C- v..' '.T-:;i'V; Si y.-v - r i " '! y ' '.V.' -am t tTHE iFlANKIilN IME. tract from the. interview. Govern- V VVliere the Money Goes.' ' " ' ' ' " " '' ' - - ment ownership - of railroads and Wilmington Star. . '"-' ; ' ' ' jfe (ylg mand Ppriej legTbsas brogbt; up and Mr. v Ready money is scarcer in the ;.l 1.50 J YJarlisle turned Questioner t '" , . I South than in nnv nthpi Rtirn f V . ' -.J. ''v. ' 'x . . I . . -V, r . I 1 n . 1 . t-.i vhv Ision of fbesaproperlies by confis- some of which the Southern people Many of our. larmers Mnj .all cairoui - UB am uicm.. ,v . ! are tnemseives resnonaiDle and oth-i l"CJl " iJ" iw . "No, that woulan t be fair.hey er3 which are the result of laws en adraittea-: f SIX MONTHS, j- VFrioay. Juptr Ex-Gov. . Re'id, of Reidsville, is dead. He was 8S years of age. It AVtli;Nevcr lo. . - Richmond county they pan," with- FZRFLCTED ' CRYSTAL LEHSES tmc wmm. - ":-::-Z:.-.rj-:i-; Si ' ' "'u' T,I ' ' tl by the Congress 'of the United little Iabor'and expense, produce' s waa intimated by. the Times '"7 buV thTra vou Statos, chief among .wHdi are the all at home.; Thero' have been Afew 7eeks age, BroCade basje- . must.pay ior them) and' tppay fox peiwionsand'emternalrev- many facts to demoJtrato thai, tired from the ..editorship of .the them you ; must tax yourselves. C11"f ' ' r ; V - ' : Richmond is a fine grain growing j . - . ,1 t 1 , i . . 1 na Tn 11 t ti t-ra wv-m nil 11 mamm . Progressive Farmer, jcard in fall:: v i , ' ' i. :, . mitr( llian S2.000.000.000.; and- we L:1.:. T TO. paying half of;it" The railroads, ' " V- - . v ' saw.two and. one-halt: acres on tK T,ror of mv own mol .telegraplTS, - teiepnone .lines (ion, and am led to this step by pense of-datv. It is right that i it i. - ii. . .1 C-4-U pnoum give so im, ruL.u which must be paid... Are -you people ever comes back to the South, sixteen 1 dollars to bring this LTreksons for retS ready, to tax yourselves to raise Not only what the North, East and wheat to the state of barvest,ud After a careful and patient tbis money ?-Then, after you have West pay, but what the South pays with the minor expenses of har- etudyof the sub-Treasury bill, I got the property, are you ready to too goes into the Treasury at Wash, vestin can it be '.said that it am convinced that its enactment vrr r : mgxon to pe aiscnoutu among tne ; tie Yoice of the "rr- J.jt thfl fnrm ot Mr John lilne. from :f SSSiZS && Vicvmuouu,. -I 000,000,000 is bonded indebtedness the portion paid. by-the Southern were .threshed.- ; It .cost .exactly im , ?i Ka ,itOQafra toti,0 Govtrnment never yet s-icceeded .countrv, and especially so to the doing business at profit? Con .Wr?nnitnrl intprflfltR of the ronn- aider another effect :. such apn tAr. Holding this view, I cannot 1 would add perhaps 1200,000 men didn't "pay? If th yield had write, one word in favor of that bill. Thedominant sentiment in the Alliance upon this measure is in irreconcilable conflict with my views: and the only manly and and women to the roll of Govern ment employes. How would you ever succeed in turningoutof pow er, an administration. with such re sources at its command? The more 1 rvocti nnitr rrtttTi q 1 1 rf tvhflt it t a line.. Thus about ' 25,000,000 7," 4r 'r" 4 " . willgo this year, of which the South 41U"1 " raiu" which not one-tenth returns to her. 01 ueyii, dui h Millions of dollars are 3ollectH3 ever do to overlook the pro from the Soutli" in internal revenue, duction of home supplies.' 'If every dollar of which goes to the you show us a farmer who mates II. M. ITamiltox. Louisburg,!?. C. ,0, m ., j .. j " l 4. it i ,i:m.,i- " . honorable course left-open for me AV 1 , m mVyU " 1 c TTeasury atVashingtcm, and not what he eats at home, we' will is to retire, and let another editor . . . ; one doIlar o wllicll comesl)ack siive ghow you oni who is prosperous. m- 1 1 a. 1 1 I - T,l-rt rtolArwn 4 mn I rrr Ctrl A n KlATl O I . - 1 lasce cnarge 01 tub .paper wnosy uc.cgauuu. .URCu uu",uu-' wnat comes to pay tne government views ax in liBimuiij ii tUc anu Perpiexeu,iur iu quuuua officers employed m the collection ir, KOod, reliable carrntera can Wi uc uo D""--"Ui.v ana suggestions were eviaenny ail of the revenue. All the South gets get ready work by nddrwwing T: . , , r. , t it. j ii new to their eanguine and enthu- out of the Government system of It is due to Col. Polk and to all . .. .. to . , ... . .... J . , - the other officers of the Alliance siastic minds. taxation for all the millions taken that I should distinctly say, that "Anyhow," broke in one of them, from her is the small sums that are no pressure of any kind ha& been changing the 'subject, "don't you expended in the erection of a few brought to bear upon me to induce think the money power is getting Government buildings, the appro- me to take any position that I into too few hands?". priations for river and harbor im- conld not occupy with a conscience "Yes, I admit it is a bad sign," provements, (much of whkligocsto void ot ottense. l nave Deen treat- repnea our. varnsie. "iuc now ed by all the brethren with whom are going to remedy it? By a rey- I have been associated in the man- olution or by an act of legislature? .gement of the paper with the Do you propose to say by your leg- m st marked, and the most unin- islature that when ' a man has termitted kindness ; and I retire earned $100, or $1,000, or, $10,000, with the kindliest feelings for all he shall not earn any more?" . my associates Again there was no response. Seven months ago I took up the -jg yjsitors presented two or three tne South while this system of ab- pen as editor with many doubts , : , . , , sorption croes on ' and haa been iro- j n;,; T,;; more of the grievances which form u - 1 bCH vu' auu 1UUJ uet." b and misgivings. During this time . . ing on for twentv-five years? t i . j .-4. . i thft hflsift or thmr rpvoli. p.nH Mr. 0 J innveuiuuninup n v 7 TT Is it any wonder that after raising attacks upon any one towrite no Carlisle tested them one after the , .." . , , , , . it. 1. 1 1 i 1 e . , ana selling 1 since the war about shame to the face of a gentleman; can thpv be L; bv letr;sia ,000,000,000 worth of cotton the I have used it to. write onlv what Q rY , remedie. bf leSlsla" cotton planters of -the South have I believed in mv inmost soul to be tlon? and no practical answer very little to bhow for it? true. I lay it down with tire full was suggested. The fathers of the Ia it any wouckr that the tobacco assurance tnat the man who takes new party went dway with the planters who have raised millions of idea that, after all, the political dollars worth of tobacco ore but lit- millenium might not be as near at t!e if any better of than they were 1 J l V 1 1 j ;i i . ton ni tvraritw von.a .Km' jiuuu. us mev naa imagiueu lfc w " j c." be. iTOOMASUYCOCKB- DRUGGISTS,- I- nve fxi loiw mle T ibcc celebrated - - Faulkner, KeUam ff Mottre The only m.-ttmficlarin? Otttktaot la Ui3 South, A'.wcU, Ga. trl'ocUlrr are' not fcupi licd wiLh People is tlie Voice . VUELIC SALE.' I will e!l at rublic auction at Frank- HiiUyi, N. 0., o: the I7li of Julr, at 11 o'clock. A. M- on Bullock's tor iirriuy tMunery und lot to tfttiniy a ".rtir.'e in uvor r &lrs. Minih L. Wo;1imi-, hs ietonle-1 nt 1 xofclurrf in lt.-k 5S. ixy:e 321, rd of Lu 18S2. Aluo tit lle time nnd plm.e iuy I uweiihi' Louse uI turre niau trtir- 1 tmnt i'uca hik! vat-aul li. t- Mli-Iy a iiiiru.nj-j in favor of Mn. KlorttHe A. Hine-, rtxnle-l t Ltuibur in llookCG. me4S8 niKld.ie AK rO-iny iiou'em d lot on the curnrr of l.ou blori roMd nml We: loo t Avenue, cud nevcrnl vacant 1-1 oi the above nit nml BJTct to ?atifj a mortgnpe in fevor clil'- I. A. V. May. n r.otd hI ni I.ouinbura in Book hi ixwie 173 In 189. Term nvulu kuowa uu Uaj ofMt'e. J. W. Wroxots. FmukU'.tuo. N. C. OF THE TRUTH, F. N. & R. Z. EGBRTOITS June 16, 1301. 1891. L0131?BURC FEMALS COLLEGE. 1891. Northern contractors), what La paid for carrying the star route mails, and what is paid in salaries to perr sons holding office under the Gov- I ernment. Is It any wonder that there is n scarcity , of circulating medium in it up after me will find no filthy stain upon it. I want to express my deep sense of the kindness and indulgence shown to me by the members of the. State press during my brief time jf editorial service. No gen- t tleman of the North Carolina press hsU written an unkindly thing of me during these months; and I value this more than I can say. I. do not personally know the gentleman who is to succeed me. Is the plaro to savo money, and they want to tH you now just what they ara poinp to do. After their iu- menne wile m ppnn: dresn poods there are a jnvut nuiny Bhort lengths, from one to eiht yarda, worth from ct to 51-iiO per yard. We have gnuled tbem aci-ordin to quality ami price, and any lady who will buy $10 worth of dry poods we will pive her. the choice o the dres! pat terns, and to the one who will buy worth will givch-r choice of the next prade, and the one buyinp $5 worth her choice of the third prade; to the one buymp ?d worth 2 pair hose worth 2." cts a pair; to the one buyinp ?2 worth her choice either of 2 linen handkerchief or 1 pair hose; and to the one buying 1 worth her choice of any remnant under .'5 yards. Is it any wonder that the tcilin;: millions who live by their daily la-! bor have but- little cr nothing to show for all their years of toil ? And yet in spite of all this tlie FORBIOOISU'KISSIKU IX VtiBLlC. There has been more than one opinion about the heathfulness of South has progressed in materiHl kissing and a multitude of opiu- development as no other section of I ions about when, where, whom and the country has, because of her But I have no doubt he will bring tow you should kiss. It is regard- to the paper a'riper experience and ed by some as a necessity and by greater ability than I can ever others as a delightful luxury, hope Urommand ; . and I bespeak gome avoid it entirely and still for him the same kind and indul- J cent treatment I have received. I 80mG persons lives are not feight- cannot wish him more. ed with opportunities for kissing, rupt. w.Biumiu.; xure several KxnaBoi Kissing, And whUe all this has been roin 1 JtI?! but they may be classified as fol- on, whDe the South has lendrainea orosberitv lows: The wife s kiss, trie sister's of many millions annually through T ,Yir Oadf aiosi 1X10 o ii.i&3 auu iuo kiss vrJYtr"iiiutm. nancies, Dy tarin, ot tne novelist. Iney are all good 1 pension ana mternai revenue exac-! The committee on free coinage 1 but the last, and no -power under jtions, the Southern people have been of silver are confident that a free heaven can successfully prevent paying-millions more annually to coinage bill can be passed through kissing, provided the parties who Northern :fire insurance companies 1 II 1 1W . . oounuies3 cnci varied natural re sources, and her marvelous recuper ative energy. No other section of the country could have stood such a continuous and exhaustive jdrnin without becoming utterly bank- . LOUISBURG, N.-C. rjon I Tnl ew5on lirn ?rfteniher .''rd, 1S:1. KnU i:l ?rore Vnfnlty. SrwrUl Tii.tOjf flr d n Voer.I p" Intmp-.fttrtl J!ui .vri mnJ rl i-utiou. lnp prOf :i'.n-f ivfi. t" ktbety f Eng!iL uui tbt l'il). I-.iij;- t uit ihr tinrt Ap ply for C4tHlfUUe ;to S. I). RACLCY A. M..ProKlilpnt. S; !f. 21 F, i 'H AN the next Congress Over the Presi dent's veto. - ; : . ' . The executive committee of .the people's t party met at St. Louis,! and decided not to fuse with, any other party, and ' made prepara- tions for organizing a national pampaign in 1892. t . to insure their property against loss by fire, and to Northern liiVin- su ranee companies, the larger part, if not all, of which could and should have been kept at home by the es tablishment of fire and life insurance do the kissing are careful not , to do it in public in the cities of Bos ton and Philadelphia. . Ve have never heard' that public kissing was ever forbidden elsewhere. - Some days ago a young married companies in the South.' There is couple stood on their steps in Bo3- no way of telling how much the. ton .wafting' for a, street car. The J Southern people pay annually to husband growing impatieut put these Northern insurance compa- Majo&McKinley, of McKiulev his arma about "s wife and kissed nie3 but they pay enough to estate tariff bill fame, has been Nomina- ner- policeman trom the oppo- " . m yery. iA w W0'..t?m;- -f. site side of the street saw this im- Southern State, with ample capital ernor of Ohio. He will be opposed P tactb., aIres.fd,the e l by Governor Camptell, Democrat. PUe? : aud next mornmg they be Hdirtriuutcd aOD V 8tock. '.. -, I were Drougnt neiore one ot tnepo-1 ' 4.u " AGBEATdealisbeinir said now utA . holders of these Northern compa- ... o - .Hiw; iuukcb iui iBisiiiff a aisinrri-i -i i v . .... i about the money question. The .VJ-,- u, 1- wacre - mucn - . .. w ' . - . -- I 11CCUCU.. E 3) 11 ij but a man looking for a good Family Flour CANT AFFOllD TO I'ASS BV OUU 6G D i a n a 33 mm-m .WUW1B inustcompeiencTOQis- a severe reprimand they. were dis- . ... y - ' . n cuss this cuestion is he' who ave .a J: . 7 Add to this the millions that ' ' .. 'Tiethirfrn'Ki. l.W : K ""1- P. annually for goods w ; v :.- , .-v. isi -r.---;-,1.7-' " , -- , i uau uorixo exceiieni characters anri fml , N we bought j";r boots and-shoes, for hardware, cutlery,! f man makes; one dollar per day and hhey must not do so afrain. ' 'i p.ave? uy c??ts Pt it he issolving ; Twoor4hree days. ago there was dais and glassware, crockervware; - L l furniture and other household arti epends tntee tne money nuestion 1 intoM'-ti,:v.lfc..''L;-i -x. n. ;..- . -. , .. . .. " i -ynio iuio . nmo ; wtT stroiiiniT will neyer be solved by. him: and down ' a . secluded street -hand r in aiKl .scotea bt other things many if ;he will be a kicker r ail - his life'.- band -Tiiow ivnj ln 'u'.;r. i no ftU of which could be, should be vy w 1 J T. . 3 . 1 -il ; - It beats tlie World ftndevciy Barrel is G U A R A N T E E D. m A 1 1 1 e n 1 1 o ii looacco irowers. TIME 13 MONEY, ESPECIALLY TO YOU. lnt wiMie time with Siring, Kubcr wires or throw on -faciu r.ghu," but Uij ile Cuiuou iseuht fixed jm ftwaj moej SHOW SRI T IT ; .! Terrell Times. M It. O AltJLiSLK COKJi ERS a grateful tree and affectionately kissedeach others They declared! T."Ir" T " v f I vvouuer iuut reaaj money is scarce icupio were eyer -in a in the -South ? The. wonder i.o tht. k . Wc have raailc Large prqmratiaui for -N; - iew.pf; demonstrating ier numor mail tpey when this there is any here. : ' '.l.i''. :But there appears to, be a cruel "In Chicago to day there are ty -' ; : - ? have been . discern fitted we jepro- f ndi dermined . crusade: .agaihst actual, count . 1 ,463 hotels, with . a ' r: j? . -".vu8.,ii may total c ,".rrrr---in. -30.; tp pipers and . -. V -. .- . . : ... ik. -wv..--w uv. vv... is' vlsuwo I ICiUiiLLIlti kC 111 In . WS rthnmrkV . I t fr'of ,.-4 of the Chicago, : - .. "V ' interviewed inrned. . .interviewed .a'aiid't-put liopIeYon their at about 65,000, ' V ::r '';-:t -a ' .. ' guard; ;:Ve believe in innovation remams.a surpl MIS anacitvlor 135. COO emeKta it ;may;eyen The floatinfr transient Donulation ; . , . hotels is esf imatwl so that there etilll ; will use Ue beat JlateruiI Uiat can c hau. Come.to ee us u usage of cbmforta- aud changes-in eomo ; things but We; accommodations1 for ,70,000 Grid's Fair. L . want a tun puree, accommodate I ;?-vW;$sv?5 me genpineoia time kiss, like the! People raurmg.tha W j i-i sMum oia.xime religion, -js good -Hoarding houses will .'SM ' 1 50,000 more. . - - - Crenshaw, Hicks & Allen. For Log Barn. " 'c pUnter who nW Tohacco rn aiSjrd not to u9 Diem. It U tS impll ud ra l cotUfUL- ariajictweot 3 el tkt'umi lo mr ail lb lo la.eo leav 1 jruwn, coinmoulj cjiUed -firuiujt," aud aike ibetn our keuble t th hlbt pnee od lb only nivtk wbeieby Too caa them laa n annrr that au.h leafcaUbes ibe tame amount of bel aod air 00 every tkk at the aaroa time, thua loauriog a ouikmo tun. Ttoi no cbauce to crowd tba leuve a la iba cate when atrao? oa ccta tea If jatry to. lDtfUuer vouradf tlt joa cn da tta ttho haTe (pent a lS4ime iu UodUis lolActo. Send ( t U wealed pam phlet fcnd read the telnvoo'als of iho bo bare ued tbero. lut lo jour order lor b0 tUcka aud ebl Uke tot the 16-Joot Urn more hi proportiou for larger Un a - tl bt bitoUutot jow nrr made. It dou 1 take an ezuert to teket iba bottom kaTc, nor to auifcg or cure tbetn. n " ' ' . . . . . Btaiflful illuntrafed pamlet with fa3 hulroctloct onj rtlxg od " MOCEUX ToCACCd BAILS CO. J