' vK''7;f jJv.V V -ii : . ' ' J. A, THOMAS, Editor '.JVW,'''-'. "v 1 With. Malice toward none With Clarity fur' all ILOXJISpURO, N. ; MAY;'29; 1891. -it, is- NO 17. I Jl v ------ 4P X..i-.ia---F'i- I ' , - H. M k - ' J 1. A. I ii r v m. " ' " " " ' ' ' "" "" ' ' .i . - - - II I-' Mill - . . . , . m , y . . .. . - - ' 1 " i i i i - . . . Highest of alt in Leavening Jower. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report : no AT JA AX 45E a I5A1 - : .The following article is taken ; from the- Southern '.Tobacconist, of Rich mond, Ta and is puWish to?ve.our readers gome idea of ho thin8 are . moving or are trying fc move,- uy the tobacco world : " ; : ' ; : 'n Wh'oeoeVr can read the figns" of the times wiir not ijil to discern that givat ajid important changes- are about to eveitnate in the r tobacco1 world, as iu. other Ieptttments of lite, and divisions ofBociety inr the commercial and srien- Uiic nnd grtgraphicalv world. We are looking, for surprTses andradical changes dailj' inlife in' many and almost' eyfiy UrectUti aud there ie no reason why tobacco should b aii excej)t;on, being a staple product; as a peculiar luxury to bacco has passed through many vicsst- tudea. The Kings pay to day, ths cur rency; of . the Cmitry to-morrow the patsons portion, a portion of which-was applied to pay taxes, to buy a knife or wife. Tobacco in its history has; b louged to idaeses and : companies ai id companies and combinations before tle present date. Worse than highway robbery, was never worse than in colo nial timesv Ie. a certain sense tobacco buyers and manufacturers were a long privily g.Kf clans. Every ma'na&ctari'r and deaU-r would have been glad to con- troL ta monopohze when he could, as a t.ct. . Ouen in the history of our State has Ue control of the prr'duct been al most a monopoly.. England and Ger many at , present dictate prices ana terms a id conditions. What wondr then that our 1 own '-'capitalists, after such experiences, should the more easi ly and completely by co-operation d- X). L Ellis; Admioistrator of Bryant-Green, 1 the B ime thlUir now. In this meaniug monopoly is nothing -nwjin toliacco The planter and dealer and manufa-tu trailing and watchiug aud not-ventur ing loo far alone. Behold, too. the Allianres are in bal tie array. ,They . have tlio votes and the sympathy of the people on - their tare rerreseuts" the'popuUr love of th For sale ooly by Thomas & Aycocke, Louifv j Fiianrun Count v. )In Suferior Court Brfore the Clerk. vs. G. 8. -Stan'pfs-, M.Ma. Stamper and W.'.Hi itreen, heirs at-law. G. s. Stumper and M S. Stamper, the twi defendants firft nHjrfed above ; will take notire th.-it a proct-eding ent'tled a above, has been couiutenct-d before the Clerk of the Superior dnrt of . Krankhn'' -?iiuty to sn'bject iacd of the deceased toi 8:Ie.to make assets f-r the pavmeat of dbts. A.iid the said defendants will fnN thcr take notice that thev are reauired to p1ear at the office of the Clerk of, the Superior Court of Franklin county on the 26th day of June 181. at 12 o'clock, M. and auswvr the etition of the plaintiff ad: miuistrator filed in this behalf, or the re 1 iff deiirmdd therein wi)l be given by toe ourt.' : ; " This 19th day of Krav 1891. , . , . B.; B. M ASSKNBuk,CS. .ip. ; ' ' of Franklin jouuty. P Snmill, t'v. W . . FIKST-CLASS , BESTMJRANTi ' Having opened a" first-class Restaurant . id Loaisburjr. I am prepared to serve meals at all hours., Can' furnish a few persons lodging at night.T My-table is served with chicken,' mutton, beef, and everything the market affords. Always call in when you are hungry, and you shall have satisfaction. . ' . EesiCctfnllv, BONEY HAWKINS, CENTRAL HOTEL ' f ! i? HENDEB30N. N C. . Good accommodations. Good fare. Po lite and attentive servants. remained in the people's public treas ury after meeting all expenditures then by no raeacs economical.; This condi tion was presented to- the' American people as post tire proof that ; their bnr- tien of taxation was unjust because un necessary; and yet while th popular protest is still heard, the liarpy of pub lic extravagance devours tha surplus aud impudently calls upon iu stagger Ing victims to bring f till larger supplies wiuiin tne reavn or us insatiate appe tite. A few short years ago a pension roll amounting to fifty-three millions of dolLrs was willingly . maiutained by our" patriotic citizens. " To-day public extravagance decrees that tnree times that sum shall bo'diawn frctn the peo ple, upoo tlie pretext that its expendi e --J J s i j wumni vu n KUfc m 1 SUU KJH is itself as simple as nature's r-ilook and this er stuff will knock He ispnlyaprinUr. Such was rli.l ;.; TJ lo a cocked bat iu just the sneering remark of a leader in ' fife doses. . . . a circle of aristocracy the codBsh Purifie tho blood,, cleanses and He was lead out and told quality. Who was the earl of Stan- strengthens the system, and pre- not to re-enter the dfpot; but be hope?aie was, onlr "a printer, pares the human machine to.tand 9"?TS " What was ; Prince , Edward . Wil- . policemaa through the glaas win- liamfl and trio PrinA , VrwiArk? the wear and tear of the summer dows . r - - - w mm --w t-r w V Proud to call themselves printers. I months. The present Czar oT - .Ruscia, the Crown Prince of. "Prussia, and the Duke ofJBaitenburg are printers "and the Emperor of China works lie Mmm lnlilng DusJneaa, in his private printing office al most every day. Wm. Caxton, the father of english literature, was a ! practical printer. - What were f. P. :.-. u it!, ii 1 1 "l,c VU ..rK ,cey.fn " ineJ soldier. Not many years ago river win, control tne combine, and will, be- Rrkd harbor bill appropriating eleven Morris, James Gales,' Cbas. Rich u?vre.aone, crry cne aay, lor miUion8 dollars to a loud Urdsoti: Jas. Harper.: Chas. Dick- - - , - n;uce,tuuimimu nu vppruiiri .lion oiipnirQ.o p; f- u t n tnipn : mnn iMrn i..-iTt . .nj .... - ' 'UOiiaxf l rinters all, and practi cal ones. Mark and All right, officer; all right If the people dont want " my blood purifier they needn't hijre it, It'a the seawu to purifj,.but I .never go agin the law ; aud if .there's FramtUK.T.Saa. . , rampage of billions fever next A dilapidated-looking old man, I spring don't say I wasnH aroand who was chewing sassafraa root! w it h my pannacea at regular with great energy, suddenly ap-1 price p"ared in the waiting room o the Erie depot across the .river, arid as he. approached a man-who was waiting for a Western train he it. j i in . ! Twain, Amos Puuea 001119 01 uu,a Iroin. n oia saicnei in nis nana and said: piamera soon learn me ways ana tw-ntV-two millio.,. f.r h- sta nA tin r. 1 1 1 i, 1 ii .3 t I - iuwiub iu cou uroi ine proaucuon. oee r and th rw.ml i . TVw1w . ' ' . - ... I if I rfi w-k a the storm commence in Danville Va. l 1 r ...u:j- i Vummiues ana' unie iteed. are The Alliance tobacco planters appoint Lnd this is annmved or corionl at plain, practical printers, as wasl M7 "end,you are lookingyel- a committee, wbo in turn select a com- j the publlc extravasance aud artemus Ward, Petroleum V. Nas- Iow aboHt the e whch U ,ure wnwBuiHjionatvo.irnue, vo ee hii lhuB another new" marauder turnfd hv. nd Rnt lirA "K" jour uioqq is m a Daa PlnrnkfifW. .nrl J.m.. s ,4,e One bottle of my blood Hogg, of Texas, are both printers; and the leader of science and phil osopby in his day. made it his the advance of this devouring and de- 00481 that he was a "jour' printer. structive creature. In ct thousands of the most brilliant minds in this- country all ine uanvme manufacturers ana a aiers i innR. h!,-h tn mnamr ..ith n. vi. . L 1! 9 I 10 Bo-ucii to-operation wun a ciarare: ie ciou8 Uriff partner, bears pilfcnd bene- enterpmeto be started with $200,000 lit to the households of favored selfish capit.1. .The planters pledge $50,000 mterosts. We need not nrolone ihe TheyXiU Set details. Turn where we will we ee! A ' A M mT M M SSI I w mr 1 B I at once aud more. $50,000 and more from the Danville trade, on almsiness lsis.' It will pay Darville and t ie investor, and that above paliation or patronage. "Then the Bold cigarette machine men will come in and join hands.' It will be ex petted thac every drummer from Dan purifier will restore you to health and vigor. Don't want it, sir V was the curt reply. f All right, mister, all right If a fellow wants to keen on lookinz s- r1TIC IU1HF. BiV mmmmm IMoj6 OiLIirr kW 019 now trythis. are found .j .Q th& . yellow about the eyes when a pan. . ... . ... . ... -.It; 1 ; . l . ,1,, . a at k.m 4 v. 4 V; i wm cooc yon notmnjr ana mu nmr i Jisame rjouseB oi iaree cities ana i "j D m uauu, iut uia For mJ bj Thoma 4 Ajeock, LoUsrf. do von srood, if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or ranR. Dr. Kinir's New Discovery for . consurantionr ville will carry his line of a Danville congha and colds is guaranteed to brinjrre-1 absolutely necessarv. The Centu- I liwf nr mrnT will hfl nniil )&rt RnlTorr I J.J IV. product with him to conquer the South erii fields first. A small start, a bii- backing, and strong sympathy and bus- mess men a neuclus only now, but the gathering will increase when the people are sure tl at the foundation in strong and the start a fair - ne. , Ertcr prlstt on 6uch a basis don't need or ask f.r millions. We have the start only here. ; The little, handy cigarette machine, simple and not costly, w:Hbe.hure to be invented 60tu,' and the fanner wont 8uHerera from La Grippe found it just the thinjr and unrter its nse bad a speedy and perfect re covery, lry a sainpU bottle at our ex pense and learn lor yourself mst how irood a thine it u. Trial bottles free at bonis- I burg drag stores. Large sizes 50c. and 1.O0.- own towns. It isn't everybody that I business. Lousr 'bout the middle - . r . - - can do a printer Drains are nf Anrii Wn'11 a i with a spell of bellious fever, but A Tall of Two Chairs. He taught his wife the sin of dress With eloquence, and power. And then played billiards all day long At sixty cents an hoar. . Spedul.l'rlvUeH-ea. Elijah on his Lizzie calls When chorea are done and even ing fall 8. Elijah's bashful, Lizzy's shy, Ashevjlle Citizen. If the Progressive Farmer, and othet champion. of the sub-Treafury scheme. But then her parents sit near by. will kick the wequal rights to all; spec- "Good nigbt, El ial privileges to none" plank out of the j . niirht ' " - r r you needn't lay it up agin me.' The next passenger approached was a severe looking woman about CalWren Cry for PItcher'l CutarllJ oo years ox age, wno was proha- OJln Trv Taf PHiW. VV bl1tZLd..nv. ,J ttHdren Cry for Richer Cuto. ner of your mouth denote a torpid 1 a1dfen Cr for-Rtditf't-Cttterte liver, ma'am,' said the man, as he ffiva i Via Kwittta cVi.Vn tCn4U:ntl X r I V I mi 1 ourtlj ijah Liz, good right here to improve your looks TTT 1L PERSON, I fifty. per cent, in two weeks.' . I sriffer; the competition to get machines Alliance platform, and dhn ttiat the And Rnd maw . cande ht K0 .1. and tliat of tlie factories of f::C- nly objection to be ursed apainst the Go oSf to and ea to bj . . . urn .1. reriiave had alternate aud simultane ous ups and downs for centuries in this v'eryjt-tte. Look at our old iuspect'io-! ! :ind State laws, pro;ibii ions, res.i - i ins and liinitaiious eveu to that v. t ie number of plaius set out but this was theD tne law of the land. Mighty miuds and many millions are at preqt at work .how- to .control to bacco in ' this counttv, and there are millions of people that will -sooner or later be arrayed on one r the other 8id-. fur it will ultimately be a matter of votes and legislation, as to who wi 1 be hurt or benefitted by the controlling powers and powesses. Wehavft taken retrospective views. we will now take prossective ones. The great American Tobacco Co., has last begun to feel its power and greed for gain, and greater 'conquests governs its appetite. There will be many more amalgamated factories arrayed against ha people and the planters, to benefit the monty-m tkers. On ih other hand, there will be some few, and those, the largest factories singly ' now; who have been so far unpurchasable and uncon trolabl e with i he American Toi acco Co. It is notunhkeiy then that these great factiries, say tlie St. Louis set. the ifew York and. New: Jersey and Detroit and ;Middleton, O.V men, may be forced, in selMefence, to" form 'oue or mii e t onibiues amongst Uiemse'ves, theyare all the ; better prepared for it navuix DHiuea av uuru agmusii c.;i other singly.: -Whenthis Start is made. like si vast recruiting" army, there wil be' Tolas for " the common aud sni iller factories how left out in the coldvThen will come the battle of giants and sud den changes of tactics and revolutions, such as we have nev-.r 6een. The con trol of crops will begin by sections an States. It may be St. Louis as a cen tre avain8t Louisville or Cincinnati -a battle to control of leaf as w ell as plug. Between such giants, every advantage will be fought f r that brains, bank ac counts and. experience can shape or devise! " -The burleV and the bright and FK VKlil NTON HOTEL the buizardwiU have; its boom day, as well as darks.T i The foreign field will come into play, for ,', the ; agencies will compass the world;? The cigarette and cigar 6tqcks aud plug and export grades will gradually be worked into the battle and up. ; It will be" a big day of, speculation au' armageddon of to bacco armies."' Things have reached a pass already to, make the w ritten words possible . . There are many manufactu ' rers on the- fence now, some .- consider ing proposals f;om the present powers, others awaiting this issue. ; This is the tion8 and i-ombiiies will be surp, in the long run. to cive these advantages. If the fanner does not now fl-ht for his rights, he will not have tl.ecrop control latei, MiicJi hinges on tliese, hurts; tlie reader can reduce the problem or Republican l-onus-jtiv;ng tariff is that it does not ro tsr enough aud embrace every class, it wou'd be more consist ent, and slightly more pUturesKjuely silly. The tariff tor protection is wrong in principle and praotica because it Their daughter, and her beau, with chairs arranged like this : A TTORSEY-A T-LA W, LOUIS BUBO, X. C Practices In all Cour s. Oiflc in live Court Hcose. ridicule it; but ihet e is.; reasoning iu it ves "sial ivilegen" to the favored Elijah 'lows "This weather'U do uevtrthfless. Hernshiem holds out tiffly; Gruvcly & Miller are sa d to be wavering in the balance; bu't we are expecting to resign the firm in favor of another br.mch of the great American Tobacco Company. There are many rumors. . . luuui uuimiiiinuuii -. HOUbE A'D SIGX PAINTER Calsomining, graining, parlor, paint' ma a specialtv. baUbidctiou guaran teed, Le.ive ordei-s at Thomas & Ay cocke's drug btore. v - . FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. SANDT LITTLEJOHN, Proprietor I am now prepared to furnish- meals at all hoars, day or night. 1 keep on hand a fresh snppl v of ' all kiada ot meats ana leads, call in and be satisfied. He who is feeling miserable, suffering: with dyspepsia and indigestion and often times with dizziness, wonid do well to tate f. r. P.atonoe. P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root aad Potasinm) will enru too and ar rest the disease in its incipiency. For sale by Thomas & Aycocke. ' Scrofula is an impurity of the blood which produces nnsiehtiy lumps or swellings. wnicn, accumniating in tne giaoas oi tne neck, causes painful rnnnrar sores on the arms, legs or feet,, wucn derelops ulcers in the eves, ears or nose, often causina blind ness and deafness. Take t. r.-r. irneKiy Ash. Poke Root and Potassium.) " It has proyed itself the most remarkable' of aU blood l urifiers. For-Bale by Thomas & .. . Ajcocne. v Drspepsia. , distress alter - eatinsr. soar B'omach. lot-s of appetite, s faint, all-eon e felina. badTtaete. coated tonfrue, heart barn, all relieved "ana cured By-r. tr. r ( PricklvJlsh. Poke Root and Potassium.) Ib will rtrulat the system, gives an appe- 'Getany coons?" 4No,moon wa'nt miss, Aud Lige aud Liz have aimed re spective chairs like this : fifty,, per ( 'Sir I' she demanded, in icy tonfs. 'Only fifty cents a bottle, ma'am. and made right in my own house, from herbs and roots gathered by j Tj E MALOXE. my own nana, just opened tne spring campbign, and the price is only fifty cents a bottle. 'Go away, sir!' she commanded, loudly. 'Don't want any, he? No, sir! ' 'All right, ma'am all richt. few; it is the government dolus some- Fur havin Lizzie thinks so too. thins for which it was never intended, itur-nt roonin' 'lone - with John . . i. . . i. e., paying a royalty to one man ior i last night." eugnguig iu a t-riaiii uuuic?",Huuiai- inr ntlr mvn in ratan f It a mnnpv in -". - , i , . . , nav that rovaltv. The sub-Treasurv Dngnt. bill proposes to take money out of the Alld 80 hy court ; naught goes a- Torpid liver may be a good thing national treasury and loau it to men at a rate of inter st at which the govern ment Itself, with all its credit, cannot and never has borrowed it It is simply the 4 'special privilege' idea reouced to down right idiocy OQce i doors below Furman's drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. EUlsT rpiios. b. wilder" ATT0RSET-AT LAW, LOC1SBURO.W. C. Office on Main street, one door txlow KagW HeteL D BUCKLEX'S ARNICA 8ALTE. With spartant will to do or die Elijah seems to gTow less shy, to have about the house, but I don't think so. lie re's your pan nacear, and if you dont want it 1 1 can't compel you to buy it. The third person was a man with marked redness of nose aud rough spots ou his face. lie was busy with a newspaper when the old tt. W. IL MC1IULSON, practiclng rinrsielAx, LOUISBUBO. 9. C Office opposite TToleL W. TUIDEliLAKEj A TTORSET A T LA IT, LOCISRCBO, x. c OSce on Xah 5ft. i a. .1 u r t ineoess saive m Uie wuriii iwr nus . , . l,.-,, : v.ii J T . . . broUes, sores, ulcers, salt rheum v,loli "- man approacnea ana saia: bPHUILL, fever lore, tetter. eharred hands childlaina, corns and all skin eruption! and positively cure put, or no pav required. It is guaranteed to civc perfect atisraction. or money refund ed. Price 25 cent per box. For sale bv Louwburj Druptores. WIS v They hitch and hitch and hitch until they stand like this: 4.U Will tuim- ' 'ra .tct "CI'" I I ... T O tite and makes you wetL For sale by The Progress of Rducatloa In "D'you like me, Liz? TV.-... r. . . V- . ! I I . . - . ( Thomas & Aycocke. tilts State. There are 40,000 women studying .ra the- various colleges of, the country. And yet it ;is only twenty five years since the first college In the laud .was i opened to women. . , Charlotte Chronicle. On last Monday the towns f Wilson. Statesville, Concord and one or two other towns whose names are not in mind, Voted in favor of estAblishing public graded schools. AshvLll voted S. H. Clifford, New Cassei; Wis., was troub- additional appropriation of $25,000 SPECIMEN CASES.. -1 they kiss. Then round gets in round, ' and chairs resemble this : -Yankee Blade. led with neuralgia- and rheumatism, nis stomach was disordered, his liver was affec ted -to an alarming degree, appetite feu awav. and he was terribly rednoed in flesh and strength. - Three bottles of Electric Bit .ters cured himl '-' ' .' - .Edward Shepherd; Harrisbnrg, UJ-. had a runninir sore ou bis lesr ot elcrntyearsstand insr Used three bottles Of Electric Bitters to its pilblic schools. Durham also vo'td more money to its schools. Gra ham voted a $20,000 appropriation for establishing the normal school there for girls.; ; ; V;" . - ' 1 This is a record for one day in North HUMAN INSTINCT. and seven boxes of Bncklen's-Arnica Salve, and his leer is sound and well. John Speaker. Catawba, u.. bad sveiarge fever sores on his Jeg, doctors said he was M. fitin Kot.tlA F.lpo.rvo. Bitters and one box Bucklen'e Arnica Salve cured him I neaviiy lor , population .- Irom couutry entirely. J Hold oy lxraisourg arug stores. :: ax . beexuse ther will have more So powerful is human instinct, Carolina, and shows that the -sun do I that some of its , suggestions be j my face sir? Why, 'One bottle will cure that nose, or money refunded. 'Whatl What's that? demanded the man. 'And the second bottle will cause every rough spot to disappear. Oh, Lige," J though it would bo safe for you to take a third.; Three bottles for $1.25, or 50 cents for a single bot tle. I war ' 'Look a here yoa old reprobate. What are yoa driving at?' exclaim ed the patient, as he stood up. 'I am telling a blood purifier made of roots and herbs. It's a little early, perhaps, but I want to get the start of the buckwheat scratches.' Are yoa a drinking man?' " ' . .. . 'Do you mean to insult me to I'll punch A TTORSET-mA TLA W Zxuxsjsrma,'K. C. Will attena the rxnirt of Franklm Vance, Granville, Warren. Naah. asd Feteral and Supreme court, prompt attention given to collectiooa. &c move' after all.- "What will be the re sult? 'These towns wilt draw more ;Vr. M. McGHEE, Proprietor. Good ; accommodauoHS. puiite servnts, and' the best tare jthe market attorns. v : THE BLACKSMITH: t desire to infomi the public that J have moved to thehop, at. the. foo. of the riverbridge,on the west side of Main Street, where I am-prepared xo -II l-t .1 - C rl .- .. : . m - mi" Aiiiuo ui 'ucK5nnm worK Horfee-sboeinga specialty.-'-i-.''..i:r;.v. DcjtEi.ii-Davis Public Extravagauce. I 1 I t 4 I pmbnrlrlio.. in uncial and y'c a I 'Wouldn't do no good, mister. Here's the only genuine blood pu- 1 J .fnn1 4V. a 4 4 - Va 1-imn. I vifior in Tnr1rt. and last VPir 1 successfully solved the pibblwn of pub-1 V"- , r -Vi-ZZ V T T T iu ln.;nn bX'.iw n iu.uiu J; tv0 .,Sr.,-..iA s. Bold '000 bottles of it. Invigor .v.. MiJ 1- r - ..-, . I ates the liver, tones up the blood. tern needs an alterative ana pu- ,n(i :e r eSLnn fj.-t nose of yours I don't wan't a cent.' figure which to-day stands in the way . jv ;;; - S .: Lit the country itMs a cos. . pa"fy jou, you old assas- of the safety of our government and the j - . . . .1 . . . I BiQl shouted the man, and he was happiness of out people is reckless and Wben Baby was sick, w gre her'Castoria... j torn for the fcousewite to dose ner jDg off bi8 overcoat to do it wicked -extravagance m our expendi- when she was a oxad.sieriMforctoru. f ... f . . Amoni. when the depot policeman came S-SSri'Si ,W. iiU Wilhkt our ' .n- hP 4 toId lbe oId "" V,"" the most attractive objects for. inv- - y"--o. . ,. v -.. . - t tem neeas an alterative ana pu recent speech by Ex' President Cleve- J migration into jsortn uarouna,-; , : i . - . , laudi-ibehevetJ ' V ' jrifyihg tonic and- stimulant. . In all parts of the country'itkis a oua :f::iicOLouIsblIgi' ST. C period of greaf calm before the battle- j congress.-' B'Vt lately : a targ tures.' It is the most .fatal of all the deadly brood born of govermenlal per version. It bides beneath its wings tbe betrayal of the people's trust, and holds nnwerless in its lascinatinsr slance the Deonle's wM and conscience. It bra-1 Of the 11,000,000 square "miles of zenly exhibits to-day a bUUon dollar Afcica only 2,500,000 remains in the ijiit lately a tarxe jpurpius i nanus oi me uattvu s uiwa. cestora employed, ' this decoction has continued to hold its own. The demand for . a spring altera tive and tonic, however, is filled go out. 'And not sell, a bottle of my blood purifier in this " crowd? he asked. '. " .'Come, out you gol ! And vou don't want a bottle for Q .if. COOKE, ATTT, mJ COUNSELLOR mt LAW LOCISBCRO, rRAXKXIN COX.C Will attcod the courts of Nash. Frank .a. Gnuiville. Warreo and Wake eocu- te; also Uie buprenvt court oi ona Carolina, and the U. S. Cuit and D. tr:t court. - , . . N. V.GULLEV, A TTORSET-A TLA W, raAXKiaxNT, k. c. All legal busioess prompUy attsodsd to. TO PUBLIC &VJIOOL TEACHERS. Tbe Soperinterkleat of PnbHc schools of FrankUn couuty. will be la Louis burg on the secood Tburvay of Febru ary, April. July, ipnper, October and December, and remain for three cays if necessary, for the parpens of extzmn io apptirants to Unch in . the Publie S:hoolof this couutv. I wUl also be in Luuisborz ou Si ; unlay of each wel and all public days, to attend to any buaaies counectal with my oflce. J.X. IlAaBis,PupC . " .Tf - ' Ow. ft ArZrk k mmm M I I Itm-,ii-i,,i4w nyw J .p I . atW wr , 4 mmm. mm mmm 4 II A J rmrnt Ii I. ' I. - - m,f m 1 M '" m m0m- "" " Kill hlONEYfIS riiiTnr--, iia mmm J ttm mrmn mm -