v-;":v . , ' - ' , , ' - , ' v , , . , ... ' .J., A.TH02rAStEdulr and ProHetr.- :i; ' J .: ' ; . i 1 ' . . " With Malics toward nnet : ff'itk'''Ci:-fr'''diL'-:' VOL.XX; LOUISBURGyN; C, MAY 15, 1891, . NO 16. A. Vlalu Joe Caldwell Sees It. The Cae of tbe Kesro. ltV Wonder. 4 p I St&tesrille Lflndmark.. ,. v x . It is euted that Winstof U to !ave Si lie Sub-Treasury OUl. :! new daily paper It is to ,be av room piper, wun tun press Oispatcu icrv- ue. and will be edited by" Jifr. A Phe" ni, lat of tbe Jfanuficlurers' Record, ! of Baltimore ' It i cica out, more over, thai Mr. Phettla A trained Jur nali8t.,, Duly two trained journal ts' have'evf r done the neweip- r act - while a fliajonty f the . metnltera of land npr .Mr.-Mr. Stephens undertakes the Farmer Alliance seem to be in tofiepamte the true from the false, and favor of the two Sub-Treasury "bills in- j under the circumstances it ia fair to as ti-odueed into Cougrrts ; by. Senator J sume that Mr. Cleveland uttered senti yance andBeprefentative Pickler.yet J meats Very like tlwse attributed to him. there are many of the most intelligent j W are not sure that he lina uot hcreto- : In thq Political Science Quar-1 One of the thoafaodi of wonder- terly, April number, Rev. W. C. j fol babies wa lately brought out London baa an article on TTie for the inspection of - a friend of Case of the Negro. In it there are! the family. many jaatstatementB, but we think . 'Really, Mr. Beacoolc, taid the I hat the writer is wrong in basing mother, I aappoee . it. perfectly the difference. in civil iiation be- natural for every mother to think ' tween the whites and the - negroes J that her baby is the smartest one ti;Xorth'GWiua,(6neci the world, but our baby just way, at Winston),. aud Jiayinsj played .e thnic difference, wo think I proves it.' -1 thek litUe part they have loug eince de- lhat no ineradicable ethnic differ- K 'Indeed ! What does he dor . ewtereniarged on it to the extent par a'"1 e .field it the. plain ence jB to be taken into considera-1 'Evervthinz. Mr. fieacook er- of about one-halt. Xerther Mr. Cleve u5'8!! men to whom tlwy pn'prwed 1 nn fnf thinV in B.V Ml. I nrtKin to shw a thing or two when thy firsu . .. , . . . . - . nr.W into the rin P.nt that a ltat ,l doea DOt eXwt' Tht S h9 Walk?' matter ao-rt. Tha Twhi-citV Baiir l8.thna.: As the human family 'Why, he's oo young for that 1 Seutin.l began business when Winston branclied out om its common I The idea of a baby not a year old wsnH of as much consequence as it Ik s'oclc, certain branches, being sur- walking! But just let me bold For bj TfeoeuM Ajrck, luab rS The volume of . trad A ledger. Teacher Freddy,! how' is the now. The little thumb-piper wasn't I rounded by favoring climatic and! him up in my arms and see howl earth divided? Freddy Between members of that organization who are j fore acknowledged that he had been of mucb conqueuce, either, iut it wa J other conditions, became white and I perfectly he executor the II Hand J them that's got it and them that auoufc a nig in pcopuruou an me wwu, civilized ; certain other branches, fling.' wants it. and asthe town irrew It grew, and now BUrrounrled. a Wbv favoring nJ" Thababw V.VV U AUir rivwho has re- view at all events ,?und, very much Winston is a big town and its erstwhile d- . fa ' expressed winder and era Uon mark. has seen. Siatesville Land- whicb he gives his reasons for opposing; 1 to do exactly what he thinks is right. these two much dbcusd bills. As and if he finds afterwards tluit he was these bills are considered of so much mistaken he is just brave enough to eay importance they should be fully and I so without having any lalse. pride about fairly discussel without prejudice or I it. -The more the public considers him passion. Ko doubt much may be said J the more , surely it gravitates toward on each side of this question, audio or- the conclusion that he is the broades- der that our readers may know 'witat f minded, the most patriotic and the most Mr. Hall has to say we copy the follow ing extract from one .of his published letters : The bills provide for one sub-treasury and warehouse or elevutor iu any county in the UuhVd Stale- In whah the farmers raise a surplus of $5X),(KiO or more of wheat, corn, outs, tobticeo or cotton. Why should a law be passed that will not extend its benefits to tie far mers that raise a surplus of pork, beef, mutton, horses, mules, flax, henip, rye. tarlev. aujsir. rice, noiatoes,-fruits of i mi Kiuas vegciaoies, ixiuirr aim me hundrrtl8 of other Uims upon which edited, pilntius the news and making a u,iea- as appnea lO IH9 negTO, handsome .appearance. It has doubt- alone wh Arithmetic, the case less had pretty rough ruuning. but-h became this: Five thousand years has stayed by those eople. talked fr them, blown for them, lied, we fe.tr a good deal for them, and educated them up to the necessity for a daily paper. Now when the town is getting nearly admiration, and asks: 'Can he say 'mama?' - 'Oh, no, but you ought to hear ' him imitaje a locomotive.' 'Dear me. How does he do it? in African savagery, two hundred years in American slavery, and twenty-five years of American citi zenship. To iumarixe, it is five! and says: 'Ool ool Children Cry for Prtcher't Czstcru Ildrta Cry for" Pitcher't Ctstoris; CB4rw Cry tor RtcbrV Ctstori CXUdren Cry for Rtcher't CtxtorU; There la room for rhrvlr In He puffs out his little cheeks mt big worl(L Friction " comet irom be lact too many want the lUHHlou. Ulc lUOeb pairlUlIC null I lie ID US I I aiut -uiu iuu w u gciuug tj i ,1 . j - . . I - fTt . V- I ------ -- ... . .. , i. - j -i j i I thousand years going down to two! Well; now, that is surprising! 1 trustworthy pubUc m;m that this gen- large enough for one daily, and when J ' b 6 .. I f 'J front A 8AFE INVESTMENT. Is one whieh is iraaranteed to bring von satisfactory reunite or in caue of fail ore a return of purcham price. Uo tbu Mie plan yon can" bny from our advertised drugpiBt a bottle of Vt Kidk b Mew Dincovery lor Consumption. It is guaranteed to brinjr re lief iu every cane, when nod for any anecr tion of throat, hinga or chest, each as con- BnmptioD, inflammation of hmgs, bronclu ti. asthma, whooping conjsh.-croup, etc. It is pleasant and azreeable to taste, per- fttly safe and can always be depended upon. fnal bottle free at Ixmuiburir drug stores. the one that has been there from the iwcmy-uro coming o cm oioor rBaiMioie minp wa outset is probably just b. giuuinj to see I UP nd wfaen we consider that it the baby do?' i daylight, another is to be planted along- ( has taken the white man ever since I Ob, Mr. Beacoox, you should ide it, to divide with it the harvest I the beginning to get where he is in j see him when I take him up in my I from the seed it has sown and to grab the scale of civilization, the con-1 arms, so ! He looks up in my face j the wnoie crop u it can. jsoue or our elusion will be forced on us that just as sweetly, and breathes 1' -it would reflect small credit on the The gentleman agreed that at MERIT W1XS. intellectuality of that civilization) last the most wonderful baby in We dewre to say to our citiiena, that for j of the negro to cast up in his modi-1 the world had been f o u n L room. When is a window like a star? When it is skylight years we have been eellins: Dr. Kintr's New Discovery for Consumption. Dr. Kiiur'nNew cum of time. An ineradicable Youth's Companion. Baby. atMWMCMd.aW ah Wmm maa.sk aaa W4 ChCdraa, alM ga far PONT IJH AFKAIO. For saleonlvby TW. Ayrocle. Lcrais- ,nUIkU8 of ' ur CirUler hxiTg, N. C. borers have to rely to supply Uieir dai ly wania of Ui mselves and their fami lies.. And further there are but 21 out - of the 114 counties of our fctte that .raise a surplus of $$00,000 of thee".fle- f i , -.. . : . ' -' K vpred products, and these al toiiuties are tle richest coutiiies of our 'statr. counties where they bae th richest GEORGE w. CHILD S KXAMPLE FOB AND ADVICE T YOUNG MEN. Life PU1. Bucklen'a-Arnica Salve and Eloc- dieathatsell aa well, or that bare given enCJ oecomes a Small SDOt in itate to guarantee them every time, and f taud ready to refund the pun-hawe price, il Hatiafactory resulta do not follow their uae. 1 ueae remetii have won their great popu larity purely on their merits. FIBST-CLASS BBST?A.7RilNT Having opened' firstnelaBS Restaurant ' is Loaisbursr. I! am prepared to serve '. meals at all boars. Can furnkth i few perions lodging at night. My table js erred with hikea, matton, betf and T.rvlliinff thn rnarirot MfFnrdn. AlwxTS Tallin whea you are hitugry, and you j atd deepest soils, counties for which J noc ranch; I ucver went to colh, noi It is well, in my opinion, to accustom one's sell early lo work and not to Le I afraid of any kind orork tluit is hon est and useful. I began to support my self when I was 12 years oki a. d I have uever l)eeu dependent on others siuee then. I liad hal some Pchtxilins, bt Til AT TIIIICI lAUTV. shall have satistaeticn Keepectfullv, BONEY If A.WKIKS. in CENTHAL HOTEL mJ P Sfattfronbnrg1 Propr HENDERSON, N. C because I did not think atTollege carver might not be r good thing for those who Good accommodations. Good fare. , lite and attentive servants. Po could' afford it and - who culd nx-ike go d use of it, but because I did not feel that it was Ee important to me as to be earning my own Hung. When I left home to come to Philadelphia one of my relatives sajd that 1 would soon have euoU-'h of that, and would be com- ing back again. ' ut I made up my God has already dne the most and which o-.r wealthiest fanners reside. Would it not be'very.-unjust to cre ate a law that will take mooey by-taxation frOua "all the people of the country the wealthy, (loorand needy alike and loan it out to" the farmers Uyhig h our wealthiest counties that raise wheat, corn, oats, totiacco and co:ton, while those noorest of farmers and olh-r la- - 1 - a boring men wlio ne d help the most 1 mind that I woui-t uever go . back 1 can receive none of thi mouey , and fur-j would succeed. I had health, the jow- ther to require the poor to furuish tiieir j er ot applying myself, and, I suppose, a share of the money to build and oper- j lair amount of brains. ate tli esc buildings and ty the. salaries I came to. Philadelphia with $3 mmv of the immeue'e army of United States j po ket. I found board and lodgiuus for officers necessary to run them. '1 $2.50. and theu I got a place-aa office But if this bill were not opeu to any j boy for $3. j That gave inc a surplus of of the above objections and should work 1 50 cen ts a week. I did not merely d as its advocates claim.it would be ruin the work that I was absolutely required ous to all raisers of wheat, corn, oats, J to do, but I did all I could, and ; I put tobacco and cotton in our land, for if Ira y heart into it. I wanted my employ- successful it would certainly abnormal- j er to feel that I was more useful to him ly stimulate the raising of these five j than he expected me to !e I was not products until the more of them a - far- J afraid to clean and sweep and perform mer raised the more mouey ne would 1 what might be considered by some loe. , ::;'':-t':,:;:;'-'' j young gentlemen nowadays as menial Fnrther. the farmer who was so J work, and therefore beneath them. I much in need of -mouey as to have to j did not think it beneath roe then, and pawn his crop under this bill, would not I should uot now. If it were necessary F K A N JLj NTON H OTJEIj I he likely to have the money to redeem 1 1 would sweep out my office to-day. ' W. M. MoGHEE. Proprietor. it ; and those warehouse "receipts would and I oftenjcairy bundles. But th Charlotte Chronicle. ' Pi es dent McGrath, of the Kansas nlliauie, has invited the southern alii anc to join the w estern alliai.ee in a third pany and adds tbat if it docs not. I've western allbince will return to the republican par y. Piexideut living- sty u, f ihe Geoiia aUiaucc. anys, lliat demand will l-v made m ou bo'h tlie old parties, and if neither of them will give the alliance sat faction, then a third party movemcut may be inaugu- ethnic differ- the light of development of the human race. What are often called race peculiarities, are at best nothing more than the effects of his con ditions of life not the workings of his organization. The Difference. When you are in the lap of luxu ry, under blue clouded skies, A dollar seems to you to bo well, about this size: I If it is said that the negro will j But when you are not "in it and ProtVaMalotml card "TT XL PERSON, A TTORyEr-A T'LA W bOCMBCRO, K. C Practice In all Court., . Office to the Court House. stral, or is in any other way a vio lator of the law, let it be remem bered that tbat is not a phase of! the case of the negro, but the case of the criminal. A negro is poor. he needs to live, and to live he steals. White men do that every! aay. ix it te Blown mat wnen a negro thief ceases to be poor, he A "case" your hits all seem to miss. appears to vou to be about the size of this: $ Pack. D R. J.EM A LOSE. Thia ia to certify that I hare baea afflieUd with arrofula or blood poiaoa for a Dtnbw ol vaara. THa beat phyatdaaa ot Mobil and thia city aaid aothiajr eoald ba doaafor , . . . ceases to rob chicken coops, against BO ilrSythiag 1 took-Ur liaba were a aaaaa ol nicer. aad whaa I waa seat to a rhnwdaa in Mobile ar aatira of the neceseanes Of life through I waaamaaa ofaoeea. I had iit up x ... , . 1 all hope and a a laat reaort tried P. P. i. trusts and railway Bbares, accord- I (prickly aah. poke root and potaaaiatm.) . u 1 ... - ... u : and altr ttiag IcMir DotUra (imail wm) tae lUg to the law JUSt as white m-n hmw9 NM. diaappear!. aad mr OiSce 2 doors below Furmaul drag store, adjoining Dr. Q. L. Ellia. rjlUOS-B. WILDEH ' A TTORSET-A T LA R", LuU18BClU.l. C. Office on Main street, one door below fcagle 1 1-Ul. robs the consumer ItyTYiiEK FAUCI OEHAHESTAL nOU.SE ASD SIQN PAINTEK. Calaomioing, graining, parlor paint ing a specialty, fcjatisfaction guaran teed. Leave orders at Thomas & Ay cockes drug atore. - " EUiST-CLASS BESTATJRANT, SANDY LITTLEJOHK, Proprietor J I am now prepared to furnish meals at " all hours, day or night. ' I-keep on hand a fresh supply of all - kinds of meata and ' leads, call in and be satisfied. rated. If the western alliance cares no more I the law, and for its preien.led principles than to re turn to the republican party what is it worth as au aliuture aityP Is it any thing but the republican party m "is guise, seeking to lead tlie souibem alli-antreasLrav? The alliance Is an excellent institu- problem for your law-makers and uououtofpulitica. It is a movement for your sociologist and not one of the farmers to Impress their great J for your ethnologist. D do then the socalled thievish pro-1 s"' tk - tw b.iaf tku at tu r I prewut Una, and paopla that kaow ia Densities 01 tne negro Decomes a I taiak t wondarmi cur. a w protest against tlie mischievous legisla tion of tweutj'-tive years. Its work is uot so much tocre.ite but repeal much of what has been created. It is a secret organization, and no se cret organization ever succeeded as a political party. . For secrecy ia itnpoei bk iu political dfscuseions; which must be as fiee and as open as the heavens, treating him as the Great Teacher The farmers alliance cannot possibly I teaches us to treat all men as we succeed as a political party.' At pres ent the alliance lias a very variagtted platform. .A platform that ueither of the two old parties can stand upon. - It So far as justice of the question is concerned, we shall get nearer to it if we regard the negro, not as negro, but as a man. The only clear duty for us toward him, the' Ollly One he needs from US, is quickly an eoraa. buatoaa and warts with- I J - - r 1 . ft 0w tv . 1.- Vi t A V. I ouv Vm. iraaD7i)Brx"- Rapftftfuay. Euta Toon. For aala by Tboaaaa 4 Aycocka, drag giMta, Loaiaburg, N. C Catarrh origiaataa la arrofulaa taiat. P. P. P. puriflea the blood and thaa perma nently curea catarrh. For sals by Taomaa at Aycocka. TerriUa blood polaoa. body eovarad with aorea, and to battle of P. P. P. (PrWkly Aah, poke root and potaaaiua) carad the dtxeaae. Baking the patieat aa Dvaiy aa a tew year-old. For aale by Thoaoa A Ay cork a. Abbot's Eaat India Cora Pal at IL W. II. NIOIOLSOX, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOCISBCBO. v. c OfSce oppoaite Eagle IIoleL pi W. TIMDEKLAKxj . A TTORS'ET AT LA IT, Lociaacao, x. c Office on Xah SL F. & &PRUILL, A TTORXEY-A TLA JT, IOCf SBU&O, K. C. Will attena the coaru of Frankhn, Vance. Granville, Warren. Nash, ami Feieral and borrrno rxirta. lYompi aUeclioo givea 10 cotlectiooA. Ac UUMER0U8. would that they should treat us; and this shall be a test of our faith in the principles of good in God that having done so, .we coufi-l wants lariff reform, a demo, raiicdesire; dently await the issue. Ex. it nr. n 4 a th. nv.mmsni . In.. Good accommodarjous. polite servnts, 1 be bought up by unscrupulous specula-1 other day a youth came t me to ask if j . .k-. .;.. tt il . ',1 , - . ' . . . " 1 . . . . . ... I ft.'V-ft u I .- v. .u-ft ft . a.ftft., k Q M.COOKE, A ri F. mmd CO UXSELL0R f LAV i)trisBtnao, raAinrxra crX, w. c She You don't mind my talk I Win attend tbe courts ofjfaah, Frank- ng so much do joT Hj-Ka. .tCZ maeea, ,DUi,. (xacetiousij; a may I Caroiiiia, and tbe U. & Circuit and Da mind after we are married. She i trwt court. and the best fare ithe market" affords. txrt,;who;by org for him. MVthhjg a republitan A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY, nis flither bad died, and his mber THUD BmOKSMITH I desire to infoitn the public that I have moved to the ahon. at the foo. of the nvtr bridge,on the west side ot j National Iesiislation the 20th verse Al a cate, wouia noia we price ua u, VttW. Tu "'f " "" congress has ever thought ot It wat.t necessaries of life: at -uch figuresf as could not support hirru and he wished be OTeruuleIlt; to taJce Ult wouia ruin or starve tne poor wuo uw 1 w suppwi. uiuiociu a iwmw uu 1 Pjir.1jm not iiise them ant? therefore h&d them J and saw that he 'had on very nice to boy; and our National' Government J clothes, '-and kid gloves.- ; I asked him if would be aiding these robbers. ,1 think that would be pitting , into he. did n't. think Larcre allowance is to be made railroads. v - - I . . IU platform ta a bundle of cast kon for lbe weePiD "ertion of the I aJfa! L S f 1 a! I ... . . - . a he would like to wheel a wheel-barrow. wnwn no se ot vnaiKer. poet that "In Uie spring a young He" seemed surged, and answered that can suctesMuuy deteiKl in tne council ua ,..u ia--, iKq t 1 oi reason. i m uhposbioio 101, u oera- 1 n v ; a,a4a fancy lightly' turns to Main Street, where l am ; prepared to do all kinds .of .'Blacksmith" iworlr Horse-shoeing a specialty.; ; J (- ; V 'X DUKELIi DAVI8 "" - ' - . . , : . : ' tiOuisburg, N. 0 U14 PIECES OFMUSlClilliii Toanr oae aendinr 10 cents, the Wavxklbv MACAaMa will be tent for four weeks aa a trial tubteriptton. The regular price is four dollars per year Each issue contains from tea to fifteen complete stories, comments on current events. pozzies, jokes, hints for the household, and the best of music-Hurt- the thing for loot; winter eveninn. .- TH1XI what you get hi four copies! 64 pages 2 5o columns of reading mutter 300,000 words comprisins; oyer BO com plete stories, and vocal and instrumental music the latter is worth at least fifty eents.Vand all lor only .Tea Ceats t Of course you understand this offer is made to get yon to give the paper a trial, knowing full well that you will pcrauftucui suDscnDcrs. , . . f:v. ... Address TTAYtKLET HAUZUt.'BoalSS, chapter; St. Luke. Unto.ev ry oti Xkhich hath shall be given; and from him that hath notj even that he hath shali be taken away from him.n : President of the Farmers and Labor- era Wionof MiesourL . '.; ; . .j Then I asked him if he would object lo 0001110 Pr,.to. accede to 108 V thoughts o( love. It certainly is iWrvm. - tmndlM 'W'ell ' he " was not demands of the Alliance? fo It is with ; - : . . ".P'-- VV. Wb., U n.or. t t. of th, n.l,.l yoaog . ' ' f I A 1 tl. m m M But I shan't mind then if you do. Woman is a theory and man makes no more serious mistake j than when he attempts to deal with ber as be would with a fact. Men are facts, and facts are stub born things. First Banker Hard times, aren't theyf Hope yon will be N. Y. GULLEY, A TT0RSET-A T LAW, rKajraxisrrov, x. C All legal bos in eta promptly sUcodel to. TO VUBUC aCJUUL TZACUEBX. Grover Cleveland. I , T S'OIT' - A ' J :r- --'r to the reporter: and tbat j For sale byOrfmisUirg Drugstores. j tfcai his 1 42 Mr. .Cleveland declares that a lecent ,' conyersatiou between hims and State Cs Treasurer Stephens, of Missouri, ou the "subject of the free coinage of silver, was iiicorrecily repeated in the press, and ', ' sa j s tbat' fully half of . it needs to be :- i stricken out iu order that he might be cornKtly ; represented. ' Mr. iStefthens says in substance the same tliingr -that ue tooKino notes 01 . tne couversauon but is sore that, he gave the substance sw..d li Ir a mntw vmiiirT - TYiAfi aa'K lollr' boutwanfng work, hut,when itcomee jcratic platJorm. - The alliance of tlie to the point, they want only 'kid-glove j west may do as it pleas-s. but the sort ot work.! I must sav I don't have I oUt,heni alliance bound by the law The" malarial young man marches much sympathy, with that orl of frel-I ,--.t,-I " 6 in. Men are 111 brothers. ad what is I f self preservation to stay where it. b. . . i worthv of one is not : unworthy of any The alliance now has one.:' The, Bible say that it is hatl tbe'demoTa:ic party of thi cometh out of the mutn that defile' h a man. It is not work," but chaiacter. that can be discrehtahle.7 -George W.- Childs' letter ui the New York World. ocratic convention can do this. BDCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ; The best saive in the world for cuts bruises, "aores, ulcers,- salt; rheum fever" sores; tetter.: chapped, hands childlaiu8,'c0rns'and-all skin eru;tione and positively cure "piles,: or uo pav required.! : It ; is guarantoed ". to iye perfect satisfaction, or money jrefund- ed. J Price zo cents per. no. . , S T 1 Tl . me aoor. eecona - nioisr t m y D(CCMrT, (Ur the rarpoM of exaaitw afraid not We cant keep the bg aipacuu to teocb ta the I'nUo. Mumoxa ot tnis county. 1 wui aao m ta Luuiabor ou Sturday of each wtk" and all poltue -daya, lo attaod to buiaioas coiuiartm wua my oOce. J. N. IIaaxm, hapt. the' alliance will not leave the demo-J m&n -whose fanev. if he has anv. j j t - . is of the dull and heavy vsriety. from tbe street now. A gentleman had just racceed- great cootro' of around as the captive of .General in saving a big clothing merchant ihl,eecUon,but Debility. The readiest and most from drowning- Ah,V larked nbaemocraticcouveutioa has endorsetH - ' . . . be, gTatetuliyri see, in rescuing in full and -without reservaLon the obvious means of escape are af- y(m bflTe rrjirjad your clothes. OcallaorSt. LouU pbtform. Nodem-J fprded WS. S. which, without I Permit me to hand you my buU -: ft.i. "i n-t,:it nesscard. - len tnousana oi me anv uoariBU. iuuii vrcuciaiicuiii- .. . . . ..... v.. . I " . . ... ... linenmawem waa ao oaa mat nuiow it- I - . , Ttn, of Savannah, could hardly walk from I tv and his malarial allies, Tbe Soperloleodeot of lnblic scboo'e of Fraakiia county, will be lo Loois burz on the acuood Thurtvlay of Februv able to keep the wolf away from fT- Arrg. Jaly. $t. Xv arid lW:ember, and remaia Lc three daya What . . - i i i ; . . , - , TinJn m Dia enouiuer ana joiaui oi nia letrs. P. P. P. (prickly aah, poke root and potaa- t. trn nf tt,e TOmnir man is true ) waa reaorted to and lrvin ia well and I ; . , best suits in the city from. $10 up ward. - " 4 t - fJe ' 1 " sa a ." caan., "rtluii i aiom happy,' t For aale by Thomas St Aycocka. of the young lady, and the whole The eccentricities of a great man f..r- t,08f Qf suffers. S. 6. S. is a P- nish more material for hia bio -rtlnhers 1 - - ------ -. th . Ma deeds'. " cific lor malaria. It usually happens that the pri- vate opinion a man has about any one is the opinionn that -he- loses no time in nuking public ; Ui aa TatK CO.ai,i tl I. i a a.

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