,', .?'' :' O-.v X ... - -; .; : : . . . . '; v.:';A'& 3 v v ; ' -. - J. M' THOMAS,' Editor and Proprietor.- ' ' , j vt -: 'With 'Malice tovard. none; With Charity fw aJX. $10 rLP. JLX&U2T. U Ade . voiv; ;x. ErOTJ ISBTJRO- N;'.C!V- M A.Y 8 , IS 1. NO 14 .-T"- ':"-. .'x., - : ... . v . .- .s . -I. '.Tp:- .Higliest of all in Leavening Powef.Latest U. S. Gov't Report, r : 0 fejS r$$ &$&Wt$m 1 wonootttem'fool farmers;" yes, VL Whmk& There, waa plersty of lis fashioned on the ?&&mv&i$ earaa peculiar plant ' 'SWW 'And I're lived out here in Kansas more lWUdMMW tl.an ilv and twenty years mmS5mimm A growing poorer and poorer, aa it certain- MMiSfeSll .And-never knew why Ieot .MSSliMiJll I didn't foid with politics: I Pfe ctMI rvt&Sk f&..mm toMiwato. . VV6fcy;' .-S,;ssS nriA 1 acterminea - to resist iu wnmaii w Schedule IV tax to the full length of the lav. Messrs. K.' M. Mclotirei N. 11. Ilaakiii anl C. W Wor.h have been nik;.ng tK 'rafjd to MvaretfuliScrip- tiosis o a fund for carrying, the, matter into ' the coart. end . several, hundred dollars have nlrefulj beeujriU-d for this purpose- . The Legifelalurti , was aj- leAled to at it recent iession ,to jight en the burdens of 1h".s tax but. failed to afford the relief sought for. .!The mer c'u ints w ill now 8ectre able counsel. and by testiug the consti;utiooftliy rf -the Act in the cours. '&re"-tOufllent- of oiinil."w inW--- 1 ,tmS wu c.i uiey tuu iku Ton crji ran -and tell McKinloy and say j obtain before the General Assembly. -r - . . I celdoTa read the papers I work., too bard , lean while other had too much and as they Inst imaeriae mv feWWiM? i I When I kfitelwd wy -riSi a-readin'-now A lr? trtule pnlHM.tion, and to make it -oriK Mid before sne V SS3 'wy eW jS i Sbs'd rd it sb1 each night i Mfraf i Ad' d .Tn Vnow that mfe of mine jest & W'A'WIiSf a W M fared ise yp and down A -lf4H&AJW H-ifM Tbkt farinore eiate to make a few monopo- Mk t iV I alwaya try to get around these warm do- Wf i' 3 But when 1 prated Protection she laughed Vfi 5S . and -answered "Hat.". tho eectiaaente ly know what they aro talking about. One 6ays: "Let every farmer who failed to get in his oats go right to work P. P. purifies the blood aud thus perma- ' , u., l"K?H47, yjTJ? nnrl sow an jirro of RnorVW rPn uentlyVures catarrh. For sale by Thomaa Gv- I!!?hth'?1.at "'LTh Speckled peas &Ayeoeke. . i:- itlV to the mule. This will come in don't fonret totate That we've voted but in Kansas, and we've . votnd darned near straight I KanBas. f'ov. 4, 1890. Catarrh originates in scrofules taint. P. A LITTLE GIRL'S EXPERIENCE JN A LIGHTHOUSE. Sir. and Mrs. Loren Treseott are keepers TWO Ul'INlOXK. A great many farmers in this eounty failed to get in their usual crop of oat 8 'last, fall and this Bpxing,cnd many of them are con siderably puzzled as to what they are going to do about it. It will never do to buy corn at present price's, and some have made ar rangements to "hedge" against the Ilis wife had previously made him I tveryj ons admire a man of a handsome spongo bag, on tho out-1 pCSh, but nobody wanta to b the side of which were embroidered Ipcnwn pushed aide by the man. ered the initials MW. II. and tlo bag waa lying on the wajh- stand when the conductor came in. lie looked- at Billy, then at tho bag.. Then he said quietly : Yoa fold me your name was William1 Hill, to correspond with your tick. et. What does those' initials W. II. S. mean?" Quicker than, a .v.. w-;.. u-a T. Billy reph'd; Moudarn-d ftooT, those initials stand for Wil- r , fc' I i: ir Mi? Stonewall Jm.'kou' Death. I IHVfvl Orwntrts. UppWs UVANtOX. tA. Ilistories always stop to describe 1 Tor u by Tbo Aywk. Loauimrg. the dying of v olf and Montcalm, A embia DJood poison, body eoverert witli T,.iaiM fn,-,- with . AdhA I l ;.1,U T j-: .. . . sores, and two bottles of P. P. P. (Prickly ush and tnrnias into fever. Docts at ui " "v tne tWO Opposing Commanders in 2rK lhey the battle of Quebec. But their . . . i vain, sne izrvw worm rapiuij uuiu uts i ... iii I ten year-old. or sale by ihomos & Ay- a merH hanifui ot bones." Then she trfei will carry him over until his corn deaths were simnlv heroic com- Rheumatism wa8so bad that James ir of two and a half bottles wss completely 13 gamerea.. i nave virieu mai pared with the Christian death of I mo, ol havonnaU, could hardly walk from cured They say Dr. King s Jew uimrovery plan more than once, and It 13 CtnnoJl Trlrinn pr.in in his shonider and joints of his legs, is worth itn weight in gold, yet yon rnayj r ' I owiiBwtm jblji&uii. A sprained ankle has been cured in an hour by ihoweric it with hot water poured from the height of a few feet. P. P. P. inrieklv anh. to :e root and notaa- evt atrial lottle free at lxuisbure druir ftDOUl me cneapest ana D?B ieea 1 I AVMif 1 -PfS nn iha ntr nf Vi i I L.niiaren L.rV IflP flTCr.Pfl lSt?nrtt: sinm) was reKorted to ana Irvin is well and stores. 1. .w,r Tli. Ka - V,,f ... ....... happy. For sale by Thomas & Aycocke. ' Know ci. uui do sure inafc you death he was told that he had Qi'jJdrcn Cry for Fltchcr't ClStsrisj x Abbot's East India Corn Point' remove s . -Political foiat sow the speckled or "whippoor- about two hoars to live, and he " Sf.iSroKi!.: . will' pea. It comes in several answered feebly vet firmly. "Very Mdttn Cry for Father's CariaJ It is the opinion of a "practical" pol- weeks before any other kind." iticiau. Senator vooriioes, liiat iir. ine omer iarmer says: i MiLTOTf, FLA This is to certifv that I have been afflicted of years. The best physicians of Mobile j Cleveland made a gr at mistake in his and this city said nothing could be done for mo. I also too a large quantity of A few moments before he died For saleor.ly by Thoroas & Aycocte. Louis burg, X. C. x'IKST-CLAtsS Tlavin opened a Srf-t-class Restaurant in L"rtitf')-ii-g, ram prepared to serve wt-als at nil hours. . Can furiii.-h a few jere.iis !ii:!ig :tt r.iuht. ily tabf is brved wifh e!.i .I' '.t:, mutf.u, beef and -vi;fvthi!H" the murker- s-.rirrd.-!. 'Alwav's eaU ;;i vWt:; y: re huugrv, aud you thll have saliadacs-iin. Cesrectfi?;.i', B"tKMV HAWKINS. , CENTiiALBOTEL ;J i? Massenbcrg X2-ojy To think thiB free trade stuff should be cor- ruDtiu' of my wife; I quit her t!:cn and there before her argu mejit woe throuiih. As every good protectionist makes it a rule to do. That night we had n ccmp-ure and ourCon-grcw-man vas tlieve; - We gave iiim '-John Brown's Body' when lie vreut to take the chair; I wore my old blue uniform to spito ibe Democratf.: Bet & ! that time I wondered what my Ma ry meant by "Rate. Cur Catisresfiman tvs eloquent, he made a -.tin-in' sK!r.h; Ieouid almost e""e the battle's smoke and hear the bullet a screech; And y.ien us l.iie us vote as we had shot at Malvern Hi'l, . We roae with ojih an:6vi abU cried with one -acdtum.VW'e will!" We irang the good old war songs and weate a mesfi o' lieaiip, And w ? paesed the i-veuin' pleasantly, rer cailisig blood scenes; And ve took the KtraighS-out tickets and ve phiiiAd 'eiii ou oar iia-tK, Unt t. u- titae I wondered what my- Mary meant by '"Rata."' When I reached bom-i I noticed tliat my Mary wore a- 6iniie Which seo:nd to tue an indicntin' st-orms ahad op bile; To head her off I said : "You'll call mo ear- It, mother dear, For tT morrow wiil be the livest day me . .i . ...:n 1 .ra... t Next mornin' juet at sun-np, as I woke and rubbc-1 my eyes but found no relief iu anything I took. My limbs were a masa of ulcers, ami when I was sent, to a physician in Mobile my entire body was a mass of sores. I had giveu up all hope and as a last reeort tried P. P. P. (prickly ash, poke root nnd potassinm,) and after using four bottles (small size) the sores have entirely disappeared, and my general health was never better tha n at the present tiras, and people that know me think it a wonderful cure. Respectfully - Elira Todd. For sale by Thomas & Aycocke, drug gists, Loeieburg, C. Work of the U. K. .Commission. "How do you liko the little ,dog "Peas are first rate for the pur- h,ft nnt ;n l.ir!lirinm? Or. U gave your wife the other day?" vetdes ot pension b lis, at d only saved In fact, I know of nothing der A P jjj to prepare for ac- V'1 ncver 8aw one 1 liked botter. the government auoai i.uuu. n f . , . th nniMll h t... m-n u.i Tr.i.-n It died the next daw " rlvn,l Wl hpm mnro nmctical he n . ' C . ,Ioa- 1 lJ- J' would have paid the 147,000 out ot the " " . " " tneu Bt0PPe1' w"g e sentence soldier wua-14 BF,euuiu luluK " lf- Al unfinished. . . i :.i li. I . . vo'e ' for nunsen -inai is me piam i v- r e i i'resenuy emus ox loeuauiu English of it. Mr. Ch v datKl m fortu- over peas, in thai it does not re- B-eetuess spread itself over his mite in bavins Mr. VoorheL-s s?iin-t quire such rich land. Of course, pale face and then he said quietly hbn ns the candidate of his party for the better the land, the better the and with an emrcssion of relief: 1892. It if better to be r g it than t nnno. uk nn aorn irt unrM will .l. j """ - i us cross over iuw river ttuu feed your stock till the corn tops rest in tb0 8bade of the tree. W iIIvm CIO. iIm ct4 for Cm WW h lwcn KIm. b cUtm to be President. Phil. Ledger. Iud. Good accommodations. Good fare. Po lite and attentive servants. " PAHJCI 0?IBMi : IIOUE AND SIGN PAINTEIi. Calsominin giaiuing, parlor paintr ine a socially. Sa.ustcuou guaran teed, Le-ve orders at Thomas & Ay- ' cocked drug store. 4 FiaSTiLASS BB3TAURAHT. SANDY LITTLEJOHN, Proprietor I am now -prepared to furnish meals at all hours, dny or night. 1 keep on h::na a fresh supply of all kinds f meats and leads, csiii in and be savi5ed. The K.jilroad Coininipsiours are hard at work, trying to oake such altera tions and amendments to th? present sy.ein of Ircihl and passenger service in the Shite, as will ben- Jit the people without crippiUig the roads. Th s is no easy task as tlwy have already found out.. Oiie oi' their first s. els was a re duction in passouycr rates of from 3t to 3t.eiits per mile for firs-t cl ss a:ul i'tuiii 3 to2i cent? per mile for so. ond class fares. This, the commissioner thought, would be more s-ttfcfactoty to the public than a o:ti!imi rate of 3 cenis per mile as rstablisheu by the llailway C'imi!i'Ksi(r.i in Cieor.i'. An examina tion of theroighl t ui if r now in f-uve in j North Carolina has, we learn, shown that rates 'm Noi t'i Carolina aro chop er than iu Georgia, where the Commis sion has been in ope atiou for smiiT years. The"' North I arolina Conmis sioncrs have so far c-mtcnieil iht m- v eye-, . . , . . .i - ..... r-i.. And woudorin' what siie raant by Itats," j selves TU rcouciug me ucigiu uc vu I s iw. to my sarprwe. such articles as i o.il and salt, .whu h are Mv c.'of'n.-s and hat and boots ah ranged m . ... . j order on tne noor, ., jnniio ivi:o.-..j ... rji And bearin' erioh a card 1 d swear l never hl h shnuId therefore be debvered m saw beiore. , ., , . . c.-..,. ...j cneaniv as ixjssioie. -j.ne uciaiib wu Tlio Atchison CMobe annouMces that are ready, and if anything, I real- J yn(j tjieri) without pain or the imamatiou U the grea est t-ource ot ly believeit will keep an animal strusele. his spirit passed saJTcring in th worid. BCCKLEN S ARNICA SALV2. Theltest saive in the world for cots brui-eR. sorei. ulcers, salt rheum fever sores, tetter, chapped band childVins, corns and :ill skin eruptions and positively cure pil or no jiav reTiin 1. ft is jruarantoed to cue perfect Rutisfaciion. 'r mon?y refund ed. Price 2i cen's per n'-x. For sale lv IiuLsburg Drugstores in better condition than the peas will." Ex. away. Phil Press. FROM 6.D TO WORSEi The oodinary treatment for cou tageous blood poisoning is to drive fax! si and uai:ii:n noti:. Freeh eggs are those not over a week old. Fresh water should be given twic one poison from the system by a ay I A nnrtr 1!hna r Ko rrtilVcwl if ViO A Cnlifon;ia paper reports the cnr.ih introducing another. The result, ... , ... of one black ba-ss ivei-hi-g 31S tv,uods. I iuw n u.uku. uuuuanucunuavnuRu OatB stand next to wheat a an The .-axdls at Mrs. Hoarer A. Try or's rcccjdionV, In New York City, .tand in caudloJtis;ks 20 years -ld. The coSin-plale of Washington lias ju-stbtcu i-oid iu Philadelphia, Pemi.. f jr This pi ue w-.is taken from the lid of his coffin at the time his b-dy was placed iu the present oicrblo casket. $1,09 In cash to be distributwl amnn; can- usually follows a leap from the egg-producing food. frying-pan into the Sre. To put The greatest profit in a pig is in .L .. , the first 200 pounds, it mildly; mercurial and other . Radical changes in the feed of- mineral poisonings have aisaa- ten mate the hona eat sparingly. vantages which are hardly less se rious than contagious blood pois on. In either case the system is wrecked ; and yet there is no rea- Wheat brand wet with hot water makes a good summer breakfast. It is not necessary to coddle or pamper fowls to make them grow.' Roasting cotton seed is said to! vassers for clubs for the Weekly Tim.!. V I'.nni'snm'-lv illustrated Oaoer Of SIX- I arn r Vinmonitv ottmilr? rnn( i n. I mnnA ila n.l!r. r,tali. t flnrrl cTirt IvcnlflVCll t. O IP, CSlim. A UJCOd I . . . l.J 1... 4 U I . T .1,..,. n..-, f I " I O T 1 in. uauuv......t nasspn.'i'f r;ii.-s rfK'.oiuiiieuiu'u uv i: i lecu isiiztr. lfsa iii.nr uno win i i . JZ '1 ioo"-n thia is what . nnmmiMinii are intended for tho well wek. Cheats t paper in the world, ue to suffer. It is the office of l . -K-ant; I establi-hed tbroukh li.-ea, and will be ?J"h e q , nlttt,;n, To keep fowls in a dirty, ill-ven My vest said "i area xuu una . , . . wmj imw unan. w w.w v - . ,v I :ij u ; . fl ri1 'Taxed 25;" moaine i in uie case ot snot i nnea ui subscribers betore January 180i a'd .... .. mucu uOUUCj r.v- My coat and hat "200 " with Protection ;lr j that are Bfra!rgv,ug ta pay ex- to accompUsh this iu te stiortest space poisoning, t or that disease the in(. penses even at the old rates. The oi nme i. medicine is surely a specific. And X"i'o fiMiotint eariU T- M. PEIfcON, LOCISBUBO, X. C Practices lo all Courts. OSlce hi the Court House. OCice 1: doors below Fnrroan's drag tore, salj.jinliig Dr. U. L. Kilt. rpiIOS. B. WILDER ATTORSET-AT LA Wt "LOCISUCRO,!. C. Of5ce on Maui meet, ooe door below fcAle Hotel. TPw W. II. NICHOLSON, U PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISUCRO, K. C OJSce cppcAiie Dijle Hotel. makes ue thrive. . T J T I t " I went.to till tne basin ana i nati-a x C omffiissionfcr3 are al,Q endeavoring to "Taxed 4s'per cent." Great Scott! the tow- J bring about 'reform in the line of: -el said tne samel . , .i,,n,,0t, tmln hPtwn imnnrlnntNorth ' Thesoap wae marked "20." as l aroppea it on the floor- - , , . uaro;i.a towns, ano expeci f I chanced to see a seuttle iuUoicoa!cn.aKeQ . . fi ... hnm and MoreJi?ail Citv. instead of the I passed into tae kitcnea, ana , ut ine0aVeient an roiecnient . by " TiniTi T,o klfe I f That my wife bad on a woolen dress stamped J wl,i;h '''passengers' are. compelled to And "in ahloSc" pot a Guinea hen she made make several annoying changes be- a little dive . - .'., tween those poiuts. lne ranroaas win Which showed n pa:r of stocUings wixn a ; : , - Me.HU t c:d marked "35.". ; . i ij'"o tu.v. w f one thousand dollars will be pan! to is is als y its office to cure mercu- Ihe yettej-s-up of clubs as tollows: I-or the tirst largest nst -sou , otupr m;neral noisoninc Por the second largest list 200 nal ana 0lDer nVnerai poonmg. F..r the third largest list 100 In short g g g ia tfae fc blood For tire three ucxt larges', each 501 ' For tlie four next largest, each 2: purifier. .It destroys the germs of ! roc tne kii uct i.uiii, ui. u iv i For the 20 next largest, each 5 1 tho contagious diseases, aud ex- Twenty-four hours after hatch ing is soon enough to begin feeding- . The fowls will not thrive if they are forced to stand in mud all day. There is more profit, in the long pl W. TIMUEKLAKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUI8RUUO, X. C. Office on Nnsb St. F. S. SPRUILL, A TTOHXE r-J TLA JTt - L)flSHPR, X. C Will attend the court of Franklin, Vince. Gr&nvili. Warren. Nash, and run, to cultivate one acre than in I Federal tod buprcmc charts. Prompt Rkimn.intr ban. . I al'xttltoa pren to codocttou-, c W. McGIIEE, IToprietor. r Good accommodation, puiitej servnls, and thy best. fare the market . affords. "'i U. COOKE, , THE blaoe:smith;: I desire to infoniithe public .that I have moved to theih"opr at the too. of the river bridge,Au the svest side ot Main Street, where' I am prepared to do all kinds of Biacksraith ' work Hoiae-shoeing a specialty. ; - r DuKKi-i. Davt8 , . ' -' v'r--' ' " "-Louisbura:. N, C . i..A .. - I ,1, ml ' ' . e it, ...,.. I I..VLl.mn. V..l-lv lAiiniul lUlrtfl Will. X felt a. lamp rise in my throat; 1 tnew xnap ..n ia en. richly irustrated articles on every, sub- lwasueai,. . , . i 'u,u' """-.Vl : - . - - . lf ,1t.pmnnri.n.Hi hitp.rpst. Inclo- erelwel Btrnck thempes: ?6 11 ',ooa le eea" whetu" King ficlbn; literature, travel, adven or not the results whicu were cxpeiuca ture, ociety, tfie drama, sports ani Uh No matter where ky little signs; Thft above rrizas in cash. This corii- . . : . 1 i . n. . .l .... 1 1 f tkn av.bIa.-v, nil fwna r i.-euiiou win .ue upvu 10 cvurjwAij w-i utriH iruiu iuc dyokiu i uj luo wi , , j , i ji- i rvt-ff ii v .... . r .n.i.L'n tiul ui u t . erywnere meu, wom.-n, uoys ami . - i - . iris, careiui recoru win oe scp. ui iutimuai j-ji ana-ciean, ana proviuo pieuijr uti( -irrr. and counsellor at law cheesa contains ixcisbcbo, fraakxix co-, . c. more nutritive than two pounds of atlerKf tha cirts of Nh, Frank- beef. I GraovUlc. Warren and Wake roo HIS WIT HAV12U ... i ti; aWw the iforrrrne coort of North uwmgio us ierwnxing vue -- ftUj tb l S. Circuit aiid L. clover should never bo.sold for less I tr-;t court. T.eW fa his little bed was lyin' fast " tW health and strength to the 8offer- good bedding. wnfl!ii.; -J - . ijccciu"ci. io, i. mAronntrdiira th Tint w ben I saw them cards on blanket, pit- j taxation claimed by ccr:am ot tile older - The Pblladalphta W eckly Times is a - - "7 ' " - . ' i - m 1 I The stove, the plates, tae umyes. xae lorsta, , v.mmissin;i are t.i lw realized, home lite, the farm and garden, w We are contUlcnt that the CommW. SjSSS is nt'fneato ask what card was will give to the people ivnaieyer pi g.ou Wtloent-. dcv.)ted our' Uoys - . .1 thfl i.-ut. v : . - I thev em under t!ie law wiuliout work rt,u Th r feature if the Tina I Mr. Billy Smith is a well-known than $15 per ton. rlmraeter in the drv-ETOOds trade. I TV.ro vnitr tmit frota aa in TT v. uULLEY, " J I . IW. ..M.v ...-w ftt I. . '. . - .1- . . , .-! t in ti i ini in lasric- to i-ne rurau. T int wfts xne Buuriwii c.c - . 73 And as I left the table In remarking to my I ,; ; Llie tlrftSteir hatl was' going, to the polls, she helpe." And, said: VI reekon, John, I neednt tell '. $s y ou Tio w to voteVj ';:.;-. ';'--' -j -; Ex. v. A TTOnSEY-A T LA W, FRNKL!.VT.!Ct Jf.C. " AU legal bu&ftueM promptly att-nded To an v one sendinr 10 cents, the WAyei.ky Magazime will be sent for four weeks as a trial tubseription. The regular price is four dollars per year.- eaucji issue cummin uuuiw .ua.a.ccu complete stories, comments on current events, les, Jokes, mnts tor tne boosenoia, ana tne ereemgs. t 4 pagps if o t columns ot reading miutcr- 300.000 words'-ccmDrisine ever 3 O com plete stories, and vocal and instrumental music. (the latter is worm at least nttv cents.) ana oil for only Ten Cents 1 JOf coqrse you understand this offer is made to get you to give the paper a trial, knowing full well that you will become permanent subscribers. 1 . -'. "''- s: : :L-f ' Address' WAVEBUT RA8AI1IE, Box 172, I walked down to my rotin', place; it looked ' -' Iifc6 every vrd --: - ... - , Was. f all of farmrn' implements which bore .; i And eoemcd to say, from ploT :to epade, ' tnriJ -m--i' Tnlm inrl ' lorSBt tne 5 f tariff "is'a, tax. ."wji'' v",-.-- r K' - J,-.;, -r- - ; I voted straight, 0 yes, no donbt of that; I A.-;.;; r-voted.stmiht,; ; '"- '.'.' "; : But not exactiy in the way expected of my ;- ' 1- State; .; -''' . '' ' n And I showed the boys the little card pror : vided by .my wife..- '- '-';. -' " ; Thatrniht our Coniressman took formal , f:r:i leave of public life.".-: l, . . I -H k " : a He ia a roval cood fellow, spends va f rff nrkian tnn nn torn limbs , . t" ' " las mony ireeiy ttnu ueyc. mco 6" toucning or crossing eacn omer. v,.. . " . I. . I aroused more mteress amoug young aheaa ot. any one except rauroau Close observers say that skim . . . m t. . - r r as 1 11 i'ni 1 m iiw.Bkelel.!. chai. pusnits hikI wob- scaljiers ticKew. no. long ago no , . .and. for timAiot to clres I I Ik A 1 A ftf-1 7 1 A 1 " . t-m4 , ftM M - tk. A A tw,t, von are ran down. can't eat. lems are bo tDifrrtauung ruu msvnic ,oUSrtjt a IlClcei irom Oincinnaii io i s , . l TU 1'L JSLIU iLiiVUl.ZTXALUA can't think, cant sleep, can't do anytnmg I tive, UUt.C .n mmr RAtiHiaction. and tou wonder what 1 ,vlu rnnds ' ails von . Yon should' hd the warning, ft R ,t Q't lock C'blb. '1 Iku cr'tm of William Hill OU it. yon are taking wieanni P-ro11 nnd 2Uia button of the Club 1 Sent tirostratioa. iou mneu a ma iuu uu - - c ... f- m.. n:M.M n H11 timl tha jti't I in tiiiTirre jjuvcio j u . mUHv fnr rpto7-in!r vour nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surpris- : u. r, in 4. iad n. tnia imiHr.nanA i . . . . . r:ru.r,..3v" and the buu.ir. tls ot rnzes uqtsuiouies - , su--u mon2 boys and gTls by sending .for a anu iair wiuo .u.ubu ...bscrijttoo'prke of which is only 50 a eacled Mr. SmithVacition he clock. . The family upstair, re- 1 Jt.l0 'ottnrfttivo Yonr aooetite retnms good digestion is restored,- acd the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle; Price ode.; a bottle at LouLsburjs drug stores. . ; r -t( I JOININO THU FIGHT.. I s SOSTOIVMASS. " 1-41 was one of , them 'fool farmers dunn?: J : ; rWilminto -B,' v; j;:-;;.vi, vVj...Bntrya.leiaad 'little .C3oionr sense, jis j v.. The .n.er.haals- S'---i v-''!;S iri-J :-V',5;--:l-4r'V,--;'' H'i'?'' '" j"" '' '' SCHEDULE B TAX TO BE BESISTKDIN TUB COTJBTS ACTIOX TAKEN BY 2iTlll3 MEKCHANXS OF ; WJEMrNQTON. - Wilmington Messenger ; ' v The n-erJhanls . if yVJiioingtcin ; are Tho r.mVduc'tor on the train first fvee-to everyone of t.enf. - .i" j -n V,a There are no fees tr any laud. - contJci;u &n vxiw You au find out all about the Club j passengers in tho Pullman car, ft. - ft I. 1 . -Ttt 1 Uen manure is no . better than -ru colu.lv. wni t in Loukw any other manure unless the food I burs on tlie secood Thursday of Febro of the heps conUin valuable-fer- V;MWj Srt"P-. J" tilmug elements. if neceir.Cir Ui irr- cTeximi-. iu g aj plk-ams to teach ra the lutLs v--Kuw.!it nf I til- ft-mmf T ntl ativrk I . t , t i til r : - . A man in ewara, w., wugui i in HmtsTiuxs on SatcrdJir of each vmL BKJfr:-! UTit i. von r'name?" fasod to buy one, aa thejr could ... rM)caruiicsaiip:..ueuiAp-.u. i - . U K?-.:Vft, IT -1-V - then by sendinu nav cents, wiucb ve "William II ill" promptly, repnea y.-. are sure you wUl do, it wUI be sciit to gmith . The conductor eyed him half an hour ahead of time, and y"'riyiihBhS suspiciously, but passed on; hand- they now .ue him forso doing and numler. No lopt uued stones. : Address for all particulars; . ;: " The Time, Tunes Buil'iine. Pu-ladelpbia, r ! b,r nim a lar line of tickets." causing mem to arise looeariy. "t . - r. The next . .morning Mr. Smith waa .performing ' his .ablatioos. V QkiJgjj Qry fjRtcfceifs ClimJ 1 VTV; niitm.il tf tr t - f VL-U ,.-k-, i .-.. tv I M - u -rfti ! J ---i----v-4 ft- "f' f j.. yJr's mi t. r .Tml. i "t A I rm : ILftu. I ftvA 1- t tn i m f ' X . -"-- 4rmH 11

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