: I - S . ' ' ' .. t&ditor; and r?opridoT. - . ' . -;"! f ' "v vS Malice towardT none';' Jfiih. Charity for att. LOU ISBURG,-N4, C.J KEBRUARX 20, 189 1. NO. 3. v . . !k' U ; i v ty . t : ::.: rj -.' s mc- ".-.i- r-i i -r-p.. i.V ''V'-"' 'V v. lb t . , - I ; ; Haro 1? r v ; L 1 J ' ": t n i '-it S .ILLTJ3TEA) : HarperB Weekly ha ijlsr er failedtd justi if its title a a 'J6urul of CirUization,' und ib'haa done so with i constant r3gard to palara.-ad boBsi'oilitiea : usoxulDess aud a lie aud literary e' iched no important Ifress. and presents lirtbv nnd, interest- higher standard Of artis, eelleuce, It leaves unto phase of the world's pro a. record, equally trust'. ing; of the- notable evjjjnts, 'persons, and achjevemsnts of our tain !(. ; - ,-: - - Special supplements w, 1 be continued in 1802. Tfley will be lite fary, scientific, ar tistic", historical critical topographical, or descriptive, as occasion ' iinay .demand.and . wil,continue to deserye jhe hearty commen dation which has been b iBtpwed on past is sues by the press and th Ijgublic."' As atam iiyjournalHarper'Wfi kiy will,' as hereto fore, be edited with 5. sti let regard forvth qualities that wake it a safe "welcome and Twitor to every home; . - ":'.,-r- i' PBS JSKK HARPEB'S MiGAZtNE........ WEEKLY.......... UABPEU'8 BAZAB.. HAOPEa'S YO0JTO PEOPLE $i -oo 4 ff ti.....,.......... uv 4 00 Footage freer to all mbstaribers-xti the United States, Canada and Mexico The' voiumes of :' tbi Weekly begin villi the waiabw-s for J of fieii yer. When m !ulscri'ptioDS wilt beci; ae and December time is specified, vita the nu-aHer currcai -.tbetiuie o r eijjt i.f artier. Jrj.r's.- Vv'eekJy Bound volumes j ofT torthrtfe years buck, in esU-c-j'it-b !iin(liu will oe neutbv uiau, y- Sn-jftiid tor U0 -vr volume, t.'lotli-ctsd ctnts eaeii by mull, :o i-paiu ludviz to Harpers VM cal, Analytical, aud clad sk-u, lor voitun&s 1 to TO, iue!uive, from u m e 1 S50, to' J u n 0. 1SS5. ne vol., 8vo, clott4 o 14aittances should qp uiade. by-.:.t oBlae money oruei or chance of loss. dr ait, to avtf.d JXeiospapers are not a cop.iar.t- aMJ ttxemeut without tit Harper 8f Brothers , Address j ispress ".u.iie;'- - .-" IKB3, New-T'ork. 1891 Bazar TED. . Harnei's Bazar is a umil for the home. Giving the la witu resfard t the Fitsa test information ions, its numer our illustrations, fashio: tero.shecta supplcmentd plates, aud pat are iiidiBpensible alike to (he huue drcsa matter and the .No expense is professional lnodeste. spared irt malcin? Us a fistic attractive- ness or tbe highest order. It clevei short-stories', parlor f laj (S, and honhttul j:nd its -las-. iatr- essavs satisfv alS tastes is fauioas as a '..hedge t of wifand humor. la us weekly issUks eve 5 taiui' rs lni-litd. ed wbit-h is of-i nicest t; lHl Ageut B. OS.vISBKH women. Diiriuir (irill write a series of Hrticlcs oa "The Hon i Cou-fortable," J O1.IKT CoUiioN will, trd lilt of ''Sanitary Living," and aa interest! ng successiou- of iiaut rs o j " oinaa m a I and History," :bt: furnished bv ik-rial stoiies will I T noma Hardy saoerb'.y illustrated, wi ThboDORK ("Hli.D. T!id be by Walter liosaat an HAliPEit S .PERIODICALS.' HAfiPES S BAEARi ". MAQAINH j.'... " WUSKLY..... " YOOJIO PEOPLE. PoataSe free to all si ...S t 00 ............J4 00 , ii 00 t'2 00 bscribers in the United States Canada I nd Mexico. The 'volumes of tbe Bisitea oegins with tbe liibt N u'ober for Ja'Jt: iry of eaclrycar. When u; tilsie is mcatioi ed, subscriptions will occiu with, the- nt mber eurrent at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of : tlar rptr's Bsitar for three years bark, in ne liioth binding. will be sent by inail, postage paid, or by express wee 01 cxpen (provided tbe fieijiiit does not esceeu one . dollar per volume), for $7.00 per yd iir. H. "'. C loth ase3 for each Folume, sukible t by mail, post- for binding, iili be Ben paid, on re.ee lpt of $1.00 KemitKince snouia oe fice Money Order or chance of loss. Newspapers are not to inade by Pest - Of - Uraft, to avoid ! . - - tula o. tiseuieiit without the express order- of llAHVEa i xS uOTd E US. . j, 5. address - HARPER & Bit Others, Aew York. NOTICi Having this day qualii :ed its Adminis- trator 01 Mrs. i ranees AJ rendell, all per- sons owing her-tte are: pavtheutat oiice and all notmeu to ma ice persons holdins , claims against me saia Mate will present theni for payment on or iOeiore JJeC oh or'tms notice will e pleaded in bar of their recovery Xhls FANCY-OFJA BOUsE and sig: I PAINTER. - Calsomining,""gralnin ing a - specialty. Sail "parlor paint- tiictron guaran- teed, - Le.ive orders at Cocke' drug store. " j- rhomas & Ay N OTICE. Having this day quatfoed . as Admin, a-n a? p.iiwUaii,-:Tiini.An -..ti. ,x estate to come forward i aid settle at 1" once and all persons 'holding claims -'' against her must present them jbr 1 pat- ment on or before the ai;h day of Janu- vv ary 1892, ur.th.ui uoticelwiu - be pleaded in bar for their recoverj ; This Jan. th 1891. ' 'l ' - - oktiM riEtjca ur mint - To any one sending 10 cerits, the Waverly MaCazimk will be sent for toitr weeks ma ft trial $vbacription. The regular jirice is four dollars per year. Each issue contains! from tea to fifteen complete stories, comments ta .current events. cles, lokes, bints for the i Dnsehold. andhe t masiciust tbn thiiiisr for kmz winter evenings. THIS what you lpt in four copies! 04 P"?-"! columns : reacUne tnatter GO words comor tas conipnsll' over BO com- Iplcte fttones, and vocal and i ifcrumental musir. !MBt(.t nH all Ktne iattef is worth at least 'tor only Ten Cents 1 -.Of coaiie ttni tnHT-.4riri this pfef is tiade to get yon tU give the paper A wiBHKnowinc lun -weu UUUnyoH wul btoolae permanent ubscribers. -. k ..x it .- . AWrca WAYfiLEY- MftfiJ T!Sf.''''fiax ITS- A' unci riu.AVd CLEtLVScFORTUNE. A Jale "of Romance and Ad felven Translated from the German of A. KeLl ;"Th dinner had prbRrosscd xinicteiv ruptedlr and ntut near its termination whcni.tlie waiter -catered and handed ihe Cavaliei o a letter,? .which had j ait seen ; brought, by 'a ikfer. ; fialtidti opened it'i his f at -i assuned an express hm tel 'vtatenaeK atoiuhment as .-he i ead 6iw" He; called the waiter baok, . nquired if the msenger that brought - he letter had lef., and,' on beirg an swered in the nfegatire, he rose and loft the room.'- - ', '' Clelia,- whoso ezciterneat was in creasing with every minute, looked byly about, her once more, her jes were ' resting . on ' tboi-large jooldng s;3ass opposite, and she turned deadJv . alo. Slie had at last caught a glimpsa t wie iingiiacnianwho had laid his aper aside, fixed his eyes upon the' roirroK andhere . Clelia's . heart- ivopped ,: beating in ; spite of th 0 - i-ange exterior of the man, in spite r his immense whiskers, she had not recognized him but observed the -ign he Lad made to her and under stood its meaning! Meaii.whne Salviati was conyersing -.agoriv jn the entry with a'shabbilY' Iressed individual,, who, cap in hand, yikwercd his questions with. that ex- esiion of stupidity bortleving onhalf- vitteaness, .wmch, in a Genoese, con eeis .-i high degree of rin-ewdness and vUi-.r.ir.g. . . , .. : . , .. 'r " Did she' give you this note her jelf ?" asked.tho Gavaliere." . '.'Herself ? What do you mean by "Well with her own hand then V1 les-7-with her own hand.'H Did she say anything else " Say ? What do you mean ? - What do I mean ? ; What else can rmean ? Did she give you any verbal instinct: on s V" " "Verbal instructions ? .That's too ?'ig for nie ! ; She of course told me by -'ev own wcrd of "mouth where to take .the icltfi-.when T asked her." ' Don't be silly, man ! Repeat to me, woid ior .wcrdi what the lady told .011 when she gave you the letter." The messenger straightened himself p.- looked cautiously 4 about him, .lacked his tongue and saidi , "Hush, I say hush I' " What dees aHihis mean?" asked SalviatL " That s exacOy what thri lady ..said !",. replied the other. I rushed rot ward at once, -a good deal quicker han Gianni Lomba, wlio-wanted to jjso me the Job. although it was not is turn at afc and we are tolerating ' im at: our corner from sheer comnas- i on, hU father hating broken, a leg rhilo "'""passing in . front of Sighorn i araTs store the . samej ... where Old ti fanny Assuhta has her stand, whose husband about ten -years ago 'per Dacco ! it is nearly eleven years how lime does fly, Signore one is growing old fast, and my youngest brother was' conscripted last year and my But Salviati- sreW imnnta'ortt anrl would not hear more he knew "what' t:. Genoese are and-that it is abso- 1 jutelv impossible to get anything out bf them if they refuse to tell -all they f M - 1 unow, He nave-him some money and , le-en$erea tno; roonvwnne tae rewuem. . , .i.r messencer slowljrdescended the stairs( putting tbe jneces Jusiiecelved ih his pocket and counting his earnings over and over again. .- -,: The Cavaliere returned to the table. He remained standing, however, and said to his mother : - '. "You Avill have to excuse mo, mother. An urgent business matter obliges mo iff absent myself'for about J an hour." f ' . ' -. . " Carlo "dearr what are'.we to do in the meantime V said -Paula. ' It is too hot ta take ajwalk." -' . , ?' ICou had' better retire ; to your rooms and rest. "Vou will be knocked about pretty roughly to-night." - . , "Oh, for thd pleasure of a sea voyage!'?-pouted the yjoung girl. : Audio 1" - was -all .Salviati said if-Addio VIZ and-, casting a ? signilicaat glance, at his mother , pointing to CliAlx he- "Walked vout ; of .the room, while tho lacies- ciitinued their iiter-; vupted .' rcpast.s; , L 'A t.':- "."' - ' rv-J . The Englishman had his last or-, I acred ccrso - piacett peioro 111m. I Clelia. who could not abstain Irom di- recting a : look at tae nnrror.now and saw a whit t Picce of paper euR appearing in the "h:nds of the waiter A secret voice told her that that paper was for her and ,uen the same waiter approached her ' taole . a few minutes later; she opened her hand, in her lap'j she had euesst-d - rightly,' vA-; note dropped into it, w-hicheidauickli "lhe meal was nnuneu hu iai A1I5TKfP3mor leavincr at half-nast eieht Pre room was : gi adually being . deserted. tiadj taking good caro that no Jhe. ladies rose frdmitheiB tabie like- grangers occupy tho beat with them, wise, ;and, slightOy-.-bowing, laft;.too; t- j$0-feti-angers," r reiterated- the vooin.".- Clelia cast another ioog. a tae n ngushman,wii0 :naa . reuuiinzs I r- T -'- . . . 'J3's1' noceedings -in j.'ariiamenL as not w SotjceJthat looEiter a-whilethe dining-room .being : then almost : en .irely deserted --the waiter approached iim, bringmg hini coffee and. several decanter8"-of.wino and cordials; ';rt;liOOTrder8'-'h'ave':r beea well at-tenod.tci,','-h6 whispered. '- " " y-z ;;The :Englishman, with that phlegm jeuliar;- to"; the- sons of Albion, put two gold pieces on the table., and in iinOstexccrahle'. ; : ' v'.WUUUiB iaittOU.lil JIW. o-U J p.'tThe Avaitu'a .ty.es gUstencd Doable thatsuni for the lady's re- he moved pff again.- .'Xhe Englishman slowly v finished,- hii coffee,' lighted & cigar, and be gaa it o examin e the , dif- erent". cordials.' vHe 'had - concluded- reading tbe debates in Parliamentl and-now' began to study the Court-s "CHAPTER XXXVL Half : an hour cu'sht have elapsed, when' the. waiter again madChis ftp- - 1. pearance ni3 uea'mug jate maieauii that ho . had, been eminently" success ful, lie stepped sup to the taJ)ie, and without sav ing avord ho laid a turn- i bled-lookiiig note hy the Biitou's ash- : " Very welL" was iho latter s whole reply, while "he quickly pushed four napplepns;: held-, m readiness j all this time, towards the waiter,, pocketed the note, and deliberately went on with his reading. , ';, . - . . - ". Queer sort of fellow !" muttered the I. - waiter, - as he retired. " The young woman dots not -take it quite so coolly she, is in a high foyer." .Ten minutes n ore went by. .Tbe Fnelichroan folded his naner. rose from bis chair, and. with slow. but . lonu strides, 1 apparently vith, the .utmost composui-o and nonchalance, Went uu to his room. " - 1 ' '- '-- Scarcely had he reached It scarcely hai the door closed upon him, when a singular metamorphosis, took place. He flings away hat and cane ; takes the note, which hhsd received with" such perfect indifference, in feverish haste from his pocket j his eyes run . hur riedly along the-barely legible pehcil lines, and, after having perused the precicas little shoot, he presses it to his lips. 'his kisses , nearly effacing every trace of the 'writing. The note was a very short one, far too short for him. It read as follows : " Sir i The last letter of my dying parent, enclosed in your own. clearly prescribes the eourse I have to pursue. I sh$ll obey you and consider every thing .you may do or direct in my be half as if done or directed . by my father. Just as it did to my parent, so, has your whole manner 'clearly proved to me that your intentions are both good and Honest. I shall follow you wherever you .wish me to go Your imago will rank with the sacred cno Of niy dear.mother; my lifo hence forth shall be devoted to offering up prayers for the two beings who have protected and sayed the noor orphan girl. 1 on may rely upon me fully. I shall prove to you to-night that the child of;. your departed friend is the daughter of a soldier also !" " Forever, gratefully vonrs. " CLHLL GIN0Z2I." Meanwhile theCavalicre was impa- tiently pacing up and down the Adoa- Sole. He Avas closely ecrutiniising the few, promenaders taking their -ntdk at that hour of the day, arresting his steps now and then to cast a searching glance along the path ascending the hill. The next moment he might have been seen pursuing his promenade againj pulling out his watch and with increasing impatience repeating the same scene as before described. " Hang it !" he muttered ; " it seems I am being made a fool of. I have a great jnind to go back to the hotel i but I know her obstinacy she is capa ble of following me thither and pre paring a scene for me right before my mother and sister. How the deuce did she find out that I was here? HmM thought she had gone to Bologna lohsr l-ao. It will be no easy task to make tt?r unaerstana that those two youa 1 mi- s mv ciutpp n nn rr-r ponsin " 1 V T ' 7 V 1 She must have seenus when we first arrived ! Whit a barbarous orthogra phy she uses in her letters!" '1 Hp took a slip of paper from' his pocket and could not help laughing at seeing how his fair correspondent had murdered the language of Petrarca. " It is the first time I have seen her handwriting !" he went on soliloquiz ing. " When I lived at Turin I had that rascal of a Beppo Mangini for my servant and messagere - d'amore. I was confident she had returned to Bo logna. Here It is' half -past four and not a soul to be seen !" : ' ; Again . Salviati resumed ihis walk: The clock struck a quarter of five then .live, fitill nobody Jcame. He finally resolved to wait not another ndnut3. - and returned to -the hotel'at the "very ' moment when the English man .whoin he had noticed in the dining-room before was" leaving it. . On tho stairs he wns stopped-once Vnore! A stout,' damibering-:. bardiet taiolo' bad been expecting him to in form him of his being the boatman of the hoteFand to Request him to name the hour at which he Vas to como f or the baggage. " ; A - waiter, who , hap pened to; pass Just then-, confirrhedthe, assertion, and the CavalieieTor gei-ed him to be - ready ; t half-past even. to take the baggage and tt) call rr. vVmcAlf hnA familv ah n. hnArtar-. t eight, just in time to reach the l-i..no , I UVavUllUli VUI lUiln Via 4U-J UVVAi , TV 1UV the Cavaliere went up to his mother; ... the harbbr seemedrto be alive ths night. Hundreds of "boats,- moored Hear the custom house. . 'w-ere On the alert for the nnssengers. The mo ment one Of jtberfO showed, himself he was ; immediately, surrounded by a Crowd-of boatmen; every one of Whom wanted hri secure l.im for himself. It -; - r . " k ua J required a 4air.0f etroag oxins to lifiht one-s vray thrOuguTthe' crowd ol bar chettaiolo.. which was . all the greater on that eventful eve as seveial steam boats were to loave for diiferent des tinations, and the skies so densely olv scured that in spite of the gas lanterns On 'the auai ono could scarcely - see more than three feet - ahead. This state of the atmosnhere-ts a very dan gerous one m Genoa ; short-sighted travollers are . apt to have 'their bag gage disappear in a most remarkable manner. '-''i-i- V -V - i : The Cavaliere left the hotel in com pany "with the ladies and walked "fctraight-ay - to the landing. . His mother leaned on his aim. Paula was a few stes in front of her. 4nd Clelia, drcfised entirely, in black, walked by ber side. They : cnieied'tho :ate of the' Molo : i their appoarahcbi was. at once hailed b.t a score of boatmen, who rushed forward. to offer their services. Salviati told them to stand asida and called loudly for the man he had hiicd expressly: ' . ' . -.. "Here I am, your Excellency! Away with you, you Aoundrels. . I am hired by his Excellency I. Geronimo 1 Do you hear?" And. as if afraid of having the Cav alier taken away from him. Gcronimo seized his hand and led him into the boat. At the same moment two . mn rushed in between the old ladjr and Clelia. A biief hustling, screaming and cursing took place; the. old lady was much frightened, but her comuanion, only separated from her for a second or two, was again by her side Geron imo lilted Paula into the boat after her Clelia. whose veil had dropped over her. face amid all the confusion, and lastly the old lady. Two minutes later his boat was swiftly gliding over the dark waters in the direction of the steamer " We shall have to hurry," he said in a stentorian tone of voice. " If I am not mistaken I see tbe mail boat yOhder. and tho moment tbe mail bags are on board off she goes. Avante, avante !" Before Salviati had time to answer Geronimo began to sing with deafen ing voice: SoU' 11 ponte d.d RIalto La barrhe-tt fs-mftrtmo no seemed berit i;pon a steeple-chase with the mail boat: his brawny artaa were working with hoicnlcan energy. ard ho won the race by half a mini'.te. After helping hi3 passengers on beard he carried up their ceggage in an in credibly short timo.- received his fare from "Salviati, and pushed off shore ward. The Confusion and noise incident to the last minutes before a steamer's de parture are too well known to need a I lengthy tloscriution here. The screw was already in motion, and Salviati Still Vainly looking for tho stevnud to unlock their staterooms. Tha ladies had seated themsclvos on a bench. looking at and counting the numerous masts of vessels which each having a lantern aloft emereed from tho sur rounding darkness liko a forest. CleliaVfaco was turned towaid the shore. With her hands supporting bcr drooping head, ste seemed to bo lost in. a profound reverie CHAPTER XXXVUT. ' The steamer had already passed the bar, nearly a ctuaiter of an hour hao elapsed since they left the anchorage and the swell of the Mediterranean was beginning to make itself felt bo- fore Salviati returned to tho ladies to I J r AT tvi inform them that their state-rooms were ready fcr them. Paula insisted uiuu remaining on deck a little while onger, and the Cavaliere meanwhile satown by tho side of his mother. conversing with her fti an undertone. "It is getting cold," said Paula at ast, after the family had been sitting there for nearly half an hour and the steamer reached the open sea. " Wo had better go Uelow." replied her mother. " I also begfn to feel tho effects of tho night air." .They rose to go. Clelia alone re mained in her seat. "Are you net going down with us, Clelia?" asked the old lady. , Clelia made no answer " Do not urge her' she said to her on "We have gained our point so far, and ought not to annoy her un necessarily." - . - - . . " I do not wish her to stav out here atone." was the son's reply in the samo low tcne.s ' Some passenger, might tako it into his head to go no to her, speak to her. and . '''. ." "You aie right. Carlo!", raid the old ladj, 'i arproaching ' the fair dreamer. .'Come, Clelia," my child it is too Cool here on deck." ' There N-as.no reidy. 'The old lady at last put her hand upon her niece's shoulder, which greatly startled tho girl.-. ' - " 'r,r "Conic, Clelia T' she said again. "Can I do anythingfor you," Mad ame ?" answered a strange voice f rum under the veil. ' 4, : ' For a moment tho old lady sec-mod much confused : the next sho renciied her former. urgent request. ' "I d net know what you "mean," replied the voice in the purest Geno ese dialect. ' . .v . . ' . -" "Demonio!" exclaimed Salviati. "That is n t ClJia's voico. Yhcie Is Clelia ?'., - - : i' . . . In an insfant he had torn the veil from the young girl's face. Paula and her. mother started back with a loud shriek they ' gazed intor face they had never seen before. . - lb be eohffaVei " I Children Cry for Pitchsr's Castsrlo. I - re u itauy a oue tfLohaslatu's Highest okdl in Leavening Powers-Latest U. S. Gov't Report lcpubllcau TImiulcr for OS. (arlotteOirotJcle,"i)tm. ' - A raulious prudcut coramarder nev er relaxes bis watch uiou an opposJng army; even though that army may have sufiered complete rout. The republican party In Xorth Carolina, for reodons best known to its' members, made no fjht, orgauizod 00 distance, during the last election; The democrats had a complete walk over and ns tLcy had uo trouble in sccuriug victory, have be come t-mboldi-ncd. Inconsiderate and callous. They see no enemy in tWhl aud leix notliing. The repuUicnu par ty In this State is uct dead. It will pre ee-.t a most lively corpse and m solid front in the great struzgle in 92. Tbe leaders of that party are eupf rb lrjjaui zers and the rack aud file the best voters in the world We are not an alarndt, but there Is such a thing as a masterly inactivity, where the iudivklual gets luck his wind and renews his strength. There i a great deal of mtaniug in the old pLfata- tion phrase of phyin' possum." We want the democrats to be not too vaii glorious or two much rufl'cd up, buti x- erciso modcrat ou and wisdom in thci dealii-gs with all. Tbeie is a tendency in human nature to take down a but ton-hole lower vcry oue swelled rgely witlteelf-impcrtHnct-. Tl nucracy must retneuilcr Uat it U leg!!!- - . . j lating not for the recent alwue, but lor t the future, the time to come. - Two parties ate "necessary for. tbe purity of goverument and for the 1 rotco tiou of individual rights. ?uch " parties aevir cease to struggle for the nmtcry and for the otflce such mastery insures. When there U a stir ia the opjxiug camp, it b well to a-ch; wheu the bugle sounds, it is be-1 to lhtcn , when there i a tonsultaiion of commander, it is nei css-nry to Lokl the ear exectd-in-.ly close t. the groau . Mot of ur rcsdere b)k at 'ue bide. It- aniua what republican write: s say only poi! their temper. People as a general thing will neither listen pntieutly to a 8rcch in opposition t ihcir views, cor will they read composedly an editorial not in cou- fcouauce with their fixed s enliuv nU aud des'.rcs. Wo print elsewhere a leading etlitorial bom the Greensboro North Slate, upon the 01 tlcok ot the republi ta-i j arty iu North Carolina. I This paper is the organ of republkau- ira.auJ has more ttletit, 10 .bervalisin and sense bitck of it, thau auy south- ra renuLlican rr we ml Jt.woull I , seem to presage a mod radical cliai.ge in the uext campaign aud place tlial party upon a stronger nod more pLtusi- ble platform than they ever strod upon. A hungry man or animal will fight with more activity and daring than a ful! one. The Utile iu '92 will not be a sham, a mere child's play, like it w.s in '90. The Living aud UcntL There is a complahft that J. A. Bon itz, Lite editor of the Wilmington Mes senger, hid to die ta be praised and a proper estimate to be'put upon bis incr its as a newspaper1 man. Mr. Bonitz has simply Lnherited thVconmoa lot of all useful, influential aod good men, wjio live toduy. It Is urucd llutt many of these tributes Uiou'.d have been pad Mr. Bouitz while Le Lvcd, aud while Ire struggled so bravely to esutLlish a real ly good daily newspaper iu North Can- Una. , Mr. Bonitz, while living, deserved evefy thing said of him. since he weul to tlie grave, but the truth is, a true csli mate of some nreu cauno: be made un til after tl.cir d atb. Some men have to be dead a century fiVst. The work. has tiently rntdiKed its .judgment of h'enjamlu Franklin. It will moiriry its judgment of Craat, ot Jclltrson '.DaMa rajd other tharacicts of history WeJ are cot prepared to properly estimate our cositwop. rurics because this time uo less ttuin othe s, is selfish aod fawn ing and affords Diorecoiupctilion. . This mt.rning lids writer received a kind and congratulatory letter from an honest man. A" friend stood by and said,' That is cheap and 4 grat-deal of it is fbriale.. -That is mafnly a fact, and that U the way the woild 1 ol at It. But n good article of 1 raise, a kind and sincere word frv-m a true map or wom tu makes life more wo lb tbe living. - 1 , L JL. Uberty, his hoor-r, acd forfeited h life, who only needed tha eacourasement of hU fellows to atutn roodcraUr luioesa and success. ' TTU pi V, 'Us true, fori tb world very frequently Leu low Jls I tribute of rraLs?, its justice, and iu mer cy, with as little coairaou sense, as it does manr other things. Char.'olle v w Chrook!e. turw and euUrvrutu: but it nerrr t?nrU I iuprorr.7 amtniaira.uoa 01 Vt. Bulls Coutrh 8vmp. Trice 35 mU. "My wr raa in th nirbt, aod my d rvfowd to b com forted." - Poor jIiow! of f our it dbl htty, h coukint tt StJ TAUon OU. Onl.Vi rent.". Kcvlvcd lu Ills Coffin. Joseph Sombaugli, lircg at St Jo seph, Mo., was supioed to hive Ted of Brlgbt's diKca-e. T!.e supposed corpse was laid out aud the f.iurr .1 ar rangeracnts uiad Just as - the family were closing the coffin to bar the fu neral amicus performed li jus of- life were noticed. I'hysklnns were scat for I aud an hours work brought the man around, He is Utter to-uij-ht than Le h is been lor a long time. ' ItCuusIit Iltiu. A mao with a glimmer of hope in hU iled too ' countenance ascended to a third story I tnwn Or. Klax'm N trTrr kr Cc Tlie 5e -.oliremD trot the other da, and l&i.KiSStl' IKucenuuy uhmca w -coiue ra as ne . .it.. mi... 1. . i knovked. Oh, it's you eh obervcd the oc- cums.i. 'res. I cailod to a-k " -S)-y ! mtvruote J the other, as he wheeled about, "dU yoa ever see uch a Winter as-th'sP 4-IIow?"" "IVe teen h;re ten years, and I nev er kue such m, voo. I harr tut Av erage of tiflee;i men per week who come up hero to b trow money fr t get me to tndore pipvr lor thctu." "I Icnllci to You ca!le.l to see if there were nny oincta vacant in tikis buikln;g. I doo'i know Ask th- elevator boy to direct you to the jiut'.o-. Central location and tha rculs arc very rjisouablc. O-od dny. And when the other haJ backed out and shut the dr he uttered an exrcs sI. d wb'ch a pa?seT-by"wuuki Ijive la- terpretcd to uocau hiiu !" De troit Free Ircss. Senator Vaxlb has betn Immcr ta'.Lzcd by a firm of tobacco manoftctu- rers ia the Tarheel Stite. ltiey Iavc issued a million or more highly Dlumi natcd advertising card, con'aiuiug an -xccl'ent likeness nf the lullr Senator encircled with the brand of the favorite weed," "North Candlna! Favr;u.' Dozens cf these cards have bren p'aced in cou'?ricnoui' places about tho captuL Que is ia the Senate rcssanrant, where he portrait gazes admiringly npna the statesman whenever ho goes to lanrh. Senator Vances friends say the tobacco piclore Is tl.e bet likeuess of biin hi ex- isienco. Ex. " - Wbcro the VYatcli Fuco Got Its 1'our Ta. Do you know why xour l are used to mark the hour on clocks and watches instead of tbe usual cnraUua tion of Itoman. oumera'a, which, i rightly arranged, wou'd be IV-, instead of. IIIIJ? There is a' tradition amcc? watch and clok maker a.o the (CcU that irvi loathe year 1270 all clocks aod watches were made wrth IV., the icopcr character! tomk the hoar of four. Ia tho above named year a clock was .made on an e'a! -orate plan Cr Cliarles V." of France, suruamed the Vise, who had the regulation of betn; not only a crank, but cf be'nj the greatest faultfinder In the world. The clock was a beauty and a fl e time kcci cr, but Charles had to find fault to iecp op his reputation. ITe . examloed it critically and 3 -Ally broke out In A storm cfra;e because tbe hour of 4 baJ been marked -1 W laiuxiln that four I Hi's shou'd be put 00 hle d. ThU wa? dune," and, in oder to perpetuate s king's mUlake,h is been kept op through all succeedluj years St, Louis Bepiib- James Klver, in Virginia, was cri" nallycwlled Powbataa by the native. Io 1&07 its name wr.s channl ta Jamc l tdyei, ia hoor tflC : Jama I. - Iicef boiled rery dry, Ls accept ably served with fish instead of potatoes. . : -j ' Tlio Medical lrrofeAfcloo. - Tho attitude of tho medical pro fesaiou towards what in known as "patent rnediciaea" ia tiot at all . nnreasonatl?. 'Thousand s of thct, noetrums are ofTere J to the publia very year. Sosjo of thera af dangirous and meat ofv them are futile. Swif t'a Specific (S. 6.), we are all glad to say, M not claff. &manT ihPa n immV It h i 1. s . . . . - . vk aiviaua ,iu Bit itocib qi inn country, and some of the strong est testimonial in itaUbalf coru from medical men who havd- Uftd not hcfiit&ta tn (niliirfl it m trnrttlr. ful results. - This is extremely gratifying, but by to means as tonishing, for every claim that Is put down in. behalf of S; S.8. it based on a series of actual experi ments extended over a long peri od of time. ' - A good thing to have around tho house A fence. To jrH your money's worth, fc-s yon hay 011 &uU'm Catarrh Cur. It svtr f iiV. Si n. Th bn ho aroUa hU rrrlc- bhv U too qmd to Umt us tzi in bottU cl Dr. I Li TV.. Ii . V u k. I 1 . . ball's ft&by Hjrrap, hoaU b hrorcS. Newly decorated bedrooms havo been hung with chintz after th English model. La tlrijipe Aaln. Duripc bf rr'l-mei of L& "Grippe Ut . . : --j wo u"r n rounrn ism sximf. TBf act ot V onkiJy reLvJ, bat tht d tcjkm lr(t no bJ trter rraru. Wsk yoa' to ptt th: trraly tril and j-.wo U that yoa wUl b utnM ith ra)r(. or th narchAjas nnet tU b r.'4t-!d- It h&s no ia L arij r. or rr thr . Throat LUt or lnc tralU. Trul hot- . tltr t LouUtrarg- Tretutx, lj I'J-.'.J.. 1 - recuctbooks are sinrJl mi ly socarfjand aro mado (o hold cards. c" . " Happy llouslent. Wn. Tiramori. Pr:r2r cl IJaiH, I&J., n': " ,'clnc Bitter t dor ' tuoiw f.r m thsa mil othrr mci-iar mk. Niud.hr that bJ KCis art-iax fruct Kh!cy nj Li tat trocbU." John farmr sc l o-ktdB. o4 M9r plr. say: -Hnd !.-: D;tUr to U tlb KJ i-y and tjvr mMj.iB. md tnmUi Ll nun." J. W.rJi-r. ts!r o-rrat m to. ay: tinnric bttr la ia lb tkin tor m toan who U all ran doa iuid ilott I ear h'.br Urtm or dWM ba fofln J a tnnth. good apfwttta JJ IKi I jr net 0 ua-i a nrw va oa Only - j ct. a bottl. at Loabarc Dn'jurm. Pale blue has dethroned yellotr. 3 AfJilCA 8ALTE. The best satvc In tLe world fcr cnti. bruWca, ore, ulcers, salt r'acm, . , fever sores, tetter, chapped bsci. oMU:in, rorns and mil akin' em; tku sa l positively -nre part; or 00 ptr req u-td. It is gu .mntvd ta s.rr ' perfect satiuctiuti. or modey reload- td. Prica Z teats per box. For sale by Louliinir Dru" tores. It is the fad to perfume. . uo only one 1Aca M CJL . TTr.a rui;r. SoLS aSSrocxts9k iflLVAslOFS 11 V rke mtftlCtU tatjfclsrrsfrfX ' KX7 relero Eh c sa sL 'xrs F. 'cars! jls, Xozizcbi, Tccthaxhd, Cent, Bar.iz Coil, Scafdx. Dtclazhd. r:ouf3,&t. man - T 6rt Tt t TO.rUBLIC SCHOOL TACUI2S, The Stipcrintdcntc Public schools of Fran tha coaiity. will Le to Letds burg 00 the SAjeud Tliur-!ay cl Febru ary, Apr, July, Sertvpcr. OctoUt a;dDcvtrnbcr,aulrviiiialor ihre d 'JncLfs-sciry. r tlvr? mrpoe of exwnl iag ftrrU.nts to Ickc'i lu the iV.lia Sdiou'jiof this c6ux.ty." I Wi!i alo l ia Im'ubi.r ou Sa:urJ.iy cC each week, and jdl pul.u: ds). In ttttetid to t J busli's coacvtcl wLh iay o3e. J. N. UaliaLf, icjU 7 1 . V-;-: ,

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