.. ? S 4 : Y :.i ! U.T4 OJLT-i-Sf, Editor and Proprietor, - - With JfrjUcc toward none; . If & Charity fur ail. LOU1SBURG, NC., MARCH 2p, 1891. NO 7.. '"'-r- -" ' ' - ' i;-'. ; ' - - """''"7'" Harpqir r;Weekly j TTir rraTin imnTA , "; , Harper's Wee kly ha aeycr failed to jnsti J.' j its title as &. i4ioamai ..of . CivUiaatioB.'' k and it has don so witl a constant tagard "to enlarged posiiibilitiea of jaisefalaess and a f - hi;W staadari t of artistic and literary ,ex " ;: cpllenco. It loA res untouched no important V .; pbass of tlie wo jrld's progress, and presents a record, equal truat-.ortay and mtorest- t'i 4 iji U rthe t najtable evonts, persons - and , ' .; '' achieveaent? oj; oar tiina.,- . ., -) , j I-, ii piicial sapplmedts will, be coaturaed in - 18U2. Tfiey will be literary, scientific, ar- - " tistie, bistonca criwcai, topograpmcai, or dwriptire, as i iceasion may demaud, and will continue to idssarTe the hearty eoihaien- m Nation whicU hss.'boen bestowed on. post is- - r sues by that proali and t he pabno Aa a lam H fore. bedHd mt'a d strict" reginl for-thft qnalitiea that njake it a saw welcoma aud visitor to eycryl BASPB'S WEEK BAKPKB'S BAZAR, HlUPES'll YOTTSO V tided Mates, PERIODICALS. II- . K . ? . If-, i- J. , ? 1 HABPBB'S.S(A0AirE.....-.,.....-.?4 00 '4a iiB ifttbttriber: in. the canasta ana iucxico. ; Th rolaraca. ot tlie Weekly besiu vith tae nutabjirs for June andieeember of eae'u vear. ; lltVhen no time id specified, uleri(tios wilibcia with the unmHer current at the fifme of r&ecjyt of order v it Gitiad "Talmiies of. llArpier's -Wc'ekrv tor thre years baek, ia aeit cloth binding will be sat by mmit, post-paid for 3 00 pr Vtflwiae. Cjioth cases, tor bindm mbU saeb lylbi:l,-usfc-pjiiL v. , Index to H4ipfer':, WwjklVj 'Alphabeti-' al. Analytical, Vnd elafsied," tor" volumes , ,1 tiv70, jnelusivl, frcni June 1350, to June 185, one vol., 8-o, elotli 4 oil , Kemittauees ahoula be made by post- x Highest of all in Leavening Power.i-tatest U. S. Gov't Report O ! J : 1 fv ji new? Address Habpss ; There - re few, if any," men in iablic life at the present timevho do not take it for yraa ted th it'ilis -money to be raised fre sbprrt of ' the govrb nieut should b levied is a duly upon imports.": There w .oaWittirojrerBy be tweca tho Deraocr.ttSc tind Ucpublicnii partie upon the priocipla luv4ved ia the tar'dT. ; Tliese vartiesdiS oalv hi respest. to the object and jxteut f such dutie."' Ills Democrats bild that the duties upoa imports are to le levied with the purpose of steering the siim3 of money ,uetd;4 for the auppcrt of the government; --The EeouLIjcaDg h ld that custom duties thould be laid with the double prposa of r isiug te nou" 1891. ILLfJSTBATED. & BaoTUEsa, New York. idee nioarsy qhlei or draft, to avoid lev for Diiblic -x!ui!itiir4 snd tnr thn eU:uice ut lass, i . j. j. - - Nwpape, lire not to eovytlus advert J...? wuvu Any thzijuitt. pS&ofc the Ttxprps?. o;'dci. 6fJ? S,ves attentioa to these iimpl Jlarner Sf B'romert ' " V statements will sea that al the di -cua- sious which have bt'en h::d io the la t quarter of a ce.ilury upon tariff eo- m have tuited upii tha'siygle' quesikm of the purpe and tlie extent of .(be aj plica tlou of the system, aud no upoa qu stioas of principle. ; if two rogges whcRjId faU cut, audquiirrel-over the question of the purpofe aii3 ext-ut of a Harper's Bazair is a journal for the 'home. Giving t the "latest information with feshtrd 1 1 tiae- luisbiottsr its nuiur- our illustrations!; fasliibu-piates aud pat- ( CfHltoonlated larceny, nn v oae could IKriuwccu kuuuuiinciiw arc iuuiiiui:uuir t . .. . ... tnke to ine uoile tlrcss-muber sua the "" " " professional njpdestc. No ".-sexpeu'B is j condemnation of theft, no dtvo ion t-i goyerunw.nt su.;li be "borne by-all th ness ; or the n srhest orate. Us clever short stories, p ;lr r lays, a.ld tiioa.irlittul essays satisfy aJt Ut'S, ana its lusr. pac W!at islhe differenre between tsxlni a man beeau?e he Is hungry and tixiiu bim until he become .huury ? What is the differeuc. between, taxiug a niau because he is cold and 7 taxing him until he is compelled to get cold f What is the difference between taxing u man's actual tas'es, and taxinz ev erything that - he ubes. to gratify . his tastes ? We impeach, tins .system of tariff taxation of higlTcTiiiiea and mis demeanors, in that it lays heavy bur dens and grievances to be borne upon our sheerest-hainan necessities. Duties npon imparts art fundamen tally Iniquitous be -ause they levy a tax for the support of the government upon cons;imci8,t the exclusion of all other classes. The man who does nut kuow that the consumers of imported good. aud the consumers of the protect eal homeuproducol goods, pay all the taxes the uncounted millions of the reve nuehas not examined the subject, or else he has not enough capacity. to un derstand the most eleruetitary proposi tion in economics. Where does the government get the right to tax one class of frepraen, for the support of the government, an 1 let all othr classes go fn e of taxation ? Do not the most elemental notions f freedoin make it certain that. the. necessary burdens cf But it would be unfair to a6k for the National Baptist what we would not ask for every other religious paper; and therefore It seems very desirable that the "ovtrDroent should subscribe for all rnrious paiws, especially the smaller and fabler ones, since those most need encouragement. Tto Independent and tlie, C'Lttrchman, and the Christian Un ion tan g t along without it. - But ; we would no: ask peeulmr privilege a for the religious iiai ers. "TheConstitutKH knows nothing of religion.' Therefore nil the papers, poIitL-nl,, medical, busi ness the government ought tv sub scribe for f. om ine to twenty thousaod coi'es of caih r.f then.- Jl 0ukl en vour.tao tlie publisher? ,the 'paper- ma kers, the ink makers, the type niaktrs, and would inaugurate an era of pros perity :wh'ch the mind laintly i ndeavors to conceive. ' , There, are a good many unemployed treachers .around. ; Hie government HOW TO GIIOW TOBACCO- Preparing: the lAnd for Plant Bei- ;.' -: '; - tiiisr..: y ' 1 - ... . mi.. ! ing is recommenjed. --Tobacoo land, more than almost any other, should be rnuiunpd with a liberal hand. Stable or barn yard manure ia every way Ihebcut, el R. B. Davia, formerly of bu.1 wLen nol to be had in tuffi rt NC but now of Wil. cient Wntity, must be abstitot- Colonel Hictorr mit r b7 m9 good commercial . fer- , 1A , v ...... tiljxer, of which their are count- cessxui toDacco grower, in tbe state ,e83 varieUe9 p6n the marts tpoa- nve years ago. lie thoroughly un- ftessing more or leaa meritv To- derstands the culture of-tho weed bacco Journal. and.madd money rapidly as planter, llenco wo give this week ! a graphic description from his pen ' on the all important subject of land selection and preparation: lVrtlllxln Vonnj Hants. Ordinarily and after early seed- ICTica Tor Powdering Uto Nea, . Speaking of powder rap recalls the devTora of cror&ea for powder ing their noses. A woman bates ash!nynos?f aod not ercry vo man knows that the hot water wash, and cold rinen will cure this affec tion. So it happens that many women carry concealed somewhere about th?ia a bit of chamois skin, a triabglo of old !dcktag foot or a swan's do:ru puff. It requires considerable art to hide this in tht handkerchief and gnUy. powder the offending feature while fated WvTamAm Mill kA..!M t - I I ft vf 114 wrgiu 10 snow 1 m an opera dot or bail room. uahlfcemplMjihemautta"!afrra:M aDOUl Vn,e ursi o 1 Most any smart woman can da ry branch oundustry should I , r ' , I Marcn, at w hich U so that eve mean addition- aur) Ka ia u.,a'PU Die. Which llPtfim TtlAntintr shnnM I....... . ... I p rity before us all. if the gove.najent !4 l.. ' ..v . - fry iw square yards, snoaid be and with a handle, Lm :iv tinriiv n,i tn hnv t being an adage with good farm-1 ... . QA . . . "anuir 1.: .. it,.i ls r.. ..I. IT i- 1 I I ao . V. t I fist A Litllo GirP llxperlcuce hi a ,L . lilbtlio'iiae. is half worked .n If the land i 4crop properly planted this, borr ere r. The - best powder bought stuffed but th owner rip it open ana remove tLe are well up and have began to filling and haudJe. .Thea she rrow. thftv Brinnlrl h ntiabw1 I ! 1.. 1 j i "4 mow ; I 0 J 1 uiv u 111 povuer uu, iuib new ground, ill nMi--.-:vuhAr Jr.i. , . . should after having been grubbed lui TlTCr i- wrong ..a, onw u.e Kovw i v 1 , ? j V 1 tbe before each successive put it awav In hr card case or and chopped, be raked cleanly and rain MmA . fprfnlt(F .JrrV"? r... . . v 0 -- puiioiur iuiunj use. c w vr nil InnwAa 1 ! i i. I 4 Tl I ;vo auu nucr uuiuu 4b is I it,. . it i . . v I . then readv for the w ftn , K--" leans ncayune. "" I snnrs vtrrii. ttiitm with an nl d wuieU is of i leJl Agent K. O f articles on "11 Jpuzt coajos Liyiiz,".4.ud an is auoU3 as a b id 'tst of wit ami h tubul in its weekly issues eveyrihia.sr is inulud tcest ..ti woiiten. Uariiisf !tii.sBtJ3 will wriisa series iio lions i Ooirfort'iblo' will, treat of vasisitary uCrrtsstiiiZ succession of papro i x.Voilan in arv ap-.l Cliistory," superbly Ht-istr-.jd,' will be furnished bv J). I ue scr:al sttx-ics Will unt an 1 Tiiotna llrdy PEIUOD1CALS. ;n vkak. , .?4 00 or regard for, honesty. 7Le rogecs Pple Irrespective of tlie v Lisses to would -bo agreed that the larccn; wllich they my l?-lmi: ? Ytt this in- siiOidd be coittmitte-'l, however much su Thkopobb t:nt . bs by Waiter III H.lB?i3a's UAZ48. YOnK-3 Votings free United iitatdiy ii The valuniM the first Number tiuie of rvecipt they mifjht.rlidr as to t'te uso o r e made of tue stiden troneilv. or :s to the litnount of nronertv t be t kif, int- tJuit w hic'i ftp: pjirs to bs simple in ac , illustration of the sort we h ,ve men- tioui.-d;. bece'rnes:; misty ' and uncertain iu t -e d:s-vusslbt'iS of questions of put .lie rli.'y-. It ; ntay eta rtfc-r soTne - of nr Democratic friends: to tell -then tluit ""'"I4 ylj j th:re is i;o differenVe,-iu prin iple, be-. I..! '....,.......k!..r.'..i!s4 09 1 tw.eeiV: their 'tiriff. not ous and policy ipSOPLB.........:..., 42 0(1 i - ,.P,,. i,vi.: .,.. "!..- v all tribsen'?rts in the j 1 foiuOa aad Mexico. : ai t e tbem iis it may, the truth must I he tld. ;Th re is t-.o d.ff- rent e in p- n- 1 t.ii uazea oogins with ..h-le !..t-t,eii a bv laiil' nurl a l.i.rl Mr and Mrs. Lot era Trescott are keepers of tne Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach, Mich., and are blessed with a cimghnr. j.w.jear. old. Utt Apr. Bhould be closely broken -twice 'I 'Vu'L J rV l.vT tT' she was taken d wn with measlrs. fol- , . ......... quantity of damp earth. Tho lowed i'th a dresriful eoUjjh and turn- anQ CrOBSWlSe Wltn tne DUII-tOngUe f-rtniW srmnlrl nr l .nnli iiijr. into.H fever. Doctors at home nd J in horizontal rows three feet apart, I l;u 4 at Detroit treate.1 he, bnt in vaiu, she iUtft .wirl 1- IHftnr. W.h.Ul.he pl"t8 . WCt Wlth POISON LN COSMETICS. grew worse -rapidly,- until she was , .uu, uiiuhi either dew or rain. Cor fear of scald- ihto which should be drilled 300 nere -nai u.ut oi, Doe." Tlien sue puuuuo iwr c-, uuieus wnere me I tu n 1 tr ed D King's New D scovery and af- land is naturall v rich 'of a pood T r7 , , " . . b terUieuseof twoandaliaifbotUesw.s ' natora-iy ncti, 01 a good gra should hftnd picked oflr completely cured. Thy eay Dr. Bull's ana CUVB IC" 11 " " "en tvA u-a rni Af Cough Syrup is -worth its wtiht ia ready to be listed or bedded, with U.-.v .vu t. " ., 1 - vvr.v goki, yet you can get a free trial boltk. atnrnin nlow I rPfpr . li-r ptrrmBuenuy Madame PifTypaffy adTertisea her at Louiebnrg drugstores. , D.1g.P.. . Pfefer the hak removed nntU the plants are near- L . , ' . ftiuwiniuuicusiue uoe worK OI u avm iK aA t. t,i.i we-- .Wl-WUUU, VWUi One disa-rei-ahle thtntj about posts-e hilling, and is at the same time a It seems to be the fashion with young ladies with pimples and blotches on ther feces to make ex periments with Tarious cosmetics. stamps is ihat4hey ar apt to get stuck ou tliemscivcs Leader. more economical use of the fertili zer the balks between can be Tki,1s Backwad''ist.h.itk' ofa thrown our at the first weeding.! bonk doling with events of the future. .t--u i j , .. I tfy.u puffer fiomcainrrh. von ran look With a broad weeding ho these! forward to a speedy cure by using Old I lists or beds should now bo work- ly large cnoogh to set, but should then be, in order to toughen them. Careful Ilandlin; Plants. Our farmer friends should re- posed of a combination of poison ous mineral substances that dead en and burn the delicate substance of theskin. There are no complex ions like those that nature give. f ord. lor Janunry f euefi vciirt ! r . , When no time i-Jjincutioued, a't?riptius 1 ia,'''"' ,t;cPt,a Omereuc.ti negrce. II will oeffin ;th' !jhe n'uniber current stl-the li-iniblican tariff do'! lev Is an inio- - a tf -t. j tiiiy, then tLe Demx"ratic is oul-' a lesser iuiqui:y. The o;.e is a tar ff with pro- e :tion as the end and r. Bound Volumis of ; Harper's B zar for three years harts au ne it cloui. tundini;. taiiii' policy will be sent by is express, free of freight does hot voiumc), for $7 U per year. iail,. postage paid, or by expense ipfovicUd the exceea one 'uoiiar uer l loth Cases foi forJbi tiding, will paid, ou receipt Jtetuittiince sh f each volunift, suitable tbe sent by mail, post-. W$1.00 eacn. bald be made bv Pcst-Of- revenue as toe tnc-dc'-it; t!;e. - thct is a tariff -with revenue as the ed and pro-: tecti:-n as the iucident. - , ; W4 dare to uiniutaia the thesis that fiee Money. Ordter or" iJraft, . to avoid any. system, of tlutes '. viou Imports is chaoca otioss. . rtl. , based upon afaudameut-:l .a:ouity. iMiriii:iltra i.r lint tn cnnr t.fno - ilrir. . 1 . : - - . tisemeat withoul the -exjrs3 order of I z Pu83,l)on imports- are fundamen UaaPKBABKO-rijEas. - - - tal iniquitous, because they hinder the K HARPER . IIOITE AN z CalsominintJ ing a specialty, teed, Lienve ow U . cockcVdrui? stb tied J.'T.-Weldod Siiney Diokersoij; wilt sell at publK) fitmops system vomcs iu. and "with an -npndent effruntery dutt our.t to set the blood of f. eamen to, lioiliug, tells Tbe consumers, that Uiey must not onlv pay all the 'taxes-neuessary- to rui'porl the gocernmcnt, but they must: pay tribute to the manufactuiers at home j When we 1 ok at the iniquity of this' gystcui we find it very hard to look up ou the m m wi-.o deliberately advocates itstontiou tnce as beir:g antbiiig .lse than a th'.ef. Ignoraut or roguish In must be. It is little matter to us, .that great names io th!s, and bi other couu-tri'-s, may.be brought forward to sup- poit iiud perjietuate this infamy. Th-; thio- is Avr.n eternally, and essen tiiiliy wronpr and great, names count tor u th iig good whea they ar used to bo-stera-wrong. - The reasoti's we have uow g.ven make it certain that the Systran f Uiff taxa tion is a plain iniquity. WeJdia 1 take up, nt another tim, the qua tion as t what sypt-m'of taxation can be sub- stiiuted fjr this abomiaatioa, with eh- tire fairnes3 to a'A cUsses. Iogrcsfcive Faimer. . bauis CHtrriH.nre. rrice 25 cts. I ,i i.;n. i. : v 1-4.4.--.t. 1....; TJiu'lftnic af Mr.tV.ar.;n . ...4 Tji-i. .4 i n 14 I WVA vwuiws uir, I'loviug luciu 1 memDer mai notning pays Detier 1 u..6.uvmu6 - - . . . m-.-. ... .v v. I'l t - I II r 4 or 1 4 T at . 1 . . . . ... . . I, . I t . . . . mit them to-sufi'r wth coik. flitulcncp l. incnPB aparu x Know mat i than carelul handling of tobacco. J neaiin gifing etiecu oi fcwitt etc.. when Dr. Du'.rs Bnhy Syrup wiU mauy recommend, more crowded Work with the leaf only when it Specific (8 S. S ) permit nature tliWcf l--.i,.r. lh-m IS emili I i .. ... !. . - - l . - - ' v ...... . , TMnnnnfr sipmcriha rrm hill. - . i .. . .1 l . . T . . . r.. l 4 1. . 4 , - - I f IT 7 . " IU 6WU vtu' AttCrwiul lua4 to work his will in this respect, as -Ambition is a sn? r wl h widch we l oly three feet, But in doing so every leaf goes in the right branch. t , . , , . . .. mnstwalkairefuiIr,iir,edu-twantto nothing in my opinion" is cained A bar b-af in rood narl fif 4DOUSna8 01 ,Aa,e5 Dolb Joan? in weight, while something is lost leaves often reduces tho whole to ana 0Id bT0 diacorered. in length, breadth and body of the the level of the inferior. Let the Tto cheapest and most beautiful leaf, which with the manufacturer leaves bo of uniform length and complexion depends on health and are tho primo requisites. The hills of one grade gd together. Here is . . ... lv.!a t -ru 4 ... wide room for error and needs v,gr' ns me oice of Swifta vr - "-"6 -y careful watchin in wranniu- the enccific fS. S. R. tn w,w.n,t a a a - o "fcs m 1 . a . l I w & BitOTHEUS, ; " T Ivfw ork. I free tnLercourse of iTeoplf wi h p ople. Ci vilization make a pivgf eS3 main ly b y' business contact of country with coun try.' -'The superior elements 'in the civ- dizatioh of any country will rausmit tliemselves most '-rapidly to a les fe vored people and country through the business intercourse e4hpse countries. Any -system, therefore, - which limits ORNAMENTAL - bsiGJST PAINTER. .lmng, p?aior pain t- natista ction guaraa ers at Thomas Ay-: i the intercourse of country ; with coun try, must hinder the civilization and progress of- the !i-s f ivored "''country. By virtue of th I antlioiity- ulven liJe itfH Th:&rgument inay appear to som to an order of Franlilin'Swperior Court uaJe be Eutopian aiid far-fe'ched.: - We dt ; by B. li.'llassenbjiire, Ulerk. in this pee- : . ' ,- .' Hi proceeding tolimnk land assets eatl eeehowit can weUppear other- i adtfiiuisirator; etc; . 8. fv.et.-, at , heirs-at-law 1 auction to the bisliest bidder at the Court House door in Louis- iur, i, c;., on a sonoay, the otu aay ot Aprjl fet'iito'eloe 'ta it,!befh1; the!,firs Hnday in th ia iuth,,th9 following "id e erlbed tracl pf 'p iircel .f lahdrjsitaated ii ih township o layesville, ia iVanklin ' . tsottuty. aud bpBrtiea as follows: Qa? .th , . a. " . ... J wii. ; ..., .. i r . ' V UVIU Oil U W ulie Ureeit, on f the East ' by lands -of on the'Mdntiiby lands in ihe West by lands of iainins about 50 acres. f 5 cash,-' balance at 8 o '.,-'; Charlie (toodson, . of Brock Cheek, i ', ; Itobt. Harris, eon Terms- of sale i - months time, deferred payment ta be evi denced by note bt ff..,:.m Ironi day ji sa purchase money, ih paid; yp.:, iiti. i.4 This 14Ui day i V - (,. . AO ariotr 8 pe-r cent, inter e, and title retained till rebrirary, l$91v ' .ommis8ioner:' v. 8 P 4 PIECES ChV.UGiC. x o any one senainj i Macazimk -will be sei vocrippum. The per Vear. Each iz&ue complete stories, corj puzzles, jokes, hints oesc oi music evenings. - TK!jrw 64pfres 259 300,000 wtU : plete stories, and vo tne latter is worth a) :or only Ten Cents I his oner is made to tnaI.inowitijrvfuH -i i in A-t. .i.. w. . it for four weeks as a ft-a egular price isiour dollars liontains from ten to- fi fteea llments on current events, or the hnovhnlH. and th mnS7Iist ifr th5n' toT lo8 winter mu yon get in fourcopiasl Itrmns o? readings matter CmprisSJg over BO com lal and insunmental mnrac, least titty cents,) and d ( It entiru win ty4.. w.A f Ws offer is made to fliet yon to give the paper a vii taac you wtu become pettaaaent subscrtberli. A' d 5W3lr WABAIlK,'" Box lh, -- w .-w ims . jac.--r--h pa Evt ryone who h is Once usotl Dr Bull's though Syrup mviuiahly resorts tq it ag.iiu tor coals, etc. " . -0 "When vice pievais and impious men bear sway.", ' When "cuts," sprains. ai;d bruis-. s torment nil the dy; then ea?e trom p -in tram care aud hurt are sent. by great Salvat.Ou Oil, the stand ard liniment. .- - - The CJoyeruincht Dlirkct. wvf-e to tnose narrow, versons w ho coiumit themselves to the collectins of revenues by customs duties. But the pjgress pf.tnea in -tlie- line of ytlmse achievem en ts .whicli add to the sum f of oof. virtues,-aiid enlarge the exttct of our lowers iover tde rtra'actory torcea'oi. nature, and 'increase, tlie sum of our happincssfand broaach our sympathies and quicker our aspirations, is certaiu ly ii-OtouuworthyJ of the; ttetou ; of statesmen .i; We make no doubt -at all that the Decalogue! tself seerus Eu iopi an and impracticable to the inatf -wh sees anything but a fundamental wrouj. in any taiiff system of the past, of . of Ihe prrt:i.- Duties upon Imports are fundamen tally X iniqaii.ous-because-.. they - levyJ a burdensome tat" upon 'our. human ne cessUies.1 the city of Raleigh should tax the daily hun-cr of-ils 'citizens : to supf'brnhe municipal government in a 8tyleof extra valance 'andwaste, ; the people of ; this quiet and - pencf ful ; old town would burl ' the city; government but of both power and life in loss time tlian a week. But what is . tlie differ-1 ence in levying a tax npon actual hun ger .aad actual nakedness, ami levying a tax u ixn the thiurs that are hecesa-' ry to safcisiy lunger ' and cover aked- Under tha "new Silver, bill, it is pro posed that the government ehould - buy all the silver that anybody. has .for s!e, whether produced iu Amirica or else where, and should pay.JTorjit about.25 per cent, more than anybody e sc would pa for it; Of course,' this ' is done in order to encourage the mineis who are produvingthe. silver- Dut why make a distinction in. ivor of tht.8e'."who .constitute but a very small majority of the. producers iu "the country? Why not have the govern tneut buy all the iron, and the lead, and tne copper ana tne coat mat can e m hed ' AVliy not have " the : govern mt:i.t:aid the hard handed at d deserving fanper by .buying- all -his; potatoes and "ill his lifctf? If ;the potatoes and the beef should come to grief on the bands j jfthe government, why:the govern ment is able ,(o stand it; ai d It is al the Aietler for the farmer, wha thereup on can produce soiu.-ir.oie tar the came benevolent purchaser. : f By the same- tokeu, the govemment shou'd buy al tire cc al, all the lumber, all the hard ware, all the shoes and stockings that can b4 purchased. ;;; But t!:s is only the beginning. It Is very desirable that the newspaper in terests should be protected and encour- aged. i The 5 ycrnmen t ought,, by al means, -to at once subscribe icr tcu th tisaud cop es of the National Bap- ti&U whicK t o d 'ubt, the euterprising trip. Tim b'iit -it:i. Perhars y n r r.m dotvn. can't eat an't sleep, c-an't t ink, isn't do anv thina lo vour safisfliciion. and vou wrn der what ail yo i. You should heed i. -. :. .... xi . I bv Rtennini? or otherivisA mnsanr. I !-- v 1 i . . . : v. niuuii,. J'l U.K 1(1- III" mc 11191 I - " I CUUaUICOVU WU4bU, BCD 44I 4 . 0 I . .1 1 lit 4 . If . . siep Into Dtirvotu niostration. Yon ine one row. and then niacin the ...nfi irith rit rirs. Tbe hinta ,wuw aim ntaiia n sysiem, .r'!.r',? lIiH B,1u hills of the next between those of mty seem small and of little worth and m this way to give' luiter to wtor-inr yr.r nervnu' systeM tb its the first, and so on, or what is call- b,ut long experience teaches that th9 ojes anJ roses to tb9 K ll: eddodging them. To prevent crowd rZ? Xt ...... . ... ... tr ... I ino nr lrTPOTilsritv in hillinif lhil . i - 1 t. -v I Lrtlrtrpn I.rv Faj Pifrhiv P4mi luuiu end niu-rauve. xour nppeiite re- o j ........ " sua oi ine pianiera cufck. 1 es, i w j i.w..wi avt i. . .. . -1 . r . .1 i ni' . . I. . .. ... I - . iriiK, go'ni cijicss oo is restored-, fino i ruie win do iounu oi - use wnere l planters, careiui nauaung pays,i .,, . the hver and kidney resume healthy ro v.-j0 ora arnnAA I and navii well. Southern Tobacco TUldrtrt CfY tCf RtcherS CtStSfll. ...l..v- ri... . L.nl. rr - . 1 - M" M v v iu y vu. 1 I J I - . av-w.Mi. lit n ituklic. - irrico OU CCD IS I I T " journal. at Louisburg drug stores. - I The hill culture, both m the preparation and the subsequent A man never gets so poor, tl at be working of the tobacco cron. should . ti.. i - can't borrow trouble withont'securi'y BUCKLEY'S ARNICA SAIVB. The best save in the world for cbts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum. fever sores. . tetter, channed hand-: ohildlalns, corns and all skin eruptions tnI positively cure piles, oi no ' pav required. It is ; guaranteed to sive perfect satisfaction, or ruonoj; rcfuml ed. . Price 2" cents per box. ? Jtor sale iy Liouisburx Drugstores. Given a few'themksls. a ."rountrr- feiter can always raise a dol ar; " : ' ' '.- - .' .. '" ' - i; - .' ' When Baby was. sick, w gavshsr Cwtorio.; r - f When shs was a Chfld, sha cried for Castor! a. . When th. becams Miss, sh clunf to Csstorlm. When she had Children, she xae thm Castorlik. A man who is up to snuff iai't to be suetzed aC ' ' - j ; . - ' Sweet ct Bast II ' Ths Leading T23S.3Xr2IE. fngnattt letting? Price 23 CU. I Sold st Dn-mdst-L eCvm Liter Cmplulat, CottMKCM, tlllOM Afactioms, 6i4lit9, - SfrugglttM. ptJli' i Sit ' i r . lr ' J-;V J K i' mimi Cis. &oii bjf ctff dniggktu ETjIJ reliera Chsumaiisa, ffearaf ja, SxctlingsfiruixB3,Lumbago?rziaz. Headache, Toothachs, Ccros, Bur.7. and large-hearted publisher wudd te CflB, Scafds, Lackachd, tounc!3,CiC. wjlli ! to put at holesale rate. tt.tr" lCt- - rtVCS. 7 Crtnt Tobacco Aim bntU MUJ'-f'f Id Ct. MtA drugs' never be departed from, for the reason that the method of cultiva tion gives the land the best drain age of which it is capable. And in this crop drainage is ono of the Watch the IMaut Bed. Watch the plant bed. ; This lit. tie sentence might be repeated on ChUdVcn Cry fcr Pitcher's Csststh GOOD XATUKED ADVERTISING. . The merchant or business man in any line who desires to' reach every pago. So important it is the public, at.d profit in doing so. that tlie farmers bear it in mind. finest things to be considered, for WMlo the planU .coming up iiwusuoui aiseases are young they need every at to which the plant iliable-such tention. , Sc0 that tho littlo inaccU . f .1. : .-. 4 : 4 4 ?a ueuwiuB. iuuis, BiWu,nB, rust- ftfe dojn dkmi: Watch the mg and shedding comes from ex should give his announcements and invitations a cnial. frank and good natured cast. Tha ad vertisement that b ars 9a its sur face the indications of a'disordor ed livor does not attract. It repels are doing no damagoi cn.nvLi!. and be anra that no creak 1 . 1 t 1 chxhivh rain, accomnanipn itv f-r- . ...... . B i V 7 .1 is maaa m 11, mua exposing me and instead of do ng the wriUr nosaivfl hair 1 ha crfnrfli rf IkAl .. . - I O ... i "Vi u 14 r T nder plant. Be sure that frost g0od, it injures him aad drirea plantitself would suggest as much, fiuda no Wfty to the tender u eUhcT Tba . for m, time; of drouth the Remembe'r that upon -the care of who smiles through his announce- leaves Btand up to gather the rain lhe8e plaat8 y0ur crop depends, ments and over hi. counter makes but so soon as it; has enough of it So watch lhe laut contina. frieuda -d , . - they turn down to throw tt off. I oa8Jy. ; .. . way but once," and people turn "M-'-iW ' Have your land well prepared, aside and ply g. money to meet fclwUii"' Kv. A crop wWl started is hall made. a warm han clasp and a smile """"5 m w uuuoua ew.y H9 Rememeber this. Don't be afraid to April or May; and schould be al- put in pienr 0( home fertilixer, t 41 1 fJ . l For nausea lay a little pounded ice on tboback of the neck. and buy as little foreigh as possi ble. V Bv all means dn't buv it on rrsrlit. .nntAnt thoM hints m.l I - Wet tobacco will reliefe bee or . il ' " i 4 t, i wasp stings. - - i -. paste them in your pocket book. - . . . ... It will do you good to remember .rnPnftT-rfl!.f:. hfn:Mv.. ish and apply as a poultice to the wriit. The First Tar and Feathers. ways when the soil is in good work. ing order and neither . too wet or too dry. - In the one case it- will break and prevent the ready growth of the plant and in the oth er it will require much4 rain lo put J them. it in condition for planting. - If the land is not new. ground, either forest or pine field, it should be ' fresh or at least rested and in poorl heart .and n nou which neither 1 Once upon a time Charles the o ,. I . . - corn nor sorghrum has been lately j sixth, of France, gave a. masque- rvnrp- . "Fur snr.h land thn nrpn. 1 rade ball, aud he and five of his C ApriL July. fet-t-ircr. October aratioa is in .11 r-.pect, .imil.r courtier, toot the part of .atjr.. S. to that of newrouud except that J Io do th.s artistically they were J leg a,-pi-am$ io tu.b in tU laU rcituu miun county, i wiij Lm t la Loclsl.&n 00 ttunl.y of each wk, ail alt pub'.i- dip, to attcrd to " any busicese coucectrd with my oSc. . . .. J. X. II-iKj(ia, iof4. TO 1'L'BLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS The Sapcrlntcndtt.t of Pnbllc schools of Fnuiklui ccuuly, will te la Loci- burg oa tbc second TriurK sy U FeLru- a turning plow may take the place clothed , in looso liacu habits bc of a bull-tongue, and the hilling smtared w.th rosin and than stuck should not be-done : earlier than all over with down. One of the the' first of May for fear that the company, in a frolic, lighted ouo hills may become grassy whPe of the satyres with a torch and as waiting for plants or a season to a consequence four of them were plant .them. To preserve such burned to deaths This is suppos- land aud to prevent damages to ed to be the origin of the tar and the growing "crops from washing feather c us torn.- Philadelphia rains, water-furrowing or gutter- Prers. 1 C tLr" - - . iii.-. v. .4 m rM ,-. r r 1 . . . - .. . . i t , -- f - - h . r. V I -I" ii -. A fSTTJ ZT' """" r, r - " rim'i'.r'iiriLi..1. 4 t IKINIU-i till, un mm ' ' - limb4 i-, rvkll..--, f