it leaches an A lailcernan that he must not expect h: paih way through life to be spruakled with the ottar of roees, wEl be a sp-cial remindrr to you of tlie offens.ve man ncr that yoo spoke; of our leaders and friends during your recent campaign. The conductor will n.vw convey the can didate before the high and mighty Olcr tor further inilruction, while the breth ren will phase sing, -' Oa Jordan 'a srbrmy baaks I iani" The IL and M. bister squatti-.g between the Ivandlca cX a pliwirxk. WlJ.outfuxtI.rr ado the caxu'Ute h-d z -.1U.-Lui few tail frtiUrcr. Dot here bar&rtif Jeiffmr.rxn drvocrary, acyonLug to ih ' Epistle of the Roman tha yoo: wtre . so part Jd to a sort Urne (luce. Thi la the last of the cak and p'ia swallow the same. We:, f you keiute, I wtJ have lo order the graud executioner to show you soother one of the plauks U oar p siforai.' Ah, jou fbd tle liqaiti b enra-ed 1 1 g'A-a ao that ll wCi ix I wei parvbe I lips- That roy my brother, -la nijdern Jc-rrsonvsn dVtiKxracy. Jt is very Lice to lou'i ujon. tot IAe Ded - ca Iru L is tastrie. I Lis simws yen Uat to drperid on othe. c'ascea than the Al'.la.ece arl the oranLxrd democracy Lrr oSVx aud botior is to pxruke of a plol m poliDcU luuch, rh t, my uewlj-ru&la Lrolher, eU the first decree la the Farnvers Al: ance. I trust the great and beauujl truths you have fceu iltuatx.ted lotLy will make a btsUj.3 bnpression cpot vour mind. The breihrea will nw join Jods, and, while Uiey marJt aroQt d the ne m.tn'ter. sing, Oar I wan lost, kat mw 1 au foaaL . Thus eodaloei f the roost interest trt ceieinouUs ccr lTrr.jrmed is ouC 6ie. . - ' - - It to be re.zret'ed that every AlW jDcerjvin ia Ge rfiA couJ cot Lax-e e?sM tljeiilkuturjof tb:3 rjltU.Cirlr4 brand izom in- ere cuut trjuua u i-y

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