- , - " .."" t- JL 1 . J. THOMAS, Editor and lroprietor.' ' - Wit Malice toioard none;, Tfiil'. Charity for aii. ;LOUISBIJRG, N; C., OCTOBER 30, 1891. N0 30 ' - jr i i f t , , i n - ,1 , . . " ' ' ' : ' " ' . - , - . Highest of all Ih Xayening tweirtiatest SGovytKpart: Cashmere shawls .are jtiacie;roi jtIie 1 a of a diminutive goat: found in Lit vie lnioei. ;P Eaj -i-M1 syj cs -r ;VVj rr.1 PS3 ks ? There is 'a'wwaT'proVeiJb . which ' xy s that "it ko &.;ffood inaiiy shoyelsIuV of etith to coyer tie trutn." ;. By,virtne of the power.conterren opon us in a ded A Wortgage executed tit us by .-11. Alfordon lhe 29h ff .pril is9r end recordetl in the Hegistry of FrantXiii count in Hook 5 at page 252, we . tfil) sell4t public .'.auction' tor" cash, to jthif. highest bidder at the t'ourt house door; in I.mishursr. N. C, on thi' 2d dttf of Nov. t91. at 12 'ck)ek, -M it. biue theiirst Monday of the ratn,'the filojiin!? de scribed real estate . sitnaier. in f rankim county ; in Harris . tnwuship J'Tiz ;The house and lot. with sin house and out houses attached.'-of. ,.R. Alford,"lyingon the.Tarht.ro road. adjtiiuiuRtht;, .lauit3r of Mrs, is. M. - lsea8iy,r J urdau forty and otli ers. This October 1st, 1891. (JREXSHAW, UlCKS & AIXEN - F. SPKUir.i;: ' Mortgagees AttorneT. :- - - - ' "V " IsPTlCa OF 'MORTGAGE SALE . Bv virtue of a: mortcaVe deed excnted to H J. t:rudup by Richard Wood and trans'trred to me, and recorded in the Kesrister's office of Franklin conn tv, Iiootc "CO, paie 95, 1 shall sen to tlie nisftest ind- der for cash, at the court hoise , aoor an Loaisuure. on the 7th. day ot ; Uecemoer 691. a certain tract oi land lu .imnns townshio. eontainlna abouV20Hcres.&novn as the Hicks tract f .and on J.J1I1 briirteh adioinintr the laJids 0 WV K. .Phillips. Calvin Privet Hoenif Johnson aivd others; i",J ..W. ti. Johkboit; -Mortgagee.' Oct. 23, 1891. -YVv ,yA .v'7 J 89 1. I mm an- tniazing revelation of marrieU Ufa Beinj? a niau of some discretion, boweTt r. aiid devotedly lovtnj hia Land tome wifiT aa well."- be bad found it ex pedieat to crj t3 yzxq a thoagbtfulnecs n- epecting the small thir.gs that seemed to DCLjxQtrirr 'fxn list. North Carolina " ) -Franklin County. ) I, II.. C. Kearney. SherifT. of her of inotnect qnite fortirn to the com- Franklin COnntv. cloherriv rortil Iotno! W J taiMoaCJafeb (JmmJ) Ualic. iirafefwoa Llarria. Hvodrrsoo llk. 1U 'imioa, Wis (Wait) . UoMm. Ao'Woa luhtiutlTktmM (fVdl 4udoa) ' I am still at my.shop where I will be clad to repair your buprfftes. wag ona, .&c, -I am alko prepared to re pair and puvyour harness -m srooa condition. ; Give me your work and I will guarantee satisfaction, - :; ' . W: B. Conway. ;- . . " , ; FOR SALEt'Vi:;, ;.- A. rood. Tu r pen t irii- Place in ' I a rests -ountjyjiit:t)rgia.-L""pi-;,'w--Y uJWill Eiad .: , "CIlAPTEIJi L Orodelphia - was very ranch lite any : other town of its siza ia Colorado; With western '.enterprise it had - been an incor-. porateu city before it conid boast of five hundred. onls'an'3 it was quite as uinch a matter of Msourse . that the " ambitious yonng comm-anit'y ahauliC -with ll pos-. Bibre"h;iste, treat itself to -every r aivau-; tage within Its rach the best available system of water works, fine school build- tigs; a handsomely i tipped fire depart ment tabe prbodly, exhibited in glitter- " ing procession -oa"alI public occasions and a fair ground; : where ' neighboring communities might arinruUly be invited to contribute to tbi glory of Orodelphia. Nor had there been any narrow minded hesitation as - to. assnming a burden of bonded indebtedness heavier than any. before when at'lengthuthe opxrtunity came to obtainrailroad connection with 4 theutsid3 world, and nobody dreamed of mufmuring that their public spirited enterprise had saddled them with taxes of corresponding excess. ' VThe'y liked to do things on a large jscale, and quite took unction to" their jsoals in : the fact that they, handled -no change smaller than a nickel." i ; ! "' ," ;" - The place was . now jmostly one rong street of .uneven audixuch variei archi tecture intersperse! here and there,-with a vacant lot. Weather beaten wooden buildings of the' early !day elbowed hand some vbrick, blocks of couspicnons new ness, the banks and saloons even attain ing ; the splendor of j pliite- glass fronts. The smelter near .the fnunth of t he canyon at one end of the tpWu and the flour mill oh the creek a mile below, together told t the business of the place, which had crown hr na a - distrilintintr nrvi-nt ' tii1 L 1 0, Wt ftf ennnlioa tka viiih nnn1nrlia. ! lUSlden S. tricts of the monntaina on one hand, as ' well as for the ranches spretid out over 1 'woo! - trees that, with bomesick memo- rjies, of eastern elms, they planted all over, their bare town;? and how the tall trees nodded to each Other across the broad streets, and luxuriant - lawns and 10 utiVA-itf: -' 7 - I will pay 10 for the arrest of John tioith, win to, who escaped tvoin Fraiikliii coanty jail on the l'Jt.i mst: , : John Smith, white, ia about .21 j years oiu, lair, complexion,-dark h lir, about 5 feet ll inches high and weighs about 140 pounds. ' H. C. KEARNE 1', Sheriff - , Franklin county. ' 'AT - .1.-- gardens . surrounded - the comfortable homes, lavishly " dping all that nature might to-condone the redundance of scroll : saw -.tiecoratfon and the glare of. white paint and green blinds. - ; With all its jostling eagerness tol keep abreast of the times, Orodelphia still hnng bsiekdn respect to that style of ar chitecture nowh as Queen Anne, with all its vagaries of paint, the'f ew speci mens they had to show in that line .be ing generally regarded in the light of curios .obligingly provided by eccentric individuals for the diversifying of the landscape and the entertainment of their fellows, 'the popular taste still fondly clinging to the style of home most com mon at the east when the "fif ty-niners crossed the plains. Bat nothing could appear really common or - ugly in that fair "setting of -greenery, against that grand mountain background which was the richest possession of the place: For countless miles the eye might follow the folds of. the - foothills, cleft here and there with- galea or canyon; here and there,, standiu on tiptoe, as it seemed. to look over their- rugged shoulders, a ' big brother in anowy lraperies tattered ! and torn! all masquerading in new forms l aud colors with every passing cloud, a fresh vision, of beauty and grandeur every hour of the day, It whh a sight to thrill the dnllest soul. the blaze of glowing color in which one August dav was sinking to its close, the ; snowy peaiis nii&ueu wltn sottenM re flections of tuojkky fair as the rose of cheek blooming nnder love's first kiss; the hills below turning dull bine grajv as starved of color aa the shadow that fall ower. the heart vsrhen love's "sua; has set. and Joy Las burned itself out, lilce th;it sunset sky, in Sishes of roses. Colder anil more glial the foot hills grew as the roseate" lights faded slowly out. and twilight fell opon the heated valley like u cool hand laid on a fevered brow. The work of the day was oven and the dissipations of night were net yet begun. , - - Donald Dxtela, screened from observa tion by thick rises r.nd shrubs, which yet afforded a glimpse of what little might take phice in th? qniet street v be yond the lawn, bis feet disposed on the pi:izza balustrade. Lis ch:iir tipped back to a luxurious angle, comfortably sur veyed the world through the haze of his alter dinner cigar.' llis wife, slowly meek mother had" reared him. and thus - kept clears for the most pari,' of troubled waters; but ' be was n6 less impressed with the fact that Anita's dark eyes, those glances fell with snch melting h-uderncss upon . those whom the loved, I CQtdd flacven bngJiter with stormy. I -'."Xnth.TfaJ ne had no doubt whatever but that she had made life exceedingly inter- estingto those women to whom had been given the discipline of her early years. -I nope yon made their lives a bunion to them,-if only as anticipatory revenge Dr this disappointment, he diplomatlo-. ally retarned. V V , . ' Dnt 1 don't want vm. to be dbxar pointel, dear,! the shade of anxiety re turning to her face. "As I .said, before. want you to go- jr.?t the same. It will be enough if 1 am here to entertain Aunt Martha.". : . . Oo withoat you?" with extreme div approval "when I bad planned the trip almost wholly on your account." "And with never a thought of troutT regarding him with smiling mockery., "Well, quite incidentally, of course 1 remembered that there were trout wait ing to be can2ht. he lauhimrlv ad mitted. "Bntlwant vou with me all tho same. ? All the trout In the creeks could not console me for going without you. And you need a change, too. Nita. You have not been away;all this summerf and iu this altitude it won't do," regard' Ing her with fond solicitude. -"And do 1 look usee's physical wrectr standing, tall and lithe, -before him, laughingly challenging hia glance That his eyes found her well worth their look ing she could not bnt read in tils linger ing gaze. Blooming health was evident in every line of her grandly developed Xorm, in her glowing eyes, and In the smiling, red lipped month. r "What a splendid woman you are, AnitaP he exclaimed with unwonted passion, taking her hand and pressing U geutly againt his cheek, ller dark face' Cushod with delight at the caressing 223 2 15 215 2 15 215 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 23 2 15 2 15 2 15 1B5 215 2 15 2 15 'ont nutve, Mr.Aftitrtciit, won 00k so cttmfnrtitUt." ' . the rolling plains at the east. ; Scattered aJon! the '-creek above th smelter were many bare, unpaintetl wooden structures, j swaying in a rocking chair near by, was LAND POSTED. All pcrsoas are forbidden to'- hunt, tl 'V or nidit. with un or. tlor or other- v. ise lrc-:j!as8 on inv ands situated tui Dai. h' t iwushi;. Franklin couiif v. jo'niu the laud.- -of. Wesley ' IMppiu, Jiad v hi l . estate of Becky: liunn. . ack Alf nd and oth r3, uuder peualty 1 law . rS;....:-.-tr: ifei:- : W. l Mullen. . NOT I CEi By virtue of a decree of the ' Superior Court of Franklin county we will ell ai luibiivj auction at the Court house door 1:1 Louisburg on Monday October 26, '91, the tract of iand' ia; Freenlms -town ship, m ar Fiat Rock church, on which ;J. F riiarrington formerly resided, cpntaiuinu sibout 230 acres. "Terms asb, balanev 011 a credit ot 12 months, . t '' ' . w. 11. iace, ;r " ? E. W. TlMBERLAKE, ( t0m" FOR RENT. : ; '? the land in Freeman's-township be- i.iiig 10 jucy parson, c(utaimfrg about ou a c ii-s, being lot o. 3 iu division- lot iana ot Maclin Yonng. - . . . ; - ; Hus land will be rented for vear 1892, i ourt House doorin Louis barton ilon- U !7 uctober 207 '81. - ;'J. ii. w. timberlake; Guardian.1" 1 NOTICE; f Having this day qualified as adnrinis-T irator on t!it estaie of Mr. Marv C, Har ris, this is to-gi & notice to alL oersons owing said estate to settle ?f ouce.andali I'cisons iiouniy claims ag 11 ust Said estate i I'l-efcent.tsem before the 19th dav of ipteniber 1S92, or 1 will plead this notice uur. ot their retovery.; - This the 19th 01 fcepteiuber 1S1. ;.:'T, ,' r-: . II. P. PEESOS- Adm'r. Person, Att'y. . - :. -r' .' . -1 . M. rv it r N HAH deserted and more or less fallen todecayj These had lieen concentrating and -re duction "works, nnti np for treating re- Q H f ractory ores after original ,aud secret If -you ..want a pleasant: driak the "good old" alwayscallat B. II. RopGr.-RSON'e.' methods.' - The- ores, however,' having proved refractory to 'a degree that had never:, been contemplated, the prcesses had, one by one, been abandonetl fr the time, and the inventors were now gen erally gone east loolnng for capital to -j push their Bchemesjto success. - When, they came lack, it was "confidently pre dicted of each by hisfriends, .Orolelphia was going ia have a popm. ; .; - : Meanwmle it" uiight have been ob served "that ; the town got along in con siderable comfort and prosperity without : them.": It. had the. electric; light and the telephone; tw'o weekly newspapers," each largely devoted toamazmgly plain spoken anxiously regarding him. J "If you would; only be reasonable,. I Don," sh nrged deprecatingly. " . " "But.' toy dear Nita. how. could 1 be more- sor ue gocxl-uumoredly retorted. "It is the most reasonable, thin' in the world for ua to wire your amiable aunt that it is not convenient Tor nsto receive her now, and ask her to see us later." "Bat she is not my amiable aunt; that ia the tronblt, with a perplexed laugh. "She ia capable of being very nnamiable if we were to Rend her snch a telegram. She would conclude at once and quite naturally, too that we didn't want her atalL"--' :-.' T i'.'." -fWell. we don't, do we?" Imperturba- bly blowing smoke rings into- the air. We should not 3'earn for her under any circumstances; but how. When we have touch.. She was fell cf that tropical passion that must always be seeking ex pression, while be, having comfortably subsided into the placid content of the married man, was more prone to LoVJ cp the cheek than to press the kiss, lie had an impression that they indulged in a great deal of philandering for a couple to whom had been givon time to outlive their honeymoon, but only the jcalous- Lcart of tho-wife noted on wkich aide "fell the balance of caressing. U "" And you will go, Don. querido? she murmured insistently, her fingers tight ening tenderly around his. Oat of the qtestion. ho carelessly re turned, releasing his "hand as ho peered through the vines to see who opened the gate.- - -The Rogcrses, muttered Anita- Im patiently. Tbes9 were peopld whom sh never cared to welcome. The Rogerses, echoed Donald, in a very different tone, not at all sympa thizing with his wife's prejudice in una pTirticular. . ' Lo among the roses how delight- full cried Mrs. Rogers, as she tripped op the walk, followed, by her husband, her soft, small voice affecting Mrs. Barters nerves as sulphuric acid does' chalk. "Good evening, both of you. Don't move, air. liarteia, yon look so com fortable. . Why should you disturb your self for a couple of old cronies like Joe and me? If I were smoking, with "my heels up, and yoa.came, 1 would not budge, 1 can sell you, . with a pretty rippling sound vn her throat that was more like bird song than like laughter. I think 1 must come and see. laughed her host, with the .easy- familiarity all men assumed toward her, as ho offered a chair.- - , , "Well, 1 won't, promise positively as 1 . . . vitnperation of the other; a couple of V oeen laumn- lDu. ini na mountains banks smoothinir off the ronsh echre of I tor montns, wnen, jw minga are at- tno rivalrv in their oomuion cause of kee-cinsr i oflace, 1 mutt go UoW or not at all. to ON THECOBNEB, a full line of best Wines, Xiquors Cigars and -Tobacco". .;:lv f. . . V 1. 1 teen per ceus.4 exuberantly Hour- J-DS&RrS-CHRISTIAN rtA-i'-:: .1 - i J.-T ALWAYSGETSTHERE He has in8tcckow"nlc:int "lme" shoes, Hats, .Dry- Goods, Gouts JJress bhirts, &rc. - - " -J ' Grocorils; 1 Pe ial aUent?ow'-trM'iA'Vio'ri' 1 -nil ' paJ'trae,I,: wl'it-li is always fiiHr ; a'i and eo me Avliiithi i-r, ;,-!ai, - not. t - -;. .-t buy or TURKISH S : 5 Inti- . Dllious YegetalAe, . y. Sugar; Coaled. . ; SlCK BEiDACHE have her come dropping down upon us like .this is a little too much like the last straw that finiahed the nnlucky camel.''. --',TA-straw!.lt i.-ias bad as a whole stack at oncer cried Anita, with ' a miserable little groan." " Bnt .then." -brightening somewhat, sh says, you "know, that these friends are getung op a , party to cross the continent, and she mar come I with then; but she ia not altogether de cided about it. If she comes, alio will be here soon; . but we may still cherish a small hope of escape." - ;r 1 "'1 1 ,"l3nt that la the worst or ex claimed . Donald , hotly. 'The . Idea of changing .all . our plans for an . uncer tainty like that! God save us 'from our friends, say L - in .the long run they make us twice as much trouble as our enemies.' "4,But yon must remember ' how much 1 owe berv that my home was with her for ten years," urged Anita, extenuat- ingly. . ""And the trial 1 was to them Aunt -Martha and .Aunt Jane-r-those prim, properly minded old inaids. -Think" of that Don" with a ripple of laughter. at the memories -aroused.. , "They never could get over it, you know, that my mother., was a Mexican, and that Iny dark fac-e advertised tho awful fact that I too, was mejicana. . "And my temper! Oh, 1 was a scourge to them. I can tell you. . The ghost of . a'smile flickered under the tawny mustache which Donald was abstractedly; stroking. 'The - impulsive temper of his wife was to him a natural phenomenon, a sort of spiritual geyser whose ebullitions were governed by no law, comprehensible to his easygoing jiua. wAvany 0 k a ,inftin?r snenrheads of-"1 tempenuneiii Thitt what were to bim CONSTOATION, &CV cr, LTt .iorie. rfnee no iranins I the baldest -trifies-a careless word, the A lSinki-. t'Vf...u. 1 . -. . - . . shaft nor tunnel wasj opened, to swallow np . the timber. Ohe of the first moves of the vearly-settlers had been to bring water froin the mountains in generous irrigating' .ditches ttj water the cotton"-. discount rates np td half u dozen saloons ishmg; and. fittingly;, as pitted against .1 .. L.ji, . : -n liiieux. no uiAiiy vuurui uiituiKiimus, mil fervent in every-good work save" the one of paying their pastors promptly. There was the usual glorious Colorado climate. of which the-people j were as proud as if a moiiopofy of it had been granted them; v - - - - - - - - -- i- ------ ' - 1 ' . t . . ' ? , . ..I : .1 v J fiIlemeuaber -1 WlIX rNOT-BE rana tnereyprevaneu ins asnaa supero con- nuence iniie luiure.j wiieu me tuiurj u city, how only halting : for capital to de- velop its retnarsaoie resources, saouia rival Denver ia size aud importance. In anticipation Of thesej metropolitan pros-" pects there :had even sprung up of late years a spasmodic discussion at election times ai to the propriety of barring cows from the public streets ancL slosing the salmns on Sundays;" but - these extreme measures were generally regarded- as a. too servile imitation of the nfete eat, and bad so fafbeen junobrhpromisingly frovned down by the independent voters xney; were -wise, in meir generation the pioneers who caose the site of the place.' which, dependent , upon the mines as it was; was yet a little removed from them all, in the narrow vauey, waiieu in by mesas, 'just without the one natural outlet tothat section I of the mountains. Pinon : canj'on. ' It . was"' an ' anomaly among mining towns in that it had been encouraged to grow, as beautiful .as na ture, aided by all the arts, of cultivation. could inake it. . The most sanguine pros-- pectof'had.riever thpttght to "strike it . In the .precipitous foothills rising from the tpw at the west, No ugly excres. cenceof crumbling dntap-pile.marredthe mmrwl broken sloDes: and the scant dra- BICHMONDj Va ; 'V . - , ; - ' 'J.- Set..,- r-'y- -Prompt attention lo orders andial istaclon GU Alt Ax" TEED. -. . ' ' For BiLior; sxess, to the heels." with a little oblique glance Jones, Isaac J Into his eyes from the shade of her broad J Joyner, George. bnmmed hat. as she nestled back in the chair, rocking with childish ' abandon,: "bnt if you will come soon,- with your pockets full of cigarettes,' well see about it.". ' ' - ' Bhe was a dainty little creature, scarce five feet high, her girlish nesa cousidera- bly increased in appearance by a pretty school-girl sort "of gown, considerably shorter than the fashionable length of the time. She seemed. like a spoiled child, a creature meant only for petting.. with her innocent, yellowish brown eyes, and the carelessly, sm;!ing month show- tug her small whits ttv j. .- It seemed as if she could never be held half account able for whatever audacious "word she might utter. -- .: " " . "You may expect me,"laughed Don ald, with a. furtive glance at his wife. That Anita beard and disapproved was plain to him in a certain tightening about the lines of. her-month. If only she could acquire the comfortable, laiases faire spirit that he en joyed! "Do yon smoke. Mrs. r BartelsT" asked Mrs. Uogers, matter of factly, turning to her. The glance of Anitas black eyes might haw been as bad as a cufX on the ear to a more sens u re . person, bat .Mrs. Rogers cared pot a whit for what she termed that lady's. airs. Donald, after the first shock . of incredulous amazement, ; burst - out laughing, ex quisitely tickled with the incongruity of the idea. . DtT Rogers loaned toward his wife with an expostulatory "Why, Djtr and Anita smiled faiutly, as if courteous ly difpooed to treat t'te question an a -joke, bnt finding it hard to do ax VWtat a: remarkably singular idea you must have of mef ahe s-iid slowly; . .. "Oh. not ot all I had an Idea, that all Mexican ladies sniokod." .'..,: and correct list of insoWent.dead and removed taxes duo in said coumy, ior toe year ievu, as re turned by tho collectors for. each township, ay 4th, 1891. . . . II. C. Kearsf.y, Sheriff,; ..;; " DUNNS TOW NSHIP. . ; : - White. - ' Anderson, K'A - Braaham, G W ". "V Carlile. Arch (Wake.) . Faisou, JB Hopkiup, D E InBcoe.JW, (Granville.) Inscoe, L V (Granville.) Lonip, J S - Mabry, Ed : Perry, Matthew (balance due) 1 40 rarriBbjljU- Pearce, Joseph , - , Colored. " Anderson, Hence ITartsfield, Lewis Hopkins, Jim Harris, JohnAllen (Lai.) Lyou, Zack , -Mitchell, Lein Pettiford, William UAKRIS' TOWNSHIP, ... Wjiite. -Carter, Richard Freeman, C II gone Minga, J II - ' "Colored. Bell, Lnra Branch, Frank Couyers, Elvus Cooke, WroH Clifton, T B Clifton, Jim Danston, W II Dnnfton, Moses Gnpton, Dock May, Ben Jr Mann, John Nichols; George Perry, Allen Spivey, Ed 'r' Thompson, Ben Williams, John ' . - White, J ST - - . Yarborougb, Frank FREEMANS TOWNSHIP. . . White. Barrow, J D 2 Carder, Logan 2 Harris, Jno T Harris, A N Holmes, Robt . Lynn, C A Medlin, Hilrey 1-Varce, J 8 Rains, J II Colored. . Battle, Sanders Canady, Lee Canady, Walter Canady, Lein J r Conyers, EliJaK (Wake) Cooke, Nathan Cooke, Walter Cooke, W T Fogg, John Green, Man gum Green, Haywood Green, W illie Hayes, FU Uolden, Beni II olden, Nick - (baldae) 2 15 2 15 11 2 46 3 17 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 43 2 23 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 23 2 43 215 loasaott, Uor Joe, Oonc fooM, Fnuta loM,CT Inn, lHrr j. Tlin -Kmry. Johft ' - KIttK t U . UfttstfT, Ueury . J arrow. Jra--4 VeWU'-t,T -McKaijL. Wflilast . rfcKbti.t, Apw UrKaucht, WD r MeKbtpht. RoU U.tchwL Fraafc (Wak) JiteWl. : L (OrmarUis) Jitli, W T i'attMXKL. Caas Pwur. Joo . 5 " t'rrry, Rodn ' ft riy, Kemp" rrrty. w k Prty. Ned r'crry. J M PrTTy. kWm Jr rry, H P Jr Prrry. WU Putt. Henry Ptrry, a as Pvraoo. i iwrm aa Pvtsob, Dvenis Psrsor, Oma , Prfvou. Carjr Plamswr, KsU rtstasncr, Kaywood PUr. Robt Bo. Dirk Sol, A-ldiMa Hiom, Hasdy Tni Hir7 Taylor, tl 11 Tbomaa, Trrary vl bit, Jno WhrtWy. Rafaa Wilder. Uaae Jr Wiidsr, Hjrr WiMiams, E U WU.aais, bal Wi:um. Pomp Ukajna. Aotkuoy w:issa, ArsMtMMl Wlutsata, Job WUlaaa. W it Wiboo, llam. Winston, Toss Tsrboro. Wsa Jr Persos, Uica (GraarUW) (bal, do) S 1 i ait an 311 a is a is a u Mtt ' a a u a is sii a is a is a xi a tx aix 'IU , X IX ' atx a i. a i . ii a u : a ii . a ii , a4s a 1 1 aii a u ai l IX- a l j . a ix ai :ai an ais a lx a 15 a IX a is an a ix ail a is aix 1 ix a is aix 2 15 aix a ix a ix a ix a ix " aix a u a 15 a ii a ix a ix a ix HAYESVILLE TOWNSIIIP, Whtte. 1 Xah) xioJ . rriatal Qaxk, K M Davis, E tl PuwrU. E L Patteroo. WCSe Wooiitrf, n C CoLosxa. Andrew. Rs?o" Fit, f RuVTd1 J'Ibm. DaaW4C Parry. fUnd j HrxBTfr. tt'a Tsrv.a;toB. WiVy Watflid. liartoe L.V riitst. a Jr. dwid . Crwo, MutM 4 rvo a ix a ix a ix a is 215 a ts 2XI a ix ' 2 15 2 15 a 1 5 a ix SANDY CREEIC TOWNSniP. . " Warrr. ' 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 15 15 15 15 215 U 15 215 51 15 215 2 15 2 15 215 215 215 .215 215 215 213 215 loo i!15 (bal. doe) Lawrence. Lewis Maugrun, Guilford 2 15 Manirurn, John - . 215' .Aiacon, r .t x Mitchell, Sol . - . 2 15 Macon, Alex 2 15 rerry.-LB - 215 Perry, Joshua . -213 lrice, Riddick - 2 15 Perry, fi L - - 215 Wright, John . . 2 15 lUiamaon. Bill . - - - . 2 15 FRAN K LINTON TOWNSHIP. 1 Darot.WaiE Kdaart, Rubf II Kaolkatr, Da Gaptoo, 4 k . iikis, lve Paxrib. 11 C TTarra Co- Robioaoa, Tosi Kbort. S lu Thairoa, Tom CoLOtxa. Cooks, AIB AUlua, Li X t WLb AtntvrD. alur tranea. Vhm biaurb. uUtora Vookr, jQ4m Dart am. Lyr 1stU. WdLsja Davis, Raios IhiMton. Iar DbSBl, Qmi Dana, livr; KosUr, Usrua Jinr, D Crockett Kin. LtbT Lit I Hobo, Uku LAseatr, Auii3 Psrry , Prrry, IscmI Prry, rr Pwry, tlma HuttsWl. BiMiaea KoIoibob, !aui4 Tboixuia, Nck . " Tboria. NrUoa W tlHaa. Jist -WUHaids, ltobt" a 1 S l5 aii a i a:s au 3 IX a:a 2 15 a a ) a i' 2 15 a i a i a j a li a i a a ax a i5 a a ts a i. a x 2-1 a 15 a t5 a t5 a, a i ii Jknwn, W I. I Catlett. W C Caak, J It Davis. U W Duks, Ppt Co. Dak. PNt A Co. Ethridf, J Q Kanev. U U Kinr. M H Kinic. I -on la Kiatr. Lit : fvtarer. K R Moorr. J A I'arrisb R W PattemoB. S w PnrmrsoB, J It Isrg-oro, J J PnrKBrOB. II C Whitfield. J J . Williams, 1 U WllfTE. - (bal. das) (com) (nWad) (RaWrU) tUaWti) Sdfe:PUaltaivt. Effective': 'The best Li ver Pill ever aold . ou m eacb box; one a dose. 25e. jwr box; 5 boxes , f I. - r or eal only by Kwq', CiaFTos & Co, f ' forgetting of a goodby kiss when he was . 1 hurried, an unmeaning compliment idly ' L UOJVU IV K " V, I. I, I VU4MU - - AIB VMtWI things like these should bono largt in power to stir up a tempest ha4 .been to To Be Continued. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorlal COLOtCB. . ATttoo. Joka Brodi. Pbtxv . SCTarroll.To: ."- I jilioo. r.iCxn ion. ooj -CJark Pial . f , Cook, Dvoxlas Cjok,nsytoii it , ; Cooke, rry -. , . Cok, R Tu Jr.b - - Davia, Wiluata ry, Jan - (GrasviTO Damtnu, Harry (cLX btf) I V beam. William Kn a. Lo 4 ark . - . Grn. RL ' . Grrti, Jacob - " . Gra. Hrnry . , - Urrrn NatUaS 2 15 3 13 1 14 aox ! 7 IT; 1 S4 a is a is a i& a is a ix j 215 a is aaa, 2 is 22 2 IS 2 83 ! a 15 215 J IX a is 1C5 2 IX 2 15 215 2 M 2 15 2 IX 2 15 21X a ix 215 a ix 2 15 in 2 15 2 15 a 15 GOLD MINE TOWNSHIP. ' , Write. G jpton, O SI (Nash CoJ LKxiard.RF - Morris, T A Colored. Alston. Lobert -Copp M ' . ItutunKr, Uiniam Wilaams J II (tan arj) West, Moses V 1 houipsoo, E W CEDAR HOCK. ; WH1T7C Nash Co. l'ah Co.) 2 (Jehnsofi Co.) (XashCo) - (Naah IV) . Avrot,JM AWord. M I Vkk, F ank KarL OF . 1 1 Al and, O W IIamW.1 T Jones. Tm Leonard, W B Colored. flme!l, Wo-tiIviq II.rrlNn. Alfied JToer. Jim - Nor oo.t. Jot l'erry. Will am SUlljija. JiiU - H K Tobe . (Nas'a Ox) Waam, AtUnwre 2 ! (jooe) CYPRESS atoe. O n OJaxn, J 11 CREEK TJ.TNn White. - . CoLcarr. oat futnJ) 'IX a. Co.! AVm Claries B'ack. J.iioet . llanii. Rafas ca-rixuED on 4rn pace. s i: 2 li 2 11 t li 2 IS' 2 n 22 2 It 2 r. 2 !5 . 25 2 ' 2 15 2t 1 2 t 2 1 : : .

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