7,. 1 1 " r' ' : ' - " . " -'r' ' . -: ' . - '" ' . W' Malice toward none; U ith Ckarit y fur " " r-z.-rrrrrrrrr-rr-r: VOTnV;:-. ,;..:;A. .-, , . - , . . LOUISBURG, -N: C.,, JULY 17. 1SQ1 . Highest of all in Iavcmng Power.-Utest U. S. Gov't Report . iEfe PUSE L1PP8SAS BEOS., Proprietors, -; Druggists. LIposuii'6 gtask, 'SAVAMMH, 6A. For sale by ;Thoma8 & Aycock, Lonistrorg -Professional cords A TTORXEY-A T-LA TF, LOlTISBURG, N. C. P.-aettces in all Cooks. . Office iu the Coirt Hciuse. jR. J. E MALOXE. Office 2 doors 'below Farman's drug store, adjoinino; Dr. Oi L. Ellis. - TOWN LAWS. A MEJ2TIKG ,OF THE COMMIPSTON EKS OF THE TOWN OF- LOUISBURG. HELD JULY 2nd, 1891, THE FOL LOWIXQ ORDINANCES WER ADOPT-' ED FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF PAID TOWN :' - 1 -- fJlHOS. B. WILD EH A TTORXE Y-A T LA IT, i LOUlSBURG, N. C. . Office on Main street, one door below fcagle Hotel. Jll- W. II. JflCUOLsON, PUACTICING PHYSICIAN, - , ' Loursnrn.;, k. c. Office opposite Eagle Hotel. o o o -( ce 3 c CD E3 C c O o cr g W. T1MBEHLAKE, ...-A TTORNEJ A T-LA IF, LOIJISRURG, . C. Office on JNvas!i St. U .p. 04.-UUiL.JL, p. ii ATTORXET-AT LA Wy LOCrSiJURG, N. c. Will atteu-:; the courts of Frank'nv Vanes. Granrille, Warren. Nash.- aiid Fderal nd Supreme ciurts. From r il atteution iveu to colleeiio s. &c. Q M.COOKE, rrr. awi counsellor cj law liOUISBTTaG. VKA.VKLIN GO., K. C. Will attend the courts of Nash. viv,nk - .-i, Granville, Warren and --hko toun .ties; also the Sujireine court ol North . Carolina, and the U. S. Circuit and lis . -ixi'tt courts. J" Y. GULLEY, a 3 O o r-5 M P O Q o o 3 "a p o H3 o 3 C c time as tho Commisaiouers may .tlJTnk reasonable, under penalty of the gum of ten dolJara for neglect to do so. . . . Sec. 2. Whenever any chimnev. stovo or stovepipe shall be deemed unsafe or to endanger the safety of any portion of the town it ruay W so declared by the Town Corrnrfis 8ioners and they may condemn and order the removal o the aban donment of the. nHj oC the same until it shall be bo ropsjred cr r? const ruoted as to malt , it er.fe : and any porsn who pW.H u anv such -ch niiTiey, fovcT cfr"gf Cv'j.Tp'" aftr it has been eo covderane.I, ehall beBubjoct to a fine of five dollars. ? Ordit-ance 12. No wooden build ing shall be built within th-? fol lowingimits, viz : within 2(.0 fee? of that part of Main eireo, iyine etweeu the Tar rivor bridgKm' Eagle Hot-1. Within 2 fft of Ordinance 1. It shall not be lawful for any-live stock to run at larg9withinthecorporat& limits of the'tewn, to b ridden, driven or fed upon the sidewalks, nor hitc hed to the trees, pailings or fences on the sidewalks under ienalty of one dollar for each offence. Ordinance 2. Any person who shall drive or ride a hor?e or a mule at an unusual speed through the streets of Louisburg (unless in case of necessity) shall be ned hve dollars. Ordinance 3. Any person "w ho shall leave any horse, mule or ox harnessed to any vehicle, on the streets of the town of Louisburg or on the depot yard for tho period of five minutes unattended, except when necessary to load or unload carts or wagons shall be fined one dollar for each offence. Ordinance 4. No person shall exhibit or show any stud horse or jackass, or put a stud horse or jackass to any mare within the limits of the town uudor penalty of ten dollars for each offence. Ordinance 5. Any person who shall leave any cart, wagon or ve hicle of any kind uion the streets or sidewalkB of the town during the night shall he fined one dol lar for each o'Jenco. Ordinance G. No person shall ugai ciiK-kon cocks within thp OrJin.fi.nro A u , - iwii iron n.n. - -... -.... i iwji, ur.- Hiu cut on '-.'o sirnnt; o oi r-.v dollars for each o tie nee. fin m v . . " ua- tsirecis oi Joui8burg at night after 10 o'clock under a PnUtyof five dollars forcacb offence. Ordinance 20. S-c. 1. Roiling hoops, playing at ball or any oth r game on the streets or any of the public sqcar-s of the town hill be prohibits under a. pen aify of one? doilar for each and every offence. S-c 2. All gamos of whatever kind ou any of. the s'ret or publie fjuare of the town on tb Sil'b:it!l --V..:lb3" prohibited, t2ndl r a pona!!y of fire dol'tro tor each and f-vcry offenco. hoc. o. person shall play proprietor of said lUr Room. Any per-on violating his ordi nance shall for tho Srt off-tie piy A fino of ten dollar?, for the second offence a fum of twntr hi . j UO'.i h.ivo his licpn!" rvok?d MO 24 liHil b- rrovcrrd hr th Major, far tl.ruuu.of the OirnmbionT of Mr town of Louisbnrjr. Ordinance 42. Any pon cor-virte-l,.f violating any oc of th ar; for tho third ofTniro ordlrwuw- cf tb totrn v j- 1 k?d.' . In,jl" tf P-J.v the foe and rV-t !r- Ordinance 00. Ai.v rvrn ! r'n r:in, nay iVconfiixxUt .uiericr",? in aav wsv with lorts an tho town foe and cost hr. -' w v any cf the stf,t lamp, or lar:p L; j; ' ari;.- or x any oit-er game of i , nr purine p&res of the town undtTinal- ty of .'n dollariS for t-acb offence. Ordinance 21. It haU l2n-!av-f.i) for jv.rso.is to alembic obstruct the same, under and Terrell's livery stable -With in two hundred feet of Court street. Within 200 feet of Market street.. Nor shall any building within said limits bo covered with any wooden material. . Ordinance 13. No person shall pile or have piled any manure, timber, wood, or other obstruction whatever (except temporarily for building purposes, and then 20 feet passage shall be unobstruct ed) upon the streets, public cross ings, or sidewalks of the town un der penalty of five dollars for each offence. Ordinance 14. Any person who may have a private crossing or bridgo ovjr any ditch or swer in the streets of the town and shall fail to k-ep the same ovn for tl." a .ren- i , ... any ot om dollar. Ordinance 22. N0 person shall shoot a gun, piatol or any other fir trmi uecesarilyt within tho Iimite of the town, or oxplodo or firo off any squib, crack rs, fire rockets,. Wan or grit ehootors, or any o!her fire works in town, under the penal ty cf tn dollars for each offence. One half of tho fine to go to the informer. Ordinance 23. Any person who shall, in th corporate lim its of the-town publicly use any obscene or profane language, or he guilty of any disorderly con- tu?, tending to violate the peace, quif ;id jb-Kl orderof tho town! saai; t. croployd for tho r.ur:W r.. l'v,-'r7 Pwn rtv ... ... ' . i an Tl'..l.l I conviction shall m'a lino .,f 7 ' ' " rI;'PfTTy cr poll, in roiaaorw .11. ri:J ii n rw;;... ?. i , i . . J st ).h, Joi:,t !otk compnnk, an- diirvnr (Sa -,.f .,. -.i i liability to fin? shaiJ U sul.i-t to "a fine of Ave dollars. Ordinance Z'J. Wh en an? jrson j Hh ill bo found ilrynk n; I dawn n.. I v,":o'' ''"d r hi control 'n thentrn'tMo! t.j? ljj, hor.hi J"! ' r of J'"r thf r n o ntlltl.fi I.I l.lKnrutJ. .1. . . -...i-, in? Taju rf irr.prorx.nU on rraIertnteino oa tlte ball finwl ftve d:Ihirs. L'lsI ?'r t.Vr.f, Cr a parent; hur- Oplinanv G.3. It shit urdnw-! L '! ;n!'-r,M'!n. tniftw, ex em tor, f-:l for any pernon U jump on cr off i u n'tnl"trjtr, r.lrpr, ruxx,nntin- luo iii in u coriHirate iiniitit , ' r "':tl. ncior or whili ia motion, und-r a ini:ty if five dollar. OnliDaaca 34. Tho town clerk ahafl bo exoffldo aexton tothepmb lic grtiTvyard In U town, and aQ interment therein aludl b made by and under the SDirrijon o! the rociiniA5oner of the town. Orvltr . "ouiwh; f.uni i- oLttTveu ra digging: graven nd making menta. All persons eipecting to make intmn.-nta therein, shall ap ply to tho CVrk and bivo HmaltJots of ground narkl off nd a rv-or 1 thereof mtuU in the took. A9 l mpenat:on Uj th tkrk for hii nttatWn to the duti hnn a.- igncd, he fehaU eharo fitt? vnu otherwu.. Any p-ryon f.ulin to i-Ht hi.- taxaMn daring the month of Jim ufHm the name days the township Int U taken shall be Ua ble to a doibk tax. Ordinance 44. AD taxw forth town of Inwborg (except licenne Ux) sh dl N due and collectable on ' the first diy of Ortober in earh venr J uud. e.vry prrwn failing to pay hia ... woi, vi wroiuer in evwy yir, hall U gnHty of n rnb doinnor, and ujn conviction U-tw the Mayor, fiil double th amo3st-of aaiJ taxes, provide!, homer, that h fine ehalTin no x.-d fifty dollar. Ordinance 4",. After ronritUn c ' -" " 1 f 'Ws!iTv doJl.irs. i to a penaitv of ono dollar. r i , OTdir.aacri 24. o to. TTORX E YA TL A IF, FaKKLISTTON, N. C. All legal business promptly attended TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEA CIIERS. , The Superintendent ofPnbhc schools Oi JtranKiiu county, will be. in Louis burg on the sceoud Thursday of Fel.ru- ary, April, "July, Sep'einper, October ..and December, and remain for three days if necessary, for the purpope of examin ing applicants tfl" teach in the Public Schooln of this couuty. I will also le m Louisburg on Saturday of each week. , and all public .days, to attend to .. any . , vyuv wva nr IUU 111 J UlUUC. MOM. M ywrfr M( fef Ttffca . GoorrR,TVy,f.T,tror for M. hnAn-, jm tny aot infce mmcb, Vtit cm trtr fm qHrly how tMrn from f I to f 10 a liny t tke ml mar ym eo W woA. AU hiievr. Oit jy Et kK fr CTry-wnrlrtr.- We nturt rou, rniisMtHr rerytMnr. KAW1.T, srEtlfl.Y IwocZ fl 9 tR R S FJWJ Jfaw b4nnj t onrSW Ho. -1? B H 111 ? rf'ily J brtK-rekiy, Sy tiro no of Si I I S 113 Sfi lllw'.rifl,iSmteii EH a 3 " SB 2 K.rlwlK.n-rixy nr Any W fcn.bi rrcrrtSUnr. j-..tx twl Ko ri-. Va am rieron yoor spare miwni's "r lUJ rut to wo. Tki. U tt S3" T' i. to w txrnA mrtd nwwdk. Omoi ftot Km. i.njuoe. W mm ABUti you k. mr,- ort. Too Mtoite orV rod tt r L& olT mfnB from 5 M ,5.!,t r-- t wk hmeilm .'fiJyrV.Tt ' "u to briefly eS,bon read nod W .d bar iroum.wi I w.f. i. t-l k... " blit Mr Wkr-V-m V.ui TT. fcumbar, Wil l ;;v n yecr,..h. I.'. TV NOTICE. Having qualified m administrator on the estate of J, L. Timheriake, all per sons owing said estate are hereby noti fied to mafte immediate pnynrsnt, atrf all persons holding claims aaarasl said estate to present them f'r payment on or before the 3rd xiav of Jnlv 1892 or this notice will he pie ded in. bar of ineir recovery, tmm 3rd day of Jury 1891. J. 3 G. Ttmberiakr, Adm'rt PUBLIC SALE. I will sell at public aactaon at Fiwnk linton, N, C, on the 17h &y of Jlv, at 11 o'clock. A; M., on ita limit's cor ner ny taaneiy and lot to eatiffy a mortgage m favor of Mrs. arafc L. Wellonv'fts recorded at J nisburg in Book 58, page 325, and of date W82. Also at the sante time ami fitter my dwelling hoase and Are stnall tene ment hotrses and vacant lots, to sali l'y aroortffaga in favor of Mrs. Floredte A. Hines, a recorded at Loisbw-g ki Book 66, page 458 and date 1885. Al so my liouse and lot n flie corner of I,ou;6bur road aGd Wellou's Avciinc, and several vacant lots on the above named, streets to satisfy a inortcnsre iu favor of Mis. I. A. V. May, as record ed at Louisbure in Book 2, 179 in 1880. Terms mado known on day of sale. . - . ' - Wv'- ' June 16, :'18W; J. W. WELt)NS, V; rauklialon, N. C. Ordinanco 7. If any hog, Ojoat, or pig shal! die within the corpor ate liniite of the town with cholera or any otlver dis"a?, the owner thereof shall burn tho carcasa or bury the same at least two feet in the ground within six hours after the notice of the death of said an imaland on failure to do so shall be fined five dollars. Ordiuauee 8. The owner of any dead carcass or carron who thai! permit, the-same to remain within the limits of the town for oao day after he has notice of its existence .shall be fined two dollars, and one dollar additional for every day th same shall remain. If not rooioved by tfie owner, the same shall be re moved by the town Constable at the expense of the owner, or at the expense of the town if the owner cannot be found. Ordinance 9. ' The Commission ers of the town shall "have author ity to direct the removal of aay pig pen, or any other nuisance within the corporate limits of ihe town, when in their judgment it shall be necessary for the hea'th or comfort of any portion of the inhabitants of the town, and if the owner or occupant of tho premwes shall fail to rsmoTe sid pig pen or other nttrsaaoe within thre days, after having proper written notice, then ho or she shall be fined ten dollars, aud the Commis sioners may have the same re moved. ' ' Ordinance 10. Every owner of a house within tho liuiits of the town shall continually have on the premises que ladder of suffi cient length to reach tho eaves of uch house. Any, one failing to comply wifh thw ordini&ce shall be fined two dollars. Ordinance 11, Sec. 1. When ever the shingles ,of any house within the corporate limits ot tho town shall become so decayed as to bo dangerous on account of fire, the Beard of Commissioners mayj eo declare, and the owner or own ers of such house. shall be required to recover the same within uch Every owner or Fsrn of any business hou iu tr.-n sTUTr rpon-iTiIe fo, , prom of thir HHhallaL.othan cttv tvau for l3' Wt for the violation of th?lonandpay the b thJ . lU" oriicmot the town town tr.M5urtT, f. r s. h tvot ,il uyor iH a,,thorfc-d to remit no ground r.HJ-n,,! 1 v fr n ' Pmc h th- P-n.ilty a in hla jad- T.r.-e, and may .xiU- r t!u & m ' n' Ul t!,A t in-incM may war by warnint if not v dnnf ordy : rUl' -ry p.-non ui.ik.:. n.nt jsail ,rmv yard cctr.iry to tl,J LiCRTTTQ. in ordfxiu.TK i.iMtv i - wi i rcTnrc,i to nave j ;,,tv ditordrlr . v. fiiA.i .. . - . v. . j-vij uif - Hiv vivii.ii.i iu i aj ;.! .i to j . m nis house, and "M.'iai:irjvu:e&Laf ani4 -r:.,.. vr.i .... 7 "-uitti oru'- I ..... ... , i u; v n.r .rr., the chips And trash rc-mov-d im-j -.r." 1J1.-PS mod t o i ! .1.. 1. ., . . r . I ... u,,ur. l'iHuy or (Vv,, , , verv o - or 1 nf ar,.- I.,.-. " 1 uouars. Ordinance 10. Sec 1. Anv y per- mys boufw in town iho shall M-rmit any dieorderlv conduct r. ...I . .1 II 11 . . ! n, fcI1RU u,rovv or us.-to m uf bouse or upon his premis thrown any lra?h, v;o,M or oflr j s without rjrtiug the same on ol struction into the gutters of the I affidavit to tho Mayor of the streets of the town f-hail liahh- j town, shall be subject to a fine of to a fine of one dollar for each of- feu dollars. fence. j Sec. 2. No person shall sweep, throw or deposit any parbage or trash in the streets of tho town un der a penalty oi" one dollar fo; ach oftVnce. Sec. 3. The occupant cf any lot or store house in the town who shall w itiv r t-V.o t... -i obe throw,, or di.rf "r"' " to, . i n i , . , . J'rtiu tr,o owii'-r. If h nr'i. . k in a, tiji'j (j i U1H ' dollar for each offence. Ordinance 2o. No privy shall bo built or placcil or a'lowed to remain within 20 fttt of any cf tho & r-.f-ts of th- town und'r ;'talty of ion dollars. Ordinanc- k'G. It shall not br Iswfui for any female dog to rnn at larfl wh;h? in heat, w ithin tht Or.Kiantr' 3.". No person slail ; rv-- cxHnint.ty f,:r rIiiou,char 8t-Il within ihe iorp.;v.t. U.uit ,.f ; l' r h:..- ,t i4 ,) purjiowew, foi lb town any uahoU,u, ftH.'. 1 f 1,1 J,v rl,, nMl'- Any p.T..on violating thbi onlin in. (',r xi''A-,orr hhuU for each an.l ev. rv off, u-.ra v i f, " '!! ' , a pvhaky of Un doIlaM. ' : 4 M Hrr 'T1 ' Urvltnance ."G. Any pn who h-rp r,n prrtendine to shall u any vioUtit, abcfiv or in- j U'11 fortui,f 10 rT ywir. f u h pcrfonnancr. xit $5 prr month. , ... Mattm sultm- l.tnua.. or r.ir,Mt.MPrv : , i,Jrit r,,,! lk In Ughtnimr Rtimi townnl tlw Coimt.-ibl-; or ! ' r v,-,,r any officer of Uh town. wLJ in 'di-L 'a '-ara d-ukr (n Btov, to a fee o! five dolh.r, v, ,u n,Kr r W t2S0 per vrjinuTv Any p,, ,n . n rn-?. i.i:i!:ird or pool tnble pHV-a r.UHinjr to th iVn-j k,Tf for Phi t: :tM!KT in mn. "LiMt or atiy town o:fi,'.r t L-u 1 " U"n itl1 or " V from any "d!l vixm to ;t t., u,ake i J, h?Uor U UlOper . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorls. I Ordinance 17. See. 1. Any per son who shall cause or commit sny nuisancejiround anv dwelling or other house within the corp-rat limits of the town shall forf-it o n A rc r f K . . . - t i . . t 11 cua turj e-uiii Oi livo uciiar? for each offence. ec. 2. No prson living in (he town shall allowxny nuisanco to exist on his or her "premises, and any person failing to abate any nuisance oa his or her remises when orderod to do bo by th May. or or town policeman shall be aub ject to a fino of five dollars. Sec. 8. No person shill mak an' excreca!titione deposits or slaughter any live stock oa any of the public grounds of the town un der penalty of one dollar for each offence. Ordinance 13. Every occupant of a lot in the corporate limits of tho town, shall at. all times ke their lots in a cleanly condition under a penalty of fivo dol ara for failure so toMo. . Ordinance 19. Gee. 1. No peri son shall indecently exposo or .ex hibit his or her person within .the limits of the town under a penalty of one dollar for tho first, and' for each' subsequent offence five dol lars. Sec. 2. No. lewd woman or wo man of suspicious character shall children Cry for R trier's." Castcra j r ea:;i:ot be fouad it shall tu - defy of the couetablo to kill the bitch. Crd'maaco 27. All burbcr ' town shall h-? closed froru Srtlurdsy oight 12 o'clock, m::il Sunday niht 12 o'clock, hu I un tmrln-r fhall carry on his buh.;s;s during that time under a'pnoa'.ty of iivo dollars. Ordiuanc; 23. It shall be un lawful for any persons, except Apothecaries and Practicing phy sician (in eaa sA oeoewity) "t wll or o2er fot tala aay artiaW wliatever oa the Sabbath day, ex cept ke and milk, and articles nectary for burial purposes within tho corporate limit of the town under a penalty of ton dol lars for each offenco. Ordinance 23. All shops or places for tu9 sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, shall bo closed on cch Sabbath in tho year from 12 o'clock ou Saturday night to 12 o'clock ou Sunday mght,cd noporeon or persons thai!, during or between theso times, ic any licensed liquor ea koa, s.?ll or givo away any spir itous, vinous or malt liquors, ex cept in caeeof sickness, and then ouly upon a certificate of a prac ticing physician, and any one or more persono seen, going in or out of a Bar Room betweeu said hours shall bo deemed prima facie cvid'-nco of the guilt of the l r-f u'. ,,11 rt 1 . ! 0rd!aac:9 3.4. Any rrr.u ! . ; t ' h ; k-u j, ba-at toble. or into prru tK!. iuy i-ittAw Uli;! or lA:u for 'tiny other irarno ac or trade, by any crii- "IJi'VJ a rune, nam. of thh Uwn, KW ixtruiXi??? amat On iipfor dt-ilrn f 100.00 rr year. 1 . - ro:n;r.rK'Ui; s.kJi prokwiiou. LuI nce? or tr.ule, pay th. fix rcj i:roii CootAUb and Mavnr of th- trn I !T3 A. , ' . : i . w-...u-r. mci.in, portrait pmctico such profctvtoa. Lu-i-!r ' !i.it.:r Tviii-rtPr. dnAvrTwir to aw or traJ-i. An J any pr.-,a cn- nrt:'-"r- ' ''ctj jnm taking or p.-ia5'inorpr.ictir:rJ'anv rr-iJ-y.- i u? l tho human any ordinance of this town, without having Crst paid th fix nad ot talncd the liccasa sh.U l guilty of a mLdrnanor, and on coavhtkn hall b fi2cd fifty dollars. Ctdiaace&3. ThecvahafiM m MuraoX tax of fir dollar for 11 prtTt-go!HirT7inottt2be of wrlhar nd any person who fcha!l wciph any pd :.- fn th cor pottdhtr.itj of thv? town for py or compensation and without hav ing pahl said fcix, sh Ul be ttnt-1 fur each offence one dollar; proTidel, however that the provUion of thi-i onliaano nhall not npp!y to the town weigher, iloctod by the cf.m siidoijr3 of tho town, nor to th cottoa vether, elected by tle cr-ia-cawrdoaers of the couaty ; ia iw-t to tho weihiag of cotton. Ordinance 40. Any pcrin who ehall hcH or offer for u! ony prii boxcM or patent rccdicinrn of nny kind within tin? rorpcnto limitd of the town nimt P.rt obtain arnl pay a licppse of five dollari. 'S.iidlLvciv will entitle him to soil for oai? yar from date. ThU shoil not apply to the regularly liasl merchant of thtown. Ordinnacc41. TL iMmlthi d fcrtaNnl ia th forr li. C KIX0, Mayor. GEO .S.B.KLTl,CVrkJ. A iH.pui from Lexin-ton, Va, Mya the8tatu-oli;tonewall,,Jack-po was flnbihI Thursdar after- ooo, acd as tb- setting sun dirap- , P?"! tiw Ironic inxae w&a car- ' faSy rahn,l tipon ha pedestal and pkoed ia iti pMitIox Like cv.-rythia-elae done la con t.f toa with thu entire affair.gmxt xrery ws maintained and no on knew o! it. Soon, however, a largv crowd h?gan pouring ia to view tho . imposing right. Ia his right hand' h Lold4 hh nell-Ha.. the arm ex-t-n Il downsaH full length, whfla w ith bin fcft h gTaps the hajidle of . hh sword, wbit-b U Cattvd to ths Wit. The rvht foot Is slightly la front of t le k ft nnd tlie head is un covered. In front of the La of tho tnta- rpp-in. this inscription:. "Jacktoi -tfto. to 1C3. fn tho Mu.ly injrribed ."oton- all." P IVK LZ.VS A BMC HA LTE. The tct "ive In the world for coU bmi-et. ive, uhrr tull rheons ferir sort, tctr. rhnpd bo.U h:ld'Ui, cru and wia eraikx s nd PMiiirer.ure riU or r.r re:'rr.i. It J .-atri.ui to vr refuaJ- ..i I-Mmlt d j r7fc "r tnouej rttun ordinance. j Vot t-U h yJ j,