t k ..... .V..-.. if-. ! " . . fVV;.;.i-2.--f 'UOMAS: Editor and Iroi:Jlk WifA JfoZice Uncord none; Tf if Charity for alL LW) PER JLSXUX, I JLdtanet. "VOlJ ;W ".'. .-'. XOXJISBIJRG; N; C;;: APRIL 34, 1891 V :-' . NO 13. 'It i . . . . - " .- :. i : - . ... ' .-.-. - . - ii .r- . 1 --' Our lJuty to our Horn laper. Highest of all in Leavening Power. I-atest U. S. Gov't Report Dr. Meadows, justice, and. wc liope at no dl&tant data to see sach a building fereuied here, with all tnodorn IniproTe- meuU, as such au enterprising, pushing little iowu is eutitled to. c 'J . . - inir. rnntrihntn nnw tfinn tn So far as J know every County I the columns of the paper. We site in N. Cn has a newspaper, do-1 should feel that it is our paper, i j . l competent or accustomed to wnU puin lhat thertfermi to look t back rather than the front of of.a mirror. ; ; r BUCKLEN8 ARSICA 8ALTE. ' Thelxsst saive in the world for cnt bruises, ' sores, ulcers, ' salt' rheum fever sores, tetter, chapped hwid . phildlams coma and all skin eruptionr and rtositireiv cure mls. or no nav requu'ed.' ft is unruoUed to cire J ed vheceP8ity,. and. every citizen and that in some measure we are responsible for its success. , .-' '(. . ' " " Foot. A DANGEMOUS rEniOD. LOUISBDKGA: humming IT SOLD OVER A MILLION AND A HALF : POCJSD3 OF TOBACCO LAST YEAR, MUiiTGAUE SALE. By virtue certain mort; VV. and XV. J corded in Bo ter of Deeds will on Sat a i o'cloes, sell c;t5h, one 12 c-slton ress, lying iu iui lands of M. 1 wore fullv ti Sale to tat gin. IOUISBURO S STEADY PROQKESS AND PROSPERITY A BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF TUB TOWN AND THE BUSINESS. Staff Correspondence State Chronicle. Louisbctrg, X.L, April 16 -Tlu re s uo doubt about it, the citizens f this good old town are wide awuke to the growth and pros p rity of their home, and "they have indeed Opened th-ir gai.es of hospitality to all who have come to live wiih them. As a busiuess town, Lou'wbur U to-day, by a biii iiercent., for ahead of what it w as three years ago, in fact ..this 'writer' knows of no little town within the Ijorders of the Jstate tltat has made more rapid strides in so short a time than this place. What has been tlte eaus' of its growth, do vou aek You will get the answer in one word determinatin.Iii August 1885, the railroad from Franklintou to Louis- !urg was completed. Up to that.tiino a good deal of eottou raisiil in Frankliu onnty was shipped by the Wihniugion .HUMAN FR AIXTIES PEBTINESTLY v DESCRIBED BY THE EDITORIAL ' PABSON. ' if aathoritr- conferred in a '.use, executed to me by E. fc.talling' and wives, ai.d re- J OB V IiIOm roal, tind Kooky ilount ueetl kS'), page 579, in the Regis ifHee of Franklin county. I ijay, April 25t'i, 1691, at 12 to the highest .biader for 5riM power engine, :w iniil. b!tig, log cart and fixtures fcreto. Also 40 aetet? of land us. townstiip - adjoining the Sta.HiTs;r tind others, and teeribt-d in sr.id j!i'rtjr-.icre. e pluee at Eraatns Stallings r V W, VV.PacE:, money here, and a occupying -.large 3Jtorj ' - frame'baikiin.J with a lM-iek foundation. ;'' This building is owned by a stock company, composed of the busi ness nieivof the town. There has "been over one ami a half million pounds of tobacco so'd ou this market during the season juat about to clone. They have handled tobacco ft om the counties of Nash, . Frauk'.hu ' Granville, ' Vauce, Person, Varreu and Wilson. The.to- hupj-fk mat-Vat. nnw Vvoinc f Knrniicrlil v ertahli.hed s navin i,ai "h. Dess to attend to that of . ot.er people, hpen an innlive for n.anv imnrnv. L' Those who Stay too long wheu we j -" ing what it can. for the education of the. people, the .'development of the country's resources, . trying to elevate the citizens and . help them on ; tov greater prosperity. Our -home paper has become a nx- As the reason moves swiftlr to- ed'lMcerenti to be' a sub- ward the boundary line that, lie For sale by Louisourg Drugstores. - I etI"t,: . V"!1' .pnu-e, ii. coming i oeiween winter ana spring, it ire- eise, should induce us to stand by qaently hsppepsbat the human our home paper and the man Vho syete.n which. h&sjborri .the stain from sheer indiference , fails to of winter, shows the signs of re support his home paper, is want- taxation. In all ages this' period ing in county pride. I am arnbi has been noted as a dangerous one, tioua enough to want my county I especially to those who have weak constitutions, A course of the Pittsburg Dispatch. Those who point out to us our own I to be the equal of any of her sis faults. " Those who always take their troub les along and leave their joys behind. Those who neg!ect their own busl- LPPttAJi situ yirs'wt, Drn;(i2i. LVa1 ft;ei. UYOaXX, tX For Mi by TkoMU A ayrock. LoxMimr. ters in point of intelligence and I great blood purifier and tonic 8. l' ? If A m. m r 1 a emerpnge, n not in poini ot d. d., win enanie me most, oeie-i a frvvl mitK On that 1aa weaitn; ana wunout a gooa sound, caie to lace the season's changes I D0j ou uewiuT ana enierpnaing oome i wiin impunity, iv is a meaicme By virtnf qt the power confeirwi npon me m an order op t ranklin Sirperiortouvtraade on thelCth Jay of Alarch 18.91 by B. B. 1 assenbnnr Clerk, in the epetdol prooed- mga to neil Umi lor amr.ton among thten fiiits in comjiuori, entit'ed V" S Parker and wile. Lncy AlFaiKr and others, xpaktk; 1 will Bell on Hi.ondav. ttie 4th day of May 1891, at 1 oltloek nt the Coni"t Kons door m ijouisnuug: ii v. xne Tonowinr valuable town iroperiy to-wit : The hdute- and lot on the cornel!-' of .Maine and Frauklin streets in tne towm! of iLonititurg, adjoining the .o be the point to which quite' a num ber of the farmers in this sertion car ried their cotton. But it goes thi-re no longer, from the, fact that the buyers here pay just as high prices for cotton as the farmer' can gel at auy market. There lias beeu shipped trom here this season over 6,0o0 bales of the .flee cy s aple. S it will be eeu to start with ibat the town has a "thoroughly es tablished cotton market. But the fhH important motor poxver whicb has ciuseil the town to go forward so ripid- ly is tlie establishuieiit of the tobacco ments on the part of the citizens within the last twelve mouths. Hand-ome brick stores have been eric ted, a Town Hall built which will seat about three hundred comfortably, vvifi all necessa ry stage paraphernatia. Handsome res kieuces have been built on the south side of the river. Streets have been opened up aud vacant lots have beeu laid ofl'f .r sale. The property is beai ti;'ully licated, aud there are some as pretty building lots to be built upon as we have seen in any twn. The Loui8burg Female College was first established here iu 1855, and so far as a hea)thy location for younz ladies, suffice it to say in talking' with an old c'fezon of the town he told us titat there . bus never ben a denth iu the school since . ita establishment. Kev. T. M. Jones, who was President of the Greens boro College for young Lidies up to his ! i i. I ... . ! f . . rr'U. o';iiu inuab ueif lor feouic nui. iuc building is a lare four tory brick buildJ ing, and seta iii a twelve acre lot xvith a iiue s,hale grove in front. Tiie school hns beeu ui cliargc of that well known Christiau geutieman, lTof. S. 1). . Bag ley," who as. a siipeiiutcodentrtnd educa tor for young ladies, l:as ;.o superior iu ihe Siate. Por three sess'ous his facul ty in every department has beeu com plete. II '8 wrs ff teachers, boih la- are busy. paper, this intelligence ancf enter- that not only strengthens the weak J Ilirea Cry for Ffchtl't CtStsHsT prttso must, do warning. Again 1 1 ana me aencate, Dut it is an aa- fhose who have a hobby that they no ambitious enough to want my I ditional safeguard for thoao who ride to death. county paper to be the equal to I consider themselves strong. Those who always want to talk any other county paper, and with- Chn&en Cry for. Fitcijer'i CtcH4 ChWren Cry for Rtchcr't Castory about things iu which We take no in ten.-st. Tito ;e who coiae to dinner when not . Those who never have anyUnng lo 8 to every family within its ter talk about but themselves aud the "tory. A e cannot afford to as weather, sume the responsibility of rearing I hose who have a chronic desire to family without providing-all le borrow money. gitlmate means of education. A Fussy people who have a large idea CLEVELAND'S COUItAQE. out a liberal patronage from all our c.itiren8,this can't be. The home paper should make its weekly vis lagan Thinks Jit ZXnrt4 a ILcmarkalu JL mount of .Vrr. Washington Star. In a recent interview in Boston, Mr. Ingalls reported an incident good newspaper is a splendid edu- of Mr. Cleveland's inauguration cator, and our children will ea- which is new. He said : gerly read it when they are slow I remember very well his en to read anything else, and in trance into the Senate chamberon course of one twelve months they inauguration day. lie seemed to will have done a vast amount of be utterlv oblivious of the fact reading that otherwise would have I that the eyes of a host of leading Those who co.ue at the very time been neglected. I knew a man men of this and other countries when we wMi they had stayed ut home. oncQ with a large family of chil- were upon him. Those who epiburra, us with too dren well educated, and the man "There were Senators and. Rep- TOThoS' whTagreo to everythinj we waa Pr and "ed how he resentatives, ambassadors and say. and never havi any opinion of their ruanaged to educate his children, ministers from foreign nations. own ou any su .jct. . uQ rertlied. I kent them well bud- The indrea all chrions to men the Tim. ul., lun'i cap ! flii an arwl I' i other literature, and seut them to The civil engineer is not mon arch of.all he surveys. W.jMBvby of their own importance. Those who tilk too loud. Th 8e who do not talk loud enongh. Those who ask so many qnetlou8 that they discover our Ltuorauce. - Tho?e wl.o are overly ositive about things of small unj ortance. b4 tad OXrw, ste gars tkM More men havs been self-undone than have been self-made. tft Inn. SO,Vl thiik So alfl so. Good looks are mora than akin deep, de pending npon the healthy rou iition of all man of whom so much had been said, and who had only been in school when I could, and they ed- Washington once before the day ucated themselves. The newspa- I he came to be inaugurated. market At first Louisbun.' h .d t-ome dies nd yeu tie nen, are composed ot t-ouble to buUd up a market for leat 10- bacco, but piuck and deter minai.'ou Ivts conquered. - In 186 the first to bacco warehouse was built oil te south property ofl? Mrs Alary ilitcheil on the 1 side of the river by Col. Joues, aud for North, Mrs M Hall on the Eut. Frufck lti croot. rkn fVo V..-mi 4-t i nn Xhoin a-aJc.-f'. .rur lin 6treet on the eet, co: lefls, and kn Place. Tei-nf; one and two ibe'South, and Main street-oa, itaining. of an acre, more or own as tne Arendeu l.one 8 of sale: '.4 cash, balance in years, with interest at 8 per cent per annum from day of sale, to be evi denced by iwitea litlo retained until pur ls paid m full.- -. . This 17 th jlay of il arch 1891. ' . S. Spbtjil.1., UommifBioner. J I?Mdi awhile' a-god deal of the wt-ed xvas hun dlcsi, lmt owinff to the f .ct tliat the f tr- the highest .vculture nod reiiuemeni. -This iH-operty has recently been pur cliaseil bv tliat bene vol eut, kind frieud to the boys au-i girls of North Caroli na, 'Washington Duke, Esq, of Dur ham. ' Mr. Duke's purpose ( v under stand) i to make this School the highest the vital organ, u the liver b iuaetiv Ders helped to create a thirst for I "If it was the most ordinary ;i : i L. : . I 1 I 3 ou loitvo uiiHi'jn ivj... 11 .uur ffi.ufu;u iw i , , , , , , aiKoroemj yoa nave a aysimpuc iook aua i kiiyn icrugo. if your kidney be annct.'ol yon nave a piiichtnl look. rie;nre rood health ami you will have Rood looks. Elwtrir Dittorti ia the great alterative and touie that act di rectly on tcee vital orjrana. Curpinipl-, blotchea, boiln aud irvm a Rood coinp!i- ion. Sold at Louisburg dmgitomt. Price 50c. a bottle. - lltAL HOTEL isscuburg; Propr HEHDEBSON, N- C,V Good accommodations. Good fare', lite aliid attentive- servants.. Po mers in this immtdi:ite s ctrou hnd not ia the Slate for oar girls. v Prof. Bagley begun to grw tobacco in sufficient I will re.-uaiu in charge and he has now quantities to supply" the market, it was j about 100 pupils. ; i hard matter to make a success at the! T lie male school of the town is in start; so as a tobacco market it did not charge . of Mr. G eo. C. Thompson, h amount to niuch up to about three high toned Christian youusrmau, a grad years ago, but since tliat , time she has uate of Wake Forest College. He has beeu a hummer, and uo mistake, and beeu hereabout two years, aud is build she propose; to keep humming. Three ing up' a good school for boys. The years ago " the live, pushing business health of Louisburg is not to be excelled men of this towu got together and . or- by any town in the Slate, and during ganiz-d a Tobacco Board of TVade and our travel tliroushoul the ' Ktate, we begun to put out money. They also have never, met a more refined, iufel uftered luduceiueuts to live tobacco men lectuai, and kinder people. They re from other - secii-?us to eome among ceive a strinser with open doors and There aro children gathering Cleveland could not be to-day well-nigh grown that do j less concerned. But this in the not know the world is much larg-1 Senate chamber did not attract so er than their father's farm or their I much attention as his exhibition own neighborhood, the nexvspa-1 before the immense mass or peo- per enlarges the ideas of our chil- I pie in front of the Capitol. Lincoln, The Western farmer asks onlv for dren a well as our own. I know I Grant, Hayes, Garfield and Har- fair play. D 8 he get it wheu the cf n0 placo where we can invest rison, all read their inaugurals Congress Prevents him ft om competiofi , . .., . , , , . . , , ., with meti hi other Smlustrics, andtr- one dollar that will yield us such Clevelaud spoke his. mi-s them to compete with him? X. I large returns as in our own paper.!' "It shows how thoroughly he Y. World, Dem. "There are million in it" said a dructfst when aoked about lr Bull's Cough Syrup. Price 25 eta. Tot some time past I'veben arorninatic I recently tried Salvation OU which ear roe almost instant relief. I sincerely recom mend it as it has eutirely cured me. James Go&uon, Baltimore, Md. . them and help build up the market. In 1889, Mr. W. T. Hughes, from Dan ville, Va., xho had beeu raised up in tlie t 'bacco warehouse business,- took charge of the house ou. the. south - skle mg a specialty. vy Satisfaction" guaran- teU LtVii e orders at Thomas & Ay cocke's druia store. make you feel at home as soon as yoa come among them. Slabtown is just outside the town limits. This is the home of niet all the colored people. they have bought a good many lots and built their little homes aud we take pleasure in saying for them that they are as industrious, aud polite a set of negroes around Louisburg: as we . have is from Oxford. C, and has had j teen at any place throughout the State- years Of experience iu the business. Jtfr. I Tlie population of Louisburg according Wi II. Pleasants is au old resident o! J toxlhe last census is somethiug over Louisbuig aua has beeu a successful eisht hundred, th toWu limits is from FASCT OENAMENTAL HO 0E AXD'SIG Nr PAITTEK.. CaWomiijing, graining, parlor; 'paint- 0f the river, while at the same time Mr. J. B. Thomas opened up the Frauki'ui warehouse.' This house is; now run by Meadows & Pleasants. Dr, Meadows The Republican paper are just now engaged iu the very arduous iak of convincing the people tliat the Fifty first Concress was a. very economical body. Meantime the people continue to believe in that lorra of arithmetic which insists that two and two make four. Memjihis Appeal-Avalanche. Then it is a great mistake that poo- bad his intellect disciplined, pie make in subscribing for a pa- "Thus, before . 50,000 people, per abroad to the neglect of the where the slightest mistake would home paper. It is simply enrich- bo held up to the country, with a ing others and inpoverishiug our- piece ox paper no larger than a selves. It is about equal to say- visiting card to guide him, he ing, we have little or no bom spoke to the world, pride. I have no word to utter "It was the most remarkable ex against subscribing to papers bibition of nerve and control ever SALVATION OIL B7U rt!ifr Cisaactlxs, ffora!j3 Biciicb; Toctioc&e, Sons, Esrvz. Cst. ScbUs, Caclzch$. IT oft,t&. to runuc school teachers. TW Superictrralcot of lnbtic schooVs of FrmokUa county, will b la LocW burx ou the vood Tiur-tay of Fetru- ary. April, July, rVi,enrrr. October atxl December. arl rnula Kirtm o)t abroad if we just take our home I given by a President on his inau-J hr at pJi.-a.nn to tenllt la the Vxtltm papr. l be hrst two papers tor us I ration day." to read are our home and church paper, then as many more as our A fact worth knowing is tht blood dis- inclination dictates. Butonesavs. aites which all "other medicines fail to enre I , . , , , yield slowly but norvij to th blood cleans- I can get a larger paper with much Kooc and f otaastum.. I .v- . Mf v... That 8imllar In Sound. Schools of this cooatr. I a!t slo be iu Luabbbr? on SviunLiy of ctb week. and all pub.c dajs, to aOeod to any bcsiuea coooe;tcU uhmyoCc. J.N. IUaaUttfopt. Many letters are received by the P. P. P. I nrice abroad than at home. . a:... : i . a v v .1 I t . used such and such a blood pariSer and ar may be true, but yOU cannot af ford to be without your home news.-.Your county paper is at Co. from patients, saying-that they had sapariUaa, mentioning their - nam aad staung tber did no good, and tney did not wph untU P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke riKSt-CLASS.. EESTAURANT. :,tAi ai vt-rrojpeiiOT 1 bogjuega .nan -for '-'a' number .of ' veani.-1 north 10' south about one mile, and i am now Trenared to furbish meals" at! Tlie farmers Seeini that the citizens of I fi-om east to wst about a half a niile. - allhoQrs, diydr'ulght;:' likeep om hand a' I tbis'platwere dcternained to' build up I, There are litteea emK merehandise I tism. Serofala, Blood Powon. Pvspspsia, I r , ... r. , , . fresh suppt r ot allinds .oi meaxs ,ana , i.v ,,.1 1 . I Malaria and Female Complaints. J - WOricea eaitors COUia enlarge vnei !aiiia and.be satitfiei 'i "-"V-r"- n-rry . tw ttAX. 1 , . - 1 .t .. ti 11 f ? . 1 I -- . . . t - 1 . - " ----- 1 1 uHiirr. Kiiu v 1 in ua xii ulu xuua 1 souieiuuig iuse tois : 11 you peonie ; fan 1 stores, one leweirv store, one uvery UttlllirN.TOXxJiQTJBJL'j uTo.io .Sp so much mnev for the J stable, five doctors, six lawyers, four whitn churches, to wit : Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist and Episcopal; two 1 olored churches, one Baptist and one Little Ned says he is tired of correction for his occasional blun ders in speech, aud hearing them rehearsed lor the lamily amuse ment. For his part bethinks he speaks the English language well enough; much better, in fact, than French is spoken by Uncle Dick, tlt T. .(til (II I W.M", McGHEE, Proprietor. ,-'K-f purpose of selling - our tobacco snrelv we cab afford to stand by you and make the tobacco to be sold, : So with the Good acccimmodations polite .servnts, j undeiatandirig. utdted we stand, both Presbyterian, one coach shop, oue foun- and tlie best fare the market , farmer rAnd i warehousetUeri went- to J dry, one good corn and flour mill, and W4 PIHlEinFMUMBJLW-l iu IP1 I Toanvoa sesdin9 in t, Hacazinx ill be sent for four week as a trial WHcriptioti. The regular price is four dollar per year.. 1 ch issue contains from tea to fifteen complete toiiS, comments oa current events. vuun, jumx pmnaa i or me nousenoia. and thn beat of mnsVrast the thine for lonsr winter c.cuuiS3. iniMa wnaxyouget la lour cornea 1 D4 pams 2SH columns of readinr tnatteiw 300, OQC words comprising over BO cotn- iKWKwia, nw vocai ano msuxtmentai mui (the latter ii worth at least fifr r.i. an a tor only Ten Cents I : Of course you understand this offer i 1 Bade to get you to give the paper a v., S " WCU UUK.TOU WIU permanent aibscnbers. f ,f . AW WI81IT WABAIISI, Bos iTJ, IS. work in dead earnest. -- In addition , t the ; warehouses mentioned, Messrs. ? Egerton & Ford completed a large brick house last Tajl known as the Uiverside. v This house is complete in every partio nlar, it is 82 by 163 feet with two base ment8bel0w, the jnain ..floor used , for prizing arid handling the leaf tobacco. This makesj three wareliouses .now 10 full operation. Each is fitted up. with all the necessary machinery for packing and-prizing,. also' elevators fbr carrying the tobacco from the top floor, to ', the .basement. Besides these warehouses are seven prize hoiieesluow in use. and more will be built this spring. ' Messrs . -Boaiwright Br I& Co.," of Danville. . Virgiuiai have p it out i good deal of .is srood a countv newsianer as can ' be found anywhere. The Fpawklin Times, of which Bro. J. A. Thomas (more generally' and better known as ret trs ww started to publish; when the various I stake and you cannot afford to sac manufacturers wrote us fearful letters, audi .... rn : !4 .11 we discontinued same, but P. P. P. (Prickly I il " Ash, Poke rwoot and Potassium) is trium- rjatronite our home paper with a Enaat on every occasion, ana au mini a 1 - 1, 1 ostof friends m cures of Syphilis. Rheum a- paid up subscription, our hard ho vainly tries to make a iaris r 1 cab-driver understand the name People wonder when tbey find how rapid-I raivra and ctA 11a mtirh morfl I 01 U18 noiei. ly health Is restored by taking P. P. P. j r a , Ali 4, rrorV. rlaliwwl Pw"ai 1 ucuuuui itc and I read it. Well that ds just a man had just goue by driung simply stinginess to the core, if we twohorses In atantrum. Couldn't he man ace them?' ask- - - - ... .... & nan cm. a mm. a a ssuio BkSv o u a au su aa aurss'v - ::, f.CIVD.1 UJ r.rTr L.. . e , ed his mother innocently. aUOn DUl OI Uie laal V OUgreoS UI UUUl I pel. - iwmg jA.wjiy vavu I . , I a )LJrln TV (1 I T' m couples in tneDextPresidentialcHra- LftivPabvaavini? the editor is of Ob, yes, they were all Tight I ,Uy- J fc (Pric Thsi . v ' " "" i ;vu. vi Yin. mw I one a&Y axter ne naa asscrtea vnat home woods. For sale only by Thomas it Aycocks, Loois- . - - burg, .u . Xro fVesMlount cunbt -Tp M. PERSON. - A TTOEXEY-A T-UL IT, LOCISnCKO. K. c rract'ets la all Court. " Qto rWTt Hoote. Ji. J.E MALUSE. OCV-e U doors below Furtnan -&mg pai.,Theoneshoshowihepe..p!e Aitf- n. ,;i' ih0ri But I shouldn't think they would milCW. B. WIU)EH . . I - a a It fSi ss-vw w A 1 A Vt S r 4 I k A I m are taxed and the other how their motr ey is wastefully aud corrnptly tquati-1 we will not take his paper. ' I . in sist that that is not a valid excuse, has been running his paper here for j at on t night follows day. Nashville 1 And that we ought to read the home . - ' t j i l I t t-v. I -., - aDOUr l years, aua me wu . larciy i XLuieruau, indebted to him for the solid work he Dolhe is proprietor and editor. . DolLe tur(J ftfJ faef llaWT ff)UoWS excessive tax has done to push the town on to y ros penty. May he live long to w ield his useful pen to the elevation of the peo ple of this jBection' of our 'Stale. - The Eagle Hotel, so far as the table h con cern ed, has always had a good reputa- Gtiaranteed Cure for La Grippe. We authorise oar advertised druggist to sell yoa Or. King's New Discovery for Coo sumption, coughs and colds upon this con dition. If you are afflicted with La Grippe and will use this remedy according to dime- LrfcftSi iriviltrt If k Call v(vl sanw i iinwim is usvu0 sj v mm sa a w sm sihv a js rouvr i a . no benefit, you may return the bottle and 1 politics nave your mony reiunaea. ne mass roia paper for the aake of the home news. "If my county paper was of different politics from mine, I go so well tantrum, one behind the other.' 'And only after that explanation j was it understood that he meant tandem.' It was the same boy that ; who l. a. . . . , . . . would still subscribe to and read cad learned a good aeajaooui len it as a home enterprise and agree although he found it "dtfacult to disagree with the editor as to Keep technical terms accurately in mind. ' ' . A TTOBSEr-A T LA IT, LorisncBa.it. c. 09c oa Main street, cos doer Velcrw fcaglelleUL . .. J-JIL YY. IL NlCUULbUN, PIIACTICING niTVlClAN. . Locianoui, ic. c - In conclusion I suggest that we i k. . t, ; I nave yoi i uou, aua Po iac a ir - f-rMBf. Df the wonderful saecess of Dr. ecTULU, Vfe uavo never luueu w K'-i 1 iwins new iiscovery uuraig uui treason s I all feel it OUr GUly lO aia IQe euil good room, but tte building does .not g JaikH Tri t fr 'kt or in making a good home paper doeithrmeto.wuoruiiuccleYtTLcs , ln dnjr ,toreiJ. Larg sixes soe. V . Bend;Ujr hiia itema of news . 'Mama,' ho said one night, is she settled her spectacles for reading, 'are those glasses of ycurs concave oroctaTeTV - . E." V. TIM B Ell LAKE, ATT0DSET AT sVH:taacao,x.c. 02ceea NahtfL & sssasv ftVv w 1 --

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