THE FJtANKLIN TIMES. . A. THOMAS, Editor and Iropridr. 0B YEAU, BIX MONTHS, $1.50 1.00 Friday. July 24. - - - - - 1891 THIS COUNTRY'S FINANCES. As the Statesville Landmark eays, the form of the Treasury statement has been changed, and Secretary Foster sent the new statement out on the 1st of this month with flying colors. It showed the cash on hand $745, 349,751 and the balance $13, 893,808. These are comfortable figures. But the cash on hand in cludes the gold and silver held for the redemption of certificates. Be sides, the $100,000,000 gold reserve is included in the cash column. Take this tff and there are left $53,893,808. To make up this fig ure Mr. Foster has counted "ac crued interest and interest unpaid ; also "balances due disbursing of ficers, now amounting to $34,000, 000. Of course the Secretary has no right to count as available cash the coin held to secure the gold and silver certificates because these certificates are in circula tion. Of course he has no right to count interest and balances due and unpaid. And counting off these item b the Treasury is bank rupt. So much for Speaker Reed's "business Congress' What do the people think of it? A little while ago Cleveland had one hundred millions of dollars surplus in the Treasury and his Secretary of the Treasury was paying interest in advance on the 4 per cent, bonds which mature in September next in order to get the money out o the way. Harrison's Secretary not only has not the money to pay in terest in advance but will not have the money to pay the principa when it falls due and has made arrangements to refund the debt While our good people have been discussing "barren idealities" and flying at the throats of their neigh Dors who will not take the harm iul medicine which quacks pre scribe, the Republican party has been piling up the taxes, contract ing the currency and looting the Treasury. For further light on the financial situation see the fol lowing Associated Press dispatch j sent out from Washington on the S 2d: A statement prepared at the Treasury Department shows that there was anet decrease of $4,210, 954 in circulation during the month of June and a net decrease of $7,036,504 in money and bul lion in the Treasury during the same time. There was a decrease in the Treasury holding of gold coin of $17,479,452. lill, providing for spending ten million dollars for the improve ment of public roads in New York. It says that, such "an outlay would be the best possible investment he people of the Common weal th could make. It would add ten imes its amount to the salable valua of its real property. Good roads are the sorr-st need in every country. It would pay the peo ple to assess themselves and spend he monej' for this purpose in any ocality." The Durham Sun in comment ng on the abovp, says : The Journal of Commerce is right. We are surprised to find many people so indifferent to the condition of the public highways, and opposed to spending money to improve Ihem, when money spent for this purpose is always a pay ins; investment. rJau roads are injurious to any locality, and good roads are highly beneficial "An uPkept highway is worse than a plague to deter investors in rural homes." The outlook for a third party in Vermont is thus referred to by the Farmer's Advocate, the organ of the Farmer's Alliance of the State ; Vermonters are not easily fooled. They. read the papers, reflect, and have their own convictions on all public questions of general inter est. Tbey are slow to act, but sure to da the level headed thing when they do act. They are no the kind ot men to advocate or adopt prematurely without mature consideration a new political par ty as the panacea of all their ills They cannot be counted on to en dorse impracticable schemes, nor will they seek relief by class legis lation in their own interest. Ver mont larmers will meet the crms that confronts them manfully, val iantly, as intelligent citizens con scious of sheir rights and duties in public affairs, with no other aim or object than the promotion of the general welfare of the whole people." And North Carolina farmers will do the same. Isn't it somewhat presumptuous for individuals to assert that the sentiment of the people in the State in which they reside is for this or that Presidential candi date, when they have had no op portunity of ascertaining what the sentiment really is? Persons frequently imagine that the views which they entertain are shared by the masses of their fellow-citi zens. When a test is made, how ever, they sometimes discover their error. Durham Sun. You are very correct brother Sun, and North Carolina cop tains quite a number of those presump tuous fellows of whom you speak rial classes. esDeciallv the farm- 1 A ers, out not one of them has the candor or honesty to tell the truth and the whole truth. They know that the farmers of his country, in common with the great mass of their fellow citizens of other callings, have suffered from the infernal tariff legisla tion of the past three decades, and yet they have not a word to say in condemnation of that le galized spoliation. They know that the farmers of this country, in common with their fellow citizens of other callingshave suffered from the plundering pen sion system which had been fasten ed upon the people and which has attained such stupendous propor tions with each year's growth; but they haven t a word to sfjy in con demnation of the plundering pensions. They know that it costa now near ly five times as much to carry on this Government as it did in 1860, and nearly three times as much to the head of population as it did then, but they are dumb in the pres ence of this wild and reckless ex travagance. 1 hey know that the Democratic Senators supported and voted for free silver coinage (which they fa vor) in the last Congress and that it was then choked to death in the lie publican House. They suppress this fact to make their people be lieve that the Democrats are equal ly responsible with the Republican party for ignoring the people's will and refusing to increase the volume ot money in obedience to the popu lar demand. It is true that the farmers of this country, in common with the mil lions of toilers in other callings have grievances sore and hard to bear. While the farmer has justly found ed complaint to make there are oth er reasons tor his calamities nearer home, which are within his control hut these leaders who know rail well what they are never allude to them If they candidly called the attention of their followers to them, they might find a shorter cut out of the wilderness and get out of it much sooner by that way than by the third party route. How can the farmers of the West be prosperous when they keep on year after year raising a bier surplus .for which there is no remunerative market at home or abroad, enpocial- 1 1 A. iy wnen the implements and ma chinery which he uses costs him from twenty-five to thirty percent., or more, than they would if there werv no high protective tariff to in terfere with the exportation of his farm products? How can the cotton planter be prosperous when he nells his cotton which cost him nine cents or more to raitse, for Iphh than eight cents a pound ? He need not do this if he didn't iwreaw hisacreatreof cotton oblivious of the fact that he wa overstocking the market, and reduc ing the demand for and price of the cotton which he raised. There are other causes of the far mers trouble, font these two. by way of illustration, will show that while a great deal of it is, all the trouble is not in the ad verse legisla tion, or in the want of legislation, as these deceitful or blundering lead ers would make them believe it is. Wilmington Star. When Baby waa rick, -r (are her Caatorla. When the wa a Child, aha cried for CatorU. When aha became Mi, ah clun to Caatorl. Wben alia hal Children, aha fa ttoeca Caatorta, LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Another lot ot "W. E. C." cigars just to-hand. Conceded to be the best cigar in town for the money. Fresh lot turnip seed just received, v Thomas & Ayoocke. Bras kettles, porcelain kettles, ap ple jealer, fly fan, fly traps, 1 mon ftquet eers, hammocks, croquet aeti and a!l eennonahle goods ac Creufhaw, Hicks & Allen's. A fresh lot of plain and fancy candies at Ceo. II. Cooper. . n i . , m. r ii yon wriii uitDeri DWTri oi uour for the least money go to ti-o. II. Coop- ei s. Mason's improved fruit jars quart and half sallou. Green & 1 arboro. The canning saro is upon us. Buy Mason's Improved Jars, the l-eat and moat reliable, of C'rvushaw. Hi ks & Allen. Am'rican preaf rviug powder leats the wi rid. Oue package will preserve 256 pouuds of fruit. For sale by Creu- sliaw, I Iu ks & Allen. NOTICE. In accordance with a decree of the So perior Court of Franklin coudit in the ipeciai proceeding! entitled C. it. ooke, F. G. Terrell. R. R. Harris, "uardian el. petition to aell Ian a for diriaion. the upderaigoed Commiinner. will, on Mon day, Ancot S, 191, oftr for ale at the Court Houhc door in LouUhnrg, N. C, to the higneat bidder the giu house and fix tures knowu as the Cooke and Terrell gin. situated about 1J4 miles Nortu of Loots burg on the Warrenton road. Terms Si Cann, balance with 8 per cent, interest in twrlre mouth. Tne machinery is good a&d the gin is in a desirable location anc has heretofore bad a good ran of custom Thos. B. Wilder, July 1, 1991. Commissioner, MB. WAMMAKEB MAY RE TIRE. a lit 1 i - A vvasningron special says: There is good reason for believing that Mr. Wanamaker will not re main much longer in Mr. Harri son's cabinet. He may be reluc tant to retire under suspicion, but the probabilities are that he will have no choice. A gentleman claiming to have information on the subject says that there was a demand for him to devote his entire time to his business, which cannot be as well THE PRACTICAL I. II SCHOOL II! NOT Tlil'K FK1ENIS. He who tells you of your faults that you may be upon your guard and correct them is your friend. He who tells you of your faults simply for the purpose of remind ing you of them becomes . a bore and a nusiance. He who reminds you of your misfortunes, afflic tions or grievances, under the pre tence of being your friend, who knows the causes of your afflic-1 tions, misfortunes-or grievances, and suppresses or misrepresents cation to the Principal. them to take advantage of vour NOTICE. Having qualified as Adruiuislr itor ol Simon A 1 ford, deceased, Dot ice is hereby given to all iteraona owing tbe estate U come tor ward and settle at once, and all persons holding claims against the atue will present them for payment oo or bef re July 17th. 189-2,. or this aotica will bepleivied iu bar of thctr recovery This Jly 17, 1891. J. H. AiFORn, Adm'r, PERFECTED CRYSTAL LEHSE3 TM Sifi TUUM&AYCOGKB vruqqists, have exrluHve sale of these celebrated glasses in lu sbur, N C. - Faulkner, $tUam If Moort, The only manufacturing Optician iu the South. Atlanta, Ga. S&'Peddlrrs are not supplied with thce fonuMi glaNte. Ice! !! 1 1 ave jut revrivrd a car load of Ice. and am prvpsjcd to to custo mers lu u quantity at reasonable prices. Will deUri r it to cuaiomrra in town ever t morning. leave our or ders with me at Eirertou A Fcrd's store. J. II. Harris. Iluy Lucys' Heady Mixed P-lut. They are conceded to be the bt and have stood the let of y- ara. For sale by Oemhaw. Hicks & AlK-n. Lost, All persons are warned ajrainet trading for Connty Order No. 6t, Uaod Jane 1st, lor EfeTea Dollars and eiahtr Irs cvnU, ($11 H5) to tbe ntdrrwrd. SsM county order ban been lost by the owr, and application hae bea made to theeonn- ty eommtsMioners tor a dvplieate J. A. Tbomis. July 3. 1801. STILL HERE. I am still at my shop where I will be clad to ivpairyoarbuinrie, wag ons, &c. Iam alno prepared to re pair and put your harnetta In pood condition. Give me your work and I will guarantee satisfaction. W. II. Conway. 1 NOTICE1 This U to irive notice that the first meetinir of the Hectro-Tyto- graph Company, incorporate by the act of the last treneral Ahh?uv bly, will Iwbeld inthetowuof Louis bunr in the Law Office of E. V Timberlake, on Tut mlay , .1 uly 28th , at 10 o clock a. m. huch meeting w ordered for tbe purpoe of organii- injr. said Company by electing offi cers and making lly LawH, nudalno for the issuing of atock. V.. M. I -OOKE, 11, Cade, J. H. Upperman, R. Y. Yabuoiio, T. II . V ILDEH, E. V. Timberlake, Incorporators Ti y one of thoe never-breaking lamp chimneys at Creiibhaw, Ilkks A A Ilea's Can always be found at BIS STORE, Offering to well you the best good at the moat favorable price. I have jut ntldvd conKidrrnblv to my hUx k f gcnernl mrrchnndia and denire those wishing to buy the moat for their money to cal and inwpoct my stock. Ilespvctfully. Ktuiu Tarrum!. ion OF LOUISBURG, N. C, Will be re-opened on the first Monday of September under the conduct of Prof. A. G. Brown. formerly of the University at Chapel Hill. He will make it preparatory to the University as well as to the college of active life. Terms made known on appli- EM managed by any one else, and that confidence or credulity is an ene- Notice Of Incorporation. U was expected by those concerned my.a8querading in thedisguise JSt!?!?JLA in the matter that he would drop politics and return to his store be fore the end of the fall. Fbaxklinoountt Superior Conrt. America will be called upon to supply bread to all Europe this year. Mr. Walter L. Griffin, Uni ted States commercial agent at Limoges, in a report to the De partment of State, says that the national Miller's Association of my.iasquerading in the disgui Ul 1HCIJU. I -Kri; . 1 , . . , r . I nume is uereuy gwen oi me in- There are in this country now a corporation of the Louisburg Build ing ana Improvement Company; that the names of the incorpora tors are Geo. S. Baker, W. P. Neal, 15. d. Maaeenburg, Vv. O. Thomas, A. . Strother, O. B. Hmrhes, Robt. L. King, v. H. Furgurson, 8. S. Meadows, W. T. Hughes, R. Z. Eg- HAM BODS eDhant. j. but a man looking for a good Family Flour CANT AFFORD TO PA3 BV OUR 111 number of men aspiring to the role of Moses, to lead the farmers and other industrial classes, but Specially the farmers, out of the wilderness in which thev hove Deen wandering for nigh on to for- erton, D. P. Cooke, H. B. Frarier, hr rears, and the wav thv Trr. M- Ihomaa, 1. Waitt, i . Par- rLL An u v xiT rish. D- S. Hill, W. K. Martin, Jr., pose to do it is by organizing the p. 8. SnruiU. W. H. Nicholson. Jno' France has iust issued an estimate farmers ani other industrial class- B. Boatwright. J. A. Thomas. J. J. ik. .ii.A es into a political partv and o-r Barrow, C. P. Harris, J. 8. Mead- ., . , " V on, E. W.Ttaberiake, T. B. Wil- ea aara, oi tne wheat harvest of C1WWJU lu vluwb wnicn de- jim Webb R- R Harris. C. T. France and Europe for 1891 The wlH Pay them for the Jaw work Stokes, W. T. Clifton, J. J. Hayes, TAflnltnhnwg on they are doine now. That's th B. Clifton, R. C. Horton, C. C. "urittg. " , , . Harris. W. D. SnrnilL anrl Rnrhnth. ai :iT! , i an m onn av .cjt- r -v i . l i. I ' jr.wuun says: 'JNOtonlv France. "-" n, uu mat era as thev mav assorint with but all Europe, turns loneinelv e fruitage of the new po- them; that the principal place of toward the wheat fields of the l.fesT party when the. crop is North Carolina, and 6S United States. Last year many gathered. The gentlemen who purpose and business Is to build. hoped that South America would are playing Moses will when the buy 8el1 and rent houses and real Vl i, -A . a; j. i , . eemre, nuu ueai generally in sucn luo ueucu, especially "'6 u Bluing oacK en- nnd nprsonal estate ii mv the Argentine Renuhlin Knt tr Moving the fruit while their disnn. TivAsnrv to tho snprftRsfnl nrnoAoii-l w X J w- i w w - - J"" I J " .J I day no mention is made of those pointed followers will be standing ton oi lt8 business; that the dura- countries; all hope is built pon armed with long poles, about the ihlrtj ve; ipil VtoJk to 66 D i a n a 35 H)R RF.NT. I dir to rrol mr farm. raHv-t fmtn InUtnr for Ue yrar 1&V2. A boat 75 arrra clrarrrt land. Ci-xnl (-r UKarr aad other rluru. Delli( and all aver aary nut huin aod arvrral food tobacco ban.. Will rral vrry rrawnable to the right man. Mk Bettie V. Max. V. O. Ixuibtirx, N. C i mm iwwwwm iiiieieuM"1,'1 - , ' ".'A '- ' "' ' ' " ' J for Infants and Children t nwHHiraiid laaacyrtocloa7 f 1ai Ma IL A- AKW. 1C P, TV of 'Oi"Ul 90Ttrml ad U aaarlta to veil Umtvb th It s4isrm Umlikaa wbo o aA fcawp Oatroav Coua lUrrr, tXI, ufa fwtflr Ifioo(BladM rMM(VI,Obapall(4 lmkmZ WldonajagtowaParaliMi. For vml rmn I roar Wk al tAJ aJay ot mum m uuUMitt4nki, rm XmtX Gf. Oarda Vrr Taat. Illl'ISIillili college: -sv . r ... " . K- ... 'C? LOUISBURG, N. C- ()o(J- Fall soMHion lrin H-ptfnLT 2d. 'Jl. Tull and atror-s Fartrltr. St rial advnntTTK offrd in Vo-nI nnl !iitrun-nlnl Music, Art, tuJiiu cutiou. Ihie promtDTirv jrivt n t i:ilv ol rj-lKh undth I'-ibW. l"har U miit thf tim-(t. Apply fir rntnl'w ti S. IK UAULKY . A., rrrIdent. Attention It beats the World nnd evciy Barrel it GUARANTEED. Tobacco rowers. Osford a rov" Market ! WE WANT SHOW'S We have made large preiration for FLUES our harvest. The facts, as recent- only thing they will have to show . ly stated, are that the bread of for the part they took in the work Europe must come from America.' f "reform." m i . . mere is noi one oi tnese anoa- -The i New York Journal of Com- ties of the new party who has not fierce Tegrets tbe recent defeat in intelligence enough .to know the the Legislature of that State, of a causes of the burdens which weigh bill strongly advocated by Gov. I upon the farmers and other indu flftv thousand dollars with privileere to increase to one hundred thous and dollars, to be divided into shares of the par value of fifty dol lars eachi This 11th day of July. 13. B. MAB8EXBUBO, ' Clerk Superior Court. Those ahretd coeoanuls are very nice at ueo. 11. t ooper 8. and will use the best Material that can be had. Coma to ace ua If you want a full puree. Crenshaw, Hicks & Allen. Bnn it alon- the more the merrier. We are n rami to mt III k v.i for rSSOVT WlUEUnED than dj oihr market. FrhU clr. . m r. iruiewDeo increase pric. are Uk into accocaL Our raHroad CeUiUra ait Rood. Send jour tofecoo to Oif-rd. .V. C, JW m s. Sooj jA and quick rruiru.. nuyer. tor aU cUtcs and from every pirt of tU worU art localij la wxioru. i oa wui find tw All Business and no Prejudica. Ilont, Cooper & Ca Mdowt Warthow. lb V . Minor A. IV l n. i - - Iu t . Knott, Manager AllUuie rthoae. J. M. Curr'n, Baier W. C. Ilecd. Bayer. John Mendovs. Bayer, Wilaiaaoa Brot- Bat en. Meadow Jb Yancy, Bojert, D. S. Okboro, Buyer, 11 0. Bransfcrd, Bujtr, E. O. Curria. Bay r, O. K. 8mnm, Bater. J. p. Bollock. Boyer, John Wetb. Bajer, J. A. BobUtt, Bajfr, UF.KX-jbaijJkjtr, B. Glcou, Buyer.

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