.'.'' - A 7:' TCJfTE TrW ' A ; 7 K;7f? 'l 7 ffatfl r..7 ' 7. A THOMAS, Editor and .Propriety j 7 TTtiA " Maliee toward none; With Charity for all. YOI..XX. NO 28 -.V ' .- r m. 'it' BfESk : -viv-iT-i'S V'l - i 7-:: '. V - ' -t7'7- ; Highest of all in teayening Power.Iitest U.S. Gov't Report. X0W1nt LAWS. ofjhe sum of ten Jollara for neg". night after 8 oclock'nnder a pen- iu uu . , ... .. I niijr ui uvo.aoiiara xor eacn oi V;Bec. 2. Whenever any chimney, l fenee, v ' r , . I - . .. stove or stove pipe ehall be de5mod Ordinance . Sec. 1. : Rolling un8afe or tp endanger ihe Safety of playing at baU or ftnv oth. any portion of the town it may be ermeon the Rtrtu OP nv'ftf . . : I j i .j i it... rri . l r ' I " " :v..'i f" ' . - uj.uw iuwu woimig. tbe pubnc Bquare3 Cf the-town KD FOR TOE GOVERNMENT 0F.BAXD 5xyuenj ana iny may., conaemn and order the removal ox the aban donment of the use: of th9 'same At A. MEETING OF, THE. COMMI8SIOX- ; ERS OF THE TOWN OF L0UI8BURQ, HELD JDtY 31 ST, 1 89 1 y THE v FOL- . TOWN : frill Hi IIIW IiIi"! inr 1 IPPMAN BROSSavanNaH.Ga:. - Sole AQENT3 iN THS u: jS. si1 Forsaie by ThoinaB & Ayeock, "V Louialmrg. W. M. PERSON, ATTOIiNET-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. , ."" Practices in all Courts. Office iu the ("oviijt House. - JA . E MA LONE. : , ' Office 2 doora below Furman's drag store, adjoining" Dr,; O. L. Ellis. LIOS. B. WILD EH ATTORNEY-AT. LA TT, LOCIHEURG. N. C. Office on Main street, oue door below lav'le Hotel. V. : , Until it shall be eo repaired or re- 7. Ordinance Jt ,haU not be Fcontracted as . to make ' ilt safe: Mfi Wlf to wn a und any persori ho Bhalruse any large ifh)ntlcorporate;lin4t8. guch chimney, stove or stove Cpipe otlhe town,. to be ridderi.driveu or afte, it haa been ol condemned. upon the sidewalks, nor hitched shall be Bobject to a fine , of five ';v-t to the ifees, pail ings or fences oh dollars." " V; ' " -- . Lim n ill r? w n. m iiiiurr irr t l i v in iiiih i . . - . . . ( . r,w..j ..- . , . . .. . . - ' . "I , x dollar for each offense ; s :5 ! Ordinance 12. o wooden buudr ing6hall be built within , the fol- shall be prohibited under a pen alty' of one dollar for each and every oCfensft. . ; ' ' Sec. 2. Alt games of whatever kind on any of the utreets or pub lic Squares of ; the town on the of a Bar Room between said hours shall be deemed prima facie ev idence of the guilt of the propri etor of aid Bar Room. Any per son violating this ordinance shall for the first offense pay a. fine of ten dollars, for the second otf?xx a fine ot twenty dollars ; for the third offense hare his liccno revoked. from date. ThU shkn not apply to the regularly licensed raerchkau ot the toira. . . . Ordiaanc 4K Any person con victed of viohvtbg any one of tU ordia&noesot the toira who Is not able to pay the line and cost im posed upon him, may , I confinol at bard labor o the stmt t of the . Ordinance 30. Any person, who! to atil the fine and costs are interferes in any way with any of I paid.;. .":, r ; . .f. . : . ' : . ..'J . 1 riuired to Ikt ororwt v or noH Jn. mjrpo, open coavicton btuiu . t ' ,V ' .v 7T pay fine o! ten dollar for each . "7,, " ' vuw U4iu uituvrr m ice usv&aser n -statement reri!ld by hu oaU-'cf all Sabbath day shall be 'prohibited under a penalty of five dollars for I and every oSense. each and eVerv offense. v - ' I a ' vft r ..n Ordinance 31. Any , person, who rcal iiad proaat property, money, 5.r...w yM ""-"' shan place any corabnstiblemathi .tavestment- in bends, cards or anyother game of chance la a positioa where t, en. U, Joint stock companK nn- Ordlnance 2.; Any personwho "&. - . . -I" " ! ; 0.Hiroei8 iP"011"" danger the satety ot the town from naities or otaerwu, and th valu. . i , : . J lowing limits, vix: within 200 feet I of the town under nenaltv of ten I tTKn;fv eM v.rn k. ..v,i . Inf lmnmiim.nt -.n .MiutxV.:.. . .. . a - . - I uuuiu ,j w ui a duhu in guuin.li MJ Cft I f " vm mi wc vj fine ot fire dollars.- - ' ' I sums was aaseased,' In hU po- scloa or under hls'control on' the iW4f ai ol streev iymg dollar lor eacb. offense ivr--r;- river -bridga and or offleer, partner, agvnt, factor or . otiferwlae. Any person failing to list Us taxable daring the month : o! Jon opoo the aaoe days the ; township list Is taken shall be UaUi to a double tax. - ' Ordinance 43. AH taxes for tb D It. W. II. XIUUOlSO, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, liOUISBURG, N. ci- a- Office , opjTKvsite Ensile TTolel. g V. T1MBE1U.AKE, h ; .1 TTQRNEY AT LA W, , Oilice on Nasli .St. V a 1 v i -wnwmuo am uuun uu f . . . . . i kiuoq or unoer cts control on 1 the streets oriuishyrg (unless ,n Ea,Q within of : Ordinance 21. It shall be.un- Ordinance 32. -.When any person ut daT of JnB(,. .!tw!; v. n ni v. aaaaxi t-w 1 ohxll K . finA I . 1 t - t 7 . ' I " w - - . Nash street between Spring, stree't persons to assemoie oau oeiouna arunx ana oown up- holder thereof, or as parent, h us- five.doUai-8, v v r, : ;y; V:--: andTerreirfi livery stable. .With- together at ahy time-oa:any of onthsstsotthetown.heorshe gi trustee, executor.- Ordinance 3;Any ; person who in two "hundred feet of ' Court ine Blwel8 o wwn, so as to uuuo. administrator, receiver. accounUaff shall leave any horse; "mule ; or ox street. Within 200 feet of Market OMiract.ine same, under a pen- J Ordinance S3. It shall be unlaw haxneased to any vehicle, on the street.. Nor . shall any .building Tof one dollar. I fai (or auj person to Jump on or o3 streets of the town of Lou isburg within said limits be covered with Ordinance 22" No person shall the tni 111 corPoraU ?rn tb dePot yard for the period any wooden material; 1 ; I M shoot a cun.nistol or- anvother T ! ia,moUon' ler a pialty of of live mmutes unattended, except i;- nneceRKarilv. Within UT'UO- . . ' when necessary to load or unload nr Wo l'.V. the limits of the town.' or exnlode -Ordinance 34. The town clerk Karts or wagons shall be fined one f.-1 - ' , ..... ' a -,;:u -v...' shall be ex-offldo fcxton tnthnnh. dollar fore8chofIen6e. - : :l':rTAiX. UeemveyarJ la th. town, and aU "' c-' exhibit or show any stud horse or feet passage shall be uuobstruct- town, under the penalty of ten q ot the town Order Jr and every person falling to pay Jackass, or put a stud horso -or ed) upon the streets, public cross-1 dollars for each ofifense. One- Md riarftv shall be observed in his taxea by the 3 lt of December jacsasa to any mare witnin tne mgs or sidewalks of the town un- pan oi me uue 10 go to me In" dlzlnir craves and makin lnUr-I111 Jr. X a- limits of the town under penalty der penalty of five dollars for each former. menu. All persons expecting to rnUdcmeanor, and be, upon coht lo ot ten dollars for each otlense. 1 offense. r j- v,iiHaiivov auj Ordinance 14. Anv nerson who wno snau, in tne corporate Jim- " , . hn that-Vwi n -wi shall leave any cart, wagon or ve- have a prlvate cr08Sing 0r its of the town,' publicly use any reot ciade Aa a eae exceed fifty dollar. - hide of, any kind upon the streets bridge over any ditch or sewer In obscene or profane language, or compensation to the clerk for his n - , .. . n , , jor sidewalks of th town during the streets" of the town and shall be guilty of any disorderly con- attention to the dutfcs herein a- V , , the night shall be faned one dollar fail to keep the game open for tb duct; tending to violate the peace, signed, he shall charge fifty cent. rind fi pond ornr lor eacn oneuse. noeirotf mtar oViaii Un ...u;n Inuiefand irood orderor the town. I He snau also cnarsre nitv centa xorl .. ...... ... K 6 ' r J I V .. . . , ! L. . . . " con3iaerarw rxxiy oi water lying JS?Do not confuse The Mutual Life Insurance Company - op r ew York, F. 8. SPKUILL, ' ATTORNEY-AT LAW, I with nnv" othpr Comnnnv of apparently similar name, but lees maornitude. Ordinance 6? No nerson shall to a nenaltv of one dollar. f shall be subject to a penalty of e town ana pay toe same to. tne Pibtcbvoteucocki,with;nih1i .:0ninc,15. Avbav- t-n,-" ' - 5-2 1 ji x - - Is, f J , f a , -. 4 I fSv a-v i. mm .wwu lUI Ok its of the town , under penalty of jng firewo6d cut on the streets of Ordinance 24. Every owner grave, and he may collect the same the town will be required to have I or lessee of any ' businasa house by warrant if not voluntarily paid. five dollars' for eacli offense within the corporate limits of Loufo burg, to drain or let o9 any portion of the waters of said pond between the flrat day. of May and the first J.-V. u u IiOUISBURGi N.; C. : ,. ' Will atten.V' the courts of Franklin Vance. Granville, . W arret!, 2sjiisli, and Fe-leral nuct iSaiweme 'courts. : Prompt atleiilion given to collectio:!s : . or pig ehll'die within the corpor-J mediately, under a penalty of two J any disorderly conduct upon his ate limits of the town with cholera dollars. ; j premises or in his h,ouse, andev- or any -other diseasp,- the owner Ordinance 16. Sec. 1. Anv tier-1 ery owner or lessee of any busi- Bear .ill mind that there thereof shall burn the carcass or g n who ahari throw or cause to be ne83 hou8e lQ toWo who eha11 bury the same at least two feet m thrown anv trash wood or d'therl ralt auy disorderly conduct in his rUkflAlfV f AfvtB iAlf 1M tfkVtJI A said grave Jd contrary to doir, for visions of thu ordinance shall be I . ... ,. rku ua iuoi Btua own oi water fined fire dollars to be applied to may remain in such condition. IS no Life Insurance COmpa the ground within six hours after p M. COOKE, ' , , . . V' A TT r. diid CO VXSELL OR at LA W pan y, ; chFt?r(i ny called ine , ' Aew lorK I the notice of the death of said an. Mutual Life'' and thattherel irnal and our failure' to do so shall '' r. , .- " be fined five dollars. is no Liie insurance lorn u ' . v ' J Ordinance 8. The owner of any ion into the cutters of the bemse or upon his premises with- sell within the corporate limits of the improvement of said graveyard. I .... v . t Ordinance 47L After conviction fWinonaa T si ftrinn shall I ZZZ 'mlZmZlTLT. Undjndgmenttorthe violaUon ot streets of the town shall be' liable to a fine of one dollar for each of fense. -' ' Sec. 2. No person shall sweep, anyot the ordinannee of the town the Mayor U anthorizM to remit so much of the penalty as in his judg ment the circumstances may warrant. deadaicas8 o carrion who shall throw or deposit any garbage or! Ordinance 25. ,No privy shall - . . - ... 1 l-"! J i- ' XT : XT .. . 1 . ll " I r.fimi5TiTTR. vp.ANKLisnn.. N.c. , cTR.T& rT Afi w I (irk aiimnr- twrmit thn samn tn remiiin within I ti-ooh in oWto nf y,a tmrn u. k:u .1..A.1 -ilJ I r;n 4-i- C-" .i.fo nFVool- t Wi-onV. . 1 V ; f ' - " tt . ila li'miio nf ttio fnorn fnr nna 'flair I J-- . 1.. J 1 1 I '! rtrt . ' , I SUlUDg language, i in nuoiu ure wmiw izgQ xo Use XilQ ' vvOrQ ML'- I lu.,'"J" j uuuw pciiiiiij ui ujb uunac iui I remain wuniu mj ieei oi any oi i rit0 t . n . ., Grai,vme,.vyarreii';and Wake. coon-, f , ,. : ; - v.. " ; , ... afel. he has notice iof its existence Lnok hffpnA. ,),. .."of. LFl5W T ties: also the itaDrenie court ol " -cs-th. t i U ALi ID US Title excentXlie r7. " 7- . I. , 1 U' -w. anv omcer OX tne Carolina, jind the U. S. Circuit audl8-; tr..-.t courts.; - v ' . r- ' '' ." T' i - i ' ..t .,-1. 'i TTORNEY-A T, LA Wy FR.i.XKLrNTOSr, N. c. All legal business promptly ; attended to. ; ; A TO P UBLIC SCHOOL . TEA CHERS. : The Superintendent of Public - scbobU ofFrauklin county, will be .in - Louis burjr on the second Thursday of 'Febru ary, April, ;July, Sep'veniper, October and December; and remaiifor three daya if necessary, for the purpose -of examin ing applicants to teach in the, . Public Schools of this countv. -1 will . 4also rbe in Iiouisbur on Saturday of each weekr ana ail public days,, io atteiKl - to any tnismess connected with my office. ''C -K7'-Z. v". " J. K.; Harris, .Supt -r i : t .-..i i ..-'vT : ' .' iuuruai i jiie insurance oi New York. .-:f:7 ---t yiys ' -: RICHARD A. McCURDY, .: - S ; : , v ' . President. ROBERT A.GRANNISS, 'i":i;:V"y-1 ? J- Vice-President. : V." E. HARRISON, Agent, .; V 'J LOUISBUEG, K. q. . ' halLbe faned two dollars, and one ge- 3. . The occunant of "anv penalty often dollars. dpn-0.11 r eTery dy t.116 loi or store house in'the town who V ' tl same shall remains If not removed -k-ii -iinw m.vitrai-Kotro f trocK Ordinance 26. It shall not be y the owper, the same shall ha re- tn hn RWPn thrown or dpnn-itpdt11 for. any bitch to run at moved by-tbe townConBtable- at oa the streets or in the ditches,'flare while. ia heat within tbe fkn A-vrvonon rf tT.r. -....nai m of- tha 1 . ... .... - . .1 COnxiraiB 11IDHK OL IDS lUffll. U II- .x.c x,o vwV,w-v. gnaii oe suoiect to a nne oi -one .r . ... T . mv a rrit exnense of the town if the owner - " u der penalty of five dollars to be .7. . . r " .7 . : . . . i uuiiuc iui eui jnciioc .1... .. . ... cannot be found. : 7 : : ' hvV,; - - .; ' . Paia bJ iae owner, it tne owner uramance i: oec t. Any per- calmot be found it shall be the Ordinance 33 r f 0000. 00 j Tr It bdn tn.de br John B. Goodwin.T roy.X.T.rt work lor iu. lindw, yoa nrojr nrt nuikv a muck, bat w can tacb TUQttickiT how tu ram frum 10 . a flar at th Hart, asdntora a. too ro on. -Ut.tU wart, all aaa.;. -lnany iiartbf. America. to ran eomntrM at home, arir- - ing all your Htner apart aivmrat. only to. -y v.. -": f-.r the work. All U nnr. lmit ir SI BB for rr , l'Alh'ICUtAKS t'liLK. We start yon, tbfnishinr worker. BTtrythdiir. EASILY, BPEKMLT Iramca. . fAKl lUCl-AKS rnLK. . Adcrroa. at one. Biinsva iv., ruibiuAU, jlaciW K. imm W a 1! can- be n, nnl at ant MEW Tin. rfnu '. ' 14,V h"rbly, by theae mi , 11 1 1 i Ki.vnnr or oin. aim t n .t. - W tunti.h emhiii(rnVe atnrr ron.' No risk. Ton ran drruta junr spat nnnnniia, h- an your time to tha work. This ia av' ontiruljr iu:or Wadind briue-s wonderfnl-suecess to wrery worker Bogiiiiirrs an eamiiiz fnun 515 to ner week ami orw.io and mure after a linl. eaperience. W can furntsb ron tbe tm ployoimt and tcU yon r'KKK. Ko suae. to explain here, f ul? Information. KUStw. TttllK :., AUHIMI A. '. A Y-3EAK t 1 nndenak.ta hriefl. I teach any fairly intelligent nmua of ekhc an, who an cad and write, aird who, after distraction, will work industriously, learin tbrrown locitSM,whwwtbeyllTe.I will also fKrnlah nie situatbin ormploymoiitHtt wbb-h you ran rarn tbat amount. ... mcnamwiirsiniiu aoorr, Kasllyand quickly fcl 1 5"" 'row each uUtricS or eonniy. I bare already taurfit and prorided witU emi.i.nm.nt a Innre rmi''sa1'!' Tnki"' oveT "W"10 JW'WrrV. It". KEW K. f A l i p v uarttcutara J'JK JKK. Atklmv at ouca, - 7. ft' ra A A out reporting the same on affida-1 the town any .tainted food. Any vit to the Mayor of the town, Pon violating this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of ten for eTery iT la ta ,ltr dollars. " - , pR,ulTU.iruUua.. . , - I - I lleilm n na J I Tha nantHiaa rl J ' I trvrtntAl in T ri j. Inwrfiini. - or thrratenias . nT1 . Ka u,v- i- the ConjtaUe,orthffnameof the Comml-uloncr of town, while In dis charge oi hts doty, shall be subject to a fine of five dollar j. the town ot Ixnisburjr. Ordinance 37. Any person or per sons refusing to osaidt the Consta ble or anv town officer whm called LICENSES: On ench exhibition, concert or lec ture tor profit, except tbe mum be A f I aTr-l V rmW-k. ata 9m 0T a S V 9 -Km T fTIMM aw L a. -k Ordinance 9. . Tho Commission- i C - clu,Uui , wuuu ,v wuaaaww- .mj perwu r- . . - .. . - . I son whn shall cause or commit anv I .ia fit. .iui. .:n it . I u. n ... V....V I It AhiA nr eyinrat InnAl Tir.rrvM tp rs of the town shall have author- I" :.... 01 - vu w f f; - r ' 4-a w x4' - 4Kn a-MAva 1 ' rxr ontr I - I Miivi ' - I . I ..jrw A.-a .-rJ other house within the corporate ' . . . nance of .thU town, shall, beibr- ' All ; barber I commencing such profesaioa, butl ehall " be "closed ncs or tnvdal pay the tax required town, when n their; judgment it each 0ffenser ,: 7 7 , - from Saturday night '12 o'clock, and obtain a license sigtyd by. the 4Sk 2. No person living in the P"!"' a ,t"j . 7 a.7"- . . vi land no barber sbali carrv on bis I F:uur",uul"lBUJl" xown naii anow any nuisance w ...... .. 4, j.. or trade. And anreron enurlniz" I ntW rjr-on- nrt Jin- to tll for. Vt . U- --J I OU5IUC3B UUIllJkC IUAI IIUIO UUUCt I - . . I CT exist on his or her premises, and . 1t - - J . -- lnorprarticmganyprofcsalon.bua- tiine-10peryaz. . any person failing to 'abate; any I, T . " 1 lnea or trade taxed by any ordi-1 - 7 .... nuisance on hia or her premises I OrriinVne' 2ft , It Ihall be on. I nance of this town, without having 1 011 Itinerant dealers la Usutitlag when ordered to do so by the May- lflf , . fn . A . - '-TrAnt I first paid tbe tax and obtain th j I1" J- OrW.toWn policeman Cali ber sub- Apothecaries and Practicing phy- gulltxof a mlle- ject td a fine of five dollars.- 7 - (in caof neceM$ 0 :;:rD ucu. u. aivj irriavn dumi luaat igPII fir nilPr inr KUlfl nv Rriicia ' A V aaata. ;S7777 . r NOTICE. ITavina: qualified ns arlmini.trator on the estate of J. L.: Timberlnfee. all, per sons owing sail estate are herebv noti- ftn... iii.i. -4.. I Minno iiiiiuruiatc uiyiucun rwiv work for u., br Aua) rg, Au.un. all per$ci.n8 liOldms clairas anainst sain lJtui2!l?..?Ktl "Rtftte trt fMPnt thPtW f:.r MTmni on A . .iy j ( mnin earn oer r auu. to a iioiilh. . Toa ran do the work and Hi 'at bonial .h.riH.r wtt ' JI ffuner. are easlle esmlnr from ti t' f I O a day . A II irr. We show yon bow i ann atart yi.o. On work In snare tlml or all th. lime. Bisr monrv for .work..' i '""re unknomi nrartbrn i t. ... ' S.1'" ""''""iiMTiil. I'aril.-nlrsfte or before the 3rd dav of .Julv 1892 or this notice will be ple..ded in barwof their recovery. vTbiS .3rd day of. July shall be necessary.; for the health or comfort of any portion of the inhabitants of the town, and if the owner or occupant of the premises shall- fail to remove 6aid pig- pen or other nuisances within three daye, after having proper written notice, then he - or she shall be fined ten dollars, andjlhe Commisi sioners may have the same re- - ' . . . ' .,- " ' . moved. . 1 , . - . - - ; f ' . . : Ordinance, 10. Every-owner of a' house witHin tha limits -of ."the tqwn shall continually have on the premises one ladder of sufS- cient length to reach the? eaves of such house. Any- one failing - to comply with 'this ordinance shall be fined live dollars, . -':'L"-7' -7r' ' 7 '.".i. Ordinance 11.' bee, When- ever, the shingles of any house within the corporate limits of . the town shall become so. decayed as io be dangerous on account of fire, the Board of - Commissioners Amay so declare,' and the owner or own ers of such house shall be required tjO recover the; ame within such time as 4he Commissioners may think . reasonable, under, penalty Children Cry for jitcher'sCastorisU On circuM, for ench pertorraance. $10. ' , . On Peddlers on loot 5 per month. . 7. 7. ' - ' '. ' On every company of Oypulcs or any excrementitious deposits or whatever on the Sabbath day, ex slaughter any'live stock on any of Cept ice and' milk, and articles! the public grounds oj the town necessary "for burial purposes tinder a penalty of, one dollar for within the corporate limits of the each offer.se. ';, - ' ... Ordinance 18. . Every occupant of a lot in the corporate 4 limits of the town, shall at all times keep their lots in a cleanly condition, un fail town under a penalty of ten dol lars for each' offense. Ordinance 20. All shops or places-for the, sale of spirituous, .14 IUiO Alt - A1T vuuui fcia, . .... tilt -..f - der a penalty ot fire dollars for T",ou;. or f "'t'Tlv ' ,ba Jare todo. -77 . , closed on ..cVSabUth m he teh,tls On Itinerant detvkrs In stores, rangea, clocks, $10 per year. ' . - .... ' - mX mm. annual tax of five dollars for the rear privCtoicarryiragonthebw'ju .0a each bCiard or pool table of weighcr-and any person who Vept for public uewhcther in con shall weighty produce in the cor- nectioa with or separate from any porate limits o! the town for payor P'a where liquor U -old $10 prr , compensation and without having yeor. paid said tax. shall be fined loreach On each bowling sfler, or alley of ol!cne one dollar; provided, how- the like kind, bngnt?Ile" table, or ever, that the provisions of tbia or-1 stand or place fur any otlirr gnj:o shall not apply tx the town J or play, with or without a name, ' elected by the commiM.on- (onj lor private amusement or year from 12 o'clock on Baturday era of the town, nor to the cotton I exerd alone) $3. '-Ordinance 19. 8ec. 1. , No per-night -to. 12;o'cldck on, Sunday j weigher, elected by the commuwiors-1 On lienor denier SI 00 tier vr" sou shall indecently expose or ex- night, and no person or persons era of the county, in rewpect to tle J . v hibit his or Her person within the shal), during or between theso wd-hin-of cotton, r, . ? . AmtUt, mii- limits ofthe town under a penalty times, many licensed liquor sa- ONljnflnM,40. Anv nerson who LmiAtinr, r,! it. c..i ii n : . : i r t,-... oipne uoiiar ior me urn l, uuu or i jouu, bcai ur nnaj aijt ci' each subsequent ofienso five dol-j itous; vinous or malt liquors ex shall sell or offer for aale any priie artlvt, and every pmon fiikin or boxes or patent medicine of any cnhvrgti likcajt' .! tit haxnaa . . I mr m - m-- a lars. . ' :. cept in caso of sickness, and then ym j within the corporate limits ot face. $x ' Sec. 2.' No lewd woman ""or wo- on'7 upon; a certificate of a prac- the town must first obt-Ua and pay man of suspicious character shall ticing physician, and any one or a liceiuteof flvedollars: rVU3 licerrjw? be,'on the etreets of Louisburg al moro p?rsoni seen going in or out Uia tntit1 hira to n for oac 3"par GCaSLDAlCnn.Cerk. . .. - .