V i I 'I X.- . A. TH01T1S, Editor And Proprietor. With ifalict tevsard rptu; Jlith Charity for aU. VOLIXX. lquisburg;kc.,;April3;i89i; 2NO O. 5 " ' f" 1S91. . , . Harper's yWeekly ' ILLUSTRATED. , arpr's pjekly hia nyer failed to justi fy its title iwra '"Journal t.-ol 'Civilization.'' and it has dxe bo witk a constant regard to enlarged piBaibilrties of usefulness and a higher staouilblrd of artistic and literary ex cellence. It hluYes untouched no important . phase of the vforld's progress, anil presents a record, equally trust worthy and interest ing, of. -the liotabla events, persons, and aciiieyeraent3 of our tira. ' . - ' Special sapiStloraeuta will be continued in l8v)2. 'Tftey U1 be literary, scientific, ar--,tistia. historical, critical, .opographjca!vr "-. descriptive, as occasion tony . demand, and will continue jto" deserve the hearty coninien- Nation which pas been, besfcowcdon past is sues by the pifcsrt and the pabliets alaia;' " ty journal. Hhrper's VckJy will, aihereto- -fore, be edited with a strict regard for the qualities thallmake it a safe welcome and visitor to evepy home. : " . ., ,'""' HAIiFiEB'3 : rK YBACU . -- , . . AWPEB'8 MAIlJsiNS.........................t4 00 HAKI'EB'B WE jEKLY... 4 00 -HABPBB'bBA7AR....'.,..j .. - 4- 00 hasher's voifjto people.......:..........-... 4 0 Postage fee to all subscribers in the Untied Siuia, Canada and Mexico, . The yoluEies of the Weekly begin wiih the aMihara for Jtme and December of cHCliyKwl When no time is specified, subscriptiati will begin with the number current at t time oi rec-ijt of older. Bound vointnes uf iiarptr's Weekly ior three years back, in heat cloth binding will be sent y mail, post-paid for ii 00 r vain me. I Cloth cases, for binding, 5o nts each ov mail, post-paid. Index to Harper's VV eckly, '.Alphbeti Analytiifil, and classitd, for volumes 1 to 70, inclusive, froiu Jnu 1850, to June lg5. one vnlL 8vo, cloth $-i oo - Item":ttHncie3 should : be made by post- offlce mone;! order or drait, to yoid chance of lo.is. " NSiDspa'ai'vs are not to cow this advsr- tisiment wi&oiii the express o:Jer ef Harper !f Is loliitrS : - - ; Audreys Haipes k. Bsothkks, New York. Ilarber s Bazar Ilarpei's ?azar is a j.!jrnl for the home. . Giving the ' latest " information' with'resu'd t the Faihions, its airiiiv i our illustratfon, fashion-plates, and pattern-sheet supplements are iiiiispe!i?ib'!e alike to the home dress-maker and the professional j:': modesty. No -expense is spared in making ii3 artistic, atiractivo nesj or t'n highest ordirT its clever short 8tgriesVparl-r flays, and thoughtful' essavs satiuf V all tanti's. and si Usfpagf ... is iinott3-asia bed.et of wit and humor. - In its weekly issues .eveyrthing i!s iniiiid eil wnch is of intccst io wtniien. -During l-s9fe Agent Iji. OCMSBBB-'wUt.wrie aserles - of articles o ji T ne- Hnus t "on'tortkble," Juliet Corsos will v treat of '"Sanitary Living,'' fitui an interesting'-succession ot papers o'-j "JVoman in art and. Ilistr," superbly illistratttd, will be furnished bv TliuoDOas t'H!iJ. The serial sto4iss"wil! be by Wait(tr B jsnt-an I rhoma Hardy HAKPiStVS' PElilODiCALS. I CIt YKAR. . habpeb'b bazae..... ?4 00 Mi-UAZINE... $4 00 " wj!ely.. 00 " YCfUNQ PEOPLE ?2 00 Postage jfrec to all; subscribers iu .jlUc United jst'Ztes, Canada and Mexico: ; The voluites of the Enzea oegins with the first NuKiber for January of each year, When no ti art-' is mentioned, subscription will oeeia with the naiubur current at time of recriipt of order. Bound V'timnes of Harptr's Bazar ff-r three years jba k. in neat cloth binding, will be sen I by mail, postage paid, or by express, frefe of expense (provid-d the j freight doe:Miot e.iceed oae dollar jicr volume), fojr $7.00 per year. , . Cloth ass for each volume, suitable for binding will', be sent by mail, post jiaid, ou receipt of $1.00 each- - Ilemittabe should be made by Pest-Of-fia Monevf Order or Draft, . to avuid chance of hSsa-r . ; ' . Newspapsra are not to copy this adver tisement wthou(. the express order of ,1 .. address' ' :7 ...s. HAKPELt & BilOTHERS, t - -' I ' . Nt;w Yor!?. IlOUlj AND SIGN PAIXTER. Calsomipins, graining, parlor paint-j lug a spwUalty. ; - SaUstictiou guaran teed, LeiiVe orders at Thomas & Ay cocke's drug xlorel ; Z'i:; - y-V . NOTICE. .. , . , . By virtu; of the power conferred upon me ip an order of Franklin Superior Court made on the 1 6th day of March ,1S91 by B. B. Massenburt. Clerk; in the special proced inirs to sell-land for division among the ten ants in common, entitled W. S. Parker and -wife, Lucy a Parker and others, expabte; 1 will sell oh Monday the 6th day: of 'Ma v 1801, at 1 O'clock at the Court flonse door. ia LouMburs'.al.C, the folio wins valuable town property to-witr The house and lot on tne corner oi Maine ana ranftnastreets in, the ton of Xouisburg, adjoining '.the propert'.abf Mrs.Mary : Mitchell oil ; the North, Mm A. M. Hall on the- East. Franks j lm.street.oh the feouth, and Mam-street on v; the Westifontainingi of a& acre, more or less, and ; known ' as ."the Arendell ' llome Place. Terms of sale: -44 cash, balance in: oneand-tv1 years, with interest -at -8 per. i ti j ' t ..i f ' cent.. per annum irom aay oi saie, xo ne evi ; denced by Botes. : Title .retained until pur- cnase monsy is paid m ran. - , , - Thin V7.h Aatrni MitrcYi 1Q1"' ' COMMITS ill ..imw. T6 any one sendinj 10 cents, the Wavbrlkv Macazimb will be sent for four weeks as a trial tuixcriptitH. The regular price is four dollars complete siories, comments oa current events. per yemj. x,acn issue conwu irom tea xo mteen pozzies, joins, nints tor tne nowefcold, and the best of Buisic just the thine for lontr winter evenings JHlag what you get in fotu-copiejl o paKc lisi columns ot rearun? maw.r columns of reading mftttSr 300,000 words comprising over SO com- Pthe latter ts worth at least fifty cenu,) and or only Ttn Cents I Of coarse you nndorsu pieie noneL ana vocai ana msirumen ti music, all you DndersUrad jthts offetf u. made to get you to give the trial, know iny f nil well that you wtfl beco: 'ive inn raw per a ime permanent uosenbera. i - . , -tf. Addrew AVEUIEY HABAI1XE, Box 172, OBTOHT, .MA.B8U'' Hal Sk : EaTRaa!ta. iMiiniHt. ara aaaaaaaraBl - r a L l- Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ' v' -,..A'; " - ' . . , . - 'i:,'; Monkeys and Men. '.-'" - "ri ' . . " ' r . ' -.... -d A tribe of monkeys met one day To set tle some disputes -. That they had among themselves Co accruing men and brutes ; A4-as 1 chanced to pass that way, 1 felt an inclination . To hear what they might have to say, J And got an invitation To take a scat among the rest And make myself at home, Among my old relations That in the forest roam. Says I to one, 'ifihere's some mistake Explain it if yen can Do yon me for a money take " Or call yourself a man? Says he, 'my friend there's no mistake As far as we're concerned ; .' This question rose among, you men, And men that you call learned ; And this is why we meet to-day To talk the matter over; S'i hear what we have to say, . And do not feci so sober." I took a seat, and must confess, I ielt a littlo queer To hear what monkeys had to say Bsigarding men's career; And what i saw and heard them say ril teil it, verso or prose; I'll let the mt!ie9 settle that, No matter how it goes. s Bnt let it be in verse or prose, I il t-U the truth the same. And il there's aught to give offense, You:H not have me to blame. 'Ha always best to tell the truth, No matter who it hits You unod not put the fool's cap on Uiihss you find it fits. it 6osai3 these monkeys all had heard Oi Darwin's famous plan. That from their ancient sires had sprung i ne present race of n;en. They nent a delegation oat, 1 To I sarn more of this rat e, And found a s iht reeemli ance. Bub only in the face. One monkey rose and told the rest What ne. bad learued of men, And if L-iy friends all think it best . I'lr tell it-o'er ag-ain. Says he. '"I've traveled far and wide; TveBeen wise men and fopls : I've seen thtm in the churches pray, ' Aad seen them in their schools. "I've seen men drink, swear and fight And tear each other's eyes ; I've heard them teii for solemn truth, : The luot't blasphemous lies; ' I'Veseeu thein do atUoasaul tilings 'Too foolish to be told. : And yet they claim to be as wise As tiulomou of old. "In fact, old Solomon himself - Did many s "foolish thing, Bnt people catJ!d him very wise Because he was a ki;ir. A king, though ne be bom a fool, Or stupid as an ai-s, Will Snd his nost obedient tools . 'Among the working class. "The workingmen will pass resolves To put oppression down; . J Yet crawl and cringa before the king, Because he wears a crown. They toil aud sweat from morn till night Until they fill their graves, To feed a pack of titied drones Who use them as tbeir slaves." Another monkey took the floor, And thus addressed the crowd: "If Darwin's theory be correct, . You need not feel so: proud To learn that men were monkeys once;' They act like willing asses. Who earry burdens nil their fives, As do tUe working classes. Disgusted with the rule of kings, And with their cringing tools, I came to free America, : - Where boasted freemen rule; Where Yankee Doodle fought and bled . To free themselves from kings : - : . I found that their degenerate sons "Were ruled by thieves and rings. 'When knaves and thieves get up and fight . To settle their disputes . The workingmeii will rush pell-mell, ' And phiy the human brutes; -The knaves will then divide tne gold, ; - The fools divide the lead ; L And then they shoot each other down, .'Till half the fools are dead. - 1 'The other half will then go home And work like wkling slaves, . ' : ; ';;To helppay the, war fraud off, ; - ; s ; And then fill pauper graves. 1 : "When workingmen were in the field, . ' . And fierhtintr brave and bold. : - - " The Wall street thieves like fiends .of iell -.-.Were gambling in gold, t; '-$; j .4'Men boast of their religion,' ': f And boat of their free schools; , But if we monkeys acted bo, -v They'd say that w wjftw fools; " - And 1 would say the same myself, '" In fact I'd hide my face, - ;. If we should ever act like men, :; -i I'd cease to own "my race. ;C"I feel ashamed to tell you how L'S: I 4: The. workingmeii "will act; . I scarcely Could believe it myBelf, -; C Until 1 proved the fact, v - i s , n ; They spin, weave and make fine things a or lazy droDes to wear; .' .. . ' They plow and sow, they reap and mow : And lead uncaasing lives Of care. : "And when they fill the land with wealth, Wita scarcely room lor more, J , "'The drones will take and pile itup r" And teep it all In store, - , r X The workingmen will stand and gaze ';- i Ana raise the silly ery : - I Because we have produced so much, - .1- WeVftoTit ln (itjirvB and diiw-'. " ' "And those who neither toil nqr spin , ' HaTe plenty and to spare; r , J They seem to claim a lawful right '. . To other people's share. '- : here e'er 1 went the workingmen : r -;Z Ne'er, stood compact together. . . - But," ruled by knaves, in party, droves, . , . Made faces at each other:." ""When Proyidence is kind to us, . " And sends abundant fruits, . ' -" - We don't jfoToand and cry 'hard times '. '; We don't you bet your boots. .- j We go to work as monkeys Bhould, . ' - And (rather in our store ; . ' i SJOTE12a''-P8JS8E: I of Each monkey gets what h has earned, . And does not ask for more. , "Cut men have quite revised our plan. They plunder one another; . Each one stealing ell he can, And brother robbinjr brother. And then they go to church and pray For God to give them grace; 'If hot 0 Lord, then give us gold, . We'll taka that in its place. " ; v ) - ... - I felt that I was out of place, . In such a crowd as that; But knowing that they told the truth, I felt a little flat. -. Tbe meeting was adjourned 8 ike die And I was left behind To ponder o'er what I had heard About the human kind. And now, my friends, my story ends; This moral fits the case : Let workingmen CO-OPERATE And free tbe human race. Co-operation leads the way The only way to freedom The way to rid the earth of drenes, The world no longer needs 'em. " ., i Shake off the chains that bind you down And stand erect like ment And if you stumble by tbe way, . You'll soon get up again, And if we ad co-operate For labor's true salvation. The joyful sound will then resound ; "A free and happy nation t" From the People. Internal Kveuue ltepeal. Speaking of roads and dogs, there is j another matter. with which the . press has been n led and with which the woods have ruug for years, which had as well be che-ked off, ar4 that is the question of the repeal f the internal ree.me sys;em. Ex-President Cleve-1 land is opposed to i' and President Har ris n s pi.p-wtd t it. Every iwom ut-nt Deiuccral ad every prominent It- pub licum, snrth. East and West, is opposed to it. Virginia, West Virginia, orth Caolina, 'Teucessee,'. South Carolina and Georgia are tiie only 5?Utes which care any ihiug ahout it. The tax is oue which :s collected at a cost of 2) per cent, and aa it d- es not anuoy lhecun try at large, but is locked upon as Oue jroj)er to be Uid (us feubjects being un iHCcSs.try and hurtful luxurie). tlie couutry regards it with fitver ati has up for the nsuUl .s dcfic.t by u iu- "ow much is saved by raising a uo idea of surrendering the revenue crease ot indirect taxatiou. It U the money crop fend buying home sup whi h it brings to the treasury, lle-kl.s turn of taxation, rather ilian the man- pie is, but it doesn't pan out well the treasury is not now, aud foi years 1 to come will uot be, able to dispense with it, so wl.y trine with ouree! ve atnl with such oth r about the mat&r? A Douio:ratic House has repeatedly ie- fused t coiisider a bill to abolish this system. It has. passed a measure to I repeal the tax ou tobacco and neaure- to modify the system, but has always drawn the line before reaching a total ?S: a ncau ui uoui urancues uas jus i.,-.....l ,;. i... .. o . : t juuincu miiiviub uuuiuiu i;ikiuii U'f wthis niatur and witliout once thinking of wininwrnit die hi : and the BepubUcan party is in worse plight o . - , la tne pn-mises than ihe - .Democratic party, for the JX-mocrats have never at any time siucj tht war had absolute power over legislation w hile the Eepub- year cannot be malatained witliout the beans liave just lost such po er Hfbej continued depression of all the Indus having exercUed it without let or bin- trv-a wlichare taxed for the benefit of irauce for two whole years. The Laud-J mark has nev er at anv time rjromi.Hedi tiiat if the Democrats carried the corm- try they would abolish the internal rev- euue syem, fio, hd strong hope tlat they would. Y mav still look hopefuby to our Demo ,, . j . .. cratl. senators and - llepresentativea from the States interested, for further OUUOUlUtUl llikAiillit LJUiiOa UU L SEO kUL. It tal repeal, that is a dream StatesvUle T , . ... Cure induces imitations and there are many of ihem. Insist on getting O d Saui?s and take no other or you'll get lettvTAt all dealers for 25 cents. IX vou want your baby to look bright do not put Itio sleep with laudanum tfhen restless, but use Dr. Bull's Eaby 8troa-.'55rntfta AtU Tbe Iteliffioii of the Future," We 60,1 the r"owinr extract in one ..t i ' .i . i out tistunugw, uwimu w vii; jnuer- ican Spectator." It may not be ortho dox it most likely is not but it is, a singularly impressive uttoraoce. " " We confess that we have not been, able to 4et away from It since first reading Itf several weeks ngonntl tbat it comes iu mind so often Ihat there seems nothing left except to, divide it with our r-ad- ers. it win near-ieauiag ana re-read- incr Th5a la it ' .'"' . "of ,'itia 'rftiimrt ..f in i a elision ofdwds ratbu caols atellgionof works rathrr than an in tolerant ill all based ou dopca--must arpear evident Ut all who lmve closely - - . i ii . i ' . j .. . . vwcueu uie ircui oi eveats uonns ' l past geneation. Tbe oldcn Rule il" ion. and every tree will be judged ty Yts fruit. Man will bo lau-ht that he canuot hope for angelhood by a daUv J leJ coufcesiou or the act cptance of auj !oguia that d-ca not change his .whole Jife. bringing him en rapport vhQ-ihe liishcst spiritual trutha., . The religion the fOvure, iotteitd ot c5aiejling . .it adhmnU to decu'.ro that U ree beings arc one being and one being is three disthH-U beliipa, will demand, eYea"TiS the great Galilesiu demanded, that thej b iore io heart, nierciful, teuder and lovuig; uuii yxj oe pcave-raaKexs ana oroin rs; i .uv ccaso io ausn oue aiiothrr. or to climb to lazurj over the bodies of th ir prostrate fell owmeu. Iu a word they do ui.to others rxactlj as they would be diie by afler haviu put themselves In the place of the inf.riu nate oue. Once ngaio, tne rtiiijiou ox the futi re will appeal to the couscience j of the individual prely waa tU manui r of Jesus, and will develop the spiritual iu man's nature, making bis body absolutely obedient to the spir it mad rounding out life into that per. feet symmetry that has been attained only at intervals iu the past. 11ie religion of the future" will then J cenainly be a good -on to live,, by. Y he her it will do to die by is another matter. Statesville Lnuduurk. During the epidemic of la grppe lal I season Dr. Kiag's New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds proved A tk. nAla frnt I mHny who used it confirm this state- meat. Thev were not onlv auicklv re- 1 lieved, but the deuse left no bad after results. We ask you to ive ibi rcmo- J dy a trial and we guarantee tat you wui be sasia ld with results, or the rxirchase price wil! bt- refunded. It has no equal iu la rripie, or any thioat, lunff or chest trouble. Trial bottles free at Lonisbur drug store. Large, sizes 50c. and 81.00. What fehuil the Farmer Do? ThTe is but one remedy for the dTs proixrUona:e laxauon in.posoa uiK)o tle farmers if the ci-uutrv. They can- . . .. , . .: ..nJ , wt help thenbelv s-by the shilt or de- cr.as.ug direct hx levUs and m .king ner of it, wh'ch must be considered aud I reduced before any, alleviation can re suit. Of what use would it bo to remit the taxo ou - real tstate and add as much more to the taxation i.pou fo -d. cl-.thiug, shelter, tools, medicines aud other ue essaries oi living? . As long as tle lartuer ia obliged to sell all he produces iu an open market, lu co'pe- tiiiou with all the rest of the world, 1 . 9 Some of the scientists who make aa-jv;vix iuniu, hiuc uw w mm u j i I knnniiu urUT..l Via ia iAmn.!Uil tr ,i - I I v iwiuuvu r J I to governmeul favorite, he must con-1 tiuue to suifer. His orofiU will cnw I i - less year by year, and the value d hi laDos wi;i uecime.- jx gover.:mu es-1 tablishmeut which is costing the coun- try Bve bundreo millions or dotiars ier les productive industries, it is the Breaf- eat suQVrer.Tbe remedy lies in cheap- ening tle access of the farmer to the markets that fix th pru t of his pr-d- nets; iu commerca,, in reducing the cost o. living ty redu- dng tM taxes ..oppn cwhioidities that are unduly enhanced m price by estab- moJQO 0pes..create,l and maio- uun by legislative favoritism. 'It la V C. J w v a v HV . inv snail v' ' 1301 benefitted' the -protective nv'em." But" after thirty viara of teusilied taxation, made more exaspcra- inT ,v thn ricklM extravannca of I nndi rrL . th fkrmra ar ha. irinniu to study the subject for th-m J wives. There can be but o . outcome. t P, .mif? iel? It fL t obliged to buy In the hicbest market. I ennnot b loa.5 at a losa . to understand wnttB.!!lr nooiu urive iua pouucai " ' Happy Ilooslcra." Wm Timmnn. 'nf,r kr ., ..". v. , : ft. -Tnd wr ten: Electric Hitlers - 1 has done more for me than all other - - , w - m - 3 II .il remedie combined, for that bad fi-elinz arising from liver and kiduey ttt-uhle. Jhn Leslie, farmer and stockman. f same place, Pays:,. Fiud Elt;tr:c Bit ters to be - the best kiduey .nd liver medicine, made mo feel like a new man." J. :V. , Gardner, hardware merchant. same towu. 8avsJ Llfctrc Bitters is just the thing "for a man who is all run down and don t care whetber He live )rnli! ood fed a Sew lv .lit. a. a. a aa at- apitite' and felt just like he had - J Uulrio - Ulventlf. T t. i ,, ! , . . . -J A, rious C1PS VTfcTt can 1 tnt eners into the necessaries of hu- man consumption ! . : Ilowan I avoid baying sup plies, that I ought to' produce? Borne r farmers in' Edgecombe have not only raised enough eor- guutn syrup for home use, but have reaped large profits from Its sale. , . Bwidea cotton, tobacco and pea- nuts the strictly money crops chufers and the grassw and small .v.n1fl .ii :vu nant :nn Nothing should be bought that horse, a cow or a hog can eat. Home supplies should be the primal consideration, so that the money crops may be clear profit, A most intelligent . gentleman and worthy farmer of this county. now deceased, informed the re porter that one year he took a no tion to raise cotton altogether on his Edgecombe farm and corn, en tirely on his Pitt place. Ilia i'dea was to have the Pitt place support the Edgecombe farm. This is his experience : MWby, sir," he said, "when I at tempted to haul mv corn twentv- five miles from Pitt.it took a boy, mule and cart all day to bring a I barrel. There was time lost and! wear &nd tear of team I vwsAk -J u akwiirvMi J 13 r of provender and I lost manure thereby. I had no fields to be j picked. It did t pay to raise nogs with the feed 25 miles off. Oh. I had a bad time I I am convinced, sir, that if I had raised corn on the Edgecombe place every barrel would have been worth more tome in various ways, than ten hauled from Pitt."- Tbe self supporting farmer is the independent farmer and al- t tho bi d f .j.. , T. , , ,. horn. It looks well on paper, or . . . , . in nne-spuu theones. to calculate n practice. R.iMiU thA irmh vnn ran fnr man and bye and Dye you are an agricultural monarch, indeed. Southerner. a FOLK-LORE akd FOLK-CURE. a onopialtv nf fnlir' Inm havo latalv I v c - y -w -w w v j mnVincr innnirion aKnnt tb . iji;.4 . . ... ... l n wu.vuo tan epiiug n jtuuiuc malady, though more disagreeable than serious. Yet it should bol taken note of. While the scieut- isls are inauirine about Ihe tone . . -r-' ' t Ul IB8 B1UJ, lUU WUO . lering tne jassiiuaes, nervousness melancholia, that are its symp- toffii? .hould the disease out V of the, system hy means of that . ... . .. . , more subtle scientist and folk-cure -S. B. S. ' This" is par- ticularly necessary,- since spring fever leaves the system in such a condition that it succumbs readi 1 a , i ii 1 j. ij loaiseases mat are moro uau - rerous and less easily controlled, s c a i- .Ml . . w. r.w . remeay. An lpIaotlou Neoded. "See herp.sir, she said, aa she enlered a 6ewing machine olBce the other day. Myour aeent has in - - I nn.oH nrvnn mo " r . V. t - A w -V . . "I . - JUS . VUW.V.U, U.AA. 1 . . AU " .m i a ir tvnaai ma m a a m 7 in anti respect?',, . . -xee, sir, aa oa icu toiae, iuu , a !.: iaoniwmijourmcaiije. "How has he deceived you?" "Why,he camo into my bouseljng this life, We may, however. j and told me that your machine I .. .v,0 v- :n ka vr,rA fnlrl waa n tno wor to it right before witnesses, and Ican 1 a a H 1 -aw '"V. - V a a-a MV w a a a waiw 1 Wd of it! "But that was not deceiving yon, Bvam.'' . Yes, it was. I hadn't the ma chine two days before another agent called and said bis was tbe best, and he hadjs circular to back it up. He had hardly got out of the door when another called and said his machine had taken ten medals." ; r " Butwe'vo taken fifteen ma'am.1 ,'0h, hayo you?' . J; And are sure to g.t the premi um at the next world's fair.' 'Indeed ! 'And w hare issued a chalenge for a public trial which no other machine dare accept.' 'Is that so? Then your machine is the best after all?' 'Certainly Then you will please excuse m. I thought I had been imposed up on, and I guess I was a little has y. Theother agents must hare been the liars. Detroit Fre Press. If I "Were You. My Dear. I wouldn't turn my head to look after fine frocks, or import inent men. I wouldn't forget to sew the braid Around the bottom of tar ,kirt or tho lttons on my shoes I wouldn t conclude that every man who said something pleasant to me, had fallen in love with me. a it u s vs aa s v a iuat a n ma ou ill r "-b I could play pleasantly, my friends didn't count me a modern Moiart. i ould DOt. when I could onlv have one frock, choose a conspicu oug onQ tbat would make me as the girl in the red "plaid. I would not, because I was tired and nervous, give snaps, ill-natur ed repjles to questions asked me by those who really cared for me I would not get into tbe habi of speaking in a familiar wiy to the men I knew; when you make them Tom, Dick and Harry they are apt to consider you as Kate, Nell or Molly. I would not permit any girl friend to complain to me of herl I .a aft I momer iwa nae listening io o;a- I , rrh- webs of distrust and suspicion in mv brain, , , ia . . . I would not tell my private af fairs to my most intimate girl friend, nor would I ask herimper- I tinpnt nnontiona I would not write silly letters I to vour.tr men. or permit them to familiar with me. i - i . wonjj no prn earr : weii doinc instead I would keep od encourairimr mvself by trvine to 1 ire up to my ideal of a woman v. w ar w w w nd tbe Tcr fact of mJ lrJin8 BO I hard would make me achieve that . . , . - , , , p. PannliiB; is the Best Uuslneaa. Farming always was, is and al ways will be the best business nn der the sun, when the right man, under ' favorable circumstances. embarks in it. It is cot a basi i I u 3 i i 1 u:.iti .t...t.f - l ness in which one can. become i auuucuiy uu iwkuh inann witb superabundant wealth, but it ont in which liberty in its fall . . . . ;..fniut amplitude, may be fully re allied . ..fl ' uwrmam-A.Ato BUU CUIVTCU. 41 a n 4 T I Va-k A VaaT a no poverty ladcndmerchentsand 1 . rnACTIClXC niYMClAX", j laborers, then one might bo dis - courazed with the fact that there - .re man v excoedincl v coor farm 4 - v c crs, who fail to make the two ends J T"tJ V, I l k I ii O JCfti LiJ A , J U b I UQ .1 iv,. A . .Asn ij i , A , I we have always with us, and this i class can never, uy any system ! . .... . ... .. 1 laws, political or . social, ue eutire ly doue away with at least, dur - 1 reduce their number and amelior- it ... A.tn TI,;- ate, to some i tvork, however, I W It", B J PVLaiW U1 A UI0 Ps must bo . done the farmers thcjrechTf, and Ihcylto. era recently to have "caught oan lomisiaci. isi tbf not turn it loose. Farm and Kanch. , . B CCK LE. "Slii PMr a! A LTH ' Thht Mire In ti e world fcr rts?, rvi-s..afkrt. .tiUtr.. s!t ihotn, lT,fr, ,'ortJ ttxr' i rtm.nd., ch:W.a.n, .m and a Ik.0fiTrj tiocs an I posiiUely i ure yU. r ro tt reqnired. (t U ; curartf to dva pwfect MtHftetiorj. ermooey rtfeai ed. lrif 2J ren tr. Fo sale LTTnuUUnf Droptcres A marrrjerrr g"ts sopoor that he can't borrow trouble wituout curity rfu1drw Cry for PitSer'j Cz&fal ChHircn Cry for Pitcher's CculcraJ ChHdrcn Cry for Pitcher't CastcrU," Given a few chemicals, a conn. erfeiter can alwsvs rai m. rfni- ar. wa sick, w f bar CWbrL " W w a CfeSd,ab cW for CMoru. WVat at Ucta kiM, k cSsax to CMak "Papa, what is a fad?" -A fad. my dear, ts somebody else's pecu- Bnllffl Baby Syrup hcili'tafa Toethicj! '!iMt t 4 mt r7fitj. Day'a Horso POWDEn, anl for tho rrUf cX M P H I f Conrooptira m?wx if l I I mJ tiJJAC UrrK .tfJCu. 4 1 ma rrca. TO PVJIUC SCHOOL TEACHERS. ia rwtytii Try ni ililf xne hurnatero;t cl VnUx acbocU rnnV'lirvi.ilr !! V l- t ary. AiviU July. hSewir. October December, and i enaia U tLre t'as ia,;a; plants to nrb n th ItiUki I Scik: or this couuy. I wtii a!o Is I m Luowil-urjrou Saturday cf eatb we-k, - and all pat: !&-. to att d to aty I vjj couueviea ua my oziic J. . Ilantiif, bopt. a a. a, a a rar Mtiw 111 IT. til IU I a f rnt- iliu rata. ia l'rorcMMhiutil oitsxlw A TTOZXE T-A T'LA IT, LOCXSBUBO, X. C PiatUce la all Cour'J. OCtca hi U t'ocrt Uo. "2?. J.EXALOSE. OfTice doors below Funnaa's drug tore, adjolains Dr. O- L. YXL'a. x - rjrjnos.B. wilder A TTQRZET-A T LAW, Lorisnciu), x. c. - OOce oa Maiu aueet, oue Coot below . . tlt jw I m-a. n - r Vfiffnf a- IJlu LUVUVCKC, It. C. OfT. crpcIt Ea1 IfCeL . TIM D 11 LA K I!, "W A ATT0EXET A T LA Jt oi t , w. of I Vfua.B iu w N. Y.GULLF.V. A T70I?.'C1-1 T- LA IT, .l WWAat by AU IfpJ tttalucss ;c..n.;'l'j t!tcs.ij "..-':.''.''.' " H- if .. '.J'-;-" , .,..'''.' ' '

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