14. THOMAS; Editor and Proprietor, :. toward $fn.c: VOL, XX, LOUISBXJflG, N. C., MARCH 13, 1891. NO C. t i V 1891. Hdrpw'ft Weekly; "HarpeT ' Weekly has never failed o Jnsti f y its tit! f tw a "Jonrnal of Ciyiliaatioo,' And it ha I done bo with & constant regard to enlarjj d powtibilities of nsefalness and a feigher at indard of artjuBtin aqd literary ex- .. ellettoe.' j it leates untouched no important Thase ef liRft world's progrresa, and presents a record, equally trust, orthy and interest ing, of ihe notable, events, persons,, and . actiieretr ents of our tuna.- i 'S : Special supplements will be .continued 5n l'8Wi 1 fiey will bo ILterary'scientiflc'aiv . twrfle, hit toricol. criticalwtopographicalr descripti re, as occasion may demand, and will cont nue to deserve the hearty commefi- Nation Which has been bestowed on past is coea by tide press and the public. As a lam - iv iourwil. Harper's Weekly will; asuereto fre. be ajited with a strict regard for the tjn ah tie that make it a c sale - welcome ana visitor U i every. home.-vU-T:3 y 7 IT. tRPEIVS 'PERIODIlJAXS,; -'f BAHPBB'jMA3AZINB.........:.l......-...r...:.t4 00 UkV.VV.nWi WEKKl.Y.i..................... 4 00 HABPSB'f !BAZAB...;..i.............i......ii 4 O0 KABPEB'sYOOJlO.PBOPt.K.-....-.il.;i... 4 00 I'oataicfree to aU 3dbiscribersi tht Unitfd ipatesy Carta id and .Mexico'.:?. :j A A ' Tale of Romance an,d Ad- T enturerinrSifnnf mly. .,..'.v5-. ,..s. j. -. ,r.. TranZafcdrot tie German of A. Kel 1 ; I In l elating what happened on that fatal last night I repeated a. well as I could all Ganiillo liad told me of his- latherr'fl was profqundlj moved bj the heart-rending sobs behind nje and the troubled thoughts of the beloved creature vhose I fate J was to be ulti- 1 matelv decided then and -there? oThe VJOionei Biarea at me a!j u no wuiiteu. read every emotion - of my - soul The l with the of each uhscrid current Bound lor thretj onrill be a p4er volm Blnmes ' of -'the WeeKlyk begin uumhers tor June and December rear. . When no tune id specineu, tions will begin with the nnner Itf the time of receipt f orders . volumes., of Harper's a, Weekly years back, in neat cloth binding ent by mail, post-paid for 3 Of) 1S85. on Remit! office in eliHiice t fan. , Cloth eases, for binding, 5o cen ts eaiih bV ma;l, post-paid index to Harper's .-.Weekly, Alphabeti cal, Analytical, and clasicU, for youimes 1 to 70, fliiclasive, iroin .inne ism, 10 June i rui., oU uutii t uu nces should be -made byt pnst uey ordei ibr draft, to ' avoid f loss." ' " " ' ": - yeasvapen are not to copy this adter- tiiemaitl without -the express b:der of Harper if Ervtliers '. " 1 - ' Addreiis - -, . iilASPEB & BrotWebs, New York, Sri"'" ' ' 1891. . " arD9r s Bazar ILLUSTRATED. - Ilnrpe home. with rea our illiif tern.she alike to professif ftpareu l n ess or e.4savs s: i f llll'UVii 1.! i-.H x e.i av.vio .i RTtiv-l up.-rs i. a .-roiM HA!ir,2a s Bazar is a j inrnnl for the iivinir the latest v information ird t the Fashions,, its nu ur- rations, fashiwi-plates, and pat-" (its supplements are lm'tispcnsible the home dress-maker and the nai iiKKieste. o expense , is miking its artistic attractive- the .highest ordsr. Its clever short stdiries. prbr r lays and thoughttul fist)' all t istfs, a;ia its iusr. -page is a !.i-jues ft wit ant humor, t;l;!v ihs'.K'S cvvyrtiicig is uiekid. i i iviie-'-ctt iu v.-o-;itn, iiuring ut H. Ok.isb will tvril-e & series is Oil ''I'lii: fl'iu.4-. 1 "on-fort-ible," OKSoN Will, treat of "Sanitarv ;i'ii sn incresuug succession of i " '.Voinarfin art. . dud Uistor iil'i -itr it.l, -.rill he furnished bv TflRwDuttis Cmi,l. The serial st.'n ies will bvs by VUlter Bi.santau I iaom i-t Hirdy U'EitS PEUIODIOALS. I'KIt YEAR. BAZAH 00 MAr.A'.I.N'B ......$4 00 I WSSJU" f-t-xH) ;.OVS'i PBOi'LB $2 OO subscriber in the la an i Mexico. to. read- every emotion - of my. When I finally spoke of the duel, re peating the last words of the dying Camillo, who bcgKed;his adversary to be a son to his bereaved old lathe the Colonel could not control .hi mself any longer, lie -sprang from his, seat likoona possessedt and, shouted i-:t V Liar ! -lie jeered at me In his last moments: These are lies nothing bullies!" : ; " Facls", . nothings biut facts ex claimed- Fra Angiolo;" I heard his last words With my own ears." " Demon of a mon k roared the Colonel. '"'Have you been everywhere thehr' :i -'Iwas-there' at all events I saw your son drawing his last breath and heaid his last-woids."- . 'iWhat .business hav.oyou in the cafes and on the duel ground V .' I was a Captain in the hussars at that time. They called me the Mar- yhese PaJla Cassotti.': ' Talla' Cassotti ?" stammered Gin- OZZi. " . : ' ; ' Yes, Colonel; - that was my name My brother, served-for fourteen years in the same regiment with you. But go on, my son go on.V ; : " I went on and showed him the let ter which his son had wi itten to me a lew honrs before his jdeath. " And is all this true can it be true?" he exclaimed, after I had ended. " Upon my honor, sir ! I have told you nothing but the truth .'', , '.' And I swear to yon in the riqht of Almighty God," said; Fra Angiolo, "tlifc your son Camillo met with his dca.th while revenping the insult flun at his father by Salviati ; and that his last words bicathed only love and fil ial affection for you." The Colonel stood there - deathly " Where is Salviati ?" he cried. Where is Salviati ? And where mv son?s -. . . . did.; you not speak . . . . of a child of my son ? Sal viati ! .... Whero is heV" CHAPTER XUV. paper here is my last will the onlyi one" I have ever made. Iv desire you to tako notice that I declare there is. no other will jot mine Iri existences And now I wish you to see bow I dis-! ose of this my only will." - ? " He tore t! e document nlowlj and de iberately; and throwing the pieces of paper on the floor, he turned ' to Clelia and said: '; V, i ' . -" " T --;;.' "It is too late, .'my child. "to- make amends for the wrong Have done-you. This is all that is left me to do: dyinc intestate, as I shall, you are hejtcefortii my sole heiress." -.. ;. " Hush hush P? exclaimed CIelia.: throwing" herself Into his armsr- I want you to live and " " So do I, child P1 tho Coionel inter rupted her . " I ain but too anxious to see Salyiati., r ame ..night ; most prolably lor Leg horn, where ; his . mother and sister awaited his return. T , . - Years have rolled by since the occur rence of the events which I have been relating to the render. , Tbe euro o the dying (Jolonel has terribly fulfilled itself.,: -.-,.. 3 . .. . Salviati, having Wen" deprived of the expected rich inheritance, took to gambling in stocks., .sometiines winning.- more, freqnenlly. however, losing rieavilyw so heavily in, fact, that his social .position' bcramo a mere precar ious one day by day,:. IJe was finally accused of forgery ; and when one day the police entered hi apartments for he purpose of arresing. him. he put an end to his lifo by blowing out bis , Did.tho wretchr remember the "Crlo- -Ho had scarcely :aid; so 'when' we ePa lasi wo,'da'111 nl' moments? Posia sic f'rei to a'l Uttiie l i ftales, Canart ra'e. he v the first v. lien n will ie' tim; wf Buum dumes of the Unzen Ofeins with Jiuiiibyr for J.iiiu.iry of oach year. ) thne is ultiitioiied.siibsyriptioiis ii witn the nuinoer curre.it at t-ceipt ol oruer. Voiunies nf llarptr's -H-'zar for three yeja'rs bak. in neit cloth' brndiug, will be tent bv. mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided toe freight ( foes not exceed oue dollar per volume I for ?7 OO per year. Cloth i ases for each volume, snitsble' for bind inx, v ill be seat bv mail, post paid, oii receipt of $1.00 each. Kemiaunce snouiu be inaue by rest-ut- fiee Mofiiey Order or Draft, to avoid chaoce iff ioss. Newspapers are not to copy this adver tisement!; without the express order of Hakpeo;:.& Brothers. lv ii address IIARPEK& BiiOTHERS. rf w 1 ork. lie foil Lack upon a chair fainting ii. TYL<, I AKCY OENuMENTAL' II 0X3 SE AND SIG N PAINTEIt. : Calsutiiiuiusr, graining, parlor pain f- in-jr a specialty. . ,- biiusf;icUoai guaran tee-Le ve orders at Thom.iis &-Ay- t-oeke sraruafslore.' iv Z . J-r ' By viltne of thevauth!RritviKJVfin JneJaJ. an order; ot rrauKiin &upenor t.ourtmace by B. Bi;Ma8enbarg, Clerk, in this fcpec ial proc ?ediue to make land assets enti tled J. It Weldon, administrator, etc vs. will sell). at public aoetiou to the hiirhest bidder j t the Court House door in Lonis liurif , Ifl C, on M onday," the Btb day of April aAl2 6'elo k. mit beinjr the "first Idoudayjin thenjMiii, the -foliowinjf de. scribed j,rac-r parcel of laud, sitated m the towliisiiip-of HaVftsville, 4n FrankRn coaity,(ind bounded as follows: On the Korth biir lands.of Dr. W.J.-.Judd and V illie vrreen, on the East by lands of Charlie RoocUon, on the oulh by lands tti Broclji Cheek, dn lhe.'est by lands of " l.obt. Mums, containing about 50 acres. Terms tf sale ash balance at 8 - months time, deferred payment to be evi deseed Hy not-? bearing & ntr cent, inter- vst froni day of sale, and title retained till porcha money is paid: . , ; ThU lfcth day of Febrnaryll. O rr till miiiMlm (iAAMz Ht'VW UAI nave hi R4 PIECES CF MUSIC To anv' one sending 10 cents, the Watoiv Maca2Pk will be sent for tour weeks as a trial ubcrii4ion. The regular price is four dollars per yeftili Each issue contains from tea to fifteen completjh stories comments on current events, pazzlet, fokes, hints for the household, and the best of jmusio-Must, the thinj for long- winter ereDingjis " TH I Jt It what you Ret in fourcopmrt! 04 pages 25o columns of readiug mntter J oUU,(jlUu words comprising; over BO eom plete stories, and vocal and instrumental music, (the latter is worth at lean fifty cents.) and all m . i i n. r . i .sir . - m rara ico wenis i yJi course you bnderstand wo una i umun to get you to give the paper a tnai, itfliiwine lull wdi that you will become peruuuMai sunsenbers. . - ... . - AdcW W&VERI FY HKITIlt 'lUt ml .... took C'elia's hand, drew her to me and led her to Iho side of the old man. where she sank upon her knees and covered hu hands with tears- and kisses. lie lay there motionless for a Ions time, and both the monk and I were beginning to feel alarmed, when he suddenly opened his eyes, bent down his head and gazed into Clc'ia's face. My hopes of a favorable result of -this -interview revived at tho sight; a marble" statue could not have re mained cold at a look into Clelia's sweet, beautiful, lovely face. ""You --are Camillo's daughter?" he 'id mildly. lluw beautiful you arc, my child ! Your father's mother was beautiful also, and as good Oh ! g.iod and kind! Are you, my child?" He fell back again and mused for some time. Turning to mo after a ulnie he said : " You musb tell mo all once more. But let me hear all all everything !,; I obeyed; : this time,- however, aU luding also to the adventure of the day before, and since he listened quietly and almost pleased, I ventured so far as to sieak of Clelia s future and nnne. Fta-Angiola 'had' meanwhile--madej Ueppo a i gn to wi thdraw ; before 1 had finished he returned, and 1 whis- perVJd'to the monk that' the person In niifinw - etrrrtli? nnr ha -"hfirft. ' '" "WTiero is Salviati inquired the Colonel . " : ' ::.:)-'i .r- ' . I told.hini that he would in all prob ability be in; Turin that night. : . ' - "Ha! 'l am anxious to bee him," paid tho Colonel, trying-to rise.. His sti-cngth failed him however: he had growuftoa yeai-s older jh that' single Although aware . of his . weakness, his face, strange to say, resumed "sud denly the expression -i of his "former energy. II er raised - Clelia from tho Coor, gazed inlo her face with a pleased smile and turned to Fra Angiolo, say ing . :,J::- ?;A ' ? -i "'?;' Padre, be good -enough 1 to call in some persons from the street. V I need some witnesses for ; i hat I am going to do?4iir;ii;...Kf:ivi:.o Vmi"! "A norirtlo.', Km1rntiA1 '-'fa Tlnmn wno left too room. Colonel,'! said the monkthe ex citeinent y ori haVe' undergone might be detrimental to your state of health. sent for a physician i .''" I do indeed feel much exhausted," -he calmly replied; t.cM wish Salviati were here.". '. i , -A -few minutes later Beppo entered the room together with four or five rather perplexed-looking' people, f Tho physician also- made his appearance,' The Colonel conversed "with the monk, who went to a wri ting-desif in the far ther corner of the room, and returned with a sealed envelope. - ' ? TJ Gentlemen: said the Colonel,-" ; have "sent for you- to ' be'- witnesses to what I aai now about doing. v-Tlus heard a carriage driving mj' to th street-door. -A few seconds later Beppo rushed breathlessly into the room."-.-- s .n- - . i .-,.. .,.r.-. - Tho Cavaliere has come the Cara- liere ;-m, J--' , . v,'..... ... ., :,The Colonel's face-grew purple at the mention, of his name, 1 Ho called Clelia and myself to his side and put ting his arms around us, looked fixedly at-the -door by- which hahlati wis xo enter. lli? arrival was.prcceded by a loud noLsQ outside; he was evidently scoldin andsweariiiir at the unfortunate-porte-for keeping him waiting At last the dor flew open theretood the " Cavaliere, as if tooted : to tho ground.' : i . . ".'.:' : " " What ; are the?e :. . '. people doing here he said In a commanding tone, ; Suddenly : catching sight of Clelia, he moderated his voice : " Ah! I see the Signorfna who " " Como nearer nearer, I say V said the Colonel, his voice sounding harsh and husky. - j ;" ' . Salviati stepped. in." On seeing me. he fixed his eyes upon me and grew ashy pale. -' - - " II Tedcsco ! . . . . II Tedesco !" no mutteiea. " Como nearer nearer still P aid the Colonel. s " This is my crand- daughter, henceforth the. solo heii-es of all I possess, inasmuch as I have iust aestroyeu ttie win onco made in your lavor; ana tr.is gentleman; tho friend of my -poor sonT is her betrethil a you remember him ? Why don't you ronio forward to congratulate them hmV" And presently pushing us centlv psid?, the old man raised himself j0 his full height, went firmly up to the Cava liere and looked hiia straight in tho face. " Ha P he sid, " I ccwer before your finistcr looks r.o longer, you sec hm? Have you another of your lying stone ready to tell me,: how my son insulted me in a public cafe and how you . . . you-stepped up to defend mo; how he struck you because you wished him to le silent; how you made every effort to spare his life; how your trembling hand was unable totako a steady aim. and how by a mere accident, or as you miserable hyiociite called it, by tho hand of Providence, was ho slsiin, who had basely slandered his father bin? Where is 3-our eloquence now? lou remain silent. Cavaliere? Have you no answer to make? Gentlemen' said the Colonel, looking at each of as in turn, " this creature is tho basest villain in all the land !" And turning quickly around, he struck the Cavaliere a blow across the face. " The son struck you first P' he shouted madly ; " next he, who was one day to bo the son's son and now the dying father! It is tho chatisement of tho Ginozzi for . . . yes. lor tho most infamous scoundrel in all Italy !" He covered his face with both hands and sat there a picture of heart-rend ing grief. t Suddenly he jumped up again and exclaimed: " The mot4 infamous scoundrel ho ? nor-Tlicd I - I am the jsrcaier scoundrel of the two, f or ' having believed his venomous' tongue P'v" . ,. ? - : If we had not canght him in, our a ms hi would undoubtedly have fallen to the iioor. Pushing us : aside, ho straightened "his tall lorm a last time, andTififa voice which Yuado us'shudder, aid : ' : - ? . " Salviati Jr Demon r May yoa- oe accursed forever,and 'may . you . die childless, solitary and forsaken V : He fainted away, v whilo tho Cava- liei-o stole from the room. His mother had 'died before him. Panla. through the intercession of Fra Vngiolo. had found a lcfngo a & novice tn a convent The kind-hearted monk is still living; he looks longingly, for ward to the day orhis delivery. As regards myself. . , Dop-ihe kind reader remember the beautiful castles-in-the-air " which built while, seated in the coupe in which I followed my Clelia on her jour ney from Turin to Genoa?. They have aU taken tangible form all of. them! I am living so hannily with my lovely and beloved wife, as not .to have thought even of taking a singlo Journey during the five years of Our married, life. For one who has seen nearly one half of the world, there i no place like home ! And how happy one can be at home,' only ho fully realize who has spent the best part of hi life on the high reads and who. like myself. thoroughly understands the art o travelling"! thi exd Wl!K SAWS. Highest of all la Leavening Power :Latcst U. S Gov't Report 2To bm Is a Lcra to LU fellow HEED THE WAUMKa c B 'wure of a sileut dog and a wet rat . Vow uuwltf in storms ore forg otten in calm. E;iry sltools at others ani wounds hersolC. - Y.ulh and white paper soon make an impression. A koo e quill is more dangerous than a lion' cliiu-. Zeal without knowledge is like firo without light." . Wnen a man's liead U turned he never looks to tlier gh . Wtiat we ca I time enough alMrays provej littlti euoulL Hist -ry'is not faUe agreed upon, but truth disagreed u-on A little -eiug H-e rrnch looking; a li tl speaking saves much talking. Die tclf iuaJ niau is frequently ex ceedingly ii ouJ of a very poor j -b. lit.1 li waits to do a great good at once w ill seldom do anything at alL liememb; r that iiuirtinence Ltn't wit any m re than intto.eucj is brilliancy. The shortcut wuy to do many tilings Ls to do only one thing at once. CeciL Gratitude is the music of tlie fieart w hen the chords are litoved by kindness. In months of iuu ao lire that mouths of ruin s'lall vtlll be bnppy. Wluttier. Hon't IiuIh1,o in t e luxury of strong opinions in the presence of your elJer F r unes are maae by taking oppor tunities; character is male by making ik'MIV. If young; men w ill not believe in them selves uo man or woman can believe iu them. There will always be romance In the world so long as there are young hearts in it B vee. A goxi many pe- ple with lock on the understanding w m to have lost tho key. Texas Sifti-g-t. There is one'th.uz about death: It never comphiins that it doesn't know how to lake some ieop!e. Silence as to a man and his deed will do more to extinguish him thaa cJpron of abuje. lYonkers Uaxetta . - V TlICSlLVEit QUKSTIOX Ye are glad, or rather e ore not orry tUt Mr. Cleveland wrote h sil ver letter. ., Let it divide the people up. Th twill be all right It Is 1-ett-r to have a divided sentiment smong people who think seriously about any public q-icshon ot questions th m umn'.mlty among thoee who do not th'ok at aU for themselves but take their opinions at second band from some one else. There are surprising! j few people of good, average Intelligence wlio under stacd anything at all about t'lis sllvrr question, for instance. The whole North Carolina delega'ton In Con grit, from Senators ItaosrNn and Vucedon, is solid in Civor of free coinage. That does not prove that free coinage is right. The whole New Yotk delega tion In Congress is solid ogairst free coinage. That docs not prove that fiee coinagA Is wrong. One day last week the North arollna Leghilature nonuna toil Mr. Cleveland lb- lre'dent sudthe nexi oay oeposea mm. . auu vet we have no idea that one man lo tea in . that Legislature understands tlie silver question, for his vl. wi UXo wlikh it til l cd Mr. Cleveland. Mr. Cleveland opposes Tree coinage but fiat does not prove tliat free coiusge is wrong. It does prove, however, tliat Mr. Clere- It ii not infrequ'-fitly . Ibe cira that itching pimple mndlrrilatint "cat boils" axo the (cxvrnnr&t of larger boil, or 1n watt ef ioa carbuncles. Invariably Ns.turw pats oat her danger signal,' aril tlicy abonlo bo' lieed " at- once The p jo pies and little boils shot tbat the blood is not in a good con dition and natur ia trying to rt m. A few doara e to one s'd any more than all the LrkY- ery, self-eeekin; and dihooel j. The silver men call tleir ppnneois "gold er- and that they are enemies of the S ft - bP55c at th.S jaactarw peop-e. The sud silver men utort by wm cconipusa woaacrs. a callinj the slWer men silver grubsM eruption will be healtrd and the charge that they are brio; worked for I system cleaustd of iti impuritiea. all they are worth by bUwert and the j The modern paraphraso off ho c1'1- other -sUcr Urons" of the West (who ,y8tem, MA slitcb in timo," cte ii v want to buU sdyer bulli and ibal MXimel ttitchea will aara i t. .i t M . i I nine pair a of breecheav Th glove with the sflrer grul. Andsol . 1 , . " it roe-r crimination fW rrimlnatiofl. wc'1 AUU UM luucu lata a a . .a av We plain country people want to step inai uoea not modify the trntn ol caulkulj aud to do the iU't ihiog and lu la ibat vein, we may ay tbat we do not want to bebuueoed Ij either I a course of Swift's SpociCc pre- -bugs" or -grubs,-' Le otr Tuple. Tent4 i9 terrific Organize galimt Over t'roduo Uou. Matches bav been in com mon use since 1S23. We print elsewhere the reftolutons ofihellcedy Firk Alliance of Greco- v lie county, couth Carolina. wLkh are similar to some resolvta recently adopt A friend induce. ne to ny &srrstlai OU for my rbuon.ailc f.ot. I wd It an4 the rb uatlm Is r mire y .rooe. JoitJl U. ASLiEJtSOt. lialUiOCre. illi. ti - r ft j . i . d In O-onrb. of whU h w nL, m not . ' i"T" aw unoi-nica wumooT . .! . .... - . . .rom a. lua mne. six muiKi ure uunumi i lho4aod bal is a good crop of cotton. Seven million is a large crop. The es timate In ihNew York HerVd" ot ton market article of the pnseul crop U rV,20,000 bales. That Is so far Lejood evry sc;ioo coo Crns. ever t ctalm made foe the wnndrful rt3csx-y f Dr. iiujra eouii ryrup. rree ii eeats. : Two Ioawa If gislators are naxaei Ham and Mustard. li l10"6 jliaU We cnr3r y ne supt'ly oversliadow. the dcoatid and wojU . rather be ngta," aceding to thAa Ullm to lh5 p,. his convicUons, -than Prcideut - for i . . - . M . . . CnAPlER XLV. Clelia nursed the broken-hearted old man.fpr,onIyra;fevf days; , ho died calmly in our arms. His iron will was completely-shattered; he cried like a child" when the gentle hands of his granauaugnter preparea him a sootn- ing draught' Hislast dying request was to be buried in Ponte Decimo by the side of his son - V '- ' . A few days after tho Colonel's death Eeppo Manginf came to mc r ' r ,4 Signor?,". he s id in his uua' man ner, L' "will you be so good as to givo me a certificate respecting my conduct while in your service. I require It to show to the chief of pohce." - " I shall go to, him myself. Beppo.". I replied, ' and tell him all about you." GOLUKN . TBOUOUTS. r What can money do to cure a man with a lieadacbe ? George Macdonald. Action, and care will wear down the erongest frame; but guilt" and melan choly are ivmon of quick dljpalch. TlKnuvs rulac. ' . -' r . jiie is iitce a game oi wiaac , i aoas enjoy the game much, but I like to play my cards well, and see what will be the end of it Oe-rge Eliot ,. . . 1. t B- guate your expdiisei and your bust Ban ,4M lionoriibie. ana moaesc, siraiae and free. . S -rve your' country front duty, not frni amUtioa and vain hopes, (Fenelon, ' v-- ' !' ." -, " ' ; ' . ; '. ' . . Of course, women always think what they ; would do In such cases if Wier were men. Bat if men did what women think tltey would do if they were men, the women would: be disgusted. W. L Howell' V) . J, I.- -" ; v j ; - A man should surely dare to lire his small span of lifo with little heed of the common speech upon lum or bis life, only caring that his days may be full f reality, and his conversation of truth speaking and wliolenesa. John Morley. Seeking . the way, . you must exert yourselves, and strive with diligence it is not enougu to have seeu Mel ; Walk as. I have commauded you; get rid of all the tingled nt of sorrow. Bleep " Ju. , . ..!. . i 1 ... : " Thanks, Sigiiore. You will also f.""1 V7 1 rTr 1 Z hnrl fh om tho comivifr trhrh "rnii rlt i MS VU J VUV 3. 14 I ,J ITU1VU J V fc posited and which will be promiAly re turned to you." ' ' "In that case, BeppOr you had better go yourself,; Tor inasmuch as I con sider thbso one hundred napoleons yours, and fairly earned at that, you certainly will not expect mo to calf for them for you.". . : ). s. : "";. "'" ' -- His protestations of gratitudo lasted more th an t en min ntcs. after' which ho 'eft me, informing mo beforerhe went. good work. BudJlta, Tliat-faiiioun ring , that pricked- Us owner when he forgot duty and followed desire-rl wonder if it pricked very liard when he set out on the chawe, or whether it pricked but lightly then, and only pierced to the quick when (be chase had long been ended, and liope folding her wings looked backward and became re gret George Eliot he bad only to keep e'leot to be sure of the Presidcucy. His party was f t drifting into a solid adherecce to tn e coinage and '.n most of the stalwart Dein i-rntic stales it is exirenralv pop ul tr. We are for from saying thit our Congressmen are i.ot just as tlnccre 1 1 tlieir -Hlvocacy of tree coinage as Mr. Cleveland is in opos tion to it, but we do say tliat it takes more courage lo oppose what is popular than to uphold it The no rut we wish to make is that Mr. Cleveland, a man of known hon esty, iute r.ty and sound judg-nen', mui-t be induced by weighty rensous to tuni h s oars ngninst the po ular cur rent and to court advert.e wi d with his Ka Is wl en he lud so much to gaio byktp:.ngin the current and sailing with the wind. Those people wlio re-sp-clhis judgment il lc ind ued at least to pause and i;ive his reasot s a respectful hearing. Mr. Cleveland i a patriot a.id wishes his cuntry well. He is not. however, uifullih'.e, ai.d na be wocuilly mistnkeu. Ho will re e.ve no moie ban he deeeivcs a resp. clful hearing from the people. If he givos them a govd argument it will liave wei Jit. The small, insignificant qucsliou of how this discutslou Ul affect his lres- tfentuu -prospects ought not to eater nto the cnlculat"oa. eapeXilly til view of the mago fk-ent ludiffercue maoifts ted by him In that regard. . Tlie only uunj we o iut to. have a care fr is whai is rLht wlnt will be (or the good of the country. We repudiate entirely tlie Uca advanced f adopting i fee coiusge platform aud nomiuaiing him. an avowed -enemy of free - colvare. bucli trifling as that would defeat him surely. If a fiee coinuge pUifonu L adopted a f.ee coinage ca..d'Ltt shouU be nominated aud vice versa. - Tlte way 1 open Weenie this qafstioa, to olve t!ds problent sud we must eolve it lion- esUyT calmly, dipnas:ootit-y. It is grave prublau.- It aflects the prosper ity of ev. ry se t"ou of t'te cooutry. , I is not mere pohiLs."., .It i-iJ.nsiuess, And, it ,Ibr the people to think. tl. ink deeply, and solve "this qucstou. It 'ouht to be solved, too, outside oi parties, l'srt n.h p should not be allowed to lay its ful lmud up n thl thing that has to do with ' the business iotcrcsts of the Hepubiici'rcgardless f pol.tics. ' It Is n.t eve y pleasant gen tleman who talks well and wriU s well tliat can a tile this matter as well as he may' imagine and claim tliat Le can. Uur own "gntud.old man, Senator Vance, who has learned hy experience and knows ruor then he ooce dil, as id lossy that all he knew ah ut fiuauces was that it took the names of two bet ter men than he was signed to a note to get money out of a bank. ' There never was a question tliat did not hare two sides to it and the silver eaestioo is not an exception, AU the analysis the price is Urelr a matter of at-renge. How many acres In coUooP Mau t Tbeu tlie price is toloj to be low. Now what are we going to do about it t Are we goto to cootluu-. like Ue wheat nwu, until we impoveritU -a selves wi.h our numerous tottou bubsr Here is tlie practical q icsiou. All the Sub-Tieasury bills ever dre-init oft "11 lle greenbacks the covemuen! can print will not raise ih prire of couou at Liverpool one cent; sikI tl.e IJver iool rice settle the value of Ihe U- What then is the common sense of the qu stion ? It u to have an otxan. ized mov mfiH to li-nit tlie a-Tese. If Ui" State Alliances can ?l Uie sob-Al- iances to throw out noeVixth of their A Wonder Worker. M. Krank UuSoiau. a yon man DirUngton, OU), tatr that lie had leeu uuilrT the care r.f twu fCMclnent phjidan, and ud tieir iratmeot oa til lie was not able to gt aroood. Tbey prooouncol hin caj to be cvaunnito, and Incur ib'e. He was piruaded to try Dr. Kit New D rcovery lor On u nptiou. cou!.a an 1 c Vis and at tSat t.m wn out mhm t walk aCTuaS U street wnhit retin. He fonjid lUre h had I.S.-J l.a!f .if a dollar bottle, thai l.e was ru-jjii Wlter; h co.t noeu lo IH it and :s to- ay cnj-yin good healih. If T" have a-y it ru.1, luoj or rbeet lrob le tr U We yiarinlee salisictioa me moey rvTiulJ. TrLil buttle fr avi Luuitbur.; lru strs. Electrician Kdisou graph operator. was a tele- Iiabiea are Ike tcsiitutioQ ant slywjVi be numrd.il frmn atUcks ut rolx by Dr. Uul.'a llab Srup- The summer g' wti cliroWoa Ue ni u minor S.i.'iinj ii) the SauJs of Ue m ....... LI ik i. - t lWcnt cotton acreage. U.e result HI uU (urii r) ( Q e f ar be to put money in the mn of every i i.le tot c d.i i tits bc.l. cottou grower. Hut that bind hould not be idle; let more provisions be raUed. and mM"e meat Our rrporter. D. R. Walker, was at fie N'rw Heme Yn'ir and be wrote cloqicotly of the sood old North Carolina bacon he saw there. It tu-le oir moullis water. (Joo No 'ih Carolina linni. proju-rly cutrd aud 9mkol. e!l readily for 1 7 cents a pouud, aud good btcon in pro portion. Cannot people w ke rooocy at Ui jt t Why do ocr people shut their eyes to their own adrautage In this matter f Let u make more provisions 1 and turn them Into g od prime bacon, anxat the same lime get more for our cotton. News-O'errer. Let Us Help One Another. 1 A buy-word "Ilnw much?' Boll's Baby Syrup i4ct irmiJ.t7Zrfegufat$ t. Bowls! Day's Sorso POWDER, rKit Xjmmg r.r a4' tint Lta4aa pr, la aaca yactaa ' Tills little sentence sbon'd be written on every heart and stamped n every memory. It should be the golden rule practised not only hi every h HachoU, but throughout Ute wovkL Hy heln'ng me another we not only rera-ive tWne from the pathway and anxiety frcra the he rniiid, bat we f tl a sense of pleas ure m our own hrarta. luio whig we are doing a du'y to a fellow creature. A h Ipmg Ivand, or an enoKiraglng word, is no !os t us, yet It Is a benefit t oihtr. Wlio has not flt fie power of ibis utile sentence t Wtv has not nerd d the enc-xi agemeot and aklof a ;ind friend? How sooCiing, when per plexed with some tisk that is mytt riou and burthenome, to fetl a cen tle hand ou Ihe s'touldcr and to bear a kind voJc whl-piriui. D not ffl dkronraited. I e yjur trouble let mo hrlp Wlat ftrcnS'li is In spired, wliat hope crrsfei. wiat sweet gratitude is felt, and thertd f3.-i.lty is dls- lve l as dew tx-fwe hesu.'aliine. Ye. H os belp one no'ler by eu deavrliff lo strenethen aiwl rtir uf aze he weak and Lfi ing th-' burden of cart from Me weary and opixi ssed. tint life may rde smoothly on and tlie fourt ofbitteme ii -Id sweet !rr; and li, wltoe wDiiug hand Is ever ready t V! n will rcwanl our ham bis endeavors, and every good dVel mr tf all UIa Ttyni ..;t.;.,'..:Hh;. V I) I R!I3 1 'Qcgiicisrc SVRUP. Bronchitis, and for the relief cf Cosisntaptive persons. JLt dmrjii- 23 els. mnnrr -r-a cjcs$ cjammit f cm -"u r,-ttractj. seas i tab? was sick, we r " VM sIm was a CtM. u crtrf It site al CkiUraw. that Saiviau had left tho city that ChHdrea Cry for Pitcheifs Castoru, will be as rewt catl u; ou the waters , . . . m to ret rn after mny dajs, n D-t to patrfjtom aaid houca y U not cvnfinid I u M we loTC TO FCnilC SCHOOL TEACllKES ' The Supfrintetklcul of lnb!!c schorl of Frauklm county, wl'd be In Loub burz on the second Thcrs-lay of Ftlro ary. April, July. IScji'nprr, Octobr aril Ikvesnber.aiid irtnaki ta thre days if uocivsry. tor the purpose I exami- lug a; 4kiui:s in irnji iu the luU hciiooU rf thtf roui.ry. I will also le hi IjouIs'. ur on tAiuaby t each weel arnl all iul.lc ctijs, to attend lo axj busjueaa cotiueclcd wiihmyoce, J. X. IIajs. U, rupt It