'l -' ':'',,.' ,r ,.' J, Jl: THOXAS, Editor and ; Prop rid9r. : l With Malice toward noni ; - IF iA- Charity J for ' alU L50 rri? AS'XC2I,L JJentt. VOL;. CC. XdUlSBU RG,N'; C;; MAY- 22ljB91. NO IB T r tr ttt;t. mKrr'Ts. TT, Nf ... . axa - - . f. m - I r m . r " . .! . wii . , " - 1 - iS mm jm Lmm "T" 4 KigKest of all in T-eavening- Power! Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Hour Money Gets luto Circula tion. - . . fort of her old tgs.' y ; 'Go awa j ; the didn't,' ' 'Honest. Etc eaTs'ehe never nierod George. I don' inow tow to Uiankyou., ....? ? kToomac! Then T , don't know wn.ii you ii say u uii, hiiu iikj ;ir-f , - i , . . i mcr took his eon by the arm and led ' "is interesting to epenowmon-p r ju. him out on the pordC. -TlHre'a au- ey gets into the channels of trade. "vu waiunirounaionoue. other presetit for you, mjioy, Most people never etop to think of ou4 better go on home. yixu!n. The woid,.caniefrom that . , ' ; , JI traa hurryin with :all my G- orge'a lip with a lon eigh of joy, I "vhe anil wit.li rui hmiru? hr w-.-n ut tl.e i'u)cl - . . i i . . - I or tne coinace .f the black mare he bad , tuought never . , . " ,1 1 Yes nd -m lot mnm .. .. . k- I Anthnriten l.v cnncrfisn. th wtV I i, snai ioi more. to see again, and ma lxna arms aoutr. . 1 . I t, .: t , her neS. ' K)h, Jktr. rd rthcr have is dona at the mints . and at the waitin. fer ye now VventhmknvthhiJTelseln this workl!" bureau ol printing ana oneraving, " 1UUW' HE' STAYED. ien the issue of paper money I n'gbt. Bnt are you sureho laid ecoinace.of metal has-heen all of them thinsa? . V'Aud he burie.1 his fa-e In the pteity but how does it go to the people? . Jmmy, I'm mighty doubtful ia . J pvyKtTfitBiicidV creaturb -Wne,. and in pite cf-tus ' In several waysnt principally j m7 mimi bout whether I hadn't YfV;AJLM KZQ" JejL Go AND SO WIUj YOUR BOY, FATHER, IF " YOU TREAT HIM. RIGHT. ; A STORY THAT IS NOT AL.L. A STORY : IN MANY . KOCSKHOLr8 YOU; R ..OWN BOY- THE BKST HELP. YOU CAN ; OE-WHY NOT TKY TO KJEKP HIM WITH YOU? . and lodgins. ftDd tro suits' of clothes a creator' a -mane,- and tn mte cr-ius in several wavs:ut t year, to be aare, but all he actually I wghteea years. Curly broke down and J through the paving'out of sums ap-1 better stay lost u..uo.oi.iVu.wu..5 n.,iuii,o "'""j" i - , .. .. . I propriatea Dy me government ior at his hrels. You even ' aold the onlv 1 That ended George's desire to leave . . . horse von had that was jSt for the ad- the lUrtn. lie was uevcr ajram heard die. And George" was extmordinarily to mention the subject, and he grum- RT,nS lor tu0 currenl year fondofVixeu." , j bled no more about the hard work and $GO,000,000. About $100,000,fJ00 "It seemd a pity to keep a horse the rooootony of lrs life, but ia every 18 paid out m pensions and thus that no one but George ever rcxle," wiiJ way tried to show his appreciation of scattered in evory btate, but pr . .....- 1 Tlio lJarbcr Heat Illm. The barber drew his fingr jq gently across the face of his Tic Tor tj Tom a Ajxotk, LtraUbrf. She Do you know the hour of the day when Adam waa created.' He No except that it was be fore Eve. fQ fanner "and she, as too l'ght for J hi falher's" kindnees. work. I'm a poor man, Hester,, and Jn lkct, 11 Ilarewood was wont to The following story is true as liFe it- j cau't afford phtyihings for ray chiKlreu'. say occasionally in conSdcnce to his self. It is -the; experience of many boys. "You can better afford to keep an J wifc.t'iat he bad reason to bless hi It has a geiiuine ring to it. It is reada-1 extra horse than h tve your on leave j sister in-law for her goorl advice, and ble Its worth tlie 'subscription price you Eli. j Wlom could j-ou get who j that he owed it to her that he had a of the Times. Editor. 1 " j would take the interest in the work that stalwart aru to lean on inadvauingc Tho work of the. farm house was over George has ? You have thought it on-1 years. for the day; the children with the eld-J ly right that Geonre should do liw slitrc But George never knew to what be DUUOings, in tno government ot tst sou. who had none to the village j toward running the farm, and havecon-1 owed the clianga in his fortunes. I the District of Columbia, and for were': in bill'; and in the big comfortable j 8aJered.yuivduty doue in giving him aj - - - J the Indians. In this way $4C0,- kitchen Barewood, his wile,, and his home. You are disposed to thiuk him . BUCKLES 'A ARNICA B A LYE. trp-o. wife's sister, Mrs. Lucas, were sitting 1 ungrateful because he wants to lcav. j - The best smve in the world I for cots . . 5n 4v. , ... i nruiaes, sore, uicers, sai& n um j ( ' I rvr tnrM ultr. rlititil tim, and said: Tou have a strong beard, sir Thera was no reply. . II caress es the silky locks, and queried: 'Have a cipally ia the Northern States. A large amount goes for the re demption of bonds and the pay ment of interest; other Lirge amnnntfl fnr th civil, millitarv and naval establishments, for the - Cri fcf RfebA Crll! ine silliness remtmi cnorot. ChHdren Cry for Pltdcr1! C&3rhJ ChCdrw Cry for Pttder'i CfixtsriS shampoo, sir? You CWdrcn Cry for Pitchcr't CutcHal diplomatic service, for public' en. 'Shall I wax your moustache, sir?' No reply. 'Sea-foam, sir?' The man in the chair drew a Johny is a smsrt boy. When he was asked to define mustache he instantly replied: it's a bang on the mouth." Epoch. iiruuuu a u:uv:ruiuio xutjuuuict w8 jv uvw bUA ciai jem iuara u t r i l.w.u I reading a aper. his wife was puti'.ng a eervices more valuable. But the boy childVinsf cons and all skin eruption I . K 4Vn I small tablet from hU pocket, and patch .on the knee of little Harry's is ambitioa. aud is not satisfied to Und positively cure piles, or no pay Anotner metnoo. is mrouga tne ftftn:k. Tiuuiuuiive knlckerb- cke: s. and Mrs. 1 travel m a circle. He wants to ;icA& was crocheting a hoo-1 of blue J some Geadway. Aud it is only natu- aad white zephjT for a suiall niece. ral." T ere was a silence in ' the kitchen j The farmer leaned his head on his avefor the napping of the fire in the! hand, a look of deep tliouht on hi stove, the ticking of Uie blsr, eight day I grave, weather-beaten luce. His gen- perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed. Price 25 ceuti pr box. For sale bv Louisburg Drugstores. Approved Of It. ttfc For si .fa only by ThoV.as -S; Ajcockp. iLcrEifl i v.t .rii . -Jt'iRST-CIjAiS., BB3T4"QBAHT. :1 Hivnnsr pteneS a firiWlass Best&arant LiiBb'sir, I -am 'prer4 t-; serve ;. i.tuA ai .U hoar.s Casi fttfcisb few pr.MS i&iug 1 at ujgKt. My tsbl" i" serr-'d w;tb cbieLea, ranttoa, hevf ami -vtrytbing ti-t; msrkei affords. A1wvk cl! in v-ht-n toi ar btiugrr, and you. siiaJi have sat Bti'- r. " c' ' Kesvectfallr. i BON E Y HAH'KIVS. CENTKAL HOTEL HENDEB&ON. H. C Good accoaraodations. Good far. Po lite aa-d attntive servants. . - K.T1LEB, FilCY QFJAMEMAL HOU&E AUD SIGN PAINTEIL CaUomining, graining, parlor paint ing a specialty. tNitifciiiction guarau tecil, " Let Mve'orders at Thomas & Ay cocke'a drug store. rillST-CLASS clock iq the corner. and therustle of the Etrraer'a ' news'jvaper and when Mrs Ilarewood s.giert deeply. Dolu hr nu hau l atid sister looked ip 4n purprise. I AVbai's tho ci itter, Sarah ?" asked the forriier. "-Tljat-i2ii was the loud est T ever hpail you give. Has any thing gone wrong? You look as though you had a big load on your mi:id."- "I have.VLnswered tbewife.- "And it is a load which you -must sltnre, EE; I: have borne it aloneas lona as I can bear it. Therela grpat ttouble hy store it a us.' bubanl George is going to '.cave the farm.'1 The newspaper fell to ih- floor, and for a mo'Bt'Ct the f.ii-mer-lKk!d at hi wile; too much surprised to utter a word..' "Goins: to leave ( the farm !' ho re plied at last, "bai-ah. you must be dreaminjr." Mrs. Harbwood. shook herhead sadly. : "I wjsh I weret she said. Xo. Eli, it is true. Geojge has made up tie sister-in-law's plain ejeaking hid givin rise to thoughts which had never befor entered hw mind. "I believe you are more than half right.- Hestp.r," he said at last. 4'I'11 thiak it a!l over to-night, and make up my mind what to do. I'd be lost here without GeOrge, and he" shan't leave th farm it 1 1 an holp it."' . "Fo.ce won't J5elunir-Eli. remem ber tlsil," ard ilrs. I.rt;-if, feeling that s-he hid sa'd enough, 'oldd up IiPC work, aud taking up a lamp rora sho!f by the stove, went upstair to hir own room" Just at daybro.k she was Rroued from a sound sleep by the somd of horses hoofs in the yard, and looking out f ike window the, saw Eli trotting awav on.okl lloau. '.' '"Where eau he be -joing at UiIh hour?' : - When she went down stairs at six o'clock George was standing by the kitchen table, having just come in ith Young man Yes. I can mimic any body. Did you cwr see me take your daughter off? Old Gentleman yo, but I'd like to. Detroit Fn-e Press. IT J I I government buys bullion and must am ueai "nu anrao pay for it with something; it pays D tb wal1 be5de th mirror for it with silver and gold certifi- hun8 a lar8 Credit "rd- catee, which thus ret into the bftrber tQTneJ il nd Pinted hands of the people. WTmi CtZd. L erW far side. ! Another method is through the notional bank system, by which, everybody knows, a duly charter ed corporation, on deposit of Unit ed States bonds, is allowed to is- He bo u froim noraM. .nffentjrvnth ge 00 per cent, of their face value dTftxps; and imliifpftion iu.l utrn tim 1 , . with diiriDeRH. wonMdo hi to take F. P. in currency of their own. lnis l&&1Sjiln0 currency tho btnk-loans to ill Tt :th diaM , iu it iueipiwy. For customers and so it goes. by ThomM & AyeocUe. . "ik-ToT-jift an imparity of th biooi wbicb Another method is through the proHacw umiKbtly In'iupM or fwonjii, r,lW(irnrnpnt HpnoaitorirK AH over wbidi acca-nularing iu tne ptutie ol tiw government aepoBitoricB. aii over neck. ca r""fui rnuninR hoito on th the United States federal ofEcers nn, Wrs ir tcet, hi-li derrio! nlcvni In . the eyes; etir or no, oft rauointr blind- are collecting internal revenue Aiib. Pok Koot aa r.jt-ina.) it ba taxee over $1TO,000,0(X) a year J proTd it-W th n.ot wifl.rkabte ol all tj g Rg bigh a8 150,000,000 biood pnriLr. ror sale by Thuutaa & j e T Ajcocke. . la vear. The local officers must ' Dysjwptiia, diMrees after atitiff. i"onr l1RVft nlare of dnosit and BO stomach. of nppf?tit. a roint, ail-rone nave a piace oi aposu, na teeiiue. bad tte, ro,tti tnKu, ;ert the eoverument designates deposi- (Prio'kiT Ah, Poke Root and potassium.) I lories in convenient places. The . . . . tit and makes you Thomas & Aycocke. to the motto on tho reverse The inscription was thus: 'Deaf and Dumb Men Double price 'No shampoo, no wax, no sca- foam said the disgusted man in tlie chair, suddenly hndinc a voice. 'All right, sir, rejoined the bar ber, 'Thought I'd fetch you round. Fine day, isn't it I'Chictgo Tri-bune. M. PKISON. A TTOnXEr-A T LA IT, LOCISHCC3, x. C pratttr c iu all Coura. 03ke hi the C ourt Ilooe. EH A LOSE, A Sttcceittlul Interview. well.' For sale by 'What did papa say?' He showed mi the door.' 'And what did you say? 'I said it was a handsome door, but not what I had come to talk banks po designated have to secure about. That ' made him laugh, the government fully by putting and a minute later you were mine. up government bonds. Thus there J x are in every important city in the OHce i doors IVqw Formans drcj tiorc. ajoiain Dr. O- L. K3U. rpiI05. D. WlLIiEU A TT0I2SEY-A T LAVT, U'fisrufto.x. c. OSce on ilA3 struct, ooc Coor below II. MC1IUL60N, his mind to leive us. I have nouVed-1 two mil pails ot milk, ma lace wore a "acihjbs .nyu. iuau nww- that for months nasi l-.e aoeraed dissatis- discontented, unhappy look, and he jucguieut is worse viwn a uuu. fied and restless, and si ce you sold j merely nodded in r-turn Lr his aunt's viren W. nimlill a ereat deal I cheerv : 'Good raolin2.,- ahoutthe work and thenullness of hi-I A few minutes later his father en- During: the epidemic of lAjrrippe la"t sea- These deposits form a part of the life. And to-day I heard hira say to tered. but (Jeo.ge, who had gone toone ''J'ff'fC loanable funds of the bank and so Jasper Flint thai he would not be h re ot the windows, and was looking out best remedy. Reports from the many ho cet into circulation. Atlanta Con- LA GPJPPE AGAIN. country considerable amounts of jgoverhment money on deposit. a month from now; that lie bad enough of farm life, and intended t leive; and if we refused our consent to it he would run away, and tako his chances." MVelK'see about that,"", said the father angrily, louscnt to it 1 I rath er think not I -1 wou'l consider It tor a moment.' What would he Ie worth a He'd B"S7 h TTT VA "fXPIP je t from now if 1 let him go ? J2j&1XLUXW1 X Wlth aU sor,- 0f rascals. dejectedly, did not even glarce up. "You were out early, Eli,' said Mrs. Lucas. "I heard you ride away- at daybreak.'? lYs. I went to Pine Ridge on a matter f business." "That's where you sold Vixen, papa. isn't it," asked little Harry and Mrs. Lucas saw a quiver pass over George's need rt coaSna this statement. Tbey were not nly qoickly relieved, hut the disea left no bad after resalts. We ask yon to give this remedy a trial and we guarantee that you will be satisnnd with the reealta. or the parehaae price will be refunded. It has no equal in la rrippe, or any throat, lane or chest trouble. Trial bottlos free at Lou is bar); drug stores- Large sices 50c. and fl.OO. On ills Hotior. 'Have you any cough syrup? he asked of a Michigan avenue PHACTICTXG niYSICIAN, LOUISBflU), X. C. OSVe onxjeut lj'.e noicL W. T1MBOLAKE, ATTOLSET AT LATT lxt:isHCuo,x. c Office on Nah tfL . stitution. A NATURAL CONCLUSION. AlilLc Without Microbes. hi the J &ce as the child spoke. SANDY IJTTLEJOHX, Proprietor Iaai aow prepare! to furnish laeola at all hoars, dv or ftiRht. I keq)nn haad a . fresh supplv'of all kinds of . meats ' aud iads, call in ana e ss.nna. , citv, and get us all into trouble, lie- I ' Ves, nry boy. I sold Vixen to Law Hides, riecd him We. It'll be ten j yer Stanley. George," turning to U years at least before Harry can take his l son, rve ,made up my miud to part UK VNKI1NTON ROT EL ' W. M. McGHEE, Proprietor. Good accommodanons. polite serynts, and the best fare ..the market . , " affords. ; place, and he's got to stay if I have to tie him down." Why dou't you make him want to stav. Eli " asked . tJe seutle voice ol his "sister-in-law. '" . ' $ If he's got the city fever on him all the talking in the world wouldn't" do anv sood ." reioined the farmer. "He a a . wouldn't listen to a word. ; -. "Don't talk. Don't let him ever sus- with tliat fifty-acre lot by the river. What do you thiuk of that f" "Of course you are to gt a good price for it, sir," said the youi'g man indifferently. "It's the best- piece of land you have." ; But I haviu'tsoldit.' I am going to give it away." "Give it' away V repeated George, roused out of lift indifference and staring . jyr A 0"TQ"MTfPTT " pect that you Are-aware of his desire to at bis father as if he tnougnqiie ftao. not JD JUXV JLXOJaLJ. -. f- - rrw - nlan-': t- nfan I heard aright. '-:. - ''. - - . - . .- . 1 ' .r J..J J i - : 1, f f- I desire to iufotm tbe public that I bave moved .to tbe hop at the foo. of the river bridjjeioh the west side oi I have been thinking of all day." '.'The best plan I know of is to tell Main Street, where I am prepared to 1 tdm my mind freely, without any beat It ia natural that those who have been deceived by the various Mrs.BulbulfmsiuuaUn6lj-Youad- nostrums mat are-coiiwuu.i.y u- vertiseil to sell pure country milk, d".d fered to the public should demand you not, Mr. iliican ? ' . i :i w:i. i.:..;..iv t aa a more substantial testimonial madam, but Mrs. Bulbul (sarcastically -And this blue compouud is nothing but chalk nd water, is it not? Milcau (6i-mlj) It is Mrs. Bulbul, as you sav. uothmg but chalk and wa ter. But' I bave it ou the authority of 1 gffg Specific Company, of At madam, that pure cew milk b the lanta,haa embodied in .pamphlet roost deadly of driflks, and I reaolvedr form fewof the mow nobsworthy that, ome what might, even though my , iutegrily, which I hold dearer than life testimonials that have come to itself, were unjustly Impugned and my em rmsolicited. This pamphlet, most sacred feelhiga wantonly torn. 1 - . at least should uever endanger the lives together -with other interesting druggist, when he had got his "CI s. blUUILL, breath after a long fit of coughing. Yes,' sir l TTOHSET-ATjLA W, jiow many Kiuusi i . Will altrna the courts of Franlka. 'At least fifteen VaiKe. GranRl. Warren. Nuh. and Anything of your own make?' ' I Federal and bupreme tjorti. lYompt 'Yes, sir attention given to collections, &c 'Something you can warrant?' T can 'Well, to be square and honest, what would "you advise me to take Q M. COO ICE, ATrr. a4C0VXSELL0R ml LAW LOCIIBCTMJ. FRJUCJCLir COw, K. C Will attend the courts of Jf ah. Frank mJ, GraovUle, Warren and Wake coca for this cough?' , i i - j i i : . tt i Mfti it i man me simpiu wxiusuuu uuii vn,4 juu v u t ,u u fcUo t be butrr roe court e Noetij n .rfl ?ntomatP,l in the I bat ground, I recommend a piece I Carotin, acd ihe U.S. Circuit aod De- - w "w " of this licorice, or five cents' worth l'- sale of medicine. Recognixiug of gum Arabic 1' Detroit Frve the justice of this demand, the Press. N.Y GULLEY, Farm IltuU. A TT0RSET-A T LAW. rBA5KX.!?m, w. c All legal baaiaeea rromptly altm.ioj doi ail amuS;0i tstacksmitn worK Horse-shoeing a specialty. ' j Dcreix Davis ; r Louibburg, K. C 0.4 PIECES QFIfiUSlC To anr one sendinr 2V cects. the Wave nut Macazikb will be tent for ion r weeks as a trial mbseription.- The icgalxr price is four dollars per year. rJtea issue contains irom ten to ntteea complete stories, comments on current events, 1 1 r . . a 1 a V- zziea. loses, oinu ior toe nonsenoia, ana uic it of music "rost the thine? for lone winter evenincs ' TKIIX what vou tret in four copies 1 64 pasres to columns or reading- mutter 300,000 words compniinj over oO com plete stories, aad vocal and instrumental mnsicj Kthe latter is worth at least fiftv cents.) and all nor only Tea Cects I Of course you understand I this otter is made to get you to give the paper a trial, mowing' tun well Wat TOO vul becoi permanent subscribers, , - -Wdre WAVES IEY HA6AIIIE, Boxi7J, m r j to arouiia tne ousn, ana lue eoouer no done the better," "Now; Eli, dou't be above taking a womV.n'3 advice. VIt me tell you how to deal with George. ; I have seen his dissatisfaction, and recognized the cause ' .t.have overlfeard him lalldng to Jasper Fiint more than once, aDd only yester kxlay I beard him say that if he went to $ the city - what he ear ued would be fh: s own, but:: that here he woiacd .irom dawu to dark aud was mo better oft at the end of the year than at the beuin uing; -"Ue said that Tom Blythe, who is in a giocery . store : in ; the city, gels "$12 a weekv aud Torn is uly. St-venlecn.' N-w,-if ypu want George to suy on tlie i farrh'give him an interest in it, E1L Yes, deed it over, every inh of it, to some one 1 thiuk a great de tl of. aud who deserves it,"r laying his .band on UHNUltuuuiun.aw o . - .,rtmnr anJ th-5r littla Tjnea br . .L.- -V 1-M ir uijr a UiUe. rl am going to give it. to :"TT . ' " " Jx ie xrl w 1,1 - stuff. I hope, maoam, that my expla- senaing 10 any nation is satisfactory, but if it be not I to the g g. Co., Drawer 3, Atlan- I have at least the satisuction or au ap proving conscience. Chicago rimes. Do not keep up usslets fences. Plow deep but cultivate shal low low. TO PUBLIC fVUOOL TEA CUE Jit. Th Pa perinundec t cf PaUlc sebnote of Frauk!ui county. U1 be ia. Lraja. my eon,' George Ilarewood, to have and :o hold as he sees fit, without question or adY ce."i ; To me ! You intend to give that fifty acrei to m-, lather V '-Yes. my boy, and with my whole heart, i You've bewo --'.a T g""d sou, ta, Georgia. The young of high-bred animals burjs ou the t.ood n.nra.'ay of Ytlra- are apt to be small. -T- AC July. Sep-emprr, October , and Dfcemlr,audmiyilnljr three tlaya Grow hoed crops in the orchard tfuecswtary. fcr Ue purjc cf examrr- Write to keep down the weeds. ItJ s p:.anu to teu.ii m the I . 1 k. hAi.. I. 'a mini m. T r,M 'u V a . To get good crops you must mix j ia IisUre on Sttar.lty of each wk. swsa "av ' J ' sj mm mmm w mmd J tusuicas coo netted iih icy oQca. chappy rjodsiEJia.. George, and I ouly wish I were able to da more for you. h But I am Dot a rkh man, as y-u know, and I have your mother aud three little ones to provide man aud T&rmervsam pla. "avs: Find . i" , FJpx'tric P.itters to ba tbe best kidney and for, too. : Stilly -want you- to have a tS7iMd "Wra. TimnioBS. Potmaater of Iday'dle, ind. ' writes:- "Electric Bitters ha don more for m than ail other medicines com rtiaml. for that had feclinsr arisiair from kid ney and liver trouble." Joan, Leslie, etock- . Inducement to Stay Lost. 'Hello, Willie said a Email boy, as he met a comrad in the 6treet look in start; and this fifty-acre lot will yield J. W. Gartlucr, hardware merchant, anme qX dusk, yer mother's n'e thins for a man "bo 18 run do""n J,1 IT er. , f He- is ; eighteen ycurs old,; and nasi aua a you moose urea u.. r.-w. Iork faithmlly f r yo,r eve : -: - it i ,y , . . , . i le'v,ouan liave them fo. yoir trouble;" could uiik plain.. He has-had hia jood 1 , kI ulUl.u sir ' fcLam. YOU nauuaOiup uiuu.-- x w .ai.- i t. - .ior a urAolr.to fall tftur own. J don't care whether he nvea or aies; usionna fcUl ,r " rr - : - - " - ' Iww -rtrengta, good appetit aad f Jt Just aud that Will give you a chance to work Uk( hohad a 7nt lease on life." . Only; 5oc a bottle at Lonisbn.-g drug storra. - the earth and the air. Let milk for the young animals always be sweet and warm. .Bran and oatmeal -with clover always makes a good ration. ' Sow. a little milletsrly to use I before the fodder corn is fit. -Asa rulc.it will pay to bay oil meal and cottonseed cake. 'Ground bone improves the pro ductiveness of tho soil for years. Costiveness from eating dry 'J.N. IJacaia, tfuri. (f J ' - i r m wa, ut mm i . t , f 1 1 . , . - r" r rv ' - yer, Is she?' , r .: ..Ymi she's cot tho whole family out, and she's goin on terribly ( od kiUs lots of sheep. She 6ays you was the.pride of her In all transplanting, dou't let trine that alwyvwwa1u a do- ti-ht. hztt,l and was goin'- to bo a com- tbo fine rools get dry. . , IV aasn . It tt , Mia i iifciWwnwma-w The aurvival of tlie "fittest is the d w- ar- S 111. a . i mm h i i i mmA . ai i m SMa p w. i

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