' . ..- r " - - --- r i -. ' . .. - " .. - ; , - -j - : -" - . - - ' - - ... - - - - 118111 : wmm :. : 0M!i mM J. A. TltOXAg, Editor and Jh-dprikor : ' Withr Malice toward none; , W ith - Charily fur all. voi;;xx.:r LOUISBU RG, C SEPTEMBER 2. 1891, SOMK PI.AIN QUITIONS OK THE KING COHOX. ' 1 make a big pile of, manure with out any. cattle?; ' rDid yon ever know; any one ,ttj the cost op production 3iurr make anything with cattle without I .- ni3 khduciid. plenty to. feed them with? - How Mach-Did the Paratw of North , Did you ever hear of a COW;Well The Frmmofihe South JIuxt R. Carolina openu inw ior- i f ej antl gheltered ID Winter drine ' aacotlM Acwaje ami RaIm Do you know that' the fatmers r you ever tnow, ot good reed -The farmers ot tha South muMt of North Carolina - have 8pentJ and comfortable shelter making j seriously consider the tonditiona three millions of dollars this sear cows Eiv9 le?8 millc iu-wkiter?--. son for commerciaL fertilizers? I ... Did you ever know of a wrub to ralkw cotton, moiV sapplics I TD A LEI Gil o4 an J better cotton. Their ftalvation l " Svwral cases of hydrophobia have devt iopecl among cate in the north ern part of Iowa. S;o7 you think that the increase bull, improving a herd of cattle? : : . v -r in the croDS of cotton and tobacco ' Did you ever know pf . a herd nve.yea-steani.in-a wiu; cross. t net ... .-:. , , - .. . ( - 1 . i vr j'V n Aw.in ' T, . : wilpay the billT ; where only a- thoroughbred bull ',;'.,;.;"ir"- you think that the, value7 of was kept that did not; improve in V- - !TEf: thoJand;ih;the3tatahas'beir im-?' value?. : '' : V."' - t ' As' per if cree f ibe isHperor' Court Droved a4 dollar bv this enormous Did you ever know of a lawyer awyer lien Only in th'u direction. II thy will go on persuing the other plan, that of buying their unplH and letting the cotton plant take rurc - t 1 1 II 2 ll . . ' iueu Ul iui Ol IU SLaCT, UN f- Kult will bAthat'they will low gratia of cotton at n hih cont. Moreover the aw matters thatH each furmrAnroiitml L underwhtch tborare to conUnue He donot have to dorsad upon the .raising of cotton. Ve have th, cooperation of Lb nchbon,. u-nj.. rt;ruuy numuer -oi lanre i . . cropa. Lost yr the crop wtuV ex- omot he ball rabe hi own up traontinary, and mile,, unlavor- pI;,.. Thi U a ca for personal Hu. ,unerJ coau.uon9 inicrven, UecWon nt for pewonal action, we will huve another extraordlixarv k, t . x j whirh he will mltivatc hid crm. I! crop for.1601-92. , aturawy ineresaa woma be a he nurgiiM the old nlnn hm t I i-m r i o t v -. - i til . iiiiiTiiir ii hk liiir u nii rrcu h w nn i .j i:. - - ceding euttl.dC; Mi Cook F. (i yy- - ,t . 1 y r - Z i v. I pnres. xuq ue predion oi j come to grief wrthirot exciting any Tai-e::Exrxet:-.al..-..iarf1ftehi ""Didjtou ever know'a farmerjto did pot read what other meu have 1 indastry throughout the world tend i .f mvL, m undcrsieu-d. commissioner rwUL: on 0".T- " . - ..... ... . . I . . .. . . lanaera. dui u tie win noia a coa- MoVdayOctohiT--5,;189l'ffer;lor1 by means of Tertihzers? ; businws, and wnodid not give his price oi cotton LeJow what u uaual- Station with hi wile and children sale at the Ccurt llouse do in l.ous i iiDrni'tivftn -snnnftsfl ihsil mnm whole timo and cnerev to his tro-1 'j consiuereu o prontaDie return lor burg, the Tei rell &; Cooke 3vi For sale by " Thomas & Aycock, Lonisburg. Pro tosBioTir cardw yj m. person."5;-; .1 TTORNEY-A TrLAW, Louisiinna, n. c. Practices in till Cour s. . ;': OiHce hi the t'o;irt It use. ? Ji. J.EXALOSE. Office 2 doors below Furman's drug store, acljoinin Dr. 0rL.rJEUis; T T UOS. WILDER" A TTORXEY-A T LAW, looise UKG, jr.'c. i : Office ..on Main street, pue doorlbelow D li. W. IL XICIIOLSON, v pr AcrriciNG pnracito, .; Office opposite -Eej lIofeU jlLi. W. TIM BEPkLAKE, bier situ ted , iu said ; town oh ; "Nash - . 'r .1 ThpaA n ml rtth kt tin ftvrr-a I. w-kn. street,, and snow oci upud hy llaVes v&i worth of home-made J manure has id you ever know a farmer who - . . , nim Piiuell' Ter.ns f ieiobeTfoorth. k--Ji MM .om.ot Ko. ltlon3 te altered or amen- :tW..wlriiJ8j : rr . Ued by Uie pub-treasury scheme or pioperjy ana wea.wciitea.. .rYVrjJ-V6tft yon know ' that, in this ii aocior aoes wno. Kepi nimseu the farmers themselves. und the -!Au,"31';W0r-'--'':;rC-- Obimmaitoicr-M ummeE;jDi-.ureTicnmg fTains.more ."m :v. wuct iur, u. i must, consider wnat they are to do. fertility, has -been cashed u away the same Jine are doing, kept post- II it cosw teacents to raise cot from lands in clean culture in cot- M. 0Dtbe markets, in short ran his tonr and cotton ts sold for eight thorough and " busiuess-1 cents, any one can tell, without the who. did not make - as us0 1"PP Calculator, that he la - t . ... - 1 1.: IUSU1 he need not call in any outride nd viers nor ok nnyouts!le help. . We believe that the farmer of the South have great opportunities offered to them. ; The jvorld mcut haye our cotton. If we rawe moro -than they want, purchasers dictate T take tfftii 5w Ui 7, , . Ttx M.Ti .arv 7 N us. N il Snrwin. ..ti. rtMiu KlttrrO, ; . . - ,1J4 , , ni Iittitoa. 107 75 Ar U ! k, ' 25 . N)ijh "ar mtti rr, . ; '--'.-' A" . 41.' . No. 4. " Uttirfom. . "la nj - - KUir-i. . . . ' Sr. nil KntLli ultra, ;j aU. a 17 , n.vi" Taiim,Ti1inTr. - - - rt4i.p, t jj. - FASCT OENAHESJAL IlOUsl: JkN'D SIGN rAlNTKIt. STILL HERE. J Still t ' " ll ll " I " " (U w W A V IV l 4- XfUAVUAV 'W be gjSl toTeVSyou?bugg1S,wa. thanlhas been added in fertiU farm in a ons", &c. .1 am'also prepared to re- izers bought ? l. , ; , le wa price-: If we can .tunnlate de- 13 a,,,. , .sf-cOou p,? I will guarantee satisfaction. ' ' VVi -U. UONWAY. Tnnnav ' What the farmer of the South ri-ij.-....... for sale. - A good Turpentine Place in C Laut reus- eountjvXkorgiaiVn: ' V 's -Address- ,v . -.V:.-. ' .. - " " mand for it, at the same time cur tailing the supply while we ar In creasing our food crops, we will soon be in the position to, dictate the price. The power to do thU will come through no combination or "corner' but simply from ap plying to our every day life the common sense principlca whku should, guide every man. oA(v tt,f r,A ; voco rAr.i,i his business' in . as thormieh a I . , - . "e,-ruafc lUttt suocnocrsana ' 'uV 'a' manner as bo miaht has Anv.rioht zS. CorrcapoTidenta of Uorce and Farm i -rJ .u l -u,. 1 in ornwifilp rrhpii hn co a mft hv tinw. A j ; I . -. .... u ii; iw biuu, Buu ujaiu - o- - v- e... .... w C4t V"UUIUU" QUCsUon. without nrrlndw or n.. 9 . - I mpn Who havA Till llPfl iinf . nt f hit mid onnManii in nrTKntM U I ' r j Don't you know . that the- field ruf - " : " 1 ; xvnnld bft bPttPr "rpsted" aftflr vW. - ; "ow uc" "-y uave. you ill rocki pair and put your harness in good p;; Don't you know that that "field ch out of it as he could, hav conditiori.f i.Giye'me your ' work andj : nu'mi'- U mada on tha same arnnnnt'of ran. vim 1 ii.. i rni nil' i v - n. i 111 v ui)' 1 - - - ' - w w , to grow up in : weedsis ripening ital invested in another legitimate needo do, is first, to get a betUr LV .:i.uI-L hn;np9Rr . x . ' price for his cotton; and, second, to . , , - - K-tw. m i, it. l - I make his cotton at a leH cost.. luVTJ3?u.fw-"Vv:: v.: " JTT "V"" : . WebeUevethat a .radical reduo V;-Don tjou know, that if you had ows inav neis oi .carrying ou tion of tari3 wonUI. onab1e him to as morougn JODNSTON'S .. "KDLANDINK lias been la racccvv'ul tiio imco? In Lvm thU l .; . .. NOTICE. . Fy v!xtu6 of,, power conferred -ujon we by certain mortgage exeeutea -by BoolrSO, page 5226. I sell fti ijrg yon ihi crop; cleaner of weeds veed 1,1 land and stoc7 will . n. nnl. I.. iifiii..i. n t ilA f'.,.i.rl - "V J ... ,. I ' Huuscdoor in ioiushunrl m Moiid:T aud u ter k' 0TA croP7 : a l)tiu I ! i- pon't t yrtii know 1 hat on tnis ihe 5th i:iy of October-: 1891, 9 ATTORNEY AT-LAW - r x.orfisauad; Ni c,1 Office on Sash !St. . S. SPliUILL, ' :;v'' A TTORXET-A T LAW, : ineiowq oi 4.ouisour.'. ou coruert. vs-i U..ip von "Crttrld ' now " sow 1:ar.istnrin&:aj1d Frankllii streets, con- ? r . - d n owsow iainuTsi and 400 acres." Th:3 "tot fe4-crimson clwer-r seed .; that wouh withm 150 yf.nls oTihe Court, House, ive you good- winter ; pasturage aid is yery desirable for: pf rsous Cwhc . - . J A v , - i i wish tol.ve-ueir the busiiuH iarff and a crop to turn' under m the tow n.. ... it is -: a-i verygood : . levant renrins' that would jnake" inofe cot- t i. H ; . - . a . ... v w m w r -'r-4 ii iJT couthI. V here Rhall it -come trora? supplies. . After ail, cotton ir sold, Qt ehaU it . . not for gold or silver, but . for sup- faoJ u o - plies. The more supplies a man . . ... ., ... . . - m ingofcotton. The cost of the crop can get for hia cotton the better off ,-i,im . J T i i ... depends upon the co?t of the food, he is. if any one does any thinir to t ., , . L:. , , .v. T, , . Ifc becomes thKfore a matter of ma-ucrc wiui uui gevLintueiargettt Do you know m any , bu s i ness i n wliicbryou could invest this '. same amount that would give you more than you now. get but of the farm? ZZ i prime necessity that the supple of ' ta W - ' amount he has done the farmer an un.uLn.,, , - Don't you kuor that by improv- irreparaUe' injury. Yet that is .J onU be ob- BLOOD rvniFJER, " . TO SIC ASD . xrr.? REGULATOR- it is GUARAxrnEo a rritr. -racT - ..' til; CO MIX-WD of I Ii"eJ k Ue ot C4.m.l nay.' .. ' . . ucr. - . iOri E, CXAY 6 Tm bkhweid. Va nig in. farming you could get-a hvhat the tarul U doin- for everr . : . . . L. Mr.h IC:a, 16J. : v t u ,i I " J 1 house wiih 2 rooms below and , - ; ; li W. TiMBE?tiAkE," 'ept. 4. 1891. . : Mortjgee iSoumind: great deal more than you now get farmer in the South to-day,'wheth- mat in. r.nmnjpriin1 fprtilixprs? Did you ever hear'of a crop of Alasseyju Uome and larm. peavine, hay or clover getting a man in debt to a commission" mer Don't you know that somebody, 8omt where, is making money rais out of your investment? Think of .-these things. W. .F. er he knows it or not.: can' be so obtaim-d only br I ilr. Jrvs. W. Johu;ii: raising a much greater proportion Ir wr, I Mto o.-" jotr Xolm . About Newspaper Credit System. louisburu, N.' c.i - ; . Will fiti.fin.-V" tlip r'furt.- nf "FrnnlrTin "rance. Granville, Wai;ren,' Xagh."aud - re-'ierai and bujireme cjurts; " riouipl j . attention giveu to-collect wits, v ATrr. cmd CouNSEixbsta:! LOUlSBUaa,FEANKIitN 00.' C. .- . , - -' " - ;'.- ' Will attend the ' courts of 2?asK Frank . ai. Granville. Warren audVake coun tie; also the !upr4'me conrt of yorth Carolina, . and:' tlic 17 Circuit awlDs-tr..-t courts." "r"V "&C?vpJ:-. Y. GU LI.EY, A TTORNEY-A Tr. LAW'; All legal business' promptly attem TO P UBLICASdllQPLTEA CJIER S. The Superintendent of Pnblio- schoolfe of Franklin county wUl be tittIoms- burg on the secoud TVurs!ay i oTrKeTfu arv. April. July, ' Septra per, . October and December, and reinaiu for 1 three - da j-s il" uecftisary, for tiic purpose oT'examiii-; ing applicanfe' to. teach in the Public Schools of tbja couutyi: I; will'' alsobe in Iiouisbttr'ou Saturdiiyof ach-eck,; and ail public; days, f to attend : to ian j business connected with" my office.'; ..-r 3.H. Harris, Supt. : -. : - raae. aul ookI cIfrtTul!v re cummI But it will tak Rnm vpr1 of i u n aiuai.i inctiKa e IoT ari-I iUutuwui tate some year oi bwn nceuatomct to raise, crtt mir i:isei. nd u i.,.!P., . .. , constant agitation and nnib?d cf- Wiiom nnlv tbnt.Vu.i1r,ntv.! and i4ciJid tonL-. rethm r,i,r'.i. AT - Southern farmer. In the meantime It. is a fact that many rich men what b King to do? raaka a merchant wait for his iay In this connection we call the at much longer than that merchant tention of our readera .to an article iug th pork'you send your cotton j would trust a poor man -Durham, by Mr. Mauser. -Mr.: Ma'sey.nd rnoriey tOjCljiago for? fort to re-arrange the tariff upon a f rnhied by our own efforts Home Uic r cwicq-icm u.n tenvCm wmk. ; basis to secure a fair field to; the auA rurtn ' . , c and ImuUruics I tJcr H iui o v t t v- s... : rL : - - out an equal. . LET TIXK PUBLIC MOW. C-RODGERSON'S BAR) Don't you kiiow that somebody, somewhere, is .making money . on the oleomargarine you buy and eat for butter, out of this same cotton crop?, ; .u- ..-"IC: - j: Don't you know; that pea vine, h ay or ensil age in winte r w ou 1 d I f jyou want a pleasant I M enable y u to make real butter, for- ?an(?ed I" !" ayetn yourself and to sell? - &yn m W dueJthat asant drink i - ;r . . c; iJ ii.. i have been paid in advauce. . That ;... the "good old' al way s eaifat ; snmpwhprp: makfis mnnev raisinff ; . .. the wheat; for the flour you pay for i ? ycr.:. ,f vu ou.o.iyonr co ion crop r ; between friends it should be stated, Sun, ; - , - . v . dresses himself especially to his I discussed in all its pCvrible tiear We were, once sitting in an edi- friends in'North Carolina, but they l ings, nnd setthlt. It Kiionest to a veryncn man i ure uaeuiiooa mai wery larraer m omv'ij"' iw u;ouit ueirauk in writing about it, and wisdom to V " l! . - A " answer. ' '--? ; - . - l ue ronseirauTe ui eeiiun it. If we are - to continue to raise I To trim around an issue, to en- eight-million-bale crops, there w is I deavor to avoid it, and to cnt:cw nothing" for us id do except to raise another for not following in such it at less cost. - " - - - - , devious wuysia mental cowardice. Tn liim Waf V WA - 1 Believing the former to be the cor- V vv a wo W VI VUC VIUIJ I t , t t . i mnst raise more home surr.W Wo ruie e nave no uwiuica io A . I - iti . . A . , must give moreattention to whatriniorni xaa -V? xaaxne suo-i mi-ht be called the kv-nrodncta of ircaury iiu, irom pre3cnc appear- the. farm, for these, by-products cf. anew, nngm prrcimy do aiwiue www v v. uiuuug7 -Itcpecl'uriy, Mr I- M. IirTT -" JOlI'STONVi NOIMJJNI A hen an issue u hkejy to an 1 try a bottle. : 0-5 Do for l.fv. feJ-Kur !e by T. xw A.Ajcitkr. torial office. came in. He owed. $36 on the pa per for years of. subscription. The editor-was very bardupas said rich mau knew. He took in the situation"-' and . magnanimously L, - ' - 1 an -nnnr ha, !-... a Ft a .a' onlil I ,4. 1. . I UHUW Clllll AATlUWrUlW 1U1 IT. Don't youkno that, right here Un .ujL, 4 Wehove not heMtated to write tbut it was tho purpose of some in North Carolina, wheat on a pea- - if ia i f- 4-k k ot; rsf r' if f;irmir wnnb. rivo o..0n. xpi purpose oi some (MoyMy 1,ewgpat)r8 (0 fce Son to.ErahCre It b. paiible J the Ata" to Ur.tb. . 5fw ' mm Irntf Utile frtfimnhvt,ii iwidie . work Iui nr, br Anna. Vtgr, uJi-'i tsxm. nn Jua. Uoon, lomao, imik .- S rat. (MbrraaracIiuKASweii. mtif . tioufli. Y ra. do ill wbrk and lit tt bm, whrrcrrr jrnn r. vev be ;; Hnueri are tnMx"rmuft ftota titt; SIOailaT. AH atrna. WcuhoW Ton ban . ; ' and Mart toU. On trrk in oparrthnl ' or all tb Uine.- His aionT fur ork . era. Failure rnifcnawn amnnK thnj" KRfir .mlini1rfiil. rriblllfirii fM S., ''li&llett fe C.,Uv Hti4X-ortlanrf.MU- era fce mw4 aaoarSISWjIiM 6fwor. Tipidlr nf ifiHosbly. by tboae of hh.T w. rniuia out, aud in rl b ; . .wo lurali t(,w iirrr ibey liv. A Wr femith ererythiufr. Wo trt ii.,Su rik. Yoo ran dwote jur iur nHiMitia) or all vour time to ibe work. - TWe it ac entirely ikw lmj,aml liriai wendcrful aucceaa to rrerr worker Bopnmw ar eaniiuc fru.n jiii to (W perweek and nrmardv aaa mote aft a Httle riVrncr. We eao fonrish yon the em lloyntcm and teach y. r'hKK. K apace to explain here. Fnl" l'fnutim VHHH. ,'KtlVK A H., AlitilSTA. MitlNB. Tt. fT 'TtonftKRSON'S. . : . - - uusDt'iB per. acre, ior loe pasi uireo . , -, . . -. -'--'fVN.'.. -V Ic" x abandoned an i years in succession, on the xeame - , ... lr& tem:,substitu 4ersf,v i t( n --a : A 'A V . i rf ..r u r 2 "4 N " I uiiA W i why ? V v- - . - VI s y. . w j -7i v - fc a i - - V T v OH-TUE CORNER, d aoebMtoe.y ; t5i mtic nlat W of 7hT. ?01V.l F' ted Lonsr credits I u v."ies.Q mings 1 , . I - v - Ja ; V- w - .r.AnM r: i i i oiaie.anu. m xiie iwme connection bankrupt apy.newspaper. We . , a - f , .t, we have expressed the opinion that . I A 1. . . . a Don't Vou know- that yon can r have lees lajid devoted to v c- r . f wr.ru ? iriinWoClvestiwrnesLinaorsi raise, all jhssethingayou are buy- ir-r,-...,,-::.,.. V:-l lt andobac vmvA in Pot this is not all. II the farmers . . .t i rr-.i t tti a - .i nil r r 11 i i .... i .. . - . . . . m mmmmmmmm ia n r nn three? n,s fc, b tho; PemocraU tcrze m a. -x a mail v uu uau a 'iiar-j ti la liiiuc i . - . . . . . - - i - - w XReuiember 1 yviiX kotjbe : v .,f ;vl Ur:iv;r;,ii nebtat who.read.his paper and cotton, they could give better atteri inn'. Jinn n I . " . .. r ...... . .,1 - . '.r J . ;-,-Mt '.. ; !: :'.VU V YUU Alivn luak ( f-tv--H:- t,?7? f IKvI gent .sy stem: pfcult ivat i UKMrDl'Ty'' different "mode of -"usihs :0:& R. S CKE1STSAN inclndeeither some 1,400-subscri- J couldl raisd a better grade, prepare hers he had previously cut off and J too cotton better for market, and who never paid V : - J r ? A B itclassified higher than now I We suppose the late Mr. Bohitz large proportion of these eight- Do jron suppose ; that : jf your had furnished nioro .tlian. $20,000 mi"n-bale crops is snndy cotton. for ...y. , - . , iow commercial vniue, ana yet ix costs about as much to raise this mode of ; using commer dial fert i 1 izera": would make 'your farm.ri cb T :. ' - 4' JftJiKS;:p : farm was, rich you would be, any . worth of paper to subacri hers, 'for -V-r--i'-''.'; poorer?;" i,- . .- - . 4; 7 which, he was never paidVpenn. 'nWSalQl4rttC - r V8 W,Dg cheap . cotton- as it .docs to jtiW j -:rv' 7: ' 7 : -J; 77 1 , i.'v'J V.J"U ""7 I uci, ti JJV it ioo;vui.ra- i gay, out any tninir inai IS COOU'Wlll pre8eht.system of cultivation, far- j tern is entirely abandoned a new I cost a little' more thought, energy ff ra ST1 f?a 5 1 A TEA K t I tradmakatoKrtrflt i I I teach any (airly hitrlllamt lumm ofeitbet -; an, bo tan nad aud write, and whe' after lintmt tion. will wort iiiduMrfoasiy, ter inth-T Bow.e earn larre tchmm Holiara a tti. .1. " wnmm,.T.iimTHifr live. j win ataomnitaa K i! """.or"lloymentu vrl.U b run can rn that amount. I ..,.7j'Yj ."" l"a snereaeltil a abare, Kavily end quickie -. S ' 5l'ire ,mt "ne wrt"' :rum encb diatriet or county. 1 V tZi!- 7 ,"tl,t P"vli)ed with etiipb.vnM-nt'a tarre-i ni 5ir i' II" "'"ki "r WOM a yeare. It a KW lT Leulan. Fit EE. Adiin-.. at onca, AL1-tSi( iiox 4ao, Augusta. 21 Mine. ffi0fl0.no year Is bolntfainde by John . . jv.i,iioi Mua. veauer. Goodu-iti.'l roy you niay a-jt uuike aa am u. but we ram teach TiMLQuifklr bew -to rum -from ff& to 10 a tiny at the alert, and more aa yqo po ; on.-. V'dh erxe, all arra.-. In any iiart ot big all yuur-tinirir aimre nietitolrto X 7',S !1 A YAl mi. wwik. ail i. nuiL f-vy obn. nr reTr nrker. We atart you. furnUhins - ererythlnK- KA81I.Y, H-KKl)iLY learuett. lAiuitxAiio rnr.E.: jtnureea atoni-a. tillAbOA M tO., ICikTLAM), ItAlAtV. ;.7.-f. 7,vV7-:?-t7';7-77-:V 7.,77 h-v-V1 rfy...uvi:.:-. 7 t-..-;--.a mers; don't get ncn in Aisiug inese j era oi prospento will dawn upon ana application. ; ,. ; SliliOHlONl) mixturestpl! V?;? fV t4vi the craft in North. Carolina. It will ' Our conclusion, therefore, isr -, ,77- : , :''."-7 "y -"j lry.pn-knqwv mesa;, tningswny never come without this cliange, r irst:-inut the whole organized & pow of the fanners should be direct-- Prompt attention to orders and fflt which bring wealth loot tie f peH isfactcn GUAKASTIJ.r;r- ; v, ple d p0Verty to you? TUItN Elt'S Ton BrLiousNEss,- Bllipns PILLS Vegetable, ' 7 Sugar Coated. Is it anyVraatter bfj-ejoicing to vfifA voti that cattle and hois are - ad: Safe. Pleasant. Effective, yanciug in; price and wheat 71s on ThetLimPineverenid.. boonl while cotton ' is low, and 50 in each box; one o dose. . . " . " - , - ' .. 25cpr bor; 5 boxfis fi. you have all the rest to buy? ' Foiseale only byf 7 . J . 7, - , - - - - - " - " ' - -" 1 .Ki.va,PLJFTOK4 Co.; J ; Did you ever, know - any one to "Adversity, like winter weather, is of use to kill those vermin which the eummer of prosperity is apt to produce . and Vhourish." Arrow- emitbV"1'-' ' -77' " "i:-.'! - ... Children Cry joiprtchoCastofia, ' ed toward a tvduction of the tariff. Second: That the individual, ef forts of the farmer should be direct- ' ed toward raising at home a great er proportion of his snpplies. " - Third : That cotton culture shoud be bo carried on that the grade of cotton may be steadily ad vanctJ. In other word, th faraora m-ed nncemen who would hot be a party to any attempt to force upon .their friendsi. measure-so unanimously opposed hy them. "We have been led to the expression of this opin ion, because the eub-Treasury bill U in noliensa a subject for State legis lation, but is one for the Federul government to take cognitance. Another reason has influenced us: There are -too many .Ailiancennen who roustknow that thesnb-Treivs-ury bill is not tlie panacea for their ills, and that there are . other reme dies mon efSenekHis, and about which there is virtual unity of agree ment. " '" " " Again : .The intcrert of North Car olina is to be first considered, and all her patriotic yns will ve thatit ia not eopardirei by a measure whiebj if ithas any good, must' be the result of Federal and not tate legislation. -Whatever measure tially and permanen intereait of our peop first conni deration lator, but measures eibly tTeate dinoord t hould l optu ly and fMnkly met, nnd Krtthti le- for. it U t'jo'lxte. Xc:m Ob )cr r. . v7 ' .-'. Y V. I?5. . r ' - .- . - . - will nUiUn. U'l " Wf CV.fJ tlyadranthe '?iJ; le merits UieHv K y V 5 : -" - ''r - j of the le?i. IZr-W : '. "i- that may in.-. f'il'iW'1 ' - - - 1 -1 i - l aalvor.lt br Tb-m A AtrKlr. Lot - s . . ';t..,"." ..i