A. THOMAS, E Jtifor and Proprietor. With Malice toward uoue; If ith Charity for all. LOUISBURGN.iC, MARCH 27, 1891. KO 8 1S91. Harp er's - -Wfeekly . Harpar'u Weekly has nev tr failed to justi f Civilisation instant regard isefulnees and a fj-lt title hb a "Joornal nd it baa dune bo with a tq ealarged tioIbibJlrtieof " hhrher stauuurd of artistic ind literary ex ceUence. It leaves Tintouchlsd do important phase of the world's pi-orrctw. and presents a record, equally trust yornly and fnteret- lnz, of the not-able efenfl achievements of onr time Special supplementrfVill 1te continued in 18D2. Tfiey will be literanf, ; scientific-, ar- tistic, histDrieal, critical, tq pographical, or descriptive, as occasion ma will continue to deserve tU4 j aeinana, ana learty co mmen- datioa which has been best iwed on past is- Biies by the press and the public, t As afam fly journal. Harper's Weekl t wiJlv asnereXo- fore, be edited with a strict regard tor -tha ie .welcome and qualities that make-it a sal i visitor to every uome. IIARPER'S PERfCHDICALS. PKR TBAR3 HARPER'S MA0ASlNB.......'.....i'......1.......4 00 BlirSB't WKKKLY ii 4 00 RAttPES'S BAJA.B 4 00 nilpvR'8 YOVNO PK0PLK..l 4 00 , tosttujc free to ail stutic-ibr w tkt United State, Canal n i The volumes of the AVe-skiy bestn wiiii the num Iters tor Jun aud December of each year, V hen no time m specified, 8ulscri)citn3 will begin wiith the nniaer current at t'le time of recdi.pt of order. Uoud volumes - ocusriivf a Heekly tor three years backria neut cloth hhidinsr will oe-sent by mail, postjpaia tor '3 w pr volume, l.lotn eases, uor Dinamff. oo cat each nv wa.L post-imid Index to lUrper's WetiKly, A.lphbti- . ..... i . . ... enl, Analytical, aud classi ti, for volumes 1 to (Q. mclHsive. from ji tc ISoO, to Jane I.SS3. one vol., 8v, eloth wt oo lieioittHiiccs should be made byposVs ofaee uioucv srdei or d ait. to avoid chance of loss. ' . Newspapers are not to i-opy this adeer- ttstmeia vntnoxt Vie exk Tftsff o; der of Hrpcr Sf.Bi-otkers Address Hxapfia &, BaoTHflRS, New York. 1391. Harper b Bazar ILLUSTRA' s tlarpef's Basar is a j mrwd for the home. Giving the latejtt iaformatioo with regard t the Fashirins, its -titt:nr our iHustrations, fasiiiou-jtlatss-. and . oat teriu-sheets suppleitteuts ue iinlispensihlc alike to the home vlrcss-jJiaker and the professional . lOiid-cste. il apared in inakin? is arts o expense is Stic utrractive- ness or the lushest oriil er. Its. clfve short stories, paritir'clays a iid thuughUuI essays satisfy alt tastes, aWd its last, page is f.'.m oils as a-bvdjcl of wit and humor, In its weekly issues eveyrlhin is includ- e.l winch is of interest to toinen.. Diiri;ig 191 ArtMit R. OiiMsaiiE w 11 write a scries of articles on "Tiie ilous ; Con-fortablf," JlILIKT Corson will trea of f,i3aRitat-y r snccessiuu ol r. i i . - . , Living," and wa ruterestin Dalr i oman id an, -suirtrbly illastrated, iU lj ian:i nisir, ie. furnished bv Tui4D)aK C'KIKD. The Mjr:.fil stojies will btf by vratteriJj.Siiiit-an I jTuomai Hardy HARPEH'3 PEUI PKR VEAll BAUPEX'a BAZA. ...... Ji...... oo ' MAGAZINE.......... . " WKEK1.Y. ............. " Y0CKQ: PBO?LB..i . .. :.?4 00 .....T.?4 00 Vostaps frc. to ail sub United States, Canada at cribers in the I Mexico he volumes of the liii ia begins with ry of each year. i, subscriptions the first Number for Janus! When no time is nientioiitj will oegiu with tho ntin er current at tiniij of receipt f ordjr... Bound Volumes of Har itr's liaur (or thrte veais back, in ne:tt cloth binding, will b sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense freight does not exceed (provided the ne uwilar .per vulume), for 57 CO ier yea Cloth f ases tor eacli v for binding, ill be sent paid, on receipt of $1.00 e ilume. mittable by mail, post- cli lteuuttauce stioulu 01 u ijtde by PesfeOt- fire Money Order Or chance of los.-?. - Ilraft, to avoid Newspapers are not to cd y this adver- tieineat wuuout the ex IIaupek 4 Brothers. . address jress order- 01 H AliPEil & BrtdniERS, New York. Jft.TYLiftt, FAHCY;MAENTAL HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER Calsomioiug, arainingis parlor pain t- inr a specialty. ; - Satisflictioii ; guaran teed, Leve orders at Thomas & Ay cocke's drug ftore. - - XOTICEJ Bv virtue of the power co iferred upon me in an order of Franklin SapriorCourt made onthel6t.U day of March 1891 .br-B- B. Masaenbnrir Clerk, sin the Uuecial proceed- iDgs to sell land for division): among theteu- antu in common entitled Wj:, 8. Farter and wife. Lncv A Parker and dthers." expartk I will sell on Monday, the flitn day of . May 1891, at 1 o'clock at tbe Cdiurt Honsedoor r . n ft . -T i lu liUUUHJur;, n. v., ujc iviiuniu Twunuie town property to-witr Thii house and lot on the corner of Maine andranklin streets in the town 'of oaisbtira; adjoining: the property of . Mm. i Mary North, Mrs. A.? Mi Hll n ihe East, Frank- lin street on the sonta, and Main street on the West, containing of iiu nere, mora or less, and known as the ArendeQ Home bah,- balance ia Place. Terms t saler V4 . one and two years, with interest at . 8 per cent, per annum, from day if sale, to bo evi- denced by notes. .Title retmined until pur chase money is'paid in full.J'i " ' - '; . .- This 17tU day ot aiarcn Jy.u. ; -. -v- F. S. SPB0H-C "i M4 PIECES OFf.lUSIfi To sbt one sending 10 cen t the wavxxuy Magazine will be sent for Ion i weeks as a trial tubtcriptitm. The regular prifee is four dollars per year. Each issue contains ft 3m ten to fifteen complete stones, comments mi current events, vnzzles. jokes, hints for the hooaehold.ad the Mat of music -iut. the thin for long winter eva&ings. YK I It S what yoa m four copies I O 4 vages-. o o columns ot (feaoing rnntter 300.0QO words comprisini! over gO com- ' i Hthe latter is worth at least fifty cents,) and all iroromy len Centst Ul conni you understand f tins oiler is made to get you to) give the paper a .uuwtyy mi, wcu uu irvw wlu none permanent subscribers. - ii - ; - Addrea. WAYSBLET UaBME Bo !. Jummissioner. : iiirymoisiid Mi - Highest of all in Leavening, Power. Ye reatf a very intereRting article in jhe Lj'nclitmrg Advance a ft-w d;y ago upon thiji subject. Our cooteioiiorary was vommcntiug upon wJat aa;otator had. said in Washington,' tlia when- the Agitation of woman's work waVbegUii Forty years a.o, ouly half a dozen voca- t'-o..s were ojen lo woman, now ; there ar about three huudivdTh, Advance went on to say lhat if this expansion of the sphere of activity for woman has beeii bniht about.by jactation, then we are free to adua t that the agitation has Jitue valuable, very valuable work .tu4 v?e would say, so- ot!;with the agi laUou ou til, eveu greater good be ao vooiplished. livery tU iOghiful-man must rjoide that oppoituniUes ofuseul-.iess .nd of se'f-supjjort are continually opening to woinaii. Who, has not ssen irls br ught up hi idleness aud Iv-lplessness niar-yhi; worthless "fellow simply be c.vuse threbno vocation opei. to t'em l(j Wich they can "earn arr honest liv ing, at.d they have come to-iocl that matrimony is the cud anila ru of a wo ra;iQs existence? Th?s seuli.deut is dci? .ding to t!-.e sex a id tends to de stroy self-respect. It is an undeniable f:tt t that wonit-n are paid smaller waes than ruen ftr the saui wtrk. Why this 1 discrepancy ?' It would seem to be the d ttate of common iustice t""at iqn:il Service should.receive equal reward a d if a wr-man docs the work :s" Well1 as a man si. e ought to receive the same compensation. The only t-xphiuaiion that ,vcurs to us is, that hitherto bo f w modes 6rirniiij a :ivclihoU Itive iiee: open to the gentler sex, that those voca'ions have becu ov r t-rowded and the fieice comp';!ili-m brings down the pri- e of labr. . For .that reasou it is the cause of ejokiug when new avenues to inJ peudeiicc are ? opened - and the pressure of coaipe4t:on is relieved. I'her are main thing.- th t a' woman cjtn do as well a a man - Whcnever-j tiueness of touch delicacy of execution I aud "scrupulous honesty m details are wantfd. there woiU!us: work en be ma!e aViiilab'e. " It is our "experieoce that women have a h a' erseuse of hon esty th ai the average man. They will tlu rcfure not Le so apt 10 learu the d p honest 't cks of trade for the purjose oi' defrauding employers or cuIomers She ought rather to be rncou aged and f eapected tor her independence of rspirit, and her valuable com ributious to the welfare of tlie communii v. The true doc rine is hat a woman, like a mao, should be esteemed Tor -what she is, aud not be estimated -by any falia- c'wus con veu tioatl ftT-dard.';" The anuojance occasionHl by the coutiuual crying of lUe baliy, at oiute leases wbrtii tlie cauc is promptly re mcved by Dr. Bull's' Baby Syrup.. l One of the most popular, h niseho'd remedies is 0,d Saul's- Catarrh Cure. Pit e only 25 cent-. T v - SEN ATO ii PAL. It Eli. Befie voting for Senator Palmer. Messrs. Moore and Cockrell, the A1U- a;ice members, of the Illinois Legisla ture, called ou the old , hero and a-ked bim what pledge s, if any, be could make id them. Lie replied that he had no pledge's to makeTtrat he was a Demo crat and the" people nf Illinois . kuew w,here he stod on all public questions because he had .xlimkiseed ' tnerr all fori th stump in ' the .campaign ef 1890. ,! Beyond thAt,he.said. 1 will make no pledges,( for I do not w!sh to go to hell by way f the Senate.' It is no wonder tli:it Mr; Moore sp ke of f uch' a matf as tliatjvsarf honest man; -H-stands in sir ii g contrast to tis com": netitor. vMr Street en - biree ter , i Taubeu. tk Jiave come out U a card am.' Corkrcll rsbld 'out the Alliance. 'They -r. taim that Strceter-would have received ': 'i e Republican : yoc, having' 'gone 10 them and pl dg d hiruselt in tbeibllttw ". iug manuer -He promised that 4side K frpni .the ; economic priui-iples" of the 'Ailia6ceTsaiiaaliou,;he'."woull stand by those; who have stood .r y us,(mcan the lVpublicanVC) I will vote1 with bur Republican friends on all other t-ar-tjnisues,' 'It would .be ungrateful for me to do otherwise. r "' . My larifl viewsare nearly " in har tpony ; with.;"those of the. Republican ';Ctr:fy. ; A felMy experience has made me kuow latest U. S. Gov't Report. n o lhatia tBiietities thcre is TJted.of law to protecfthe people in their right to a free ballot and a fair c-unt. 1 would be glad to support aay reasona ble measure to that cud.' ' c-: .1.:, i 1, .1 i J 1 . . ? A, 1. J himself f6 such measures astheMcKin-l ley tar'fT bill and force bill, the South em. Aluancemea cannot but rejoice that he was defeated by; as g'orious .'a Democrat as Geueral ltTm. r. Ex. Uiave been a suff rer from rheuma" Usm fiji- years and have been unable to obtain auy-reli. f at all i Salvation Oil g ive me eulLe relief and I heartily Ttc oinmtnd it. j J Henry WikkeIi. -liallimor , Md , What so wonderful as a severe t oujih cured by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for 23 cents. Try it . . The Platform of 1890. We refer to the platform adopted by the State Democracy fast Fall. There ivere two elements iu the couvent on one, the members" of the AUlancf, the other. composed cf ihose who were not , p , . , uk-uio." ton was free from fiction. Its proceed- ings wtre harmonious. JThe-principles j tliouVht t. b natr oti and w s ivr iucQ- ftorated in a platform, which a submitted and adopted without a dir- seutmg vote. The candidates -were 110m nateel at-d elected upon; this ilt;t :orm. tui-h as were- elected , to the General AssemUy' have j been to the Capit 1, aud, iu legislating, wereg ide l by thei.- plaT rm, ihe demand - 01' which, it is believed, are the demands of the best in tei est of the Sla te. Our l-'gislatois h.ivc now gone home. Wliat they did was done by the accred i led agents of the Democratic par;y. T.;e merit and responsibility alike fol lows th it 1 at ty." It must assume both, and it does assume -both, aud is willing to o Ihe country on the record. Such is thes'.utus. of the Dea.ocmtic party hi North Carolina. There is n t a lr-ak iu the Hue. There U uot a hostile ele ment. All is Unity, harmony and de termination. The eye is to the front. The ; arty is ready for the great strug gle hi 1892. It is well organized, and will enter that struggle with vn banner high advanced -and- victory written on it. There :s no truth, not one word, in ri. Th f:,rn,pr. . lnai.,..R nl A kSi vr n vnsjC? . . , - ... '. : I how blow, so mig'itv slow are our d- o the rofessional men will meet here ia . . ' uut r nnrtnn ,,Pvt vr. ti.pv wni p,. " j J i .r -ii t i i hange views, a pUtforni will be adopt- !v u, .i . i...-:. n .i ed suitable and pleasiug to all, and the usual Democratic, victory will be woo again. - .-. . - - - - orth Caroiuiians are not grumblers. They aro above anything' of the kind. Tisey look to the general good, not o nHvSlii'il l.mfit- our) tliov lrimiv thai: . ... . 1 u i in ntiifh rrrxvi thrn mnst ha tnm haiL Tntirurpn. nr - ' PLAIN SALT. r some of the vauiotT3 USES . to WFTTf-rr it mAy ke APPLicn. Good Houaekeepins. vor weak eve. a wash of we .k salt a. d wafer"w.tl prove of-! much benefit,- Salt and water, quite strong, and used persisteotly for a :lime, will pre vent the hair from falling out. A leaspoonful of salt diss- J vedln one- half glass f water is exceileut to allay nausea in sick headaches. ; ;. 5 . -3 "TorieUeve- heartburn drink a ball tninblerful of f COM water 111 Which baS hi-en dissolved a tabl8poonful of. salt. When wipiujr up the floor befm-e put- li -g the carpet down, sprinkle it all over i wnli s:ilt,.wiile damp; this1 wilLgroatly prevent ino;hs. For stings or bites from any kind off l. uisect, apply . dampened salt,, bound . an usually cue very quickly Salt as a tooth-powder i better than almost auy other dentifrice. - It keeps the teeth very white, the gums hardaand roy,and breath fresh. ' ; If the' throat is very sore wring a cloth but of cold i salt' and water an t bi .d it on the throat tightly when going to bed; cover it with a dry toweL This is '. excellen U .1 ; K" f -ft T: ,; C ;'" - Tor ueuralgiarmake a' small "muslin bag. fill it wit h'" salt, hear it very hot and. lay it against the a hiug plae. It ihe "heat along time. T emu. irorxU ..r rfw.. Hi VU waw" i wwv jav gmc i in sidewalks. -driveway's, etc.. apply a dressing of coarse saliths will kill all growth.. He careful not to pot It on anything lhat should not be dtstroypd, however' "r For catarrh. Sn off np consltlerable salt and water from tie hollow .of the hand every morning. J. Salt and waver used as a.garglq just before gohigto bkl 8trM)gthciis the throat aud helps to prevent bronchial troubles; it Is alia excellent for sore throat, - - Jf ink is spfllfld on Uie carpet, throw a quant! y of.aalt on . it; winch fll quickly abeorjb tlie ink; take Jlii od put on nfore salt. Keep tepea ting TTIT, rubtirfg U well iotQ the Ink-spot. until the ink is all taken up by thesa;t, tlien brush the tail out of the carpet. For a felon, take common rock salt. such as is used for sailing down pork. dry it in an oven, then pound it flue , . ... . V . r M, . and mix with spirits of turpentine, in equal p.rts. put it on a linen rng and wrap around the feloD. . 'As It dries, put vn more, and if followed up the fel on will he dead In twenty-four hours. : If anything catches fire or somelh'ng burning ma' es a disagreeable smell or smoke, throw salt upou it at once. If a bright, clear fire is quickly desired, it may readily be obtained by throwing salt upon the coals; likewise, if too much blaze should result from droppiug of fat from broTing steak, .ham, etc salt will subdue it. A Sate Investment. "Is onte which is guaranteed lring you ausfactoy results, or in case of fmlure a return of purchase imce. On ,i8 8rtfe Pu you can buy from our sd- If. "L le of Dr. Kins New Dbscovtry for Consumption. It is guuraute - rt 10 bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of throat. lungs or chest, su U as consumpl.ou hfuamnaali n of luugs. bro .chiiis, astli ma. whooping cough, croup, etc. It is idtasuut aud agreeable to taste, ner fectly safe and can a!waj-s be d?pendnl upoi.. 11 .al bottles tree at JLoumbur; drug stores. MAN Vf AOTOitlliS. THEY ARE ESSENTIAL TO TITK PROS PEBITY AXD GROWTH OF TOWN AND COMMUNITIES. The LaGrango Spevtib r speakin ou the subject otmanufictorles i"ajR : Manufactories a;e the only salvation of .ur joor little North Carolina towns No place grows into a city without ibein. No .town prosik-rs . without ihenu and tl.at people h bu the de lusion to their souls t.liHt busiuiss Wiil ever g t better for - non-manufacturing towns in Niuth Carolina are but tit subjects of -'mossy back" desuitude,and will be bound to get there sooner cr later. One only has to pick up a newspaper to see how .manufacturing towns in tlie State are increasing iu v:.lu and capi tal rushing in. But if-newspapers are Ulem yrself and be convinced. Yet ui ti.e eastern p irt or U,e State m I; , i.rt..j... . . uitcouu" iu una umuuum liiuusiry ana , - J reanzmg the beneBts therefrom- It is liOt for any lack of opportunity, for bcre is ibe maleri:il growing" at oar clo'-rs; it U rot so much the lack of cap ital, as we arc assured th it upou an iu vestment of this kind all the money nec ssary can be obtain d. Then what is I it? Is it indifference, Ictliargy, laziness. 1 1 o-" wai,t of ?ol busiuoss Judgment, be come --ueao eet-' in onr ways, or n nacr We tliink the truth of the matter i th'-s: tliai the most of our people who j have a littla money are scared ihey will I lose it. - Tliev pot it bv hard v..rk and iieayy blows and not by business ven- torts; atid. speculaUon, consequently kow nothing about spc ulaUon and a fHrlt of bu4ueas Uyond the old tamUiar beaten patlis; iUerlt Winn. I We desire to say to our ciUzet s that f for. years we hiive been stllng ;Dr. T J. ,vT, f iw,.. Ami, ft Slv und P1,.ipT, lUttra leu's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, nud liave uever handlt-tl reined.es that sell as well or that have kiveu R; ch uni versal atisfactioa. We oo not liesi'aie u guarautre.tl.em every time, and we ctai.d reaay to retund purcliase price it satisiactory resulu do not follow their use. , These rem dies have won t eir f popula'ity purely ou their merits A resular exodus of Mormus . from Utah t' Mexico is quietly Ukbg pi icr aud wtlin: tlie next three months large number of the saints will havf lef . The. Mormoua have a tract of land in the State of Cliihuahua 123 miles b,u anu 15 miles W:de whiclulbey are settling npl' ' AH over the Territory t'.e Saints are prepailug to go South. J ..Mt is estimated that more than a mil lion tattle and olh r anira Is died last winter in the extreme Weft tern anil i . lHctaudsia-vatioiuandprubublv thou - I ancis were i.ca ,ii to u .ain. TOE ItAlLUOAU nOMMI. . . ... ; I SIOX. ' ; 1 The following from the pen of Bro. Coldweil. of the Statesville 1 Landmart, bo well expresses our sentiments, that we 'rmhlifih it la these colamns: . ' Touchine the matter of "a mil Aoucuiogme matter ot a rail-1 road commission 1 the readers of l TV. T 1 t j i i I Awe ituuuuisrit uouuiieas iooe no. W vi uib. lact ina mis paper Had never eaia anyinmg wnatever tip. u:-J i ai . ... I u .u Buujtcw unui auer me oin .nan oeen aeieated in the LegisJa- lit , . ...... I t 1 - . , ., .. ! .ur lwo years ago, ana eaia notn- ITlff t, nAn t A tin . J . . A?l xt l -J6 I triwuruB until me u:n : i . . ... I uui naa passea ine cody wnich has just adjourned. We thought it wouldpass two years ago; we knew it would pass this year. We an attitude I of needless antagonism to it, nor did we take enough interest m it to have chosen toTnfluence the re- . - . - ... suns, supposing that we could have J ' jtvi r i - . " tT T r - able to learn that the merchants, the men who have the direct deal- mgs with the railroads, have had any zeal for the railroad commis- sion, and have never been able to see that one would inure to the benefit of the people generally to to any considerable extent- Be lieving, therefore, that there! was little or nothing in the Imsi- rial poisoning, or who are suffer ness, and impressed with a notion ing from mercurial rheumatism, .. . I were simply working the people, through their prejudices against corporations, for offices : and for . , .. money, we have never been able to join in th cry ; and on the oth- er nana, me railroad being noth- ing m ire to us than thy are to ... J any other citizen, owing us noth- ma nrl" two nnrmir than. anwtK rrr here was no call upon upon The anamark to fly to their defence, We are friendly to them in a gen eral way, as we are to all enter prises which increase the public prosperity or add to the public convenience. And that is all. When they fail to do right we are about as quick to tell ot their de linquencies as is tbeun-"8ubsidiz- ed press," but we are no hand for forever gaffing them because that. seems to be the popular thing. The railroad commission bill which passed the recent Legisla ture provided for three commis sioners at $2,000 a year each and a clerk at $1,200, with traveling expenses for the four. It takes away from the judges their rail- road passes and a separate bill gives them $250 a year each for ox- penses. 1 here are twelve faupen- or and five Supreme Court judges, Ihis makes the total cost thus far $11,450, to which are to be added office rent, fuel, stationary, print- ing and the traveling expenses of tne commission and its clerk -in all, it is quite safe to say, $16,000 per year expenses to the' State on i . n -r account oi mis commission, in toluto perfect organization, Sena cutting off all free passes the bill tor Gorman was unanimously will put away a dollar which they chosen Feader, and Senator Ran never got before into the treasu- 80mf 0f North Carolina, was chos ries of the railroads, but where the unanimously to do all the qul- beuefit to the people ia to como in does not yet appear. It is . to be borne in mind that the commission has no right to interfere w ith the rateson freight coming into the State or going out of it in a word, interstate commerce butcantn- ly make rates between the points iuside of North Carolina; and Mr. Jones, of ate, one of the advo- ci kucum .u.uviiuuw.-a.o the railroads doing North Carolina. - .business in i. It is quite true that the commie iio.. may force. reduction ofr.il- road fare in tha State or it may not. If po, this would work ad- vantage to those who travel within our own borders ; bu , those who are represented aa being ' most clamorous tor the commission line j farmers; do not travel a very great I deal and have probably not found u.in a spcecn as uis opinion tnai has such powerful influence ts i i rauitun county, wm ve la Louis iUouWot afftct more . ban one- Sena,or Hao .nj .bere.ro few tJSJtSS." tenth of the freightr handled by rnen who thoroughly understood il lMxmUr,ixl reiafar thre. dava thft rntA rxt r.Vo. 1 1 . I - - uuiucusome , i and besides, it is to bo remAmhpr. ed that the railroads have, of their own raouon; steadily reduced both freights ond farw in North Caro- liua as their business haa i ed 80 as first -class fare a years ago, five, cents per mile, it is now' three and a half. thnn(rK it il,;. ?- l,.,.vi I n I , . ""."6" gfill too rrieh - n MdnM An I Um i .--t..- . I . o I . : . , . ' rft83 jbe commisaion 1,111 . ' But. aa wmr1rP,1 wwV a . ' . T " " " ! cW.cter f th romm.,; cd bv the Ieiris atnr nnl. it v.r.! ..w..vw ,.vk- different face on tbo whole ones- o I - "J tinn. TKa romTUoI., ...vu unTCiiio Uhilitr. inWritv nA ii.!..i khowledM'f b trn.f..v que6tion. It is probable than no- bodv ever anrmoaed in arlvnn th - Rn rfln-M uJi .ij u I constituted. ' If any set of trentle- men can , i10 tnA PTTSrnsft M;i,i4 f.-.ww . . . v. . I Lnmm;,,;nn u,, -n ., . in,, vuinu,, iuvOv I vbiiouu wiij,bdu we enau nope for results from their labors and if practical resuHs appear none will moro wad fo ,ftim them oT. rejoice over them than Tb T:nnm.rV DC-NT BE GLOOMY. Those who are victims of mercc- are inclined to take airlonmvviPTv .... J of llfe when as the Bavs "Winter is folding its white tents . , . ... ' , and spring getting its thunder- storms together." Yet these vie- terns have no reason to despair. S. c a n ' S. S. is a sure cure for all forms of . ; 1 I j. auuuk.u 1 is purely a vegetable medicine, it is powerlul, indeed, when called ou to chase mercury, aud the last lingering effects of mercury, out of the system. It performs tbo work with neatness And dispatch. 88 thousands of testimonials show. HOW IT WAS KILLKO. Story of t Df i at of the Flection BUI and llow tt was Laid Asule. x ciai to Atlanta Uonstitnt:ou.) v.1...11L. noiy iuai ids luiarnous miy-urst congress is no more, and tho more iufamous force bill ia in its jrrave forever and eternity, it is not ami88 to tell just how it was killed n the eenste. There waa a hindini? tra.r!a tween the democrats and the free coinage republicans. Had it been necessary there would have been at least three more republican votes against tho bill. The democrats knew from the gtart the work could tit bo I complished save by tho most ab- I et woik, such as managing the an- ti-force bill element on both sides, rV Senator Gorman Las received the highest praise for his magnifi- cent generalship and leadership, an bo deserves every word of it, too, if that were possible. , Senator Ransom likewise de- gerVes the highrrst credit. He did a great woTk. Indeed," Senator Uorman says no man in Ihe senate l,nm.n .lro. Tlar,.r l-., r r bow to manago men iaa ouiet and - unostentatious vray better, perhaps ,h.n .ny o.berra.n iQ .he Ameri- iny can congress. He is one of the ffiW mPTX ;n h .r.ns.tn wl,rt never faiied in anything he has ever undertaken, ! xhe Democrats of the senate. without a sinelo mnrmcr of disao- I proval," ratified aad supported ev- erv of these two leader?, i ias iwuerH never tnaoe a iafl mi.t.V. - - - The fight wm a rand one. Il will lire in history forever, and the naniee of Gorman and Ransom will always remain conspicuous. The best saive In tLe World for cat. t . ifkrtt lever sore, tetter cUrri hattds uhn?n .ii.'ww. and roaidrctvenra tiia. nr A rniitmwL It la m .mm. .a . rrfeit ftatiafaction. or mony refoaJ d. lMc 2 ctnu per box. For sale by Lou h bur j Drslort,'" rnsTmsDrunrr. We see no necessity of a Third rartr ind think.M Rn.ioi. Trk savs. there is no nmhahllJt- f . at the South at any rate. If in thw West the farmers, who ha W eroand under th hnrrlnn. f t ViUwu tariff taxation so Ion are disposed to come ont of iK;- M lines out of RpnnMJnn r.v. M v and form a netr rtartvtnorArV vStk J w . " v " xvuujucri8 oi me oouin lor a just and equitablo administration, of the government then all tight., San ford Express. - V. a 1 . f 1 1 r, . Children Cry for Pitcher's CastcrisJ rfinJren Cry for PiicW$ Cartsrit Children Cry for Pitcher's Cestorb; A JIaatcrly Ilort. Visitor (patting small boy on I fi,A v ..... " "-jow, my inue man, 5?,fke a raas'erly effort for success. Tbi8a,re X parting words. . Itacher (after visitor lcav.es) Now, is there any one in the room Wno c&n teU me what a masterly effort is? Jimmy McGinty lean! Teacher Well, James, what is JimmV fjf i tntr HinMM.1 t. the toacbo r. KesrneyEnter- t'I18C TTWa Saby tick, ara ht Wha sue was a Q)iU, ah eriad for Oatoria. When kb brcama Xtaa, ah cioa( to Caatorlav Wban a!ta ka4 CLSJtxM, alt gr (baa CaAarl. On every February 22, Gorg Washington's beloved ghost ap- Teara and goend the h SDintual seances in the conntrr of , . . , . Europe. This is very lively cet- irope. 1 his is very lively get. ting around for a ghost that loS years old. Bull's Baby Syrup i4 al 0rnf?tt:. DaS HorSQ POWDEn. rita tjmmg Favar a4 Try t Fortba enref Consbs,Col2j.CitV lioarscnes. JUtasca Bronchitis, CJ (JUUSl tiraptkja. and lor tu relief ct SVflUP. Crasaraptlva rwraons. eiirr urea cvars aittrrt$ f w (arra. r.-taalOCta. at aa i nmUMar. Ipul - taatca faca-b rw by all nal a TO rUDUO SCHOOL TEACHERS. The fopcrintrndetit cIubUc. school " HCCOWT. ior lli pcrpca or ami.t- t m a . log app,Vauu to teach In the . 1W I H;uooN of ibis coaotv. 1 nil i!m ta m llrg ou Saturdsy cf each werk, tL..'0 " J.N. UaaaiStKwpc MtMrhWWwatfMal 'I W- f 'iIiZ!!aii'tr''aTua ' . tuiktUM 1.4-X. t m i VpA. aiiija ak t-rli urn, r r - . for I C I - t0-ti

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