i. " . '.-.......jr....;- ' ' V. . - - y. J f V V . - . 1' mrrmr j .- v'-rr l .'j -' J3 U.. . - . . - ' - ' - . ' . '.-.. ; - - - . . . . "- . . . WiikMaXict tovard none; .With , Charity for alL r,ouisBxjR:a, kv c., junk 12, ism: MO 1G. ... ' ' ' ' . s r - .... Highest of all in Leavening Power: Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 the American States in the. Union that had been the pridQ ol our peo ple and the wonder of mankind. - As a sequence also came the war, the hetacomb oi victims o5ered np on the battlefield; . ih& . immeasnrable 8.u5ering8 . ol women ' and children. and of heroic men whose pains and distresses made veritable mountains of human vcoe. IT - " 1 .C ' -; And shall we gp on and sufgest as a result of the same cansethe split in the Democratic party' of mrup YINGPOUXTYISOADS. Conservatism is tha beat nolicv. Then let our motto be i "Live and ; " The railroad system of the Uni ted States is the largest and one mof. the ost perfect in the world. On the otber.hand - our country highways arerenowned . only for their generally defective charac ter. ..AVith some few honorable ex ceptions in particular localities, and let live," and the - Lord will bless us in our undertakings. Let Money mtde by chance will go- with certainty. . - Life is a long conrso of mutu- us strive, not to but other , honest 1 education which ends but with men down, but to build ourselves the grave. up. v Let us work to 5NEW YOltK LETTER. VJMl Ji "jfr-A roadmating in the rural portion of 1 RAO Vltt -1 xrn Ti-ci nfVoii ilia tliof I the country has-been until recent- JtioTOoa unknown art.:' Outside vrc rvulture anchored when she brought - U'oa; rcTw:' Uf Rn;n if .j-j-,' ew Yobs, June 1, 1891. Andre to meet Arnold, ThSngs and - 1 . - - !J f! . I rvuiio - uiuuciyuo IHJ U1CUUUU I rlTff K r meet the pv hn -the TTn1o-n Crt r r & many notable places .that it makes trdlzatlo an t10 raPid; march a trip tip that famous river exceed- made toward that, final overthrow ingiy interesting. j '.; . , 'r -v. . bf potJular liberty rejrulated by Con- v - 1 . - J J 11. 1 . . 1 1 i wivuesseu me oxner aav a spien its New York and is at all observ- antVill be impressed with one fact, and that is that the people of ev ery-iiationality, :Toid,: young, . rich and poor, are a newspaper reading j did military display here in honor ! people, 'A poor, laborinir hod ear- 9 the dea4 Federal soldiers. It was ! rior will hi W iW IJecoration day, and here at the a street car that . he mav save his 1 o i i :. j, r.i I nickle to buy the daily paper." , Can j the boya took an outing. I do wish you guess the result? Yes. nearlvt013r people at nome had euchrfeel- everyone von tjillr with ia wpII :n-1 "?S8 for the memories of our dead v j. j I Confederate soldier as - they have nne opportunity xo test this for j when I first landed in New York 1 boarded at a very respectable house,' But nearly all the boarders I met at 1 the tables were, 'artisans", and me-' j the drift of the government to cen- j condition as a great many within a few miles of the -great cities of th is country. ' r 1 : - ,1 The changable nature of our climate and the destructive effects of frosts are chargable in part with these results. But - they are 6titutional guarantees, which will doubtless sooner pr later overtake us? 7 ; . . . r . : - All of these things would not have happened at 'the -time, had: there r, of Aisi - XJT. KODU u. aiyies: ol Mississippi . one of the best known and success ful of the many Southern physicians m wew lortt will be married to Miss Edith Piatt on June 3rd. Dr. Mvles was associated with Sir MorellMac-. chanics,J" and I was astonished -to j'Kenzie during that famous doctor's uear.tneir conversation. Tney are not only well posted on current af fairs, cut more" or less intelligent, and about all ; the' education ; they have was , obtained through the press. - I think you", will agree with attributed to a greater extent to been no assertion of the right of the tlie generally loose .system of local Democratic people to overthrow supervisors and the absence, of their constitutional party and after I anything like scientific methods the fashion of. Sampsonto pull down of road making. It is -no pneom the temple of Democracy about their mon occurrence to learn that roads are impassable, and that the business of the " railroads and 6f entire sections is temporarily , ar rested. . - . - - A. - Within the past few ears. Oh t if the warning voice of Frank lin Fierce had then been heeded ! Let us not be understood as cast ing stones at the men of the past. We only turn back the pages of his-" years a tory and hold up the lamp of expe- change for the , better has taken nence mat inouffnnui men may Ui- r v: n.i . n anil - . iiiiiiii im i v n w x . . w ... attendance upon the Crown Prince oi Germany. Dr. Claiborne and Dr. Myles are friends, and I was at, the o iCj - -!'. r y Z reui n.iid find in thfts dpia1nrfihl ouuuieru uovvors wno nave located i . r .jr.- c v , , ,: j a fv: v-itAa v-i t in New York since the war are rtak-evc they should Pd .to this neglected phase of W thA a : T fi i;v.: fimQii 1 weigh well the possible results of di- our social economy. The railroads with I ntwti,, nnrtsLi'-ns 0 Hffifln,nWu viding and destroying the constitu- . : 4 me, that newspapers are notpnly hereTso IS ttonaI Democratic party. -Newsb- ---"- - v - . " I . ' - . - - . - I flnmrA , - . V . - I I nOl r rVOTT In TO FO OTO 4k Y rt T T hBA r TIT) ft TnAfilTimja. .fnr nivrriairinr hnt. I in cLfanr HflTuJ.WhAmA ' ThnwA I are at the same time good educa-1now- aQd haVe Taeen' a great many . Annfitan foiom Southern doctors here taking -ad- , r v--- vantage of the advantages in medi- my niiiiu, ana.tnat is mat tne larg- cine and surgery, and I assure you It is rather to be regretted that er. majority of the humanfamily j that they ; hve nll-of : the facilities the young men of this. generation have -an earnest desire to be in-1 tney ask for. ; . We. work night and 1 pay eo little attention to the social A Wort! with the People, formed on the laws, to know exact- day.,There are so may things thai orpnizationa which mthe .past.de- jj i i - t i one might write about, but I have veloped the oratorical abilities of I ierr'LorJr lv wnat the law . is RimnI v tn kppn i T T? - , - . nr,1. -,, . .. I m-t : their own interests and to those of their communities they serve of good roads, passable at all times. Certain railroad' , managements have facilitated in all ways the improvement of the roads in their For sals only by Thomas Aycocke, Lonis bnrif, (. ; 11a Snerior Conrfc i EefoWf tha Clerk. " , .NOTICE. North Caroxjxa FllANfa-fS COT7KTY 0. L EIHb, Admiflistrator of Bryant Greenx - vs. ... . ..- : " .: G. S. Stamper, . L. Stamper and W. Et. Greea. heirs at-Iaw. . - . , G. S. Stamper and M . S. Stomuer.- the twi defendauts first named abtve-wili take itoiice that a procelinj entitled fts above, has been commenced before the lerk nf the .superior Court . of Fvaakhn county to subject land of the deceased to sule to ra.ike iv-sets f r, the payjuriit of debts. And the said defendauts will fur ther take nutiee tbiit titer are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Conrt of Frniikliu eonuty on thr 26th day of June 1891.--at 12 o'clock, and answer the petition of the piaintifTad ministrator filed in this behalf, or the re," lief demanded therein will be given by tne Court. . . . .' This 19th day of Vfay 1891 4 B. B. MiSSKsncka, C. S. C. ' : ol Fradkiin county. F prnill. Att'v. FIKST-CLAISS iy wnuu tne law , ia-8impiy to Keep made this too Ion?. I hore to come Webster. Everett. Calhoun and the ou& di jau. . nis was lorciDiy im-1 home some of these days and will be 1 present long-eentence-epeaker - Ev preeduponmethebtherdayduringr fglad when the time comes. j arts of New York. . These literary : a race between two large steam boats o a' the Hudson river (on one of which the vriter Vas ia passeher.) - 1Th law is very strinsrent ; as to the amount of steam allowed on these low-pressure boats. So the officers imperilled, the lives of : about three thousand -people for about 40 miles, and continually consulted the steam boat law and to the utter conster nation of the women and children on board-werit t its very lasliMt liable at any moment to have acol- lision or explosion: . I assure you it was very exciting and fascinating, enough, -lhis idea prevails pretty generally in the moral world also, thatis people donot let the; good Yours &c.t J1E.M. A CiL, iN CE BACK VAtiI. One observes with regret the qui- i - . t etness wrai wmcn certain . persons who would be offended if their De mocracy; were -.questioned,"" contcni- societies had a threefold benefit as I a moral factor as a developerand as a means of bringing, together those whose" ideas were nxfed upon tho useful things incident to thoir future lives. We print elsewhere nn article, "On the government of our cities" to which we invite the most careful consideration of all voters, especially those who have ju$t taken upon themselves this precious boon of participating m the several forms RESTAURANT. Having opened a first-class Restaurant in Louisbur&, I am prepared to serve meals at all hours. Can furnish a few persons lodang at night. - My tabl is served with chicken, mutton, beef and everything the market affords. . Always call in when you are hungry and yoa shall have satistactitn. - " ' Reaper tfnllr, - ' BONEY HAWKINS. CENTRALHOTEL HENDERSON N. C. - , Good accommodations. Good fare. Po , : lite and attentive servants. - object to find out what the law will and will not allow them to do, in order that they' may miss ; hell and gam Heaven. Freedom of action, of will, and expression of ' thought outside the pale of law they exeotn- plate the possible formation, of a j ofgovernmentunder which they live. third party; and the matter-of-fact j Also to tho youth who are about to step into eth arena of manhood. ine lrancmse oestowed upon our men, by our Republican form is not an empty honor. It is one -full of responsibility, and the man who lightly values it has neither consid eration for his well being, nor does he care in any sense for those around him. Let us inve more attention to these matters. Make it part of our household training, that we may send our young men out into .the world as good and faithful citizens. way in which it is assumed that if a third party is formed Vthey will be in it." Such a frame of mind is not commendable. " Certainly men born to freedom-and glorying in their manhood have a right to ' cro into such political organizations as may that is m them develop and show it- please them; but it to not always ex- sen jsponxaneousiy, dux .tney read pedient for men to assert their right, theft Bible for the sole purpose and I It is not always expedient for patri- This is particularly true in- the West, where the utter .neglect of the old-fashioned highway was most prevalent. The same move ment has gained force in the East to an extent which has greatly im proved the character of Buch "pub lic works." State legislatures have in several instances passed stat utes on the subject, permitting counties and townships to incur debts for that purpose, or chang ing the system of local control over the roads jo that the loose methodsbf construction and re-, pair by amatuexs are replaced by the intelligent supervision of trained engineers. Instances of these changed conditions and the benefit they involve can be seen very close to. New York. As yet improve our farms, to make better roads for our teams, to obtain better schools for farmers children; and to se cure better social advantages for farmers families. If we put our hearts, as well ca orr hands, into me worx, we snail oe ricniy re warded for our effort. . . - Ve will now. notice briefly the CHEAT AMEBIC AX TOCACCO TRUST, and then we have done. ; There are , a few millionaires ' who hate combined their capital for the purpose of -controling our staple product, tobacco, so - that when they wish' to buy the leaf they can depress prices, and whenihey wish to sell the .manufactured article they can fix their , own prices. The object and aims of this com pany are to swindle the farmer, to get rid of competition, , which . is the life of 111 vtrade, and to staff their own coffers with money, which rightlrbeloogs to the" pro ducers of raw material. ' We will hoi stop to. discuss the moral defects of this monopolis tic move, llis sat&nic majesty will attend to. that, by and by. Suffice to say that we favor an open', competitive market, such as we had . in Danville prior to the organization of this trust; but,- if the worst, comes to the worst, farmers will have to form joint stock companies to manufacture their own tobaccj and sell direct to the consumers, even if they have. to unite with all the honest dealers of Danville and other mar kets, to carry out this plan of self defence. Fiat justitia ad homines omnes. ". .. Thos. N. Hikes, Lecturer. Sunny Peak Fann7 Va. April 23,1801. Cbcllzbs : 2 eggs, cup gut ter, 1 cup sugar, t butter milk, 1 teaspoon soda. Flavor with lemon. Flour to roll. Cut in shapes, fry in hot lard, : Ilero is ea corn cure:'. Dip piece of common. wishing sod and rub the trpuhlcsome growth with it two or threo mornings a week. r IftYTo:liOiLlifriSA:ioiP IB UL 3. M For by Thorna 4 Aycock, LooWborg-. The favorite low shoe is a French kid on an Oxford but, with point ed toes and patent leather. Pro()xlonnl cUrd . W. 1L TE21SON, A TTORSHY'A T-LA W LOmSBCEO, If. c Prtctfces to all Court. OSce in the (.'cut Hooae. D R. J. E XALOSE. 'OSce t ckyrbow Furman's lore. JJoii:n? IK. O. L TZZk NERVOUS INDIGESTION. "trust to luck'' in launching the frail bark of incipient manhood on the turbulent waters of the more mature sea of life. "Wrecks are all R.TYLE!, : 'PAMTORMESTAL: v HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. .- Calsoraining, graining parlor; "paint iug a specialty, i JSatisfa'cLiou goarau teed, Le ve" orders a t Thomas & Ay cocke's dra? btore. v - , . ' FIRST-CLASS v - , I am now prepared to furnish meals at all hoars, day or night. . I keep on hand a fresh supply, of all kinds of meats and ieada,call in and be satisfied. ; , -,( FKANKL1NT0N HOTEL WM. McGH13E Proprietor. - -Good accommodauotuj. ; polite Bervnls, ; and the best fare' the market S v affords. - t7 . THE BLACKSMITH. : ;'. I desire te Infoim the pqbjic that I have moved to the shop, at the' foo. of the river bridge,oa the-west-sfdeof Main Street, where-I atn prepared to do j all kinds of-B'acksraith -i work Hoi a e-sb o ein g a? s peci al ty - ' Louijihurg; N C otic men to form a new party, even when dissatisfied with the old, Let us illustrate this : In 1856 the Democratic party was strongly entrenched in power in the United States. The tariff was then- lower mumcate entirely.. vThe press of the than ever m ; the history . of this alonjr the shores, breakers threaten connxry nas iv m ra power to ame-1 country. , . Greater ' prosperity pre-1 destruction to the poorly equipped librate the symptom of this disease." I veiled at thA North thnn wm vm craft. It must be well manned -to and J think it dbmg;and;wOI con- witnessed, while the South was mak tmue to do itu f With 1,800 other ing rapid strides in wealth, and in crazy people t.witnessed a game of 1 diversifying the industries. - The baseball Saturday, evenmg where progress of the South in manufac- more'.money was lost -and .won, turincr and in develonmentwnjmnr- . j ..,.-'-.. - . 1 " velous A question came Up that tended to split the Democratic party: Men asserted then .independent man hood. The ties of party -were bro ken, and the great- strong constitu tional party of the Unioh", -which might have maintained control of the destiny of this country for fifty years, securing peace and prosperi ty to the country and happiness to the people, deliberately dissolved it self into two warring factions. It threw away its power. ' It destroyed its'ability to be useful to .the people', and it surrendered 1 the government the .bank,- under- which they say to men whom it despised and con temned and regarded with detestai tiion and t abhorrence. .1; "We might stop there, and 'the .'illustration the impression made has been Rliaht on o liirtr a fiold.v. wKpn They dose themselves The prime "cause of most of the nervous diseases and ailments with which humanity is afflicted may be traced to indigestion. The irritable man, the unhappy wo man, the fretfnl child, contrive to make all around them miserable. for nerv- more Next to home examnlea. revnld com with force, the clubs as recommend- the neglect has been so long "con- J ousness, and perhaps find tempo- eu m me arxicie reierreu to. uonoi t nnH Thnh wt hnmver ia one of great interest and it is a matter of importance that the progress already made should be increased in every possible way. rpUOS-B. WILDETi A TTOTiXET-A T LAW, LOCISHCBO.X. C. OCke on Maiu uxet, one door below tao If ul. jyi. W. II. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, L0UI3BCRO. IT. C. Of3ce orpoit Eaq TJoleU pt w. timbei:lake A TTORXET A T-LA fT, lxnsRcao,K.c. . Office on Nah bU jp a SPRUILL, A TTORXET-A TLA W Will attoi th enuru of Fmaklrn Vmko. Grmnrille, Wsrreu, - Njud, and Fekral aod Sarroro nam. Prompt at ten lion giveo to c&Uactioua, Suz. more liquor and beer-drank, more i cursing and swearing done, than ' I ever expected to see and hear. "While 1 surrounded ; and - crowded by the j mob, I. felt like if I could only itake wings and fly backjto ;"old i Xouia- burg and take refuge m our billiard room I would be in a paradise com pared to where I wan.. My trip up the -Hudson, 1 53 miles up above West Point, was a very pleasant one and cost me 750 cents. 1, stood on . tne nurrycane aecx. ana 6aw "Weehawken, the place' of Burr; and "R "RSI1 A TTR A TVTrr Hamilton's duel in 1804. : An old SANDY. LITTLEJOIIN, Proprietor stand the buffeting it will receive. The seaman must have a maritime education and the youth must be trained m political economy, Char lotte Democrat. - ' . r "Looldnz Backward" la tb title of a book dealing vith events of the rntnre. ; If yon tafferfrom catarrh, yon can look forward to a speedy cure by nwnfr .Old tianl's Ca- tarrn unre. - mc ceuw. Babiea are too hieblr prized to permit! them to anffas with colic, flatnlenc. etc. when Ir. Bnll'a Baby Byrap nillit onoe re lie yv uieui. tx-uia. . . - 11 uslness-l4ke. EXT11ACT OP AN AD1CESS.'. To the Farmer AUianct of Tuyinia and ' " 2forth Carolina, rary relief, only to grow nervous when the inevitable re'ac- tion comes. It is in such cases that S. S. S. gives almost imrne- diate-relief. It builds up the en- Q. M COOKE, tire system, purifies the blood, ATr 1 and CO UKSELL0R gives bine to the digestive organs, Hamilton stood the morning of the duel; On the right bank a little above is Jeffrey's Hook, where Wash ington landed, buirecrossedtoFort Lee just before ' the Heights were captured hy the . British in l778.? t On the west bank the Palisades he I gin at Fort . Lee and extend 15 miles from 200 to 500 feet perpendicular. James Gordon Bennett's place on the east side, Treason "Hill little ; met Andre at JoshualHilt Smith's. I Stony Point stormed by the Ameri- cansr;undeir Anthony Wayne July 15th 1779. : East bank can be seen unnyside, - home , of afihington Irving near bank. -'Teller Point, lit Editors, as every one knows, are a very busy set, with no tims to waste upon long-winded callers or tmnec essary formalities. The Atlanta Constitution cites a typical ollustra-tion.- ; - tt - - . ' A Georgia editor, who is also, a real estate' agent, "a ; building and loan association director, an attor- ney-at-law, clerk of the Town Coun cil and pastor of the village church, was recently called upon to perform the marriage ceremony. He was in a great hurry; m fact, the couple surprisea mm m xne, miuciw oi restores the functions of the stom- AgTicultnre is not only the mas: ftV .-Hwit tb Upt. ter wheel of all business but "also . . ; . the foundation of every nation's all the . nerves in tune prosperity. Jarming.waa the or- with health and' good humor. .It dinary vocation . that God gave -j,' nature" great remedy, and ner man when he created him- and the firmer it, and of right ought ? y in hn. th most indTen dent mem ber of society. Everything springs . Those who favor the robtreaaury primarily from th ground. ' Even plat y to those who oppoee it, man himself was shaped from the "otter us a better plan xor tne re- ,inar nf r,A Pftrth. .. Tt.? farmer, 1 lief of the people, or hush up.' A hands that feed the world : and better plan was offered by the Al- next to God. it is to the farmer liance and taught by 'them. "Keep that all men owe thoir daily bread, out of debt.". This is exactly what This being so', farmers shouldj tbey.taught, and it waa , the true unite their; efforts, not only for doctrine. .If we would all ylive the protection and advancement squarely up to it we would have of their best interests, but also for no need of sub-treasury or govern- ai LAW LociSBmo, rajL?(Ki4jf co jr. c. . WHl tttmd the courts of Nash. Frank GraoTiHe, - Warren and Wake eocn licr; aiao the bcrrmu court of Nortk Carolina, and the U.S. Circuit aod I tr:t coarU. . N. Y. GULLEY, ATTORXEr-ATiLAJT, r&airaxtyTo, k. c AH Irgal Voaiacaa promptly aileodaS a . "highly recommend- . . . , are:? Din in water a to. a .u rrv nl I Vioottw olifjT-inl nn tha ft riff , a,. y-iLw u'..v :" 4tTlme ia money," said he, without the purpose of pushing" the sci- raent warehouses to store away the jjuvj cixiciiu iiuuim vu -k,v' I . i -4 . - , iiT l - - .. - i . . - . - I 1mVMtfr Tn trnm hia wnrl- 'I Jrt VAI1 - x 11. I n.J nnli rf tYt a iaiI l?mYt tiiyv. v i enrft oi- apricuiinra 10 me Terr i'uv-""" .vr- Tfi-i wliir Wnt-' Arirv tVa I t. " iUl lUSCli. , JUU T1 JJjr I yg U.0T I curtam further aside? v As a direct sequence 'of that asser tion by the -uhterrified . Democracy j 6f their right to form anew political j organization,: came the election, of Lincoln: the sudden development of lntpnsA -' Rfirrtionaliami the obhtera-1 oaK. .. Uon Oi tne sprong love iur tne union A laT ETJmber of duds coUecTd TrT, -hfipn so '-natrioticnJlv I exposed comer last Sabbath, wiVr ,a I - v 1 V I J. The man said yes. - ; And do you want him?' i - The frirl stammered an ; affirm a- : "Man and wife," cried' the editor. "One dollar, bring, me-rt load of! wood for it one-third pine, balance soil. Each hiehest possible stage of develop- ducer should store away; his own ment.- ' ' I cotton, corn, wheat, oats, etc ana ' sell at his own convenience. Ex. ; vVe lelieve in the adaee that! "in union there is' strength.- Unit ed, we "stand : divided, we fall." w- w w to runnc school teacher The Superintendent of PnbEc acboola of Frankhn coootj. will b ia IjpqU tury on the aecoud TTiurviaj of Febru ary. April, Jaly. ryprmprr, October and December, and rrm&m tx thre dajm If nccwwry. tr the purpose of extnuiv io? rptiaut to tecA - in the lablio Sdiool of thin coaoty. I al! t'.to b hi loibur? oa Stardaj of each week, and all pu!hc daja, to attesid to any boiuiaM cooaected wUh tnr oSc. J. N. ILiajaa, fcupL . i , f t M mTuw mm. m4 ax tmm r- Vi J mm 4 l mill r Children Cry for Pitcher'f Citcrh. i. t. nir .11 UM lilt treasured by tne bOUtnern people I darling was sdeedily rartd by Dr and the sundering of : the bondsof W0nr , To0 peace and amity which had. uiuteil j votion Oil, the great imio-core (ur at . BoKUe adhering to this princi- CrJ ffir per'j Czzfi P H f M fTVHS? pie. we should frown upon mo-1 ' I Si! U I J I 1 --mr-:' BoU's uopoiy ana Ei&na square iy upun w.utuicii wij iw umi i v..im. !M.MM.a..MM: n.. I - i rr "n t - n i mi " Wsav our own platform : "Equal rights for Piter's Cast .r 23 ionf. to all; special privileges to none." I'1 Lr3f lor rucners si p-V I mm ; mmmmm y mm ' I 1 mi ' r '- . m mm X , 4 I ! f

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