I i Y';Y M4. , .- ... ;" i. : y-y-y"' . .iimlf-iS, Editor ja) Proprietor.. s ,t-'':1.. "- 'jr7t:a2c tovard' noef Tfith 'Charity 'fur.clL VOL. ; t tOXJISBTJRG. 1ST C.j .MATVT 1, 1891. : , NO 13. in mm' MS ft 'J-. - : m$m & $80m fell?. MfaS li C-itTAi 5?,l I E'X-i ij tS-";i- Vry rOi. v''ys ftsyVI r?H r.-'.--';V'4 Fur. Bile only hy hGir.a.H A Av'i:;::kj, Lcvit! j! ; w. 1 p : : ;; -YYY..' . ;-Y Y-- : .-: Y-.Y.Yr, "Y ! Y YYY f-, . Y.'-: Highest of all in Leavening Power.- -Latest U). . Gov't ', Report;" ; t;iiiiiSTs coming. UEUTE'AKT TOTXEN, U. S. A. PRE DICTS . Tit A T . IT ! V I Lli OCC U k IN ' . KARCIY.IS99. , at cnse hi putting queslion 60 skillftil y unci adroit!? ns -to compdlhem"'tt big out of hi plan, oikI 10 a very f-ct extent b;oki up h's ct dit Ptslem. The f w .who' raa bil! . arn taking tlitlr .rCCKLEN'S AUNiCA SALVE, - ' ThicWet ive in tLeworlcf Tcr cM hruj-esV 'se". . ulcers;'. ftlt rheur fever eoren, telteri cimppcd , hnod chUdlain, rorns and l6kiu eru;jtioiis an .1 positively cure pi V, or no pa required. It is gu iranused . to sive perfect satisfaction; or niony refund edt ' Price 25 centa per W. . I For aaK? by J.xuisbu Drugstores. - 'To TcV.tbe Age of Horses. 'Th'arricuUuraJ Wif?r otthc Tle rraocrAt eaya llie oiber day we I .. .- I SLs I) 910 a AAV Al . I croo of this vcar will ba mneh I An arrfe trte -cnt art! and a rraw . , . - smaller than that of laat year. A i T',n S! t H1 fbHov Tiu,:- It Miu'ftf im; crop 0(6,500,000 bales this year t!at all pUH namci art to U ukeo tlt It has been the policy of this .-.T . . . , KtemCy. An escljaae reiatea MM a nMn0;i. 'M.nf will probably bring as ranch noa- . , . M paper under ita present, manage 1 onmmrtk i ycHisxhuAbAnd c hfm ip dinner tbt ment io enconraga everything that J .vw,. 4llJ focnd tj. wir oauj. tends to buildup Scotland NecU A.ue.reW wriB.,in8 icavune re-, h, -Ch! TTIlSt.! aU ta' And weare clad to sav we hare lLe Pre8cnt Nation and ihtnurtnaa . aa Lt ih'a tacrolex f,m,lmnVMn tn '.imnr, utloo " MCOmpetely overturn- I cr lercd Popt ic4ant. Uala. On the other . hand o deem ,t discre(lit! tho u,,,, Bt ,sm U uj. U wnl U to . V, vT e"r3rhmg L who believed iap!cinE no J ,len?Mtr ' ?rOS' "' Of trSctron.Pto cotton f " . penty ok bcouana Iseck. i . -. .A -. , toe )cct&-c. , w, r crll tn AWm Ihat acreage;' and it ragguts that, "it . . . , . breeding is the t follow. Professor C. A. L- Totten, of Yale, hi eX'3kii)g of the publication of his re jwut mi'.iiiematical ciltulatlm, aaya: ',hO'ie. papers' have-said that I pre dict the eud of the ' world 'within this ijaytury. iro.- mistake. Tl at is their error, not mine, I don't thiuk that ihe wd milcorae fcr a million years, aud I lift v not ttti& atiy prophecy about it tail, - Wt I d'4 declare was that a iaU)eoi.iiwal calculation, founded on iUbJk'ai tfitthi proves bcjon'V perad- venur.e that the JJYssiah will come aaiu before the year 1900. 1 dou't aua by this that I believe the nv.llen imn wilt berin in 199. I think -that is ;i thouhkhd yM:sa''ay. -1 say simply that at this e ond coin nj Ci;rist will iur.ke the vvq-Id better as He did at II i8 firfet.'"'; ' ' Professor Totten is a. lieutenant in the reuuLtr :u-:uv, and is detailed as u tuiiitary -professor in Yale Uuiveisity In his prophecy r;gaiuin the tecuud comihs of C'Lri&t, says : ; A'A';enerauo!i. in tlie ti-ue r.iblical -e::se, is tiiFte score a; d ten vc.trs, sev a.ewer as though Uey were qonfei rio? met a p,n enjan fj-o.o Alabama, who a favor on you, oOl. you seeking to en t ave na .; of informaiiou as to a. tertaip them ; but here the rule of good I . -..r, ih a?e of a horse after it hw passed its ninth year, whk-h w&a jquile new tousjiDd will be, we are sure, to most of our readers. It is th'.s : Af ter a h-i 83 is nine years old a wrinkle comes in the eyelid, at the upper corner of the lower lid, and every year thereaf ter he has one w'ell-defiued wrinkle for each year of liia ape over nine. If, for instance, a horse has three wrinkles, he is twelve; if f.mr, thirtee n. Add he n 'tuber of wrinkles to nine tcd jou will ahvaya get at It. So says the geu lem '.n, and he is coi.fi ieut U whl nev er fail. ELECTRIC BITTERS. 'This 'remedy U becoming eo well kn wn snid ao-nnnular a to ned no I special mention. All who have used Eh ctno Bitters sing the same Song c.f nrais-. A purer med cine Io-9 not ex ist and it i. suarantced to do all that is claimed. Klet-irie Bitter will cure all dislike. of the liver and kidueys. will re move pimples, boils, salt rheum a.d and other atiections cause-i by impure blood. Will orive malaria f om lh svs:em and prevent a well ns ciire all malar. al tever.-'. l or cure oi hcauache. constipation and nidigestinu try Elec ti ic. U iters.--Entire h-Kt'.&fSu:ii -n.guar-au:ewl c.r money -rtfu:ded. Jrice 50 cents ai.d 41.00 per bottle at LouUburg drui; st res. ' , A W'OKDiiH WOKKKIL Trulli. i i Adl.ere always rigidly and und via tiagly to truth; but while you tx rets what is true, express it in a pieasiusr manner. Truth is -the picture, the manner is the frame that displays it to advantage. Jf a man blends his angry j passions with bis seuvh alter truih, be- that he was much better; he contiimH come his Si.i-erl r by suppressing your. Mr. Frank HiuTman, a young man of Burhnpfm, Oluo; tat s that lie hat! been un ler Hie care of two prominent liivsii- an?, and used tl.eir treatmcm un til he was not able iog.t around, iney nreji'Miu.e-l his case to be rousuniptioo and ncurable. He was persuaded to tiV Dr. Kind's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs atd colds and at tlr.it time was not able to walk across the sm et without resting. He found, be fore be had used half ot a dollar bctth have found ihany things of busi- would erefor wise policy, for bs and' ontorprioo to encourage " J , , for the prosperity of the town, cn 1 to ,Ilt tbe ttoa acrease to but few things to discourage as its present proportion, bui to ac- j tnally diminish' it by giving moru attention to other crops." - w - TUIinau ou the Hitb-Trcasarj. iiUJ i"-,-',Z; JSTlirJtMKT'JvTfe wni im.d w.i- ij j v. jur Cove A3i?o-3 iff "V.'z VI. S. mm fC0Tl E. By virtue F tsftpovcH- rord'-rrc. 2:;on in? In an or-J'.r r.i FmJiiUU ar. .w--r)!-v..s.-ws v tua'ie a tbe ilii d-iy pi MarY ivl by 15. B. JkiasBeubcrir Clevfl. in. t:. .niC pv.wa- .nt in 'voir. vAt 1 ,n-v A Pcittr.T an-1 c-i 1 wU seU'ju Vonlli-.y, til1: 4th (lay Ci iitty at J. o'clo-t '. CV.n-5. i.iy?.tr"-vj.i- fowa property tl-vvit : a ioaso iifc ou tlie covtier ot jiu riaii...wuw in the. to kit of L.cuinLuva:, i;!'-S property of Mcb Mary, .iit--i. oa ' tne ISortii. Mrs A 4 Hall 'u t'a r-ufct. i- raii-dto41- nih!mi!i. and jiiiiii Kti'O.t on tho lrS8 Pin nm arid two voars, w itli iuW)st t 8 per i-: r.t pv anaumjroa iy cf sals. t u evs-'il'-iicsd !y iiotes T'bs ' et.ued. .ts;. tu- par- cbase money la wM 111 :a1-- lie st, contalfcir.y; of aii aes Pore oi Ms, aud kno-.vi as th ArendslI nomv jace. Teruifr ot eate:. Vi cas.it. baiausesiu tliid in i This lTcli" day fof iiwcb 1891: F. 84 .SrKi;ii.t, Oiaonnfc; eniy years; ana so ine.iiiiy-seveugcwr-. md t attead onlv to t!.e justness and ations trace ) thr-uuh the geneti!oUie.s in 1 ,orcs ((f uis reriSlMlillfr. utii; conveyed t!.e OU nsiamnt equal 3920 . years. J ln nu8te..e ;m(i acrm,onious language. Seethe rif-y-eighth gener.Uou b.gu; ! g -do lias a ,RillU.y t.irect, Pjnce we vith 3991 (yi;ar of ihe world.) ! r j,.,t t!.e trmh because we are preju- hour uienu.'iied in the vineyard pau - dicfcd lls,alnat e uluJe cf cdiu,0. nU-a- bie are each 153 ears. MUiUpiinu tnese i-y 'he twelve liU'S we have Icoo, whiclwaodwl U.3Dil, equals 5827yem8 if the w oiid and t.ie comp eti- u of , the vineyard partite. The 5t9 yer.rs sha-.e i!ie iiirrh td' A'luji will see t!:e bride j;r ont, v.ho, -f course, "s none oil.tr ih .n Christ h :iis.!l. 2Cow what is 5:-9-"i A. M. in' our "A. 1. years? llei ,i n:r5r"iv.l all tha iimo-'ents of two Vi-ars auft y mngtr to be j.'nt to deatlu and in. a very sliort tinie alVr 'hnt, tbe .chose i)f.theu:o'i tmk p"lace. It t ok jilted hi the ye:ir 3398, :,ee.rd'mg to Jo seph'i.s, and Ilcrod dittl hi that year. too. Nuw Herod llui-ed bU orfh r to children oC two years, beCsuse aixu't 'two vears before ilungi informed him ( tioiv. " . Tlie heart must be wou before tliein te'.lect can be inform.-!. .A ni;u nuty -hvtray the tru-u uy mis i:nrfatnaiio seal, as hb destroys Us -a u ary edect hv t he acrimony of his ma-: nor. Who ever would tea sua cestui instru-t 1 mu-t lirst b co-U'1 a m id ti:d ali'cclion ate friend. X- w Yvik IKi er. to use it and is to-day enjoying good h;al h 11 you have a y tun at. lu-g orchesf trouble try it. We guarantee eati. faction. Trial bo:tk free at Louiibu.g drac f-tires. Uoxv to Treat a M.vuitf Hurst. militating against the -prosperity of the tcrwn. Occasionally, however, our good people .make a mistake. For in stance, it is. a mistake to send to Richmond, Baltimore, New York A Northern nowepaper corres- or anywhere else to buy for $5.00 1 pondent, writing from Columbia, what you can buy at home for S. C, quotes Governor Tillman aa $4.60. The people of these cities follows.- puy no taxes to kep tip Scotland "I do not believe, if the Farm Neck. They expend no money in Prs Alliance were polled in this paying our preachers. They con-1 Stab?, one-half would support tht Foro2Ljr T-Jiai Aytk, LooJarc- triVinte nntriine directly bar our sub-Treasury scheme. My guide . i- fUk n.10v;nn 'k.,.;n. inmnVintr un mv nnininn ix tnnlv A DirFICXTX-T Ta.K. I-altOr Mr. bcuuvre. Fuu.Ufc ;ro .r-- rrilT. I w:vh t-m, wouU Kct up a tilt. men here bear all these expenses, serve tlie results in me ongres- tl..cnrornl j; .iSvirca' SySnn, We havegood stores 1. ere and if sional districts where, by vote, this and fill it up wi-.U the UigbUst lltU the goodsdesired can not Iw found has been tested. And I believe rwrU-Vry Vrry. ir. but my in 6tock, order Drofil Wfl v.a-o fino millinorv Ktnr the thinking, reading members! ilr. Writer I nefrr twnr otht pro- 1 t v uti- w m mvb wwv or u 1 4 . - , .. . , , T, 1 . 1 4 1 11 tie chAbea iuy aujiL.ig wrta prtuv- 1 ;r or PtiA V.o V I Ttttprlv rpfnuA thft Abatird CTOVL9- 1 .' U L i tj UllU 11 JJi vauv 414414 iuc nuk . . - j 4 nrtlif ribbon hero that vou want. 10ns oL tbe scneroe - your milliner will order for you , what you deeir. Ladies mtte mistaKes m oraer- V:fn :a mnAtri;.n r nf a. talkist . . . . , 1 , . 1 0 ;ng little runaies irom nomeu- lf it tlU about bis rast any merchant will gladly I tbe Alliance 01 me enure coutn 1 tb:kirii are all wtit 03 a vtt ara what you want for the same would repudiate it. Some leaders r Mc " - rb rSX.& t he thakea oi his other goods, may foist it, but the rank and file drrn State ire. A CLOUD Ol WPXKisES. Io not lr!k a Iiorse w' ph be -shies-." Yi only make matters wors.. Tie shi s becue he isufrnid 1 f being burr. Now. jf you st. ikW : im ha is hmi ; he. ass.Kiatcs the harmless brush h ap with ixiin. It is better not t change the tension of the rein at all; that is, sf you were djiving w.tb a loose hue wh n the -.nimal shied. d- not tifiF-ioaor. CENTR AL HOTEL ! -' 1 Y I ' ' I ' i: - Good accbranindatiens. Gaorl fare. To lite tad attentive, servants. We know of no medicine that has so many testimonials to its elli- ch-ncy as S. S. g., the grat blood purifier. Many if tbe best known people in the country certify to the of the birth of the &a iour. . So Christ marvelous results 11 nar wr.wuiu in was born about two years before the various forms of diseas for eol';i)se, and th death of Il. rod occurred hlch i(i m.0iuineded. These about two years before 3093 that is . . aoQrt: n subtract 30 (birtu oil Christ) from 583-i1 A. M. to ih.d the pewou- who have been relieved of A. D- year, and you have 1399 A. D., their sufferings by fc. S. S.-, but or hi if:;rch,.lS99. the VuUlegrootn will ,roni lHH)pie who have witnessed nervously c utch the r :n. r.s if 3-011 were tnu!.ten(l aiso. It vini ao you no 'O-hI, f.-r you cannot Lather up a loose hue quick enough. If the horse $h:e ChHdrcn Cry fcr Rtchcr's Ct$!cH Children Cry fcr FlicSer Castcria) rf.i,drcn Cry fcr Pitcher's Catoria. when they can purchase as well lie be. kntws that ho ha5 here. av.l tVi.it b wuji vanked.from Geutlemcn make lika mistakes rcin and rQW he is doing gooj bv . . & . 1 'a m t somttimos. AUbOlUlO Utlliy O v, wav toothers who ,.ri.- u r.a ....r. purioso to make home prosperous have gotten their feet tangled in -Tell m? aiut it." the laterwud is the only hing lhat will do it. tl KarK.wire which surrounds the citxrti, p.in;; nrcr accaner. Aornr.it Walt. jthfkt Victiu. Ki.d , a ctdy LtM!i:.!oal, ta 'u IciiJ tm cr:it 10 a utan do lot all The men who take care of the town ought to haveour trade. Democrat. Tbf rr a a hole b n- pnAeC an wctuI tho applies -it, Inru'nj to eo, mo4 Uie cwkwt I Uiddr -ppd through It. Uim Io- i:usk and the i'sirnicr.". devil's feedflots. Durham Glolo. But no matter what the Globe believes. Bill Fifo is doing some good at Raleigh and he will do more good. Sara Jones has done much good, saved men just as they rrta vhr . r Ctfw. wpro anlftRhins? into hell kriM WwwoKKicWfi-rC. The renowned "Uncle" Jeremi ah Rusk, Secretary of Agriculture, anj BOnio of the overly pious has written au article for one ot thrown up their bands in ho- t 44-rv r.. ( l,n I . . .,.'. verv ballv speak to him, and gather magatuieb ou iu u.; y horror and said mat ne was the lines eaily and firmly. If you ere Hour" in regard to agriculture. 8iangy. Too bad that a man is driving with.a taut line, which is alwa)s This duty appears to consist in not polished. But Sara knows how lsi in my juJmea:. do not jerk as he thinking a great deal about the tQ ctttci, them and he baits his shios,,but iv, es stead ly and k. ep cool. fanners and appreciating earnest- Kft.k for and not for the an- iXew York W- eklv. lv Ibo f t that agriculture ia the 1 .lMn.1 J -" d I TilRUSO Ol lueii ti ukj bid ... r i 1 I 1 . K;trly fcietTo!si'.vo tbe Best. tounuatiou 01 au nation! pros- 8aved. Durham Globe. perity, and sympathizing pro- W1ii i a! GilTKl. te ttfi Cort come acd awaken tlie. foolish virgins." the effocl? of the meilicine. Prac- fast, wortk kiiovfiJMr ie that blood dis- I :,.;,,,; 1.1. uQicir.. drnyifists. Dhar- eases which ail other inednnioaiail to enre j macists in tact, all who navo ftau an opportunity of observing the Id Elowlv bot ur:ly to the blood cbian t propertios oi P. P. P. (Prickly Asa, L'oke It is the early bird that catches the foundly with the farmer. worms ; o u is the early setting of to i-r0 ugg a gmiLE borrowed from bacco plants that Kuceeeds, The num- gecretary Rk's d e p a rtmcnt," 1 her of plants to set to the acre is a ! vtsl iSAmrwrat. "we nuestion of the moment. If one desires ... A ' Governor KoTt comes to his high office without a struggle aud he Out of thk Mornra or Bauk. Two chi'Jrcr. were plajiug on tho walk a!J a bdr psd ibmt. ibo jravs wtdjc." viii nee. "What's a grA4 wJo? aked the otbrr. (;r?tioui'! Dcu't yoJ knor thitf JI . 4 r 1 : tUn.s V!n rra imnn n t to rT.Miuce a fi -e loaf, the number can be nv.de to 10.000 or 11,000; but if a to a hill ot Deans. 11 mere do a .coarser leaf b wauted, set out from duty Qf the hour in relation to the "8,000 to 8,o00 to the acre. Iuasmmh farm, it is something a good deal as our t rowers are thriving to. compete m0re substantial than thinking FABGlj SISlIESTit, HOUbE A$D SIC 51 P'AIXTEK. Calsomhur.d, raining, irlor paint- ina specialtV. ' Ssitisfactsou guaran teed, Leave (r(iers at Thomas & "Ay cocke's drug spre. , ; Y '-'r:. ' 1 ' y:- rtusx-CLASSi, .'.., Root aad Potassium,. Many letters areteoeivd by the i : f. f. Kl. ,.. .m 11 v Ihisi. preal .,,1. c,'.tra in nrnilt.-.mtT n Tivifor fine I ... ...a r..n Co. from patieata. eavioil tliat they Had vuno 4. - , - earnestly ana apprfcmnu . inii) 'el sucu ana roca.a .oou punwuuur- i.. wiilimr testiiiiouv to texture, 11 wouiu mwiu v Ju" rr,tb;inr rleonlv. and fiat.arillas. mentioniEg tli.Hr naTas ana . . - - , mar, .4. n . r- !5SS RRSra i ' In .U field, which is Root iud iotfwwrara) wss tneii. ir.eM- A wida unc. covering 60:rie Ot the wo Kr.qrTAl M BUDflSn. Wlienuie vaiiuuo , , mantifaeturtTS wrote us fearful letter,-; ond j ni0St serious ailments of huuiauity, liscontitmed earns, nut r. jr. jr. t rncuy 1 - Afcb. Poke Root aud I'otasKiuta) w tnnui- jj. 5. has J O rival. phaftt on every occasion, aa1 has maele a hoet of frien-lH in enres cf Kyphitis, Bhcutna- tistat, RcTOfula. Bicod oisou,' uyapepsia, Malaa-ia and Female Complamts A tbo dhr P n efullv: -hv. br has made no cuss or party ene- huabanJ Ulil,y uetr mics. Iso one doubts his Iemoc- racy and "set he is withal a roan of wealth and refinement, manufactu-1 rer and capitalist. He is also a farmer and largely a self-made man. Now he is just in the posi- tion to lift the Old North State up out of the ruts aud start her on the high way of influence and power. To do this let him, ai Governor, T5aLr.J:r. J rdritSCU. menreagoo . magazine article a. ro For tiitonc. Tilanta net out lg vui- o n. v. , 1 I.. , , r 1 - " iuclu. apart i rows, aud 3 feet and t. Uusic nimseii nas gven u. 1qq)c . the of t h people two inches between the rowa will make preuy gooa iaea oi wnn vu and the honor and glory of tbe a hosi of p!auts ou an atTi ; hut if the duty of the nour is. plants are paced say 20 inches sjartin "Secretary Rusk remarked some the rows, i.tid 3 feet 2 Indies between mouths ago that if the farmers "Pfoplo wonder wheii they fiud how rapid- uotown dealer some time ' health is restored by taking P. f - 1 , 1 , , . , . . t ti v.,u . tne rows, the number ot plants w Af ,t,04 Fnttini wm & acro wiI1 M?: one-sided affair that didn't bene- shillcdiT- n2.n ,,.,1!!,, J fit them they would Boon kick ,t TJPC' A TT A' IvTHH SKoSten.) .olvod to breakup his creli. XllllO -JLlAA. W i Hewapon is. wmple; as it is a. powerful .-A ri,,,nrsn anticinale.l 60UW i . ' 4.o.U. A..a Vt..a nf tho u' v . I 14.VUW. wv. w y-- - I . ... . i eQUH) a;ut!)u oi mc iu'Jw i . . . . n, . - n t i . . ..... I ti, hoi nsr rrr r I r q ton I K AXDT liTTLJOHN. Frpprie'tor homo woods . ; ficnlty in doing it- ; -jouiw enuuee st?ajght, ihje, they can te cuitiva'eu over- "7 i. u ly competent men to olhce rcgara- State. Let him in business matters as far as possible, eschew party. Let him rise above all mora personal and party aims and seek only pul lic good. Lot him cut loose from all vaiu toadyism and appoint on- ii 1 1 1 P.xTTP'l in, . I I I . i am now 'prlpared- to furnish meals '-at . aJL I, ;r,.t,t 1 lco.fr. on hand a V. fresh sappiyM all 'kinds M meats aud , f . . 1 tads, cait ujaaa oc. whw Ssfe jH AjS ILLlT ON : HOTEL v ' v' W.'M. McGHEE, Proprietor. Y Good accommodations- iit servnts, i ::: ? and the' best ftcro . the niarliet . 4-"'Y JiivY--,--'vv'l-K affords: v';-1' ' ':' burg, K. C. The Art;f Coaversation. f I .1 ,i:..ik, 1. 1 o' nmf I'iirr) iirintHi. I . .. .: ' . .i-.. U rr. .1 tU.t Via nnn Qlnfa ViitHortil i uuu uuAi'j ," - j piaui nas grow u o uioucibiu e.c, , UCi lui, JU mo nu j selfish claims. And men we win which told she follo ingstory: '"DouH 1 ; t1. s ifiu 'to snread out into tb ! n otmiV)1 iron, the Democrats last! ., , , n oi.i, i t 1- -, L . . ,i- ' I . V - I 4--J' , - . 1 CPA tnft 111(1 iAOrill Q.lJ IUCV 444 run hills; pay cadi its tetter lor you, of lUe wm and such being the rn i e;ht out of nine Rep- . 1 j v " y and its Utter for me, and I'll tell you it to noi to rtm the cultivator ves in Congress and the h rVi lciZ 9.:? whv. I have irivcu creu-.t for a long ' - -. iYanti iu a aia'u- sentatives n congress abroad.-Charlotte Chronicle. ... i . - . .... l - -. 4 ..,i i i o ; boc!8 aturotliaieiecicu a ceuawi. il Y, Y 2314 PIECES CrMUSlESSS 1 To nv one tehdhur 10 cents, the WavekIey Magazink will be sent tot four weeks as a trial ntbeoription. -The regular price is four dollars per year. Jaca tssoe contains iron ten to lineen complete stories, comments on current events. Dazzles, rolces. ttmts tor tae boasenoia, ana tae best of music---iast the thing for long winter evenings. .what vou Eet in four copies J D4 pages a columns ot reamng matter 300,000 words comprising -over-BO com plete stones, and vocal and instrumental music, (the latter is worth at least fifty cents,) and ail trial, knowing: tull well tuat you oermanent subscribers. . t ?rfj? Address WAVEQliY E?ASAZiaS,' ;Bc,172. T'.-e art of conversation is .vomeir aut-ve i'"Vi" lJ,cJ t I umcv aiiaran weeKiy jccouum-, uu. i Dcr ioinj born with their.glorious-powers. , sut 3:i(J xUl.tave to stop it to be an Lou have the fallowing calcula many womeu, who converse intelligent maa. Some tune ago, , on a batur-, . . -..w !0 tlie number of plants ly and pleasantly have become master luy htrush. I bold a box ef c?g irs lliat bg 6et out oa aD acre of laud: of tho art;by paueht-care and 8yudy. , j-ar $5, and when we cbsed fbuuu Uie ' - : Y r plants EveVi pcrsous.of onhiiarabihty ;wih j memorandum ! lost, and couM notvre- fmd unon mak'mglthe eilortt that wneie iiis njt a ;ift. norther deficiency ; can :y,6 so well so 1 piemen ted .bv Yart,.; -; ior hi .. m.v hot orove amiss.- laiicuo The Ultf Cttu Crop. urif.n,. l.l or ti5 51H Cats, Scslds, Ceckizhs. Uoands, 1 0. A rhiki who bail vwitcd an el la prolb- -,rv X.'- n tT ZtmlZ . . ... I V-- UlJ-rtMWM. er in cool came nonie iu rai ;.- ment toiufcuin bU mother that ho b-e 1. rr-,l .-int cf tbic!is M "iMiat waa ivi av - . v .,4.r ak&l the mother. I learned .u TO VUI1L1C SCHOOL TEACHERS The Fupcrfcitc.n.lf ct re public school of Frankhu rouaty. H te in Lotti- :tacjr'thip-pljec$ the:r pwtniar : talhtiys ; ; ;aik TWut fliose thiy gS whuh'm terest youree'If; is- I - -1 ; .t I.. I. Ylw ' ' . 1 ItJnntA JlllirVflJ. I t lnsnra r. kui iu 111 iu . 1 . 1 - i hieaWrho it -was' 04dto-.il, w-8 ; 3feetRf.d2 inchuH between - . Tho cottonof last yeas raising, te 'rithmet-c c-s that the tquart.oi i,ure m the tA Tt.ur-ty, of Fetr cousiderahly perplextd. Hud1 menlioaed , the tows ' .tin :ht a Verv nearlv one the base auJ U.e p.-r: cudiciitar or a right r; Aj-nU-July. fmper, October issi-VYii? .pbr-WTi"... it t 1 is now esximaiea iuav m iuu. .Lvy t imiD2 tib-o : tliat .they interest your li'rfti'neiY'auC6 it- a point tov infoim y.uv6e!f upon a variety of tou s never be ttiltV of in'roducihg t?i a mixed c- . pany a subject U 5,01V wi ac,-h all tnay npt bfete','to".fe . .There "9 a won; . ', Tr;' wifahLtfuiaburgou Jratuniy of each week, "He Alwaya rieases His ife RDlUU pttJJc to'aUena Uy atj wrm.i iHMiintinki - t tlKflUr 1" itri - . J.Y.t ,r onI hivi milA 1 and said. I - An a-ie "et" trr und contains l( r. 1y.: ,Vi.,u t Y,,u not that Wrerods. .,Iti20Sifeet snuare, t-r '1890 will reach 8.C0O.OOO -OC.8, . "lie Aiway x " and ail pohuc to.aUena Uy atj r,HY3 li-C4-10t rods square. : It is: 2.50o , ; ,T; w- lin. be title of a new English novel, tiwuu. cockled wUU wj oSce. conieupurcieour inc '- ' J. X. IlAJU.tS, t'upU te-ed the box nt expecuujs ,iuui i 53.176 ery oiie would kkk but the rutt man. inches. r ; . - . - I over for nextyear'B consumption. , ;:,LK;n(rPr Went that; so Plants etJnno 5th to the 0tU ought ?V .VU.. , f . I r j -1 to berradv .oharv-st bv Augu-t nun and tnis surplus. ur, eieven tuvu u.D rr'-v-r.; u 20th liaidwiusvdie.uazeue. -j- pregsjnr .effect J'.A jinvthlni' r':,. 'IDUS l. conciuueu , rv. V M M W-4 ' j tit. . r r Hhat ihe credit system y;it J-jlt does not follow that a poor manris througbout tne next- '.iii'l P..';. R,:wir.lT nAOnl'-:OUt.. ill 1' l.T 1. ,1., V,t KafiwUr nXt Y hOUeSt UOytUOre tuao .U Wl I OlW IUIUg Vu '".' tbe $tng9tar''hotiUi-'fcel Jv-.e dealer got cbnsideiable lUvetus-) yovug grl ia jrelty, -. v , : , . JS assuring ittdicatit YK;'-.':r YiY'r'Y Y-V''.' -' '"" -:v: " v' :y "V ; V ' - - ": 7 ; next season. Only ! U r? A.ant it orr? that! i.i. w.-. -k- - -r-'-i- I K . t' K r.v' ';--Y:;5y. YWYSS:S