'. V': 5, A a A , - :ILr .1 : ,1k .JL i --aaa; v; .ufx '. V' :.. aa--- v". . ; - - V- . (A. TUOMAEMajidjJlrrietor Wilh -lidice-toward , none; - H iiU Charity for a'l.. LOy iSBURG, Nf C, AUG'UST'28, 1891 no ao Highest of all in Leavening' Power. latest U. S. Govt Report, i THE THIRD PARTY. LET DEMOCRATS AND ALXilAXCK- FORMS OF GOVERNMENT Tniua: rcmtiis. LAllORTOGirTA IlbMll JICX STAND CLOSK TOCLTIIER. ''-r r: I' :y;;VAVtf- GOWTIIiliMAX. DF SOCTII CARO- f XJNA, OPPOSED TO JT. i ; v '; Amprv-an Ffiir, Dam. The A!lian:8 platfonn and that of I John Adamv in his three vol- the Democratic party b?ar a strong! nraea in defence of the Conetito The rpopto'a rixtj in Ohio hts held its State Ir'm'kU.'specli,'' atr'Ra family resemblance so strong that tlon of the United tatoa,. has ro- adopted, a plat form. There a i j aprtnjsfh'x. C'ReiportaW the : H attracts attention: - ", , . . ; t yiowed. the various republics of three plank in it that are perfe 'u 5-. c"vuricv i'p uijuu til Buu-ireiiury uucieui iiuiee, &nu ox lb miaaie wautios. ileadthem' ftTe; -iai-nie-rs vof the-"South' an rlan and the theory of government age?, and lias classified republics x v0 believe that the W WiDstinow that e are growing in ntrol of raUroads; etc., they are 4,, to th'reo, dit inct forms : the d'ero- the liquor problem Jiet inj power.dabyd upon every iue.. , ,.-:-; ocratical republics, .aristoi?ratical inth- tWntof broCl , re feet U??M mo.. Pp ristcrs, Fot sale by 'Thomas A Ayeo Loniaborg. Pro fetinal' ocurcLst T M. PEBSON, - A TTOR NE TJjUlJA wf lOUISBUKQ, N. C. TractW'es in all Courts.. , ' : -Offi;p i ihe t'btirt HuseC.;"-:v Office. 2 doors helow Forman's drug store, adjoining-.-DrX). L.'j3Iis1,:'; IIO.S. WILD EJl A TT0RNEV-A7 LA Wt xomsBiriwj. n.' c- . .. Office on . Main street, one door below l.-adc Hotel. - B -v : ur w. il Nicholson, A'; : X'UACTICTNG pnYSIWAN, V OflTce -.jiiposite J'iigle Hole!. . g W. TIM IJEllLAlvE, ' TT011NET '-AT-LAW Lou.'Siumo, x.c. ;i . ; . Office, on N asli St, t '3 vj: pV?: j ' 1 , , -1 ... 1 . . --'-- 1 -4. l . . r 1 vii irui nuii ion i robbers Applause and eheera. v anee do not: insist npon the h'avo always had a nlurai eiecul n a i $ HarpeS I Weekly atstran tifj ncheme. ' Tliy .ubmilit vp Wo tome t,n and ! f ezclua,.7 injrUli".- "VLLUSTUATEa - ttessed of late I - The farmers have to the people and say; almost in an' kirllnt TL' p! ' a onvmaUufacturt and sale ' . , . organizedVdriveh toit bystern ne- apologelic Way V : .We Wbeen nt number. Rome of spirituous liquors shall U con. ' - w vV'i Irey:did:n6t-W:abotifc growing poorer? while the' rich are and Carthago and Sparta had two ducted , by the Government or Hai-por s vfecKly has noTor.iajIea to justi- . . t- . , . . . chief executive ofTrcra Athfim . 4 it lvn-tVueas a Jomaoi o( . civiiiMtioa."- organization when they., were .pros- growing richer.' The unequal. eon- ' - . y ' lDt"H btateatcost throoh agencies or Pousr:VXovr the Alliance" between dition of affaire is dceto the'evfl ten f nd Switzerland has now, and salaried officials'- in such towns the Southland West has some orotn- i wnrtin n? nnV flnpnrkl Vt.ml "aa Iiad lor oyer - five - hundroJ ise of realization. , In; Kansas and I We want a remedy. Here's our I years, seven, chief executive ofTi- otiier JNorthwesterniatates "15leed- plan. We admit that it has its cers.callect their -chief executive ing ; Kansas, th-blackest of black crudities. Wo ire not wedded to it: council. ' ; .-t Kepublican btates--which helped to Improve our plan ilyou civn. Give . A monarchy is a ffofernment' of tisticjtistorical, criticaiKiopoKraphicaJ, or Jn.a,E.ua m boutb UiTobna, at least, us something tetter m- order that j one man..The root aQd;'krtva uniiuwvwuiioa way uuana,-,aiMl ! subservient to the black horde that I .Ha Avnvtx mtt roMl Z.n.1 U; - ,1. - i -i Tnucontmnetodeserrethebeartycomnieifc.1 - , . Z J ' UOU OI ID8 WOm BnOWS U W Dfl ine dation ivhieh has been bestowed on pmt in-1 once dominated our State, the far- we will abandon the idea and clad-1 : " " n snea bv the nrfts and the nnhli Aa.famk -Vi' . . 1 . . . . . b.. 1 TUJing Ot OOO perSOU. iV here Sil ilyjonal, ilarpert Weekly will, hto .pyveny swing tnem m ly 0in yon." not only are the thQ powers of a covcrnment " are lre,bedited with strict regard tor th the face and the sheriff behind them membcre of the order undecided as bu" quftUtiea thatmake it a eaie. welcome and :jv i. u. , , YCBtedlU 0I10tD&I) it JSaU absolute riBitQf to ever home. ; a - ; .;- . ; - . with their mortgages, .unpaid,- have to ita practicability, but - there are -7 B,wv"uw bem driven to ;. adopt Democratic some, among them Alliance leaders; V"t prfc tjrincintes - mi snite of "themselves who nre nhlirlr rpnoTinr.ini it. of the supreme power is given to harpeb s kaqazine... ..-.. 4 oo Applause. . They haven't ; the Thev believe that the Democratic one man, it is a limitea monarchy. HAarBB,sBA2Aju..rA-:.'V.4 0o manlmess to come out and say we theories, of tariH reduction, free Under our Federal t Constitution HAHPEa'S YOirGiOPtB.,..u...:.. "4 00 Ihita'' hoon wrftnw "onil TrKri nara it.n.nI;U.. .l.v. V.. t 1 1 to Udbaibert in (he "1 ,TT 7 . ,-""1 v.v-j mo ctuiua puv.,- iuuvcu an i-Mezico.'..p.,-.MMM iu- mem, iuiu a uiuu, uauui, uvniii; i jfle wjpreme executive power is V : HARPER'S PERIODICALS. : PRR YKAK UiiSted lStuiei X!!Mda and j&&&ttrt&rr oemtacptrtr treutmenf of . the finance question vested in the President, one man. with the numbers for June and December ganize a Third party--, a , - m'general will best serve the far- gtbat, as to the executive branch of eaeh'yevWhen time is pecifi!;- v; .They ivon't come right square in mere. This number is being contlia- ".t .... . .. ,.. a BujbwriptioMs wiu begin with the uuwHer .u .-I. L-.' i . v . n , of the government, it is. indibuta- u. a i . i rr 1 1 11 i n.m . ii.ii . w m i.m nil' 11 . .111 .7 1111 irii dtit a. 1 nir yi oiw 11 n t t j . - 1 current itt t)e time of receipt of order. -Uound roiuines t Jiaroer s VeeklT 1 1 aamit it is nam tor a lellow who ! fmi-thnt th rvr nn iev hmA. I rf lxi Votirvor oiie waV tor twerxl dir i woro than the old financial heritable per vwiiimfci "Cl.tii cast-s, for binding, 5 ty-flve yeare ' to cbnfcBfl he was I disease. ' ne people.- llisi wrong; but we don't care how they - - Tl.i f' ,1n'n tive monarchies to bly;. monarchical. -A, monarchy or elective by ory shows elec ta" the most volume heipussolong as they do help "us. niand governnieut control. of rail- corVupt and worst form ofovern "Shter and applause. If ;they ds.c., except iw a last resort, men 1 4 here is. They" have been cat, Analytical, and clapsicd. for 1 to 70, iucltmre, from Jnne 1850, 1S85, se voL ?vo. cloth Mwo Attinuuncesshoiud.be made by post- want tovote for Democratic pnn- It becmnei necessary only when all found in separable from the -com chance oflo. a'; . J;a.;'.'a a ,,a. k cipies in tne lmru party, in A.oa s l other meonH to control tho gigantic motions, conflicts and Increasing :aaW arc?GI Q 'W'AwaLuuine o.? senu.xnem joyiui gree.- corporations. who operate the pub- warfare of political factions struc . . . - t I "fi' i --' 14 ncuui ui vio t. Lxifrx; xv;r A" HiKPSTR & Bhothes. Xew . NOTICE. aud cities as shall apply for such agencies. ' Ve believe that the , right to vote should be given to eTerylnxly, irrespective of ex or color; we de-J inand Government ownership of all means'; of transporation be tween and by the people of ,tho United SUtcs. .' We favor liberal pensions to-all honorably discharged Union sol diers of the late civil war and generous care for their widows and orphanj, and demand ; that, the differences between the value of gold and greenbacks at the date of payment bo made equal to gold, so as to place the soldier cu the same footing as the bondholder has been.' . . , ' The first is the exclusive proper ty of the Ohio Third party people Tho other two were taVen from the National platform and ad .p ted at Cincinnati. We do not believe there are many people about here who want to see the government go into the business of making and selling whiskey. Nor do we bdiev there are any in favor of woman suffrage and this whole- 1 ATTGRJSTEY-AT LAW. . " ' VISfUTRO.N. .c' v ; Will attewi the courts of rrankhij Vantjc, Gfanvillc, WaiTreoV;N6lv,AaiKl Fwleral nnd Supreme courts. i'rouiitr a (( on lion given to- co!le,.tioiis&:, , . r M.000KE, - ioursnuiia, fbaxkltn c i. c.'.f Will attend tlie courts? of NasV. .Ifrarrk .ui, GrauyineWarfer and2 Wake coun ties; ulso : the. prehie) court, .'of iJCor th Carolina.: and the U. S: Circuit and ! 5 tru;t courfe. " 1 j. '.it.. 1 1" . it - ? .1. ; . : . ii a - a i . " 1 pranv iihth uppti uni pr uta irn Jn.yiucuiiaxaKcn too srrongiy er deference to the lx,oiV. to niake . .. . V sale addition to thet-niion l-n.J. 1 vltavlns: qwlifled n ndmmistmtor on down mth, and I hear.that tliere l&ey haa i aemo-L . he esia ot ri'Timterfofce, aU nc-W i too much of it esoeciallv in North a.;...'". h etn.Cti f cratic republic, but this is a mia- lies a. Po fir as pMi'jJ errry mnn should aim to arc a hf ti np hia own. . fn the Inn r-n it w ivjr. The U-juptatlon of or r.ho Wot U to nial.!r-ur.t cbnv, and no trtifr iu. tint; WusT ever u:tr? thr.a 4hat"thr B.ovri are a'Uut 1 a firr." ca rsiir Lave cr.ly nnor. . ernge nrmnr,t of lartitcre.. hs marring a grr t ; v id c . rv. A u ' rn!e notuii.j wLICur yuj go. ; Even thiijjri cV.h . uu dil n4t nnl iU have ti W lii!.t to i plai dttrore.1 ( r djrr.-rd rnrc BO a to la' i unr",-r.f d it h 1. V ten nil has duac you nr fl.'tr rr snemy-Uvf dolbri nor o!l tlaa you wre I "pp. Ileilli-s nil cTa-, nert1 with tha Louhold are orn -out. du-gu-ted, oftbcx-ilrr and evi-rybodr thai they know; tLt.U, rml.-w thrr ore anrl In diBpowiUou. , It Ktra stranjre to aoe a lnrg prtportiou vt the Umi lirti in the r)rur.:oity tear ap and . move evf ry sprag, c if t!c v.ngrac t . habit of tbejr anoftor away baric la the earJyscentuK.i tm ma an a bflnry la their MorJ and mu!d" not W resisted. lntheB-'fr.dpL'ur, any man who roiv to lix in a himi Loapciactrhau for or.e f bia own iufctliHiiirly.'rmcorierioa- , ly lxoc)t-ii u laer Ul&pn. . J! puna a new intcvt la i-lrg the taxes krpt mc.JtT.f,bu;aeseriocr iah, gxi ord ?r i mnil, pun-nil i.n-provem-nf go forwnrl end the Conditioaa of th poK htppiam and pro.crity "tnuhipH.'d. U U thkfly that eotalpm, :r omraunlmt revolatkin and-enarehy 'rlottrwh and endnner the e xltiai; orier of thing. Itiaadutr tl.it the Ixul of the family cm cot onfy totho deierwh'nt upon Liai for ;:pjcrt bat to tb ix)ra:na:Jty to aim to be come a honu-boM r. 1.e Ltrj-tr thepn.jrtion ot tl.ia c!ii.. a t! country ttesalr will sad tlo ip of at alt. Hx- I may in mistakeu, but diV$: owing Sai4. estate are hereby -jbeti-'j ftrojtf t nll'pVrauiis ". holdnc t-laims a-amst ;! j I have got the impression that there esuue to present' tnein iir avment ou is an under current tiiat may carry ir while tha;, 3rd day. 01 July lg2.or this j.otice will le : nle.ided m bar of Uiwr recovery.-Th'sSrd day of July vyiHMBERUKRam Tr OTICH ; ; .TTavms qualifial fis executor 'of J.: C off a lot of you by next suhinieri1" ' I would like to talk about this to the men who have been . I)einocrat in mind, heart, soul and.. body, where Democracy is bred in tlieir very bones, Vou often hear it said: "If the Ixinocratic party don't give A 'nn Y and (1h TTXKEL I, D ? l T.4 TF 1 Fre-inatr, dwd.V iaHrsoiis owing soul - - a , , -. :. - - estaie are notiuwl to N.Y GULtEY, us what 1 we" want, we:' don t care coit forwaid and i wlin.t wa dov' 'Now that, in a. bml Lsetile.it once, aud atl claims agunst the ... . v - JtlTn- rtttap,ia Km.J f.ifatA tmjst, Kenneutrd Aii'-or . be-1-v ''Y. T . - - - . . . .. . .It.. 1 ..a.. A." 1.11.1 people, "and there are often thingsinvolved in pjirty prin ciples .that cannot permit certain jthinKS to be done. - i .;-.; : ' . ; jmUic service and safety to life nd take, and the sooner it is correct linib government txutrol will rv- ed tho'better. ' - main a thing unthought of.; ' , . ; The above appeared in the Jotn plans bree-j ccnti-aiir-uion, American Register, over oae hun. tow inch the Uemocratic party is 1 unalterably opposed. They create now to cirr alqu. dred years ago, and ts now publish f honsands of new ofli. and make Ul n the Times by request of one partisan onlce-holdera "0ii;k as the of its readers. EniTon. leaves which strew the brooks in Vallambrosa, They , nggravnte thecorrupt political situation by making those sucking the public TIIKY AltC NCrr ALL. FOOLS. Do not stop tfo tell stories in business hours. ' If you havo a place of busiuets be found there when wanted. tor- the yilxayf .funoirir ;this i body or party; ; 1 ;uT)tice wdl lf lenrd in Iv-.r f thc.r the' American peo recovery. TiiwiJune lutii. I6)i. . : I' iiA N KT.1X I EEEMA N.. hX r ATT0R$EY-rATAm w '.'-. ' .... ' All legal, busines'proniptly v attended to. TO PUBTAC SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Superintendent of Public schools of FraakKu count v. will . l,o. in -aLouis-- burg .on- the second Tiiuratlay .of , Febru ary. Anril. Jul v.' nrn t)erl October aud I)e(;einber, and remain for - three; days if necessary, for the wirpose, " bf examiu-J in applkaais to teacJr a, in 'the "'lablkT tsciioois ot mis county.' ,1 ;wm .;- also oe in Louisburg on Saturday of each week, and all public -days, to attend ' to rauy t r - ; ' A Jt S- -!.f . - ;. .. v Dusiness connactea witn my oiuco, a - Aivvfv M000. 00 rtr tehdnc mmA hr Job a B. x 1Vdwln.Ti03r work ft w. Header, EffiMriT 4' oa my mot wak aa mcta, u w eav teach von quick it bow 10 Mm from w 1 a 1T at4io iTvaud Biora a yo r oa. Mfac& mm, au aea. j aar nan 01 Amarica, yo caa aomaMUca at bona, inr all roar Unwuor (tiara momaBts only a tke work. All ia new, Great pay BliHK fat erefy worker. - jv a- start you: tcrmaaiDi mytfalnfr A61LT, 81V:JLT kanMK PAlh'IC'UtAKS FKfcE. A3(nai at (ma mi A,-, i"A ,'-;A'- W Vaut baaataadatawnwtiM if rapidly 4 boaoaabw. by thoaa 01 U Utiar MV.'yeuvc or old, ud Jm tkcif. ammwwmwiwiii f suvw urn JUT W famlxb ern-Tthhiff. Wa nr . 'So fiak. Ton eaa tierot your spun m.-mmi, onil rtjr timr tb tb wffrk. lliikui autirely ntw lea-lnrt hrl;ia voBdarfnl suonaa ftvry workar. Becmitan are'anunc; fnjua 3i to 0 per week and .upward, aud awra aftor a Hula cxnertenea. Wa can' famish -ro the hi- pioynumt nj tmeh yo tkK. Ko apaen to xilaL here.'Ful) nionnaiioit riuiK. 'f' IJE CO., atetSTA, .: jl wonn op wARNrsa. '. 5 1 would call attention of those 'ALUAiiJvE i;and FOii sale: I desire lo soil 130 ncrea of mv .nlan- tr.ilAit. AV1l-a'l-aa lk M MrtAm a-l' t1.t.lA is very desiraUe tolaco ;iand,J and Hieu" w 110 ure ruuuuig aiw-r aa igu iHitjua to tue uufus uuu uiisuwud ui the Repubhcari prty. :Ever since 18t0 that party has been reeponRi bio primarily for eyery piece of dev ilment that has been perpetrated in the UniJd States". Applause. lT6w ia.nl prove it?- Up" to -1874 they controed the House, the enate ' - and the President. In ; that year -HavTrisquall the Democrate carried the. llouse, Siiiton A Ifor.tU deceased, not Ke is hereby but the ot,hr follows held the Seriate . ! .V- H I -.v. . given to an pewous ow ng oe oiai w .PreeiJcat. .They stole thePres- come iurwaru anu boine, a. :.miee,,wiiu 1 -. -.- , arr ' . a i all persons- holding claiirn against the luency m j,o 10, oui aiwevucit .w. w same will" iresent them for, payment on j as good aa the truth and.adefacto or bf'.re july: ma, lsya. or ta nouce pyerfdent a Kood as a deiure jv ui oent.ieu. m .nr ut wicir iwv j, r wKa. v ' o.Ma 1,o frtwt. a. . a iAV- JLl U . -TV AJVU - 11V AAAU l-AIV . aWjrt. ahys6u'e wisdiij.grio buy can come; and pee t'l crop now trrowmsr'-2 It is verv fine.? - Over balf of ' the land is heavily tiinherd, l oth , onk and pine. . Te- ms ana vncewiil be giyen ;uponrappiica' (inn r.rJ ' ;. A7--" .-' : r .A : -.A:'. Mrs. TZyi lixk- JoYsrEK. Louisburg, !N U.- 'A-,1 "a- y;-:. . KOTli'E. ..a This July 17? 189L l , J. 11, AbFono, Adn'r; " . lie' v The Republicans held the , fort ' and they were responsible for alt the acts of the Government. Once -we had 'pap" and their retinueof retainers and undorlings activf and offensive ..ia . r a :.. ai" j :.. . tion in place at the time. - They wouhl make such a vast army,w ith exquipmenta and intrenchments, No man can get rich sitting .'round stores and saloons. 1 Never 'fool" in business mat ters . - . JIave order, system, regularity; m KLl r .ir.Mi'A KlLTp. - T!iWt taivtf In tLe worU f.r cut tru. erv. ultrr. Ji rtcurn tertr ote, tetter. tl tyytd hand ehiklUlnf. torn aoJ U ,i.u rrupCri aa4 poaitirrIv tare f .;!, or no jr reqiaxiJ. It '. rrci-r4 io ciV r-ffB-i 4tUUct.o. r mkOy rcfutJ- J. Price 25 ten t per ta.j,. Toe Ml ty IouSLur Diuj-torr. The St. Louis GJobe Democrat, a Republican Bheet, bad a longed .tonal'some time ' ago trying to show that the great success of - the Democratic party last year was liberality aud promptnes. j 1 i . 4 4V.A rvrvf m feaT.-raa rti-l 4laf I - that it would require a great strug- this year is strougly Republican yoa tUOw nothing 'of gle to dislolge it. Agiiin, tlic.gov- becauso of the assured gocd crops. ' .. '. . t ... It -ij . Ti !.- n: irr-- - Never buv an urticla von tin ritt iTuujfui buouiu not mveriere to prv i ii euy inow iu. a-aui.':is iiuisuiv 1 . tect or destroythe legitimate hubi- is due to a failure of", crops ; . that Detli timpbecauae it is cheap ness of itsvi-itizentr. Besides theirov-1 Whenever the re are tvoor crona and I ftotl the seller will lake it out in ernmeut has tho ndsfortuno oCen-1 R consequent scarcity of money, erauy conuuetmg- its busine. en-1 the f&rmers attribute the whole af teins-e at cHmsiderablcJoss. " fair t-the party in power. Its ar 1 ThG difference between the Ajli.mce in citin numerous" inci- -and the inmocracy. lies -more in I w. uvuim ytrV-" St. muno than in fact, "htnetly speak- ' , , .. . . . ... .4 ,. ' u- theory, may bo plausible . to very ing it is thelinereuce between twee- ,, - - dledumn twlledce. WheA it is FabJ T ' Lanalvzeil wo wonder that it is so ol.Der "urauon ox iu oiu .prao- mieroopipally small. : of -the -Repubbcan party Let the Alliance hold together In wli5cb been hAtd oa tbe lh its cement of free masonry, prescrv- ry that every farmer aad the ma- itnon:poUticar.cha"ractcr; But let joritrof Voters are a.eet of fools. I wonl M bond. Feverv mother's son ot the onler re-1 It is alright' compliment totthe ) .... , . , I -n - . . a . . a . .1 . . . , . . . I Aid- but never bee-. trade. Trade in monev, then you will get things cheapest and know, just what a thing coitt you. Avoid hard words. . Do no! kick everv stone in tr - - - - - . path. 'More miles can be mado iu a day by going, steadily on than stopping. -.. ' ' Pay as you go. ' A man of honor respects his 1 jp'i?) il' w It, r. the Douse .and Senate, but the Re- Z. Pbl - lident had, the veto .SBenbur CS. i'V.onthe 2tlt. day' oi power. ' V t a :... ' '" gnsf, 1891in the Bwvial jprotfecdinp . rVie theTleaiiMleana had the ; NOT ICE. Bv'virtae of a decree of the Superior Court Has8 As? . . . LL i .. a a J T - "FT IS. ti Tn.Ri. urn juthf.u kiil i. ru I - A. iuj. admiaiatraior of Bryaut. Green vs Geo. I House, Senate "and President,, and Stamper and M. L: Stamper hisAvife and ,v hev ' Wajatod' 'tvo'- do ' vva.H.Greeu WatlawrI will, at the al . wna x-ney wan too -w uo. Conn llouw daor in xoniBbarg,'2f, C on They tried to reconstruct ; ns to the 19th ot Bepteiooer isai m u. P tioc t WoVo'bo" r.vrn'Ti.d atind nn itM noriii. it bein? Saturday, offer for sale at make the pyromm . stana on ;ira I pubne anc nil mat lot ( irfMn died towusbiiv near the corporate liuiitd of the ... T. !.... XL.. 1J -i4 member that if he w. true" to hia col-1 180,000 farmers of-Jliseouri who j ors he is a Democrat, toorReids-1 have eono into the Alliance that ville Review. Help others when yoacan, but Waaatihaai aaa-BaaTMaTaia lfcafctat. P A True Woman; J all their grievances are due to poor never give what you cannot afford crops I , A pap:r that would at en ply becaoso its fashionable. tempt to crowa sucn stun aowu Learn to sav 'No.w Don't snap' their throats, at once puts mem jt out jn jog fa&hion, but say it down.as a Bct.ot idmts and. tools firmy aQ(j respectfully. or is itself the most charlatan or demagogues. The reason the Re- j - 4 .t-;"iV-i -rJ C p W-! WJ k ID) ID D , ;r ir r II w w WW 11 - V W V I v i - i ft, i , . VA 1 A TSAR t Iimdnakatolrlarl: i teach aayfehiy litl)ijrmt prnum of oilbet . a. whoarnt md an . writ., and wbn. I after buaetion,ni work indnatfioualy, aaarUitbeiTMrB UhKkm wk.v .1 u t 1.1 .1 a . - wowaattonoramirfoymooMitKli you can com that amount, if fcatSS?" "W amleaa wcc.(l aa abor-e. Easily and quickly --T-- TT .waw ran ncn main orcocnty, 1 --iT.!' "'''' ,""d pwided with nnrkmml a lar anT I-" orcr wa a" a a S 'V,-"1 Vl W a nareacfa. It a Kli W i A0, Augaata, Ualae, naf Hula fortoah-rn ma4afi Vwora. t a., by Anna, race. AuMH.. Texaa, and Jm. Bonn, Tolodo, OiiWv 4u Ail . ... 11 Y- V.. I : ;'f'A 5" T dome nun one faOO.6 4 j.mitb. Ton can do the work aad lha) , jr 0day.Allaa. Waahowyoabo a- and atart yca. Can work Incparothnl " or all tbe ttma. Big Burner or work . A ' "tlS"-.'"1 ""known IW tbem I ,... - an onlBrfW. FwlniliiitftM a.UUUf2 Csa 8t90A-x-i.tad.ain A tion ;tA the highest- , bidder, apex.and give jus back ugain vj Vf ground of wtiieh lry(rit Af j A ; - - : ; seized, lying ; ini. Louisbarg ; v ' V,-' the NE0RO AS' A,-RULER. ; : -- . 1. .n.nnioir- f ttiHTa f TJ 1 . .... ( , . . . , ........ torn of J-oiiisbu rg arfjoioing thy lands of : 'And Vet POTE8 IJomocrRtS TG-lK about jeoparaizing unity. Aa I as- acre of lami, on -vybiehls a framed resi- sorted, the Democratic party since deuce with four rooms. -Term ' or saie; i i(J0 hll8- had no opportunity to lo one-third cash- and trie-balance m an anr Trtn for the relief of the people, ivretre- tooutha.-,;. deferred payinnt. to f v . . Wn nhl to hamr t interest. This lytn aay j -.v "7 yV i V and keep it fi-om doing more levil ment. Is there any reason why an v Democrtit should jrrow weafy with this,' long straggle, and especially now when, victory is about to perch on our baimers, and fly after , utter boar f$ ner1 cen of Aniruat 1891. '" ;": ' 0. 1 ELLISi T.omrmssioTier TURNEE'SToit BiLiocsxEss, - iiiti- Bllious BlCK HeAUACUE, Constipation; &c. i f- i k iurr(-?i. jrciAti'C JT - Riri,.K1M.TS.i.'P11'laoi-or1fl -1 i,AMf Inol nAnaonop? - ThV 11111 ' not 5Q m t-at-h box;ooe a dose, t m uth Carol . . - V- i . i i . . A Kisu.CtnrTcTNiCo 1 CnroIma. AtApplaue and chrs. S31ALL. Sugar Coaled. -: Everv man of een?e nnd Tcfne ment adnnree awomanasawoman; but when she sUps out of this chnr- pQblican partj wa8 termiirated last year was because the farmers aAteri 'a. tnoupand things that in their appropriate sphere - would be admired, become dinguating and of fensive. The appropriate chn racter of a woman Iemand3 the delicacy of appearance and manners, refine ment of sentiment, gentleness of spce4i, modesty in feeling and ac tion, a shrinking from .notoriety and .public gaxe,' aversion to ull that is coarse and rude, and an in stinctive "abhorrence of; all that tends to' indelicacy, and impurity', either in principle or action. Theso are the traits 'which are ad mired and Houn.t for m a womnn. Wilson Mirror. " and laboring people had compre hended the facibad learned tbe lesson and learned it wellthat the Rt publican bosses cousidore'd them. as natural vaspals for .the rich cormorants; as a act' of gull ablo fools, that could be controlled by humbug bettor than anything else. The last representatives of the Republican partv are now dy ing very hard, but they are very ueai. -1710 1 iiei iou oiti Hum bug 1 Die dead 'as a ducat, be cause tou have been falw) to the people anf the .true priucipk-s' of civil government ! t- ' . : Have but few confidants, the fewer the better. - . Ticarn to think and act for your self. Use your.own brains, but aldo learn to use the braiuwork of .... . t , otheri'."" ' '.''..." . . .... . lie vigi.ani. .Kep your eye endears widooieii. Keep ahead rat her than b;bind the times. ' K m 11 . W&jT M A 4. 1 U 4 T -aai- ..... ' Young men, reflect on this, and fc'.C.". r, V." J - if there bu a flaw in the arrruiucat I f V WC- 7 V -1 . " ' let us know. Selected. CHHircn Cry i:r Pitcher's "i- !. Ot-" " ''"'"''.'TiMlH.l Aj-i I. . 1. Ud-vCHi. ' lt.r. A1 ;r-';

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