-:Y4 'T A Y t" Y' Y ... " 7 v ';YvyyT vVr - .YY; Yv vYV-' :v YYYfYY ,vYvV,.;:- 0 VY'." - With Malice toward none; With Charity for aH. ' t el. so rr: axsvuu jju r K- S I.OXJlSBURa, K p.; sEPTEMBER . asm. NO 31 I n v Highcst of all in bwcnLatest U, SI Gov't Report Ji ABOUT BASKS.- 1 land or of Bucb products of his Upart jin your columns. to discuBs UhKOTrromt ea "the kc cf ocr land as will not spoil while being LKT rSAGRYX. .WHAT A FR ANKIiIN OOUKTY Alilil- ePlT . "" ' r- ; ' axceman thinks. . ' I I. In drawing a comparison between the State banls that were and the And the Reply of the News-Obaerrer j National bank. YOU write, "The States were not responsible for the notes 4 issued by the old -State some of the OcaUv demands com-' I mencing with : First, the abolition or national banks. Second, the I sub-treasnry bm. F. Ashtox. " to What He Says. An Interesting , " Discussion.1-- ' Editors News-Observer : , : - ; I read with interest your articles w About Banks" in your tissue of property" to at: a poll tax wooJd U the lntTt we pay the joTerameatfjc lendm ua oar heds! Tb Ux 00 SUta bank nte tea per cent.; U that Interest too? Eds. Newt aud Ub- (Notk B.) . ' (If e aodenUnd that matter, Mr. lorreu cnaiienga uor, Tillman- to a -scum me uitreMarT tu Am AllUaemtn, Vfi to Aln Dnv cra Talk Good HeaiMS. , 1 am sorry inJrevi to and War ot so much discord In the Form era' Alliance. s It does aeeni lice th la- ths dlacoaaioa cam off, lh del ala waa 1 they art tlie larger and mainly pro- ;:1891 er!s 1IX0ST1UTED. August 4th ' and am extremely glad mi8taP nerer ine overnmem to find tat you vare helping the wiU be responsible for the nation AHiftnft t finAtA thA ta at1 a ah al bank notes for it holds' Aaouxit: UPPMiHI BROS., Proprhlars, BMNlstc, Hack. fAYUNAH, U. For sale by Thomas t Aycock.Loaiabnrr. l?fofbwsloiinl oarda M. PERSO, A TTOQNEY-A T-LA IF, LOUISBURG, N. C. Practices in all CoarvS. Office in the Court House' , h R. J. E H ALONE. Office 5: doow below Furman's, drug store, adjoining !Dr. O. L: Ellis. FJ1H0S. B. WILDER - , w 1 ATTORKEY-AT LAW, 1 IiOUISBUBOJN. C. ' '. Office on Main street, one door below Eagle Hotel. ;, . :, :'- v D it. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, 5 IiOUISBURQ, N. C Office opposite Eagle Hotel. g W. TIMBEKLAKE,, Ji " - ATTORNEY A T-LA JT,: . : Office on Na.-'h St. '( ' :-c F. S. SPRUILL, . A TTORNEY-A T LA W LOUISBURG, N. C , - . ' Will attend the courts of ' Franklin Vance. Granville, Warren , Nash, and Federal aud Supreme courts. ; Prompt attention given to collections, &c : phase of the 1 a record, equally trustworthy and Jnterwt isg, of the notable events, persona, and achievement of our time, v S . . T ' Special supplements will be continued in tistic, historical . critical, topographical, or oeBcnpTave, as occasion may demand, and will continue to deserve the hearty commen dation which has been bestowed on past is sues oy a press ana tne public - As a fam ily Journal, Harper's Weekly will fore, be edited with a strict rarard for the qualities that make it a safe welcome" and (Note A) (A loan ot prooertv is made bV ' Va-iVoTi,? f Vio ia f Via mvamwar I it a nttman t-n a ram a U A V - 1 olCl .. , I, T , L :; r -T V. I, awoc-general tarn, atidwuuoi ducing daw otoar people) olwaya ruepouBiuio ior vne national Dans iwura jt; oroinnruy i toennea w mat nuaavra. 1 I fail in' tMr Oraitiuna aad ! noes." Are yori not - makine ' a the identical article is to be returned, , w undentood that fwrnarly at I , - . . , h . . ' "VV", , f - you noi making a v different time Col. lolk has MortA for mlrws of pwrawea rtuk misiaico nerer me government l "w 14vy"C4 vwuj q... .nh u.nr t M. , int, -j ,M i.k.; ti i ; m ausoiute owner. In the case' of I test, imithit rmt n t ...i.. ' V- w;nV' 1 for the redemption, r Other notes. " . . . . I we hare heard that h rta ti nh. it wto Loiiod-jiiu-titiui'ia poUtk. uunuo. ju un - uic lu , . ' , ' . ', , I Gwner anc u oi .expecxea 10 re rvnin f hnt trm.1 tnpr"' ftr" turn' " af I b" or cheques issued by the na- tntui ,r three poihts;in your;otherwise ad- honal banks ftre not Soaranteed by ,,The national banks do not bor rairable article which, while not the government, but the national row their own notea from the" gov- 11 - - . i uniiik iiiiLHH iHHiiHii iiv inn , irnvoTn- i urinnonT .1 ha vonnonttin n . ment to the banks arol guaranteed J loan of money. ' Imonev it ia rf.ffAi'PTst nr.nl Vr-i elArtM in oflW tcrVwi Llira Vtll a -- - r If. a m ' - i uwurj mi gm 01 aigni, aariag Uiat u I Its rnnc:pal uetnanu arr rvl f Harper's Weekly has never failed to lusti ly it title as a "Journal of Civiu'cation," 4 I. V j . i. li to enlarged possibilities of usefulness and a I being rexactly v .WTOttg, yet; fail nigner standard or arasuc ana bterarv ex-l v..k j I menL to ine DanKS atO- cruan cellence. It leaves untouched no important 4 Vu&" uiwuuumwu.buu . . , ;he world' progreas. and presents to put the f acts as we believe they I government. i ney arm id. iT11 Coorosa did not act and rtntcUmcnt ia' tl.o Admini on it; and we lwive QDderUod him on ... , . , different occaalona as declaring that the trution ot oar jroTf rnnumt, .prins issue was not the tub-treasury bill, bat I equal muce nn l equal ruhU ana , weeping financial rtform. The vote trirflr ia nil c1aa of nlirwhf! literary ex-j thrnnah ArVnrn nf finrnrnisainri 'n A ment to the banks ate guaranteed loan of money. - - .. at 6pa, Unburst was not taken on thelu ...i ii. puttbe-faots Ve believe theyl bY 'government:' They carry - Itus eee what the transaction oiaXf wt stand ; ' . ' . . . .Y ineir guarantee on ; their laces. ' - aayt.lnclQdcs the aub treaaurj- idea. Farmers Alliance, and the Demo- :-r- Aptii. The Bknking' acts, section; 582, Mr. Ashton, like any other dtixen, Gor. TUloian WrnseX being aa Alii- craUc platform ot principle, they ft-f-' f s,And.the same; shall be re! tas a right to issue hi. notes tor eol rtatf" be.onearthevme.IcnaV llotdb ceivk at?ar ia;an Part8;of the - ft aee, for the lila ot me, why all tm! stood. , We are ndt objecting to nitedStates in navment of taxes IW-and hb has the right to is- treasury Idea. erTwai no occ.awo Alliancemen and all good Demo- banks or bankers:-; We know them vnueawieBizi payment otiaxes, 8ueaamany of themasbecanpaea. for Mr. Terrell to challenge Gov. T.U- craU etui cot . unite suul. work in azreed on other Doinu m ' thoa Ia- I forms in the leirialation of oar tror- yriiubom the' mnimeiit eivine tbe nation-r.- w-.r. f.u V gorriuiieat It na any, manda-Uie dlacuaaioa waa to have ernment. Itdoieeemliketheob- saiaries, otner debU and demands steps od claims that It fa a gov- " potat ct tierence, not on treasnrr tka has or hare been ao HARPER'S PERIODICALS. al .banks power 4. to -issue national . -'' 'V I VAVl- nAfia anil t r V 4 Aatmmihi ' 4 001 uurep auuvoA uiq buwuiuuj ty for such issuance, v We say that 4001 it is loaning money ; at 1 per cent United State, Canada and Meco, ; PER TBA&i BABPEK 8 MA0JUUB....... HARpXB'a WEEKLY......... HABPEB'S BAXAB.......... BABPEB 8 YOUNO PEOPLE. ."4 00 tbs matters which both of them advo- rwagejree to o. .nircrtoert lAe fn t1. t.. MfJ ft,.m' w The volumes, of .; the Weekly besrin with the numhers for Jane aud December-J of each year. . When no tune is specified, subscriptions will begin with the nnmHer current at tbe time of receipt of order.-: Bound Volumes '- of.' Harper's Weekly tor three years back, in neat eiwth binding will be sent by mail, post-paid for' 3 00 per volume; , CHotb cases, for blading, 5o cenie eacn ny man, posvpata. ' ;. , z : Index to Harper's Weekly, Alphabeti cal, Analytical, and claasied, for . volumes 1 to 70, inclusive, from Jnne 1830, to June 1885, one vol 8vo, cloth $4 oo ; : , ; Remittances should be made . by post I oulce money oraei or oraxt, -:,to avoid cuau ce of loss. er to loan tho same money ' out to the people at 8, 10 and 12 per cent, or" even more In J your'' article aoout oanRs you say that it is a mistake to say .that the govern ment loans money to the National : Banks at i per 1 cent. ? Wo think that you are wrong here, and sub mit the 4 'following arguement : Practically the government loans mony to the National Banks, for to note here is that it is the act of Congress which makes the notes national money and not the will of the national banks. ; - Yes; the government agrees to take these notes; but .the govern ment does not guarantee themi and is not liable' for them.-rEdi-tors H '. and 0.1 : o " v : . . . .,- - :r . ' ,-.- - ' You point out r that national hanka nrft forhidrlon to lpnrl mnn.' 'Sim land and that Address , ' ' :- . .''T -.: v' V owing oy tne unitea btates to in- emmentiU ronction to anpervlae cxUtL And wh thVduVioo. wa thoroughly discussed pro. and con. dividoais, corporations or associa- Dan notea intenaea to circulate as awitched off frora the pntatst buna, to tliat 1U true merits (if it baa any) tions, except interest on the debt currency and that Mr. Ashto'n's maUcrai which they both agreed. It would have been plairJy set forth, and in redemption of tho national banking" company mnst'deposit .se-' SSfin alwaya!open to the The ub-treasury, the Banks, and currency."; An important, thing with aomegovernment officer, diacuwioa of public matur tereatin th Governmental ow-neraLip of rail- l nr TmiiTfl mr Tnnv t noiv nnriia an a 1 1 i 1 1 r imi nan' t i J i t r s fwapa or trustee, so that their notes shall be safe and good currency. ' So far the government lends noth ing. N - . J . .... , Then the government goes a step further and says that although Mr. Ashton's company has 'deposited security to cover a certain amount of notes, yet some fraudulent cashier or president might issue EDS.N. & 0. For the Colored People. Newspaper are not fo copy thiit adter before the banks , can issue bank - The New York Herald, In a recent issue said some plain truths to the colored people in answer to an in quiry made to it by a colored man. It closed thus: ''As long as you re main in ignorance you will vote the more notes than the deposit will se- Iterjublican ticket onlv : when too I congress will do ? Is it not plain to cure. And so to prevent' that, the Win to think for yourselves, vou I lhat th TOmmon people are be- government forbids Mr. Ashton's win vote as ypu 'please. Those of company from issuing any notes as roads are the entering wedgw that I fear are splitting the party and the Alliance. ' Let all who ore La L vor ot and want reform agree to disagree in our methods and unit , as pne man, in oar eSorts to obtain our demands. Our next congrra) will be largJy democratic in union with AUiancenvn. Would it not be best to wait and what the next m ..vr,vr?. H akpeb & Brothers, New York. l" " r NOTICE. : vou who are in the North hava rv the same notes to the banks; and they, must charge such a rate of in- currency except those that are an- ceived a good public school educa ""ft3 .y.ramntfwill.'-i8sue terest as,may be established as tbe thenticated in some "proper way as tion; those of you who are in the such notes t tiiejmnka, the banks eg& rate jn states where th mUT 8ecurea DT tne aepot. . l South have a great many insUtu J.Y U iV Ai - . . . " I Thcw Ttnrixi rornfitTi mat. i .. ' " W " - 4t k must deposit security mthe shape rmoncy is leat. -That is so accord- Slaving q'lahned as administrator, on rot 'bonds. ' ; Moreover tne said J to law But what " law ing educated to see their wrongs and demand their rights, and that the leaders and rulers o! the nation are heeding their demands with fear and trembling? ' - If the common people, the labor- can thn AO Af-a ix i I MlmluM tr a a II 1. -. w w . . " WT v i -bonds having a dehniie term to gfrm mori whose souls Inst for sous owutg.ui1 .e8tate.are,tiereby- now I V . ; , . .. Biop mn .wnose souib iuss lor goldl; A celebrated English law yer once boasted that he "could tied to; make immediate piymeuW hikI all 'persons holding claims against paid estate to present them Pr payment on or before 'the '3rd day of;JuTy lSDaor run. the bank notes are only issu ed to the banks for a limited time and must be returned to ihe gov- thisiiotice will be - pleded in; lr ttl" ernment before the 'bondsHf- will. be given : np-: Th.e ' government prints the notes and issues them to the "National Banks" to the . ex- theif recovery v-This 3rd day of July 1891.. : . YY Y-'Y -. i-.'ViV Vjr. iiaeiir.KiiAaivAU"M' 11 at i LAW CM. C00KE, Y Y . - - .- A TT Y. and CO UNSELL0R LOUISBURG, FRANKLIN CO., If.C WiU attend the courts of Nash. Frank- Granville, " Warren and .Wake coun tiee; also the Supreme court .-.of .North ! Carolina, 'and the U.S. Circuit and De tract courts. : NOTICE N. Y. GULLEY, A TTORNEY-A T-LAWj, FRA.NKLrNTON; NC. All legal business, promptly .attended to. TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Superintendent of Pnblic ;. .schools of Franklin county, will-be Sr Louis burj on the second Thursday ' of Febru ary, April, July,Y Septemper, : October and, December, an'd remaiu tbr three4 days if necessary, for the purpose : of examin ing applicants to teach iu X the Public Schools of this county I will Y also "be in Louisburg on Saturday of each week: and all public ' days, to attend to : any business Connected with my office. . YYv ';Y;. y JiK HaB8o"ptli .j-r; -i4 ".. -1 r '.Having qualified as executor hf J.. oeposnea oy ine Dans:s: wun Freeman, dee'd.. all persons owingSaid J government. " The - f act ' that estate are uodued to come forward .'and ja,;f ? " : ,v said estate must be presented on or be to ami bis signature to a noxe - be fore' the! 1 1th day of J une 1892, r this f nY i r Vn ha ' Pnt. ont hv' mirn' recovery.- This June 10th; 1891. . V.. . t: a" rfiAKKLIM i REEMAS. X.XT . t - VALUABLE LA2?D FOtf SALE, ..." t deRire to sell ISO acres of mv plan tation, including the ."home "; place.'. It Is jvery desirable '.'tolaeco land, and any one wishiug. to buy can come, and see the crop now growing.' Une. Over half of the land mm mm t I '1 uo notes remain lust as .they I tfnni nf 1! wbfrh .nil nrrw-. were at first, the contract - 6f 'the ly equip you for the struggle of life. in5 4'lUV'' woaJd hannon- Ashton Banking Company. It is The time therefore ia not very far thpJ woalJ and could be a pow- this oompahy that promises to pay distant when you will see through er 10 control legislation, to equally them on demand. The government the devices by which you have been protect and beneSt all close of has lent nothlnrr to the Ash ton ..nfi Bn i,M. .n, .. beoble. As an Alliance Democrat I drive a coach and four' (horses) J Company; nor has it promised - to cording to your judgment rather I warn d n to beware ot the "through any act" of the English I pay the notes. The rovernment thnn tnnmrnri I dissensions arising from the di!!er- Parl'am nt'-and I hear and read has agreed to take the notes in pay-1 a American 'dtixene you have I ences of opinion, for all men cannot ee ana unaerstona alike. II l can tot get that I think is best I win tent of 9o per ciit of theaecurityj depending upon the applicant's by the vernment" Neither has I you, your homes, your prospects, tAkethat 1 think.the next best. Let necessities ; a poor man paying a I - " 6w.umy iyour raxure. iou snouia tow iori .w. M -v; mnv.i;w"i..tai..n Sr J qnires a deposit with a trustee any what you believe will benefit your tImt fa ohion there is strength. . Y . . ; . bearing on this question of "loan." rrY If thflt tionoftt ia 'nrwipnt I and that in multitude of council pitav rircnmRrnnopa vhn ia in tpm. i . r .. - .. . .. i . ' 1 " . . Mr. Ahton says that the notes porary weeu oi muuey. aw are signed by the president of the that such agents at times charge Kant- oaua. ia a mero umi tr ui two per cent, per month. ( We do notes of Banker A. from those of which serves to -distinguish the 1 not think that banks do . business notes of Banker A from the notes the thej has of Banker !B;- The facts stands as I follows: Bankers Smith, Jones & .Co.:depb8it with the government S 100.000 worth of bonds whose in that way; -Eds. N. & 0- Tain often surprised to find that, .' even in such a well-edited paper as yours, there ; are short editorials , and clippings' from other papers, timbered, both oak and . pine. : Te; m$ and price " will be giyen .upon applica tion tbYY..-YY YY.""-;Y-V Y a - ' pMrs. Emilias Jovneb. - - LiOUlSDUrg, UW, r ryf ' I J .e wiU -expira: say in the year TOch ftp r your 6I Au. 1907. They receive from the gov- OTR4th: nR. Wdnmn a.'Wt: NOTICE. :iney receive irom me gov- eust 4th. naee 8 . column 3. treat- ernment $90,000 in bank notes and ing cf the Ocala demands, which do , are charged one per cent. ..They not show by internal evidence that may return the bank notes in the the writers ever read the Ocala de- year 1907 or before and getr their niands. I am not aware that Col. bonds back, having the use of the Polk has enlarged fand broadened, notes in ths meantimoi -i Y : the financial demands of the Alli- Hating qualified as Administrator ?f r . .. "' '. - . . , .... - . 1 ance as made at Ocala. lean easi- Simon Alford, deceased, notice is hereby IY It the process just escriDed is ,y yo- eontemrjorary the nougn 1 jjewB and- Courier, when he savs . all person holding claims -against the w Yt Terrell tooK the wii outr promised to pay it in money on samawiU present them for payment on you n , . OrlJuIy17tM Atmm-A irrr rrdnUtw T.j. by the Republicans,' all right ; II, for example, you like the high taxes of the McKinley bill, and want to pay an exorbitant price for dotbing and food, that is your business and I yon have a perfect right to say so. But if, on the contrary, you wont lower prices for the necessaries . ot life, steady work at fair wages, and such - comforts as ought - to be brought within the reach of the. la boring man, you will vote with the there is safety. Banker B. This is an odd notion, j The notes are the contracts of the I particular bank issuing them. If a man who takes one ot these notes wants the' moxey for it, h can get payment only from the bank that Lssijed it. ..Mr. Ashton seems to overlook1 that a bank note Is the mere promise 01 the bank to pay Democrats. Of course the Republi- money on demand, lie appears to 1 c&dm will weep and wail and gnash think a note ia money.' Still sup-I their -teeth, call you traitors, in- posing that he and his Inends had I grates and other pet names, but what of It? You should belong to the party whieh will do the most a bank, what . would he think of a man . who should present a whole lot of notesYmade by other people and demand that his bank should pay them? . The essential' part of the bank note is that the bank, has de-. mi tSia m fr U Mm Mm K. nmimni ti.j n i i on m m. wt. ym nmtf. mat nmk mm nth, bat r mm Uacb yoaqoidiljr mow to rara from i to 10 a day at tkm frt,mi mm -M yam m om. Bub aasaa, ail UN. In Bay part ot iiurici. van can aomaiauea at kone. miws !laif alt JQmr tibtanr apaa auaaiata niy ts m won. Ail la nor uraai say bum m vcit worker. W'm aurt you, famfabina rarytbinic. EASILY, SPEEDILY taamto. PAUT1CXXA-S HIKE. Addnaaateaaa. BTIKSO C., rOUXLAUl, KaiiiaV f eaa fca aamad al aor TOW Uaaef work,' r rapidly and aaaAraMy, hy taeaa ot ummr aax; rouiurac .Id. nma hi A ail , mm lBclitiaa.arlMfTar thay Ihc. Any w.hntirii mrrtaiac. W. ar y - Ka ttafe. Toa mm drnta Jr pan aMaMMa, ar ait yaav teat thawatk. TMaiaaa will bpleaded it bar of their, recovery. 1WS July 17, 1B31. : -: ; -' vf : J. Ii. AXronn. Adm r. ;;CN0,TICE. nnniirij itiiiiuri W Baa V - " mmA ' "? aaralw taaa U a ear waak and amrarda, ma mm after a Bui. aroariaBca. Wa can fkmiah yoa Iha aat. pwyamt and taaeb yoa V'kfctc No apacato ..plain hara. FaU inforauttioB VUMm. T RIIP. 7m aLCLHVA- UUL: OA YKA.ll f ; t wtdaruik' to briefta ' taaeh any fairly latrlliceat pmon ofaitlnf ax, "bo no tad and writa, and tvhv -after inHraeaori, will work IndnaMouiy, Ko nw. 7 .,-yjcii, Kmn you can earn UMlamevnv . tt..7 7own iWrl"rlhay Ua.l will alaAmiiak HL"T"m,''"ymaat't whMt thataiwamv I rfr."0 a. abora. bally and qalekly h... .7 . aua woraar noea aacat oimiic, or eumtty. 1 n-mli-T UMKbt .V5 I1 wh anplment a laVira : Sd im ow 2r airh. If. SEW VC.1 ki mil Bnaf lllila bHonMhTtaen madaaS : arork tur a., by Ann Pae, Aaatiaa. saa, and Jno. Bonn, Tniado, Obt. imm cut. uuMraaradatnraawen. Why , t yon? Same earn over SMS.M touch. Ton enn da Iha arark and Hwi '. at homa, w borer er joa ara, Eran ba , rinnan ara eerily earning from ti t SlOadav.AUaaea. Wa.hnw.na iu-i . and atart ynn. Can work in apara thna - " " tb? m r work, i f?: Failure unknown among them . -n i. w and a.ndarrtil. Pariiuiera fraa -: inition from Walker. Loan : anything lent, anything delivered to another nn condition: of return or repayment.'. i. I am particular about this loan question; because, 18, we believe ;that the National Banking acts were passed in the interest of a class mainly by that class : .2nd,' we assert that the fi nancial legislation of the last 30 years,; of. which thev. 'Banking Acts" form a. part, has been pass ed, not in' thie interest of the na tion, but in the interest of a favor- tAwuship near the corporate limits of the , - i, ftvft thnn'manairpd to town of Louisbare adioinine the land of ed lew, who nave, inns managea w C. M. Cooke, P. D L. UUliard ; aad - Yey. ton Green. Said lot eoutain :.abo-it,one aereof land, on which ia a framed " resi dence.witb fiir rooms, r-Terms'.of".- one-third cash and tbe balance. In six and twelve months, " deferred pHyments -to bear 8 per cent interest. - This 19th day .of August 1891 Y X': Y':-.Y"' s.:tv.AA;' O. L. ELLIS Commissioner. K Bv' Tirtue of a decree of the ,;' 8np4nor Court of Franklin county made by B. ; B. Mahsenbarar C. o. U-. on tbe mil dajV ot Angtjst, 1861 mhe , sperjarproceedinj.; to make land asset entitled u. l tdiis, Iministr&tor of Brjrant Jreen ts lieo. u. Stamper and M Im. Stamper his wife and w, m. u. ureeu neirs as i&r,i win, - .u Court House door in lioaisburg, K, C. on the 19th of September 1891 at 12 o'clock noon, it-being Saturday, offer for aale at oblic auction ta : the highest bidder, . . . a . I I j a. all tnat lot di grouna ot wnion ; rju Green died seized, lying - in .Lonisbnrg TURNERS ; Anti-; y Bilious : SMALtf Vegetable, Sugar Coated. Foe Biliouskess, - Sick Headache, " . Constitution, &c.' SafeSPleasant. Effective. The bt Liver Pill eyer sold. 50 in each box; one a dose. 23e. Pfr box;. 5 boxes fl. - . -For sale only by ; . !- King, Cuftox & Co. monopolize the greater part of the nation's wealth to the manifest detriment of the rest of the com munity. a ( See'note A)v ' Y ;. Having established at 7least to our own satisfaction, that the gov ernment does loan-' money .to the bankers at 1 per cent interest -on the' security of a bond, we want to khbwwby the government should not loan mone'y' to the farmer at 2 x?r cdnt on the security of his a great demand upon my credulity when it says that at the same1 time -he made a tack, which : wrecked his own ship.' For after the debate the Ocala demands were unanimously k approved. You will never find Col; Polk or Ben Terrell refusing to dia-, cuss the sub-treasury plan; nor did they at Spartanburg, the assertion : of your contemporary not with standing,' The- 'Sub-treasury plan is one of the dem ands of the - Alli ance; and could not have. Justice done to it in debate without consid ering certain evils and bad legisla tion which have made the sub-treasury and other reforms a necessity. : The sub-treasury plan js part of the . financial demands of the Alliance, and for your contemporary., to as sert that because Messrs. Polk and Terrell ' decided to consider " tub ' WHOLfi rafheri tlan . a' part, that . therefore they considered a part in defensible, is absurd." (Note B.) " .'' Hoping that I have not wearied . you; and that my nommunication will not Jbe consigned to the wastes basket I will conclude y, usking ' for you, and make It easier for "you to live, no matter what its name Is. Let us call your attention to anoth er tact in closing! The Republicans have talked themselves hoarse in trying to prow their lovt for your peopie. Well, they hare besa In power pretty continuously now for a generation and what have they done? -. -x ' .' " Y . Ia the distribution of oQces do you get your share? You are very much caressed and complimented before an election, but after the elec tion where ars you? In the soup? When the colored people get their eyes open they will vote either tick et they please," and if anybody grumbles they will tell him plainly to mind his business and let them mind theirs." "7 Perhaps Mr. Ashton thinks .that ha can go to the government or to the trustee and demand payment. But he . cannot, unless, the bank breaks or has retired Its currency. If the bank . breaks, the trustee will protect the notes. If the bank wants to retire its currency, it can give to the trustee an amount of money equal to the amount of its notes, and get back its deposited security. Now in all this, where is any loan made by the government? Mr. Ashton thinks that because the government requires that these bank notes shall be made on a cer- x I. j i i vit v. T Y"Y V T ' Y . ? I Irvouwanttobewell known in trovernment lends money to the Heaven, get acquainted with some banks. The thing at that stage ia J of the people that are' going, there nothing nut waste papexa blank I tQ ijTe forever. becomen the bank's promise when the bank igna it. lint it never becomes money. .When penectod, it become a well secured note. When so secured. tho Aahtou banking Co. 'a note will pes as currency, but the government will not have lent them a cent, 'We have taid nothing about the one per cent, tax, which. Air. Ashton calls uterest. An lucomefax would in Jlke manner be interest which We pay to ; BCCKLIwX'S AlOiK'A HALV-2. The best aaive in the world for cat bruUea, arrea, ulcers, salt rheum fever sores, tetter, chapped band childlalna, corns and all skin eruUout and poaiUrely cure pi1a, or no pat I required. - it ia gu.inmt:ed to rits perfect aatiaractton. rr moner. r ilu-cI ed. Price 25 cents per bx. - For mm hy -LouisLur Dtnkxcs. l . ' j li 'i -c fj ".NJirfHTo r : n- ii trv' Y. -J-M F ur palcooly by Tbona "k Ajrorkf. LcnJ bo rj, X C v;

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