i I . f !) i VOIvXX 139 as 1 - 4 Harfier'u Weekly haM 'e'v fir failed to ratU fv Itn title W a "Jonrall "of fSn'lisatio ' And t ? ha Sana ho with H constafit-: fer&rd to enlarjjed posifibilities sf usefulness afi$ tf higher standard of artis Ic and Htrajor ex- cellenco. - It leaves uato tched no important w ;ae of the world's tfrra tram, and presents ft ted rid, tfqnaUy trast-.H Jrthy &nd-jntrt-: ! 1 ig, of the notable etvtits, persons, and ' & iievements of ourtimp. 4 , - V . - i " ' S ecial supplement wrll be cdnCiimed Hi 189J, Tfley will bo UteHary, wueflttfUvar- j festic; historical, criticaptcfpidrfraphleal, or tSe-cripttve, as octtslcrtM.iy demand, and . will continue td deserve laieUearty commen dation which liiis bee'jl bj stowed on past is sues by the press and th t pnbuc. As at ana lly jgrarflaU Harper's Wc ?kly will,' as hereto fore, be edited utd'a' eti Jet regard lore the tonalities that make it a safe welconle and fiditor to every home. l:;''f.V; TalS trOXJlgURGj C;, -KfiBRtJ AR Y 13 186 i. . order to make what follows inore Intelligible to the reader. "I have to re vert once rw.ro to that inherent 'men- t it 'tUUIIlllM fv "--.. 1 V ? - I KOmanCe j3fiU AQ-1 face of danger and at the last decisive : .C . " -"-. . :r V ": "V " -?-.. I xvw.wviQ-rt'f- irnrn'wit 1xn1 it. M.it m venture., in .bunny ltal v ui w fties. un toth-irt?..? fhm. Jilelelf ; traratjsfed by thepSroxysfn of excitement, If, 'since my arrival In 1 L - . .. L Li-," tap idea "of yours to keen AnnuszLata in the house.' : . . "Why so?V."V:'::-"-"-- ..:-Vv' ; Hm! I suppose y ou nCed rot Ve told Sho' is scaTcely-gn ' inch t: i' . than Signorina Clelia.n ' ; 4 , I stepped back la sxtrprisoL Thai vras'a thin I hod not etea thought cf. rhist of all hx LcaVtfalng Ttrtrtt, HAIIPER'S F1CI IODlCALS. , ; . . . . , . - . . - . iHiiipEH'a llioiiTN-K...;.;. ....'..$1 00 . hipkr'm wekkliY.. L .......i:..: 4 00 il.iBPEtt's bazar.... C... 4 00 tfABPB's you.vo EdPLai:...;:.;.:.,': 00 . fotiinM.free td (ill United jltates daso'la crfw -v ' 'i i j.-ii' 'i - i w i vAcuerauiiv Ut sincemv arrivalln -teSr f ttalyi had been weak and yacllSinS ". - vfri Kv: ' v; imsolute, 'almost bojishjj- unjcciJefl "be ts Ciiatei: SSXlV. table d'hote at tho Hotel de U Mt was simpij1 oviing to the remark- l CrocO' di Malta, thosd wcturcsquo lo able and 'lprofound impression f!lftlil tatioa attracts travellers irrerfstiUr. was but sparsely fcllod . It hanieneu to bo the day.oa w!.ich the eoaptine j. a - i .t . - stoamcrs uciiari, ana tno only one oi the month on hch steamer from Marseilles' of Leghorn r hed Arrived; The seats at the lafrcer table -mire mostly " dctupied by, gentlemen, . tvho from time to time and that r&thot ;had madoTipont me, and ho less to that tvretched nncertaintv' i tn Tin or,A by "wh.t inctins i should ere" fce able The volumes of th with tUK ridiohers for J flf ejlc'h yeari: Wheri iij giih'scrlritioris' will be'srii fcurrerit itt the' tide' of, rl -im.l -T . -1 wo una volumes, oi and Mexlcff, ' iof iltfce yfiars Bagkj ittiii iri and Deceniber' r tiiile i3 silefeitted, 3 with tae nttmtex iticiut of order.- . MarjltFs. yVeeltly Will Be gerit 8 iiialt: 0Jst-iald for $t 00 Beiits, gdBH By a:l; jJolpaid. laUez til I-Uirder.'s tUe'iuih binding BeppO SlSngini jrave me a sih&jlai look, shook his head sadly and said ' Signore, excuse . xne you .are net ;. What do y6li jn WM&h t tvir WJioiposed: duty.. 0 This am persuaded things tcduld Work tmcentMdrafehea lb' ail Jn very differently and much more satis tant; .The :tiiold ; uderiakin ..on factorily if yoli gat b me, yyur; nitr I . Itas bent, stoM suddenly rnfifiitMAn. v-i ; ..;v.. ' rf -,,;. felearly andi so to speak. comoHctlv h- " Y6u arc talking in riddlescBeppo." xor1 -me : n0Tr 1 c.ouli ffrasp it, 1 1 oi ten wore vcasung sido-glaneea.- nl 7 f'Do yoUtke me to.b'd selinfotind- totudalso act; and ivith this convic- j the smaller table round which a family and energyrtvhich calmly andvvxth-: commendable , custom of having fara- b'tit nsS of .parade ef sentifiient urges Hies .dine "table d'hote" in the same lis' 6ft to actioni - ; ; room,' yet apart from tho rest of the What .stimulated ;.mY detofmihation company, iOfto chiefly. If hot excla- feide- iM & giotving Conviction that lively,", met tvith in Italy. tfci tffieiroectod meeting -ivas a clearly . The gentle nisn at the large table PfUdetiarvOhe pne which. afterhu- showed their good taste in "thus ocu- filgf 8uS vici3situdes,and trials, brought larly. directing" their attention . to" the fh8 fieafer and nearer to her whom the smaller table ; for, no sight could be if . V 8. M Xlcpoit, Ao;. 17, iS5 V N "CQ U A t 2r A X ATI O N. : t XThedeptession of ti.e Ci'nnin l-ter ests lias I een dwclt tjpon to a ocsk!cra ble eitent 10 tbc bst fv-w year by il e-ouq Jeme w2ir rarlrin Juua Vy, ud sows two or three dxjs tacb eek until the mAIl- of Fetruary or r.e Lft or Jlsrch- It is it rvnh.l, - that all cf these sowing will he fallal. cfily ,6upidr Si'gfdrej U t gtlppbse that ! had riot mbre" thtn Half gtffisSda prefs and by public spcaktrs. There U for is it prolablo ti-M a!1 whl bo ubicriber in, Vic what ydii ard k,f tef i' . - - - L 1 a A 1- -JIM . yekly, Alp'habeti-' l itialj-iicaij and elaisied, t'dr vdldttles j jay Jib claim. t" 1 fl'. I . ' u that Class V" . ..ttf Wfaai a?8 -f 8B15flrfM to next ?' . - . : , .aAndiahi&!-; fwm all Ffa'AngislQ has told . infef i;6fii Trial I ha8 S siia&f roni whEi f f ffl6fito hafiflg heard wbils iii filjF fgriflgli; Wfegfl I was fcaptaiii 6asdtti? 6rf aulafid from srossit to' blockhead gether': no doubt that there is I ss profit w Cir- ming than there used to be lliat the tirmcra are getting in debt deeper and deeper, 'ildistbe i?e all over thp wbole ceuntrr North. Eastouih arid Westi In the West at.d Northwe: the- r r .... mrraers nrc iu xar worse cMiailion 'Veiv ihau Uiey-are In the South. ibis I rioulj injartd j droaht. Soar; o" theowlDcs will almost sar'hJtr'ybU' fmrenre Iwo thijs imja Ue Cir mere' control that rro a loo wr to ward bsoring lucce s. One is to sow oolv tlie ru t pr of raiiety, the ether ta owcu goo! laud. It 19 excconng'T tx ir xlky ! to ow pnVoory wcsiern The world novcr knows wliat load prayers a rna can cfTr uh til bo is called upo.l to -pray far ho sint of his neljlibot. AtcbU ion QlDb i til Tri: iiiH.iiUitrei frdiil ilmirtuiice3 should made ; Wy bfes idony order or J draft: to- at the pOTter ifl Via JJdm ayinx father had recommehd-jd to my I pretberana more attractive than that I unUoubtcdly caused by Ieiislation ia fa 1 ati becauee thev can bo Lcnr-ht tae la-ffiS VeSterdav a flfrWflW'fflf I af-t8 Glelia!. : ' '. : . y. Iof . . the reader tindouhtedlv I nf.tMh fn.MrI.. . flfiw 1. - w...u.t ... ."... , ntfgro$ hiiiti-tt;ftftflIWd 16- :.:.I.i!6s8 f folii nrjr tnafiftnlv fesolred Ita loiig guessed . tthom I' mean." -' . - i-:,.'.. . Wh "TthSn': ihduldh't A -wh6' 18 .66ffihlisli . nry. .;bbii,-A.6ihtfie - Th. old lady-and the two TCn? - : lu ue price. oi ordw hak'rtfr tSlitiS HtiS Hi ffi8innt had siifficed to Siitf&fesLfo fhv inrls hV hi. KidA tWiWiI a tri, ol on,y are tanners oppresecd by oarj oaU to gel a good article of rail ff.i.i.-tei iintkant the Harper 8f Brother , Address ". "JJ-'X-X H.icPEa & BadfSRRS, New-York. niihd tlie .inUvi. Jjian t'oi SaVihg the coidd not but call forth tiiiivorsat ad - lou must, spe hibrb iritelligiWi' foW gt"j.in afifilhef iftstaht I!had miration.- Paula .was the -charming avoia to niati, if jon want me w waetstana weignea au 9 waiemtifes and ddTisea picture bi a merry, restless young nlednS tQ Vere6fng th6m ftll!-- schoolgirl ; her beauty at first sight iifeppe locked afjmo iu amazement;, h-as as dazzling as that of the female ClcrOiiitnd fctiterSd 4n6 i'oora, bringing" heads which' Gi ouzo's genius alone anotner bottie oi wine At a sign irom Knew now 10 prouuerv . UJeua s more whaH-u &rfe drivihe at"t ftni titteti . Netispipera are n6Hapythii adver- at a loss to see' how all ydut inferences Olass legislation byt likewise are alloth- e,s except a few money lords and mo nopolfet manufacturers I roof, that give absolute Insurance of he crop against rust. . Tlioe fAmei& whc memories go back beyond the b IIari)3v s IiilaUrfTa4 larpej s home. Bazar is the Giving a xiirtM : 6t JLefi'f feoherri mfr at all ' . juu . jjiua&e,-. Bir, .--lie rcyiicuj hiboailtpssin back his head; Ul lr6d may ask moxinestions, .which f , shaii ansUtr as' best I can;" .' "- . - At that, moment Gurohim9'ntrcd the room aiid interrupted bur toh6t featicn by asking t ' 'itbW dodtke ihy Wihe; g6iiUe tiien?" ' v,;- " Where do you gel strijii iiee- TfiU. liufn! for'the test information wltii rotfurd t the Faslions. ita' num'ir but illiiytrations, fashioii-platc-s, and pat- j tai?'' i-oru-sneets suppieiaeu are louispeiteiuie . iiUke to the hdiue drsi -mailer and the UrdfoTssioiial mddeste. litf xpene is scared in making its -ai Ustic, attractive ness or the . highest rder. ; fts elever &hort stofie, parlor f laj s, and thoughttal Usaj'S satisty-aJI tastesi una its last pagt-j l,nious as a Dedget. n wit ana humor, ri ifd weekly issues eve; Tttiiiig i3 includ ed vriich is of t.aleet ! wdiheh-tDnriiig 1.1 Agent B; OartsSEK frill wjiteaserUs f nrticlej oil pf he Iloa JjLl5t .JdiadS wiJl trd fcivlujg;" and icteJ'esB jisi-vs u.i ' bman in a TiiRoboaK The 55 Uirfortable," at of '"iSauitarY n, and Uislii.ry.' IStrated, wilhBe fttraishld'bv serial 8toies will Thdiila Hardy tOiiicAii. .aft 00 ..v.4 00 00 in the Mi tfy Walter Bsantalll HA3PEH S BAZAR MAUAZl.'iE. WEEKtT..r..i...... ii'duso pSoplk, . Pdita&e free t all aibscriuen United States, Canada iid Mexico. ;. The vblumes hi Bi &ea begins with the first Number for Ja iary of eacli year; When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will Degiu wit',1 the. nu nber. current at time f receipt of order. :.' vl - J Bound Volumes of Hi rptr's Bnzar for three vears back, in ue. t cloth binding, will be Sent by mail, pskjage paid, or by express tree or expena freight does not fxfem l - -- ru-i li . ' , - i j t -- " -v Cloth i ases for' each rrfiime, snifame for binding, Will be serjt by mail, post paid, on receipt of $t.00 Remittance suouiu jse Bee Mey Order or Ichauce of loss; . Newspapers are not to j (provid-d the dollar ner each. iopy thts adver tisement "witRoiit "tRee s press order of address NOTICE 'kilm! Ohb has somd. i rlefids iitJre ah6Liherb.'?,r,;":'7 ... : ; : " A gcbd many dithbiu 6h board of tji reek vessels, I suppose ?! . ' " A fdtV : there also ! I havd to ' do what I can trade is vcSry dull:-- The hUmiibr bf visitors' Is deevcasing every iear, and the earnings 6f -d barchet tatolo" depciid upon them-after, all ! J'ljiiig between . the 8iff drent Vessels Xn the harbor, " and rowinsr visitors hbout . the harbor and to and from iegli. is what pays us best !" 4i Well,, friend tieronimo, let ' us have another bottle, the last but one again . . sr'.. ... . ' '. ; " I'll sec what can be fionc. .Maybo I can find another bottle or two.' c He left tho rrjoni.- - "T: - m As soon jus., tho door .closed behind nini, Bepix) turned to mo i : .'V you know, Signore, that ths stout friend of ours can toe-of gieat service to ui ? ' ; 1 ' "How so?v -' n Hasn't he Just told Us that he is in the habit . Of taking"; passengers to steamboats in the harbor and is no1 tour party guing off to-night ?" I beg yt ur pardon,' Signore. 1 forgot that I hnionly tof olio w, orders hud not to make any suggestions.'? ' '' Don't talk nonsense, Beppo, and answer my .question to "the: point. fh8 ii6 left the room again. The sly QiioirJ giihiied, as if he wa by" this tlhid fully hre that I wanted to be l8fl albnS with vBeppos .and that his winS Vriis in the end a mere shallow J)iteJtt for that v6ry purpose.' " Beypb," . I said; let nie hear all yoii khow about; thbSo people; Tou. seem' to know a great dealt", "Vesi Sigr.orej L do. But, since you evidently desire to act promptly, and since I, have the bad habit, as you call It, 'of making my stones a great deal too long you will do better to interro gate me as precisely as you pleases I shall reply as briefly as pbssible.' JtVeiy well t You say the family Intends to go to Civita Veechia?', - n Yes And sir.tlo travellers make it a point never totay therev it may bo positively, infeaxd that Home ia their" place of destination.'4; K v " Do you surmise for whit pin pose - . r v " Ye. Miss Clelia. as f kavo befen informed. Is to finish her .educattoh'i quiet beautv, at first klnloet comretalT xiipsed by that oi her coosin, Uid i.. fail to win the Observer's admiration :adually, and would speedily .become so intensely captivating that be would n vain try, to take his eyes off her. rho no longer looked as palo as she did n the. morning t her face, on tho. con trary, had assumed a gentle flush, anf in emotion, which she was apparently finable to supprtss, . gavo a peculia: sparkle to her eye- ' i. "When they rhh4 first entercdthe dining-room, sho- looked the - sanie olotles8 imago cf suiTcring as usual. She had taken a scat opposite her nunt md seemed to Bto iesco listlessly it vhatcver was said pr propocedr' This, state of languor Lud tjukkly changed -viien the waitor b ought on the first , ouvse. placing it immediately in from jf her, Clelia's face becOintn'g suddenly iilluscd with a dv?cp blush, at iooking v'o-n into her lap t with her trembling jght hand she h-d seized a spoon. whilo in her left she etdeavored to :oncealsonto diniinutive object There ie far less profit in every busi-1 trodujKlon of the nwt proof variety, re cess dependent upou the U. mers. The member that prin oats had almost t- luercnants make lar less profit than for- I te abandoucd rro-u the const. ui dt 6iruc- metly; the doctors rn&ke less money; I tiou of the crop by rust. Hila trouW'.e the bAwyers mske les?; the me. h- nic j out of tho w-tr, tle two remaining eue diies not make as mucii aud so lu all I ,n'c are hard frrewce and drought. Tlie callings ai.d pn fesions. - - . j Qrst e may rr-eaicrably ovavothe by ane trouble Is that the laws of-ourM successive sowings. Th second id countiy cause lafge ajrPoatjons of j rart-ly diiasirous to the early ftowhigs wealtlr iu the lum!a of a few indiVdual ( 1 and the injury from it may be grentiy bni necessarily tha comes from the dmnui-ueu by sowing on good nod 'well pockets of the mas-cs of he people. preirerl Liod W? co arts ard eou Taxation Is based upon wroug priori thiu, oot o l at.d dry weather pre- ples the poor people practically pay all I vai'a about the thne of hcaaing. the the taxes, while the wealthy pay no tax J rop wia lneviUu!y fall. Good land except on what they cousumc. Tlie iu- j ny triug it ftsrougli; Crst, because it come fc;m Uieir wealth is not taxed, cx- WI1 letaia inoiture lougcr aa !, there cent tbe small portiou which they c- n- I forc couutcinct the dfoot cf drought; su me in living expense. Just the re-laud, Srcoud, because suoug, well fl vere should be the case the surplus I p'ai.ta wi.l ool succumb so quully un incomes, above "expenses should to dtr advcre crcuuistancc. We rerd heavily taxed, while what-is cxpci.dl I the oat as the nost im;x)r;aut t'aio The test saive h the world fci cuts . rji.c. fwrs .ulcers H rhetfo, irvtr tore-. Utter. cb3f;d r Latl JiildU cv, con bu J 'l tu erBpuo r prt-itirly rtre pl , or uo jt rriM:rrf. ft.U gOiranueJ tire . per fc't at!racUoa. ir aootj rtfuau'V tlA l'rtr- T ren't V x. . . ' . For by J- B. Cliiloa. - KeiHo- YQu're a titaid so I of a 7clIow, aro you nof, ; William? . V "William Not particularly, I gtiew.' Why? .- -" Xclli? Icnnio eaid . yon itro af raicLto kiw u girl. Doston Htsr L ' ' - :.'.. , . - " 1 - Z' "Tonr bbW wUI always b p4 II yoi will flvtau Pr. Dn.T Babyrep vbiVi tthiD2. It U m rtlUtX d mn rmdjr and eott 25 cct. " . A lottery tidMt may emiiizim V a pay inc luvftjit ; a Ut buttr ow b m J3 ct. bos of Ok! 8aol CtArrh Car. It fjt r Soap was not t manu facta fed r in England Until in the' eixtoonth century. Tbia accounts for-the previous dark ags. Chicago Globe. . Do aot ewlt anybody, Irat Invt 23 et " laWttUorSaivatioaOO. ItliUsBala.. Wbea w reflxt that so nacy kaoii tr- i"gi dl of ConaampUon w tnot coins to tli conHnirfon that wrybody hookl b pro rid- d with Dr. DaU'tf Codfa 9rnp, thpoorcoa : ramptiTM friend. . , , - . Tho Farmers Al'iancV tlori teeir at Spartanlirz. S; C has defraudod the Alluuco out of b)- Iweed 15,fX and $30,000. Wil mington btar. - - Mtt ms tut 1 1 - TheLcadicc -i nr i rnyrmitUttMrst Bt at VncsfMA in liviug expenses bhould uot be boxed atnlh . " The evil comes from an Irulirect tax' which she began in Switzerland, in a I ei. -,, Tint r.nlr t tho I lXXTC9t. IVJIYCIIH -, m.wutT WUrwii'MlO I Ki T.f or. violin n.Lurt nniftt I " . ..r ,1 - I loH1 Tap -run ...t f 1. .. crop on a cotton Lirm. and deem it enti tled to tbo.bt 1-nd to Lo liad. It ooght not to te ekle tracked on tlie Don't reserve all the goal Hew, York. trxtor of ilrs. Frances jVreudell, all per- ied sons owing her estate r pavmeut at oiieev aw! claims against the Said i state will present them for payment on -or lb9L, or this notice will of their recovery. . This . . FAUCI OPJA HOUoE ANDSiG Calsominmgv gvini Ad minis- notified to make persons holding before Dee. 30th e pleaded in bar Dec. 30, 1890.. F. S. PBtrit.L, Admr. !ng a.; 8peciaUyvCf;SatuEctioii guarari- tecil, ' JjO ve order oekj drugp store OTIUE. r . Ilaying tWs daf qual! Mtator of wryant fjreen - ing tiia 6stat6 are nOtifitd to mak7 pay ment alnee, and alii - claims 'aga.jnst the a!d - . eedt them for payment ' uary 10th 1892, or tha . pleaded in bar for tneu inade iPe5f-0f- Draf to avoid.! Who composes that paiy, as you call them?? ' - i- y. '' The old lady is the tnothe Of my young gentleman and'of Miss Paula."; I know it. ,But whd is. . 1 ;. ." ; The other young lady is her niece." : YoU. are only telling me what I know aJrdy-. What arc their names, circumstance plans and "so forth ?" ; Beppo gav$. me another of those looks, which pl'ainly implied that I 'was only twitting himr:, v:' .. " Are . you going to answer, ine ?" I "ispoke up somewhat sharply,: ' Do veu rnoiin' to toll nvti that von do not know! the gentleman's name ?" ho replied; smiling": sarcastically. x,Ho. no I a "hundredth" Urn no!". - v" Didc you over hear of a. certain Cavalier Carlo Salviati The glaSs dropped from m$ nands. Sal1ati.' 1 exclaimed, and I felt jnj'self growing pale. Salviati,. you "say ? 'i"Lct nvo hear, it again. can not believer.it possible that'this person Wdll dare a second iinie to erosiw v. I : coidd not : finialK.-the;; sentence I ttremblcd in: evelyilimh 'bf rnithody. Beppo looked at mo in blank'ajston-ishnlent.- '.i 1,4 You did hot knbvv it "then, really ? '-' I could not find words to answer hjn. I sprang toi my. feet and rushed towards: tho door, completely overcome" uENTAL-:. - l fAiNTER. , parlor painty etion guarari- rhomas & Ay- is tb enter upon her hdVitiaie in a coU vent, and since in our coiiatiry and &c toi ding to bur laws no person can be forced into. such, a step, she is to bt! taken to Rome, where . the matter ii easily aoc!omDlished.,,1 - . " Do you khov byrhose orders this Is being done ?'... :"i - I Ostensibly by those of the Colonel, the yohng ladys guardian, who has tho uiiiltmbted right bn his side. You tare- await. . however, that the Cbionel is a mere cipher the Cavalicro is tho real and sole instigator of the plot?" "Does his mother know about it?' I cannot say. positively, Signore but t believe sho is blindly, foltewinfi her son's dictations.' i , . .. I reflected a mdhientt 4my precoh fceived project becameC more and more "developed s- 'f't -y -" - '.Call in" CrcrohImo, Beppo did as he was told-, and the feiout boatman aplcared. . I paid hint generously for, the wine. i ' " " How many brats havo you Geroh imo T7 I asked him. -: r : '': ; -v" Two, Signorcvf "' ,-' . V Are they engaged to-day ?n - Unfortunately, not, Signorc.y' ' '-Very well I N'e-w goto the tjoai at "once and tell your men thai those two boats are to i'emain there tt y enure disposal. There, Itake this mohe3r.,' ;t Grazie, Signorevf VJ . -' i ' - . ' - " M want-to know; one 'thing more. Is - there s any other - exit irom thtA hote ??. XcvSij ore. n; ... ' iied as Aflmiuis- all persons 6w- persons: holding sstate will pre- jm or before Jan- ndtlcevwilL be recovery This I ith 'rige at the Ithought; of nieeting I -if it!, 'jilil. J sis ' 1- " to-g f thisjfretch a stconi:time'':and,reco; v ,9' " lisAdmj, - hizihg in him tho tyratit of poor Cle5i : ' ' tK'. '" ;v- .Let 'tis bo? off this"; instant) "--l mmmm To anvn..sendinsr 19 e7 ts. the Wavzrlkt Macazink Vi9 1 Rent firfiaf weeks as a trial fubterHvVtrn. . life resmlur! nice is fodr'dotlkrs per year. issue contain! ten to "fifteen una pic lc btorjc, comment ipa current eresa. azzles, lokes, bint, for the (household, and the of music just the thli? for lonr winter evenings. 'TWIs X what youi jet 1b four copie, I 04 igre 2 iJti columns reading jnntter ill HH I mi A. 300,000 weirds ccmprisii wver fQ coro ptetestorie, fi'4 Vcfcal and (nsfTtftierjtit -music, (the fetter ii Worth atieast fifty cenu,x&l all i or oni thisn IriaL permanent obsenben. AddrwjKAyijiiy.KMAiaE, Box its, S4 v iwunui h coarse tou nr.acrstand fer i tnade to get yoa to cive rJie paper a knowing full well that Jroe became i a. He shall "not escape me this time !" " : Beppo held me back. -.'v.:!-i .r ."Bignoro r? he said.: v Signore',. you - wero not' able to .save tho father and I rdouht:f;:i 1 7 Keepy our doubts yourself 1 j want to save Clelia arid her alone?" " For that very'Tea8on,,,1 said Beppo Mangin'i"let me ehutipn you to mod erate your1 wrath, clso you will ' be as w little lablo to save her as you were her t father! . - -Vr . - k&t Father agaihlf Xylia haVe I. to do -withithe' father ? ; I, vt'aht to pi-otoc niftlia. takA hfr frnm liim nrl ; , ' " Signore, listen to me. :' Clelia, the V Clelia ;i srKia'k :of; is the daughter of TVIaior Camillo GiXczzi ! 7 iv ? ;, With a heavy groan t upon thecham -' " " "Thats bad4 1 Bnt never mind ! "t think, you might safely -trust us With the house for awhile U '- -. - u 'r As long as you plctsoj" -v r " Very good 1 I You may now 6 and give your; men' my orders. . Tell them that .the person identifying himself by showing them a fiveranc piece and a copper soldo ia theTpiVo Vyhose ordei-s they have to follow' c ? - J" ' Ay,.a.Ti sir.' I shall not fall to tell - lie. was intermpted by khe opening of" the ,door. : A young girl vval kel in an d J slopped short on - seeing tvo fetrangere. : : ? 1 '' '- .rf ' " My daughters." Annunziata !" said t5 eronimo, beckoning to the girl to withdraw. ., '; -j y-'- ' No,, no, ; sho rrtay 'remain in the hopjso,-1 -saidi 'shd will not trouhjo "ui in the.least.' , ., : ' My eyes ' accidentally taught - Bep fcb's. He smiled at me approvingly. although it steemed that he was "rather p"cizled at nt -catching tho drift of all t-.ar.dsome: one cc. ld plainly see, how ever, that ho was rapidly approaching .. . . . . 1 i . 1 . A. us lourtn accaae aitnonn nui a. ui Hq grey" thread "wis to be detected in 4& glossy dark hur and"" beard pas--ioirhad put her unmistakable stamp upon . his face and left furrows iliei-e which would never be smoothed N.gain;- The lustre of his eyes was just he same as it was twelve years ago j -nobody could : stand their piercing keenness long it fell Jiko a heavy .vcight upon the 1 eholder, and every eye, even that of his own mothor, dropped bcioits hU A little icmovvl f rorn the table of he Sa-lviali family stood anoeher ta jle, at which a traveler took his seli- ary mealv Why Lad ncVthis traveler .aken Ms seat at the largb table? fir.glishmen are and will be originals. Fhis OBe held the gigantic sheets of :.he Times in his hand, intent upon losing net a sin ,le moment at either eating or reading -lie had probably coru-idored it unbecomihg to unfold tho large newspa:cr at the public ta ble, and in all JiluJiliood aked lo be served at 4 feepa:ato table." .Ho had seated himself &j a- to turn bis back upon tho cavalieie? " there being a mirror, however, immediately i,u front of tyro, he might easily havo observed Clelia's movemcils if ho would but take his cycX oil tho paper a feat which scented to l.Irn an ultei Impos- fjbyt The" young gul, consumed by an indescribable emotion ever since tho vcaiter had stood so near her. and another little flower 4n- tmmortcllo again ! had dropjicd into her lap, had more than onco sw,t the room witli a scrutinizing " glance - ah d . careful'y leaked - at the nilrroi, which might have revealed to her the faco of the Englishman urtunatelyi however, sho hal only been able to see the" re flection of the largely printed neWs paper ' . ... -t. ;'. ' . .. -v ' r; . - To he contim el " people lcr tir.', suipon oi ine gov rueut out of all iwoixrlHn to their means tut, in addition, enables a few rich monopolist manufacturers to rob them by charging big prict f r articles roai ufacturcd ia this country. And no. oats if U.elstier f.il,It msy still be OAS.b e to rae a crop on the same LiimI. By usin n.irtt.rrn growu seil, one cau. make a very, goo- Uroi by tunin j it i- June. It woukl not be verv poor iyi- onlv docs tlie poor firmer hive to isiylCVet cr ?o:sow oau on some of the more t". an his share lownrds supportiag I btiul fet aiart f r co:toa. King cotton a most extravagant goverununt and is uis hel l us in tondago long eooub. , SflLVA ' Uke moat f of iiia of healthful exercise. there are little point : about 'bowling wbicli are overlooked by tnct of its fol lowers. ; Kmety -nine bowlers out of overy huudred use only one arm con- tinuoiialyv "As a consequence, that one compelled by the government to con tribute to tht- wcal'ih of. a few roouoio- list inaDuItctbrtrs, butle fa also, t a Lrge extent, that oaL bj the rpe ntion of the sanie law f. ora l.ls niol proSla hTc markets, wlilch causes tlie furplu of bis pr)dacts to be ' thrown apon the home n.Rrket ihcrcby lowering the price of the entire protluclton. , lu kdJitiou to all this massing the mouty of the country into the possession f a few m d.vkluals, thepower is given those liidi vijuals to c- utract the currency when it is needed to uia:ket the Clrmers, pro cucts and tlicf e Uidividuals.buy th-.te Vnoucts at low. nrh.es and tell them - .- - - , lutr oa at high price ' The Free rress believes, the Alliance aud oilier induslrltl t.rganwailons lay to- great stress on tbo qurettou otiu crcaflng the currency and too tittle up on the tax system. More currency is undoubtedly needed, but no inaUer how much Is - made the relief can only te temporary, for unless taxation la equal ized it ! w uld gradually be gathered around tho jirefccnt large fortnnee aud the country would t as bad or worse 03f ihaa ever.' ' - ' JTbe great trouble, Iu our opinion, is the protettlva tariff. The tariff ouht to be gredmlly reduce! and finally done tway-wl.n aKojsethcr; tne governen run more economically, and raoetof thi tax to run it raised Com a gradual eJ ij come tax.'rr Kinston Tree Press. Let ua.strike fx home rule a .d iuda pcn.icui e. W. L. J. Iu Atlanta Coa- stituiion. At any time now, vt lien the groand i in good cti(U"lt-u and the wcatlcr fair. the eowiugof sptiug, onts may bffiu. ineso arrangemeniM -v - ' r.-v i , a-T tk eronimo; teo his daughlcj with one of Jtncm kne w arm is doveloi-ed tJ a Diiitli greater ex Thtfe Is some 'risk of the first sowing rent toan tue one ,iW osea xugu, beiug k lied by cold, but there alw handed bowlers seldom tbiufe of chang- , . tag off and trying their left baud, and r5sk h& hUt & z tut off by left banded , bo wUra seldom use theif drought There is some risk ntteRdiog right finch a change was Niggested to a almost everything done on the Eaniv, Lwl we most not be deterred thereby, lie him. I looked at my watch; 'it was half-past two: , f ,. i - . " ? -" , - " And -..novr, Signoro : Beppo fitin cini ,M I sai d ' ' n 6 w we sit all h avo a ' unlet coijfab. I want to . see' if yotu adroitness is really iscreat as I believe it is, and whethet your stager-tile has ftctualtv-beeri bf benefit to yotiJ. ilo cast a keen look at mo. , - z y'Sigeorcv" ho said 4 it was a capi- to liandla the ball Wilh their "off" arm. fend laa vnajority of vases they slammed tlie sphere xlown on tliw alleys aud hud no control over its course toward the fpinsr - A little practJce . soon developed decided improvement and the little party figreeu to bowl h least . one game left Jianded every tauie theyrarae togefjier. thai observe th the ch ds thjJ! not reap say the wise man. , In . the matter of risk?, the farmer should ImUate tho practice of insurance companies. They take tnany risks, Some entail los, oth ers bring profits, nd ly xertlse of pru dence the ialt r onsets the ornu-r ard It may not be entirely uUruictir to bowl I Uavea a balance cn the' credit side.' To 1 in this strkwarU fabhioo. bat in the end ;rr.i. tn iiva nvti. f Mn , CtC's tlieresuHill justify th first Unpla-J v - : ; . A Trifle Suspicious. I af. trod b a small town In Kentui k ate at ni.jhtw.th thrt-e other mcu aud wl.eu we reach d .tlie hotel two of us were assign td to a room. - The one I got tad two beds In i:, however, and I -was utdOscd to fiiid fault. My room mate earned to be suspt. iou sort cf r .'. '" ,. . at ! A - a cnap ami wheu I loraLleJ into ted. witli a go d ulgl.t to "h!m, he sctrcely defied a ri-ply. I was asleep In lu miuutts, but two hours" liter, L awote to fhid him aitll sitting iu JJs chair' end wideawake. "Hello 1 i,Wlut ails you?" I atked. k;Xoth-ng.7 ' ' . TiOubUd witli iusopiuiar . "S'eepall dayr , : Araid orn-e?" ' 'To be honwt witii joixrsl.-an;cf, t am, tie admitted." That seenu funny. Do I look like athicrr . " ' . ' Xo you don't; but I have done some figurlrg iu this. You gate die ljudlord jour wallet and watch, diiVl JOd V. V'cll, there's more Value UnraT lie has prol Ably ever seen U lore, nn'li skip with your stnff before UaylUtit. -Wdiri- "And then you 11 h iye to rcb roe lo getou. Straoger, I.'m a ntaa as don't never take bo chances. I've got a rt volvcr here, and L'io nt -moi-e you mike to g t out -of ld I'U p!uj yoa t. I can tarn over, canH 1 1 , Yea, tut be powe:-fal care-'ul about it, for I'm vp to .iu-f. . 1 turned over and went t-8'ecpapt:n, and when : morning tit e ha mmh.g arua-Al awoke rue. I trbd to J-kchtm. but Le was soar and morose aud wuuU not take iL rl.-a we wrut'tonn slaira It was to Cud the colored lie'p jet ting la tkorftrly sua, with no move wa.-d 1 rc.ifctiL ' , W t;ux8 the mittrr?' I akrd. Maf lui dMxt virtue ati' Wt Ce tn.tc in tie tint; atia jac s nlouy to bo ; ' wa me rcsy. tiyT.ona uute had Ci?roJ yU ! titS n V I If i' V yj JL y!l---.V j no?! oil- Htcdzcke Tooihocbo, Sores, Cuft, Ceis, ScalJx, Caclezht, r.'djrufs.Co. i - - " rr: TO PUBLIC SCUOOL TAC1IKU - The Snpcrintendcnt of Pnllic -khorK of Franklin touuty. will te in Lou: burg on JLhc second Thursiay f Frbni ary. ArciU July. tp.uper, . Oclol ir atd December, ol ir:wu:j for tlirce t!na I if nece mry, for Uie pufpore of extant.. ro?a)pi.-aiitato tencb . in the ruu Kttoom ol this county. -1 will . al?o ' I iu L-iuiabuKj ott iSaturday cf each wrch. arul all pubhc "day,, lo attend to ai y bus i: ess counccteJ wiimyoSce. ( " . J. X. IIakjii-s txpt. CEDAR ROCK ACADEMY. rrxmllin GKJy, X, C. - ' MALE andFEMAL'S Sfsuia TrxM Beoixs Jaji.S, 1HL ' ' TERMS:' CLASS A-ILuTfngtwaV ;. . leri, IIoli tsa 1st andrnd IkwJere, , -txtfurr rrnarr Arlthmrtir, 3 C ' CLASS IIeUll 5.d aud 4ch . rendms, Ilrh wd Ie;so..r, Spen ccr'h:s:oy, Maury's eleme.fary " i eogrphy S:oi-fords Iotcrmed'ate anOuoetlcs WeUter's (W.Riary. I0.J 1NTEUMEDIATE CLA1& Mo re'slliit ry.lltrca eletnen- tary rrn:iwir, Msury f seorii by, " btiKf iTa It K arulsnieik. Wtb -risdU.Uoujrv. hirctt rtirvbi- , ky- . : iliw .A!)VANC1'.D CLASS.-nar vey Grjru.i-ar.Quc.rtlm Ul.-rl- orC QuckinU I1-i't.nhy, "" lVtt tty. Kcw- Anufiaa Art hiutrLc. Dariri . l.-rlm, Jtc tv- Xo extra ch-irc t Js'.in i:rl i,'re W Mo-., bi.!j ii.t:of5:.'sA7tit. f l. BTa"d,iatIu-Iic fTi.U!vl r rti lihta twl wa.tan-.'.rT nj.r.th) it i lvrd nwl is.'io V tirt L n,.i4. ly iu aJVoce. - W. O. DUXX, rricciL 1. 1

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