. 4 . TIIOMA S, Editor aid Troeidfr ;JtTa2M;99miB0; : With' Charity for ' vU. U0 PER ASXUX, U Alccpce. VOL-XXS NO 3G J t Highest of all jn all in Jayenmg Powe Too coal rair.es pl tlie United States! in J bOO produced in $160,222,323 of values. '. " ' 'r . r,A FINANCIAIi ISVOliCTION. - The Credit System and the Sub-Treaa- Cvy BY i.H0cifeT05,'piCKAWiT;w. XA.:l - As at present developed confidence is considered. It is our rold and There V cannot, how over. b .nv ! nnn na 1 m1,U :u. t being necessarily. so ereat. a. part silver certificatrs. Thin credit Uucb thin aa an nnt fnv w . of the Bystem, it is subject to pe paper of the United States, cer- lonS there is a demand for it, I thi brimilinUng, and when e . . 1 uuaucia jjaujtB, i vainiy, wunin ine limits oi our I U UU8,S turn, wnatiiuiing noi 1 come uj lutuk oi it, terribly alarm- i hen .the - accumutationiof "years I own - country, performs all the '"t0 bat a present security, lag depeaJenco upon tb Cnuncial of money-better, than ia.8c.trpAur-V,iaa dan" lournefishbor.Thecoin- ger U pro Tided agninstbya8el!-rrs-I lag ey80tmo!finnncoffini nmrnxiv ilating feature of it which promiae for thU evfl Lj ivinseHch liAtioa k to be perfect in iu working. Aa financial eystotn of iUou, and Ud soonas.the deraarnl for currency fairtodonway th thec pt-rirHlic aris6 the- product, bejnn to pass panic that cmtt to much mlcrT into tha Btore-houao. and constitute j and disartor In their wake, nfid thit Parachut-jnmpingis not a thus v ness that tend a 'to, elevate ;man. Capo Cod Item. "'.1. ' ; .-.' ii or; 1 fPPMAH SROSSAVAHrUHiGC: 6tC SENTS IN THC U. 5. 2 Fraift by Thomas & Aycock, 1 Lcraiaburg; ,1 TTO li XE V-A T-LA W, -" LOUISBUKO, jr. c. '-' , ... Vwu tiei'S in ail Cour 8.' , ' -.- Olli -e i: the Court Iluse. - . YjK. j. e malo:ne. ", - Oilic doors below Furraau's drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. rjlIIOS. 13. WILDER A TTORNEY A 7 LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C 0!."e on Main street, one door below y..di- Hotel. -: ." , ' V. II. NICHOLSON, tUACTlCING PHYSlCIAXr Oiliie ')jvtHsite Eiigle -Hot el. By irtn of the power conferred upon usjnf 4 det d of mortgage eseeuteJ; to us hy KAlford a the 2yth of ArH 1890 ana record counts iiv sell at pu Wglest iiidder at the tonrtliousedoor in i89r. t 12 oViock:M.:: it. being the first! fv ihe wisdom of the past ei ibed real estate situate iu" Franklin eoiuity ; in Harris ;towushipj T viz : The liouse and kt, uiih gin house and out-, houses attached; of . U. Alford. Ivina on the Tarboro-fbad. adjoitiintr the' lauds of n rs, ts B4 -ensly, orda fi-rry and oth ers, lhia October 1st, 1--91. . i: Ckesshaw, Hicks &viXEN, r F. S. Sprujctj : "T Mortgagees. o - .Attorney. . are swept to the- winds in a day. I functions o iiln thelneh 8old or si,ver dr- n i,r ,fw;W may sPread through the financial re .: it possible for- the" United WhiVtlin- gove-rnment to take of the i e -.-.-'f - -gtii;: i1' - .c- -t "fire' through a -crowded house arS -mU ni;T-: andjyroduce a Biinilar result.? But economic goods of the same char- Y.ersies gpiag on between the echoV 7 ' - " y ugr ucier, auu mase mem ine d&sib aaaic baalsfor the iue, and pari w UUea to U aniaeriuUocon- ars as to Itho -truth -of principles, lng as ' TCforcerf-f rom for an iesue of tegal tender enr- paasuwith tU -dercnW by Ale of coraitantol tU erditu-tn m It which i;:for a ") long time Mvereac- Sat economic -problem is 'pre- functions of money as well as crease- There cannot theTeforo at I have said that an abtohite credit " fp ni itfp;i frrtnvi; eented for settlement in the clos- the gold and silver certificates? any tinw b alngle dolhir in.circi. system vpu!d be adopted. ;.1Vuu nowS ing-years of th:s centnry. How A plan has been- formulated by tion but has more than iu, value thU U true, in rrfatiou-To the mcdi- fnJStnnr shalUthisicredisystom.ben. and incorporated among tho "dc prwited in products a present nm of exchange, naUonal and pri- and where firat-enunciated, but deredreQ from JInger to bu3inee8 raand8 of lhe armerBa,ld labor, nty .n the hamh, of the govern- ?ate credit pap,r, yet it win taetlta- interests? -What element of .new ers-ofthe conntrv .which ibnn.b l sayprwent se- Wjleadtoae.w .systastotrana- v i. j -i , T i , , :. . cunty?" liecause at any time that actions between man-and roan growth can be engrafted upon it no doubt defective in some pro- ' ' u , .11 1 7 n ; mi 1 V 1 , , .. . - the government under the law mny among the larrer clasf the ro- that-willinake an unshaken con- posed details, m principle eeems order a sale of products ctoml a pie, beenm under this system Jcaa ndence, an abiding and insepara- to solve tha great economic prob- purchaser will bo at hand who will be readUy sen, production will cre- ble part of it? The wealth of the rem At least nothing has been cive for the product eishtv percent fate thedeuiand formrminnn.1 a. 2ed iii the Registry of JPrunklin. conditions have chaugedj Socio Hook $& at iige 252," we will- - . ; ' . . . : - ; ' , iblie auction-for- cah, to the economic . problems now present themselves for settlement that de- The Monday of he month, the follmwug .de-.l - : ,t . - , ,.V " ; fVm n crv 'in ' Tin mon -rolstiMa and - . '. htaWI. ia 4Ua Kaa Af n n . J I i. . 3 1 IV - a It " i t y I Af ti. 1 . i . I J - ... in the relation of classes commu- nyjl" i5,iUO na,a "V reui, auu uu Buggesiea oy practical nuanciei i w Taiae wiia expensee aaaeo, raaoa in turn create tljoenppij nities ;and- States, with other If: " ' " T J ? ; l"'' u Fr 'lw " V . T 7"y'' " "w VP ' 1 - - u - t Anient vp.alth to mn.Ve nil riAPBsn-I iooo 0 .ii .,i.in it, ernment. : 1 his is a fact certainlr I ratio to tlu? LcdniJi(if tV.r.rstf .. - 1 I ioid ou ncu i cueiaiu iuv gicak i , ry credit -absolutrly secure. The tottering column' 0fcr"edit whichM with l duu uponncaeh causes, chav0 brought into bf;iiig what may bo called a new science r eociologyaucl of this science, new. in its -development, political Hence 7 NOTICE. . I wilToffer for imle st'the Cort hel 50QOa7 19 Ply ai part, door in Louisburg on -Mondty Nov.jnd, the new erowth and encrev. Hence i-owi, 10 me nignesi rnaaer, me ioisowiug4 7i i n i"... i I OI Hie WU016 COUlliryt lor in IB must valuable real estate :Tbt portion- of the fact that the political science , . , . . town lots known as Slab Townrincluding t a, ol: - - 1.1 it i alwaJs De me Ollliniaie Da818. ' liUl theeiLknawn nd Wuabl: vMi?r5 Pa?! is mainly valuable bugbe8a: WQrld .wan!; thut ,'''! "e - .'f 'y"'r; uui'iL irom a Historical point oi view. Iiuiiding lots of one-half uere and one acre l i "- . greenback craze as it was called the world is rearing f hi fiame DeraDM deatn Dy Wrgine Is leas than wwis. bo by the v!optjoa of the a few years ago, was right in theo- subltreasury plan of Farmers' AW l ,t nbtreasnry plan we wiU not .only .Von ;t AonAA i.i ,F ul the governiDcnt lose anything I reach a reliable crtslit, but a cash der currency baaed on the ;wealth of the whole country for this must each, &c." Some of them, iiave-good tenc- j in e i it houses 'upon theni.-" Terms of sale ; one-half eash, balance "on iicredit of "12 months, .liight to rejfct ant uitd all i(ds reserved ':J?hts of said lot may be sgeu at my office upon application." : . ' " B. IS. JlASSKBXjna. Take a single but important de- from fluctuations In price of pro-1 system tluCt will in a trrcat measure Look at it closely and without ducts stored? The possibility of I put an end to business failures. prejudice. .This plan in its sim- loe herelsprecladed notonlyby the plest : and essential outlines is 1 fact tbe government secure it- for the producer to place MHby margin of twenty per cent, in a sub-treasurv of the eovern- DTU nwo Dy toe luct tnat products tfinlact. M wealth basis made certain, defin- nporiani ae- ile vssible BUQicient. aud most of u i It j. would be Trtoreil when prii-es were partment-money.- When the Ln' availab e. before confidence i, T"" ? B - world emerged from a system of, cteated, a confidence that will re barter . through; the invention iln unshaken. "Fiat" money of. springing from necessity, it took the richest nation on tho face of up new ideas as to the principles the earth can never stand tho test of trade and commerce aud a new 0f a cry of "firo.,? ' system oi .nnanciai ana. commex- i . aa theni tft fi0lve the problem - - - I " as a basis the government, re- of tt mpt m serving a margin of 20 percent, hating priucipk of the plan ruore- upon present vaiue. issues noies over would prevent an exceaa otstor- a legal tender for all dues to the age, thereby avoidingapossihle re- government or individuals to the I dundancy of currency that would depositor; the stored products to affect other industries, or intereete J JQ JJJST0N3 - ; STILL UKRE.;, I am still at pay shop where Jwifl lio rrlrXil "f o mnn r -vriMr rm rrcri oz wgot. ons, ;&cv A am alec .prepared re-l J': each nation for itself, must take of be d;9D08cd ofithin a vear bvthisway. Whenever there waa, pair ana put your naraess m goa in tne aeye opmeiu oi its meaium it3 wealth something certain, defi- the 0"11Gr UTQ11 return 0i ilroch athing ehouU happen, so rm changee,-rnankind passed vieibTe,6ufficie and &;aila. r!" r1 great a storag, as tTaicct " - L ; W. B. Conway. 1LTYLKK, . FAUCI OESAHESiiL ' ' I10Li: AXDSIGX1AINTEU. CalsonnoiTJs, graininjr. rlor reitit a specbiltj. rv.tf-cticHi aron loeil, Leivo ytdrri'a: 'Hiotiji Jt A- FOIl VEAia Hi. l W. TIMBEULAKEv ; ATTORXET A-T-LAWi LiJTTTSRUUGi Jf".' C. OiTioe nn Nah' hit. F. S. SPilUILL, ' A 7T0UNET-A T LA Wr LOITISBURa,N. c. , attend the courts of " Franklin, ''alien, (iranville, Vv arren. Nasi), and Feicral :uul Supi'enib courts. Prompt ftltcutiou girea to. coHec.tio:-,'"&c. . , . FOR SALE. , , - ' A pobd 'Turrentineacer in La rehS rouhty, tivorgia. U- -"V,-;; 7 L' -- .Address "' .. .. . V ' ' "V " .... " J. F- U'OODARD .& Co.. '1- ' . : 'K.ielm;in. otWiUFrnd from one" Icornmodity to . another until by common consent it ar rived at the almost exclusiye use of the .two .most . indestructible metals. Passing'' on from this point in Iho evolution, the world cates of deposit .and money ad vanced and payment of expenses. There cannot be a doubt that so long as .the government has A T'l M. COOKE, 1' and COUNSELLOR at LAW LotrismrRo, frakelin con N.' d". Will attend the courts of !N?.sh Frank . :. (Jran villa,. Warreu and AVake counr tis; also the Supreme court of " Xorlh "a i olina, aal ttie'LT. S. Circuit and I4S tr.ot courts. , '; N Y: GULLEY, All A TTORNEYrA TLA IT,: .. legal, busiuesa promptly aiteuded to. TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Superintend cntof Pnblic . schools oi' 1 ankliu couil ty , :jviil be in Iouis- 1 '. .... mi;.: :u i.r fi.... ary,' Avrilv'JulT;-; ' Severn per? October and December, and retriain foe. three days if necessary, for the pAirpo?e" of jexamin- ing appUcaats. to teach in'the. Public Schools of this couuty.-1 ; will sdsjcr be m Louisburg 6a Saturday of : each weekV ad all public days, to. attend . to : say business connected with ray Office ; ; j. N.':IABurs, fcjupC. N's; If you want a pleasant? drink thc.good old? always call at : B.IDGtESOX. Oli THE CORNER, uite, visible,-sufficient and availa ble, and make the thing the basis of its credit, r .To define what I moan by these qualifications I would say : To render the required element of wealth certan." it must be some- has reached an -imperfect "credil 1 thing the nation actually possesses system,, a system springing iiKe- and wiU continuo to possess. . Jo wise from necessity and intended render it 'definite," it mu'st exist to facilitate commerce by. supple- ,,y iteqU and be xapable of separ- menting the use of gotd and silver atj0n from other economic goodf. with credit paper. " .. '7 To be i'sufnciont," the element of Hildebrand, a distinguished wealth must in value, either by it- Germafl economist, predicted some self or with other economic goods vrcna arm". lia f Vi rv roi1lt I 1 1 .1 1 . tU. 4 : 1 ' - , t . . ... . : . true of the cold or silver basis. the "money, system" a complete- bo ."visible," it must be something ly as the 'latter had .superseded that jtnen ca& look at and handle, the system of barter. - Ourgovern and, finally, to be "available," it ment some iyear ago. instituted roust be something for which there aruinquiry through its consuls to will always be a present -ilemaud, determine! the prevalence of the unaffected by. a change in the "credit system," and tneir reportsJ tastes, customs, hffbit established the fact that the world j 0f the people made use of credit to the. extent Will.the: precious metals,' gold of at least 0 per cent- of the wholb and silver, supply- the" want? We business ;. iBOme nations reaching hate already seen that by them- jal most 100 per cent.. - It is now f s dves . they Are' 1 ack ing iu the estimatedthatS? per'cent. of the I third requirement of "sufficiency." i Will laud supply the basis? It is pertain ; it is definite; it is suf cient; it is visible, but it is not available!." There is no certain through scarcity the price of the product 8torr.ee would cnee, and salfs would have the tulvantage of a securable payment in full and the I under itsc.ontrol these products, J saving of cot of transportation. every dollar (not forgetting the One other fact recommending for 20 per cent, margin) of legal experimentation the nub-treasury tender notes ies'ued upon thqm is P!an 3 that theharvewt of the elect as good, if not better than gold products occurs at .different seasons, or -ilvor rtfrTntpR for tba Biro. m eir narT-sucg ana prepar : - pie reason that every bushel or pound of product will at any time sell at homo or abroad for more than thaf amount of the credit it secures, which is not NOLANDINE Uaa been Ui "xcvul etc among IU tiOtoc i ctile as u jilood rvnirir.r LIVElt REGULATOR. ation for market cover nearly the wholp year. So that there would be it i J ccakaktked a rVBic veccta no sudden or tlanjrerouii incretise or i decreade in the volume of currency. In a proper view of this plan the question of a loan by the govern ment U not raised. Interest lie- But even if there were any doubt 1 tween man and man may be justified, about this fact no lo3 could pos- hut between the government and siblv result to the holder of these the at i ten it i robbery, ween tlie Dmns una h iuoutr nt,l . . j. a (Tfirpnin'ont. r r-ti fln t.-a ti f uir I 8TH ft f p1.i " , iii,K coMi-orxn and iceparej iu the cwt cartel nun tier. 400 E, CLAY sr.. llkbmctHl, Vs., Mr. Jos. W. Jf4i:itvii: Dear sir, J have uul jour Xo!n d'u.i, aittl wiHikl clr:ul!y re mmti4 it us a h!u.iLIe u;i:k..t- Mlatui s. or relations i notes becauso the government is bound witbiq the year to receive them "back at their , face value. In other words, every single credit note issued by the govern ment returns again into tbt- buiness-in the United. States is transacted by means of credit pa- For this immense credit the gold overument issues cvrtiScatcs tijion silver, the holder of the certiacatej can surrender them and demand the sdver. When the government issues legal-tender notes upon cot ton or wheat these can be surrender- cd with the ccrtif.catea of deposit. . . m . ... ... i . treasury, the fountain ot its ine, and the cotton and wheat demanded there to be canceled if deemed The net of the covernmcnt in tho best, on receiving neAv life to be bsua of currency is the same. ItU again sent, when -Ihe time shall the exercise of its incidental -power come, upon its round beneficence, of distributing rcouoy to the people, SoAhat fo use an apt figurey the tbeiact tent trie gotcrament .nUfi,CnrVi,l,n nnM. owns the sJItct in the one cafe, and not the cotton and wheat in the pu-t.cm tout.-, r or tt.c rr-e? J lite isii cmiM-qtitutupf ii UnJit went ai:d irrr-u Urates I .o-cr it will GUI an equal. '.'evt'unr. Mrs UM. BHIL. J0IIN6T0Xb 'ULAMiNl-. tut a ixtttuk. SO Iocs for 41.00 "fesjrFt ale j T oom & Ayuxle, sub-treasury plan creates an end less cable of ' national- currency, that always in motion keeps the cars of industry ever passing over j andlsilyer is present demand for it. . ' the thtoreticl basis : the ultimate ! ; Will the manufactured products I n-t rit l5o oP VnP. . T.totiors . ' : .-vr- l . . o tuo uiKuao i i" , v f7. oasis, ;oi course, out noi aiways ottne nation answer me purposes .si-, ; . ;. p- v v r...-v,w-- - .'v available, bting the wealth of- the These, while possessing soma of -s- : ?r nations. ;- Aui.ine in8umcieucy. oi j tne- quaimcaiions in. an emiiem Snug KItle fonimhBTfticcowtdetS work for ,r. Ann Austin i'rxa, nrt Jan. Hmn, TitleoV, OhUk JHee eat. C'thcmrcrfi.mpMwell. i iif Sinontb. Ton en do the work and tk. uat huue, wtifrMTTyuu.ni.' Kvenbe.' ' planert urc ematv ntrniuir from W9 If . - r l.r. All .pern. Wr .howroa how '. and start y.i. t w.rk S pcv Otnt' cr all tU 4lnw. "fiiif dmjit fur work. - era.' Fallyre unkwowit imtrmir hTO; VlialleUcSz Co.,nxttOIrtland.Mli. .-' 5 "j JJHc!i berMondatnarKCV Uneofworv- -trhtT mrx, vou(T or old, end in tl eh vrn ioi:aUtt-,wbeivcT they hvr.Aiijv ve InriiiMievtTytbmg-. VV vtart you. So rik. Yoti tB drrji your up,, re uun!, or nl! rotiF time to the work Tbi i u entirely ufu.-rrirf t.....,i.i. - - t-Remember-l will' not'bb TJNPEs6x.p.8 JD.&.R.S-CHRISTIAN mined to .uppbrt'lthiB-. great tipUl .Will what is commonly, termed nmn dt croait is so patentjso giar-1 ,iraw materials" supply ine oasis t wmiptx arc eanrhir from 5 to MJ nTwl'i and urvtardv - aaa in.jrt- afn r a linlo twrii..We tu Kiruish oo them.' ; l.lorin, it md trarh jf, VuKkV Xi.ic to exnlahi here,- Fuli faifoniwtum l-'K!iK.,'-.tir"r ,t .. AIi(8TA. MtiNK.. Av'TTEAlt I' " 1 sndruke iecrM! ' ceaoh any (airlj' IntHligrnt pt-rwm of cilhof J nex, bo an read aud write, and who, -, after hutruction, w ill work ittduetrional r- vr...i ; .i . woww cam inrre iuui.it Loliant a ... tt ".ii i n lorI"TB'"TtbeTne.I wlllaUo furnish ? '"" ""PWmeut t ht! ti o tan earn Ibat aiuount. . I-anii i ;or.u-;u, uecf.il a above, Kaily ,nrt quickie C 1 , SiL TT b;' on worker from each iHatritt oreotmty. i nif.. if Bht "n P"" with ejnploTimnt a lanra m .1-ull partiealaraFKlEE. Addrratonc " AH-EJS. ijox. 40. Aatfaata. Maine; ftjQQJ) tCOOO. CO a year fi oehtar maife by John R." ' Goodmln.'I'rojr.N.Yat wtrk Ibr us. Ilfader, you nmy oot ake aa murk. but. w' can . tcecit yimcftuckiy Bow u dim frem v&ro t li a ilay ut tue.atart, aud itwre aa you eo (M. - Itarfh .... .11 .ifo. . 1 1. ... n ;4 menca. youaa eotuniraee at bujie. ejv- - j. miK an jvui iiiurw airare nubkiiu onn 10 ' U toe wwk. An-U new. reat y SLltn't, 7 Sr eeerv worker. We atat.t-on. ftimlrflir everyintwr. KASIi.Y, nri:KlUI-y learntil. rAHIK.'CCAlibV t'UKK,. Addrua at enee. TIICIIMOND, Ta. ? 5 Prpnipt attention t orders and sat isiactou :(iUAUATILEJ)t . s &nti- : -Bilious PILLS .T.niALL; Vegetable,'?-: Sugar Co FORLBrJLIOtjSNESSy 'p& - KICK IlE APACHE, : Constipation, &e. Safe.Vha&aiitEFcciit& Thete6t Liver Pill everfcold; 50 ifi each "box; ono rdoe." 2oc ,pfr.boxi.5JbntP8 .ft; i "... m For 8le onl y o y '-.Ki.no, Clif-eoX 4 Co. otler, can mako no difference. . . If thi plan, ia adopted the qor tion arises, what e fleet will it have upon the other or present currency of the country, and etcciallv cold may be objected,' aL an(j ver7Aas;)me tw pr-mLses thegold- .andilveroductal- degree, are somewharl ackingin. thal lhega produclftdonot belong given thU object any corporation yl.)8Je l"1 certainty and availability., , . yn . q C0Terament: thar they're. wiU conceder Ffrst.thataa absolute I A 'J . A. a 1 a. I "T r " 1 1 . A - J. . I M I - 1 main the propertj of the deposi- national credit syatcm utaevitatJe, V - ; .a- . I at, J V. -k aW- jwaVI s4 ! rpaw Vna kftrl tor or his assignee. .This is troe f v"" i lis oay aa a eoje uacia iur juzrcrT, and I answer: There wul be but one national currency, each nation d topple to ruiiuThe'busU at onco and' m themselves a cer- "r, V i, "a Lu.!. t have ita own paper money lor , .T. . . , - f . . ., , - to the public, or to, the noldors I - nemal tradf whPe It im J and transaction of Lthis country, fain, defiiiite, sufficient, visible - ' . - AaMaUaA ' "T 7 ' , '"K01 as -shown by. the clearing-house and available , basis upon - which r . . v" Ai,i .f, t . -'r; notee, with and under thbexprcss wheat and carrj.-and no' doubt, if stipulation .that ulf paying the the necess"itjr should arise, be used t.ftnr into Kink thev fihould for the settlement of internationaj receivo back t heir gold.M . And ing, inav:ii iv irw mu..x". xes, ,ui -iuie ;iu ,ui vwuu.u . crold in . the bankof En :susaif.confid goods we;find some furn ishing all bauk it8 deeper, t'.a part ' of . -crcd!t ) ;, tho whole the; elements acquired, provididg fmf!.- w u . lnnfro would nees Be- stalisjics alone for. the year end- the credit'of a nation may : be bc ing tembef 80 1888,"amounted curely founted. .-'r.--"';'..; to.morp than thirty ytimcs-all- the :Runniug. the; mind over this money of ;the country, including class of" economic goods wefind bank liotes only seconxlarily based only twa'pub-claBses of the whole upon Icoinf o on this accountr number, beinglproducts of labor, seems probable," since the monetae- that Constitute what are the;abso ry requirements 'ofr-.tfie.-world are late necessities of. civilized .man. increasing with it& growing popii- I Theso are the. "raw' materials" of latiori andi trader th'at we soon will food arrd; clothinz. It'does .not have" reache3,'so'f air as individual nations are concerned, a complete credit svstem of "finance. - While herein lies an element of safety; since the government is mada a bailee aa-1o 'the "stored pro ducts..,: '. . ,-v.. .. balances or national debt, to other countries. The gold and " silver product ot the country is one that can lie stored from yearpanJ can always be relied upon to proride a sure baais for a part ot the curren- cv that will remain more or Ls A creat difficulty under the sys- seWrdbabWh anywhero- iii m of bank or government issue continuously In tho hand of . the lt - t Ar. ,hJa0.,,u tas been to avoid an "excels," and people.- "-.-' S' the evolution of man on this earth . ... .. v - r nLi-.nJ..m nf-tk he can do without bread or. will do although it ia impossible to - deter-1 Under the preeent system of finance mine beforehand the amount of iasne eochnationwarectedtoagmiteror . . -1 . , 1 A . . AT- - X - . . . . . w iu;n m fiilifAtr tra ngtara rT t t , AiniKmrr ii oro T nnn y wn I mtB.uuiu;iowiHii H'v'''- r- j wiiuvut viwiuxu6 " j that will constitute an excea, not I ie- aegree, aepenaeiii, un property, and thus enlarge jhe Hmtf find.a fit ttasis of national credit: on w,th reference to the basw but tionnl busincse relations, iJs-and increase the "prospe'tity of W We have-jn the United States 1 0 the business requirement!, financial condition of by tlie every, other j tradef4t -a system-' fraught ;witb pow'a currency even better than j government and banks havebeea J country. A .monetary crisis in Lon- dnnrr to all business' interests; cold and silvcrr.whcn eycryining more or lesj stnctiy nmii Dy law. uon makcausi'.i it ia .t-w orA u ll ' business interests; i Eold'aud BiTvcrr'whcn eyen'thing I more or loa strktly limited by law. don makcaitsi'lf Itlt in ii:it,. nut 57 f

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