:iliiMiifWiMi - LiJ V .With' Malice toward nont; Jfitk Charity for alL' ," L40 FER AS'XVX. Jm Admc ptOUISBtirRa N" C.; OCTOBER 23,: 1891. '.t. NO 38 - . .' ' ?;.., A iwTTT'T 4 j Highest of l itt leavening V," ThirtT-two tnilSoa persona In Rus-1 .S A ? jironument . to 0rant was re sia n ro destitute and need to be t pro ntlj. nnvei!edl hi ' Chicago with - AEOTJT CROPS. . "IIAY SEED. 1VITIIIN PARTY LINES. It is a source o much regret that there has been entertained any idea of a third party. And it U especial ly to be regretted because ol the fact that it has seemed to co'me from within the rank of the demoJ cratic party. ' Ve say 'from within vi( Jed for the next ten months imposing cerotnotii.s; ; - 5? ?1 ift If it Bv.ViitBe.oftl-.e power conferred rtpaji lvafc Oh cfliFTlC AID S iPPMAH BROS SavakmaH . 3 u iii a -diH'il 'of ainrtgage execute!" t' -us t by i . Jl; Alfprd on the 35if April 190 end fetordeaju tr.e uegisiry .t rmnKiin count i in Book 85 at page 252.; we will sell at publi5 auetioa tor caf h,to the highest bidder at the Vi'ft husedoor m Lonishiirfir. N. C, on the 2T'ly of NuV. 1891, at 12 o'clock, Jii.,. it. beittfVtlie first Mondav of the montft, the Jlf-wiHg de scribed rear estate situate in Frank im iiuinir in Harris tnwaship, - vizi The liouse'ar.d lt, with gin- house and out Kontsos attached, of.1. . K. Alford, lying on 4 the Tarhf.ro Tead. adjoining flu- laud of I. Mrs. S. M Keasly, Jordan Pejjfy and oth-. ers. . This October 1st, it. - -: Crx-vsuaw, llrcKa & Aixen, . F. S. Spruiil, -'- : Mortgagees, " A'torcev. Ifow Crops ar' Paid For.- The Differ-J 'Thero can be little doubt that a ent Clmngeor Checka.-; - i ; digtat6 q- the farmera Jlfe is cul- !. might be iupposedf"byr'jho8e tate(ifam0ng . country boys Ijy not familiar with the subject, ibat the caricatures of tho farmer which the mean s. used , to pay the Wes- are published in comic papers and tern - farmers', for: the grarnMhey "humorous" liboka,. and;, by ihe ralse ud sell were easy and sim- fear of being ..classed among, the '.a ,Aa r,- pie. ,1A .moment s consideration peop hom these caricaturists ta we have all the while con- wui.Biiow, yuiuB vuuuaxj, mo. v i ar0 pleased jo can -nay&eeas. sidered the democraUc party and 13 ono of .the most cpmpkx, of - j Bovs : areV. accustomed - to ; see the alliance in the South one and nancial operations. jC ; f 1 these "funny, pictures," in which 1 tho same, politicAlly. , jFhe farmer sells his" grain, to a'sort of farmer who is 'xtrejnely I i We believe that there have been Urge shippers' iii' (he nearest townusual, -and may bV Said, not to some misappreheuaions both jiiside The -shipped 'UBually ; Bells- it to Uxiat at all. is set forth asthe' and outeida of the Alliance, and it la type or, example of farmers in agca w . u. a o C iftm.imM theso misapprehensions and muun- eeneral. ? As bos are sometimes . .. r - , .x . . derstanding3 be corrected . now unreasonfng, they are apt to say whUe-there b Ume for anJ .loioemse.v - i wiiinovue r'UI-Icarefur deliberaU6n on all sides. Of Col. Tplk, and thinks lr. Macac BtXTKLKXH AH.X1CA LTK- has en;r Wl In some . peculiarly irZm ZL. X f.l nffty looking transactions for on Al- fWr tores. Utter. cHirtd Uoa uttuccmiuj trjm to secare i wwin, romi inu a ( aiuo eruj uo the election of Calhoun, the R.iD.1 poJUy rur rwi. or r-r U.R. attorney, as wator from Ufect sti.rction. or noo.y rt.fua.J- uwrgia;, uui nu raaiwr waat ion, j ta. iTtcw ii reota r box. of men they xnayJbe or what each j I'o T Iol!r4 rrustcrrs. Individual mvlhink of them, evt-rr fair-rainde.1 man Is in favor of Joatk - . I T o f' f " ; . 2 and opposed to such wholoalobue I 'ATvr TTvl iTf U of them. - ; , ; 11!) V- f !t1 1 ' The 'Free' Press don't think CoL Yi-? vfAA Pol k is the truly great man that hU WSfj? K . 4 .worahlpp-w- tUuitUiLa...We doh't .rHV? i.U and r -v.v grain dealers m Chicago t r New York.l'.irr V-s';1'.-;-:. ; If these dealers have orders for "home consumption," in - which most of the crops are used, they f cuied in that way when I grow up ; Nothinseems plainer to 'us than etlHt to the millers or mahufac-1 1 will gct out of the "hay seed bus- the fact that the democraUc party ture'rs, who in turn after making Piness.H the fact that the democratic party now has the aspect of a housedivid- Fr aala by Thomas & Aycock, Loaisbnrg- i?i-o rfeiTt ti 1 1 oftfti k ATTORNEY-J T-L.i 7T tOTJISUUKG, N. C. - P a: trcf s in aii C-our s. . OlH.re in the ( 'o u-t II use. J. E MA LONE, I- 1 . ii- f: p - - - ' CKtice is doors bclor Furman'a drui: sutre. adji)iniu' . Dr. O. L. ElUs. .- I will offer for aale at the Coort" house door in Louisburg on Monday Not 2nd, 1891, to the highest Uidderihe following v&'.uabie real estate : That portion of towii ".lots, known as Slab' 'lo-.yn, including the wtll '. known and vnluabi- Mineral Spriiifr JTfce sa'id property w diviped into building lots of one-haif ::ere.atJi op.c atfre OiiehAe. Koine cf.iht-ni liavc- gooi tene ment hutisea upon tifem. Terms of sale onc4sh cash, bsianee- aa h. credit r.f l luonths.- Kiglijt.io 'reject any and all oids reserved. Plats of taut iota may be Seen at my office upon application,:' r-"- - " . jj. ti. MASSE.NBUKO. ' .' ' Att'v in fact, -'; it into flour or corn-meal, or other Iu this way net only is an in- ed against itself; and the teachings finished, forma of food, ; sell it to ju6ticoNdone by these caricatures, of God are that such a housej'caa the bakers or , to' tho people who but a Dogitive iniurw " . not stand." . bake it for themselves. If the or- ' i . - Then there" are two things to be vo ofvAovfWio-n nntri 1 iur A,ucw" . " . - " considered: . RtsU U it desirable - . ' nroaa sense oi numor, uuu uii..........- the dealers send it across xnei,,,f . naT;nainra K v"w r T4". i uuuu' "3" v-u-v. , hoDeoIthe South, should remain - tney do not dengni in injustice oi rjntact and declare in favor of the Xhe people who make tke final j raischiefmaking, when they-are people's rule, which its very name payment for the farmers graitr, able to recognize it as such. indicates? Secondly, it t-w is de- therorore, are scattered all over Fr this reason, it may be hoped sirable and necessary for the per the world, but chiefly .in., the that the caricaturing of the far- petuity of ou inatitutions'ond the thicklv-populated citfes of our mer. which has certainly been continued prosperity of our great r or lo!f bf Ttiomi 4 Irrork. Luci- VEUtfllffil ALWAYS "GETS TllERE.n ocean. rpIIOS.B. WILDER v 1 ": V ...... ATTORKEY-AT LA Wt. TiOTJISr.rRO.N. .c. . " Ofli.-e ou . Main sireet, one door below l:alrt Hotel. , . B. W. II. NICHOLSON, 1?X1A.CTICIN PHYSICIAN, - LOUISBILHG,' r1- C. O lioe opposite " Eagle .Holel.f- J?. W. TIMBSRLAKE, ' -ATTORNEY AT-LAW, JjOTTrsliTJMCi, N. C - OtTtoe on Nah St. - " ' Tn S. SPItUILL, . . .' . ',.'.';.." - 1 TTOtt NE Y-A T LAW, - v IiOxtisb'uegn'.' c. alts-Hi the courts of Franklin , , : STILL HERE. ' I am still at my shop where I will be glad to repair your buggies, wag ons, &.c. : I am. also prepared; to re pair and put your harness in good condition. " Give me your work and I will guarantee satisfaction.' ' W.B.Conway. - FOR SALS. " ': ; -; A good "Tiirpoii'lne Fjace hi roi;s v.intitv, '"Georgia. V 'V ? ;A&!rcss' , .'. ;v'"".:'- ', :- "J-.; f. F. WXMTDARD & Co.." :,' ',;'',:"' :!:".-.-.; 'V. Ensun.m, (5a. : Find grf-ally ovrdone, may soon cease from the distaste for it which is The farmer himself can afford to tako the "hayseed ridicule B3Ction, the threshold of which e have yet barely crossed, what is the best means of continuing on these line3? We see no reasonable grounds for "saying that thereia not a necessity for maintainor . democracy in the Eastern States.- Up to the -time when the harvesf is' gathered, there is 1'ess need for actual money in the est, because large payinents are hiado in bank checks, which in turn.L are deposi ted in other banks. But now- the farmer must be paid, and living as he does in a country district, be wants the actual money. Baluk checks will not do. " The people ot the. East either owe the money already for their grain, or else they will soon owe it. And so the bank employes cf the Eastern cities, where rarvst of I the actual -money circuhitns, -are busy week' after week, tying up bank notes m .'packages, and. send- . thought, they must see that an un-1 not see everything as his neighbor iug them by express to the Wes- just caric ature does not really af- sees it. tern banksi. . ' " feet the credit and honor of their These things must cease and; we ' . T-n nr hw-n million dollars of L..nnotinn'hnt ihov ftro often believe thev will ceasevWhen thew v . . , . ulvuj.,.v.i i.n '--J I - -ii.. 1.. I ... r x a - ill j ' mn Kara cSall llArA ttptf currency good-nat ured ly . At a recent far mers' dembnstratfon in the West, south. Then the best way to do men rode in a procession dressed this is for the democratic party to in cowhide boots, patched trousers, lay aside nil prejudice, inside and icrA ctratv Viata rarrvinrr nitrb-1 outside the Alliance. and stand forks on their sho .Iders. They shoulder to shoulder . in the grea had adopted the guise which the fight for the pe-pie's government caricatures give them, a way of showing that they aro independ entof that sort of ridicule. - But in the -case of tho young thiffsfriritof iudcjendonce istt often bo' strong. With a little Und strife because every one doee ight in inviting giving his countenance tothe spak- cn he had to ThUt and advocate the eopk'a party in North Carolina not very long ago.- We believe Col. Polk to be a dem agoguethat he is into the Alliance principally for his personal benefit that many of his methods of estab- iahing hinmlf in the confidence of tho farmers are very wrong, having annealed to their nreiudicea more than their reason. But even if all "T " ".". a ?ruii a of our opinion of Col. PoU U true; J urcM tu. Jtc. suppose he is very much word man I than that even, it is not right jio . VXrOCSVlGS abuse him. -f . ! ' W'ehaveexpreasedorirhoneetopin- 7 W lUntTj b rkl to tUGrrce- ion of CoL Polk. We may be wrong, I .VL r""ur but if dur opinion is right it does I toy or cot. notnecsarilj make Lima poor . vpitrcr... president of the Alliance, unless he -. is allowed to be its dictator Instead j. j. MurpLy cSLtr hi rear oT UoJ otexecuUve,itsMboM" instead of ersoa's bar, and wi.l U Has.d to re servant. Whatis needed is for the cive s siure vt the ittbfic pttooa. coaservau- members oi the Ala- j fcpec'al atlotio to rokui aod ance to see to it that CoL Polk aed I it, siting ttiow.-Ac. IVke sxd wuik- other leaders do not "boss but on- uuaualJp gusraaUcu. Ir serve the order. Kinstoa I ree Press. Moses P. West. Selling or lloidlnsr. WATCHES ASD JEWELRY The demands- of the democratic party and the demands of the Alli ance are, as weTiave said time and again in these columns, almost one and the same thing. Then why stibul'l tSere be division, bickering; AT "v Will Federal 4md Supreme courts. Pi-oinpt attention given to' collcStio iSi &iVj. GiVuiville, WaVretv. Nash, aiid will' eometimes leave ambitions of what is called con New York and Boston in a stiigle sider.it ion' or respectability, are week for this'purpose. There is likely to to uuconscibusly affect- for several months - actually far ed."by . misrepresenting pictures less mouey than usual in the At- and stories'. R0DGERSQN'S"BAR!3 O m. cooiac, ATrY. an-l COUNSELLOR at-LAW LorjlSBTJlta, FRAXXrjJf CO,. if. c.; Wiii attend tlio courts ' of Nas1'. .Frank . n, Granville. ? Warren and". Wake, coun ties: also tho Supreme, court of "Ncrth Carolina. tr...t courts. and the U.S. Circuit and Ds- Y. GULLEY, : ) ATTORN ET-AT-ILAW, -fr viikEiruTOX, "ii. c. v":iN All legal .business promptly attended to. The Superintendent of Pnblic" schools of Franklin cotintj, will tie m Jouis burii on the second Thursday ' of Febru ' ary. April; July; Sep'emper, October and December, aiidremain Cr thre da VB if nece.ssarv. for the puryosey of examin ing applU-auts to teach . iin the ! PuUicr Schools of this county I-; wiU:also "be iu Louisburg ou;Saturday .breach - week, and all public days, J te attend to itay business connected -with my office. J. N. IlABRls'upt. . If you want? pleasant driiik the "good oldal ways call at . B. II. ROBGP.ItSON'S. ON THE CORN EE, a full line of best;Wiues, Liquors Cignrs and Tobticco. . , - igTReuiember I will, not be K?'iiil:L;1i4e rut Bnng little fer.nr!&aT(x,M wnrk to up, I AitiM I'.ige? Auj.?.o,' kIMl .ItlA. llt.ltll. lOlfUO. VIH . Oilier rc d?a? a. well. Vfhf jr I pcjiJi.wiKb. Ton mnik llrt work Hw aiOftdet. All ?T'-fc v. niww ou no nd start y-a. i, n worK in span.- imn orU Mi time. 7i:g rKiH?T tor--wrK. ets. ' Failtire unknown Antony ifacm 1 s "-w-- " 7 A lean he r nc t wrr SKW 5ta of WuA. huh v a S3 a itr.K rmi .Io wrK, mty to ifru. We lari.i-ti fvcrylhrap. We itilrt tint. K riiA- Va re'. OcTfttt your sp:irt tti'.invnts, or al! yontf tii totw wutk sThi t fit, entirriy n".w hLtiUft lirms wwdoHTil raccca. torr wcrkn ; Bcciuticn ar eanritti irt.u f.ii'to eirveekauUJuf-war3:v and more trr.jra Utile eKirtrtec, V7c-cap titiali J'ttu ifcc eia-; DiornitMit and t.ciit-h von i iiKr, Trt '.ruiite to nMin hrcl t nV infornialiiTi t '1' R aJ-j . i.i"f 'ST A. a lK. j ' . ;., "'"" '"." ' : '.;'..; . A YEAIf t 1 nndmalic to brifl j lach any fairly inlrllifrrat o-non fithe ; i .ftlf M ltd MA rGA(! .1. Wlit. .tttl shit . fcSsj 1 IS O lafttr hi.trn:tioo,v,ill work lndus rlouily, 4 jy v& 0 how ta -rarn 3 itrt Tbotiaaca Oui:n. a the "(iuatl..uorfniil.tyrotiHit wliii U jituran ranithataHiount, v Jto mtiney fltj mr UHlia sueirsfu! aa abov.. Kaaily tvi quickly 1 arnid. I dra;rv1ut on workrr Inmi eath district wrtiuoty.l. ' lure already Utrght aud )tforidl wiiU tmplntni a tare' tunib-r, who aro makin; over mm a year enrh. 1ft SKW i?WJ.IPt Pfticalara Viff K. Addrrtta at tntca, , C. Al.Lliai, llx 4s, Aiiuta. Siuine. lantic States. - How does the East get its mou ey back? ! To answer this ques tion, one must consider , what the farmer does 'with 'his new. money. It is the duty of the young to bear-it in mind that nothing is raor respectable or dignified than the life of tho independent far- matters shall have been deliberated coolly and calmly, the democrats of the country will find themselves all on the same jjde fighting for the rjeo Die's interest. Scotland "eck a Democrat. The New York Worid detects an error in McKinley 's speeches and points it out in this way: Another example of Mr. Mckinley's vaunted "honesty and condor1! was given in his debiite with Gov. Campbell. He Sometimes a good profit is real ized by holding a product after it is fully ready to market for a higher tpricc; but in many cases .proves a dinners hold too long. Many farm ers disli ke to sell on a rising market, and in consequence holds a little too long. Products can, as a rule, be held tp a .better advantU'VSM.jttaa stock. With good granaries or cribs and careful handling the loes from this causa may be made very smaL There is always some loss from Hiv ing out, and the interest .on the money as well as the risk that must always be considered. Improper storing will greatly increase the chances of loss and proportionate ly lessen the opportunities for prof it. With stock there Is more risk AT mcr, and the duty of those who First, he j puts it in his country I have it iu their-powcr to "raise a bank ;rand then he pays it out for laugh" in, Tho-public prints to re- 8aM lhat the new rj note is wages -or living expenses, lor member that they no les than se- re3eemable in coin at the will o clothing, food which he does not rious writers, have a reeponsrbility the holder" and "has behind it a raise,, railroad fares, farm tools, to truth and justice. loutbs dollar's worth of silver purchased and a hundred other thing3. But it is the great manufactur- ing,cities of-the East "which re ceive payment for such things. And 'so, 'when the. autumn and winter come, the Western ba'nks pack" up : the paper money again, and send it back to the East. 1 . r If foreign countries have had to buy; vast quantities of our grain, tRe country may get still jnore mbhevwr So- iOnKltB we sell Eu- rope exactly as much in value as what we buy,' the two accounts are only checked off- against each other." ?1 But if; 'for " instance,; the export bfgrain is.so Jarge thai wi sell in. one ; 3-ear seven ; hundred million dollars worth! of, good Companion. at its market value." The facts are rxnA ft fKln3v mn.fc know K The strength of the Democratic i enlilMho'hel pedtomake the law party lies iu the accession pt to that the notes ore redeenmble in enthusiast ic and energet'c young Ujther gold or silver "at the direc men who are coming into tho or- tion of the Secretary of. the Treas ganization, not becausa of its tra- uty,V and not at the will 9! the ditions but because of its existing holder, land that there is a shrinkage H. B. FRAZIER'S. LOUISBURG, . C. folk! and lcavy p!s(rd G'Vl snd sr-vrr-re cf inuy .ln. sud iot!ik. V03 will ls urj iKd to . bow ibrs- 10a csu n-Jxl-i tvmrLUn hi Ihj than with products, as every day 1 Jewelry Ike si my tmln aJ .J- that stock is kept ndds to tlie cost, rr nhci f U d unlu s.. and while up to cruia point th, w' A gain may be sufficient to overcome ;e 1 1 u ol tii.jcr rirv. ceu si.d la this, vet after a certain stace is I h- plus, than.n. .Vc . -n. i .v. i a ,tI AU I sV i s t Ll iuJ I will pxiuciples. They elected young of ney $300.000 in th.Taln,o i Mr 'KiiRspu liovernoroi iMassacnu- the gain. This is especially the case after an animal is ready for market. In tact, it is only in excep tional cases that it wilt pay to feed an animal even for a short time al ter it is fully ready for market. The expense of feeding, with the small amount of gain secured,. adds so much to the cost that it will require considerable advance in the price to return a profit. So with the stock; the safest plan Is to push the as soon Sblre to ptcoe yuu. WATCHES AND JEWEUIY IB PAIRED AT SHOIVT NOTICE. riV :0:- setta.' Mr. Campbell Governor of notes have been Issued. I I'.-.l.. VnrAlinn lnf OhancnMr. Pattison Governor . J 1 ha Anean't t1k like Oeortre Wasb- . j as they are fully ready. . I . . a a . J. ne oeat one can go in - no.oing IIiTtn; rcturnrd U IMiUbcrg fnr tle orpoe of pctciktnj my rofee of Pennsylvania. In every State which baa bjeu snatched from old fashioned,. Republican, rule, ' the 3'oung menrepresenting the apir- ington. stock with profit is to keep posted 1 'o. 1 oot reAeciruUy cSti siy ssr- as well as possible as to the condi- Tice w c " tion of tho market, the probable About Lying sod Abase. "'i'-'K'' -. 1 m y-Sh. jbJ 1 6000. Off a yrar i brrnf; mafle by John K. Goodriir,Truy,N.Yat work l.tr wa. llrailer, you may not naa aa xiiarn. uui e emu tcncH yoaffuft'Kjy how -to eerujrom t 10. iini ti.y at tl.c (tart, tu mere as yoa po vn. Jittb oea,ttil apa-a. In nnr iiartot .mrira. yon ran cowuieiitn at lio.nie, av itia; all your tint pit aiare &f:rjKnta only to Uta work. All Wn.u.. Cryut'i ay EXItKftir : vt.v worker. Wt ti t you; Ttirniabing vryltilnir. KAS1LV, t't..llL lcan.nU 1 AUT1; tLAlm HtUE. Aridreta at enca. t: EICH3I0ND, Va . 'i Prompt attention to orders and sat tsiacion uju jaLiiiN x siui- :...-, ; t , TUItNKU' S FOB BiLiorsNSss, ;;"::.'Anti-; -, SMALL Vegetable, ,, Sick Headache, f ' V Constipation, &c. Safe Pleasant! Effective, TUe beet Live" Fill ever eold.' 50 in eeeb box; one a aoee. J2uc. per box; 5. boxes 1 . For sale only JrV : supply and demand, and then use your judgment as to the best time Lyinc is becoming too general in to, finish for market. In' many xaucn better realised than would w;ef, rx nT tho trnn news. 1 omrrwiee un wu ivola,ion.;it,h.s derated YL t over and over that the k ml of . . otherwise be possible. w t va un 1 1 i. l i i ucnoa i v -;uuiiu - - fc-r' "flram nain which Governor Camp- "'T r--:.,:":,--' Generally if stock or products are t - a . - i -j ..i i - m n . n n n rrT aaCfennri r if in ii - am. i "s iliiii iikh. a . -.. a . wiiiie wo cuy oniy six uuumw - r .; Jur.u - ; . 'i raiseo: to sen tne i ume to mar- .xxA Affcj linAWnllars worth.then arrv ing ua, u u,v raake complaint to the associations ket UwUeao Price th Europe inust send over to us on its EVERY DEPASTMENT OF DENTISTRY IVUr a grsdaste of the Ssttlmre nrio that wUHeave a College of eyiu.JH and i,f rtrtW TfecTT, ith tt.ar.mu dia. frt;, rmt. of Drofit can be se- hh n rricnc I u1r" vUubutr.j a-- I r--- " ----- . .ii I rain. I An tOt LarantAl LO LlQSISIlUSJ 'stetVmers' fifty million dollars? in gbod-mohey.-i'-,':'-.''-'--' -; " That is to say, 1his would be the case if the, merchandise t rade with Boies is fighting, in ;Iowa which Russell and his associates patches? For instance the report cured. One Is apt not to count all J! will conduct in Massachusetts, is ojCol. Polk's ridiculous talk recent- , ... . N. . Y. and all such as this does a great whenif a careful account ol the ex- l AHiiVUan deal of harm. It has come to such pense bad been kept, tne uoioing the wiuningkindin this i of bur . countrya "history, 1 EWorld, Dem. ' only - - fbreign i countries v. ere the thing to be Considered. . But as a i0WA protested last year agnitist whether to place credence uion a! l K I " . I .S a. MavaVk.M M liA aaaSwt-kaa T . T 11 A VFPDf a pass noW.that a person can't tell would not have appeared to proh- ntter of fict therr3 arb manyoth- tb McKinley kind of Protection, most anytlnnghescesin 1 er : things to colnplicate , the . a-c, As thQ Billion - Dollar' Congress 7? m m . a - a . a i i 1.1 a r-Li i inrniinra bmi t ii n I "Lost year some, that held and! wiihsoeje toil rirmy aud coo ine P goij their wheat at the right timelfort(.f nJ riUuis. lit prices are wnen-ine I ndlp to realize a fair profit lor I rmti,4 in mviLnrfl wiiii tLa COUntS. f-:--'-- Fr instance, to have ctnAk- krx its Att tbnrevis little roa- a I OliUV V aw -ww. - - -- torpay i - . -innut'vtToTic& will reiter- truthia told it is doubted. holding, while many held too long many tncceners a. Most of tho daitr Daners are filled and Uwt. i rrvmH mma with. sensational preja work some interested m. breaking rj..! rrHtv Cf KCfT, concerning Alliance leaders nnd I notrn the market so as to bur as UCJ1 i iU.1 tWil.il J U liU-J V -T. t nrVk f XJC H Ir1i 1 Q ra tKf r-hiefiv in foreign- vessels : Ute its protest this year.N. A and England, has large; invest- Wrld. 'ntc, in trii. rnnntrr. thfi 'inter-1 : ; axir 11 1 i3 J a . " v j I . est on which must be paid, thus . ii . . . r 1 - . ... T- !.1 4 Ol t vate secretary to x-resmeu vicr- vUC.c -0 -- any ceruuni m w wo .mure p . . w . L . . . . - , - , I, . the Pm' Allianca bv. sendinar l l.i!in Isrm nrotlnct. or of . nu .,rt c lana: neaus mp .ueniucr ip vaiu . - t . , I . J . " f" , .j; a umi rToru.nf i.rn m rxttanv - ' . , . h - v moL.,m7.nmr'.l('Pft in Npw York , laisenews aooui it au over uib miwiucu.. ., u lor uiti wr.ri. A in T vocr irti- UUV niimvvj w . v I I 1 . . . . t 4 . toTtsn n ThcoBinnn(?ir UHiUiiu'tiu'"' . , 4 rrm.na is rMrat 'ill "r aart be; after all tha accounts, aresot- ; ' ' - ' ; cuuiimj-, . in debt, cannot a fiord to" ' V a 1 , , . . . ITUQ lue ruu-iuu luuutiu 1 1 1 ij I ? T" 1 . nown the market so as to buy as measures, some of which, at least, I cheaply os possible, others wording j l.or-.toairuxiMnronfincwr.fuIlv I to HlW DHC SO OS tO SCU XO as .ll1. w.vl't..t...vw-,-, I . .1 . I . . t H . 1 mm. m 4 m a at Vkna a i Itla . . . . .r . 1. . . it. t-. , na fllTOOU U-U U4Wtir am .v.u.v,, -Daniel ri. Ltitnoui. iormeriy on-i iaise." n iouhj urj-uiuu.( '.', ..11;. j: 1 ;v. i QimuuBuiHs lu7UJ";".11" T-Ti vate secretary to President Uleve- tnere is an organizes caorv vo rum y cerunV & to the future price ArtlficUl tefth s tpr b!ty. I yartl teeth eiii trd end nirw fail terlh ts' er. tled, it is paid iii gold.-Youth. s Companion. ... TjhildreiiJ3ry TOfJitches Castprja. aTiaalal i . ' 'L:':-:, " : '- ' . "." r r v..";-."'-s - "' -' ... T