:.;,t i v.i. 4 i THOMAS Editor land -ProprietoM v- t r. . , 1. . JFtfA Malice toward fiont ; With Charity for all. -. J; voi XOXJISBURQ,. N;.c;j.MARCH6,.189L ; rr " IT. T - Harper Weakly. Harper's 'eetly haa nerer failed to iusti J Ty ita titld jw I ii IttrnaU of CitFilizatiBv an J it has d me so witb .tcopstajit regard t3 enlar'red liossibinties oi nseiamess aud a - bier stauJard of artistic and literary ex- ' c:ieuce. it leaves nut oucned no important - pams of the world's progress., and presents . a rgcor-J, eqfl aiiy trust ortny and interest mz, of Special su iplment will be contnned in .1892 Tfle i will be literary,- scientific, ar I tistie, hi at o i seal, critical, topographical, or descriptive, is occasion may demand, and ' will continni ; to deserve the hearty commen latioa whic i has b-aen bestowed oa'past is sues by th$; iress and the publics fAs afami . ily journal, - larper's Weekly will,Jas hereto fore, be edit d with a Btrfrt regard tor "the qualities tht t make it a safe welcome and visitor to ev jry home. . v : . IIAR ?ER'S PERiOI)ICALS: ' . ; . PBB TBAB: ... . ' . .. . ; a:iy irusc orxny ana luteresv rr.,. itA f..-funnr... a- tr-t. i the notable evxvmoj&r????? HARPEB'S lliGAZINK ttifSlFORTONEi ' venture in Sunny Italy. " ; 7 :..'.,: HAttPEB'8 W, HARPER'S B The void with th of eacn suhscrjptioii current at t Bound v lor three ye will be sent per volume! cents eacn Index to t'.Tha Caraliero. arrives at Leghorn ib-morrow morninz at eight, ; or. the leather beinst rather bad. ' at alxsut valf -past-ifirht. - Bt nine- o'clock he it -nare .genu.a teiesraruuG desiatch I?ere; janfll if h.V ted o'elcct the 3adV 'is riot beVbhtheYiFb'ntjer or on the high ras he? derartnre is siu-e to be pre vented until: the - Cavaiiere's return which vtvdl not be later than to-inoi lowuniffht.V.l J - y- v'tu -.t i; W , , .Thei, yjny ; are vf mistaken the steamer i im , leaves Leshorn to-mor-3ow- e-vjeVv C . .i .,. --v: v .v t .5Vi0i bn Iheisteatrier from Na pies touches at .Leghorn in :the morn ing, and the Cavaliere -will not fsil to e mJtnhersfor June and December VV , t, w i T'' Wilt UCClll.mUl IIIC UIU1""C1 I v"-v.. uui vu UIU 1VUL U & : 111 VUC iie time of receipt of order. . I afternoon' luines if : Uarprs weeEly 1 " Ymi :kkly. sab..... HARPER 8 YOjC.VO PEOPLE......... I'ostaae iree.to aU Siibtvrwers in-itke United States, Canada and Mexico. : : 3 mes oi the ; Weekly-. uegin 1 to i0, uici inao, ( ne vol otuje uione chstuce-of li Itaement wi Harper Address ' Ha 400 4 00 us baqk, in neat py muii post-i , ?loth cases, fi bv m;l. ubst-paidv Harper's Weekly, AphHhet; cn, AnalytSs tl. aud elassied, ior volume hi vest ran' JK n' I8o(J u 1 , 8 vo cIoiii'i'La' ' - - W es should be M;.ik by nwt' yrdet or drrft, to avoiU lis- . ..' .- -.'-'i:- ' 7 7 ; is an tibt .locojfy Vnai?cer t'vnit the " express vJder ' ' m ilanis jpeb & BaoTur.RS, New York.' - 1891. L"LU.TRATED. home. Giv wiin regard our iMastrali' torn. sheets hiike to the jirofessiomar. spared in in mss or tti short storie essays satrsJ is 'tarn 6ii3 aa I irs week ed waicli is . 1"91 vgent of articles olii .Daxir. is a IxiirnM. for :tte as; tiie latest informati t ths Fashions, its nnai-r ion, tant uii plates, and par ii-ouie.'n.tnts are .iuisreiisibK- home dress-maker aud' t!.- lr.udasle. '' ex'? e.i kin? its ftrti-stic attraeut- bigbest ordt'r. Its: :!eve. parlor r lays, and tUo jirhr-tul :7-all tastes, ij.:'.t its iust saa ia bsdet 'rw,itr'anij' huaio y issues eVe vi".i:i' iis4a i iif inte'-est - to vo je..i. Duii:." a. Olc!$Bii$ will 'f.-riie fvke-?iis rie Hon Utnrfarti.Ul.fJ" JJLIKT iX)HSos wiil treat 'of "Sanifcar Living," anjl an interesting" succession h papers o i 'v.. omaniu art and lj!sfr'v saiiorbly iilhstr.iHd, will be furnished v I HBuDOBK L.U11.D. 1 ue serial KtoAiesvili be by W'altiir Bezant an I Taorua-t Hardy HAltPEIi'3 PERIODICALS. : PKB YEAR. HAHPEU 8 B.vtAR.... $4. 00 MRAINIS..... EiLY WS YdtTNa PiSOPI.E..1 ....f 4 00 4 oi 0.0 ? Voxtaae tree tiaUstibxrib3rs e Hhe ' United StaufSi Canada and Mexico. The volu the tirst Nu When no ti will begin tiiiie of reca riles of I ht- T5:ize oh-1' to" JAttnary ,rrt i ',;?" tin Hi rir?i ed' 88 ''': J-ti :."-" ; IritlV tht -n .jiov'if v.. ufrui;j t-..it ipt of ofd ;r.T , - - Bound Vfljuuies of ilir:xr's.B.:?ar for three years Oy mail, postage n sid, or y; s -oi : expen-w iprovtard.-tne will be senfl express fre freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), I'oii ciotii m tor binding $7 00 per year. ps for each volume, siutahlo i:l he sent ov paid, on redeipt of ?1.03 ach Hsuuttan fice Mouej1 chai'ji- 6f X, Newpaper tisOTuent w 11 AKP2S, Ji i II All stiouid bt m:tdeb5Fp3t-t Ordar.- -ir trat, &vgii isc ii-)t i 'c.-iov. tiuTit t;ia eAire.s liMTrlEtlS." !nd4lre. - ' " j. ' New' Vork. navine t trator of SI is sons owing payment at tdatmt agm them for 1891,' or of their rec HOUE mg a spec teen, Le t-oekeS dru .mai) i dor the circumstances is to be far away fronrCrenojLbforejSalviati'st telesrram tjownjiviv.'i.jjB ncxb- ocim is to reacn the frontier as soon as possible.' "In -what-ay, Beppo?" m-" There ; aro hyo wars ! ?0ne is to go along. the cott ttf Nizzi, provided we lhavej still .tirao to hunt un a con veyance: the other, to take the train at hatf-nastv eleven to-nktht.f or Turin; .where H? TriU.Ivj nwch easier to hidVs the ladt; for a few davs- while we cast .about . f orT some means i of : transporta- ion across the mountains into Swit ' .ftrlantl." ll'lop&fed at CI el ia, wishing to hear what she mlfh havb'to suggest. She. at there tLinkdng, leaning her head on her hand. . - - ' -" What is your opinion. Jliss Cle lia 71 said, pointing: at Beppo.1 . ,r She raised her. Lead, somewhat as tonished ;at my ceremonious address ; 'seomg Heppo, she smiled and said: "Jtfav.-'I speakif rankbr before this gentleman T'- " lie knows all nboitt your relations Salvia ti.5' Implied.? ' " In tliafj casoVlcaso listen to me. I .jiild not like to leave Italy before uing soqti and conversed with my ardfather onco more. If vou other wise asvee with mo we will go" to him I thi-eo of us. vou-'Palhi Cassoiti and In the absence of Salvia ti, who csl; probably has swayed him. as he ;s us, we can speak oenly to himv rid if after that he still remn inflex ible irjfiji;that event - have cone mirdutyand, ..." . . ' " But that may delay us and render nr flight impossible." I interrupted : 'INevier mird 1 said r Clelia with a ignifkanti smile; i'. It can' do us no aore harm now ! i l am iio longer the helpless thing I was. and If need be ;ou, ns mv f riend.'-van call. uion the aw for my protect ion.w ' " x "Hm!" muttered Beppo in an un 'ei tpne. . " Let the law alone. Sal iati's influncf in Turin is great, as I help from ai.6vo which,", was to .lighten its burden. : By my side 'was Pra Angioloi who, after having 'been in formed of ; all ; that .- had - happened. highly, approved ' of ' CleliaY,. proposi t4oii and npt.nly , promised us his assistance- .upon this occasion but also tho weight of his personal influence in Tunn and thai,.. of -x his opulen and pOAVorfuI family- Wo hacf told - him everything onr love, our hoie3, our plans for the future. The ile "Do minican friar had drawn my Clsua to wards him and. imprinted a lass upon heri; pure .vbrowj " his,; hands . subse- qucB tly ;f wea-o f folded in i prayer he probably did 'not suppose that 'we di- vined .;'tho7 thoughts Tjvbi6& prompted that prayer. ? '' : 'r -T'-; ..L V yVAnd sorou are after all willing to assist me, Padre,7? : I said smilin glyl "in rescuing"; Clelia from a convent life ?;;fu: ?X:T'if'-; " My son1 ' he replied, in. a voice scarcely audible, "it is not and neve? can be the will of, God to separate two heai V th at 1 ove ' eachl other war inly and truly I 1 While" I". supposed r that Clelia was alone in the world X deemed the house or God her" safest tcfugo I nory 'there Is none safer tah'ybur pro tecting amis." " ' i". l-'-.t' C i We entered the'hoiise with so firm a reliance oh TIpo.Manginrs.sadrolt ness,. as 46, forget ven tho .possibility pf - an , obstacle being .placed. in. out y . , p ; ere fivbr ueceiyeu tin.: iuu4 tiilS l(1.i:r order ..-f NOTICE. is day qualified as Adminis- 1 ranees Arendell. aOper- ier estate -re nptifidj to make Once, and all perso'tis' holdiu 1st the said estate will present .... - i i , i i notice win oe p;eaueu in oar very. ; lhis Dec. 3(J, ix'iu. ' . ii. i' FAKIOEHiMESTAlr AND SIGN PAINTER J Calsomirjing, uraining. . parlor pain? ialty. ; Satisfiictiou guaran f e orders at Thomas & Ay stnre. N OT1CI Ilavinsr t 'iwtrator of is hereby ei - estate to co once, fiud. ; against hrr meat oa or ary 18921' .'in bar fr t 1801.1; m its day qualified Tas dmirj-' Slizabeth .Dickei-sonJ notice iren io all persons owing ''. her be forward ad "settle at k i persbrhxtlding claim must OTcaeut then Jot ii)ftv- bcfoi'e the 8Ui day of janu- 'UhisqtiCenV be jilead.l teir recovery ftrThis Jan. 8th It asil4 PIECES 0FL1USIC4M To any one sending: 10 cents, the Wavxxlxy Magazimk II be sent for four weeks as a trial tvbtcripiiml The regnUr price is four dollars per year. 4h issue contains from tea to fifteen complete stories, comments on current events, puzzles, jokes i hints for the household, and the best of musHMust the thing for Ion? Winter evenings. Till R I what yon get in fourcopitsl 64 paes St 56 columns of reading mntter 4uu,uyo futos comprising over ooctraK (the letter tsrorth at leas fifty cents,)nd "all a' en ' course you toderstand - ,uuaW u m sue io gei you to give tbe paper a I tnal, knowinj: full well that you will permanent suMcribers. . - ttMEBlsrHAGAZIiEE, Bo its. A : if -s.f '"3 - .-'..til.. 4f.,. . " IiJear ; hot." she calmly replied. 3 sKven f tnouell Tho law should net it ?otecttme,Avwt mav lake this heir- om of my father's, which I always irry upon my person this ' golden edal for military bravery with which .ing. Carlo Alberio himself, decorated :im at'Novaraandwith it' ;ro to the ; ; iuK,v,ieiiQK ma ina6 tne cniia pi j-e man who merited that distinction aplores his protection. And believe e,. ho .will not deny it to me! Sal iatfs intrigues will not prevail jainst it. I feel strong now." . she V1a1 Vt-lfb n. VbV-lfnl -cnuliniulaiuwi it me. " on; jf vou but knew what it s to bo alone and suddenly ' to ' find : - She did Aiei Bitfsa-ibe sentence. " What are vbur orders. Sinore VK inquired Beppo after a short pause. wWe leave for Turin at half-past eleven to-night !" -: ; ". ' . " : '.;-' . " i i Beppo rubbed his hands in high glee, muca to my surprise. .. " What is the" matter with you, my nel Ginozzi's.'Vhe said, highly . elated "Does that please you so much?' " Please me ? No ! Heaven forbid ! But Ir have just bethought myself of a way to render the old cereb us of a porter and the wretch of a ' house keepercreatures of Sal,viati both of them perfectly1 harmless for" . bouple of hours, it will be fun, capital fun, Signoro ! But we; have! no vtima ;to spare? it js .very nearly eleven o'clock' . . After Clelia w4s once more seated in ' the coupe opposite hie, her ..hand i resting in nifne,Jshe 'b.nrsfc lnto' a1flo64 of . tears. ; For some time I tried in vain. to. console, her t,at last-she said j ; j ; iieaventy. jjatner j . w nat t a strange dream this is ! ' This morning I , nao wra'iuvsu ,4Uioca.r;u vi vi uu.il mercy is great !" ':': " Q iAJPTER ZLIL . J i -.- it -. me a1. liar me a not -missed' their proper eUect.'Mle quickly'1 recovered, however,; from ' his momentary surprise and tmhiuj to ward mo ho savdl A'4;Does- he 'call iar?" . ' '.r- I concluded that it would be best to excite tho wrath of the Colonel to its utmost extent, in order to biin on a rcacCioh of fecb'ng all , the ' more qukkly . v" I summoued ' all my c ovrra go and'averting my face frbni that of the old man I answered in aa firm a tone of voico as I could possibly command : " les a . miserable cowardly liar. who moreover dai-es to speak ill ol the 'lho UoloncI lumped up aiwrvras on tho Kint of ruahing at mevwhenr be fore 'ho could advance a single step. Fra iAr.giolo's 'quiet voice again was hpnwl rrt caif "You are a liar, old man. a suro 1 """"rreary. 01 , uasnmexon as the Redeemer died on the ci-osa for blth was veiy properly celebrafed yes- Highest or all in Lcavcnlrig Power.i-Latest U. S. Gov't Report a -4. The Birthday. you ana me.'. -ia;a icw. years, u may trrday. We tmde a grand liorHtoy of it ' .weeks, nay, in a few n(1 tim(U Tho j., cr aours.evcn, the lmghty voice- of the , m. . . . - ' The porter's lodged twas ,; securely locked 5; not ,a-,person .was tobo,;sDeni and wo ascended the steps. Scarcely had ' we pidled "the bell at the door which led to the' Colonel's apartments when ?u flowopen istantlj'i .. j and-Beppo stood befbrVus.5 ,-' : "Be quick I" he. said almost push ing us into tho corridor. " You aro Just in time. - Go across the hall-room and enter- the 1 door- on your' right Tho Colonel is there lost in doep medi tation -V ' "And the porter?" - " Lies drunk in his lodge. ' Here is the key. ' lie 'won't wake under an hour"' v ' "!'' ! :lv , Z" Where is the housekeeper, Bep ." na ."' he grin'ped. i'.she'll fumef I had her summoned to the police as a ' ' . , , T , 1 witness inja cae, 01 wnicn l nave ai' ways oho" or mdrorcady ; but she'ean not bo examined until .1 coraov and will be obliged towait until you "are through. Sho had given her keys' to the poiter and I took charge of them when he dropped under the table. But go!" - "Who is there?" sounded a stento rian voice from the room lwforo which wo stood. It was a voico that made us turn pale. -' Wo remained silent. A savago im precation .followed, the question; the door was pulled open and we stood faco to face with tho old Colonel. Twelve years had gone. by si uco I had seen him. I supposed I should find him an eld man,' bent down by age and almost childless. I was greatly mistaken. Ue appeared much -the same, as .'.he, cid, twelve, years ago; there was the -same tall, straight, mar-, tial form--in spite of his fiyo and sev enty years his short hair and his thick moustache . weie( only sprinkled with grey. His eyes had a singular sparkle in them a sort of 'vat-ant stare ! Ho looked at its a few-moments in blank amizcment before shouting in a men acing, imperious tone : "Who are you? and 'vhu do you want here ?" ' "'' ' I stepped forward and gave, my name; He paused a moment;' the next his features assumed an expres sion of terrible jage, and with tremb ling voice' he ciiedi '- " k ' " Ahm ! tn accomplice of Major G inozzi's, and ' evidently 1 a scoundrel like himself ! I remember ! I have suffered you. to scnd iiearlyti whole year at this house long, long ago! lict out from here y . Tiis is no place for such as you!"?; i . r i : I looked him calmly in the face and noticed '-a second time that Tiis eye-lidW were contracting with an unnatural,, convulsive movement. V 1" IiaskouV;etmoTef what 3byo4f wantthere,?ed.lh,la volee of. thunder. . ; '."''-.' ;- ': ; j " Simply to inform yon," I replied tartly, 'that ' I have rescued your granddaughter from the hands of your nephew SalviatL; km A Jt" a UL &U1U4 IXICByl.- AUiiUUUU m - ( Hi throne, and vou will.have to an- P'oa uners nun tio- :ear before the great Judge with the qucnt peche. flags OHiameDted-Tpri- fearful' stain of that crime-upon your' j aie dwelling and paWic bulUir0Kie cbrience?-- ' y mercury crfpi up above fie.zuigint. theol errVnTs Tge T stifled, -and in -a harsh but slightly ua uie w.wr -were uiieu trembling voicei he -asked: ; , ;f 1tlr pleftsore seciw. " ' ": ,. " Whati do you want of mo ?4 Speak; .''..Tiie immbrt.M George Is hot 'orot-" fhat'.do. y o'jr.waii'ii ?J . - 'u.':'Tlie Republic. U g rat efuli ,That ,,,."lLinsisU' .replied .Palla CassotU. bron faoMlrUr. ;itflttI. l 0f 1TnJno "that You shall quietly listen to what " - . V T ' 7T this Voung"man; has to say'. After ho .u. t m.r -urom.- . , it i - , : " I , , - , I TK ban?-, la mrar Wnl'mn'nAHl.w.wt na3. spoten 1 i.&aaii soiemniy sweiir uj 1 . . " you that every word of his is true and as tnoogn asKing ynnamaKer to build then' ;,-s. -' a'iiew post bf3ce up town, and. the loot 'Jathc.nVased, Co!0?d- of the horse is tinilpaw-ins Imaginary pth Ulook of distrust. A M u h aatto ?et Tnto ,. 'Then, we shall, depart," calmly . . went on tho monk, " and leave you to C8tt!ir8rj'r , county, where limit yourself, v Mortal men shall then have doesn t make a fat thi; g out of alleged done their ' duty! towards you. The street cleaning. truth ' will have been cloaiiy laid be fore you, and God has willed it' that man bo the master of his" own actions. Top i may then act,' my sonT"as it soem eth to, you, best ; , but the Most 'High. irarajjimj. .In, litis .state it will ket-p we for setoal months. The lu'k can b 'eonskle'rably Increkred by the addi tion of comtnon" garden s.-ji, a thkk lar- tx belrg laid und. r and another ou top jKe 'A. F. F. tier, of BroosiyD, is! Ihf : oldf .living, graduate -of Harvard. He ia CO years of p v - - - t SAVG M0YvA.ND SUFFER- - Ono feature of tho thousands of testimonials thai hap ben gityn ; in behalf of 8. 8. S. iaremarka. bio. In nuraber of instances "it is . rlaU4that a great deal of lime nuu uioaev navu oeen ipcni 111 A - . . . I f t .1 Mi vain effort to ftcore .relief frota : disease "In the "Dgual iry.,A;' A knowledgoof (he.Tlrtuea of Swift's rT hn Armn..t. -.T'l I 1... I by the latte nd juices drain down in- Specific . would . haw Ved 'lhs lb the lurmer. and all teiiig weU'rolxt'd auArnbney to'say hotximg ,of bcrore it jsuscd, t!. tatn'.war le coo- tne prevention of tbu sufitring. It Is hicky for Washington tliat be drad. If "he" could come back," vfeit Washington and see what'thn' Senate and House have feen doing; he would who will judge .you on the last day, prolitblTAkirhls"" fist lu the face of will also require you to give an ac count of 4 how you disposed of the great mercy Ho has vouchsafed to you, a-mercy which-FO -many of -your fellow-men. havo been without namely, that'of ha-ing-had full, knowledge of the facts before you acted." And without waiting for the old j man's reply he turned to 10 and said : " Tell your story, my. son !"' . What great psychologists are thcc monks, who havo had so many heart. laid oicn to them in tho confessionals J The Colonel, but a few minutes ago mad with rag3, had dropped upon a chair near him and beckoned to me to Hoar andt tak about, his Bayonet bill in terms which would melt th type li wc tri-d to print them. And be might so far forget himself s to take Ahlrh-b, wh introdui-ed U Gag law, by the scuff fflhe ntck; a.d he might visit the White House to inform Harriioii that his renoininatiou is an iridescmt dream; aud well, the cbnrcts are Uutt he would leave a strong smell if sul phur in the various departments as an iiniinticn of tl.eir deserts. But he may rest 1 1 peace, for the people wi'l d.o jll that, in . Ms stead They are getting wroth over the diaip- hegin.-;,: . I said what I had to say firmly and concisely. When I alluded "to the J par..nco of the surplus, the g! nelly scene in the" Cafe delia Concordia, I McKiuly Um.The joTgdoalg and where taiviati naa caiica mm a uric- KhHms or the republicans, and ln.1832 i,.,,. v nn ,jwn. bu will ctlalslr a elean banded, old fash smilo. Interrupted me. -. " L can te.stifj to that".!? ,ho said, " I was present 'on that occasion." Yoii, Padre V' .asked the Colonel, greatly, surprised. - '.YcsIISvaa'tho cool reply. ITo U continni ioned, patriotic a d demotratic regime which will mjkethat. Vrpnxe" horse in .Uuou Fquare nf igli in aiTproal and his illustrious r.f'er bow his head and smile on a redeemed p'eiv feT y.'T. IleralJ. M A Ml pastes as.tnatiore U liltl fcctt. r'tuan !? : ... - "v r?9 heap of straw. aiidlf,t!Uicanct.fQr a .1,L??,n.oir Th grrat.rpjood. puti- wuie te placed lu a cattle yard, stable fier is for sale bv drtiVt?if ArV. or pteijery and convrrted into first!asa I - k. -T manuw; soriie-oUer s'Ops ; &nit''b' U- .?.TV ??u;!c.e ,vWtt7 ken wUhtt. 'If all is wdl sluikcu ont m Atlanta will send 'tonally ad anduhniwrfrnVlaehrap, Ucing dre-a their Treatise on BloofX'nd rrely wiVcroJ at tlieaamo lime, it wUllf.. qaic'Jytcomm nee decijiog. a sscood S dl8CaseB and a pamphLit tBrnins and, walering la th.e conrse c containing a few of the thousands about un days being all i q 9 further ,t of te8(iraoniala they haveSeceirtd kuuuu cvxicii. 111 auuub m niouin it ougtit to be fit for dlj.'gtng'iu." If liquil manure- be -tutetituted fori water and the hcflp.as.ru d over, the raise sf the manure will, . be- greatly locrfased. Quite raw' manure la not often dog iu. but for henfy bed, especially any that is quit rotten, la ob(.cuonALl, tbat only about half decayed b:og -the beat tnurao ie-4iseu. -JJiiie-eugut in no case . be mixed wLUt manure Vnc Tark World. from those who hare experienced the benefits " of this wonderful meditinc, . Ooxt Look. Good looks arc nor than alio dap. L.retBriUo of ail hm .FooU Unriiis Sleep. t any persons, though not actually t ick, keep below ar In atr. ngih and general to.e, acid I am of opinion Ui .t tisslitig during the long Inti rval betwe n aui p r and breakfast, aud especially tlie complete emptiness of the stomach dur- pvodiajc ipoo a haitbi vital onevca. If tha Livrr t in art ir a, yo nava tNueos iook. n yoar atnmaca i cor oVrd yon bar a djsprpu look axvl if romr sulners ba aSrt4i jqq Lart a plscbad look. Sscnra g-x4 b-raith sad yon wiil hart goo4 looks.. K.ertrSe IUttrs ia tb rrtaJtrrir and tonic, acta cirwttly oa tba vrtaJ onraaa. Cnra ptmpl, blotrti, bods aad givM a XOCX3 complexion. mid at Loniatiir( orta store. oOr. per bottla. Hillsboro has opened a tobacco warehouse. . . No inan can get rich by adorn- iug the street corners, , t OKOVJiU CLKVELISD. ", . , ,Tholr F-tltlon. When sereral p iuoos combine in an effort to obtaiu xhs red privileges they Eonhani (Texas) Newt.. . . , Mr. Cleveland's- letter 'orT the silver "Whom?" he asked. ; "Your granddaughter, tihe vour own son.' -. ; - L f i r 1 . t are usua ly successful. There lies great juct?tIon is ihe subject of much co n- inait apdin-rnany iaaLiBcs.of severe criticism.- Many who were. advo ates of his claims for the next rrcski ticy h-ive turned away rrom"lilrb,and there there it not mat h hope of hit bei.it the next ptandard bearer of ihe Bf mocracy. Yet Mr. lev eland occupies the same position on the silver question that h did lit n he was Domtuated the first tioie. v When, he receirtd the eecxrud nomi nation his iews were not then in j accord with the most' of the ' fc?oufhern and Western Democrats. But he was virtue in number. Elsie, a little New England girl, was delighted with .the prospect of a trip to California, and it never occurred to her that all her 12 dolls were not to go also. "Tell me where they're to be packed, maruma," ihas:M17an&rH put them in. They xnu&tn't b .; rumpled and tumbled.- . '; . "Elsie, dear," said mamma regret fully, but firmly, "1 really can't allow you to take all that act of doll - You may have two, an two you like, but there I draw the li-tev.. Twelve dolls aro quite unneccsaary." "' ' Elsie mado no rf my, butwent quietly Tfe topla's raaaadv frr th rnra of roiU. aathtna, knrauwa, bToachlria. troop, laSaeosa, vaoopjor conU. tnrtpt roa antnption, U Dr. CaH'a Conch 8rroD. tht obi mg sleep, adds greatly to the amount r,e - J emw. . r .1 1 1 1 1 I lorroBipoj ana paroancur rnrm r c..vuu, icT-F.vanc3s uu ruerai jnatUm or Muralda. uaa 8-JvatimOil. PrU. weuknesa wr ao olten meeL write IV. I 25 rawt. William C. Cath. ll, cf Ba!tin.ore. Iiiy sblocv teacLcs that ia the body ihrrc is a erpctual disintegration of tissue. sleeping or waking; It la, therefore, lo cal to believe that the unply of no or fehmeut sliou'd be a time what continu- our especially iu those who are below par, if we would counteract their ematl- atlou aud lowered degrre of vitality. and as laxJily exercise is sonjndcd d;r " a. a . tog sleep, wim wmr anu tear corre- apondingly dimlntsed, J'e d".gctkm. aulninatiot) and outriive at-tiritr con UUue as us'iai, the food furnished cur- lnr this ) eriod adds more than 1 de- Ati-oyfd, and Increatrd wei.ht aud inv proved jgcccral rigor U Uerrruit- I afu fully aatiSed , tht , were , the weaklj, the eniKcUted and the alceplns to idghtly take a light lunch or meal of simple, notrii.ous fieu before goloie to . S 1 ' S .r"yT"P aa (XS4I0 Led for a prolonged period, nhje in ten I of taoy diaordar of them would be thereby 1 fed hi to ar better etafidard of health; - Guamnted Cure for La Grippe. 4 M4M.A " 4 ' W aathnria onr avJJjrartkad draniat to Wl yoa Ir. Kiel's Stm Ehacovary lor rw- aajcpTion. rooj ua aui eolla cpa I him rodi tioo. 1J yoa ara afBirtaJ with La Onroa ana Uuaathiaramtdy acrd:a to dirwriova. sivins; it a fair trial, and fxperlmea bo baoa B. yon nay wnri tba bctti aad aav 'roar tnony rrfan-Wd. W taaka thta of.T Ucmwm - th wondrrfa! aotvma of lr. kinsr'a Sw Diaoorvry donoc . laal . aaaon'a . a pi .Was W. 11 its baari of bo ra ta wbU-h It failad. Try It. Trial bottl frvaat Liabxtrsdrofstor. L&rgt stia iOc. an 4 H.OO: . fc ,. Dont expect all th good quali ties in one. animal. . ,x j ' . It ia tb nry ol tti iltr Uat bl tmitatL m -aa jrood aa UU Haci'a ( at arr h Cra. TkJ aoouxj cwu Tinea yenj at.a M t brat. , , ITrt anV hdirat th wt cf alt roo4 artkla. IVaVrs a't mora cf tr, BaU a baby rtrrnp tbaa of all otbar rvxaoiw Utt L rra a a a 1 1 Avnaiis roit ALL THINGS, this spring. 1 1 TTTR OLD MAW THOCarfT TTIB JCDOE ! WW A4, S V. ft. .4441, V44rt W . vThyj ' It was .past six o'clock on tho next afternoop , that we passed ' alon g " the Via. Borgo nuovo in the direction - of Colonel! Ginozzi's house; for at this lato 1 hour only, was Beppo able to promise.: us an ; undisputed admission to, the old hermit's room! Clelia was leaning upon my arm, calm aud firmly resolved to-do what sho considered to be her j. d uty, " fully rely i ng upon, the .', 3 Child Of .-3 '' . had one! SalviatitheTonli friend I possess. He ijrurf son ami cf bthen He has saved my honor !". 4 1 14 Salviati is a scoundrel, who killed ypur son !" I retorted. s : ; j" Salviati is a man of honor, who stained his blade with the blood of a villainF ";v X:: ,- - - 1 -.- w was duhiMoimdca .my sell. : I nad not expected to hear that ! ; - : : . -; " Before I had fairly recovered my self Pall a Cassotti came forward. He approached the Colonel calmly and; de- liberiteTfhii face Wrajbitraigl ei-' pression - of determination and mild ness. : When" within scarcely ; more than a pace from the old man he raised tho crucifix suspended from his belt and said in a loud and solemn voice: - ; rS.-TXZ'-'fr Q' r V In the name of orrr cTueified- Sa viour I solemnly 1 declare to you that vou have uttered a falsehood ! Nor. one syllable of what you have just said is truel". - ; : CHAPTER XIJIL S " Tho Colonel fell back a pare or two; I noticed that tho monk's words had on, altering a skirt" or LadyTStheChda, I the s:rongest man they could get and IbejirettRa of thw&xen and euina they those him. Mr; Cleveland has the faced fatfuly.w ! ' nexvo to express b'Ji honest i opli.km entered the room devoted to nackinr opon any qoestlon, , He does r.ot halt she saw a curious sight. .'- Supported I and wait Io find out which way public against a trunk sat a row of dolls, io opiniou.for the time bfing la set;, he traveling costume, as fax aaihey couU studies a question snd'ha hia honest 'SSHS. iC ,;.nd w?h6-ada convictions about tha matter and upon pinned : a large plscard, beanog the , , . words. -W.re Waitiae ta be nscked. tbc8e he act8 1Ie fc 1101 a reed, to br What mother could resist the united shaken by evety wind, nor dea he seek, appeal of -A dozen 'dolls? Not this one, popularity by pandering to erery iopt- lar movement. w IVhibv the News be lieves iufrec'coinnge, and fiom i stand.-, poiot yiewait as a measure that would te to t'ie best lattreit of the gr'ear mhSsfsTiiTpniig In th'8wiectt widely frr:mtMr., olevcland'a 'position, jct: it admin lhathonasty aud candor of Mr. Cleveland. - ne ta not Uke soma of- the politictana of' the prtKent diy,' who ge arouod patxlrriag to every popular prcj udice. r- gardlr as of right or ' itrong for I he poke of grttiug la oScc- tr. Clever land had rather lose K chAnce of re-' fern cut than to loee h e owa tlfVepect wlhh be would do were he to 'express an opinion aud secretly entcnatn opro- site views. " "A. " ; aid to CUfoxnja Ui;l2 wauU :- ' To ObsarTanr. ' "A gentleman from Virgiuia related to a frieud in a Gay street car the other day how he hired a negro and put' him in a field to work, After a while the planter cauio. along and accosted the , uiu j ou see a coacu gu uowa iug roaa a while ago? " r - " ' "Indeed, I did, boss. . One obde hosse3 was a gray boss and the odder was a roan and lame In his off leg. jv Tf tfht hoard soi njinteraQfcr there on tue edge or tho wooda " - - "Yes, boss. . One ob dem was Colonel Jones; he was the tall on a - Do second one waa Major Peters, and the third ona waa-TomMcKee. 'Colonel Jones liad ou pb dem new fapghjd breach loadLn jgunt that breaks in' twa J k :.Li.w . "DL2 you see those wild pigeons ' fly over just now?" " - Seeem?J Guess I did! Dar waa 10 ob 'em. Pey lit in dat old cornfield dw yonder. pCT. ;' 1 : . j.WelL'yon see toe much for-a nun that is hired by tha day. llere a your wages. Proper Cure of 3Iutiurc Henpa of manure ought .pot to have all virtue wasl.cd out before it ia w heeled onto the ground; yet thia too ofleu ou ciirs. Iftheiois no possibi'diy of get- When I want a man to keep I it r i out early, the least - that can be watch, of what te going oa HI fcen4 for j do,,e t0 throw op altogether In one I !, vnnllnrV if BflV tT i i.l f ?. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. J wheeling or cailin- orer it, or ly For ale by Lo-Usi ur- Trutore. : It became the soleton daty of a Texas Judge to poaa aentric on ar aged man named George Bliaa fpr ttcallug a hoj: - "It is a slume that a. man of your age ehoull be pviug up hia niiud to bog Stealing. Do vou "know any r en sou why ' ..!. sentence siiouai not oe j-tououdccu ou yon according ta law ? " ' f"w, Jotige," waa the reply of the agerl sinner. Bliss. tha iirctringftb fce a trjiUe tnooototioot. ' I! wouaI Ilka ' to know bow t llow cfn man-ge to please you juivs.. ,Wji-a X was ynly ferrn teeal. years Lnkl I gft three yeart, and and the judge eaid I. Vsglit to be ishAmedcmaelf to be testing at .my .xge Wliea 1'waT forty I got fire yenrfe, and lLat judge aakl it was a shame tha: nian in' his very beat years aJ,odd .teah And now, wheu l am' termty years i f age, here you come and ch- w ovef thaVthe old atori Now',1 ww Id r.ke'to kttow what yt ax of a mio'i life w:ie beat Oti'e, acccduig t o,your po liou,' to begin L'e of crime ! 'r t Te judge .tohl'Bl es Uiat if be wact od legal advice be jhad better cxHtaoit with a lawyer, and IX en pased ,ht ca i-fl sect nrofr--, -ara. rf JittrviStU. Sim. - , Thelest aie in tbe.world frr citta, ?ruies."s:es;ulcers,i .talt-rlenm, fever torea, tetter, cbaj red hsn.l , hild!a'ite corn njil s;I aaiu ni;lKn and positively ure jnl .a..tr.i.i ra required;' 'ttMs gumt:U-ei F-.rr Derfect atirac'Hn. r mr.u. rfiorU Pnc- 2 ren'a ir iw'V. Bill . rf to, the 'well-known nhl- loaphcr; will moYO to'AihcTillo tliissnrinff. A .11' Kill retiars Ehcznzilsn, l'carc!j!s0 tfecdzc&o, TcoiAscksr Sent, Bars -. Ctrt, See I 'ft, Csckzcho. Voanit; 2 e. .';- m,,r ttf . tvCX r (-t bwii to public: SCUbOL teachers: The Furerinterxlent of PcUIc fchooU of Fraoklia comity, n ill te ta LotiUu burg oq the ac-vuld Tl ur'ay cf Febru ary. Aprd. Ja'y. Sc;reii:'r, OttoUr and December, suJ tefnaiu ux-.tlxee I'ajs If tetftMMiry. tor th- pwrp-fe '-of exarnii. rag anU"Hiita to !.! la the - luU"as School of that cniut. I wi!l a!ao t iu LiUirg 00 :uruj mth week, aui A pubUo diva, to at:n-l to aay bus 1.04 oiitfitfil with my c.Hce. . ; J. X Hm ls; be;.

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