w" .'-1 o-:,. :. . . . - .. ... VOL.XX :.-r , LOUISBU RG; N . C. , ' OCTOBER 2 , 1 8 Q 1 1 N0 36 Highest of aU ma J LONG TIME BETW15EN DKlNRS, Suae IVeM. I. - i CriANGEOP Tho.Incldent8 thit ,ed ,Col..j?olk was right io telling the ... i " L-j . mnncHnilnir. f : I rumnln n( ITnaA. tl..t . " Every man in the United States I'aWe exonfederate was willing to Governor of North Carolina said IMPURE mm 11 IS NEEDED.." The" Pacing Interest Cannot In. -Supposed to knoW what I the. V? , ' Tho rose is red and the -violet's blur, and so is the man whosereiit is (hi . Peck's Sun..' : ' '. ' . . ' - v vprovc.until old: Methods' are . En - Whatever may be the cause, it is anVuhdisputeji, fact; that;: the farming-interests of thecountry;are : in a languishing conaiiiou.'jrros to the Governor-of South Carol U f i i --Li j PPto all arrearages, and op- na. Mint Tjossiblv fiome-'do . not ,-i . r i iaimjf. w uuv posed to paying a solitary cent to a know wh.en and binder what ci r- Ufa unleg3 be b and cumstances -tne ; tamous remark needy.. That is the position of -the was made. -Nearly a century ago South and of thousands of men in - Debt is an inexhaustible foun tai ii of d isaoneaty ArHenry Ward 1 Beecher. - '-'''i-' '.' 'y '. ' i-. I 1 ' " 1 . m - perity: dow notseem toghten tt".7uu ; ' rvn.-iueign nroixicie-.: : ihariri ifaH&illerrofthe Soi V Dool. rolk, head of the Nation- Qa;n across the borderland settled: m al Alliance; and :Pre8ident Marion ; r.. : . .;-v; .-:OTiCE;;v. .- 'As per dt crce t f the Superior ('ourt of Fr..uklin t puuty in t' e f Kitkl pro ceedings entltl-'d C, M.. Copk,F. . Terre:!,' Exrx.'et al.i ex parte it being it ieli don. to - ell iaiid for divUion, -.. the .v.:"7- ;.-jiV.'--:V-..;-:"-- I South .Carolina.r -.lie - had been fj Butler, head of the State Alliance, there only a short 'time when hell,eono10 "e samo organuatvon7 LIPPMAN BROS.. PraprtMors, ; SraggUts, tlp(Mn't Block. SAWHAH, 6JL Fr salrt by Thomas 4; Aycock,: Louistrarg. Professional ? eards v niuwus pouuujunp.uuc committed somo email cilmo or and local, the causes are easily as. mi8demCanor.fot which he was signed ' and flippantly "described, indicted. To escape airest he-Ve-viz U,ad laws,, wrong men in office, turned to hi9 old homa in North - , . . 1 1 - -i - ur n I midrum. cotnmissiouer ,' wilL - on corrupupn, ranroaa , greea, vv an caroi;n Tll Ant: timA: vft ru- Motayi October : 5t J 891, ftfer for street influence tupon .National fi- Lrt e ov. 'n.i: j " Biao .i. iv;,n,LAiv : i v..: - - .-i- -. K . . .. . . ernor of boutn Carolina issued bis thel&SkelL nances, o: i5ut with thoughtful Wei' situ ted in ea'ul town on Nash men actually en gaged in the pur streeU and now: occupud Jy Hayes, & suit "of agriculture this problem is HiueH. Terms -f sale : One-fourth . . . T cash, balance with 8 ir cent, intend BU;e8 01 muou.. iu me i'n twelve mouths. ,7 ThTs . is yaluable S.outh it is a well known fact that property andweu located - Xi the lands are voxn and washed, Au:3yiB9i: : :: Commisioner; ' particularly in the cotton and to- nptr x itmit. - bacco districts, and consequently Fro m. their published utterances on the possible Third party one would not think so. It is a harsh thing to say, but it does seem Jia't Col. ToIVb to"Ugue has run away with - him, while rresideut Butler still has his under subjection and has br far the n . -. - ... " , requisiuon on tne governor. 01 dearer view of iths siimincaace North Carolina for the fugitive I of current political rentsAshe- 7 M. PERSON, v .1 TTORNEY-AT-LA TF, ; LOUISBURG, N. C. Pi-actices in all Cour s. . " Office iu the Court House, f 11. J. E M ALONE. Office 2 doors beloW 'Furman's drug store, adjo'ninsj Pr. O. L. Ellis. - ' FJ1II0S. B. WILDER - ATTOENEY-AT LAW, LOUISBURO, N. C. . Office on Main street, one door below linde H tel. U. w. 11. Nicholson; PR ACTICIXO PlirSIOI AX, LiOUlSBTJRQ, N. C Office opposite E;igle - Hotel. T am "st.ni n,t. mv shork wlio T "Brill be glad to repair your buggies, wag- rising full crops are very greatly ons, c 1 am also prepared to re--f increased. Improved methods are Par uiu Fuuur naruiu guou j off. ettili . th disadvantages criminal. - The fugitive had rich and influ ential friends, in hjs native State, and they interceded with' the Gov ernor until he refused to' grant the requisition . A long official corre spondence fallowed. Prominent men in . South Cfcroliha told the Governor . that he had not been treated with proper official courte- ville Citizen Man's moral and spiritual needs are the same in every age, and 'the Gospel Is the divinely, appointed means to meet this demand. Pass ing events may be used to enforce the great lessons of the Gospel bv way of illustration, but whils souls are perishing and human hearts are weary we must give them the light . IIOFEFTifa VIEW. ITlALEIGra, i.Cr)V T l XL " The State Chronirle discusaea men I T lake tfirt Slir. Dc.' 7. L800 as little as possible, and seeks to put - mot. ijp.t- principle aoove personanties. Or- tit. dinarily tliis aecomplishes better wS results and permits an unprejudiced ' ftMt. . . . ... - . . i Mitwa consiaerauoa ox tne question under I HiVroi. uiscunsion. u tou want io win a I . 1 " WW. . oodj ol men you cant do it by abuse and ridicule.; Ws believe in the Far mers' ADiance, and we know that it has accomplished good in tuany ways. But at the name time every person who has observed the ear rent of events has failed to note that narrow men hive attempted to use it as a machine to punish their enemies. But we hare faith that the farmers cJ Xnrth rnrrvlin I L l-cmi.Nrr. v n iocr CMJ'J uuuni, CUIU UUtli JMVJ I will not endorse any scheme of pro-1 - nrrintinn nf mn T, !a was V,.- I nTAt .... U rrMirttqa, m tne meeting ol the btat Alliance. I Ar Loaibrir, A resolution was introduced that Allianccmen refuse .. to .take any newspaper except Alliance papers. We do hot knoif who the - author, of that resolution was. But we do know that it was defeated, and that "the narrow 'spirit' of proscription was rebuked.- We do not take our viaws of the Alliance from extreme FOR SALE. reus Address JF. WOODARD & OoU v " EafitmanvGa. W. TIMliERLAKE, : J TTORNEY ATTLAW, IiOUlSRURO, N. C. ' Olfice on Xa-h St. F. S. SP11U1LL, - ' A TTORNEY-A T LAW 1.0UISBURO, n. c. the west ; where the lands are A good itTurpeniine Place -in Lao- , , - . , . . I us i-ouuty, (ieorgia. r . . cheaply pre-empted m a great ! measure: from the. government, in quarter; sections by actual settlers, at $1,251 per acre, even, there the death' rate,;.60 to spealbyfarm mortgaging,, is : even higher than at the South., . - " c - me world is progressing, im provements are constantly being rnjide in all departments of busi ness, i In . manufacturing, which, in . its J various branches;" is the greavpey methods and iew roachiiiery arc constantly taking the place "of the old. A manufacturer of cotton Is. for instance, wlao would at gathered and held vast congrega tions, and kept the ear of the read M Ut. TUI. , TA MUL ' Ux3at Sbopa . UM , sot 124 " 1 . 0T 14$ . TAnr oriB n,rn, ' Kituil. t 8 'J an Wk. -v SIT " H !Ui LOlSRrr. 5 RllLBi4D - TB-ltV M9fU at 5io a4 , TUin MlTl'rfa frs.-. . MAIL (iriCM. 'VllMpai softpai 105- S40 - FinCrOESAHBITiL ' IlOUaE A'D SlGNPAIiTTEIt." rX)tt 2S YZAlKf - T Jii hut TOThanR -not to an ndpnnatA r I wu"v' " "uiuw bwho in uio - - . I- - i " lav hir tho I .rrparnnr nf Nnrth f To Tn I fSva-rval rV: TV T J. r u i - i . a a. ; . r ii n i i r t i w . v.. iw....v w .u w wwdltca w . tiui us l. tr. . unuuiuH. in t. .D, vAJixwAi, t exieui. xut in me new oiates oi i " . . .. i.. ; :: ' una. . ,1 ne . result was in at me nis "History, oi preacning," says South Carolina Governor, accom- that the great distinction of Spur pani?d by a large party of friends J EQ "ia the fact that he has so long and affidavits, journeyed by stage to -Raleigh j the capital of North Carolina, for a conference "with the Governor about the matter of giving up the criminal. The Governor of North Carolina, naL with a large party of distinguished friends, met the Governor of South Carolina several miles from t'wii Hon. Roger Q.. Mills, who is a and escorted them to the Govern "hicere advocate of free coinage and orVniaheion with all tho cereme-1 tariB reform, in a strong speech at CaUomiosnz. triaiof..iarlor pdat ms a pecialty... bU&ctiou fwo- men in it or out of it. bnt from fta Z l &omt?, Af aK a a m - a m rvwru lu uio pcutb. iuv K tew peo pis believed It would defeat Senator Vance.' We never thought so al though some ABiancemen wanted JQ HNSTOiS..1 to deieot htm. rot a few people believe the AUiano Xeislature would proscribe lawyers. Ws never thought so. Lawyers were elected Speaker and principal Clerk la w- ipi trw"i nl f hwll i f w nl hiffluliamiM I II im uroi hi Ln.v3".ui B9 amoaz lis N0LAND1NE .-1 :9 r- . NOTICE. : T5y virtue of. pr-wef conferred upon me by a-certain iporigage executed by R. Uodsou and w i'e. and record d .-n Book 80 J page 521-526, I w ill sell, fi.r cash "at public auCJiun at theCourt House door: m Louis burr pv Monday the 6'h day of October 1891, a lot. in the town of Louisbi.rr. oU eornev of Ce tiar, prlnji at d frankl n st reels; con- HTums T nnrLl-jOO nvres. Tbi! lot is :AVillioM53 VRTila of :Wftmrt-ll afid is very dcsirai'le tor -pt-reons w ho wish to l ve ne i.r- ti-c business i a"t of I loivn. On it is a A-e: v "'0t e aui bouse viilf: 2 rooma 1l)el'w and one -E. WTiMBEUIjA k e, Sept. 4. 1891. - r-: ... Moit-rjisree. ; 'You WiU Find ing world without ever forsaking J"1 by uns that the home people a. the Gospel in search of variety, or WOJ?id U be"i Md weakenimr his doctrine .nil tb ProscriptlTe. e never thought so; weakening his doctrine to suit. the tastes of the, ags." Newbern Jour- SUrer and the Tariff. . and the result was that it enacted the most liberal and progressive legislation that we have had in North Carolina In a decade. It in creased the public school fund; en larged tho- North Carolina Insane ny due such distinguished visi- ll'-i it was stated the entire party sat down to an claborate'dinner.' Af ter dinner wine was served andaf- Sidney, Ohio, said .that free coin- Will attend the courts - of Franklin Vaiiee. Granille, Warren, -Nash, and Federal and Supreme courts. ; Prompt atteiitiou given to collectioti &c. : O M. COOKE, ATTY. and COUNSELLOR at LAW ..: v.- 1 - ," LOUISBTTRG, FRArJfKIilN CO., N. C. . Will attend the courts of Nash, Frank .,ii, Granville. .Warren and Wake coun ties; also the Supreme court of North Carolina, and jtbc U.S. Circuit and Ds-tri.-.t courts. , . v ' : " .: AT blood rrmnKR, ' TOXIC A SD -'- LIVEIi REGULATOR. it u oDABArTT.En jTrcaB rcorTA- eity and the Deal, Dumb and Blind uer. . Institution: nAAf tt th fflrim - isn w rt a J i-t. I age would only add 112,000,000 a of the A. and M. College; establtibed larch 10th. lttt' to the $60,000,000 treasurV noVea nMWrt?2 ScT put out annually under the existing gurated a geological survey, and in it as a valaable mak;oe lot HaUhal ' law. Mnce-lttTH we have corned ntu. nvm . infln.ni f mtlnn jrcirours prpeitte. , . I aod a tpIetxlKl toclc For Hie rtif v uoseraentupun leioals weak- Irrraixniks I consoler U wUh Itespeetfany. Mrs Lii.rmL. mirvcTOVN vnt ivmw tne great cj tne ADiance. nor do we taks our I . nrv- - 0ft tv r,. i He demanded the evU, Mr.Mills holds, is not the small ol what it win dointhe future ftj-For ale by Tiomfts AytoUe. circulation. Excessive taxation, ha -rrituVil nH imnraetirA. I kiDg, U-i oaAla. Lou a burr. V. c . w- 1 I irooc ' ' uaF I ill iiru Till r i MH H I li Ml' u k i ir I n I r nnn nni . , -1 i .... .... I v " j '" i"j"v" 1 1 JiJ.uuu.innj m uuiu ana miver. i temDt to oterate His lactory wnu . , A. . , v- ... .'. ' ...... " . " - i.mi.u.wlrH uteiaoua ;.;;i,aftntvJwm5nMOV,u 3 r o our additional i-auoo.uoo the progress and development of I do. and iuovuuicjj v,. . .... mous After many round8 of of 8ilyer Bnder -coinage make the - out an equal, five years ago, would be a laughing ArinVa Jpnj,n1pra ftnd Plasaea a nreat difference, when an arpraire :I v:- - IU IUIUU buta mviui 1 , . ..... i ' , I . D" I . ' AtvyiuK stock tor his ueignoors, ana wouiu - . ramA anA thtt r.nvnrnnr nf vearlv increase of Over 17 2 000.000 a 1 ruK i , . ' 1 lliw iu us v v.vs,fcaiavwww.wjW w - f - - I (JVi Uvt lurr 14 V ii V ss a'4s va ivvwui oi courbo tuuii euanucu. crtv. ramimt ctatA iVia nrrior.t nas not sausneo us: b. - ,iKvjtaavaavaw w w w j - - successtui men m an lineBoi dus-iqj g vjt mess are the live men- who keep onrren v . t1A fnff:t:Vfl rrimi right abreast with all the new dis- , Tho Governor of North Car- bliSbtinS taxation by the Federal RUe men wno wotlid glad to tT0r;pa"nd imrrnvMTints.wheth- .. , " t government 1S the Cause Ol thO peo- L,n1 r.rmiTi.tinn mmmlt. N. Alii y. qulTjKY, , A TTOllXEY-AT-L'A Wl ;, . FRaN KIjINTOJJ, n. c - legal bosiuess promptly : attended to. TO P UBLIC SCIIOOL TEACHEJ&S. The SupeHntendentofP'hbUc;;8chooIs of Franklin county, will . be V in ; Ixui8 burs on the second Thursday of Febru: arv. ApriL July. Seutemner, - October and December, and remain fbjr threei days if necessary, fbr.,the purpose of examin iag ftnpUiiants t6 teach" in Cthe J ; Public Schools of this county: . I will also be in Louisburg ou Saturday of. each ' week, and all pubhc days, k to attend t6 any business connected I with ray oC5ce"i " -:' ' J;N. HarrisV Supt. ; t - t J rnx 11 1 oi na n.iuHtu. lieu lunun t i pt fiv wnv nf cnrtailififf exnenses , J P1 8 namsnip. p-ox, otaxe or coun - - " . - . n Mng ana. neaiea uiscussiou, iu tJ taxation, but "that other taxa-nr or increasing Trofit8 and produc- . . , tt u lfcr ... .. W . , - , . i j o uuu uiab wiucq utci iuv n iui ii&c lveness. Are . larmers Keeping pace with the progress in other de partments of business andv indus try? -Are they alive to the impor tance of preserving the productive- lead the' organization to commits ting eukide -1, e. g ing Into a third If you want a pleasant .driak the 'Vood old always call at B. II. RODGTiRfiON'S ., ON THE CORNER, SmiK Hfile forfonenhTewmilS ? work, for ii.. hv Ann !'. Austin, z VTram, anil Jno. Bon, Toledo, Ohfcv AHMnt. Oilier, .r. itotair JU Well. WDV fei"" ott Some ran oT 00. 00 i limotilb.. Too no clolh. woriE mod - Jdt botiMwlteruvcTyoa sra. Kowi;, r rlnnerji are easIlT eareina' from 9t U , . fOaday.'AlleFm. W., bow you bow - nd start yon. Can .work is apaivriiM . or all th JiMe. Bij mon'T for work r. art. Fallnra-nnknown Him; them ; - HftW and wowdarftiTrrBriiinlara fiear' .llalleU b C.,Uox S Iortlan.M U .. Issav I FwVaeT N fen be rained at onrlrtTW Hoc of wonr" i ranidly and ionab)T. by. tboaa of f either n, waaiaT ar old. and m-tl eft1 - wm loralitliw bCfvrar taey nr.. Any ..mwi dii iho wirk.r V..ar anl.,nk. W furui.h ererritiuia:. W Man' you. Ko rtak.TfoB ran derote juur .pi.ro moment!, or all Your time to tbe work - ni n ar. cutirely new Iradintl Miifc. wooderftil aucceacloarrtT worker , uinimm are eaniuig (ro.a SZa per went ana upw.ro. uu mure aitrra ikiio efnenenoo.- rem lumian von ia em ploymcnt and track yftn rltKK. R space to explain here. Ful? nfonuatioo mit .TRUK tf. AtOCBTA. Jlal&K. a full line of best Wines; Liqu Cigars and Tobacco. . . ? tJNDEaotii."a J. D &R- S-CHRISTIAN There arts Lad men In the Alliance the two States took an active part. a thief in thehight,' decreasing the men Lo will sell out. Soihert sre to Finally, the Governor of South price of what you have to sell and tn the Democrttk party. Vf daioiure Carolina grewngry, and rising to increasing the price of what you Democrau who 1 uy eau In the U. S. his feet, he said : "Sir, you have have to buy. The increase of price Set ate and we dinouuee aUo men ho f I of homemade and foreicm manufac-1 use tl-.e Altaiic to farther corpotte uoeirlsndeyprovidiui fended:the dignUy of m, office tur caused b, Mr.1101. JlSl Si against destruction by floods bad &nd - g4ate. Unless you -at estimates at some f 1,400,000,000 we nevrr hi siiste to dn.Dc betrsyerr culture, exhaustive crops, xtc.?-A once-8Urrender the prisoner I will ayear.ThatU the sum tiie tariff robs rf; wido field for. useiulhss is here . i ii consumers' of yearly. No wonder Jhtr" no h "?IK'fl r wiae.neia ior-useiuuiBH to wis?, retarn to my capital .call out the 'yr . J . r why Alhancemcn thuU leaye the spread out before the Alliance and mn;tia of the State and returnine megetrrich and the many get D,nwcranc ry We .believe that prnrnlrations andindividu- -V i1" . 4 " returning underrodl a system of taxa- they will be g-.uij by reason. Weare other organization with my arm?? will take the fugi- coin woud cure thW w.franta.1 ba belieV.u by their r ai .y naviug ine intercBi s oi iu aS- ti ve by force of arms. - Governor, uneqTlal distribution of the product m Mty-feUl- Wirunk le, ricmiiiru oViu3 vwit.j what dQ you say7V .., olindugtry MrJiills thinks it would heart.; Intelligent consideration -An ves were turned to the Gov. be possible to keep the silver dollar is: to be .given and" experiments ernor 0f North Carolina, and his at par with gold under free coinage, made as to the best system lof fer- . g..cr waa awaited with -breath- -but he thinks the increase of money, tiliiingA draining, - pultiyatingJ ie-VlnferesrP The Governor rose which is the object of free cohiage, ; X reaping and marketfngr the rota- glowly to his feet and beckoned to uld not do much under our iqiore tion ot cropselacreage be Bervt who 8tood80me; distance XTlTl . a ' . . t n i rf ... " - i winM nernnnn hit- rrriT nrnuocii and tobaccespe becanle his posl- .rc. more la- pohtidana. So long oa Democratic tion. lie was slow arjoui answer- - on a rock-bottom basis I Buvrcuxa-J and again : the Governor of state Chronicle; . - rrT.aTT South Carolina' demanded: "What ; : - tnar. is, tne saiecy oi society ana tne and mahber -of : setliug the great : ' . " 1 the Sooth. - . integrity of the governmeuU, btAts, staples, are maxiers oi lue -iuguwi importance, ;andx welF. deserving ' , A Toaa;h Ixv to Split. -. , ' :V . 1: ? . So rfoJk Landmark. v . Colonel Polk is not largw enough a wedge for the' work of splitting the solid South, which be Is reported to have undertaken on contract with Northern Republican third party ifjnrtrl.ynjpx ticularly in determining the acre- - Rkknlond Ti as w ell as - NatIon.il the South. : "I say, ixovernoT, tnat u s a long s im polk hlia j. tj fa. which, under Prorldence, has been timebetweendrinks. o-V'-; ' V;r tn-v an anreement 'todisruut the able to rule its people by intelligence i, I i 1 ' ' 1 " e. ... 4- - iney aiienilOB-; pi, ur, wjbcqu ; nun , uij -'.',.-.; -s.. i t o --.-I - , . , ,.vf ;i-? . T.: i.!U . I - ( r,a - a : : 1 3 Jl 1 - I ,. . n a!-CI iv I ,J. I nml annn1 rwslio anil alarava Tw anu -'l r. U ; 'Vs.,.f Via & 11 'Jl Ane reply resioreu guou. u uuiut. oua iwniocrauc oouui, snu, uuuw .. v i?Lx WBfc iuvu.iu -- , - - v .ii Lt. jt I M In Af h Ur. 4Ktm.r -; - v . ft? tnnrft nnnsldpmHnn werol Uecanter8 and glasses werenrougnv tne oisguiseoiainrmy paiij.iuiu , - i Hi - vivhii - IU- DUVU iincanwaw wov wikovi w . .w gi and less to machine as the making and rra n n m m k ' A TE A t-1 undmake to briefl, . 1 taach an; fairly inlcllirvni icrsn of citfaet A (after limtroctlon, will work. induMrlouly, V uvw iu era i.n. .bw...uu iieiisni a , ' r in rhir.. 1 )!:.... i i : , i . - --.vi.iiiTCa,.uinirrMim ii..i.iiiniggiimuaai "ie niuatlon or employruCHlt u hh b yuti can earn that awoun. , ma"rr lit mvcnkeaa auccessfn) ml abmre. tnd quickly- I-1 aire but one worker feom each dinlrict Mcvunty. I - al!? a'.? I? fkin orerWOOO a ye.rearh. h'lKEW."- V, J ru" carticulara FIEEE. AdilrrMatonca l (WftO.OO a year l betna: inuM by Joli R.v GoodwtntTroy,N.Y.it uork tor iia. badea, yon mar not iitukc aa wuca,.btit-:.we can teadi ynuqid'-kly how tOMiru Statu S6 to 10 a liar at the r art, and more aa yea gn an. - itviu aeci ail aava' In any part oi A naeru-8. tou can conuir at bonis, ehr iiilt all Jpur limcir uparo momeutn onlT to tba work. -All ia new. Creat ay 81'KK for every worker. We start you, fnrnUhliig evarythinR. ' EASILY, MEKIHI.Y learned. VAHIK. tLABS VHKIi. Address at ones. WaTa - - aXk JE: 7 rTliaJi-BS remained! if anyone rattempted to negro supremacy, he will find out ThmootAVun j politics, sucn " .-.j. r uiaa'a. that be has entrap ma losing con- lathe South are good Democrats, . unmakin of refer to the 'diplomatic object of TlSf!lm Tvf nctWl-Rfandvnlnin.r th. - --0 j.. , r , . , .. , I,.. ti,a I iruci tuu loin uw nut uwv uotuioi'fi . :o Presidents Senators,; and.. platf the visit he was cut , short by the .d 3.. Far better establishment uilderwhiclvthey and forms all bver the cbunfry, the re-, remark that it was a longtime ie- men,than he trod th Bame their families five la peace and what- .. . .:-" '1 -r a I tn-tion dnnkR. r 7 11.: suits wouid.no douot oe;more- uai 1 rm . - - .thing" and signally failed. Mahone Jever prosperity they may attain; f-llIUllMVJLJ.,'XA.5: is'factorv at letst to the man, whq -When the visiting Uovcmor was . .fKiu, f7i' and tne mom tneyreau ana examine their beads turned either by din- fasUy they adhere to, ongiwa.poht- ;PT6mpt RtotioU-4oe-tt;. fn.d.FP -7U- - - V.'w'Vh pVV appointed ambition . or greed to get leal lines and prindplea whkh con- fefkcuni-GUAKANTEEl)t . -: i a the sweat of his -face.--Meck- by the ' Governor of North, Car- tuir 8rm8'nto the Federal Treas- Btituts their sheet anchor: It U all tit ii ii rv-Fon BnAo? lenburg Times; . . r'- ,0. olina;and they parted the best of ury, made heefTort toride righttobeanAmanceman.butitU TUHNKrtbiOB .liELioTjBNEss, ;v;..u:;:''.i'.'2)-'''-;.v . for,,i0 - ; . TxwerbvRepul)licanuingthe8outh. 71.. . . , . . . ..... - . i . - i , - i i i.. . n . . 7, ... ii . ... . .. M... ... iiicnudi ... ' . . n . Vt.'A? JjICK. DEADAWll-, 1 v -'J -1. ' .. V: i, -,.-' :.L 7 . . v .... "r: r ... ; . ..... .. 7 . ! I Aiitl- BlllOUS PILLS ,: .S-31AL,L Sugar- Coated. Hick Constipatiox, &c Safe. Pleasants Effective. - - Ijhave a miSglVlUg 111; th 8 af- PThet)e8t Urer PUievcroid: fajr as the "father said when he 25c; pfr lxx; 5 brtxc f 1. 1 gave away tae . uriue. jj-imujwio - ... 4 - - . .-. mgui .jior salepnly ;by vy .t Amiricaii: Pitchers CaOriS. 1 ate so Vpt tbv ncrnmnlished nothinir but The fugitive was. never . surren- their own disjrrace, although, in-1 along with it- An Alliance Democrat dered -New .York Sun. ' ' 1 etead of bearing the spotted name oi j pr a Democratic Alhancemau Is the traitor dunoir tne war, tney stooo m repute aa gallant tonleder- j 8oMieru. y'irf?i? w 5p ip f? ! I aa -'' ' I f iF; iF . i c A ttXtfm -ii way the name should, be spelled everywhere. L Fur Uobtybj TtTta-wi A Ajrurk, , - tr2. 5. C w i 3 V. ; - .v-

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