I FRANK 'r .. . - m - - , - t .... .... - j ' -. . - i ; - - 'v. - . ... .. - v . - i'"."' A, THOMAS, Editor aw Proprietor. With. Malice toward vpne; With ' Charity for all.' el.50 27J .VAT-V. Adtanct. VOL, XX. LOUISBURG, 1' C.,- JULY 31, 1891 NO 26 Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. THE FAKM. to many cases - trying twelve-loot peryiramon reach a MRS. DAVIS TO TUG SOUTH, with the hone that the state of the with an - - Confrnleraer will Some Tlilnjrs Worth a Farmer's eight-foot pole. Many of the old- HEtt beaboxs for preferrwq nicn- their cherished plans for the sake o! Attention. Small Farias, f er farmers aro in easy circuinstan- Education anl IJconomy. , . ces and have acquired email for- A point in favor of small farm-tones. ,They live Veil, spend mon- ing as against large farming is the I ey freely, and cart afford ' it. But universally admitted fact that the 1 for the small firmer who is in fewer acres can belaud are, farmed j debt or is just starting out to un- better than the many acres. The dertake to follow an tho footsteps smaller area ptrmits a closeness j of the man who has already twen- of supervision and .cultivation I ty, thirty of forty years the start r moxd as the ftxal restixo place gratifying the majority of the vet- for her husband's asiies: erans who have written rem nt .. i letters to rne from each of the before Following is the text of Mrs. Da- mentioned states. to nnroPJplminTwl V f-J I IPPMAN BROS; oavahhah. aA Forfle by Thomnw & Avt-ook, - IOTiwbTirg. w. M. PERSON, via's letter choosing Richmond as as the proper place for the grav of the final resting place of her hus- him who loved them all and labored band. ; . ; for their glory with all his might To ttVderaru and' reople ij tt South- during the heat and burthen of the em State. j days granted to him here. After much aniions thought T Your-countrywoman, . which U-itcasilyattained-oiiaJ of hiavie folljr andtBTcstjlt ' i thaTtfUnaHr-flecided tdcLveto Vir- - - Varijia Jcrrcwos Davis. larger scaie, ana oeuer proport ion- jum. a coraioriaoio noma is .one iginiath care of ray husband's mor- ate results are consequently at- of tho greatest blessines : but - we tal body, and feel tkrvt mv rpisnnt Vfll EAT AN1 I'OLITICH, tained.: ; The same fact is true of I can. be comfortably situated with-1 should be made nubUc. as he waa in the small dairv as affainst the out man v of ; the costlv luxuries many senses the Dronertv of the - Ordinarily speaking there is not 1 . . . " I At whole countrv. mucu aianecuonneiwerawneatana A TTORNEY-A T-LA TF, LOUISBURG, N. "C. Practices in all Cour. s. Olfu e iu the Court House. R. J. E M ALONE. - Office 2 doors below Furman's store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. drug T IIOS. B. WILDER A TTORNEY-A T LA IT, . : IiOUISBURa. N.- c. Office oft Mainstreet, one door below :asrle IItel. It. W. U. NICKOLSON, PR AOTICIXG PII YSICT AN, ' LOUISBURG, N. C. OSice opposite by.niirht and dv fr pfhtn I relief rrom hi financial embarra- - -o I - . . . months, and the-gratitude of my ment "7 legislation in his special In children and myself is too great for teres' Hence the , enb-tmury words. acnerae was contrived, which, al .lasted a year for consideration pj100 ifc P11 the organizii- , While thLi will en.re good prirrs on the other side it will alo have a tendency to kp prim up la th 1 home market. With the fo rriini de mand thi wheat ouht U com mand a dollar a bnsh!,nnd estima ting that the farmers will require 'or thyr own use and xling pur- POSfrf lOO.OOO.O-'JO but-hel. thm wheat that th-y will have for mfle will bring them in the large sum of 1440,000,000, wliich i over twice as much ai tliy ouM have gotten f,-om Nuator 5tanf)rd'$ Tlovrrn meat lorra bin. . .. . While thU will r.ot nvtt all their obllntiona it wi3 coj thrm tinnnd put them In math totter Imp than thy were. With It they have the oat and corn crop both of which nre good and both cf nUr'h will com mand a fair price a they generally lo when whent ht htb. With their improvp.1 eonditkm, mqney eoUr, and thrir propert ' so encoumgin-!y improvel th far rmra whOtvel)enrndaring Kchemen to which wc allu Jed in the beginning, and th third party, w CI conclude that they can gvt along without them and that be the beginning ol th end, (whkh will soon follow) of th schema and of U.e t 1H wir-n'n. Star. Jiiille ITolel. W. TIMBEliLAKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISUUUG, n. c. 0 Rice on Xasht. , F. S. SPRUILL, - A TTORNEY-A T. LA W, n.rtr(i nnfl. tbft Rmsill flrte.V nf nnnl. 1 tVint nnr rpiirpd tVp?(rhhrka ran af try, etc, and this, notwithstand, ford A man can do very good Immediate! after the death of politics, but sometimes there may iug the general supposition f hat a farming with a draught horee. It "-President Jefferson Davis, Louis- d "f' & & .. 6 , , e . . hvna expressed her desire to keep his and we thmV that before the year large business can. be conducted is not essential for a farm team to . 1 :.. ln2 tUWipn.fUfi.w i j si. ii t L i -j 'l uouuwru Kuisuwiorau lime, dul r" more economically and profitably trot a mile insidd of three minutes. ghe clalraed onlj the rlt to movement will discover; that.there than a small one. The course of It costs more to train a fast horse him until some wnent nlace is a good deal more of it than they 4.1- - L - 1 11 . . 1 ' . ' una is irue m iarming, Decause j inau 10 run a , nve nunarea acre i could be selected for his rest. 1 8U9Pd' the best, results can only be ob- farm. Only men that have moo- The . military organizations ofl The corner-stone ofthat party, If tained when the"' work is performed J ey to spend can afford it. . Our j New Orleans bore him with filial J Jt na a rner-stone, is thedepress directly under the eye and hand J greatest drawback is that we live I grief and splendid pareantto the I condition of.the agricultural in of "the owner. Hired labor denre- too fast". There are ; always two tomb of the Army of Northern Vir- dustjT & country, and It pri- r.mtft in v-lrTft And in tb retnrn nda is. inntaMiiAn. ind A enn.' ginla, where they havt smardedhlm marJ tict U to gir ths farmer it brings to the employer in just not all head it. The cry is farm- the ratio that it is scattered over ing does not pay; farming pays wide area or among , manifold du- better than trying to imitate some ties. The forty acre farm, the ten rich capitalist. The idea has be- acre fruit garden; the dairy of ten come prevalent that we might as consultation with my family tlon of that party, U endorsed by cows, the poultry yard with a hun- well be out of the world as out of I Eirhteen" months have near! v x-1 ho Government money loaning j j dred -fowls these are the things I the fashion This rule may apply pired, and L f eel that the matter I heme at a nominal rate of inter- mai pay, ana mat anora ine own- 10 ine society man wno s pen as nis i snouia do aeciaea ana set to rest . "w:uu-uv uhucuuiji w eraol id satisfaction and content- money at fashionable watering now. . . , ' railroads, c, all of which are ad vo- ment. , . places in summer and in Wash- Mississippi claimed preference be- hJ the spokesmen of that par- ;r.rrtsin nn'nrr a. nUr Rf it caxibo Mr. DavU belomred toJier by I ;a rnn f,nr: f flm.ll the right of the seventy-nine years' lne Wea r through aU ehe Allianc will U. exemplifled at J, . - , residence within her bordersand t!l08e u wIlef to th farmer, to put tacn oi these mating means. Worst of all. we patron- L. , . ... '. I .; .. v..t . . ... ioe8ixiy years service to tne state - icau .wurn TkALElGHtr aASTO lei ize too many humbugs, and are of hig - durinj, Kh5ch Bhe for the products of his labor and R A ' U made victims of sharpers whose conferred-upoa un80licited ev- fields, and supply him with more TotU tffert Shh-1jDc 7,1333. only aim is to live without work. ery hpr -jj Bave one Aa money that he may be the Utter Too many of us are anxious to get her citizen, comrade in arms con- able to meet his obligations and get htatwvw I 4 1- : r 1 1 : Tl t a ... . I fr-tm nn.A V.m. V.n4.. nr j iiu tt tHJuiemuiK lur uoiuiur. xi, ru- irressionai reDresentauve. senator. I " w" uu'uri uri J i : - l ; ' I 1 : i : . 1 i . I whirh hna Iwvn wrrhitiff him ilnirn , It ii TT'IJUirtB ttuiiuuiy, pain." net, iwrisw i utruertu-iu-vuivi. tuiu iTMineni. Bne I -e r v... M ESTDo not COllfuse THE P" mV 8 , P ,P . verance-and toil tn make the farm felt hers to be the first claim. . It is apparent to any one who reaxls cannoi Te.ii.me wny ana woereiore ; ' . Tenner nnred that in her state, he :- They aim at relief, or rgwuw opera. : V r -- f after the war he kidlottnTocinnan tmmedtate relief, hem theaK Koioubt a sharp and ob- " - i ,i.J tiou. home, and trootw of friend, chitects of this new party did not wm . i ru T and there hU dead had been buried the patienc to wait to larmauo trying io gei suaaen.y Alabamareniembered thattrithfa whether they could secure this relief rich by questionable methods, h?r borders he was elected president through the existing twogreat po- i.ujui k of the Confederate States; there he ""Pinaincreiorereoireu , EDUCATION OF FARMERS. Except in a very few cases a farmer's son receives no special training for his business, and his information consists of odds and ends picked up of his own experi ence and that of the fw people he A!llucw Aiulitiacula. P. II. Mnaey. AlILince Ixrturer for th 4th dUtrict, ni'.l addm the people of Franklin cunnty at the following time and plai": . Onterville, Friday, July 31st. Hocky Ford,S4iturday,Auurtlst FpealingwiU U-gin at 11 o'clock. a. m. LviTylKKly rvapectluUy invi tel to attend, "fha socrct work of Mutual, Life-v Insurance ' . ... ; - Company op New York, tions. with any other Company 8rvani1&imay f6 a,good Of apparently Similar name, ence, and what is more concern but less majrn'ttude. to them successful from a mone- " Bear in mind that there y point of vi But this sue- Lour3BURo, n. c. . ; . r r r-v" r r & Will atteaa the courts of Franklin '.""vv'"!'". ousiness quanues oi me inaiviau Kittn-U, UttMf.B. ArVimLlaa SaJi, No. At MilkTIUt.- r Mill. SOupa 1221 SOI 1314 019 Iimi CM 207 T45 J(Ai AUa. Xo.45 Old Homestead. 8TAT12 I'ltliSS. Vauce. Granville, Warren; Xash. and nv poiipj ,Tia--'w Yort 1 al rather than to his skill in aeri- ral ud Supreme c juris. Prompt I J , , I ,4 i . i . - . i 111 inrHi iinrNiiii mmm ti in i ii iu m ill iw Mutual Life 7 and that there V. 7 , Ftfleri aueuiion given w uoueciiO"K, ooc Q M.COOKE, " u .4 rr r. 'mi unsellor at la w is no Life -Insurance Com pany State of New York author ized to use the word MU had been inaugurated: that Mont- 10 bulia 01 lb0lT oym and gomery had been the flrat caDital. 8tnKe oat taat Une promwmg and that from her lips hod imM the ra08t Tly results. . . - I T'V, 1 . 1. f ( the first eeneral invitiition to break ",l iuuuwww ui wiriutrs thesUence which he bad olwcrved throughout the country who were since our defeat: that she, had re- ,oa mto the 'envJorsement of these ceived him with such enthifciasm as cheme and into the supixirtof the third party movement by what they conceived to be the necessities t a a tt Morula wm, No. 41. 8rTto. UllLTtlK. PAS AM Alt. L W4.1oo. -ItlSpn COO am littktoH. Ii5i IJ Klttrrll. 2.19 811 1'nuikliiitoa, Si 14 hit Wk. a 17 5J IiOUISBURG, FRANKLIN CO., N. C. Will attend the courts of Nash," Frank . Oranville. - Warren and Wake coun ties; also the Supreme court of North TUAL in it3 title exceptthe Mutual Lite Insurance ol Carolina, and tTif.t courts. N. Y. GULLEY, . ATTORNEY-AT LAW, FRANKLTXTON, N. C. " All legal business jwomptly attended to. TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. "The-Superintendent of Public schools of Frauklin county, will be in Louis-1 burg on the secoud Thursday of Febrn- arv, April, - July, Sep'inner, : October and December, and remain for three days if necessary, for the purpose of examin ing applicants to teach in' the Public I Schools of this county. I will also be in LouLsburg on Saturday of each week. and all public days, to attend to anj business connected with my office. : J. N. IIABRI6, bupt. . t WtHt. 00 ror 1 btnm mH br J1m Tt. UOOOTrm. I TOT. A.I .,.1 1TCMX lor u.. nranvr. Ton mar ant milk M much, bnt w can tuarh Tououk-klT how tomra from fa to 10 a la.T st h. atari, and nura a. yoa r on. uib m, ail ara. in anjr pan oi America. Ton ran eomntanea at bonia, a-i- iitr .11 vour llnt..r anare momants otiIy to the work. All la nnr. vrrmt y oma. j CTrr worker, n'e atart you, frrrniahtric; TerTlhhi:. EA81I.T. SIT-RUII-T lranMC. PAKTICLLARS FREK. Addreaa at onr. can be eain.4 at onrlCTW Bne of wvrk rapidly and hononiblT, bj thorn tit niwr m, ;.un: or oia, uin lu tt .u wti lwraHtin.ii hrrerer thmr 1h. An me ran. Att th. .ivfc. T a M Wa foniih everrthinir. TV. Man Too. XorHk. Tott ran der- onr tmre niomenra, or all tout time to the work;. ThU la a entirely nrw hrfTir won rrerful uirv. rnrrerr woaVn New York. RICHARD A. McCURDY, ;; ' :.; ; President ROBERTA. GRANNISS, 'Vice-President. W. E. HARRISON, Agent, - LOUISBUBG, N. C. B H it a Bbi b Begimtrr are eamine; frtm i5 0 f 59 perweek and nnwanl and more aftrra Hrilr rtporimc. W can furnish joo ihe ea. plorment acd trarh KKRtt. Vo rnacrto explain here. -nl! bifonual.cn r JlKaV 'I' R UK CO., AtGtSTA, IlUL A TEAR f - I nnderuka to briette E teach any fairly inl.lllmit nrraon of elthw aex. who ean read and write, and who. 1 i after Instruction, will work induatrloullj. r i- A . i ir i ... i. : Teariii then-own loralltiaa,nbcrervrfhey Irra.l will alao tnrnlah V' "tnarion or rmploynwnMt which yon can earn that amount.' I JHo rnoiieT fit nip anleaa racrraafnl above. EaMlr and quickly I Irarned. I oWm lint am m M m..-1 . s i . . " - . . .. -. umimurcmimfi a I ii-- y to"1,t VrorMta with enrlvnent a b-rtre ..T.i ai A i ZV yr!im " ""1 yr each. It Pi JC W I ii II i i r!v P"M!onr fflJSK. Ad.lrrsa at once, , -, ux niv. Anipnia, iuainie). l5?k L 4? H tfc -Br,ff ind wow - ' V , NOTICE. Having qi'.alified nn administrator on the estate. of J.-L Timberlafce, all per sons owing Siii'l estate are hereby noti C J A I i . a 8n,.T?ttifcnrh.beirrJeat"t aive Hiiuit-uiHie pvmeni, aim t.x1LT T'jh'' A7i a per80118 holding claims against t?aid eeent. Uflr. are dom;aa well. Wltf 1 eSiaie LO JirCSeni lliem lT lVnipni OH or before the 3rd day of July , 1892 or this notice, will be pie ded in bar. o! their recovery. Th.s 3rd day of July 18'Jl. . ' N. G. TtmbebIjAKf, Adinr. not ro? 8onn earn over C&QO. 00 a ImoMh. Yon raw do the work and livt -i '".j" hoeae, whererrr you am. K.rco be. ;,v Jf eirmer, ere erwily earaintr from I f:..' f aday.Allara. Weriiowyonnoi dev. All et4. Wirtum tim bow . - ' - - : ana nan yi. work In nre imM or ail tue nine. U'.g diohct fur work. er.. Vaitim BMknMm tl n VKVT and womiarfiil. rartlciiinrafrea . r tl u aid. Jkl at lea . all details of his business if he had no other way of acquiring knowledge, than from his own ex perience or by imitating some one else. In these days of com pet i- ion And progress a farmer should not only possess those qualities which fit him for a commercial ife, but must study the rudiments of chemistry, geology, botany, me chanics, veterinary science, and a host of other sciences, besides which he should have a thorough practical knowledge of the routine work of a farm. .A thorough edu cation fitting for a first-c'ase far mer is so varied and extensive that it can only be obtained at an institution especially carried on for that pnrpose, such at a few of the mose progressive agricultural colleges. ' ' - SOME CAUSES OF HARD TIMES. . The farmer is seeing hard times, but what is the remedy? Is it to sit down and talk politics, curse monopolies, grumble at trusts, and ask for impossible legislation? Three fourths of our farmers by their own acts increase their ex penditures unncessarily. They buy what they do not need, and in many instances take no care of what "they buy. New" machinery and tools are purchased, when the old, if repaired properly would do good service for years, and the in terest on the money paid for. new would keep them up. - Thousands of dollars are thus squandered ev ery yeafj and we, complain of hard times. Of course fir6t-class tools are essential to good farming. Eu another essential is to keep them in repair. Our farmers are in The Farmers' Alliance, as a na tional body, will never get togeth- edgejrf the best way to buy apd er. We make this statement and anil Aof4Ta vo f Vi o 4hanl Kin ohi Ii4r I oclr nr htr.nrT mart ta Ia I if i . V. Chartered bv the o breed and rear them, and so on. All men can say yes they will ; all but waa never before accorded to a I - ..." I - I !. .... The knowledge required to be a j men can howl, but the thing is to disfranchised citlxn, powerless to J 01 ineir conu,uon ana ll,e Promwe first-class farmer is so extensive be vastly different. The other day give-aid or confer favors. of relief which tlnw schemes and (Wen ni-rlinawtr mon'a llfoti'mo tal i rro tV.;. nlman aA GeOnrfA rlftimfvl him nn.l h.r.an. thk third partV held OUt. TlieV fa 00 short . for him to master the occasion to talk to perhaps a dozen Aii;-r. !0riow. of u woof BA his father had lonir been a citiien of Pm 01 pnnapie, wcause there w - . xt..u j the state. There the ex-president no Principle contamed in Uem, but n w u - - had wceivedthesamerovaiwelc-ome they prombed the relief the talk was : nat Khich Alabama had extended; and wich manjr o( the farmers ho Doumern Aumua- mean 1 v. 111 lalv fihe p!e;vlevl her ft lovefor much nfvile.1. In other words, to n national convention, agree to hjm M a reason for errant in"- there- mlace the whole thinjr to its simple have a liberal pension rour imsiqUr6t. ieaence, it wa to gvt money ami WTas the one question the ques-l Kentucky expressed her pride in Kt it as quickly hd possible. Hthw ion which appeared above all oth-1 being the state of hia birth and 1 oau-or reuei come uy any om . ' . . . i . 1 1 All 1TQV It Wj-ttllal A lntl fin An ? V. ers. At lne westana atlnexsorinturgea nerciauns. 1 "w"v i uto w W AlliAnM rnnlfl iro for the Vlrsnnia asked for his remains be- necessity of the party baeed upon av A . A A .at. aa. M cause ttiO most Rtrninnna fTrr a f 1 iutt iuih mw kit n. out na troi.i iu - - " -- - aw va avt v a iuct iui' Loi'isnrau uailboad tu Mania xorra No. S. r-. No . 8ttiox Matt. nriM Ar Kmnkhoion, 81U 235 TSat!l MOTIa OVT. t No41.r. No. 23. iTT10H MAIL IlfltM. jt Kratkkbntnn. JiSopm a o.' p m Ar IxTOiSbrjrv, 103 040 Wn.SyiTnopt. most rart members of the erand pnu;. tv0 n "s naa neon maae upon her noil I J 1 J I j ri.v j . i mrrfrfitn nnrriniuiiianinst (haro cum m ucit'usg ui lucnmona S3 me I - - will no farther u-e of njitatinr pensions. . iney for all the fellows. - - . . capital of the Confederate State. inaiisan . , . , i,.nnnvAn, I that Question, and no u.-j for ihe mere is or ine question ana ine monthfJ Bhe hM party that agitated It. question cannoi do mmco. db , h d inaiHtenc that h "to now admitteU by all who nre North and West ie filled with should rett among the heroic dead fnnhar enough with the nituation men who were Korthera soldiers of all the states who died ra defense " Russia to speak knowingly that io the war. They all want pen. o! the Confederacy. She urged the the shorta la the rye and wheat sionsand they all want the Semth tact that ha did o in th luflnes wii-bithateontry aa to which was impoverished by Bher- of his fame belong exdnaively to makt 11 Imrxxwitle for beTkxport man and other scoundrels, to help 7 V ol the country. Every .- jr. pay the bill. The Farmers' Alii- nillnide about Richmond would tell Jhtljab tolpornff from .i.nA . Sf RnntK of the valorous resistance which he 00,000,000 to 100,000.000 buaheU ance cannot see it in the bout h . .. . v,r- ... ... w lnitiatea ana directed with urcless I w h win nor ana snouia noi.-i.ur. visilance M ehief maf?istrata, that Not only this but it U believed he ham Globe. I .i v . will have to imnort eonMpmli1 I uki5 uc irvTueu tvurruus turn uu I - In a recent speech at Scotland wavering support in the darkest 1 keat to prevent famiive In noffle of Neck, reported in the Democrat, hour of our unfortunate country's lQe awirewM aiauici Capt. K. A. Thome. Alliance lectu- defeat. - . . In addition to thU there U a hort- AU theee claims have touched bit ' tb wL(Mit croP oJ Indu, from heart, and contend tosrether for the which Eaglaa J ta 'or ome yeara mastery. It hai been hard to give a conrridernble portion of up the hope of dwelling near my ner "PP11"' at to Ainrum husband's reatirur place in Mwaia- S'na ana omcr .uropeAn coun I rer, said that the contest against the money power will be no walk over, but in 1892 tho Republican party, which is responsible for the mal-administrationof the govern ment for the last twenty-five years, shall be buried too deep for an early resurrcctiou.-Raleigh Chron icle. ' A banquet will bo tendered to President Crowell by the Directors of-Trinity College. at the opening of tho school in Beptembcrat Dur ham. - ' ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. sippi,' where my Lome and InteresU trie3 which !n)Prt breadstufl rnuit are, but unfortunately, Beauvoir id loot thia -fear for thoir BPP'j- on the coast of the Mexican trulf I ThU means an extraordinary de- nnd on a peninsula very Uttle over maud for wheat abroad, andamar- a mile wide, and the half mile of ketfor-the surplus crop of thU shallow water in front, covered with country, which with the lnre crop submerged, stum pa of large trees, of T4 0,000,000 bushfl-i ruwod will shows that the sea has boon eteadi- be a rp ont o mew here ia the ly encroaching, pn the shore for neighborhood of 300,000,000 buh- many years.' I feci, thorefore, that Europe mut have thU wheat, as the moment Is for time, it. would Jcane her r-r-oplomnst have bread, not be wise to phi re it tlire, and I and Americain wheat handlers will submit" to tho personal sucrifice make th:a pay for it. -i .-w- . . , r r- " ' IJ V a. ill .. i i - i ii ii i a , i , in, ,4 l'it i'ir.lr. J Tbotna A. Ajetjclt. Ijo tar. N. I.

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