m 77 3 r n nr .1 r.i jS 'Al-TUdkiSlEXtor '-and ; iVrE IfjttA JtfaZtce tovard. none;' TP ifA Charity, fur aZZ. r- thSO PEHA.SWLUIm AJtctrtS YOL.XX; xoxjisbxjrg; kc. octdber le, is'oi.; , - .... r r 1 . . ' i )'- ' 1 HUT OUTLOOK. ighcstofall in Leavening-Power.-Ltest U.S. Gov't Report.-, r i ' T3IK: feMH WeVarVVpleased; to 5 the race question'; Outline ofAn Ad ilreJellTerel Before the Martha's Vineyard Association, August ll.DyRor. J.B. GambrelL ' From tLo Boothern Baptiat Rerord. J ; My 'friends," jrou rrltist not bo Toe coal mines o! the United States in 1890 proflucal in $160?'222.323 of values. : 5 i-:v 4 liyX l. ' ' 1$ IKS? if am 1 IPFA?i SKa,AYAKNAH. tr. announce that the "outlook for the Democrat- ic party in. the ? South.4 is growing hiighter; every day. v The Third Party clouds are passing away and the sunbeams of peace and harrao- misled by the very loud lntroduc- nY are overspreadinK the land. Iu tory remark' of your chairman.- I fact there never has heen any 1 ayoyiaccusea.oi.miiny. inings. Third PartyQaovemeut inaugura- to-. Part 61 nich-JL .must , plead ted in tha South. -No Allianre- guilty, bat I have never yet been man of anv. nrominence has" de g"ty of eloquence.- '1 hat is out 1 iiraehute-juinpmg is not a ,busi- clare for a' Third ' .Party; while of my lino. I BhalHnot ; bo elo !f::f-- many prominent Alliancemen 1K but my purpose lis to bo CarItemt.3i.M5.i;ffV.U,,, L.--. Ji4,. JiiTi, - truthful Tt i th: frnfK " fh-t. 2COT1CK. " . i ' i Alliance would not go into a Third peed n0; ani x eLall give it to sIVir you.- If any of you -have; youf by IL Alfordon the 29th of April 1890 f Tiir:! Partv Rtarted in the South, feelings spread OUt round VOU, it SdlT5 V be-a H?od .idea to tuck them MRt;P5l 6f-kadinff ; AJliancnien UP for.1 bate all lean do to tell iooisiutr, jn. i;., on tne zn tuy. ot uv. m worth AJaroima, and an ox mem k Vk ,'" nuwuv mMug tum 1891. at 12 'clock, M. it beiiij thtf first - , . t of von r fpl in tr Monday of the miitn, the foiRwinsi are opposed to" a new jarty. v OI Jou? ieenngs. scribed teal ettate sitnste in Frankiui county-, in narris tiownsnip, viz : i ne nouse i houses the Tarb Mrs. S. II an I hie -nt rLc9- let Ceexshaw, IIicks& Allen, Lean 9 But instead)! that Ihe'Al- mus Ward said there fwas enough 1 ftnri mh;r;n "PS S'PTfTTTT.T. V. MlrtlT!lTPP . 1-V? - '.'11.' j TA..' .1: 1J I . 1, .I.A . F(f eale by Thomaa 4. Aycock. Looisbarg. JProfoKsionril cards - M. PERSON, -A TTORNE T-A T-ftA TF, V;-, HVDlSBX7HOi N C. Pi-atticcs in all Cour.s. Office in the Cojrt ILltisei' T" li. J. E M ALONE. ' OITlee 2 doors below Furraan'sdrug store, adjoiains; Dir. O. L. Ellis. v" fJllEOS. U.- WILDER' ' , ; A TTORKEY-A T J.A ir, t.OTJlSlJUUCi.N. C. " Office on Maui street, oile door below Eaq;le Hotel. . ,': ' . ,. -v.- D U. W.' H. NIC1I0J.S0N, ... pRziCTiciNG pii rsrcj AN, . L1UISBUR N.'C. O nice -pp iSito". - Eagle Hot eL Last year there were many men When the Puritans landed on inu wiui gin-, nuse una oui-1 wno rang aiarm oeiis auu preaici-esuures iufv urougui ujaiiy mi u:a .v,iA v.; attached, oft ; R. Alford, lying on , . f, . . . Lv:..-! :a a,,. ,r 0Ut b18 hol hl f.ro road, adjoining the lands ot I! euiuat-iue Aiiiauco wruuu turn '"'6f l"cw A,liJr"uw" 1 tineut the IlCf . ceasiy. jurnsn rtrry anu ow- nro cw.rtil 1, it-f Hi -RonnKl . (ifffftsa. wonrtAr n vmrka! Artn I . .... . T i ;qi - 1 " ' " " ' & , - i loor-iiau ot An had just been sold for f 2,90Q. xThere ia. nothing; cofTnectod with the slave, trade intbo South that would sell for 29 cents. The chip'ought to bo condemned, and the money "sent South to educate the negroes. The only thing that grieves me about your good ness is that it came eo'-Iatr.. If it had come before you sold the negroes -to. us, it would have eaved u? a great deal of trouble and money too. " ' , ..... " ' I -won't say; that the negroes are in no sense to.blamo for"all the trouble about them. They were kidnapped on-their native shores by tho North for money, sold to the South for money ; the South bought them to make money, and kept tjiera for mon ey. lhoy were liberated as a war measure," and. enfranchised as a political measure. Through story on tho con ro has been a mere glo-Saxon greed "That i so," by a colored man on the Etand. The rr er support than ever. , The far- the Great Eastern -ix' times. ra ti fa u i t.? IA . . it, . U . . 1 1 i 1 I r J mers have a reputation for being Among the things-aboard was the M T will ofifr fnr ! t th fonri Iiavm 1 i v i , I XT- 41 I ' - - - . - - - nv3Tvirri, ar,r-i nrii an.ira i 111 1 1 ft imrnLiiiii. -4 ; r :,k ir. v . I uu , vvir-hiu, a,u.vx -1-- K)TICE No sooner were the 1891, to the highest bidder, the following I when the time comes for action pilgrims landed than they began they generally i display wisdom, to settle matters by the Bible. Judging tho future by the past "The saints shall inherit the there'would seem to be no just . earth, they read, and proceeded e-round for suDPosinsr that the far- to say : "We are the saints and n . - mers were going to divide the valuable real . estate : That portion of town lots known as Slab Town, including the well known-' -and :valuable- Mineral Spring The said property is diviped into building lotsof one-half acre and one acre each, &c: Some of thfcm''liave good tene ment houses unon thm. Terms of '?aie onehalf cash, balance .on a creditof 12 months. V'. Bight to reject any aud all uids therefore 1 the Indians must reserved. Plats of najd lots may be seen white people of . the iSouth and at my vEce upon application. 13. BJ Masskxbro Att'y iu ihet. Veet.M And thefchave gone and country are to assimilate to An glo-Saxon civilization, or wheth er our civilization is to bo Afri cauized in the South aud for- eignized in the North. Toward the solution of the problem in the South, we have turn over everything io the Radi cals in 1892.. j ' BTILHIERE. I am still at my shop where I will i hd glad to repair y our buggies, waj- i crreat beffinnincs. Dr. Mavo. o :n ii 4. i. i ! k ,hi.u,i UUt mu;u pic jioston.or some other sensible for them to,go now. Tnat Vvasone an if ... onft h .... it , There are corrupt,, ambitious puasf oi mo race question now ai- :l. t t tutelatroof slav ... ....... ...i.....iti i f and desjginng men inside tho-Ai- mosi seiuea. erv the necroes learned the lan naace as uiere are-in an parues i liut oar tatbera . hroucht with .mazes, the religion and the in ons, I am also prepared to re- and in all organizations, but these them to this new world the seeds destries of the foremost race on condition unscrupulous men are about as of a great government. They had earth. Slavery did not do all i I wfll gaariintee satisfaction- ; 1 well understood inside tho Alii- ideas and ideals. They belonged" might have done, but it did tha ' m " Coxway. ; ance aa out. They-will soon be mainly to that race which has in much. That was a great com F.OR-SALE.-; . A good TurpenMae Place' in' Lai! rens iur.ti litorgift.-1 ! ' Ad'ess W. TIMRERLAKE, . ATTORNEY ATLA If,. LOTTtSllUilG, N. c. Office on NashiSt.V1' r'- "PI S. SPRU1LL, ? ATTOUNEY-AT LAW, iiOursuiriia, n. c. Will r.ttena the courts of Franklin Vance. Granville, -Warren,- Nash, and Eederal and Supreme 'e juris. .Prompt attention giveu to colleclio-.is, &c. pi M.COOKE, AT'PY. and COUNSELLOR ai LAW LOUISBURa, FRAKEIiTN CO,, JT. C. Will attend;lhe. 6ottrts . ot' X;Ah :Jrank ..ii, Granville, .Warren 'and- Wake tnoun ties; also theSu5fe"me-jtottrtof 4' North' Carolina, and the U. S. Circuit and Ds--tr...t courts. ' - .' ' . . J. EfvWoorARiv.& Cor. " . - Easmian. t.a. bu r fed i ri pul ic contem pt Instead of wasting our time crit icising extreme men in and out of the Alliance, wo should all bend our minds and energies towards AT - discussing the great political prob lems of the day and trying to solve them. The Alliance has done great good in arousing the people, to study political questions. Men iii and out of the Alliance are alike anxious'tb remedy-the evils growingloqt of; -the tariif, the cur rency, public extravagance, &c. the centuries represented tho high est civilization of tho world. Cav alier aud Puritan were Anglo- Saxon. The huguenot strain as-' siniilatcd easily to the English. dey was ,1ie," den -1 quit' Yotin. Ifa dis Wy If dy iMwo trains" gwine4o Mobile, an one is run byanen that know how to run it', and do other by men what don't know how to rua .it, I isgwino to go ou do train run by men what kuowa how to run it. case when dey git to Mobile dar is . My friends I nominate Undo Hans for U.S.Seuator from Mcssacha setts. Ho has tnoro eenaj" than many men in that body. v . The int-lligmt whi tea have upheld be povernmvnt for tl?uiItai .an -J the negroes too, nnd thai ua.lrr great dif3cultk. Kor tind then wo have hud flt, but they are we.mnpr off. The I at ur e b n I. TliO churr;u-d anl schooUwiU work out tha prob- lein to a Lnuih gthej ure permit U J to do it. I i Ui here to express my gTatita.le to thu nobla men and wo men from the North, who, midal many perplexities, havchelpcJ n to lay th fonndatioa of oar future aa?- ty. Tho South may bo depen JM on to maintain AnIo-Saxcn civilixa tion. If ihe LorJ would only eu J some politicians to that bourne whence no travelers return, and kt some prracbra accompany tho ex pedition as chaplainS, our troubles would bo at an end. In order to hare a fair idea ot tho condition of th South, you mtut re member that our people are by far tho aiost relujiouA on thecoatineat. About one in five of the population hi Mississippi is a Baptist, and tbereb a tremendousspr?uklo!Metiiodtf U and others. And more, we know nothing1 of the many lyma which p teryou. The Bibb is the great lock of authority. Ifyou all had in much religion as we have got, aaj we had as much money an you have got, this would bo a great conntry. Vt'hjhfr of your end of the country? We Southern peoplo are tweomiax alarmed about you hare don your best to Afrimnizs thi Suath; to pwt the lntUivnt. AngiovNiioa OUU'T the rtod-t;r.-tnred, bat ignorant Afrinai? T.rt South hnsjn va you ronr own mtd- Tliero U a imw:iif of scripture hkh oti-ht U'ba dear to jour hwt: ,4'lhe lxrd prrrtth thm aimile. W lve tdl dcit vtry fooluh tr.itc.. It U li:u Z pause. TWdvwtiny oi thji oiur.lry i in our hnr.di nakr (iod. . Mo have givca hotn to fufre r.x eratioa-S d t. yiuit meet n-A'in l-isnr. Fairly tretite.!, tt prit AnhSjkJtou rot -j f t Nuth, au-neut-i oa th nrro liU of vjv. wjji H7i u your hip, and it uii! W r-i th coain of iSl K-ierof WaUrlj. Vo.i inuit th South c.n It.'A Ai-uricm If you v.ul i ve It 1 uik v. t;iy L-ai Is. 1 rm T ouce cf .w i jvoi'V a nun &.M Ul wifo wtj, t !ui"w l; in Jiar - cnfoit ij a Coiif r:b!o home, k)t out icx to ol n-.:c tij m, Ui5 c Dou th cihrr. Ily.- bj thy i ru-.l, acJ xtu, a?tr a :il mutual fncaJ k-Jcrd Ur.ra t nm.1 acd pecrah!y . t!;T-la lh:r ttMi;:nt. ltT" both uiilaiH.y. VTL wJa siiil, Juhn 1 t ir. IkiT yr cxt; h ov-! a Cr ;i.-l.cJ, uj wh- rt oa t!nny iT9 wul no rc. to Uko iben fur yctt." 'i'Ley caioa to rooory, aiJ Jo!.n iad: -hrsa, you take U ml?; I aai al1 cm oni ru re. uC you i t nai iL-rn; i oJ rruy UdH. Tllw l!J WtA.t tt. 6C4 tnh. to bi tvn.ra'e of tLi 0U.it, u.i jMiO ow,eu ua tw Ui u tor iu bArxh eye, ul id, 'Sirh, I t-ave btxa to tlvxe ia otx irouM.. I ' was do; cxrcfUl of you a I ihrriVl ba -In-tx" " Hut Kimb wk!, -Xo J..h.i. I as io Ikiiue; 1 jvt'j.h. aI rx jixt',d .oo iuU of you j-oa wcro tired." Johu' t.jri tartJ! 1 wf.h a rtjat lid of v,9 c ki iuv, u-l 1m ov!: -Sii-ah, touiJ yu U,c owe a-Li t" - by Jc4:, I Kjvv yi i. I i wh. n we were youu. Thtr eij !u rii-v'-i' in id. ttU (4 Uhj Nt-rui. wa Ijr b-vl iur trou'j e. T;.r,- ;c Ltca r on tv?U aud U.wi-.r tro lura xd. Vour inodier &soura o : Vcr- look at your lU..X. tmi -I .-r.v pirni nmn, mi lurei-wn.'u, uj.j i;;- umi:u!i i()fr,f. iul -1.1 WC t-Ot .L...I u ,t '.i .,.. , ij ...... mon ground upon which the two races stand. We are a great re ligious brotherhood. BuC-wo have had our troubles. Wholesale enfranchisement fol- RODGERSON'S BARl n; Y. GULLEY, . ; ATTfiBNEY-A TLA W . Ail legal husmes promptly . attended :. i, . ' V - ' nM " . V TO PUBLIC SGIIOfiL TEA CHERS. The So pcrin tenden tjof Public fechooh of Fraakliii coaiftvs' wUl Hie "in"-. Eo'uas- bars a,he4ecii(ai.Rirsiiavtf FeUur 5ir rH,uly,' SeiijperV Octobferi If you want tleasant drink ,'."r.;'.'.Vt,i' v. ": the"good oldM always call at B Hv Rodokkson's. enriehing it in a peculiar manner, lowed emancipation. A certain so that the Z.CXW.OOO colonists, who quack doctor had a way of throw- whipped. tho British lion bacc to iUg all his patients iuto fits, for his kttle'isl&nd, were Anglo-bax- ho said. "I am death on fits.'! one, ancl they set up a government This has been tho common prac on tho great principles which tice with" tho political doctors. have made this race the torch Thev crammed 4.000.000 un- banners of civilization. Let iLnot cashed, uucooked negroes into bo forgotten,- that this was the the political stomach of the Work' of the South and the North, fionth and the South went into our remedies do hot agree. ln- 0f Puritan and Cavalier. It is the Ru Tn lfi7i thPv wrro vomited deed, differences-of opinion and fashion in eomo quarters to date out. You probably heard about freedom of discussion are hopeful everything from Plymouth Rock. it. Wo were very sick Wo saw signs ot progress. 11 me ana- Alongabout the time this govern- legislators aud "niaiist rates who ipn go. on. W will settle all.our ment was formftig, there was a could not read. Sheriffs did not differfcnees in the democratic con- kjaalicr gentleman, down in Vir-j know the multiplication table. vention and march on to victory, cnnia. of some notoriety, who took roM ;ir.i n. We should not .fall out because Mecklenburg Times. KigUt If ours to Sleep. ?0 TIIK CORNER, .V The value of sleep to braih-work ers cannot bo exaggerated: In a re cent lecture on Nervous Energy it was said -that, the brain requires twelve hours of sleep at four years somelittlo hand m what was go-1 thing that would carry a debt. ing on. His name was. George Taxes rose till they reached Washington. Perhaps, some of the point of c nGscation. Iuso you have heard of him. There Jpnr.o and ignorance rnled the was another gentleman down there, i'aU(i. But I must stop. I feel who wrote a nice littlo Fourth of 1 Vq the young man whoso mule July piece, called the Declaration threw him in tho mud-hole, with of Independence.' His name was his best clothes on, when ho was of aee. gradually diminishing,bv iboraas Jelterson,v ou heard ot goiDg to meeting with his sweet KVAr-i f-ir th" bonr.1 im It would be a good idea heart, -ne was noted for the nf fnnrtPPn J nnd thenr-.O to eiffht lfr '0U PPie W afuli line:bf ?best HVihes, JA$i5i hohlhebdiirgro .'"". " ;c occasion, lie meekly turned his ana iormeu jrtjuuiu. iu 1110 ujuat j i o- ? 'rherc U another drift worth tieu- tioninz. It cnrri de.ith vfitJi it. I am told that tho forriTB havr large families and that the Amer ican fauiiliort are ??Ma!l. I have hi my pocket a etateutent from nn an thoritattre Hourcn to the cflect Jiiat one and a half children to the pole U all the New Kngbtnd families are I prtfduercjr. - xou roe that le4 than I two Hl auuihilation. I kare Keen vi-1 hut two babies since I carae here. read UP On the rnlnrA of Vila temnflr. lint on ! ViLa 1 Ohl I am hUTlgTV for babies. I want thanfureirn, vith alien hmuiiea, customs, nud tramping aad-r loot the Bible, tho Sabbath; the Ire Hchoohi.and defying" all retitraiatoit a lia40 ppirit, bred ia tho elamj of the old world. How ans youjoing to aHminilate theso ruiiliorw pouting in on you from erery p:rt of Eurcpwf Already they doniinrtte, and. have un-Araericanixed your cUum. They hold the balnncu oi power in your State policies hirgvly. Tlie foreia element coat rob national polkl.. Every week that Jide is trenrtbenM by a freah influx from tho uld world. our sons are coming South and helping, ua to build up the mr-gniu-cent South. Every oue of them in an acce?ion totho right Rid-, nnd hdps to secure our afctv and their's. But the going ot the? from yon' j puts you more at the tnervy of the u i-t&iiHoned, un-Anioncna lortHgn e e nent. FondgnTS will not con-. and work with nigroc. Th-ir rac antipathies Qre too btvting. uiid tho cxiuinwumot usmwuM.- i..o nwo ; ini)d.r.ictvr. t K.rnj.-wns, aa a labour, the negro will stay in j said th Cr? ?r-.kcr vith huh, the6outh,ljecauit iah?horiefand Vir-nt in tl.v kiv'vn tloi. hew kindly trcauu, and tiio io lua Idi;at krvv I rttr CT,t;rtd eigncr will mainly Kuiy North. I R!lV fl;, lie.' u 0i.c ts rv t ,i:a ai Auicri., u u l c ur U vio i.i r.I.rr by tx in to u tli c iur Hot oi utlotnr battc, Chi dm L v!u to ft g-jvm.ui..t - ;wi?v 1 1 crty, jvt awU ju,r.; 1?.;. jo t x j tcv cr. "llic btfettfi tioi i;r rcr'atliT u .; l.rr d t; i I tl; juu ev ery :. . ,,u tl iur el.ittf t-e u.h i.i th-j c n'l' t ?.-!i it I'd lm i:.g aru i. J j.m. V,"j h m.- v; -hi Iru'i oi, jh-j livriu-t i iU r.jiso v- u; !uiH i u l.eu- ot?tui4i of n Aiuftkin v.tc. h.'A rttt.aul iLc b- el t.' in r A.rv--n life f ' I j.rotr.Lv?-1 my -r.o :hr I would bo ho:uc at fcixo'ci'vl;."" "Hut w!iuth:r.n,5.ul enhour taor do?" "it will -pr.ke ny r.ott.--r worry, and I shd: ! r-ii mv .rw.-u." "ll I I'd b ti.-i :j a -.r. ia upron-liacr.: 'Vc;U ' I C.in't Cigars audi 'robaccoif Jt- 4 hour: the Anglo-Saxon race has j silently led his mule away. t A jsim jfcpltcauta te teaclr-- ia t the jPubBe hoots'6f tli)s( con dtyi il;will ; al8Q-:be hi 'LuuSliiilFg -oil iur(layf eaehs7weekf and all "polic, "dajV. 'to 'attend ' to any business connected with tW Qtl&eAX fefetStf is ct, Olhin r(MU4nc as welL Wh A V3 y7 ' Bomo, vm ?ct50.0 - f 9hT. 3&i$'t lannel'whrrpver vun o Kren t" ; work fur-or; br.AiMirev Ansim, A II fete. K ahow you boil , "' .. muTt Aliirt vr.M. C.u rfc tn .tiaraHni. : .JC ; or hII th Hiiic. Big monrt nr brk.- - era. rxiiuir WRimyn inmi; - li nllatt Co., iSox t SO Iv vtluu. M R ; : .. t tU'fi'r'' .S-f r w"," . " "f f'wirwi lo list woik. , Ear lu Iwn. We fcnu-li BtAfcintf.-Wc iiart Xo rt.k. Vua n'h 'fruit yuur M-rc m-wouai, u ail j-uiaaiiw; 4& the -Vtk."- ThU fc .-" eiltireiV IH'W T.-ai. :lf".(: l.ri ., n-. A . Bctfumm ccn-is fn.m U5 to CMJ pcrvrttk urw-nrdt' i I no mare fi,tra lin i,,.,J;r:1(.? v-e u ratnitb yon tb Aii? H ...... .... ..v yn 1- w kr. R1 to explain lier. I nf infonnati.-o t US., SS. 1! B it ,--, 4l.4itJS3.Af '.1R2. itive and oroductive period, need- v. a. .1 4.,.- i . - ...-' i i. j it. ..u f-i:u-. i: :ij i n:,... .i im:.i. t... 'jj tJ ft ; Fd nine hours and took them. 1 Ieu, M1 rm . ior auerv llulueu uaiuskvui u v;-: -vi'.";-..v Kant the most laborious oi.sru- uia-0 vu v UUi oaj Sv.u.iuiuby v , dents--was; strict in never taking brought over by our colonial falh- ; 'Well, simply because I could &iW less than: sevem -Nor 'docs it'ap- ers. Another was an open Bible: not 'dq jutice to tho occasion." -1" n " p. a Q ATEAR! 1 nndmake tobrteBiC I tecch ajy fairly iiitelintaHi'.wnbi"nthf. Ui.nlio mil nul wrii, Hf whtv It ' Vi; . . ," ira iarrc -laokMait-poiisrii th7IM. .rrown ,-''l"a."rl'rX'rtliey Ure.I wiiliilsofuTOi : o n ..r.- r "i"pnKvi wnt. D von ran ram nml atuoAi 1-amH.l i j:" "L . wtb. rjiaiiy aaa quitKty rmll-r? iy taB,rt" ,",Bd lW-Wi cmploviw irta h.i i! ? i1'" li&rti" PHfeK. Addrr atokaC , .. ... . . - ..' - Gdatortnti-tfitiXXtt work r ua. Kv;ei, . jun mmy ikjs niaae a luocn, bur wapran tench you quickly hour to enmjlVom (a lo Vl a ju7-a M4i.irC, auOttnwe a. yoo go ort. B..iH win, all area. 1 any usrrof ' merica. jMnrean coninienc at Lome, piT lug alt your tinrr.r sre moniauts on It to. do Work. All fa) new. lire&t iar 61KK' fnc. ery worker. - Va atnrt rm. furiiiahhig TorytumK. h.ASll.r, Hl'EEUILY leameii. VAKi lctLAllS WtKE. Addreaa at onea. fclliWJN to., 10H1LA1.1), EiUaV a. V, U'aa ti, a t f Wao t r,rt i, iiift RYRtpmnt. 1 ne Puritans had that idea about T - i -'' - " . " . . I i i mi tL-ir J i in a ically tried to cheat nature of thisnt- rney oeneveu in nueny 10 chief right have been in any sense, worsnip uoa as mey cnose anu 10 gainers of lime for thoir work.v' It compel everybody eiso too me may be a paradox; but it is not'thc?. samo- Freo religious liberty came less a truth, that'-what is given 19 lCi uuuumv.i.jiuuuvuiw. sleep is gained to labor. : - Liberty limited by law, free rel ig- , -r. " ,' ' ';-;;';;. ion, a free, press and with -freo 0 In tlie fall is a good timo to make schools are, the nerve centres' of cffirf- in ubo nrndtrv WnainfiRanoariviirfation. ' And. these" aro Build the house and mako the ne'cH the trophies of the . Anglo-Saxon Aoon, 0rTV.nWT1i& v rnnd fiPft- race, and are our contribution to h " . . . . w- - I.,,- - mi l ' son. . v-- ' - Tan raoes. lnese nave maae great England, and these have Croade ! rl .'Prompt attention to orders and sat ; V.The reason some peoplelove. at greater America, becausa they had first ! "sightV is because they don'J fuller" development An "America. -.. isnions 5-v S 31 ALL .Vegetable,' Sugar Coaletl. ' Sick Beadachb, r J CojfSTlPA-rlON, &c,' Safek Fleasant' Luidive. Tho best Lifer Pfllevef Sold. 50 ia each box: one a dose.' 2oc. pr box; 5 boxes $1. r or sule oiuy by ; . . Kino, Clifton & Co, know eacJiVther then. Columbus j They constitute the patent right lr08ti'1-: .r"- t ' s loi-ine racer . win iib . tissiuiuaieu elements, . to goyeru- this coun- If you've got a pain or acSe or bruise. yal-l tTV -. . - s ''- , . MfSitn Oil -will Twrir-li ,ri ona innAntlr Prifie -1 .' " ' . ' " . -" " '""' . 25cent8. . Vii : ,;.' -'r. s Another-phase of the race ques Altention Totera. By renolntlon pawed by I tion was introduced ill.'this lati tude. : I read in . a Boston" paper, as I came through the city; that our Legislature. all good citiiens are req-aeat- ed to use Dr. Cull's CoughSyrup and recom mend the same aa the peoplo'ji remedy Jor coughs, colds, etc. 25 ceuta. I leave you to mako the applica tion. - "- -" " The South is through with the acute stago of the trouble. . I take Mississippi, ono of the worst of the Southern States. The iutel ligeht of both race3 agreo that intelligence shall rule, and the South must quit lying'and stuff ing.ballot boxes. I said Mont gomery, th only colored tnah io our late Constitutional Conven- tion,' immortalized himself by advocating an intelligent ballot though .he kuew; it would doom hisrace to a minority. I have an old colored, friend, Uncle Bans. -" I said, 'Unclo Bans", what "party do you' belong, to?" ' Republican." , 'Yoa-always vote?"; ; VNo, I ain't .Totcd-in eight years." VWhy- don't yon vote?." !CaBQ they use to come round and tell lies before 'lection, V tho Jennie Cushman, ahexlaver, v aud way. long cftcr, T find outM - i. " - " . to Kiweven a innkeebnby: WhnV is the patter?" Think of it; yoa are doomed to foreign nuVon th- Ltnd ot thePilgrim lathers. ' What arw you going to do about it? A VOHSIDLE HdLCTION, No question of thia nature cm be rcHtricted to a section. It becomes uatfonal, because th national lifU alfected. ow turn your eyea South. Itoundly epeaklng, in the Southern States, are 20,000,000 souls. Not leas than, 12,000,000 o! thes are pure Anglo-Saxon with the tradi tions, principle and ambition of toe Revolutionary lathers, lhey hold all the idcab ot what I heard the negro Bishop Turner lat week call 'The Giant Anglo-Saxon race." The Southern mn"o b every whit an American, and follaws hb wkito brother. Thbb the nation' reaorre. There is another thing that counta. There b no end of babies in the South It b easy to find A dcren children to th9 family. One of our preachers had nineteen and did not brajr abonttt .either, luc racetut : laid the foundations in - the South will build on them. Does it not look very much lUcif the uwtitutions cf this country a re saved from anar hy and ruin, the Sooth will bare to tae a great hand in the huAiaea? Itutyou 8av-thathx-cvcr7 content the South allies Itself eolidly with theforeiiOi element ot tho North; that the South bdoing all it run to break down the conservative truly American element of tlie North. Ye, tgrant' that U so, and you don't line it, do you? Let mc tm' you if in every contest ainco. tha war you you atnTandsv t "irn ? !'.: Lh "I?" I ctiuld tf:Tt but 1 viM not. I made n pruri:.e to r.iy tcotiu r, and I r;a g"iug t-j-k.v- p it." '(i.d.1 t.6y!" eti'u a ha,ire Toi-t jnt l.ck ot th t.;.i toy a. Thy tunti to aa A man poSrly lad uad vtrv !. b!e. "ALrahara Ii:ncla ince told i your. man," thetrf -r rrrvitiu-l. "to (t:t tbe ataa;it,Rif tA errry person who taUcl lighlir.gly of hi mothtri npron-.trbg, und it b a very nafc tL;Egtodo,Ikno!rr03i exrvr'urt. It rtt scth tal thiit brought in to rsia nnd dia gTacc.for li4rui'iir.Hl ne t to do 34 other boy did, and v h;n they mad fun of mothi-r i lushed too Cod forgive inJl TIht can a time when itwaa too late" ar.-l now there wcrwt.-antn tcld eye 'V.hcn I would gladly hare ticenmado a pris oner, tied by thee name npron string, ia a dark rooui with bread and -wutT fray far. Alwytkcrp roarer rn.;mt withyuvrmollMT. Never d lu y pi u 1 1 c r f 1 you ca n po eibly I.slp it, end vhcu advised to ret loo e from h er r pr rn -ct rirtg , cu t the advUcr, uad take n tighter clutch of the nproTiHtr:r.j3. Thirf will Lrirr joy and lorr U!o to your mother, the best friend yea havo in the world, end will inn: re youn noblo future, for it U hnpAsirb fcr a gtKxl son to 1 a Lad cfan."" It rru nn Xf.--f!rat t:n t!utlc.t -bovei I'l'cntnl r.tt-niUvrly, nnd bot:i aid "Tlunk yon":.t th coucIusumi of tha strr.rKr' J : t'ire. and t'uer k?rt tb ? br.Tl gToun I t.Tt3:r,6i!e-"t- an I taongutTni. At Lit ti e oprot. ttrin critic tvU'r.tked, with a dWp drawnrih, - 'Thit oilm-iah'.rund?nje noo fifth all cvrr.". ' Oh, Pick, rii 1 V.U cnmpAnion, ' 4,jaitthin wh.it l jvd xnoth:ri ir? have both goti , "Ye; aud tt'?inrthinwfrctohap pfrrto thenr, end h.-.da't don 'right! You'd nevtr h?ar npix.o--striegj untrd sry tuouth cgcLi. llarpcrs Youjj P.-ip!?.. s . .V ".: if . ir

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